Species Common Name Phe or Att Compound Reference
Eriocrania cicatricella Zett.Phe*Z4-7:2-OH (2R)-isomer + *7:2-OH (2R)-isomer (20:3) + another componentZhu, 1995(a)
Eriocrania sangii WoodPhe*Z6-9:2-OH (2S)-isomer + other componentsKozlov, 1996
Eriocrania sangii WoodPhe*Z6-9:2-OH (2S)-isomer + *(2R)-isomer (minor)Lassance, 2019
Eriocrania semipurpurella StephensPhe*Z6-9:2-OH (2R)-isomer + other componentsKozlov, 1996
Eriocrania semipurpurella StephensPhe*Z6-9:2-OH (2R)-isomer + *(2S)-isomer (minor)Lassance, 2019
Eriocrania sparrmannella BoscAttZ4-7:2-OH (2S)-isomer + 7:2-OH (2S)-isomer (20:3)Zhu, 1995(a)
Stigmella crataegella Klimeschatt.AttZ6,Δ8-9:2-OH (2S)-isomer + E6,Δ8-9:2-OH (2S)-isomer (1:1)Tóth, 1995
Stigmella malella Stainton Klimeschbanded apple pigmyPhe*Z6,Δ8-9:2-OH (2S)-isomer + *E6,Δ8-9:2-OH (2S)-isomer (10:3)Tóth, 1995
Trifurcula melanopteraAttZ6,Δ8-9:2-OH (2R)-isomer + E6,Δ8-9:2-OH (2R)-isomer (1:1)Tóth, 1995
Antispila oinophylla van Nieukerken &WagnerPhe*Z7-14:Ald + *Z5-14:Ald (20:3)Wang, 2019
Antispila treitschkiella Fr.AttZ7-14:AldTóth, 1992(d)
Holocacista capensis van Nieukerken & GreertsemaPhe*Z7-14:Ald + *Z5-14:Ald (3:1) + another componentWang, 2015(b)
Holocacista rivillei StaintonPhe*Z5-12:Ald + *Z7-14:Ald (50:3)Wang, 2019
Lampronia capitella LitnerAttZ11-14:OAcLöfstedt in Arn, 1997
Lampronia capitella LitnerPhe*Z9,Z11-14:OH + *Z9,Z11-14:OAc + *Z9,Z11-14:Ald (100:26:13)Löfstedt, 2004
Tischeria ekebladella Bjerkanderoak leafminerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9,Z19-23:H + another componentMolnár, 2012
Archimeessia sp.AttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Celestica angustipennisAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Ereunetis simulans (Decadarchis simulans) ButlerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBrennan, 1977
Infurcitinea albicomella HS.AttZ11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Infurcitinea finalis Gozm.AttZ11-16:OHTóth, 1992(d)
Kermania pistaciella Amsel Klimeschpistachio twig borerPhe*Z12-17:2-OAc (2S)-isomer + other componentsGries, 2006(b)
Matratinea rufulicaputAttZ3,Z13-18:OHSziráki in Arn, 1992
Monopsis monachella HübnerAttE2,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Karalius, 2001
Monopsis palidella ZagulajevAttE2,Z13-18:AldKaralius, 2005
Monopsis rusticella HubnerAttE2,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:Ald (10:1-1:1)Szöcs, 1989
Nemapogon albipunctellus HaworthAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAcVoerman, 1983
Nemapogon apicisignalellus DietzAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Nemapogon clematella F.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAcFassotte in Arn, 1986(a)
Nemapogon clematella F.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBûda, 1993
Nemapogon falstriellus Bang-Haas.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAcSzöcs, 1989
Nemapogon flavifrons Pt.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Nemapogon granellus L.european grain mothPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAc NOhshima, 1993
Nemapogon heydeni PetersonAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (19:1)Voerman, 1983
Nemapogon personellus P. & M.AttZ3,Z13-18:OHSzöcs, 1989
Nemapogon variatella ClemensPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OH NRadžiutė, 2023
Nemaxera betulinella F.AttE2,Z13-18:OAcBûda, 1993
Nemaxera betulinella F.AttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Karalius, 2001
Opogona sacchari BojerAttZ11-16:Ald ERotundo, 1982
Opogona sp.AttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (99:1)Hall, 1984
Tinea nonimella ZagulajevAttE2,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Karalius, 2001
Tinea pellionella L. (Tinea translucens Meyrick)case-making cloth mothAttE2-18:AldYamaoka, 1990
Tineola bisselliella Hummelwebbing clothes mothPhe*E2,Z13-18:Ald + *E2-18:Ald NYamaoka, 1985
Tineola bisselliella Hummelwebbing clothes mothPhe*E2,Z13-18:Ald + *E2,Z13-18:OH (2:1)Takács, 2001
Triaxomera fulvimitrella Sod.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAcMäeorg in Arn, 1992
Triaxomera fulvimitrella Sod.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBûda, 1993
Triaxomera fulvimitrella Sod.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1) or + E3,Z13-18:OH (5:5)Karalius, 2005
Clania variegata (Eumeta variegata) Snell.paulownia bagwormPhe*(S)-1-ethyl-2-methylpropyl Me3,Me13-15:AteGries, 2006(a)
Clania variegata (Eumeta variegata) Snell.paulownia bagwormPhe*(S)-1-ethyl-2-methylpropyl Me3,Me13-15:Ate (3R,13R,3’S)-isomerMori, 2010
Diplodoma laichartingella GoezeAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Megalophanes viciella Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*isopropyl 8:AteSubchev, 2000(a)
Oiketicus kirbyi GuildingbagwormPhe*(R)-1-methylbutyl 10:Ate + other componentsRhainds, 1994
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haworthbagworm mothPhe*(R)-1-methylbutyl 10:AteLeonhardt, 1983
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haworthbagworm mothAtt(R)-1-methylpentyl 10:AteWarthen, 1996
Whittleia retiella NewmanPhe*(S)-sec-butyl Z5-10:Ate + *isopropyl Z5-10:Ate (2:1)Rahmani, 2020
Bucculatrix thurberiella Busck.cotton leafperforatorPhe*Z9-14:ONO₂ + *Z8-13:ONO₂ (20:1)Hall, 1992
Acrocercops sp. 1AttE8,E10-14:AldAndo, 1987
Acrocercops sp. 2AttE8,E10-14:AldAndo, 1987
Aspilapteryx tringipennella ZellerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Heikinheimo, 1978
Caloptilia fraxinella FlyAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (10:1)Lemmen, 2009
Caloptilia porphyretica Braunblueberry leafminerPhe*E11-16:AldZhang, 2004
Caloptilia theivora Walsinghamtea leafrollerAttE11-16:AldAndo, 1981
Caloptilia theivora Walsinghamtea leafrollerPhe*E11-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (9:1-7:3)Ando, 1985(a)
Calybites auroguttella StephensAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (18:1:1)Hrdý, 1989
Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimichorse-chestnut leafminerPhe*E8,Z10-14:AldSvatos, 1999
Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimichorse-chestnut leafminerPhe*E8,Z10-14:AldFrancke, 2002
Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimichorse-chestnut leafminerPhe*E8,Z10-14:AldKalinová, 2003
Conopomorpha cramerella Snellencocoa pod borer mothPhe*E4,E6,Z10-16:OAc + *E4,Z6,Z10-16:OAc + *E4,E6,Z10-16:OH + *E4,Z6,Z10-16:OH (30:20:3:2)Beevor, 1986
Conopomorpha cramerella Snellencocoa pod borer mothAttE4,E6,Z10-16:OAc + E4,Z6,Z10-16:OAc + E4,E6,Z10-16:OH + E4,Z6,Z10-16:OH (55:40:6:4)Niogret, 2022
Conopomorpha sinensis Bradleylitchi fruit borerAttE4,E6,Z10-16:OAc + E4,Z6,Z10-16:OAc (3:2)Hwang, 1996(b)
Conopomorpha sinensis Bradleylitchi fruit borerAttE4,E6,Z10-16:OAc + E4,Z6,Z10-16:OAc + E4,E6,Z10-16:OH + E4,Z6,Z10-16:OHHung, 2006
Gracillaria elongellaAttZ10,E12-16:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Gracillaria syringella F.AttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1981
Gracillaria syringella F.AttE11-14:AldKnauf in Arn, 1986(a)
Gracillaria syringella F.AttE11-14:AldBooij, 1985
Gracillaria syringella F.AttE11-14:AldFrerot, 1985
Marmara gulosa Guillen & Daviscitrus peelminerPhe*E8,E10-14:OFo + other componentsMcElfresh, 2009
Phyllocnistis citrella Staintoncitrus leafminer mothAttZ7,Z11-16:AldAndo, 1985(b)
Phyllocnistis citrella Staintoncitrus leafminer mothPhe*Z7,Z11-16:AldMafi, 2005
Phyllocnistis citrella Staintoncitrus leafminer mothPhe*Z7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + *Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1) + another componentLeal, 2006
Phyllocnistis citrella Staintoncitrus leafminer mothPhe*Z7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + *Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1) + another componentMoreira, 2006
Phyllocnistis citrella Staintoncitrus leafminer mothPhe*Z7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + *Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1) + another componentLapointe, 2006
Phyllocnistis citrella Staintoncitrus leafminer mothAttZ7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Vang, 2008
Phyllocnistis insignis Frey & BollAttZ7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Keathley, 2013
Phyllocnistis insignis Frey & BollAttZ7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Kawahara, 2013
Phyllocnistis vitegenella ClemensAttZ7,Z11,E13-16:Ald + Z7,Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Kawahara, 2013
Phyllocnistis wampella Liu & Zeng.AttZ7,Z11-16:AldDu, 1989
Phyllocnistis sp.AttZ7,E11-16:AldAndo, 1985(b)
Phyllonorycter blancardella F.spotted tentiform leafminerAttE10-12:OAcRoelofs, 1977(b)
Phyllonorycter blancardella F.spotted tentiform leafminerAttE10-12:OAcVoerman, 1978(a)
Phyllonorycter blancardella F.spotted tentiform leafminerAttE10-12:OAcEl-Sayed, 2004(b)
Phyllonorycter blancardella F.spotted tentiform leafminerAttE4,E10-12:OAcGries, 1993(d)
Phyllonorycter blancardella F.spotted tentiform leafminerPhe*E10-12:OAc + other componentsMozūraitis, 1999(b)
Phyllonorycter blancardella F.spotted tentiform leafminerPhe*E10-12:OAc + other componentsEl-Sayed, 2005(b)
Phyllonorycter crataegella Clemensapple blotch leafminerPhe*Z10,Z12-14:OAc + *E10,E12-14:OAc (10:1)Ferrao, 1998
Phyllonorycter coryliAttE9-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter corylifoliella (Lithocolletis corylifoliella) HübnerAttE4,Z7-13:OAcVoerman, 1978(a)
Phyllonorycter corylifoliella (Lithocolletis corylifoliella) HübnerAttE4-12:OAcNetherlands
Phyllonorycter cydoniella Den. & Schiff.AttE10-12:OAcMozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter dubitellaAttE9-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter elmaella Doganlar & MutuuraAttE10-12:OAcShearer, 1994
Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella Z.Phe*E8,E10-14:OAc + *E8,E10-14:OH (minor) NMozūraitis, 2002
Phyllonorycter harrisellaAttE9-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter heegerella Z.Phe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z8-14:OH + *14:OAc (10:1:2)Mozūraitis, 2000
Phyllonorycter insignitella ZellerPhe*Z8,E10-14:OAc + *Z8,E10-14:OH + *E8,Z10-14:OAc (176:24:0.2)Mozūraitis, 2008
Phyllonorycter junoniella Z.AttZ10-12:OAcMozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter kleemanella F.AttZ10-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:0-1:3)Booij, 1984(a)
Phyllonorycter mespilellus Hübnertentiform leafminerAttE10-12:OAcHrdý, 1989
Phyllonorycter mespilellus Hübnertentiform leafminerPhe*E4,E10-12:OAc + another componentGries, 1993(d)
Phyllonorycter nigrescentella LoganPhe*Z8,E10-14:OAc + other componentsMozūraitis, 2008
Phyllonorycter orientalis KumataAttZ10-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae Frey.AttE10-12:OAc + E10-12:OH (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter platani StaudingerPhe*Z10-14:OAcSubchev, 2003
Phyllonorycter pulchra KumataAttE8,E10-14:OAcAndo, 1987
Phyllonorycter pygmaea KumataAttZ8-14:OHAndo, 1987
Phyllonorycter pyrifoliellaAttE10-12:OAcLaanmaa in Arn, 1992
Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumuraapple leafminer mothPhe*Z10-14:OAc + *E4,Z10-14:OAc (10:1)Ujiye, 1986
Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumuraapple leafminer mothPhe*Z10-14:OAc + *E4,Z10-14:OAc (10:1)Sugie, 1986
Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumuraapple leafminer mothPhe*Z10-14:OAc + *E4,Z10-14:OAc (2:3)Boo, 1998(a)
Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumuraapple leafminer mothAttZ10-14:OAc + E4,Z10-14:OAc (0.5:10–0:10)Du, 2013
Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumuraapple leafminer mothAttepoxyfarnesolNagaki, 2009
Phyllonorycter saportella Dup.AttE8-14:OAc + E10-14:OAc (1:1)Voerman, 1988
Phyllonorycter sorbi Frey.AttE10-12:OHMozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter sylvella Hubner (Phyllonorycter acerifoliella Z.)Phe*Z10-14:OAc + *Z8-14:OAc + *E10-14:OAc [46:3:1] NBorg-Karlson, 1996
Phyllonorycter sylvella Hubner (Phyllonorycter acerifoliella Z.)Phe*Z10-14:OAc + *Z8-14:OAc + *E10-14:OAc (10:1:0)Mozūraitis, 2000
Phyllonorycter sylvella Hubner (Phyllonorycter acerifoliella Z.)AttE9-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella HübnerAttZ10-14:OAcVoerman, 1988
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella HübnerPhe*Z10-14:OAcMozūraitis, 1997
Phyllonorycter watanabei KumataAttZ10-13:OAcAndo, 1977
Phyllonorycter sp. 1AttE8,E10-14:OAc or E8,E10-14:AldReed, 1985(b)
Phyllonorycter sp. 2AttE10-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Phyllonorycter sp. 3AttE8-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Spulerina astaurota Meyrickpear barkminer mothPhe*Z9,Z11-14:OH + *Z9,Z11-14:OAc (7:3) + another componentDo, 2011
Argyresthia albistria HaworthAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z9-14:OAc (20:1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Argyresthia beta Friese & MoriutiAttZ11-14:OHAndo, 1981
Argyresthia beta Friese & MoriutiAttZ7,E11-16:OHAndo, 1985(b)
Argyresthia chamaecypariae MoriutiAttE11-16:AldAndo, 1981
Argyresthia conjugella Zellerapple fruite mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z13-18:OAc (3:1-1:3)Booij, 1984(a)
Argyresthia conjugella Zellerapple fruite mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsJaastad, 2002
Argyresthia cornella F.AttZ11-16:OAc or Z11-16:OAc + Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Argyresthia fundella Fischer von RöslerstammAttZ11-16:AldBooij, 1984(a)
Argyresthia goedartella L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Argyresthia mendicaAttZ11-16:AldSubchev in Arn, 1992
Argyresthia nemorivaga MoriutiAttZ11-16:AldAndo, 1981
Argyresthia pruniella ClerckAttZ8-12:OAc or E8,E10-12:OHAlford, 1978
Argyresthia pruniella ClerckAttZ11-16:AldBooij, 1984(a)
Argyresthia retinella ZellerAttZ11-16:AldTóth, 1992(d)
Argyresthia semifusca HaworthAttZ7-12:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Argyresthia semitestacellaAttZ11-16:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Argyresthia sorbiella Tr.AttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (20:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Argyresthia thuiella PackardAttZ11-16:AldBooij, 1984(a)
Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus Gajcurrant bud mothPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (3:1)Svensson、2023
Euhyponomeutoides rufellaAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAcPeltotalo, 1986
Euhyponomeutoides trachydeltus MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1981
Ocnerostoma friesei SvenssonAttE6-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Paraargyresthia japonica MoriutiAttE11-16:OAcAndo, 1981
Paraswammerdamia lutarea Hw.AttZ7-14:OAcMozūraitis, 1998
Prays citri Mill.citrus flower mothPhe*Z7-14:AldNesbitt, 1977
Prays citri Mill.citrus flower mothAttZ7-14:AldSternlicht, 1978
Prays endocarpa Meyrickcitrus pock caterpillarPhe*Z7-14:Ald + other componentsVang, 2011
Prays nephelomima Meyrickcitrus flower mothPhe*Z7-14:AldGibb, 2005
Prays oleae Bern.olive mothPhe*Z7-14:AldCampion, 1979
Prays oleae Bern.olive mothPhe*Z7-14:AldRenou, 1979
Prays oleae Bern.olive mothAttZ7-14:AldSakin, 2023
Swammerdamia compunctella H. S.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (9:1)Novotný, 1990
Swammerdamia pyrella VillersAttZ5-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1991(b)
Swammerdamia sp.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (3:2)Szöcs, 1981
Thecobathra anas (Niphonympha anas) StringerAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1981
Xyrosaris lichneuta MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1981
Xyrosaris lichneuta MeyrickAttZ9,E11-14:OHAndo, 1987
Yponomeuta cagnagellus HübnerAttZ11-14:OAcHendrikse, 1982
Yponomeuta cagnagellus HübnerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (200:3:40) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1985(a)
Yponomeuta cagnagellus HübnerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (200:5:74) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1988
Yponomeuta cagnagellus HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z11-14:Ald (100:2:0.75:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(b)
Yponomeuta evonymellus L.AttZ12-15:OAc + E12-15:OAc (3:1)Ritter, 1975
Yponomeuta evonymellus L.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *14:OAc + *14:OH (10:2:2:6:1)Löfstedt, 1985(a)
Yponomeuta evonymellus L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z11-14:Ald (100:2:0.75:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(b)
Yponomeuta irrorellus HübnerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *E11-14:OH (100:60:3:1.8) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1988
Yponomeuta malinellus Zellerapple ermine mothAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (97:3)Stockel, 1981
Yponomeuta malinellus Zellerapple ermine mothAttZ11-14:OAcHendrikse, 1982
Yponomeuta malinellus Zellerapple ermine mothPhe*Z11-14:OH + *Z9-12:OAc (500:3) + other componentsMcDonough, 1990(b)
Yponomeuta padellus L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (3:1) or Z12-15:OAc + E12-15:OAc (1:3)Herrebout, 1978
Yponomeuta padellus L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (4:1) or Z12-15:OAc + E12-15:OAc (1:3)Hendrikse, 1982
Yponomeuta padellus L.Phe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (200:50:17) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1985(a)
Yponomeuta padellus L.Phe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (200:50:17) + other componentsDu, 1987(a)
Yponomeuta padellus L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (400:100:34:5)Löfstedt in Arn, 1986(a)
Yponomeuta padellus MalinellusAttZ11-14:OAcArn, 1974
Yponomeuta plumbellus Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE12-15:OAc + Z12-15:OAc (3:1)Ritter, 1975
Yponomeuta plumbellus Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (3:2) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1988
Yponomeuta rorellus Hübnersmall ermine mothAttE12-14:OAc or Z12-14:OAc or E6-14:OAcHendrikse, 1982
Yponomeuta rorellus Hübnersmall ermine mothAttE12-14:OAc or Z12-14:OAc or E6-14:OAcLöfstedt, 1990
Yponomeuta rorellus Hübnersmall ermine mothPhe*14:OAc + other componentsLöfstedt, 1986(a)
Yponomeuta rorellus Hübnersmall ermine mothPhe*14:OAc + other componentsDu, 1987(a)
Yponomeuta vigintipunctatus RetziusPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (10:2:1) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1985(a)
Yponomeuta yanagawanus MatsumuraAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Ypsolopha dentellaAttZ7-12:OAc or Z7-12:OHRoelofs, 1971(a)
Ypsolopha dentellaAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Ypsolopha falcellaAttZ5-14:OAc or Z7-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Ypsolopha longus MoriutiAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1981
Ypsolopha lucella F.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (20:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Ypsolopha nemorellaAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Leuroperna sera MeyrickAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald (2:3-3:2)Tamaki, 1977(b)
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald (2:3-3:2)Koshihara, 1978
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Chow, 1977
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (10:10:1)Ando, 1979
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (50:50:1)Lin, 1982
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH + Z9-14:OAc (30:70:1:0.01) or + Z9-14:OH (30:70:1:10)Chisholm, 1983
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (3:2)Zilahi-Balogh, 1995
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (3:6:1)Suckling, 2002
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH [3:8:2]Lee, 2005
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (90:10:1)Yang, 2007
Plutella xylostella L.diamondback mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (5:5:1)Chi, 2024
Acrolepiopsis assectella Zellerleek mothAttZ11-16:AldRahn, 1979
Acrolepiopsis assectella Zellerleek mothPhe*Z11-16:AldRenou, 1981(a)
Acrolepiopsis assectella Zellerleek mothAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (10:1)Minks, 1994
Acrolepiopsis issikiella MoriutiAttZ11-16:AldAndo, 1981
Acrolepiopsis nagaimo YasudaPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (25:25:1)Wakamura, 2001(b)
Acrolepiopsis nagaimo YasudaPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (25:25:1)Tanaka, 2001
Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura (= alliella Semenov & Kuznetsov)stone leek moth (allium leafminer)AttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:9:2)Sato, 1979
Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura (= alliella Semenov & Kuznetsov)stone leek moth (allium leafminer)AttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (5:5:1)Yamada, 1980
Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura (= alliella Semenov & Kuznetsov)stone leek moth (allium leafminer)AttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (3:1:1)Ando, 1981
Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura (= alliella Semenov & Kuznetsov)stone leek moth (allium leafminer)Phe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (13:5:2)Yang, 2008
Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura (= alliella Semenov & Kuznetsov)stone leek moth (allium leafminer)Phe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (1:7:2)Shimizu, 2009
Acrolepiopsis suzukiella MatsumuraAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Acrolepiopsis sp.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Ando, 1981
Glyphipterix eulucotoma Diakonoff & AritaAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1981
Glyphipterix nigromarginata IssikiAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1981
Glyphipterix simpliciella StephensAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Leucoptera malifoliella Costa (Leucoptera scitella Zeller)mountain-ash bentwingPhe*Me5,Me9-17:H(major) + *Me5,Me9-16:HFrancke, 1987
Leucoptera malifoliella Costa (Leucoptera scitella Zeller)mountain-ash bentwingPhe*Me5,Me9-17:H(major) + *Me5,Me9-16:HFrancke, 1988
Leucoptera malifoliella Costa (Leucoptera scitella Zeller)mountain-ash bentwingAttMe5,Me9-17:H (5S,9S)-isomerTóth, 1989(c)
Leucoptera malifoliella Costa (Leucoptera scitella Zeller)mountain-ash bentwingPhe*Me5,Me9-17:H + *Me5,Me9-18:H (100:0.1-100:5)Riba, 1990
Leucoptera sinuella ReuttiPhe*Me3,Me7-15:H + *Me3,Me7-14:H + *Me7-15:H (95:2:3)Barros-Parada, 2020
Leucoptera spartifoliella Hübnerbroom twig minerPhe*Me5-17:HEl-Sayed, 2024
Lyonetia clerkella L.peach leafminer mothPhe*Δ1,Me14-18:HSugie, 1984(a)
Lyonetia clerkella L.peach leafminer mothAttΔ1,Me14-18:H (S)-isomerSato, 1985
Lyonetia clerkella L.peach leafminer mothAttΔ1,Me14-18:H (S)-isomerSato, 1986
Lyonetia prunifoliella Hübnerapple leafminer mothPhe*Δ1,Me10,Me14-18:H + Me5,Me9-18:H + Me5,Me9-17:H (1:1:1)Gries, 1997(b)
Lyonetia prunifoliella Hübnerapple leafminer mothAttΔ1,Me10,Me14-18:H (10S,14S)-isomerPark, 2002
Lyonetia prunifoliella Hübnerapple leafminer mothAttΔ1,Me10,Me14-18:H (10S,14S)-isomerTaguri, 2014
Perileucoptera coffeella (Leucoptera coffeella) Guér.-Ménev.coffee leafminer mothPhe*Me5,Me9-15:H (major) + *Me5,Me9-16:HFrancke, 1988
Perileucoptera coffeella (Leucoptera coffeella) Guér.-Ménev.coffee leafminer mothPhe*Me5,Me9-15:H (5S,9R)-isomerMalo, 2009
Ethmia monticola WalsinghamAttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Ethmia punctella F.AttE11-14:OAcLöfstedt, 1988
Elachista consortella StaintonAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Stenoma catenifer Walsinghamavocado seed mothPhe*Z9,≡11,Δ13-14:Ald + other componentsMillar, 2008
Stenoma catenifer Walsinghamavocado seed mothAttZ9,≡11,Δ13-14:Ald + other componentsHoddle, 2009
Stenoma cecropia MeyrickPhe*Z9,E11,Δ13-14:Ald + *Z9,E11-14:Ald (83:17) + other componentsZagatti, 1996
Opisina arenosella WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H Bhanu, 2018
Bisigna procerella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE5-16:OAcWillemse, 1987
Cheimophila salicella HübnerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OH + *14:OAc + *E11-14:Ald (100:15:10:2)Gillespie, 1984
Cheimophila sp.AttE11-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Diurnea cupreifera (Xenomicta cupreifera) ButlerAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Diurnea phryganella HübnerAttZ11-14:OAcTóth, 1979
Diurnea phryganella HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Donaspastus pannonicus GozmAttZ8-13:OAcSubchev, 1999
Pseudatemelia josephinae Toll.AttZ10-14:OAc + E9-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Pseudatemelia sp. 1AttZ9-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Pseudatemelia sp. 2AttZ10-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Acria ceramitis MeyrickAttE8,Z10-12:Ald + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1987
Agonopterix alstroemeriana Cl.AttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1981
Agonopterix assimilellaAttZ7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Agonopterix encentra MeyrickAttZ7-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Agonopterix liturella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Agonopterix ulicetellagorse soft shoot mothAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OH (1:1)Suckling, 2000
Agonopterix yeatiana F.AttZ3-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1988(b)
Agonopterix sp. 1AttZ7-10:OAcAndo, 1977
Agonopterix sp. 2AttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Agriophara rhombata Meyrtea grain mothPhe*E5,Z7-12:OAc + *Z12-18:OAc NQu, 2024
Cerconota anonella Sepp.Annona fruit borerPhe*Z9-18:OH + *Z9-18:Ald + *Z9-18:OAc (5:3:1)Pires, 2016
Depressaria depressanaAttZ3-10:OAcSziráki in Arn, 1997
Depressaria olerella ZellerAttZ3-10:OAcPriesner, 1988(b)
Depressaria sordidatella TengströmAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Oedematopoda ignipicta (Atkinsonia ignipicta) ButlerAttE4,Z6-16:OAcKim, 2014(a)
Stathmopoda auriferella Walker (Stathmopoda theoris Meyrick)AttZ7-16:OAc or Z7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAcNagano, 1979
Stathmopoda auriferella Walker (Stathmopoda theoris Meyrick)Phe*E5-16:OAc + another componentYang, 2013
Stathmopoda masinissa Meyrickpersimmon fruit mothPhe*E4,Z6-16:OAc + other componentsNaka, 2003
Stathmopoda masinissa Meyrickpersimmon fruit mothPhe*E4,Z6-16:OAc + *E4,Z6-16:OH (1:1)Kim, 2014(a)
Odites leucostola (Protobathra leucostola) MeyrickAttZ7-12:OHAndo, 1977
Rhizosthenes falciformis MeyrickAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1981
Batrachedra amydraulaLesser date mothPhe*Z5-10:OAc + *Z4-10:OAc + *Z4,Z7-10:OAc (2:1:1) + other componentsLevi-Zada, 2011(a)
Batrachedra amydraulaLesser date mothPhe*Z5-10:OAc + *Z5-10:OH + *Z4,Z7-10:OAc (2:2:1) + other componentsLevi-Zada, 2013
Batrachedra pinicolella ZellerAttZ5-10:OAcWillemse, 1987
Batrachedra pinicolella ZellerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z5-10:OH (1:1)Priesner, 1989(a)
Augasma aeratellum ZellerAttZ7-12:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Coleophora albidella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (17:3)Sziráki, 1980
Coleophora alticolella ZellerAttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora amellivora Bald.AttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora anatipennella HübnerAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (17:3)Sziráki, 1980
Coleophora arbitarsellaAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Subchev, 1990
Coleophora artemisicolella BruandAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (17:3)Sziráki, 1980
Coleophora artemisicolella BruandAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAcOstrauskas, 2003
Coleophora auricella F.AttZ3-10:OAcPriesner, 1988(b)
Coleophora binderella Koll.AttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora clypeiferrella Hofm.AttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora coracipennella HübnerAttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora coracipennella HübnerAttZ5-10:OH + Z5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Coleophora dahurica Flkv.AttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1991
Coleophora deauratella Zellerred clover casebearerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z5-10:Ald + Z7-12:OAc (1:1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Coleophora deauratella Zellerred clover casebearerPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc (10:1) + another componentEvenden, 2010
Coleophora flavipennella Dup.AttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora frischella L.AttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Willemse, 1987
Coleophora glaucicolella WoodAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora glitzella Hofm.AttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora gryphipennella HübnerAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora hemerobiella Sc.AttZ5-10:OH + Z7-12:OH (1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Coleophora juncicolella StaintAttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora laricella HübnerEuropean larch casebearer mothAttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1982(b)
Coleophora laripennella ZellerAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (17:3)Sziráki, 1980
Coleophora lineolea Haw.AttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora lithargyrinella ZellerAttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora mayrella HübnerAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora millefolii ZellerAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (17:3)Sziráki, 1980
Coleophora obscenella Herrich-SchäfferAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAcOstrauskas, 2003
Coleophora ochripennella ZellerAttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora orbitella ZellerAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora ornatipennella HübnerAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora palliatella Zink.AttE5-10:OH + E5-10:OAc (17:3)Hrdý, 1989
Coleophora peissoniella KasyAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (17:3)Sziráki, 1980
Coleophora prunifoliae DoetsAttZ5-10:OH or Z5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora serpylletorum E. Her.AttZ3-10:OAcPriesner, 1988(b)
Coleophora serratella L.AttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora sinensis YangAttZ5-10:OHZhang, 1993
Coleophora sternipennella Zett.AttZ3-10:OAcPriesner, 1988(b)
Coleophora trigeminella FuchsAttZ5-10:OHPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora trigeminella FuchsAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z5-10:OAc (20:20:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Coleophora unipunctella ZellerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Coleophora vacciniella Herrich-SchäfferAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Coleophora vacciniella Herrich-SchäfferAttZ5-10:OAcWillemse, 1987
Coleophora versurellaAttZ3-10:OAcCapizzi in Arn, 1986(a)
Coleophora viminetella ZellerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z3-10:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1988(b)
Coleophora virgaureae StaintAttZ5-10:OAcPriesner, 1987(a)
Oecogonia decuratella Herrich-SchafferAttZ8-13:OAc + Z10-15:OAc (10:1)Subchev, 1999
Oegoconia quadripuncta HaworthAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (24:1) or Z8-12:OAc + E8,E10-12:OAc + 12:OAc (8:12:25)Hrdý, 1989
Mompha sturnipennella TreitschkeAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Anatrachyntis sp. 1 (Sathrobrota sp. 1)AttE11-14:OAcAndo, 1975
Anatrachyntis sp. 2 (Sathrobrota sp. 2)AttE11-14:OHAndo, 1977
Anatrachyntis sp. 3AttE11,Δ13-14:OAcAndo, 1987
Chrysochrista sp.AttZ8-13:OAc or E8-13:OAcAndo, 1977
Cosmopterix fulminella StringerAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Cosmopterix fulminella StringerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc + Δ11-12:OAc (30:3:1)Shry, 1985
Cosmopterix gemmiferella ClemensAttZ9,Δ11-12:OAc + E9,Δ11-12:OAc (2:1)Chisholm, 1985(b)
Cosmopterix victor StringerAttZ10-12:OAc or Z10-13:OAcAndo, 1977
Cosmopterix sp. 1-4AttZ9-12:OAcAndo, 1975
Cosmopterix sp. 1-4AttZ9-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Labdia citracma MeyrickAttE11-14:AldAndo, 1981
Labdia issikii KurokoAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Labdia semicoccinea StaintonAttE11-14:AldAndo, 1981
Limnaecia phragmitella StaintonAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Struble, 1977(a)
Limnaecia phragmitella StaintonPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (19:1)Bestmann, 1993(c)
Pancalia leuwenhoeckella L.AttZ8-13:OAcSubchev, 1999
Stagmatophora niphosticta MeyrickAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (7:3)Ando, 1981
Acompsia tripunctella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE11-14:OAcLiska, 1990
Anarsia lineatella Zellerpeach twing borerPhe*E5-10:OAc + *E5-10:OH (17:3) Roelofs, 1975(b)
Anarsia lineatella Zellerpeach twing borerAttE5-10:OAc + E5-10:OH (5:1) Rice, 1975
Anarsia lineatella Zellerpeach twing borerPhe*E5-10:OAc + *E5-10:OH (17:3) + other components Millar, 1992(b)
Anarsia lineatella Zellerpeach twing borerPhe*E5-10:OAc + *E5-10:OH (17:3) + *Me11-23:H + *18:OAc (body scale) Schlamp, 2005
Anthistarcha binocularis Meyrickcashew stem borerPhe*E6-12:OAc + *E6-12:OH (5:2)Soares, 2020
Aproaerema anthyllidellaAttZ3-12:OAc + Z3-14:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1987(b)
Aproaerema modicellaPhe*Z7,Δ9-10:OAc + *E7-10:OAc (5:1) + another componentHall in Arn, 1997
Argolamprotes micella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ3-14:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Battaristis sp.AttZ7-10:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Brachmia arotraea MeyrickAttE7-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Brachmia blandella F.AttE9-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Brachmia inornatella DouglasAttE9-13:OAc or E8-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Brachmia triannulella macroscopa Meyricksweet potato leaf folder wormPhe*E11-16:OAcHirano, 1976
Bryotropha dryadella ZellerAttZ11-14:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Bryotropha galbanella ZellerAttE9-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Bryotropha galbanella ZellerAttE9-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (1:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Bryotropha senectella ZellerAttZ9-14:OAcKovaleva, 1975
Bryotropha senectella ZellerAttE8-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Bryotropha senectella ZellerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Bryotropha similis StainAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1969(b)
Bryotropha similis StainAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Bryotropha similis StainAttE9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1969(b)
Bryotropha similis StainAttE9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Bryotropha terrella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE9-14:OAcArn, 1974
Bryotropha sp.AttE9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Caryocolum alsinellumAttZ5-12:OAcSziráki in Arn, 1997
Caryocolum marmoreum HaworthAttZ5-12:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Caryocolum proximum HaworthAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Catelaphris sp.AttZ7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAc (1:1)Marks, 1976
Chionodes electella ZellerAttZ3-14:OAcWillemse, 1987
Chionodes electella ZellerAttZ3-14:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Chionodes fuscomaculella ChambersAttZ5-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Chionodes holosericella H. Sch.AttE3-12:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Chionodes luctuella HübnerAttZ3-14:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Chionodes lugubrella F.AttE3,Z5-12:OAc + Z3,E5-12:OAc (10:1)Reed, 1985(b)
Chionodes nebulosella Hein.AttZ3-14:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Chionodes perpetuella H. Sch.AttE3-14:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Chionodes psiloptera Barnes & BusckAttZ7,E11-16:OAcOetting, 1977
Chionodes sp. 1AttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Chionodes sp. 2AttE3-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Dactylethrella tegulifera (Dactylethra tegulifera, Ethmiopsis tegulifera) MeyrickAttE7-12:OAcAndo, 1981
Dichomeris ligulellaAttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Dichomeris oceanis MeyrickAttZ7,E11-16:OAcAndo, 1985(b)
Evippe prunifoliellaAttZ3-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Filatima sp.AttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Gaesa sparsella ChristophAttZ8-11:OAcAndo, 1977
Gelechia betulae HaworthAttE9-14:OAcPriesner, 1980(a)
Gelechia sororculella HübnerAttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Gelechia sororculella HübnerAttZ5-12:OAcWillemse, 1987
Gnorimoschemini sp.AttZ5-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Hypatima rhomboidella L.AttE7-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Isophrictis similiella ChambersAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (10:1)Underhill, 1987(b)
Isophrictis sp.AttZ5-12:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Keiferia lycopersicella Walsinghamtomato pinwormPhe*E4-13:OAcCharlton, 1991
Lixodessa ochrofasciella Toll.AttZ7-10:OAcKovaleva, 1975
Metzneria sp.AttE3-12:OAcRenou, 1980
Monochroa divisella DouglasIris gelechiid mothPhe*Z3-12:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (20:3)Tabata, 2017
Monochroa tenebrella HübnerAttZ3-14:OAcWillemse, 1987
Monochroa tenebrella HübnerAttZ3-14:OAcPriesner, 1987(b)
Pectinophora endema CommonAttZ7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAc (2:1) Rothschild, 1975
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothAttZ7-16:OAcGreen, 1969
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothPhe*Z7,Z11-16:OAc + *Z7,E11-16:OAc (1:1)Hummel, 1973
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothPhe*Z7,Z11-16:OAc + *Z7,E11-16:OAc (1:1)Bierl, 1974
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothAttZ7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAc (11:9)Marks, 1976
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothAttZ7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAc (1:1)Flint, 1979
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothPhe*Z7,Z11-16:OAc + *Z7,E11-16:OAc (1:1) + other componentsZhu, 1981
Pectinophora gossypiella Saunderspink bollworm mothAttZ7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAc (1:1)Tamhankar, 1993
Pectinophora scutigera Holdawaypink-spotted bollwormAttZ7,Z11-16:OAcRothschild, 1975
Pexicopia malvella HübnerAttZ7,E11-16:OAc + Z7,Z11-16:OAc (5:1–1:1)Tóth, 1986(a)
Pexicopia sp.AttZ7,E11-16:OAc + Z7,Z11-16:OAc (4:1)Flint, 1979
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormAttZ7,Z11-13:OAcFouda, 1975
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7-13:OAcRoelofs, 1975(c)
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormAttE4,Z7-13:OAcBacon, 1976
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*4,7,10-13:OAcYamaoka, 1976
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc (1:1)Persoons, 1976(a)
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormAttE4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + E4,Z7-13:OAc (1:1)Persoons, 1976(b)
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormAttE4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + E4,Z7-13:OAc (1:1)Voerman, 1978(c)
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormAttE4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + E4,Z7-13:OAc (3:2)Raman, 1982
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1984
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc [88:12 – 27:73]Ono, 1990
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc [71:29 – 16:84]Ono, 1990
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc [36:64]Ono, 1997
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc (7:1-4:1)Yan, 2022
Phthorimaea operculella Zellerpotato tuberwormPhe*E4,Z7,Z10-13:OAc + *E4,Z7-13:OAc (1:8-1:4)Yan, 2022
Phthorimaea sp.AttZ5-12:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Platyedra subcinerea HaworthAttZ7,Z11-16:OAcTóth, 1986(a)
Recurvaria leucatella Clerckwhite-barred groundling mothAttE3,Z5-14:OAcTóth, 1992(b)
Recurvaria nanella Hübnerlesser bud mothAttE3-14:OAcTóth, 1992(b)
Rhynchopacha sp.AttE5-14:OAcSubchev, 1974
Scrobipalpa atriplicella (Euscrobipalpa atriplicella) Fischer von RöslevstammAttZ5-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Scrobipalpa heliopa Lowertobacco stem borerPhe*E3-13:OAcBaker, 1985
Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd.sugar beet mothPhe*E3-12:OAcRenou, 1980
Scrobipalpa salinella ZellerPhe*Z3-12:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc (20:1) + other componentsYang, 2011(c)
Scrobipalpa sp.AttZ7,Z11-16:OAc + Z7,E11-16:OAcNagano, 1979
Scrobipalpuloides absoluta (Scrobipalpula absoluta, Tuta absoluta) Meyricktomato leafminerPhe*E3,Z8,Z11-14:OAcAttygalle, 1995
Scrobipalpuloides absoluta (Scrobipalpula absoluta, Tuta absoluta) Meyricktomato leafminerPhe*E3,Z8,Z11-14:OAcAttygalle, 1996
Scrobipalpuloides absoluta (Scrobipalpula absoluta, Tuta absoluta) Meyricktomato leafminerAttE3,Z8,Z11-14:OAcFilho, 2000
Scrobipalpuloides absoluta (Scrobipalpula absoluta, Tuta absoluta) Meyricktomato leafminerPhe*E3,Z8,Z11-14:OAcFerrara, 2001
Scrobipalpuloides absoluta (Scrobipalpula absoluta, Tuta absoluta) Meyricktomato leafminerPhe*E3,Z8,Z11-14:OAc + *E3,Z8-14:OAc (9:1)Svatos, 1996
Scrobipalpuloides absoluta (Scrobipalpula absoluta, Tuta absoluta) Meyricktomato leafminerPhe*E3,Z8,Z11-14:OAc + *E3,Z8-14:OAc (9:1)Griepink, 1996
Sitotroga cerealella OliverAngoumois grain mothPhe*Z7,E11-16:OAcVick, 1974
Sitotroga cerealella OliverAngoumois grain mothAttZ7,E11-16:OAc+ Z7,E11-16:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1985(b)
Sophronia semicostella HübnerAttZ4-13:OAcWillemse, 1987
Symmetrischema tangolias GyenSouth American potato tuber moth Phe*E3,Z7-14:OAc + *E3-14:OAc (2:1) + other components Griepink, 1995
Syncopacma d vorticella ScopoliAttZ7-10:OAc or Z7-11:OAcKovaleva, 1975
Tecia solanivora (Scrobipalpopsis solanivora) PovolnyGuatemalan potato mothPhe*E3-12:OAc + *Z3-12:OAc (49:1)Nesbitt, 1985
Tecia solanivora (Scrobipalpopsis solanivora) PovolnyGuatemalan potato mothPhe*E3-12:OAc + *Z3-12:OAc + *12:OAc (100:1:20)Bosa, 2005
Teleiodes decorella HaworthAttE10-12:OAcHrdý, 1989
Darna bradleyiPhe*isobutyl E7,Δ9-10:Ate + *metyl E7Δ,9-10:Ate (10:1)Sasaerila, 2000(a)
Darna pallivitta MoorePhe*butyl E7Δ,9-10:Ate + other componentsSiderhurst, 2007
Darna trimaPhe*(E)-2-hexenyl E7,Δ9-10:Ate + *(S)-2-methylbutyl E7,Δ9-10:Ate (1:1–2:1) Sasaerila, 2000(a)
Heterogenea asella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9,E11-14:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Microleon longipalpis ButlerAttZ7-12:AldAndo, 1981
Monema flavescens WalkerOriental mothPhe*E8-10:OH + *E7,Δ9-10:OH (9:1)Shibasaki, 2013
Parasa lepida Cramerblue-striped nettle grub mothPhe*Z7,Δ9-10:OHWakamura, 2007(a)
Parasa lepida Cramerblue-striped nettle grub mothPhe*Z7,Δ9-10:OHIslam, 2009
Setora nitensPhe*Z9-12:Ald + *Z9,Δ11-12:Ald (1:1) + other componentsSasaerila, 2000(b)
Setothosea asigna Van Eeckenettle caperpillarPhe*E9,Δ11-12:Ald + *E9-12:Ald (1:1)Sasaerila, 1997
Tortricidia testacea PackardAttZ9,Δ11-12:Ald + E9,Δ11-12:Ald (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(b)
Doratopteryx plumigera ButlerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (3:1)Hall, 1979
Staphylinochrous whytei ButlerAttZ11-14:OAc or Z11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (4:1) Hall, 1979
Acoloithus falsarius ClemensAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteLandolt, 1986(a)
Acoloithus novaricus Barnes & McDunoughAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteLandolt, 1991
Acoloithus rectarius DyarAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteTarmann in Subchev, 2014
Adscita alpina AlbertiAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(b)
Adscita bolivari AgenjoAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2019
Adscita geryon HübnerAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteSubchev, 2010
Adscita italica AlbertiAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:Ate or (S)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(b)
Adscita mannii LedererAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteSubchev, 2010
Adscita mannii LedererAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (S)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteRazov, 2017
Adscita mannii LedererAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(b)
Adscita obscura ZellerAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteCan, 2019
Adscita staticesAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(a)
Adscita subtristis StaudingerAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(a)
Goazrea lao MolletAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(a)
Harrisina americana GuéneeAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteLandolt, 1986(a)
Harrisina brillians Barnes & McDunnoughwestern grapeleaf skeletonizerPhe*sec-butyl Z7-14:AteMyerson, 1982
Harrisina brillians Barnes & McDunnoughwestern grapeleaf skeletonizerAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteSoderstrom, 1985
Harrisina brillians Barnes & McDunnoughwestern grapeleaf skeletonizerAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteCurtis, 1989
Harrisina coracina ClemensAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteLandolt, 1991
Harrisina guatemalena DruceAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteLandolt, 1991
Illiberis pruni DyarAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:Ate (10::1)Subchev, 2013
Illiberis rotundata Jordanplum mothPhe*(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + *(R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:Ate (1:1)Subchev, 2009
Illiberis ulmivora GraeserAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (S)-sec-butyl Z9-14:Ate + (S)-sec-butyl Z5-10:Ate (8:4:1)Liu, 2022
Jordanita anatolica NaufockAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate (1:1)Efetov, 2010
Jordanita anatolica NaufockAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteCan, 2019
Jordanita globulariae HübnerAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2016
Jordanita globulariae HübnerAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2021
Jordanita graeca JordanAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2014
Jordanita graeca JordanAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2016
Jordanita graeca JordanAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2021
Jordanita horni AlbertiAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteEfetov in Subchev, 2014
Jordanita notate ZellerAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteSubchev, 2010
Jordanita notate ZellerAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteRazov, 2017
Jordanita notate ZellerAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2016
Jordanita notate ZellerAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2021
Jordanita rietzsehi KeilAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteKeil in Efetov, 2020(a)
Jordanita splendens StaudingerAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(a)
Jordanita subsolana StaudingerAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteCan, 2019
Jordanita subsolana StaudingerAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2020(b)
Jordanita subsolana StaudingerAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2021
Neoalbertia constans EdwardsAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteTarmann in Subchev, 2014
Neoilliberis fusca EdwardsAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteTarmann in Subchev, 2014
Neoprocris aversa EdwardsAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteTarmann in Subchev, 2014
Pyromorpha dyari JordanAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteTarmann in Subchev, 2014
Rhagades amasina Herrich-SchäfferAtt(S)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteCan, 2019
Rhagades predotae NaufockAtt(S)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2019
Rhagades pruni Denis & SchiffermüllerAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteSubchev, 2010
Rhagades pruni Denis & SchiffermüllerAtt(S)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2021
Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barellavine bud mothPhe*(R)-sec-butyl Z7-14:AteSubchev, 1998
Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barellavine bud mothAttsec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2014
Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barellavine bud mothAtt(R)-sec-butyl 2-12:AteEfetov, 2021
Triprocris cyanea Barnes & McDunnoughAtt(S)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteTarmann in Subchev, 2014
Zygaena carniolica ScopoliAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (100:30:3)Priesner, 1984(a)
Zygaena ephialtes L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc (7:3:40)Hrdý, 1979
Zygaena ephialtes L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Konyukhov in Arn, 1986(a)
Zygaena ephialtes L.AttZ11-14:OAcDecamps, 1981
Zygaena filipendulae L.AttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (100:10:3)Priesner, 1984(a)
Zygaena hippocrepidis HübnerAttZ11-14:OAcDecamps, 1981
Zygaena niphona ButlerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAcToshova in Efetov, 2020(a)
Zygaena purpuralis BrünnAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (10:10:1)Priesner, 1984(a)
Zygaena scabiosae SchevenAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (24:1)Hrdý, 1989
Zygaena transalpina EsperAttZ11-14:OAc or Z11-14:OHBenz, 1973
Zygaena trifolii EsperAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (10:10:3)Priesner, 1984(a)
Zygaena viciae Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (10:1:1)Priesner, 1984(a)
Zygaenoprocis chalcochlora HampsonAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate or (R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteHofmann in Subchev, 2014
Zygaenoprocis eberti AlbertiAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate or (R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:Ate + (R)-sec-butyl Z9-14:AteHofmann in Subchev, 2014
Zygaenoprocis taftana AlbertiAtt(R)-sec-butyl Z7-12:AteEfetov in Subchev, 2014
Sesia apiformis (Aegeria apiformis)hornet clearwing mothPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OHKovalev, 1988
Albuna fraxini Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OHGreenfield, 1979
Albuna fraxini Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (3:1)Nielsen, 1979
Albuna pyramidalis WalkerAttE3,Z13-18:OHCambell in Arn, 1986(a)
Alcathoe carolinensis EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (3:1)Sharp, 1978
Alcathoe carolinensis EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Snow, 1985
Alcathoe carolinensis EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1985(b)
Bembecia chalciformis Esp.AttZ3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc or + E3,Z13-18:OAcBûda, 1993
Bembecia ichneumoniformis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Bembecia parthica Led.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1) Bûda, 1993
Bembecia puella LastuvkaAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Bembecia romanovi BartellAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Bembecia scopigera ScopoliAttZ3,Z13-18:OHSzöcs, 1989
Bembecia scopigera ScopoliAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc or + E2,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Bembecia triannuliformis (Synansphecia triannuliformis) FreyerAttZ3,Z13-18:OHSzöcs, 1989
Bembecia triannuliformis (Synansphecia triannuliformis) FreyerAttZ3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Bembecia zuwandica GorbunovAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Carmenta anthracipennis BoisduvalAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcLeeuw, 1983
Carmenta anthracipennis BoisduvalAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Snow, 1985
Carmenta bassiformis WalkerAttZ3,Z13-18:OA + Z3,Z13-18:OHSharp, 1978
Carmenta bassiformis WalkerAttZ3,Z13-18:OA + Z3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OAc (20:3:1)Neal, 1983
Carmenta bassiformis WalkerAttZ3,Z13-18:OA Greenfield, 1979
Carmenta ithacae BentenmüllerAttE3,Z13-18:OAcGreenfield, 1979
Carmenta laurelaeAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1985(c)
Carmenta mimosa Eichlin & PassoaAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcEichlin, 1983
Carmenta mimosa Eichlin & PassoaPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAcVang, 2012
Carmenta mimuliAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcMeyer, 1988
Carmenta odda Duckworth & EichlinAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcDuckworth, 1977(b)
Carmenta odda Duckworth & EichlinAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1986(a)
Carmenta pyralidiformis WalkerAttE3,Z13-18:OHSolomon, 1982
Carmenta suffusata EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OHSharp, 1978
Carmenta tetaAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen in Arn, 1986(a)
Carmenta texana Hy. EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcSharp, 1978
Carmenta welchelorum Duckworth & EichlinAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcDuckworth, 1977(a)
Chamaesphecia affinis (Synansphecia affinis) Staud.AttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z13-18:OH (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Chamaesphecia bibioniformis EsperAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Karalius, 2001
Chamaesphecia chalciformis EsperAttZ3,Z13-18:OH + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Mozūraitis, 1999(a)
Chamaesphecia empiformis EsperAttZ3,Z13-18:OHSzöcs, 1989
Chamaesphecia mezentzevi GorbunovAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Mozūraitis, 1999(a)
Chamaesphecia schmidtiformis Frr.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Mozūraitis, 1999(a)
Chamaesphecia speia nova GorbunovAttZ3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Mozūraitis, 1999(a)
Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis Denis & Schiffermüller (and/or empiformis Esper)AttE3,Z13-18:OAcVoerman, 1983
Chamaesphecia zimmermanni LedererAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Mozūraitis, 1999(a)
Chamaesphecia sp.AttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Glossosphecia romanovi (Toleria romanovi) LeechPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OH + *Z3,Z13-18:OAc (8:1) + other componentsArakawa, 2009
Glossosphecia romanovi (Toleria romanovi) LeechPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OH + *Z3,Z13-18:OAc (8:1) + other componentsNaka, 2010
Glossosphecia romanovi (Toleria romanovi) LeechPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OH + *Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Yang, 2011(b)
Macroscelesia japona HampsonPhe*E2,Z13-18:Ald + *E2,Z13-18:OH (10:1)Naka, 2007
Macroscelesia japona HampsonPhe*E2,Z13-18:Ald + *E2,Z13-18:OH (10:1)Islam, 2007
Macroscelesia longipes MoorePhe*E2,Z13-18:OH + *E2,Z13-18:Ald (20:1)Naka, 2007
Melittia cucurbitae Harrissquash vine boreAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Alm, 1989
Melittia cucurbitae Harrissquash vine boreAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Snow, 1991
Melittia cucurbitae Harrissquash vine borePhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *Z3,Z13-18:OAc (68.5:0.1) + other componetsKlun, 1990
Melittia satyriniformis Hübnersquash vine borerPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAcSchwarz, 1983(b)
Nokona feralis LeechPhe*E3,Z13-18:OAc + *E3,Z13-18:OH (7:3)Naka, 2018
Nokona pernix LeechPhe*E3,Z13-18:OH + *Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Naka, 2006
Nokona regalis (Paranthrene regalis) Butlervine tree borerPhe*E3,Z13-18:OHGuo, 1990(b)
Nokona regalis (Paranthrene regalis) Butlervine tree borerAttE3,Z13-18:OHZhou, 1995
Nokona regalis (Paranthrene regalis) Butlervine tree borerAttE3,Z13-18:OHShoji, 2009
Osminia ruficornis Henry EdwardsAttE2,Z13-18:OH or + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Snow, 1989
Paranthrene asilipennis BoisduralAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcSharp, 1978
Paranthrene asilipennis BoisduralAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z13-18:OAc (24:1)Snow, 1989
Paranthrene dollii NeumoegenAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OH (3:1)Nielsen, 1979
Paranthrene dollii NeumoegenAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Greenfield, 1979
Paranthrene pellucida Greenfield & KarandinosAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (4:1)Greenfield, 1979
Paranthrene robiniae Hy. Edwordswestern poplar clearwingPhe*E3,Z13-18:OH + *Z3,Z13-18:OH (4:1)Cowles, 1996
Paranthrene simulans Groteoak borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen, 1975
Paranthrene simulans Groteoak borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Snow, 1989
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothAttE3,Z13-18:OHGreenfield, 1979
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothAttE3,Z13-18:OHBrown, 1986(b)
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothAttE3,Z13-18:OHDu in Arn, 1997
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Nielsen, 1979
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Karalius, 2001
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothPhe*E3,Z13-18:OHZhang, 1986
Paranthrene tabaniformis Rottemburgpoplar twing clearwing mothPhe*E3,Z13-18:OH + *E2,Z13-18:OH N + other componentsMozūraitis, 2007
Podosesia aureocincta Purrington & Nielsenbanded ash clearwing mothAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (20:1:3)Nielsen, 1978(b)
Podosesia aureocincta Purrington & Nielsenbanded ash clearwing mothAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (1:1) or Z3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Snow, 1985
Podosesia syringae Harrislilac borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen, 1975
Podosesia syringae Harrislilac borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcAdler, 1983
Pyropteron sp.AttZ3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Sannina uroceriformis Walkerpersimmon borerAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OH (4:1)Nielsen, 1979
Sannina uroceriformis Walkerpersimmon borerAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Solomon, 1982
Sannina uroceriformis Walkerpersimmon borerAttE3,Z13-18:OHSnow, 1985
Sesia apiformis Cl.hornet mothPhe*E2,Z13-18:Ald + *Z3,Z13-18:OH (3:2) + other componentsFrancke, 2004
Sesia rhynchioides (Aegeria rhynchioides) ButlerAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Tamaki, 1977(c)
Sesia tibialis Harriscottonwood crown borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (4:1)Underhill, 1978
Sesia yezoensis HampsonAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Sphecia siningenis (Sesia siningenis) Hsupoplar pole clearwing mothPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OHGuo, 1990(a)
Synanthedon acerni Clemensmaple callus borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OH (9:1)Nielsen, 1979
Synanthedon acerni Clemensmaple callus borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Snow, 1985
Synanthedon acerrubi EngelhardtAttE2,Z13-18:OAcSchwarz, 1983(b)
Synanthedon acerrubi EngelhardtAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (100:1)Alm, 1989
Synanthedon acerrubi EngelhardtAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (100:1)Snow, 1991
Synanthedon alleri EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OAcSharp, 1978
Synanthedon alleri EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Snow, 1985
Synanthedon andrenaeformis Lasp.AttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1986(a)
Synanthedon arkansasensis Duckworth & EichlinAttE3,Z13-18:OAcSharp, 1978
Synanthedon arkansasensis Duckworth & EichlinAttE3,Z13-18:OHSolomon, 1982
Synanthedon bibionipennis BoisduvalAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OH (2:1)Nielsen, 1978(a)
Synanthedon bicingulata StaudingerPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAc + *E3,Z13-18:OAc (3:2)Yang, 2011(a)
Synanthedon bolteri Hy. EdwardsAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Taft, 2005
Synanthedon castaneae Busckclearwing chestnut mothAttE3,Z13-18:OHBrown, 1986(b)
Synanthedon castaneae Busckclearwing chestnut mothAttE3,Z13-18:OHAnagnostakis, 1994
Synanthedon castaneroraAttE3,Z13-18:OHLin, 1993
Synanthedon caucasicum GorbunovAttE3,Z13-18:OAcMäeorg in Arn, 1992
Synanthedon caucasicum GorbunovAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Bûda, 1993
Synanthedon conopiformis Esp.AttE3,Z13-18:OHBûda, 1993
Synanthedon culiciformis L.AttZ3,Z13-18:OAcFassotte in Arn, 1986(a)
Synanthedon decipiens Henry EdwardsAttE3,Z13-18:OAcSharp, 1978
Synanthedon decipiens Henry EdwardsAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (7:3)Greenfield, 1979
Synanthedon decipiens Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcSnow, 1985
Synanthedon decipiens Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Snow, 1989
Synanthedon dominicki DuckworthAttE2,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1985(d)
Synanthedon exitiosa Saypeachtree borerPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAcTumlinson, 1974
Synanthedon exitiosa Saypeachtree borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (24:1)Barry, 1978
Synanthedon fatifera Hodgesviburnum borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen, 1975
Synanthedon fatifera Hodgesviburnum borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcAdler, 1983
Synanthedon fatifera Hodgesviburnum borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Greenfield, 1979
Synanthedon flaviventris StaudingerAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (49:1)Karalius, 2006
Synanthedon formicaeformis Esp.AttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1986(a)
Synanthedon fulvipes HarrisAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + other isomersNielsen, 1979
Synanthedon haitangvora YangPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAc + *E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1) + other componentsYang, 2009(b)
Synanthedon hector Butlercherry tree borerAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Yaginuma, 1976
Synanthedon hector Butlercherry tree borerPhe*E3,Z13-18:OAc + *Z3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1) + another componentNaka, 2008
Synanthedon kathyae Duckworth & EichlinAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc or E3,Z13-18:OAcDuckworth, 1977(b)
Synanthedon mesiaeformis Herrich-SchäfferAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Karalius, 2006
Synanthedon myopaeformis Borkhausenapple clearwing mothAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,E13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,E13-18:OAc (95:2:2:1)Voerman, 1978(b)
Synanthedon myopaeformis Borkhausenapple clearwing mothPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAc + other components Judd, 2011
Synanthedon novaroensis Henry EdwardsDouglas-fir pitch mothAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcRocchini, 2003
Synanthedon pictipes Grote & Robinsonlesser peachtree borerPhe*E3,Z13-18:OAcTumlinson, 1974
Synanthedon pictipes Grote & Robinsonlesser peachtree borerAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,E13-18:OAc (1:1)Karandinos, 1977
Synanthedon pictipes Grote & Robinsonlesser peachtree borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcAdler, 1983
Synanthedon proxima Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen in Arn, 1986(a)
Synanthedon proxima Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (3:7)Greenfield, 1979
Synanthedon proxima Henry EdwardsAttE3,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1986(b)
Synanthedon pyri HarrisAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Alm, 1989
Synanthedon pyri HarrisAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Snow, 1991
Synanthedon quercus MatsumuraAttZ3,E13-18:OAc + E3,E13-18:OAc (1:1) Tamaki, 1977(c)
Synanthedon refulgens Henry EdwardsAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (100:1)Snow, 1991
Synanthedon rhododendri Beutenmüllerrhododendron borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (49:1)Nielsen, 1979
Synanthedon rhododendri Beutenmüllerrhododendron borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNeal, 1981
Synanthedon rhododendri Beutenmüllerrhododendron borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcAdler, 1983
Synanthedon rileyana Henry Edwardshorse nettle borerAttE3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OAc (3:1)Nielsen, 1979
Synanthedon rileyana Henry Edwardshorse nettle borerAttE3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OAc (3:1)Williams, 1999
Synanthedon rileyana Henry Edwardshorse nettle borerAttE3,Z13-18:OH + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1) Snow, 1985
Synanthedon rileyana Henry Edwardshorse nettle borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAcSnow, 1989
Synanthedon rubrofascia Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1986(a)
Synanthedon rubrofascia Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (3:1)Nielsen, 1975
Synanthedon rubrofascia Henry EdwardsAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (1:3)Brown in Arn, 1992
Synanthedon sapygaeformis WalkerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcSharp, 1978
Synanthedon sapygaeformis WalkerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcBrown, 1986(a)
Synanthedon scitula Harrisdogwood borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen, 1975
Synanthedon scitula Harrisdogwood borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcAdler, 1983
Synanthedon scitula Harrisdogwood borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:100)Alm, 1989
Synanthedon scitula Harrisdogwood borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:100)Snow, 1991
Synanthedon scitula Harrisdogwood borerPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAc + *Z3,E13-18:OAc + *E2,Z13-18:OAc (44:3:3)Zhang, 2005
Synanthedon scitula Harrisdogwood borerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,E13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (44:3:3)Leskey, 2006
Synanthedon scoliaeformis BorkhWelsh clearwingAttE2,Z13-18:OAcBûda, 1993
Synanthedon scoliaeformis BorkhWelsh clearwingPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + other componentsMozūraitis, 2013
Synanthedon sequoiae Henry Edwardssequoia pitch mothAttZ3,Z13-18:OHNielsen, 1978(a)
Synanthedon serica AlpherakyAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Karalius, 2001
Synanthedon soffneri SpatenkaAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1993
Synanthedon spuleri FuchsAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1986(a)
Synanthedon tenuis ButlerAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcTamaki, 1977(c)
Synanthedon tenuis ButlerPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OAcNaka, 2013
Synanthedon tenuis ButlerPhe*Z3,Z13-18:OHYang, 2012
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAcVoerman, 1984
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (100:3–100:10)Priesner, 1986(a)
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Meyer, 1994
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc (93:7)Szöcs, 1985
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *E3,Z13-18:OAc (97:3)James, 2001
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *E3,Z13-18:OAc (100:0.7) + other componentsMozūraitis, 2006
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAcSzöcs, 1990
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (100:3)Szöcs, 1990
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAcSuckling, 2005(a)
Synanthedon tipuliformis Clerckcurrant borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (100:3)Szöcs, 1991
Synanthedon typhiaeformisAttZ3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,E13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,E13-18:OAc (95:2:2:1)Maini in Arn, 1986(a)
Synanthedon vespiformis L.yellow-legged clearwingAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Voerman, 1983
Synanthedon vespiformis L.yellow-legged clearwingPhe*E3,Z13-18:OAc + *Z3,Z13-18:OAc (4:1) Levi-Zada, 2011(b)
Synanthedon viburni EngelhardtAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (9:1)Greenfield, 1979
Vitacea polistiformis Harrisgrape root borerPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAcSchwarz, 1983(b)
Vitacea polistiformis Harrisgrape root borerAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (99:1)Snow, 1987
Vitacea scepsiformis Henry EdwardsAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + Z3,Z13-18:OAc (3:1–9:1)Sharp, 1978
Microsphecia siningenis (Tinthia brosiformis) HübnerAttE3,Z13-18:OAcBûda, 1993
Paradoxecia pieli L. (Paradoxes prelle L.)mulberry clearwing mothPhe*E3,Z13-18:OAc + another componentTan, 1992
Paradoxecia pieli L. (Paradoxes prelle L.)mulberry clearwing mothPhe*E3,Z13-18:OAc + another componentLin, 1993
Pennisetia bohemica Kralicek & PovolnyAttE3,Z13-18:OH + E3,Z13-18:OAc (100:1)Priesner, 1990
Pennisetia hylaeiformis Laspeyresraspberry clearwing mothAttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Priesner, 1986(b)
Pennisetia marginata Harrisblackberry clearwing borerAttE3,Z13-18:OHSolomon, 1982
Pennisetia marginata Harrisblackberry clearwing borerAttE3,Z13-18:OHBrown, 1985(a)
Pennisetia marginata Harrisblackberry clearwing borerPhe*E3,Z13-18:AldJudd, 2012
Pennisetia marginata Harrisblackberry clearwing borerAttE3,Z13-18:AldTeasdale, 2013
Similipepsis takizawai (Milisipepsis takizawai) Arita et SpatenkaAttE3,Z13-18:OH + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Zenodoxus hoplisiformis (Tinthia hoplisiformis) Mann.AttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OAc (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Zenodoxus tineiformis EsperAttE3,Z13-18:OAcNielsen, 1979
Brachodes appendiculata EsperAttE3,Z13-18:OAcKaralius, 2005
Acossus centerensis Litneraspen carpenterwormAttE3,E5-14:OAcDoolittle, 1976(a)
Chilecomadia valdiviana PhilippiPhe*Z7,Z10-16:Ald + other componentsHerrera, 2016
Chilecomadia valdiviana PhilippiPhe*Z7,Z10-16:Ald + other componentsLapointe, 2017
Coryphodema tristis Druryquince borerPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (47:3) + another componentBouwer, 2015
Coryphodema tristis Druryquince borerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH + 14:OAc (38:1:1)Bouwer, 2017
Cossus cossus L.European goat mothAttZ5-12:OAc + Z3-10:OAc (4:1) Pasqualini in Arn, 1992
Cossus cossus L.European goat mothAttZ5-12:OAc + Z3-10:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (4:1:1) Sziráki in Arn, 1997
Cossus cossus L.European goat mothPhe*Z5-12:OAc + Z3-12:OAc (4:1) + other componentsCapizzi, 1983
Cossus insularis Staudingercarpenterworm mothPhe*E3-14:OAc + other componentsChen, 2006
Cossus mongolicusAttZ5-12:OAcQi in Arn, 1992
Holcocerus arenicola Staudingersand Salix carpenterwormPhe*Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OH (20:8:5) + another componentJing, 2010
Holcocerus artemisiae Chou & Huasand sagebrush carpenterwormPhe*Z5-12:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (5:3) + other componentsZhang, 2009
Holcocerus hippophaecolus Huasandthorn carpenterwormPhe*E3-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (1:1) + other componentsFang, 2005
Holcocerus hippophaecolus Huasandthorn carpenterwormPhe*E3-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *E7-14:OAc (10:10:1)Cheng, 2007
Holcocerus insularis Staudingercarpenterworm mothPhe*Z3-14:OAc + other componentsZhang, 2001
Holcocerus vicarius Walkercarpenterworm mothPhe*Z7-14:OAc + *E3-14:OAc + *Z3,E5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OH (50:22:17:10)Yang, 2015
Isoceras sibirica AlpherakyPhe*Z9-14:OA + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc (10:5:1) + other componentsZhang, 2011
Parahypopta caestrum Hübnerasparagus mothPhe*Z9-14:OA + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (85:5:10) + another componentPistillo, 2024
Prionoxystus piger GroteAttZ3,E5-14:OAcLandolt, 1985
Prionoxystus robiniae PeckcarpenterwormAttZ3,E5-14:OAcDoolittle, 1976(a)
Prionoxystus robiniae PeckcarpenterwormAttZ3,E5-14:OAcDoolittle, 1976(b)
Prionoxystus robiniae PeckcarpenterwormAttZ3,E5-14:OAc + E3,E5-14:OAc (9:1–3:7)Solomon, 1978
Prionoxystus robiniae PeckcarpenterwormAttZ3,E5-14:OAc + E3,E5-14:OAc (9:1–3:7)Doolittle, 1986
Prionoxystus robiniae PeckcarpenterwormAttZ3,E5-14:OAc + E3-14:OAc (9:1)Doolittle, 1986
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc + *18:OAc NTonini, 1986
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc + + *Z2,Z13-18:OAc (97:1:2) NFrérot, 1986
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothPhe*E2,Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc + *E3,Z13-18:OAc (39:9:2) NMalosse, 1993
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E2-18:OAc (19:1)Castellari in Arn, 1992
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (19:1)Pasqualini in Arn, 1992
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E3,Z13-18:OAc (19:1)Pasqualini in Arn, 1997
Zeuzera pyrina L.leopard mothAttE2,Z13-18:OAc + E2-18:OAc + Z2,Z13-18:OAc (19:1:1)Pasqualini in Arn, 1997
Acleris affinitana SnellenAttE11,Δ13-14:AldAndo, 1987
Acleris chalybeana FernaldAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Acleris comariana Lienig & Zellerstrawberry tortrixPhe*E11,Δ13-14:AldSvensson, 2019
Acleris emargana F.AttE11-14:AldWeatherston, 1974(a)
Acleris enitescens MeyrickAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1981
Acleris ferrugana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (9:1)Frerot, 1985
Acleris ferrugana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Acleris filipjevi ObraztsovAttE11-14:Ald + E11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Acleris fimbriana Thunberg & Becklinyellow tortrixPhe*E11,Δ13-14:Ald + *E11,Δ13-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (6:4:1) + another componentLiu, 2002(a)
Acleris fimbriana Thunberg & Becklinyellow tortrixAttE11,Δ13-14:Ald + E11,Δ13-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (6:4:1) Liu, 2002(b)
Acleris fimbriana Thunberg & Becklinyellow tortrixAttE11,Δ13-14:Ald + E11,Δ13-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (6:4:1) Liu, 2003
Acleris fuscana Barnes & BusckAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Acleris gloverana Walsinghamwestern blackheaded budwormPhe*E11,Δ13-14:Ald + *Z11,Δ13-14:Ald (20:1) + other componentsGray, 1996
Acleris hispidana ChristophAttE11,Δ13-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1987
Acleris japonica WalsinghamAttE11,Δ13-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1987
Acleris maccana Tr.AttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Acleris maximana Barnes & BusckAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Acleris minuta Robinsonyellowheaded firewormPhe*E11,Δ13-14:Ald + other componentsSchwarz, 1983(a)
Acleris nigrilineana KawabeAttE11,Δ13-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1987
Acleris paradiseana WalsinghamAttE11-14:OAcAndo, 1978
Acleris perfundana KuznetsovAttZ11-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1978
Acleris rhombana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (4:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Acleris scabrana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE11-14:AldTagestad, 1975
Acleris sparsana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (24:1)Knauf in Arn, 1986(a)
Acleris sparsana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (9:1)Booij, 1985
Acleris sparsana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (9:1)Frerot, 1985
Acleris tripunctata HübnerAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (1:1)Booij, 1985
Acleris variana Fern.eastern blackheaded budwormPhe*E11,Δ13-14:AldGries, 1994(a)
Acropolitis ergophora MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc EHorak, 1988
Acropolitis hedista TurnerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *14:OAc (7:13) NHorak, 1988
Acropolitis rudisana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) EHorak, 1988
Acropolitis xuthobapta TurnerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (89:11)Horak, 1988
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (7:4)Tamaki, 1971(b)
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Me10-12:OAc (63:31:4:2)Tamaki, 1979
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Me10-12:OAc (63:31:4:2)Tamaki, 1980
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Me10-12:OAc (63:31:4:2) R:S = 19:1Tamaki, 1983
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Me10-12:OAc (63:31:4:2) + other componentsNoguchi, 1985
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Me10-12:OAc (47:50:1:2)Hsiao, 1990
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (9:16)Kou, 1990
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (9:16)Kou, 1992(c)
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (1:2) + other componentsYang, 2009(a)
Adoxophyes honmai Yasudasmaller tea tortrixAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Me11,Z9,Δ12-13:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (7:3:3)Negishi, 1979
Adoxophyes orana Fisher von Röslerstammsummerfruit tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (3:1)Meijer, 1972
Adoxophyes orana Fisher von Röslerstammsummerfruit tortrixAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Minks, 1973(a)
Adoxophyes orana Fisher von Röslerstammsummerfruit tortrixAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (4:1)Ghizdavu in Arn, 1997
Adoxophyes orana Fisher von Röslerstammsummerfruit tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH (155:27:4:0.4) + other componentsGuerin, 1986(a)
Adoxophyes orana Fisher von Röslerstammsummerfruit tortrixPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (4:1) + other componentsYang, 2009(a)
Adoxophyes orana fasciata WalsinghamPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (13:4)Tamaki, 1971(a)
Adoxophyes orana fasciata WalsinghamPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (13:4) + other componentsSugie, 1984(b)
Adoxophyes orana fasciata WalsinghamPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (13:4) + other componentsNoguchi, 1985
Adoxophyes privatana WalkerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Me10-12:OAc (63:31:4:2)Shry, 1985
Adoxophyes privatana WalkerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (9:1) Hai, 2002
Adoxophyes privatana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (9:1) Vang, 2013
Adoxophyes privataraAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Me10-12:OAc (63:31:4:2)Shi in Arn, 1992
Adoxophyes reticulana HübnerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (1:1)Chambon, 1974
Adoxophyes sp.Phe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (1:40) + other componentsYang, 2009(a)
Aethes margarotana Dup.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (3:2)Frerot, 1982(a)
Aethes rubigana TreitschkeAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (9:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Aethes rubigana TreitschkeAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Agapeta hamana L.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (50:1) or + 12:OAc (50:1)Tóth, 1985
Agapeta zoegana L.AttZ11-14:OAcMaini in Arn, 1986(a)
Agapeta zoegana L.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + other componentsTóth, 1985
Aleimma loeflingiana L.AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcFrerot, 1979(b)
Aleimma loeflingiana L.AttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:Ald (1:1)Booij, 1985
Amorbia cuneana Walsinghamwestern avocado leafrollerPhe*E10,Z12-14:OAc + *E10,E12-14:OAc (17:8) + other componentsMcDonough, 1982(a)
Amorbia cuneana Walsinghamwestern avocado leafrollerAttE10,Z12-14:OAc + E10,E12-14:OAc (53:47)Hoffmann, 1983
Amorbia cuneana Walsinghamwestern avocado leafrollerAttE10,Z12-14:OAc + E10,E12-14:OAc (63:37–11:89)Hoffmann, 1983
Aphelia paleana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAcHrdý, 1979
Aphelia paleana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Aphelia paleana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (9:1)Peltotalo, 1986
Aphelia paleana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z11-14:Ald (100:2:0.75:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(b)
Aphelia viburnana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttZ11-14:AldBooij, 1985
Aphelia viburnana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttZ11-14:AldGuerin, 1986(c)
Archips argyrospilus Walkerfruittree leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (7:3) + other componentsRoelofs, 1974(d)
Archips argyrospilus Walkerfruittree leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *12:OAc (15:10:1:50)Cardé, 1977(a)
Archips argyrospilus Walkerfruittree leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *12:OAc (100:64:2:1)Deland, 1993
Archips asiaticus Walsingham (Archips audax Razowski)AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1978
Archips asiaticus Walsingham (Archips audax Razowski)AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (7:3)Mizukoshi, 2006
Archips asiaticus Walsingham (Archips audax Razowski)AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Mizukoshi, 2006
Archips atrolucens DiakonoffAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Hai, 2002
Archips atrolucens DiakonoffPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *14:OAc (2:1:1)Vang, 2013
Archips breviplicanus WalsinghamAsiatic leafrollerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (7:3)Sugie, 1977
Archips capsigeranus KennelAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1) Ando, 1981
Archips capsigeranus KennelAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:4) Kozaki, 1984
Archips cerasivoranus Fitchuglynest caterpillarPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (83:17)Roelofs, 1980
Archips crataegana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Ghizdavu, 1987
Archips crataegana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (82:9:9)Ryabchinskaya in Arn, 1992
Archips crataegana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (36:15:2)Kovalev in Arn, 1992
Archips fuscocupreanus WalsinghamAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (4:1)Ando, 1981
Archips griseus Robinsonblack-shield leafrollerAttZ11-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (3:1)Grant, 1983
Archips ingentanus ChristophAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (9:1)Ando, 1978
Archips micaceanus WalkerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAcZeleny, 1982
Archips micaceanus WalkerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc (7:3:40)Spitzer, 1983
Archips mortuanus Kearfootduskyback leafrollerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (90:10:1)Cardé, 1977(a)
Archips oporana L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Archips oporana similis Butler (Archips piceanus)AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (4:1)Ando, 1978
Archips oporana similis Butler (Archips piceanus)AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Kozaki, 1984
Archips peratrata YasudaAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Archips podana Scopolifruittree tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (1:1)Persoons, 1974
Archips podana Scopolifruittree tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OHSafonkin, 2003
Archips poraivora MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (97:3:5)Bhardwaj, 1987
Archips rosana L.European leafroller, filbert leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (9:1)Roelofs, 1976(a)
Archips rosana L.European leafroller, filbert leafrollerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (87:13)AliNiazee, 1976
Archips rosana L.European leafroller, filbert leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *E11-14:OAc (10:1:0.01)Guerin in Arn, 1986(a)
Archips rosana L.European leafroller, filbert leafrollerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z11-14:Ald (100:2:0.75:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(b)
Archips semiferanus Walkeroak leafrollerPhe*Z10-14:OAcHendry, 1974
Archips semiferanus Walkeroak leafrollerPhe*Z10-14:OAc + othe componentsHendry, 1975
Archips semiferanus Walkeroak leafrollerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (2:1)Miller, 1976
Archips seminubilis MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAcZeleny, 1982
Archips seminubilis MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAcSpitzer, 1983
Archips semistructus MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Archips strojny Razowskitea tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + another componentFu, 2022
Archips subrupanusAttZ11-14:OAcSong in Arn, 1992
Archips tsuganus PowellAttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Archips viola FalkovitshAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (7:3)Ando, 1981
Archips xylosteanus L.AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (4:1)Ando, 1978
Archips xylosteanus L.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (23:2)Frerot, 1983
Argyrotaenia angustilineata (Neocalyptis angustilineata) WalsinghamAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1978
Argyrotaenia angustilineata (Neocalyptis angustilineata) WalsinghamAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Argyrotaenia angustilineata (Neocalyptis angustilineata) WalsinghamAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Kim, 2014(b)
Argyrotaenia angustilineata (Neocalyptis angustilineata) WalsinghamAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Mizukoshi, 2006
Argyrotaenia citrana Fernaldorange tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:Ald (15:1)Hill, 1975(b)
Argyrotaenia dorsalana DyarAttZ11-14:OAcSteck, 1977(a)
Argyrotaenia dorsalana DyarAttZ11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Argyrotaenia dorsalana DyarAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (1:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Argyrotaenia liratana Christoph (Argyrotaenia tricensa Meyrick)AttZ9-12:OAcNagano, 1979
Argyrotaenia pomililiana L.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:Ald (20:1) + other componentsCichón, 2004
Argyrotaenia pulchellana HaworthAttZ11-14:OAcMaini, 1973
Argyrotaenia pulchellana HaworthAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (9:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Argyrotaenia pulchellana HaworthPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (76:19) + other componentsFrerot, 1984
Argyrotaenia quadrifascianaAttZ10-12:OAcRoelofs in Arn, 1986(a)
Argyrotaenia sphaleropa MeyrickPhe*Z11,Δ13-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald (9:1) + *Z11,Δ13-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAcNunez, 2002
Argyrotaenia sphaleropa MeyrickAttZ11,Δ13-14:Ald + Z11,Δ13-14:OAc (10:1)Legrand, 2004
Argyrotaenia sphaleropa MeyrickAttZ11,Δ13-14:Ald + Z11,Δ13-14:OAc (9:1-1:9)Bavaresco, 2005
Argyrotaenia velutinana Walkerredbanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1968(a)
Argyrotaenia velutinana Walkerredbanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1968(b)
Argyrotaenia velutinana Walkerredbanded leafrollerAttZ11-14:OAc + 12:OAc (2:3)Hamstead, 1972
Argyrotaenia velutinana Walkerredbanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *12:OAc (88:12:125)Roelofs, 1975(a)
Argyrotaenia velutinana Walkerredbanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *12:OAc (88:12:125) + other componentsBjostad in Arn, 1986(a)
Arotrophora arcuatalis WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) NHorak, 1988
Asthenoptycha sp.Phe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z10-14:OAc (9:1) EHorak, 1988
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAcFrerot, 1979(b)
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + 14:OAc (18:1:1:20)Arsura in Arn, 1986(a)
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OHFrerot, 1982(b)
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixAttZ11-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (87:3:10) + other componentsDescoins, 1985
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc NKovalev, 1985
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc [82:5:7:1] NWitzgall, 1989(a)
Cacoecimorpha pronubana HübnerEuropean carnation tortrixAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc (100:3:30:3)Witzgall, 1990
Capnoptycha ipnitis MeyrickPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z10-14:OAc [83:17] NHorak, 1988
Catamacta gavisanaPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc [49:51–61:39] NFoster, 1988
Cenopis acerivorana MacKaymaple leafrollerAttZ11-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (4:1)Weatherston, 1978
Cenopis acerivorana MacKaymaple leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:Ald + *E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:OAc (13:7:2) + other componentsGrant, 1983
Choristoneura biennis Freemantwo-year-cycle spruce budwormAttE11-14:AldSanders, 1974
Choristoneura biennis Freemantwo-year-cycle spruce budwormAttE11-14:AldSanders, 1993
Choristoneura carnana Barnes & BusckAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (23:2)Liebhold, 1985
Choristoneura conflictana Walkerlarge aspen tortrixAttZ11-14:AldWeatherston, 1976
Choristoneura conflictana Walkerlarge aspen tortrixPhe*Z11-14:Ald + other componentsEvenden, 2006
Choristoneura fractivittana ClemensAttZ11-14:OHRoelofs, 1970(a)
Choristoneura fractivittana ClemensAttZ11-14:OHComeau, 1973
Choristoneura fractivittana ClemensAttZ11-14:OH + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Weatherston, 1978
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:AldWeatherston, 1971
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:Ald + another componentWeatherston, 1974(b)
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1976
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1984
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Jennings, 1983
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:OAc NWiesner, 1979
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald (20:1) + other componentsSilk, 1980
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald + 14:Ald (19:1:1)Alford, 1983
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (95:5:3.3)Silk, 1988(b)
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormAtt1,E11-15:H + 1,Z11-15:H (19:1)Silk, 1985(a)
Choristoneura fumiferana Clemenseastern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald + Z11-16:Ald + *Z5-23:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:HSilk, 2017
Choristoneura hebenstreitella MüllerAttZ11-14:OH + Z11-14:Ald (1:1)Booij, 1985
Choristoneura lafauryana Rag.oblique-banded leafrollerAttZ11-14:OHCastellari, 1985
Choristoneura lambertiana BusckAttE11-14:OAc or E11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Choristoneura lambertiana subretinianaAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH + Z11-14:OH (30:20:3:2)Silk, 1988(b)
Choristoneura murinana HübnerEuropean fir budworm, silver-fir shoot tortricidPhe*Z9-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1980(a)
Choristoneura murinana HübnerEuropean fir budworm, silver-fir shoot tortricidAttZ9-12:OAc + Z11-13:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1982(a)
Choristoneura murinana HübnerEuropean fir budworm, silver-fir shoot tortricidPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E9-12:OAc (100:10:3:3)Priesner, 1988(a)
Choristoneura murinana HübnerEuropean fir budworm, silver-fir shoot tortricidAttZ11-14:OAcBurghardt, 1980
Choristoneura occidentalis Freemanwestern spruce budwormAttE11-14:AldWeatherston, 1971
Choristoneura occidentalis Freemanwestern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald (10:1) + other componentsCory, 1982
Choristoneura occidentalis Freemanwestern spruce budwormPhe*E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald (10:1) + other componentsSilk, 1982
Choristoneura occidentalis Freemanwestern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (10:1) + other componentsAlford, 1984
Choristoneura occidentalis Freemanwestern spruce budwormAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (23:2) + other componentsSweeney, 1990
Choristoneura orae FreemanPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OH (82:9:9) + other componentsGray, 1984(a)
Choristoneura parallela Robinsonspotted firewormPhe* E11-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH + *E11-14:OAc + *14:OH (84:0.7:8:9)Neal, 1982
Choristoneura parallela Robinsonspotted firewormPhe* E11-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH + *E11-14:OAc (100:5:4) + another componentPolavarapu, 1998
Choristoneura pinus maritima FreemanAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH + Z11-14:OHSilk, 1988(b)
Choristoneura pinus maritima FreemanAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH + Z11-14:OH (153:27:17:3)Liebhold, 1991
Choristoneura pinus pinus Freemanjack pine budwormPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH (77:13:9:1) + other componentsSilk, 1985(b)
Choristoneura retiniana Walsinghammodoc budwormPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH (92:8:9:1)Daterman, 1984
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(b)
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (95:5:0.5–95:5:10)Hill, 1979(a)
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (96.5:2:1.5)Delisle, 1992
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z11-14:Ald (96.5:2:1.5:4)Vakenti, 1988
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z11-14:Ald (100:2:0.75:1)Thomson, 1991
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z11-14:Ald (97:2:1.5:1) + other componentsEl-Sayed, 2001
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z11-14:Ald (97:2:1:1)El-Sayed, 2003
Choristoneura rosaceana Harrisobliquebanded leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + E11-14:OAc (74:21:5)Huang, 2022
Choristoneura sorbiana Hübner (Choristoneura hebenstreitella ?)AttZ11-14:OH + E11-14:OH (97:3)Frerot, 1979(b)
Choristoneura viridis Freeman (Choristoneura retiniana ?)green budwormAttE11-14:OAcSanders, 1974
Choristoneura n. sp. CPG=Prince GeorgePhe*E11-14:OAc + * Z11-14:OAc (13:7) + other componentsGray, 1993
Clepsis dumicolana ZellerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Clepsis furcana WalsinghamAttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Clepsis melaleucana WalkerAttZ11-14:OH + Z11-14:OAc (1:1)Roelofs, 1971(a)
Clepsis rurinana L.AttZ11-14:AldCapizzi in Arn, 1986(a)
Clepsis rurinana L.AttZ11-14:AldFrerot, 1985
Clepsis semialbana Cuc.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc (17:2:1) Frerot, 1982(a)
Clepsis spectrana TreitschkePhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Minks, 1973(b)
Clepsis strigana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAcMaini, 1973
Cnephasia alticolana Herrich-SchäfferAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Olenici, 2007
Cnephasia asseclana Denis & Schiffermüller (= interjectana Haworth ?)AttE9-12:OAcHrdý, 1989
Cnephasia alternella StephensAttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Cnephasia alternella StephensAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Cnephasia alternella StephensAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(b)
Cnephasia alternella StephensAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (18:7)Beauvais, 1977
Cnephasia communana Herrich & SchäfferAttZ8-12:OAcAlford, 1978
Cnephasia communana Herrich & SchäfferAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAcFrilli, 1974
Cnephasia cupressivoranaAttE9-12:OAcTóth in Arn, 1997
Cnephasia ecullyana Real.AttZ9-12:OAcNässig, 1991
Cnephasia ecullyana Real.AttZ9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OHTóth, 1992(d)
Cnephasia genitalana Pierce & MetcalfeAttZ9-12:OAcSziráki, 1980
Cnephasia horarianus (Decodes horarianus) WalsinghamAttZ7-10:OAcSteck, 1977(a)
Cnephasia incertana TreitschkeAttZ10-14:OAcFrerot, 1985
Cnephasia incertana TreitschkeAttF211,11-Z9-12:OAcBengtsson, 1990
Cnephasia incertana TreitschkeAttZ10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cnephasia interjectanaAttE10-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Cnephasia interjectanaAttE9-12:OAc + E9,Δ11-12:OAc (19:1)Brewer, 1985
Cnephasia interjectanaAttE9-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Cnephasia jactatana WalkerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (19:1)Benn in Roelofs, 1982(a)
Cnephasia jactatana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAcFoster, 1993
Cnephasia longana HaworthAttZ9-12:OAcBathon, 1983
Cnephasia longana HaworthAttZ9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OH (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Cnephasia longana HaworthPhe*Z9-12:OAcBestmann, 1985
Cnephasia pascuana HübnerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (24:1)Gigon, 1980
Cnephasia pasiuana HübnerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1992(c)
Cnephasia pasiuana HübnerAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Toshova, 2017
Cnephasia pumicana Zellercereal tortrixPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OAc + *12:OAc (3:5:2)Biwer, 1978(a)
Cnephasia stephensiana DoubledayAttZ8-12:OAcAlford, 1978
Cnephasia stephensiana DoubledayAttZ8-12:OAcPeltotalo, 1986
Cnephasia stephensiana DoubledayAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Cnephasia stephensiana DoubledayAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (93:7) + 12:OHHrdý, 1979
Cnephasia stephensiana DoubledayAttE11-14:AldBrewer, 1985
Cnephasia stephensiana DoubledayAttZ11-14:OAcOlenici, 2007
Cnephasia stephensiana stolidana WalkerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH (85.5:5.5:9)Mizukoshi, 2006
Cnephasia sp.AttE11-14:OAcKlun, 1972
Cochylis arthuri DangPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (4:1)Foster, 2003
Cochylis dubitana HübnerAttE11-14:OAcFrerot, 1985
Cochylis dubitana HübnerAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Cochylis hospes Walsinghambanded sunflower mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (9:1–4:1)Underhill, 1986
Cochylis hybridella HübnerAttZ11-14:Ald + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Frerot, 1985
Cochylis molliculanaAttE11-14:OAcMaini in Arn, 1986(a)
Cochylis posterana ZellerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (25:1:5)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Cochylis posterana ZellerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (10:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Commophila umbrabsana KearfottAttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Croesia askoldana ChristophAttZ11-14:Ald + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1978
Croesia bergmaniana L.AttE11-14:OAcVoerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Croesia bergmaniana L.AttE11-14:OAc + 14:OAc (9:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Croesia conchyloides WalsinghamAttZ11-14:AldAndo, 1978
Croesia curvalana Kearfottblueberry leaftier mothPhe*E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (810:90:85:15)Lonergan, 1989
Croesia curvalana Kearfottblueberry leaftier mothAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald + E11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (810:90:85:15)Ponder, 1991
Croesia dealbata YasudaAttE11-14:AldAndo, 1981
Croesia forskaleanaAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (1:1–1:9) Frerot, 1985
Croesia holmiana L.AttE11-14:OAcArn, 1974
Croesia holmiana L.AttE11-14:OAc + 14:OAc (9:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Croesia holmiana L.AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:Ald (1:1)Frerot, 1985
Croesia holmiana L.AttZ6-14:OAc + E6-14:OAc (9:1)Minks in Arn, 1986(a)
Croesia semipurpurana Kearfottoak leaf shredderAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (9:1–8:2)Weatherston, 1978
Croesia semipurpurana Kearfottoak leaf shredderPhe*E11-14:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald (17:3) + other componentsSilk, 1997
Croesia tigricolor WalsinghamAttE11-14:AldAndo, 1981
Cryptoptila australana LewinPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (19:1) E Horak, 1988
Cryptoptila immersana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (91:9) E Horak, 1988
Cryptoptila sp. 1Phe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (50:39:11) NHorak, 1988
Cryptoptila sp. 2Phe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (38:49:7:6) NHorak, 1988
Ctenopseustis herana Felder & RogenhoferAttZ5-14:OAcMcLaren, 1993
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (4:1)Young, 1985
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (4:1)Clearwater, 1991
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z5-14:OAc + another componentFoster, 1987(a)
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z5-14:OAc + another componentFoster, 1991
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z5-14:OAc + another componentClearwater, 1991
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (9:1)Foster, 1986
Ctenopseustis obliquana Walkerbrownheaded leafrollerPhe*Z10-16:OAcFoster, 1986
Ctenopseustis servanaPhe*Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (4:1–5:3) NFoster, 1988
Ctenopseustis servanaPhe*Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (4:1–5:3) NFoster, 1990
Decodes stevensi PowellAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Ditula angustiorana HaworthAttZ10-14:OAcFrerot, 1985
Dyceratura ostrinana GuenéeAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (3:2)Frerot, 1982(a)
Eana argentana ClerckAttZ7-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Eana derivana La HarpeAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (11:9) Hrdý, 1989
Ecclitica torogrammaPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (25:0–23:2) NFoster, 1988
Epagoge grotiana F.AttZ10-14:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Epagoge grotiana F.AttZ10-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (3:1–1:3)Frerot, 1985
Epagoge grotiana F.AttZ10-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Epichoristodes acerbella WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc (32:13:4) + other componentsL.-Cassou, 1980
Epichoristodes acerbella WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAcRossi, 1982
Epichoristodes acerbella WalkerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (8:1:2:1)Dalla in Arn, 1992
Epiphyas postvittana Walkerlightbrown apple mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + *E9,E11-14:OAc (20:1)Bellas, 1983
Epiphyas postvittana Walkerlightbrown apple mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + *E9,E11-14:OAc (9:1)Muggleston, 1989
Epiphyas postvittana Walkerlightbrown apple mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + *E9,E11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OH + *E11-16:OAc (200:10:2:1) + other componentsEl-Sayed, 2011
Epiphyas postvittana Walkerlightbrown apple mothAttE11-14:OAc + E9,E11-14:OAc (19:1)Yazdani, 2024
Epiphyas pulla TurnerAttE9,E11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 14:OAc + 12:OAc (16:10:10:1)Yazdani, 2024
Epiphyas xylodes MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (3:2)Horak, 1988
Epitymbia alaudana MeyrickPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (2:1) EHorak, 1988
Epitymbia cosmota MeyrickPhe*Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (4:1) EHorak, 1988
Epitymbia eudrosa TurnerPhe*Z7-14:OAc EHorak, 1988
Eulia ministrana L.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Eulia ministrana L.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1984(c)
Eulia ministrana L.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:Ald (1:1)Booij, 1985
Eupoecilia ambiguella HübnerEuropean grape mothPhe*Z9-12:OAcArn, 1976(b)
Eupoecilia ambiguella HübnerEuropean grape mothPhe*Z9-12:OAcSaglio, 1977(b)
Eupoecilia ambiguella HübnerEuropean grape mothAttZ9-12:OAc + 12:OAc (1:1–1:5) or + Z10-13:OAc (5:1–2:1)Rauscher, 1984
Eupoecilia ambiguella HübnerEuropean grape mothPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *12:OAc + *18:OAc (1:1:2) + other componentsArn, 1986(b)
Eupoecilia ambiguella HübnerEuropean grape mothPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *12:OAc + *18:OAc (1:1:2) + other componentsArn, 1988
Eupoecilia angustana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc (7:3:40)Hrdý, 1979
Eupoecilia kobeana RazowskiAttZ11-14:OHAndo, 1977
Exapate congelatella ClerckAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14*OAc (4:1)Velcheva, 1990
Homona coffearia Neitnertea tortrixPhe*E9-12:OAc + *12:OAc + *12:OH (1:1:3)Kochansky, 1978
Homona magnanima Diakonofforiental tea tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc (30:3:1)Noguchi, 1979
Homona magnanima Diakonofforiental tea tortrixPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc (30:3:1)Noguchi, 1981
Homona magnanima Diakonofforiental tea tortrixAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Homona magnanima Diakonofforiental tea tortrixAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Kim, 2014(b)
Homona spargotis MeyrickPhe*E9-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OH + *Z9-12:OH + *Z11-14:OAc (10:8:7:5:1) + other componentsWhittle, 1987
Homona tabescens MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Vang, 2013
Homonopsis foederatana KennelAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1978
Homonopsis foederatana KennelAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (3:7)Mizukoshi, 2006
Homonopsis illotana KennelAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (9:1)Ando, 1978
Hoshinoa adumbratana WalsinghamAttZ11-14:AldAndo, 1978
Hoshinoa longicellana Walsinghamcommon apple leafrollerAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1975
Hoshinoa longicellana Walsinghamcommon apple leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (5:1)Kozaki, 1984
Hysterosia cartwrightana KearfottAttE11-14:OAcStruble, 1977(a)
Hysterosia inopinanaAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:Ald (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Isochorista helota MeyrickAttZ5-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAcHorak, 1988
Kawabeia ignavana ChristophAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1981
Kawabeia razowskii KawabeAttZ5-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Meridemis furtiva DiakonoffAttZ11-14:OAcHai, 2002
Meritastis laganodes MeyrickPhe*Z9-14:OAc NHorak, 1988
Meritastis lythrodana MeyrickPhe*Z9-14:OAc EHorak, 1988
Meritastis pyrosemana MeyrickPhe*Z9-14:OAc NHorak, 1988
Meritastis sp.Phe*Z9-14:OAc EHorak, 1988
Merophyas divulsana Walkerlucerne leafroller mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + *16:OAc + *14:OAc (10:20:7)Whittle, 1991
Merophyas divulsana Walkerlucerne leafroller mothPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *14:OAc (25:5:2)Whittle, 1991
Merophyas leucaniana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *14:OAc (100:5:17:33) + another componentFoster, 1988
Merophyas leucaniana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *14:OAc (100:5:17:33) + another componentFoster, 1993
Merophyas sp.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (83:17) EHorak, 1988
Neosphaleroptera nubilana StephensAttZ5-10:OAcSubchev, 1990
Neosphaleroptera nubilana StephensAttZ5-10:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Pandemis borealisAttZ11-14:OAcDaterman in Arn, 1992
Pandemis canadana KearfottAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Pandemis cerasana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Konyukhov in Arn, 1986(a)
Pandemis cerasana HübnerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (3:1) + other componentsTonini, 1982
Pandemis chlorograpta MeyrickAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (4:1)Ando, 1981
Pandemis cinnamomeana Treitschke AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (4:1)Ando, 1978
Pandemis heparana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc (17:2:1)Frerot, 1979(b)
Pandemis heparana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc (2:1:1)Voerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Pandemis heparana Denis & ShiffermüllerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc (18:1:1) + other componentsFrerot, 1982(b)
Pandemis limitata Robinsonthreelined leafrollerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (91:9)Roelofs, 1976(b)
Pandemis monticolana YasudaAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (7:3)Mizukoshi, 2006
Pandemis pyrusana KearfottPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (47:3)Roelofs, 1977(a)
Parapandemis borealis FreemanAttZ11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Parasyndemis histrionana Frölich (= Dichelia histrionana)AttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAcFrerot, 1979(b)
Parasyndemis histrionana Frölich (= Dichelia histrionana)AttZ11-14:OAcPriesner, 1980(a)
Parasyndemis histrionana Frölich (= Dichelia histrionana)AttZ11-14:OAcOlenici, 2007
Parasyndemis histrionana Frölich (= Dichelia histrionana)AttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Phalonia sp.AttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Phalonidia mannianaAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9,E11-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Phalonidia minimana CaradjaAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Phricanthes asperana MeyrickPhe*Z9-12:OAc NHorak, 1988
Phtheochroa cranaodes (Bonagota cranaodes) MeyrickBrazilian apple leafrollerPhe*E3,Z5-12:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc (1:1) + other componentsUnelius, 1996
Phtheochroa cranaodes (Bonagota cranaodes) MeyrickBrazilian apple leafrollerPhe*E3,Z5-12:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc (1:1) + other componentsEiras, 1999
Phtheochroa cranaodes (Bonagota cranaodes) MeyrickBrazilian apple leafrollerAttE3,Z5-12:OAc + Z9-16:OAc (9:1)Kovaleski, 2003
Phtheochroa cranaodes (Bonagota cranaodes) MeyrickBrazilian apple leafrollerPhe*E3,Z5-12:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc + *E3,Z5-14:OAc (20:20:1:1)Coracini, 2001
Phtheochroa cranaodes (Bonagota cranaodes) MeyrickBrazilian apple leafrollerPhe*E3,Z5-12:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc + *E3,Z5-14:OAc (20:1:1:1)Coracini, 2003
Phtheochroides clandestina RazowskiAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Planotortrix clarkei PhilpottPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (23:2) NFoster, 1988
Planotortrix excessana Walkergreenheaded leafrollerPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *14:OAc (10:3)Galbreath, 1985
Planotortrix excessana Walkergreenheaded leafrollerPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (3:2)Galbreath, 1985
Planotortrix excessana Walkergreenheaded leafrollerPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc NFoster, 1988
Planotortrix excessana Walkergreenheaded leafrollerPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (3:97 – 71:29) NFoster, 1989
Planotortrix flammea SalmonPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (3:2–1:1) NFoster, 1990
Planotortrix notophaeaTurnerPhe*Z7-14:OAc NFoster, 1990
Planotortrix octo DugdaleAttZ8-14:OAc + 14:OAcPark, 1998
Planotortrix orthocopa MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc NFoster, 1988
Planotortrix orthropis MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (87:13) NFoster, 1988
Planotortrix orthropis MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (95:5–82:18) NFoster, 1988
Planotortrix spatiosa PhilpottPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (3:1–3:2) NFoster, 1988
Planotortrix "MBS"Phe*Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-14:OAc (50:1–12:1) NFoster, 1990
Planotortrix sp. ("M")Phe*Z5-14:OAc + *14:OAc (1:1)Foster, 1987(b)
Planotortrix sp. ("M")Phe*Z5-14:OAc + *14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (20:20:1)Foster, 1990
Platynota flavedana Clemensvariegated leafrollerPhe*E11-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH (9:1) + other componentsHill, 1977
Platynota idaeusalis Walkertufted apple bud mothAttE11-14:OH + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Bode, 1973
Platynota idaeusalis Walkertufted apple bud mothPhe*E11-14:OH + *E11-14:OAc (2:1)Hill, 1974
Platynota stultana Walsinghamomnivorous leafrollerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (22:3)Hill, 1975(a)
Platynota stultana Walsinghamomnivorous leafrollerAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (22:3) + E & Z11-14:OH (1–0.2%)Baker, 1975
Proeulia auraria ClarkePhe*E11-14:OHBjostad in Roelofs, 1982(a)
Proeulia triquetra ObraztsovPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E9-12:OAc (10:1) + another componentBergmann, 2016
Proselena tenella MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc NHorak, 1988
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana F.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (9:1)Novotný, 1990
Ptycholoma lecheana L.AttZ11-14:OH + Z11-14:OAc (3:1) Frerot, 1979(b)
Ptycholoma lecheana L.AttZ11-14:OH + Z11-14:OAc (3:1) Minks in Arn, 1986(a)
Ptycholoma lecheana L.Phe*Z11-14:OHDescoins in Arn, 1986(a)
Ptycholoma lecheana circumclusana ChristophAttZ11-14:OHAndo, 1977
Ptycholoma lecheana circumclusana ChristophAttZ11-14:OH + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1978
Pyrgotis chrysomelaPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (100:0–99:1) NFoster, 1988
Pyrgotis plagiatanaPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (4:1) NFoster, 1988
Sparganothis albicaudana BusckAttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Sparganothis directana Walkerchokecherry leafrollerPhe*E9,Δ11-12:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (5:4:3) + other componentsBjostad, 1980(a)
Sparganothis niveana Walsingham (Sparganothis groteana Fernald)AttZ11-14:OHRoelofs, 1970(a)
Sparganothis niveana Walsingham (Sparganothis groteana Fernald)AttZ11-14:OHRoelofs, 1982(a)
Sparganothis pilleriana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE9-12:OAc + E9-12:OH (8:2–9:1) ESaglio, 1977(a)
Sparganothis pilleriana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-14:AldAndo, 1978
Sparganothis pilleriana Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*E9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OH + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (4:1:4:20) + other componentsGuerin, 1986(c)
Sparganothis pilleriana Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*E9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OH + *E11-14:OAc + *14:OAc (4:1:4:4) + other componentsArn, 1988
Sparganothis sulfureana ClemensSparganothis fruitwormAttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Sparganothis sulfureana ClemensSparganothis fruitwormPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (100:1:1) + other componentsZhu, 2009
Sparganothis tunicana WalsinghamAttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Sparganothis sp.woodbine leafrollerPhe*E11-14:OH + *Z11-14:OH + *E11-14:OAc (15:11:2) + other componentsBjostad, 1980(c)
Spatalistis bifasciana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1) or + Z9,E12-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1978
Spatalistis bifasciana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (18:1:1)Ando, 1978
Sperchia intractana WalkeAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (2:1)Benn, 1981
Sperchia intractana WalkePhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (69:31) EHorak, 1988
Stenodes alternanaAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (10:9:1)Safonkin, 1988
Syllomatia pertinax MeyrickPhe*Z9-14:OAc EHorak, 1988
Syndemis musculana HübnerAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcFrerot, 1979(b)
Syndemis musculana HübnerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Persoons, 1984
Taeniarchis catenata MeyrickPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (14:11) NHorak, 1988
Terricula violetana KawabeAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (1:1) or Z11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1978
Tortrix sinapina ButlerAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1978
Tortrix viridana L.AttZ11-14:OAcHrdý, 1979
Tortrix viridana L.AttZ11-14:OAcKnauf, 1979
Tortrix viridana L.AttZ11-13:OAc or E11-13:OAcArn, 1979
Tortrix viridana L.Phe*Z11-14:OAcArn, 1979
Tortrix viridana L.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH (9:1)Novotný, 1990
"Tortrix" constrictana WalkerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (22:3) EHorak, 1988
Acanthoclita phaulomorpha (Cydia phaulomorpha) MeyrickAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Bourdouxhe, 1982
Ancylis achatana F.AttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (7:3)Biwer, 1978(a)
Ancylis albafasciana HeinrichAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Ancylis apicella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Ancylis burgessiana ZellerAttE9-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Ancylis columbiana McDunnoughAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Ancylis geminana DonovanAttZ9-12:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Ancylis mediofasciana ClemensAttE9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Ancylis nubeculana ClemensAttZ9-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Ancylis pacificana WalsinghamAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Ancylis sativa Liujujube leafrollerPhe*E9-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (4:1) + other componentsLin, 1984
Ancylis sativa Liujujube leafrollerPhe*E9-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (6.5:3.5) NHan, 1999
Ancylis selenana GuenéeAttZ9,E11-14:OAcNagano, 1979
Ancylis simuloides McDunnoughAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Ancylis uncella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-12:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Ancylis sp.AttZ9,Δ11-12:OAc + Z9,Δ11-12:OH (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(b)
Aphania infida HeinrichAttZ8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Apotomis betuletana HaworthAttZ10-14:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Apotomis capreana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAcBûda, 1987
Apotomis corticana HübnerAttZ10-14:OAc + E8,E10-12:OH ?Arn, 1974
Apotomis lineata SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Apotomis moestana WockeAttZ8-12:OAcLinnaluoto, 1983
Apotomis turbidana HübnerAttZ10-14:OAcRoelofs, 1982(a)
Apotomis turbidana HübnerAttZ8-14:OAcFassotte in Arn, 1986(a)
Apotomis sp.AttZ8-12:OH or Z8-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Argyroploce aurofasciana HaworthAttE10-12:OAcArn, 1974
Argyroploce lacunana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Argyroploce schistaceana SnellenPhe*9-12:OAcChina, 1978
Aterpia issikii KawabeAttZ8,Z10-12:OHAndo, 1987
Bactra lanceolana HübnerAttE10-14:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Bactra verutana ZellerPhe*Z10-14:OAc NRoelofs, 1984
Barbara colfaxiana KearfottDouglas fir cone mothAttZ9-12:OHWeatherston, 1977
Barbara colfaxiana KearfottDouglas fir cone mothAttZ9-12:OH + Z9-12:OAc (3:1)Hedlin, 1983
Barbara colfaxiana KearfottDouglas fir cone mothAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Barbara mappana FreemanAttE9-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Blastesthia posticana ZetterstedtAttE9-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Blastesthia posticana ZetterstedtAttE9-12:OAc + E9-12:OH (9:1)Booij, 1986
Blastesthia turionella L.AttE9-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Celypha purpurana Haw.AttZ8-12:OHTóth, 1992(d)
Celypha rosaceana SchlägerAttZ8-12:OAcAlford, 1978
Celypha rurestrana Dup.AttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Celypha rurestrana Dup.AttZ8-12:OHTóth, 1992(d)
Celypha striana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OHArn, 1974
Centroxena sp.Phe*E8,E10-12:OAc + other componentsVang, 2005
Cryptaspasma sp.Phe*Z9-14:OAc NHorak, 1988
Cryptophlebia amamiana Komai & NasuPhe*Z8-12:OAc + other componentsVang, 2005
Cryptophlebia horii KawabePhe*Z8-12:OH + other componentsVang, 2005
Cryptophlebia imicella ZellerAttZ8-12:OAcDix, 1984
Cryptophlebia illepida ButlerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc (93:4:1:2)Chang, 1995
Cryptophlebia ombrodelta Lowermacadamia nut borer, litchi fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAcAndo, 1975
Cryptophlebia ombrodelta Lowermacadamia nut borer, litchi fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAcSinclair, 1980
Cryptophlebia ombrodelta Lowermacadamia nut borer, litchi fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc (93:4:1:2)Chang, 1995
Cryptophlebia palustris Komai & NasuPhe*Z8-12:OAc + other componentsVang, 2005
Cryptophlebia peltastica Meyricklitchi mothAttZ8-12:OAcNewton, 1993
Cydia americana WalsinghamAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Cydia blackmoreana WalsinghamAttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia bracteatana FernaldAttZ9-12:OAcDix, 1984
Cydia caryana Fitchhickory shuckwormAttE8,E10-12:OAc or Z9-12:OAcSmith, 1987
Cydia caryana Fitchhickory shuckwormPhe*E8,E10-12:OAcMcDonough, 1990(a)
Cydia colorana KearfottAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Cydia coniferana RatzeburgAttE8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Cydia coniferana RatzeburgAttE8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (9:1) or + E8-12:OH (9:1)Voerman in Arn, 1992
Cydia coronilanaAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAcHrudová, 2003
Cydia cosmophorana TreitschkeAttE8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Cydia cosmophorana TreitschkeAttE9-12:OAcTóth in Arn, 1997
Cydia cupressana KearfottAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Cydia duplicana Zett.AttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia exquisitanaAttE8,E10-12:OHChambon, 1978
Cydia fagiglandana ZellerAttE8,E10-12:OAcRotundo, 1984
Cydia fagiglandana ZellerAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,E10-12:OH (3:1)Rotundo, 1988
Cydia fagiglandana ZellerPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + other componentsWitzgall, 1996
Cydia fletcherana KearfottAttE8-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Cydia flexiloqua HeinrichAttZ5,E7-12:Ald + Z5,Z7-12:Ald + Z7-12:Ald (10:1:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Cydia illutana H.-S.AttE8,E10-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Cydia illutana H.-S.AttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia indivisa DanilevskiAttZ8-12:OH + E8-12:OH (1:1)Booij, 1984(d)
Cydia indivisa DanilevskiAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Cydia ingrata HeinrichAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Cydia ingrata HeinrichAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Reed, 1985(b)
Cydia intexta KuznetsovAttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia latiferreana Walsingham (Melissopus latiferreanus)filbertwormAttE8,E10-12:OAcDavis, 1981
Cydia latiferreana Walsingham (Melissopus latiferreanus)filbertwormPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *E8,E10-12:OAc (43:10)Davis, 1984
Cydia lautiuscula HeinrichAttE8,E10-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(a)
Cydia leucostoma MeyrickAttZ8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia medicaginis KuznetsovAttE8,E10-12:OAcFrerot, 1979(a)
Cydia medicaginis KuznetsovAttE8,E10-12:OAcWall, 1987
Cydia millenniana Adamoz.AttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Cydia nigricana F.pea mothAttE8,E10-12:OAc or Z8-12:OAcLewis, 1975
Cydia nigricana F.pea mothAttE8,E10-12:OAc or E10-12:OAcWall, 1976
Cydia nigricana F.pea mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAcGreenway, 1984
Cydia nigricana F.pea mothAttE10-12:OAcHorák, 1988
Cydia nigricana F.pea mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + other componentsWitzgall, 1993
Cydia nigricana F.pea mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + other componentsWitzgall, 1996
Cydia orobana TreitschkeAttE8,E10-12:OHRotundo, 1988
Cydia oxytropidis MartiniAttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia pactolana ZellerAttZ8-12:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Cydia piperana Kearfottseed wormAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (7:3)Sartwell, 1985
Cydia piperana Kearfottseed wormAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1985
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothAttE8,E10-12:OHRoelofs, 1971(e)
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OHBeroza, 1974
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OHBuser, 1975
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OH + *12:OH (3:1) + other componentsEinhorn, 1984(b)
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OH + *12:OH (3:1) + other componentsEinhorn, 1986
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OH + *12:OH (3:1) + other componentsArn, 1985
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OH + *12:OH + *14:OH (10:5:1)Bartell, 1988
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothAttE8,E10-12:OHMcDonough, 1993
Cydia pomonella L.codling mothAttE8,E10-12:OHMcDonough, 1995
Cydia populana BusckAttE8,E10-12:AldChisholm, 1985(a)
Cydia populana BusckAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Cydia pyrivora Danil.AttE8,E10-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Cydia pyrivora Danil.Phe*E8,E10-12:OAc + other componentsWitzgall, 1996
Cydia servillana Dup.AttE8,E10-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Cydia servillana Dup.AttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Cydia splendana Hübnerchestnut codling mothAttE8,E10-12:OAcRotundo, 1988
Cydia splendana Hübnerchestnut codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + E8,E10-12:Ald (9:1)Frérot, 1995
Cydia splendana Hübnerchestnut codling mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1) + other componentsWitzgall, 1996
Cydia strobilella L.spruce seed mothAttZ8-12:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Cydia strobilella L.spruce seed mothAttE8-12:OAcGrant, 1989
Cydia strobilella L.spruce seed mothPhe*E8-12:OAcBédard, 2002
Cydia strobilella L.spruce seed mothAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Cydia strobilella L.spruce seed mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *E8,Z10-12:OAc (3:2)Wang, 2010
Cydia succedana (Grapholita succedana) Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE8,E10-12:OAcHrdý, 1989
Cydia succedana (Grapholita succedana) Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Cydia toreuta Groteeastern pine seed wormAttE8,Z10-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(a)
Cydia toreuta Groteeastern pine seed wormPhe*E8,Z10-12:OAcKatovich, 1989
Cydia trasias MeyrickPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *E8,E10-12:OH + *E8,E10-12:Ald (10:9:1)Fu, 2002
Cydia turcianae ChambonAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Cydia turcianae ChambonAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Chambon in Arn, 1997
Cydia youngana Kearfottspruce conewormAttE7-12:OHWeatherston, 1977
Cydia zebeana RatzeburgAttE8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Cydia zebeana RatzeburgAttE8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1986
Cydia sp. (Laspeyresia sp.)AttZ8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Cymolomia hartigiana SaxesenAttZ10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Dichrorampha acuminatana Lienig & ZellerAttZ9,Δ11-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(b)
Dichrorampha acuminatana Lienig & ZellerAttE9,Δ11-12:OAcRotundo, 1985(b)
Dichrorampha acuminatana Lienig & ZellerAttE9,Δ11-12:OAc + Z9,Δ11-12:OAc (4:1)Ulenberg in Arn, 1997
Dichrorampha gueneeana ObraztsovAttZ9,Δ11-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(b)
Dichrorampha gueneeana ObraztsovAttZ9,Δ11-12:OAc + E9,Δ11-12:OAc (1:4)Ulenberg in Arn, 1997
Dichrorampha incursana H.-S.AttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (11:9)Hrdý, 1989
Dichrorampha petiverella L.AttE9-12:OAc + E11-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Dichrorampha petiverella L.AttZ11-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (9:1)Frerot, 1985
Dichrorampha petiverella L.AttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Dichrorampha plumbana ScopoliAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Dichrorampha sedatana (Dichrorampha sedetana ?) BusckAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Dichrorampha simpliciana HaworthAttE9-12:OAc + E9,Δ11-12:OAc (19:1)Brewer, 1985
Dichrorampha simulana ClemensAttE9,Δ11-12:OAc + E9,Δ11-12:OH (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(b)
Dichrorampha sp.AttE9-12:OAc + E9-12:OHRoelofs, 1971(a)
Ecdytolopha aurantianacitrus borer mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OH (100:1 - 10:1)Leal, 2001
Ecdytolopha aurantianacitrus borer mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OH (100:1 - 10:1)Ono, 2001
Ecdytolopha insiticiana ZellerAttE8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Ecdytolopha torticornis Meyrickmacadamia nut borerPhe*E8-12:OAc + other componentsChamberlain, 2003
Enarmonia formosana Scopolicherry bark tortrixAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Minks, 1976
Enarmonia formosana Scopolicherry bark tortrixAttZ8-12:OAcHrdý, 1979
Enarmonia formosana Scopolicherry bark tortrixPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OAc (6:4–5:5) + other componentsMcNair, 1999
Enarmonia formosana Scopolicherry bark tortrixAttZ9-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc + 14:OAc (5:3:2:3:1)Olenici, 2007
Enarmonia formosana Scopolicherry bark tortrixAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Toshova, 2017
Endopiza caraduana BusckAttZ9-12:OAcDix, 1984
Endothenia benausopsis MeyrickAttZ10-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Endothenia ericetana Humpr. & Westw.AttZ10-14:OAc + E10-14:OAc (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Endothenia ericetana Humpr. & Westw.AttE10-14:OAcMozūraitis, 1998
Endothenia gentianaeana HübnerAttZ10-14:OAcFrerot, 1985
Endothenia nigricostana HaworthAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAcFrerot, 1979(b)
Endothenia quadrimaculana HaworthAttE10-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (3:1) Booij, 1984(a)
Endothenia quadrimaculana HaworthAttE10-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (9:1) Capizzi in Arn, 1992
Endothenia ustulana (Endothenia carbonana) HaworthAttZ10-14:OAcArn, 1974
Epiblema confusana H.-S.AttE8,Z10-12:OAc + Z8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Epiblema desertana ZellerAttZ8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Epiblema foenella L.AttZ8-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Epiblema foenella L.AttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (18:7)Beauvais, 1977
Epiblema foenella L.Phe*Z8,Z10-12:OAc + E8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1) or + *E8,E10-12:OAc (1:1) + oher componentsWitzgall, 1996
Epiblema fuchsiana Rössl.AttZ8,Z10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Epiblema resumptana WalkerAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1985
Epiblema scudderiana ClemensAttZ8-12:OHRoelofs, 1971(a)
Epiblema scutulana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Epiblema scutulana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Epiblema scutulana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAcHrdý, 1979
Epiblema scutulana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Epiblema scutulana Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (97:3:300)Olenici, 2007
Epiblema sp.AttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Epinotia aporema WalsinghamPhe*Z7,Z9-12:OH + *Z7,Z9-12:OAc (15:1)Altesor, 2009
Epinotia atistriga (Epinotia atristriga ?) ClarkeAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Epinotia columbia KearfottAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1985
Epinotia criddleanaAttE9-12:OAcReed, 1985(a)
Epinotia leucantha MeyrickAttZ9-12:OHAndo, 1981
Epinotia miscana KearfottAttE9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Epinotia nanana TreitschkeAttE8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Epinotia rubiginosana Herr. & SchafferAttZ9-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Epinotia rubiginosana Herr. & SchafferAttZ8-12:OAc + Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Epinotia silvertoniensis KearfottAttZ7,Z9-12:OAcReed, 1985(a)
Epinotia solicitanaAttE8-12:OAcMiller in Arn, 1992
Epinotia tedella ClerckEuropean spruce budmothAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Epinotia tedella ClerckEuropean spruce budmothPhe*Z7,Z9-12:OAc + another componentPriesner, 1989(b)
Epinotia tenerana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE10,E12-14:OAc + Z10,Z12-14:OAc (1:1) Witzgall, 1996
Epinotia zandana KearfottAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Epinotia sp. 1 (Epinotia zandana ?)AttZ7,Z9-12:OAcReed, 1985(a)
Epinotia sp. 2 (Epinotia removana ?)AttZ7,Z9-12:OAc or Z7,Z9-12:OH Reed, 1985(a)
Epinotia sp. 3AttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Episimus argutanus ClemensAttZ9-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Episimus argutanus ClemensAttZ9-12:OAcJurb, 1973
Episimus argutanus ClemensAttZ9-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (11:2)Jordan, 2013
Eucosma aemulana SchlägerAttE8,E10-12:OAcRotundo, 1985(b)
Eucosma aemulana SchlägerAttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Eucosma bobana KearfottAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Eucosma bobana KearfottAttZ9-12:OAcRotundo in Arn, 1992
Eucosma campoliliana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE8,E10-12:OHFassotte in Arn, 1986(a)
Eucosma campoliliana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttZ8,E10-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Eucosma campoliliana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE8,E10-12:OHOlenici, 2007
Eucosma cana HaworthAttZ8,E10-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Eucosma cana HaworthAttZ8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Eucosma cana HaworthAttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OAc (44:30:10:18) Fassotte in Arn, 1992
Eucosma coniogramma ClarkePhe*E9-12:OAcVang, 2005
Eucosma delericta HeinrichAttE7,E9-12:OAc + Z7,E9-12:OAc (1:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Eucosma giganteana RileyAttE8-12:OAcRuiz, 2022
Eucosma gloriola HeinrichAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (9:1)Grant, 1985
Eucosma gloriola HeinrichAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (10:3)Grant, 2002
Eucosma hohenwartiana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE8,E10-12:OAcRotundo, 1985(b)
Eucosma hohenwartiana Denis & ShiffermüllerAttE8,Z10-12:OAc + Z8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1) Witzgall, 1996
Eucosma monitorana HeinrichAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OH (20:1:3)Grant, 2002
Eucosma nigromaculana (Eucosma campoliliana ?)AttE8,E10-12:OHChambon, 1974
Eucosma notanthes Meyrickcarambola fruit borerAttZ8-12:OAcHwang, 1996(a)
Eucosma notanthes Meyrickcarambola fruit borerPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OH (1:1)Hung, 2001
Eucosma ponderosa PowellAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Eucosma recissoriana (complex)AttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Eucosma sonomana KearfottWestern pine shoot borerAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (2:1)Sower, 1979
Eucosma tocullionana HeinrichAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (2:1)Grant, 2002
Eucosma womonana KearfottPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7,Z9-12:OAc + *Z7,E9-12:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc + *12:OAc (10:4:1:1:4) + other componentsUnderhill, 1987(b)
Eucosmomorpha albersana HübnerAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Eudemis porphyrana HübnerAttZ10-14:OAc + E10-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Exartema appendiceum (Olethreutes appendiceum) ZellerAttE9-14:OAcSteck, 1977(a)
Exartema fusticanum McDunnoughAttZ7-12:OHWeatherston, 1974(a)
Grapholita caeruleana WalsinghamAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Grapholita compositella F.AttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Grapholita conversana WalsinghamAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Grapholita dimorpha KomaiAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (4:1–2:3)Mochizuki, 2003
Grapholita dimorpha KomaiPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc (17:3) + other componentsMurakami, 2005
Grapholita endrosias MeyrickAttE7-12:OAcAndo, 1981
Grapholita funebrana Treitschkeplum fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAcGranges, 1971
Grapholita funebrana Treitschkeplum fruit mothAttZ10-12:OAc + codling mothArn, 1974
Grapholita funebrana Treitschkeplum fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (25:1)Arn, 1976(a)
Grapholita funebrana Treitschkeplum fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (25:1)Biwer, 1978(b)
Grapholita funebrana Treitschkeplum fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Grapholita funebrana Treitschkeplum fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc (10:1) + other componentsGuerin, 1986(b)
Grapholita gemmiferana (Cydia gemmiferana) TreischkeAttE8,E10-12:OAcHrdý, 1989
Grapholita gemmiferana (Cydia gemmiferana) TreischkeAttE8,E10-12:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Grapholita gemmiferana (Cydia gemmiferana) TreischkeAttE8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Grapholita inopinata HeinrichAttZ8-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Grapholita inopinata HeinrichPhe*Z8-12:OAc + other componentsTanaka, 2007
Grapholita janthinana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (18:7)Beauvais, 1977
Grapholita janthinana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (7:3–8:2)Biwer, 1978(b)
Grapholita janthinana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Grapholita jungiella (Cydia jungiella) ClerckAttE8,Z10-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Grapholita jungiella (Cydia jungiella) ClerckAttE8,Z10-12:OAcWang, 2010
Grapholita jungiella (Cydia jungiella) ClerckAttE8,Z10-12:OAc + Z8,E10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Grapholita libertina HeinrichAttE8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH (17:2:1)Hillier, 2002
Grapholita lobarzewskiiAttE8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (9:1)Biwer, 1978(b)
Grapholita lobarzewskiiPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc (9:1) + other componentsWitzgall, 1989(b)
Grapholita lunatana WalsinghamAttE8,E10-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(a)
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1969(a)
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (98:2:1000)Beroza, 1973(c)
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (93:7:100)Cardé, 1975(b)
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH (311:22:1)Cardé, 1975(c)
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (9:1)Biwer, 1978(b)
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OH [46:4:1]Biwer, 1979
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OH + *12:OH [100:7:30:6]Cardé, 1979
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OH (50:3:50)Linn, 1983
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothAttF₂-7,7-Z8-12:OAcMasnyk, 1989
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc [25:1]Lacey, 1992
Grapholita molesta BusckOriental fruit mothPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OH (95:5:1)Han, 2001
Grapholita packardii Zellercherry fruitwormAttE8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Grapholita prunivora Walsinghamlesser applewormAttZ8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Grapholita prunivora Walsinghamlesser applewormAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (49:1)Roelofs, 1974(a)
Grapholita prunivora Walsinghamlesser applewormAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (40:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Grapholita tenebrosana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Grapholita tenebrosana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAcAlford, 1978
Grapholita tenebrosana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAcHrdý, 1979
Grapholita tenebrosana DuponchelAttE8,E10-12:OAcPeltotalo, 1986
Grapholita tenebrosana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH (85.5:5.5:9)Mizukoshi, 2006
Grapholita tenebrosana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (97:3:300)Olenici, 2007
Grapholita sp. 1AttZ8-12:OAcAndo, 1981
Grapholita sp. 2AttE8,E10-12:Ald + E8,E10-12:OAc (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Grapholita sp. 3AttE8-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(a)
Gravitarmata margarotana HeinemannPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OAc + *12:OAc (5:1:3) + other componentsLöfstedt in Arn, 1992
Gretchena bolliana Slingerlandpecan bud mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (100:7:1000)Gentry, 1975
Gretchena semialba McD.AttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Griselda myrtillana Hump. & Westw.AttZ11-14:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Gypsonoma aceriana Duponchelpoplar shoot-borerAttE10-12:OAc + E10-12:OH (3:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Gypsonoma aceriana Duponchelpoplar shoot-borerAttE10-12:OAc + E10-12:OH (7:3)Booij, 1984(e)
Gypsonoma dealbana FrölichAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (3:2)Frerot, 1982(a)
Gypsonoma dealbana FrölichAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:10)Frerot, 1982(a)
Gypsonoma dealbana FrölichAttE11-14:OAcMöttus in Arn, 1992
Gypsonoma dealbana FrölichAttE10-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Gypsonoma dealbana FrölichAttE10-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Gypsonoma minutana HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc (9:1:10)Safonkin, 1988
Gypsonoma minutana HübnerAttE10-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Mozūraitis, 1998
Gypsonoma sociana HaworthAttE10-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Gypsonoma sociana HaworthAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (9:1)Safonkin, 1988
Hedya auricristana (Aphania auricristana) WalsinghamAttZ9-14:OAcAndo, 1975
Hedya auricristana (Aphania auricristana) WalsinghamAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1–7:3)Nagano, 1979
Hedya chionosema ZellerAttE8-12:OAc + E8-12:OHRoelofs, 1971(a)
Hedya chionosema ZellerAttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (100:35:3)Roelofs, 1982(a)
Hedya dimidiana ClerckAttE8,E10-12:OAcAndo, 1987
Hedya dimidiana ClerckAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1992
Hedya dimidiana ClerckAttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8,Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Hedya dimidiana ClerckAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (97:3:300)Olenici, 2007
Hedya dimidioalba Retz.AttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8,E10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Hedya nubiferana Haworthgreen budworm mothAttE8,E10-12:OHArn, 1974
Hedya nubiferana Haworthgreen budworm mothAttE8,E10-12:OHChambon, 1974
Hedya nubiferana Haworthgreen budworm mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc + *12:OAc (48:32:100)Frerot, 1979(a)
Hedya nubiferana Haworthgreen budworm mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc + *12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc (55:32:9:5)Roelofs, 1982(a)
Hedya nubiferana Haworthgreen budworm mothAttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (2:1)Rotundo, 1988
Hedya ochroleucana FrölichAttZ8,E10-12:OAcFrerot, 1979(a)
Hedya ochroleucana FrölichAttZ8,E10-12:OAc + Z8,Z10-12:OAc (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Hedya pruniana HübnerAttZ8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Hedya salicella L.AttE8,E10-12:OHOlenici, 2007
Hedya separatana KearfottAttZ10-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Latronympha strigana F.AttZ8,Z10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumurasoybean pod borerPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + other componentsVang, 2006
Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumurasoybean pod borerAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (10:1) or + E10-12:Ald (1:1)Hu, 2012
Lobesia aeolopa MeyrickAttZ7-10:OAcAndo, 1975
Lobesia bicinctana (Lobesia bicincta ?) Dup.Phe*Z9-12:OAc + another componentFrérot, 1990(b)
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothPhe*E7,Z9-12:OAcRoelofs, 1973
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothPhe*E7,Z9-12:OAcBuser, 1974
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothPhe*E7,Z9-12:OAcBuser, 1975
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothAttE7,Z9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc + 12:OAcGuerin in Arn, 1992
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothPhe*E7,Z9-12:OAc + *E7,Z9-12:OH + *Z9-12:OAc (100:20:5–100:5:1) + other componentsArn, 1988
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothPhe*E7,Z9-12:OAc + *E7,Z9-12:OH + *Z9-12:OAc (100:20:5–100:5:1) + other componentsEl-Sayed, 1999
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothAtt≡7,Z9-12:OAcBrückner, 1988
Lobesia botrana Denis & ShiffermüllerEuropean grapevine mothPhe*E7,Z9-12:OAc + *E7-12:OAc + *E7,E9,Δ11-12:OAc + *Z7,E9,Δ11-12:OAc NWitzgall, 2005
Lobesia sp.AttZ9-12:OHAndo, 1977
Matsumuraeses falcana WalsinghampodborerPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc (15:17) + other componentsWakamura, 1985
Matsumuraeses falcana WalsinghampodborerPhe*E8,E10-12:OAc + *E8-12:OAc + *E7,Z9-12:OAc (1:1:1)Wakamura, 1986(b)
Matsumuraeses ussuriensis CaradjaAttE8-12:OAcAndo, 1981
Metendothenia atropunctana ZetterstedtAttZ10-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Metendothenia atropunctana ZetterstedtAttZ10-12:OAcVoerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Metendothenia atropunctana ZetterstedtAttZ10-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Rotundo, 1985(b)
Microcorses sp.AttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Notocelia incarnatana HübnerAttE10,E12-14:OAc + E10,Z12-14:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Notocelia purpurissatana HeinrichAttZ10,Z12-14:OAc or Z10,Z12-14:OHReed, 1985(b)
Notocelia roborana Denis & ShiffermüllerPhe*Z10-14:OAc + *Z8,Z10-12:OAc [19:5] + other components NWitzgall, 1996
Notocelia rosaecolana DoubledayAttE8,E10-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Notocelia rosaecolana DoubledayAttE8,Z10-12:OAc + Z8,E10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Notocelia rosaecolana DoubledayAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAcHrudová, 2003
Notocelia trimaculana HaworthAttZ10,Z12-14:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Notocelia uddmanniana L.AttZ10,E12-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Notocelia uddmanniana L.Phe*Z10,Z12-14:OAc + other componentsWitzgall, 1991(b)
Olethreutes bifasciana HaworthAttE10-14:OAc E10-14:OAcBooij, 1986
Olethreutes bipunctana F.AttZ8-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1986
Olethreutes decrepitanaAttE10-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (3:1)Voerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Olethreutes humeralis WalsinghamAttZ8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH (1:1)Ando, 1981
Olethreutes siderana TreitchkeAttZ8-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Pammene albuginana GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Pammene albuginana GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene albuginana GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(b)
Pammene albuginana GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Pammene amygdalana DuponchelAttE8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (9:1)Biwer, 1978(b)
Pammene argyrana HübnerAttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Pammene argyrana HübnerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(b)
Pammene argyrana HübnerAttZ8-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Pammene argyrana HübnerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (18:7)Beauvais, 1977
Pammene aurana (Cydia aurana) F.AttZ8-12:OAcAlford, 1978
Pammene aurana (Cydia aurana) F.AttZ8-12:OAcHrdý, 1979
Pammene aurana (Cydia aurana) F.AttZ9-12:OAcVoerman in Arn, 1992
Pammene aurana (Cydia aurana) F.AttZ8-12:OAc + Z10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Pammene aurita (Pammene aurantiana) StaudingerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene aurita (Pammene aurantiana) StaudingerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8,E10-12:OAc (100:3)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Pammene aurita (Pammene aurantiana) StaudingerAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Pammene fasciana L.AttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Pammene fasciana L.AttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(b)
Pammene fasciana L.AttZ8-12:OAcRotundo, 1984
Pammene fasciana L.AttZ8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH + 12:OAc (15:5:8)Rotundo, 1991
Pammene gallicana (Cydia gallicana) GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene gallicana (Cydia gallicana) GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Pammene gallicolana Lienig & ZellerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene gallicolana Lienig & ZellerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(b)
Pammene giganteana (Pammene inquilina) FletcherAttZ8-12:OAcChambon, 1974
Pammene insulana GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene juniperanaAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH + 12:OHMariani in Arn, 1986(a)
Pammene nemorosa KuznetzovAttZ8-12:OAcAndo, 1975
Pammene obscurana StephensAttZ8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OH (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Pammene populana F.AttZ8-12:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Pammene querceti GozmanyAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene querceti GozmanyAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(b)
Pammene regiana Z.AttZ8-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Pammene rhediella ClerckAttE8,E10-12:OHBrakefield in Arn, 1986(a)
Pammene rhediella ClerckAttZ8,E10-12:OHGuerin, 1983
Pammene spiniana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene spiniana DuponchelAttZ8-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (1:1)Witzgall, 1996
Pammene splendidulana GuenéeAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene suspectana Lienig & ZellerAttZ8-12:OAcSziráki, 1978(a)
Pammene suspectana Lienig & ZellerAttZ9-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc + 14:OAc (5:3:2:3:1)Olenici, 2007
Pammene sp.AttZ8-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Paralobesia viteana (Endopiza viteana) Clemensgrape berry mothPhe*Z9-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(c)
Paralobesia viteana (Endopiza viteana) Clemensgrape berry mothPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (20:1) + other componentsWitzgall, 2000
Paralobesia viteana (Endopiza viteana) Clemensgrape berry mothAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (24:1)Taschenberg, 1974
Pelochrista scintillana randana KearfottAttE8,E10-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (2:40:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Petrova albicapitana BusckAttZ7,E9-12:OAcWong, 1985(a)
Petrova burkeana KearfottAttE8,E10-12:OAcChisholm, 1985(a)
Petrova luculentana HeinrichAttZ7-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc + E9-12:OAcDix in Arn, 1986(a)
Petrova metallica (Retinia metallica) Busckmetallic pitch nodule mothAttZ7-12:OH + Z7-12:OAcDix in Arn, 1986(a)
Petrova metallica (Retinia metallica) Busckmetallic pitch nodule mothAttE9-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Petrova metallica (Retinia metallica) Busckmetallic pitch nodule mothAttZ7,E9-12:OAcWong, 1985(a)
Petrova metallica (Retinia metallica) Busckmetallic pitch nodule mothPhe*Z7,E9-12:OAc + other componentsDix, 1988
Petrova piciolana DyarAttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1985
Petrova resinella L. (= Retinia resinella)AttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Petrova resinella L. (= Retinia resinella)AttZ9-12:OAc + E9-12:OAc (1:1)Toshova、2017
Petrova resinella L. (= Retinia resinella)AttZ9-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc + 14:OAc (5:3:2:3:1)Olenici, 2007
Phaneta alterana HeinrichAttE8,E10-12:OAc + E10-12:OAc (10:1)Reed, 1985(b)
Phaneta columbiana WalsinghamAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Phaneta latens HeinrichAttE8,E10-12:OHHathaway, 1981
Phaneta ochroterminana KearfottAttZ8,Z10-12:OAc + E8,E10-12:OAc (10:1)Chisholm, 1985(b)
Phaneta roseoterminana KearfottAttZ8,Z10-12:OHChisholm, 1985(b)
Proschistis marmaropa MeyrickAttZ8,Z10-12:OHAndo, 1987
Proteoteras crescentana KearfottPhe*Z8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OH (4:1)Underhill in Roelofs, 1982(a)
Proteoteras willingana KearfottPhe*Z8-12:OH + *Z8-12:OAc (9:1)Underhill in Roelofs, 1982(a)
Pseudexentera mali Freemanpale apple budwormPhe*Z8,Z10-16:OAcHill in Roelofs, 1982(a)
Pseudexentera mali Freemanpale apple budwormAttZ8,Z10-16:OAcGrant, 1991
Pseudexentera maracana KearfottAttZ8-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Pseudexentera oregonana Walsinghamaspen leafrollerPhe*Z8-14:OAc + other componentsGrant, 1991
Pseudexentera spoliana Clemensoak olethreutid leafrollerAttZ8-14:OAcHill in Roelofs, 1982(a)
Pseudexentera spoliana Clemensoak olethreutid leafrollerPhe*Z10-16:OAc + other componentsGrant, 1991
Pseudohermenias clausthaliana SaxesenAttZ8-14:OAcVoerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Pseudohermenias clausthaliana SaxesenAttZ8-14:OAc + Z10-14:OAc (1:1)Booij, 1986
Pseudosciaphila brandneriana L.AttZ8,E10-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Pseudosciaphila duplex WalsinghamAttZ8,E10-12:OAc + Z8,E10-12:Ald (1:1)Chisholm, 1985(a)
Retinia perangustana SnellenAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc + 12:OH (93:7:300)Olenici, 2007
Rhadinoscolops koenigianus F.AttE8,E10-12:OAcVang, 2005
Rhopobota naevana Hübnerblackheaded firewormAttZ9-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Rhopobota naevana Hübnerblackheaded firewormAttE8,E10-12:OHGuerin in Arn, 1986(a)
Rhopobota naevana Hübnerblackheaded firewormPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + Z9-12:OAc (9:3:1)Slessor, 1987
Rhopobota naevana Hübnerblackheaded firewormPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH + Z9-12:OAc (0:49:1)McDonough, 1987
Rhopobota naevana Hübnerblackheaded firewormAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OH + Z9-12:OAc (69:23:8)Fitzpatrick, 1992
Rhopobota ustomaculana CurtisAttZ9-12:OHBooij, 1984(a)
Rhyacionia adana HeinrichAttE9-12:OAc + E9-12:OH (9:1) Grant, 1985
Rhyacionia buoliana Denis & SchiffermüllerEuropean pine shoot mothPhe*E9-12:OAcSmith, 1974
Rhyacionia buoliana Denis & SchiffermüllerEuropean pine shoot mothPhe*E9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OH (10:1)Gray, 1984(b)
Rhyacionia busckana HeinrichAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1980
Rhyacionia busckana HeinrichAttE9-12:OAc + E9-12:OH (9:1)Grant, 1985
Rhyacionia bushnelli BusckAttΔ9-10:OAc or Z9-12:OAcDix, 1984
Rhyacionia duplana HübnerAttE9-12:OAcTóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Rhyacionia duplana simulata HeinrichAttZ8,E10-12:OAcAndo, 1987
Rhyacionia frustrana Comstocknantucket pine tip mothPhe*E9-12:OAc + *E9,Δ11-12:OAc (24:1) + other componentsHill, 1981(a)
Rhyacionia frustrana Comstocknantucket pine tip mothPhe*E9-12:OAc + *E9,Δ11-12:OAc [17:1 – 23:1]Asaro, 2001
Rhyacionia fumosana PowellAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1980
Rhyacionia granti MillerAttE8,E10-12:OAcGrant, 1985
Rhyacionia jenningsiAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1980
Rhyacionia monophylliana KearfottAttE9-12:OAcStevens, 1980
Rhyacionia multilineataAttE9-12:OAcStevens, 1980
Rhyacionia neomexicana Dyarsouthwestern pine tip mothAttE9-12:OAcJacobson, 1978
Rhyacionia neomexicana Dyarsouthwestern pine tip mothAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1980
Rhyacionia neomexicana Dyarsouthwestern pine tip mothPhe*E9-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (4:1) + other componentsNiwa, 1992
Rhyacionia rigidana Fernaldpitch pine tip mothPhe*E8,E10-12:OAcHill, 1976
Rhyacionia salmonicolor PowellAttZ9-12:OAcStevens, 1980
Rhyacionia subtropica Millersubtropical pine tip mothPhe*E9-12:OAcRoelofs, 1979
Rhyacionia zozana KearfottAttE9-12:OAcSower, 1979
Rhyacionia zozana KearfottAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Stevens, 1980
Rhyacionia zozana KearfottPhe*E9-12:OAc + *E9-12:OH (19:1–14:6)Niwa, 1987
Sereda tautana ClemensAttE8,E10-12:OAcStevens, 1985
Spilonota laricana Hein.AttZ8-14:OAc EPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Spilonota laricana Hein.Phe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z8-14:OH (10:1–1:1) + another componentWitzgall, 1991(a)
Spilonota ocellana Denis & Shiffermüllereyespotted bud mothAttZ8-14:OAcArn, 1974
Spilonota ocellana Denis & Shiffermüllereyespotted bud mothPhe*Z8-14:OAcArn, 1975
Spilonota ocellana Denis & Shiffermüllereyespotted bud mothAttZ8-12:OAc + E8-12:OAc (9:1)Minks in Arn, 1986(a)
Spilonota ocellana Denis & Shiffermüllereyespotted bud mothPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z8-14:OH (10:1–1:1) + another componentWitzgall, 1991(a)
Spilonota ocellana Denis & Shiffermüllereyespotted bud mothPhe*Z8-14:OAc + *Z8-14:OH (99:1)McBrien, 1992
Spilonota ocellana Denis & Shiffermüllereyespotted bud mothAttZ8-14:OAc + Z8-14:OH (99:1–95:5)McBrien, 1994
Statherotis discana Felder & RogenhoferPhe*E8-14:OAc + *E8-12:OAc (4:1) Wakamura, 1997
Strepsicrates semicanella WalkerPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH (9:1)Wakamura, 2005(b)
Strophedra nitidana F.AttE8-12:OH or E8-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Strophedra quercivora (Strophedra sp. 2) MeyrickAttE8-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Strophedra quercivora (Strophedra sp. 2) MeyrickAttE8-12:OAcKomai, 1999
Strophedra weirana F.AttE8-12:OAc + E8-12:OH (1:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Strophedra weirana F.AttE8-12:OAcWitzgall, 1996
Strophedra sp. 1AttE8-12:OHAndo, 1977
Tetramoera schistaceana Snellensugarcane shoot borerPhe*Z9-12:OAc + *E9,Δ11-12:OAc + E7,Δ9-10:OAc (100:10:1)Kinjo, 1996
Thaumatotibia batrachopa (Cryptophlebia batrachopa) MeyrickPhe*Z8-12:OAcHall, 1984
Thaumatotibia batrachopa (Cryptophlebia batrachopa) MeyrickAttZ8-12:OAcLa Croix, 1985
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E7-12:OAcRead, 1974
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (7:3-3:7)Persoons, 1976(c)
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc (7:3-3:7)Persoons, 1977
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothAttE8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (1:1)Bourdouxhe, 1982
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc (7:3-3:7)Hall, 1984
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothAttE8-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (1:1)La Croix, 1985
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc (8:1)Newton, 1993
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc + *12:OAcZagatti, 1983(a)
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc + *12:OAc + other componentsAttygalle, 1986
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Cryptophlebia leucotreta) Meyrickfalse codling mothPhe*E8-12:OAc + *Z8-12:OAc + *12:OAc + other componentsBestmann, 1988(b)
Thiodia alterana HeinrichAttE10-12:OAcRoelofs, 1974(b)
Thiodia sp.AttE8,E10-12:OHRoelofs, 1974(b)
Zeiraphera canadensis Mutuura & Freemanspruce budmothAttE9-14:OAcTurgeon, 1988
Zeiraphera canadensis Mutuura & Freemanspruce budmothPhe*E9-14:OAc + another componentSilk, 1989
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothAttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(d)
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothAttE9-12:OAcBaltensweiler, 1978
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + other componentsGuerin, 1984
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothAttE11-14:OAcBaltensweiler, 1988
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothPhe*E9-12:OAcGuerin, 1984
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothAttE9-12:OAcBaltensweiler, 1988
Zeiraphera diniana Guenéegrey larch bud mothAttE9-12:OAcVrkoc in Arn, 1992
Zeiraphera diniana Guenée (Zeiraphera griseana Hübner ?)AttE11-14:OAc or E9-12:OAcLiska, 1990
Zeiraphera isertana F.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Hrdý, 1989
Zeiraphera unfortunana Powellpurplestriped shootwormPhe*E9-12:OAcSilk, 1988(a)
Isotrias hybridana HübnerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1981
Isotrias hybridana HübnerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1983
Isotrias rectifasciana HaworthAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1984(c)
Olindia schumacherana L.AttZ11-16:OAcPriesner, 1984(c)
Homadaula anisocentra Meyrickmimosa webwormAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH (1:1)Song, 1978
Homadaula anisocentra Meyrickmimosa webwormPhe*E11-14:OAc + other componentsKuenen, 1990
Prochoreutis myllerana F.AttE2,Z13-18:OH Karalius, 2005
Prochoreutis sehestediana F.AttE3,Z13-18:OAc + E2,Z13-18:OH (1:1)Bûda, 1993
Prochoreutis sehestediana F.AttE2,Z13-18:OH + E2,Z13-18:Ald + Z3,Z13-18:OH (1:1:1) Karalius, 2005
Prochoreutis ultimana KrulikovskyAttE2,Z13-18:OH Karalius, 2005
Schreckensteinia festaliella HübnerAttE10,E12-16:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Amblyptilia acantodactyla Hübner (= Amblyptilia acanthadactyla ?)AttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Buckleria wahlbergi (Trichoptilus wahlbergi) ZellerAttZ7-12:Ald + Z7-12:OH (9:1)Ando, 1981
Emmelina jezonica (Pterophorus jezonica) MatsumuraAttZ9-12:AldAndo, 1981
Emmelina monodactylaAttZ9-12:Ald + Z9-12:OH (20:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Merrifieldia leucodactylaAttE11-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (20:1)Ostrauskas, 2010(a)
Nippoptilia issikii YanoAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1975
Nippoptilia vitis SasakiAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Ochyrotica concursa WalsinghamAttZ9-12:OAc + E9,Δ11-12:OAc + E7,Δ9-10:OAc (100:10:1)Kinjo, 1996
Oidaematophorus guttatus WalsinghamAttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Oidaematophorus homodactylus WalkerAttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Oidaematophorus mathewianus ZellerAttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Oidaematophorus monodactylus L.AttZ9-12:AldKamm, 1979(a)
Oidaematophorus sp. 1AttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Oidaematophorus sp. 2 (Oidaematophorus cretidactylus Fitch or Oidaematophorus rileyi Fern. ?)AttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Oxyptilus tristis ZellerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Platyptilia carduidactyla Rileyartichoke plume mothPhe*Z11-16:AldKlun, 1981
Platyptilia ignifera MeyrickPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + another componentFujii, 2010(a)
Platyptilia jezoensis MatsumuraAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1981
Platyptilia rhododactyla (Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla) Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-14:AldFrerot, 1985
Platyptilia williamsii Grinnellcalendula plume mothAttZ11-16:AldHaynes, 1987
Pselnophorus vilis ButlerAttZ9,E11-14:Ald + Z9,E11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1987
Pterophorus tenuidactylus Fitch.AttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Buckleria paludum (Trichoptilus paludicola) (Stenuptilia paludicola)European sundew mothAttZ9-14:OH + Z9-14:Ald (1:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Trichoptilus lobidactylus Fitch.AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (19:1)Sanders, 1993
Carposina coreanaAttZ7-20:11-one + Z7-23:H (1:4)Fujii, 2013(a)
Carposina maritima PonomarenkoAttZ7-20:11-oneNasu, 2010
Carposina niponensis WalsinghamAttZ7-20:11-oneNasu, 2010
Carposina sasakii Matsumura (Carposina niponensis)peach fruit mothPhe*Z7-20:11-one (=Z13-20:10-one) + *Z7-19:11-one (=Z12-19:9-one) (20:1) + another componentTamaki, 1977(a)
Carposina sasakii Matsumura (Carposina niponensis)peach fruit mothPhe*Z7-20:11-one (=Z13-20:10-one) + *Z7-19:11-one (=Z12-19:9-one) (20:1) + another componentHonma, 1978
Carposina sasakii Matsumura (Carposina niponensis)peach fruit mothPhe*Z7-20:11-one + another componentHan, 2000
Coscinoptycha improbana MeyrickAustralian guava mothPhe*Z7-18:11-one (=Z11-18:8-one) + *Z7-19:11-one (=Z12-19:9-one) + *Z7-23:11-one + *Z7-23:H (235:15:100:650)Gibb, 2006(a)
Heterocrossa rubophaga DugdaleNew Zealand raspberry budmothPhe*Z7-19:11-oneFoster, 2000
Heterocrossa rubophaga DugdaleNew Zealand raspberry budmothPhe*Z7-19:11-one + *Z7-23:H (1:1)Twidle, 2020
Meridarchis excisa WalsinghamAttZ7-20:11-oneMizukoshi, 2006
Thyris maculata HarrisAttZ11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Thyris maculata HarrisAttZ3,Z13-18:OAcLeeuw, 1983
Thyris usitata ButlerAttZ11-14:OHAndo, 1977
Aphomia sociella L.bumble bee wax mothPhe*6:OH + *Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-OH + *Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-one (5:5:1) Kindl, 2012
Aphomia sociella L.bumble bee wax mothPhe*Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-OH (2R,6R,10R)-isomerWallin, 2020
Corcyra cephalonica Staintonrice mothPhe*Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-OH Hall, 1987
Corcyra cephalonica Staintonrice mothPhe*Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-OH (2R,6R,10R)-isomerMori, 1991
Endotricha flammealis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttE5-14:OHVoerman, 1988
Orthopygia glaucinalis (Herculia glaucinalis) L.AttZ7-12:OAcNagano, 1979
Pyralis farinalis L.meal mothAttZ11,Z13-16:AldLandolt, 1982
Pyralis farinalis L.meal mothAttZ11,Z13-16:Ald + Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-23:H + Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H + other componentsLeal, 2005
Pyralis farinalis L.meal mothPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-23:H + other componentsKuenen, 2010
Tegulifera bicoloralis LeechAttE11,Δ13-14:Ald + E11-14:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1987
Orthaga achatina ButlerPhe*Z11-16:OAcHe, 2016
Orthaga achatina ButlerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-23:H (2:1) + another component Yan, 2018(b)
Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzigpecan nut casebearerPhe*E9,Z11-16:AldMillar, 1996
Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzigpecan nut casebearerAttE9,Z11-16:Ald + E9,Z11-16:OAcHarris, 2008
Acrobasis pyrivorella Matsumurapear fruit mothPhe*Z9-15:OAc + *15:OAc (100:7)Tabata, 2009
Acrobasis rufilimbalis WilemanAttZ9-15:OAcAndo, 1977
Acrobasis vaccinii Rileycranberry fruitwormPhe*E8,Z10-15:OAc + *E9-15:OAc (25:1) + other componentsMcDonough, 1994
Amyelois transitella Walkernavel orangewormPhe*Z11,Z13-16:AldCoffelt, 1979
Amyelois transitella Walkernavel orangewormPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-23:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H + other componentsLeal, 2005
Amyelois transitella Walkernavel orangewormPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + *Z11,Z13-16:OH + *Z11,E13-16:OH + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-23:H (20:20:3:1) + other componentsKuenen, 2010
Amyelois transitella Walkernavel orangewormPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + *Z11,Z13-16:OH + *Z11,E13-16:OH + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-23:H (20:20:3:1) + other componentsKanno, 2010
Cactoblastis cactorum Bergcactus mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc (27:21:2)Heath, 2006
Cadra calidella GuenéeAttZ9,E12-14:OAcBoughdad in Arn, 1997
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcKuwahara, 1971(a)
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcBrady, 1971(a)
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (minor) + another componentBrady, 1973
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (minor) + another componentKuwahara, 1973
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (minor) + another componentRead, 1976
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (minor) + another componentRead, 1979
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothAttZ9,E12-14:OAcZeleny, 1982
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (minor) + another componentAllison, 2006
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc [22:3]Barrer, 1987
Cadra cautella (Ephestia cautella) Walkeralmond mothAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (2:1)Quartey, 1993
Cadra figulilella Gregsonraisin mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc NBrady, 1972(b)
Cadra figulilella Gregsonraisin mothAttZ9,E12-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Cadra figulilella Gregsonraisin mothAttZ9,E12-14:OAcKehat, 1992
Citripestis sagittiferella Moorecitrus fruit borerPhe*E11-14:OAc (main) + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z9,E11-14:OAc NDung, 2021
Cryptoblabes gnidiella Millerhoneydew mothPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald + E11-16:Ald + E13-18:Ald (10:10:1:1)Bjostad, 1981
Cryptoblabes gnidiella Millerhoneydew mothAttZ11-16:Ald + Z13-18:Ald (1:1)Anshelevich, 1993
Cryptoblabes gnidiella Millerhoneydew mothAttZ11-16:Ald + Z13-18:Ald + E11-16:Ald + E13-18:Ald (5:1:5:1)Gurevitz in Arn, 1986(a)
Dioryctria abietella Denis & Schiffermüllerspruce conewormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc Löfstedt, 1983
Dioryctria abietella Denis & Schiffermüllerspruce conewormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H (1:5–1:10)Löfstedt, 2012
Dioryctria abietella Denis & Schiffermüllerspruce conewormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H (1:5–1:10)Lee, 2022
Dioryctria abietivorella Grotefir conewormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H (1:5)Millar, 2005
Dioryctria abietivorella Grotefir conewormAttZ9,E11-14:OAc + Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H (1:5–1:10)Strong, 2008
Dioryctria amatella Hulstsouthern pine conewormAttZ11-16:OAcHanula, 1984
Dioryctria amatella Hulstsouthern pine conewormPhe*Z11-16:OAcMeyer, 1986
Dioryctria amatella Hulstsouthern pine conewormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H (1:10)Miller, 2010
Dioryctria aurantiella Groteponderosa pine conewormAttZ9-14:OAcPasek, 1989
Dioryctria clarioralis Walkerblister conewormAttZ9-14:OAcHanula, 1984
Dioryctria clarioralis Walkerblister conewormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *E9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (44:6:5)Meyer, 1984
Dioryctria disclusa Heinrichwebbing conewormPhe*Z9-14:OAcMeyer, 1982
Dioryctria disclusa Heinrichwebbing conewormAttZ9-14:OAcDeBarr, 1982
Dioryctria disclusa Heinrichwebbing conewormAttZ9-14:OAcHanula, 1984
Dioryctria mendacella Staudingercone mothPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-25:H (1:10) Hall, 2017
Dioryctria merkeli Mutuura & MunroeAttZ9-14:OAcHanula, 1984
Dioryctria merkeli Mutuura & MunroeAttZ9-14:OAc + E9-14:OAc (20:3)Meyer, 1984
Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura & Munspruce conewormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (20:1)Grant, 1987(a)
Dioryctria resinosella Mutuurared pine shoot mothPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH + E9-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (60:10:3:20)Grant, 1993
Dioryctria rubella Hampsonpine tip mothAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc + Z9,E11-14:OAc (7:1:2)Wu, 1986(b)
Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zellercarob mothPhe*Z9,E11,Δ13-14:Ald + *Z9,E11-14:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald (8:1:1)Baker, 1989
Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zellercarob mothPhe*Z9,E11,Δ13-14:Ald + *Z9,E11-14:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald (8:1:1)Baker, 1991
Elasmopalpus lignosellus Zellerlesser cornstalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (8:8:4:1) + other componentsLynch, 1984
Elasmopalpus lignosellus Zellerlesser cornstalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other components EJham, 2005
Elasmopalpus lignosellus Zellerlesser cornstalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other components EJham, 2007
Ephestia elutella Hübnertabacco moth (cacao moth, chocolate moth)Phe*Z9,E12-14:OAcBrady, 1971(b)
Ephestia elutella Hübnertabacco moth (cacao moth, chocolate moth)Phe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH (19:5)Kuwahara, 1973
Ephestia elutella Hübnertabacco moth (cacao moth, chocolate moth)Phe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH (5:1–1:1)Krasnoff, 1984
Ephestia elutella Hübnertabacco moth (cacao moth, chocolate moth)AttZ9,E12-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Ephestia kuehniella (Anagasta kuehniella) ZellerMidditeranea flour mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcKuwahara, 1971(b)
Ephestia kuehniella (Anagasta kuehniella) ZellerMidditeranea flour mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH (14:3)Kuwahara, 1973
Ephestiodes infimella RagonotAttZ9,E12-14:OAcAdler, 1976
Episcythrastis tetricella (Myelopsis tetricella) Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9,E11-14:OAcTóth, 1992(d)
Etiella behrii Zellerpod borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E9-12:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *12:OAc (90:10:6.3:0.7) + another componentWakamura, 1999
Etiella behrii Zellerpod borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E9-12:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *12:OAc (90:10:6.3:0.7) + another componentHattori, 2001
Etiella zinckenella Treitschkelima-bean pod borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (10:1:1) + other componentsTóth, 1989(a)
Etiella zinckenella Treitschkelima-bean pod borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (10:1:1) + other componentsHattori, 2001
Etiella zinckenella Treitschkelima-bean pod borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (100:0:3)Tóth, 1996
Etiella zinckenella Treitschkelima-bean pod borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (120:40:1) + other componentsTabata, 2008(a)
Eurhodope advenella Zck.AttZ7-14:OAc + Z10-16:OAc (1:1)Kovalev, 1987
Eurythmia hospitella ZellerAttZ9,E12-14:OAcSteck, 1977(a)
Euzophera batangensis Caradjapersimmon bark borerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH (major) + *Z9-14:OH EKalinová, 2006
Euzophera batangensis Caradjapersimmon bark borerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH + another componentWen, 2009
Euzophera bigellaAttZ9-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Maini in Arn, 1986(a)
Euzophera punicaella M.Phe*Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (4:1) EBestmann, 1993(b)
Euzophera pyriella YangPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH + another componentMa, 2014
Euzophera semifuneralis WalkerAmerican plum borerPhe*Z9,E12-14:Ald + *Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9-14:Ald + *Z9-14:OH (2:2:1:1)Biddinger, 1994
Glyptoteles leucacrinella ZellerAttZ9-14:Ald + Z9-14:OH (20:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Homoeosoma electellum Hulstsunflower mothPhe*Z9-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:OH (10:1)Underhill, 1979
Homoeosoma electellum Hulstsunflower mothAttZ9,E12-14:OHUnderhill, 1982
Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis & SchiffermüllerEuropean sunflower mothPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + *Z9,E12-14:Ald (10:7:2:1)Zagatti, 1991
Hulstia undulatella Clemenssugar beet crown borerPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (100:21:8)Davis, 1993
Hypsipyla grandella ZellerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH E + other componentsBorek, 1991
Hypsipyla grandella ZellerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9-14:OH + *Z9E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc [5.8:1.9:1.3:1.0] NPineda-Rios, 2016
Hypsipyla robusta Mooremahogany shoot borerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (5:3:2) NBosson, 1982
Hypsipyla robusta Mooremahogany shoot borerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (2:3:3:2)Ma, 2015
Maliarpha separatella separatellaAfrican white rice stem borerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH + *E9,E12-14:OH (9:1) + other componentsCork, 1991
Maliarpha separatella vectiferellaAttZ9,E12-14:AldGuerin in Arn, 1986(a)
Maliarpha separatella vectiferellaPhe*Z9,E12-14:Ald + *Z9,E12-14:OH (5:1)Arn, 1992
Myelois cribrella HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Myelois cribrella HübnerPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (2:1:1)Attygalle, 1988(b)
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcKuwahara, 1971(a)
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcBrady, 1971(a)
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcDahm, 1971
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH (8:3)Kuwahara, 1973
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothAttZ9,E12-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:Ald NTeal, 1995
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:Ald + *Z9-14:OAc (100:18:11:12) + another componentZhu, 1999
Plodia interpunctella HübnerIndian meal mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:Ald + *Z9-14:OAc (8:2:1:0.8) + another componentHu, 2005
Vitula edmandsae serratilineella Ragonotdriedfruit mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:Ald (100:1) + other componentsStruble, 1983(b)
Vitula edmandsae serratilineella Ragonotdriedfruit mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OH + *Z11-16:OH (20:1)Scott, 1984
Scirpophaga excerptalis Walkersugarcane tip borerPhe*E11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald (4:1)Wu, 1990(b)
Scirpophaga excerptalis Walkersugarcane tip borerAttE11-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (7:3)Mukunthan, 2005
Scirpophaga incertulas Walkeryellow stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (3:1)Cork, 1985(a)
Scirpophaga incertulas Walkeryellow stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald+ *Z9-18:Ald (20:5:2) + other componentsTatsuki, 1985
Scirpophaga incertulas Walkeryellow stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *16:Ald (6:3:2)Du, 1987(b)
Scirpophaga nivella F.Phe*E11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald (39:11)Wu in Arn, 1992
Eudonia sp.AttZ11-16:OAcClearwater, 1986
Scoparia biplagialisAttZ11-16:OAcDavis in Arn, 1992
Scoparia sp.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-16:OAc (4:1)Ando, 1980(a)
Witlesia crataegella Hübner (Dipleurina lacustrata)AttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Agriphila aeneociliella Eversmanneastern grass veneerPhe*Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9-16:OAc (16:1)Zhan, 2023
Agriphila straminella Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldBooij, 1984(c)
Catoptria permutatella Herrich-SchäferAttZ11-16:AldBooij, 1984(c)
Chilo auricilius Dudgeonsugarcane stalk borerPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z8-13:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z10-15:OAc (4:8:4:1)David, 1985
Chilo auricilius Dudgeonsugarcane stalk borerPhe*Z8-13:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z10-15:OAc (8:4:1) + another componentNesbitt, 1986
Chilo hyrax Bleszynskireed stalk borerAttZ9-16:AldWu, 1993
Chilo influscatellus Snellensugarcane stem borerPhe*Z11-16:OHWu, 1984
Chilo partellus Swinhoespotted stalk borer, corn stemborerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + another componentNesbitt, 1979(a)
Chilo partellus Swinhoespotted stalk borer, corn stemborerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + another componentHansson, 1995
Chilo partellus Swinhoespotted stalk borer, corn stemborerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (1:1)Guleria, 2023
Chilo sacchariphagus Bojersugarcane internode borerPhe*Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:OH (7:1)Nesbitt, 1980(a)
Chilo sacchariphagus indicus Kapursugarcane internode borerPhe*Z13-18:OAc+ *Z13-18:OH (5:1)David, 1985
Chilo suppressalis Walkerrice stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald (5:1) NNesbitt, 1975b
Chilo suppressalis Walkerrice stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald (5:1)Ohta, 1976
Chilo suppressalis Walkerrice stem borerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z13-18:Ald (9:2)Beevor, 1977
Chilo suppressalis Walkerrice stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (50:6:5) + other componentsTatsuki, 1983
Chilo suppressalis Walkerrice stem borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (50:6:5) + other componentsMochida, 1984
Chilo venosatus (Proceras venosatus) Walker (Chilo sacchariphagus ?)sugarcane striped borerAttZ13-18:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z13-18:OH (2:2:1)Wu, 1982
Chilo venosatus (Proceras venosatus) Walker (Chilo sacchariphagus ?)sugarcane striped borerPhe*Z13-18:OAc *Z11-16:OAc + *Z13-18:OH (7:8:42)Wu, 1990(a)
Chilo zacconius Blesz.African rice borerPhe*Z11-16:OH + *16:OH + Z13-18:OH (7:2:1)Zagatti, 1983(b)
Chrysoteuchia topiaria Zellercranberry girdlerPhe*Z11-16:AldMcDonough, 1979
Chrysoteuchia topiaria Zellercranberry girdlerAttZ11-16:AldKamm, 1979(b)
Chrysoteuchia topiaria Zellercranberry girdlerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (40:1–100:1)Kamm, 1980
Chrysoteuchia topiaria Zellercranberry girdlerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (40:1–100:1)Kamm, 1989
Chrysoteuchia topiaria Zellercranberry girdlerAttZ11-16:CN + Z9-16:CN (100:3)Ujváry, 1993
Chrysoteuchia sp.AttMe2,epo7-18:HNagano, 1979
Coniesta ignefusalis (Acigona ignefusalis) Hampsonmillet stem borerAttZ7-12:OH + Z5-10:OH + Z7-12:Ald (500:25:17)Youm, 1995
Coniesta ignefusalis (Acigona ignefusalis) Hampsonmillet stem borerPhe*Z7-12:OH + *Z5-10:OH + *Z7-12:Ald (100:5:3.3) + other componentsBeevor, 1999
Crambus cypridalis HulstAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (10:1)Landolt, 2012
Crambus nemorella HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcBooij, 1984(c)
Deanolis sublimbalis Snellenred banded mango caterpillarPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (1:1) + other componentGibb, 2007(a)
Diatraea considerata HeinrichPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z7-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald (100:30:4) + other componentsGries, 1998
Diatraea flavipennella Boxsugarcane borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (3:1) + other componentsKalinová, 2012
Diatraea grandiosella Dyarsouthwestern corn borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald (71:22:8) + other componentsHedin, 1986
Diatraea grandiosella Dyarsouthwestern corn borerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald + Z13-18:Ald + Z9-18:Ald (33:10:4:3)Davis, 1986
Diatraea indigenella Dyar & HeinrichPhe*Z9,E11-16:Ald + another componentPalacio-Cortes, 2014
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:AldCarney, 1982
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:Ald ESvatos, 2001
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:Ald + other components NSantangelo, 2002
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:Ald + other components EBatista-Pereira, 2002
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald (10:1)Kalinová, 2005
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald (9:1–3:1) NCortés, 2010
Diatraea saccharalissugar cane borerPhe* Z9,E11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *16:Ald (10:1:1:1)Silva, 2021
Eoreuma loftini (Chilo loftini, Acigona loftini ) DyarMexican rice borerPhe*Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc (8:1.3:1)Shaver, 1988
Eoreuma loftini (Chilo loftini, Acigona loftini ) DyarMexican rice borerPhe*Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc (8:1.3:1)Shaver, 1990
Eoreuma loftini (Chilo loftini, Acigona loftini ) DyarMexican rice borerPhe*Z13-18:OAc + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc NRobacker, 1989
Parapediasia teterella Zinckenbluegrass webwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (20:1)Clark, 1990
Parapediasia teterella Zinckenbluegrass webwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (20:1:0.002) + another componentSugie, 1994
Pareromene exsectella ChristophAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Tehama bonifatella Hulstwestern lawn mothAttZ11-16:Ald + Z13-18:Ald (1:1)McDonough, 1982(c)
Trichophysetis cretacea Butlerjasmine bud borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (10:10:1)Peng, 2012
Trichophysetis cretacea Butlerjasmine bud borerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (5:2:1)Gu, 2013
Nymphicula mesorphna MeyrickAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (8:1)Peng, 2012
Parapoynx sp.AttZ7-12:OAcZeleny, 1982
Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Crocidolomia pavonana F.)cabbage-heart caterpillarPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (20:1)Usui, 1987
Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Crocidolomia pavonana F.)cabbage-heart caterpillarPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (10:1)Adati, 2013
Evergestis aenealisAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1994(b)
Evergestis extimalis ScopoliAttZ9-14:OAcKonstantin in Arn, 1986(a)
Evergestis extimalis ScopoliAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1994(b)
Evergestis forficalis L.garden pebble mothAttE11-14:OAcLester in Hall, 1979
Evergestis forficalis L.garden pebble mothAttE11-14:OAcPriesner, 1980(a)
Evergestis forficalis L.garden pebble mothAttE11-14:OAcArn in Arn, 1986(a)
Evergestis forficalis L.garden pebble mothAttE11-14:OAcVoerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Evergestis frumentalisAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald (20:1)Tóth, 1994(b)
Hellula undalis F.cabbage webwormPhe*E11,E13-16:AldArai, 1982
Hellula undalis F.cabbage webwormPhe*E11,E13-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (100:3)Sugie, 2003
Hellula undalis F.cabbage webwormPhe*E11,E13-16:Ald + *Z11-14:OAc + *E11-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (7:3:3:1) Vang, 2020
Agathodes ostentalis GeyerPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E11-16:Ald (1:1)Wakamura, 2004
Bradina sp.AttE11-16:AldAndo, 1981
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothAttZ13-18:OAcKang, 1985
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc (49:1) ERamachandran, 1990
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc (1:10)Raina in Arn, 1997
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc (1:10–20) + another componentRao, 1993
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z13-18:OAc (1:10–20) + another componentRao, 1995
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z13-18:Ald + *Z13-18:OH + *Z11-18:Ald + *Z11-18:OH (100:36:11:24)Kawazu, 2000
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z13-18:Ald + *Z13-18:OH + *Z11-18:Ald + *Z11-18:OH (100:36:11:24)Kawazu, 2002
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothPhe*Z13-18:Ald + *Z13-18:OH + *Z11-18:Ald + *Z11-18:OH (100:37:10:26)Kawazu, 2009
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenéerice leaffolder mothAttZ13-18:Ald + Z13-18:OH + Z11-18:Ald + Z11-18:OH (100:24:10:18)Lu, 2024
Cnaphalocrocis pilosa (Marasmia latimarginalis)AttZ11-16:OAc + Z13-18:OAc (50:1)Kawazu, 2001
Conogethes pluto ButlerAlpinia stem borerPhe*E10-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (100:2:3) + othre componentsEl-Sayed, 2013
Conogethes punctiferalis (Dichocrocis punctiferalis) Guenéeyellow peach mothPhe*E10-16:Ald + Z10-16:Ald (9:1)Konno, 1982
Conogethes punctiferalis (Dichocrocis punctiferalis) Guenéeyellow peach mothPhe*E10-16:Ald + Z10-16:Ald (9:1) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H + *Z9-27:HXiao, 2012
Conogethes punctiferalis (Dichocrocis punctiferalis) Guenéeyellow peach mothPheE10-16:Ald + Z10-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H + *Z9-27:H (9:1:10:100)Nam, 2022
Cydalima perspectalis (Glyphodes perspectalis) Walkerbox tree pyralidPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *E11-16:Ald (4:1) + another componentKawazu, 2007
Cydalima perspectalis (Glyphodes perspectalis) Walkerbox tree pyralidPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *E11-16:Ald (5:1, 7:1) + another componentKim, 2013
Desmia funeralis Hübnergrape leaffolderPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + *≡11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald (3:1:1) + another componentMillar, 2002
Diaphania angustalis SnellenPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:OH (9:1)Ma, 2017
Diaphania glauculalisAttE11-16:Ald + E10,E12-16:AldWen, 2014
Diaphania hyalinata L.melonwormPhe*E11-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald (5:4) + other componentsRaina, 1986(a)
Diaphania indica (Palpita indica) Saunderscotton caterpillar mothPhe*E11-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald (2:1) + another componentWakamura, 1998
Diaphania indica (Palpita indica) Saunderscotton caterpillar mothPhe*E11-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald (7:3) + another componentChoi, 2009(a)
Diaphania nitidalis StollpicklewormPhe*E11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald + *E10,Z12-16:Ald (75:3.3:0.2) + other componentsKlun, 1986
Diasemia litterata ScopoliAttE11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Duponchelia fovealis ZellerEuropean pepper mothPhe*E13-18:Ald + *Z13-18:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald (100:10:1)Molnár, 2018
Glyphodes pyloalis Walkermulberry pyralidPhe*10,12,14-16:OAcSeol, 1987
Glyphodes pyloalis Walkermulberry pyralidPhe*E10,E12,Z14-16:OAcHonda, 1990
Glyphodes pyloalis Walkermulberry pyralidPhe*E10,E12,Z14-16:OAc + *E10,E12,E14-16:OAc (7:1)Guo, 2022
Haritalodes basipunctalis (Notarcha basipunctalis) Brem.Phe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald (4:1)Honda, 1994
Haritalodes derogata (Notarcha derogata) F.cotton leaf-rollerPhe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald (3:1) + other componentsHimeno, 1992
Haritalodes derogata (Notarcha derogata) F.cotton leaf-rollerPhe*E10,Z12-16:AldHonda, 1994
Herpetogramma licarsisalis Walkergrass webwormPhe*Z11,E13-16:OAc + other componentsGibb, 2007(b)
Herpetogramma submarginale SwinhoePhe*Z13-16:OAc + other componentsYan, 2015(b)
Leucinodes orbonalis Guenéeeggplant borerPhe*E11-16:OAcZhu, 1987(a)
Leucinodes orbonalis Guenéeeggplant borerPhe*E11-16:OAc + another componentKong, 1990
Leucinodes orbonalis Guenéeeggplant borerPhe*E11-16:OAc + another component EAttygalle, 1988(a)
Leucinodes orbonalis Guenéeeggplant borerPhe*E11-16:OAc + *E11-16:OH (100:1)Cork, 2001
Leucinodes orbonalis Guenéeeggplant borerPhe*E11-16:OAc + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (10:1) + another componentVang, 2018
Maruca vitrata (Maruca testulalis) F.legume pod borerPhe*E10,E12-16:AldAdati, 1999
Maruca vitrata (Maruca testulalis) F.legume pod borerPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:OH + E10-16:Ald (20:1:1)Downham, 2003
Maruca vitrata (Maruca testulalis) F.legume pod borerPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:OH + E10-16:Ald (20:1:1)Schläger, 2015
Maruca vitrata (Maruca testulalis) F.legume pod borerPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:OH + *E10-16:Ald (10:1:8)Lu, 2013
Maruca vitrata (Maruca testulalis) F.legume pod borerPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:OH + *E10-16:Ald (10:1:1)Lu, 2013
Mnesictena flavidalisAttE11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (10:1)Clearwater, 1986
Neoleucinodes elegantalistomato fruit borerPhe*E11-16:OH + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (20:1) + other componentsCabrera, 2001
Omphisa anastomosalis Guenéesweetpotato vine borer mothPhe*E10,E14-16:Ald + other componentsWakamura, 2010
Omphisa anastomosalis Guenéesweetpotato vine borer mothPhe*E10,E14-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (1:2) + other componentsYan, 2014
Omphisa anastomosalis Guenéesweetpotato vine borer mothPhe*E10,E14-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (1:2 – 1:5)McQuate, 2019
Palpita nigropunctalis BremerPhe*E11-16:Ald + *E11-16:OAc + *E11-16:OH (100:20:1) NYan, 2018(c)
Palpita unionalis Hübnerjasmine mothPhe*E11-16:OAc + *E11-16:Ald (7:3)Mazomenos, 1994
Patania chlorophanta (Pleuroptya chlorophanta, Dichocrocis chlorophanta) ButlerAttE10-16:AldKonno, 1982
Patania chlorophanta (Pleuroptya chlorophanta, Dichocrocis chlorophanta) ButlerAttE10-16:AldHonda, 2004
Patania ruralis (Pleuroptya ruralis) Scopolibean webwormPhe*E10-16:Ald + *Z10-16:Ald (21:4)Mochizuki, 2009(a)
Patania ruralis (Pleuroptya ruralis) Scopolibean webwormPhe*E10-16:Ald + *Z10-16:Ald (21:4)Mochizuki, 2009(b)
Rehimena surusalis Walkerhibiscus flower-bud borerPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,Z12-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (5:1:14)Honda, 2015
Sceliodes cordalis DoubledayPhe*E11-16:OAc + *E11-16:OH (1:1)Clearwater, 1986
Terastia subjectalis LedererPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E11-16:Ald (19:1)Wakamura, 2004
Udea lutealisAttZ11-16:OAcMyttus in Arn, 1986(a)
Achyra rantalis GuenéeAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Keaster, 1996
Anania verbascalis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OH (100:1)Tóth, 1992(d)
Fumibotys fumalis Guenéemint root borerPhe*E10,E12-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (50:9:2) + another componentDavis, 1991
Loxostege chortalis (Sitochroa chortalis) GroteAttE9-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Loxostege chortalis (Sitochroa chortalis) GroteAttE9-12:OAcSteck, 1977(a)
Loxostege chortalis (Sitochroa chortalis) GroteAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1000:1)Steck, 1980(a)
Loxostege neobliteralis CappsAttE9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Loxostege sticticalis L.beet webwormAttE11-14:OAcStruble, 1977(a)
Marasmia patnalisrice leaffolderPhe*Z13-18:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (24:1) ERamachandran, 1990
Mutuuraia mysippusalis WalkerAttZ7-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Mutuuraia terrealis (Phlyctaenia terrealis) TreitschkeAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (3:2) + another componentAndo, 1980(b)
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (3:2) + another componentHuang, 1998(a)
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (1:1) + another componentKlun, 1980(a)
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (1:1) + another componentCheng, 1981
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc + *14:OAc (21:16:13)Du, 1986
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (1:1) + another componentCheng, 1989
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (3:1)Yeh, 1989
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (1:1) + another componentKou, 1992(a)
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc (2:1) + another componentBoo, 1998(b)
Ostrinia furnacalis Guenéeoriental (Asian) corn borerPhe*Z12-14:OAc + *E12-14:OAc + *14:OAc (13:7:10)Deng, 2023
Ostrinia latipennis WarrenPhe*E11-14:OHIshikawa, 1999(b)
Ostrinia latipennis WarrenPhe*E11-14:OHTakanashi, 2000
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAcKlun, 1970
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (25:1)Klun, 1973
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3)Cheng, 1989
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) + other componentsKlun, 1977
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) + other componentsAttygalle, 1987
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) + other componentsStruble, 1987(a)
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) + other componentsKalinová, 1994
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1972
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttE11-14:OAcCardé, 1975(a)
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttE11-14:OAcKlun, 1975
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (24:1)Kochansky, 1975(a)
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (97:3) + other componentsPeña, 1988
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1–7:13)Klun, 1975
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (7:13)Anglade, 1984
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1–7:13)Maini in Arn, 1986(a)
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (13:7)Klun, 1979(a)
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (13:7)Buechi, 1982
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*Z11-14:OAcPelozuelo, 2004
Ostrinia nubilalis HübnerEuropean corn borerPhe*E11-14:OAcPelozuelo, 2004
Ostrinia obumbratalis LedererAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (1:1)Klun, 1972
Ostrinia orientalis Mutuura & MunroePhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (98:2) + another componentIshikawa, 1999(b)
Ostrinia orientalis Mutuura & MunroePhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (98:2) + another componentFu, 2004
Ostrinia palustralis HübnerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (99:1) + another componentHuang, 1998(b)
Ostrinia scapulalis Walkeradzuki bean borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (97:3) + another componentHuang, 1997
Ostrinia scapulalis Walkeradzuki bean borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (1:99) + another component NHuang, 2002
Ostrinia scapulalis Walkeradzuki bean borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (36:64) + another component NTabata, 2003
Ostrinia zaguliaevi Mutuura & Munroebutterbur borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (10:9:1) + another componentHuang, 1998(c)
Ostrinia zaguliaevi Mutuura & Munroebutterbur borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (10:9:1) + another componentTabata, 2006
Ostrinia zealis Guenéeburdock borerPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (70:24:6) + another componentIshikawa, 1999(a)
Ostrinia sp.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc (76:18:6) + other componentsTabata, 2008(b)
Pagyda arbiter ButlerAttZ11-14:Ald + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Paliga minnehaha PryerAttE11-14:OAcAndo, 1981
Phlyctaenia coronata tertialis GuenéeAttZ9-12:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Pyrausta aurata ScopoliAttE11-14:OAcMaini in Arn, 1986(a)
Pyrausta aurata ScopoliAttE11-14:OAcStockel, 1977
Pyrausta aurata ScopoliAttE11-14:OAcMozūraitis, 1998
Pyrausta cingulataAttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (1:1)Arn in Arn, 1986(a)
Pyrausta fodinalis LedererAttE10,E12-14:OAcReed, 1985(b)
Pyrausta machaeralis WalkerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (24:1)Qian, 2024
Pyrausta ochosalisAttE11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Pyrausta ostrinalis HübnerAttE11-14:OAcBûda, 1987
Pyrausta panopealis Walkerperilla leaf pyralid mothPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc NKang, 1995
Pyrausta purpuralis L.AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (3:2)Anglade in Arn, 1986(a)
Pyrausta purpuralis L.AttE11-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (3:2)Frerot, 1982(a)
Pyrausta rubiginalis (Ecpyrrhorrhoe rubiginalis) HübnerAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + 12:OAc (7:3:40)Hrdý, 1979
Sitochroa verticalis L.AttE9-12:OAcTóth, 1994(b)
Sitochroa verticalis L.AttE9-12:OAc + E9-12:OHRoehrich in Arn, 1986(a)
Sufetula sunidesalis WalkerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Dendrolimus houi LajonquiereYunnan pine caterpillarPhe*E5,Z7-12:OH + *E5,Z7-12:OAc + *E5,Z7-12:Ald (20:1:1) + other componentsKong, 2007(a)
Dendrolimus kikuchii MatsumuraPhe*Z5,E7-12:OAc + *Z5,E7-12:OH NKong, 2005
Dendrolimus kikuchii MatsumuraPhe*Z5,E7-12:OAc + *Z5,E7-12:OH + *Z5-12:OH (20:4:5)Kong, 2011
Dendrolimus pini L.European pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:AldBestmann, 1982(b)
Dendrolimus pini L.European pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:AldPriesner, 1984(d)
Dendrolimus pini L.European pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:Ald + *Z5,E7-12:OH (3:2)Kovalev, 1993
Dendrolimus pini L.European pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:Ald + *Z5,E7-12:OH (3:2) + other componentsRudziński, 2022
Dendrolimus punctatus Walkerpine-caterpillar moth ; masson pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:OH + *Z5,E7-12:OAc China, 1979
Dendrolimus punctatus Walkerpine-caterpillar moth ; masson pine mothAttZ5,E7-12:OH + Z5,E7-12:OAc + Z5,E7-12:OPrMeng, 1983(a)
Dendrolimus punctatus Walkerpine-caterpillar moth ; masson pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:OH + *Z5,E7-12:OAc + Z5,E7-12:OPr (28:25:10)Zhang, 2003(a)
Dendrolimus punctatus Walkerpine-caterpillar moth ; masson pine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:OH + *Z5,E7-12:OAc + *Z5,E7-12:OPr + *Z5-12:OH + *Z5-12:OAc (19:15:7:7:3)Zhao, 1993
Dendrolimus spectabilis Butlerpine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:OHVu, 1980
Dendrolimus spectabilis Butlerpine mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:OHAndo, 1982
Dendrolimus superans Butlerlarch caterpillar mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:Ald + other componentsKong, 2007(b)
Dendrolimus superans sibiricus ButlerSiberian mothAttZ5,E7-12:Ald + Z5,E7-12:OH+ other componentsKlun, 2000
Dendrolimus superans sibiricus ButlerSiberian mothPhe*Z5,E7-12:Ald + *Z5,E7-12:OH (1:1) + other componentsPletnev, 2000
Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai & LiuChinese pine caterpillarAttZ5,E7-12:OH + Z5,E7-12:OAc + Z5,E7-12:OPr (1:1:1)Meng, 1983(b)
Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai & LiuChinese pine caterpillarPhe*Z5,E7-12:OH + *Z5,E7-12:OAc + *Z5,E7-12:OPr (20:20:1)Kong, 2012(a)
Gastropacha quercifolia L.lappet mothPhe*Z5-12:Ald + *Z5-12:OH + another component EBestmann, 1993(d)
Malacosoma americanum F.eastern tent caterpilarPhe*E5,Z7-12:Ald + *Z5,E7-12:OHRoelofs in Arn, 1986(a)
Malacosoma americanum F.eastern tent caterpilarPhe*E5,Z7-12:Ald + *Z5,E7-12:OH + *E5,Z7-12:OH (10:1–1:1)Kochansky, 1996
Malacosoma californicum Packardwestern tent caterpillarPhe*Z5,E7-12:AldUnderhill, 1980
Malacosoma disstria Hübnerforest tent caterpillarPhe*Z5,E7-12:OH + *Z5,E7-12:Ald (10:1)Chisholm, 1980(a)
Malacosoma disstria Hübnerforest tent caterpillarAttZ5,E7-12:Ald + Z5,Z7-12:Ald + Z7-12:Ald (10:1:1)Chisholm, 1982
Malacosoma disstria Hübnerforest tent caterpillarAttZ5,E7-12:Ald + Z5,Z7-12:Ald + Z7-12:Ald (100:1:10)Schmidt, 2003
Malacosoma neustria L.lackey mothPhe*E5,Z7-12:Ald + *E5,Z7-12:OH (8:5) + other componentsKonyukhov, 1988
Malacosoma neustria L.lackey mothPhe*E5,Z7-12:Ald + *E5,Z7-12:OH (8:5) + other componentsRotundo, 2004
Cilix glaucata ScopoliAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:Ald (9:1)Booij, 1985
Cilix glaucata ScopoliAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:Ald (1:1))Frerot, 1985
Cilix glaucata ScopoliAttE11-14:OAc + E11-14:OH (1:1)Capizzi in Arn, 1986(a)
Epipsestis perornata InoueAttZ9-14:AldAndo, 1981
Drepana bilineata PackardAttZ9,E11-14:AldReed, 1985(b)
Drepana lacertinariaAttZ9,E11-14:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Macrauzata maxima InoueAttZ9,E11-14:AldAndo, 1987
Tethea or Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:AldCapizzi in Arn, 1986(a)
Abraxas grossulariata L.currant mothPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3S,4R)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (10:1)Tóth, 1992(a)
Abraxas grossulariata L.currant mothPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3S,4R)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (10:1)Tóth, 1994(a)
Abraxas niphonibia WehrliAttepo3,Z6,Z9-18:HAndo, 1995(a)
Abraxas sylvata Scop.Attepo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomerTóth, 1994(a)
Agathia carissima ButlerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:HAndo, 1993
Agathia visenda visenda ProutAttZ6,Z9-20:H or Z6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Agriopis aurantiaria HübnerPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomerSzöcs, 1993(b)
Agriopis bajaria (Erannis bajaria) Schiff.Phe*Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HSzöcs in Arn, 1997
Agriopis bajaria (Erannis bajaria) Schiff.Phe*Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (1:1–1:5)Lecheva, 1999
Agriopis leucophearia Denis & SchiffermüllerAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomerSzöcs, 1993(b)
Agriopis marginaria F.AttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (10:3)Hansson, 1990(b)
Agriopis marginaria F.AttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (10:3)Szöcs, 1993(b)
Alcis angulifera ButlerAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Alcis angulifera ButlerAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomerAndo, 1997
Alcis repandata (Boarmia repandata) L.AttZ6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (1:1:2-1:1:3)Bogenschütz, 1985
Alcis repandata (Boarmia repandata) L.AttZ6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (2:1–1:1) or + Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (2:1–1:1)Subchev, 1986(a)
Alsophila japonensis WarrenAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Alsophila pometaria Harrisfall cankerworm mothPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9,E11-19:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9,Z11-19:H + another componentWong, 1984(a)
Alsophila pometaria Harrisfall cankerworm mothAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9,E11-19:H (1:2) or + Z3,Z6,Z9,Z11-19:H (1:6)Wong, 1984(b)
Alsophila quadripunctata EsperAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z6,Z9-19:H (1:1)Szöcs, 1984
Anacamptodes humaria GuenéePhe*epo6,Z9-19:H (6R,7S)-isomerMillar, 1991(a)
Anavitrinella pampinaria GuenéeAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer (19:1)Millar, 1990(c)
Anisodes sp.AttE11-16:OAc + E11-16:Ald (7:3)Mazomenos, 1994
Anticlea vasiliata GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:HMillar, 1991(c)
Ascotis selenaria (Boarmia selenaria) Denis & Schiffermüllergiant looperPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H EBecker, 1983
Ascotis selenaria (Boarmia selenaria) Denis & Schiffermüllergiant looperAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H (1:1:1)Becker in Arn, 1986(a)
Ascotis selenaria (Boarmia selenaria) Denis & Schiffermüllergiant looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomerBecker, 1990
Ascotis selenaria (Boarmia selenaria) Denis & Schiffermüllergiant looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomer + another componentCossé, 1992
Ascotis selenaria (Boarmia selenaria) Denis & Schiffermüllergiant looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3R,4S):(3S,4R) = 9:1Choi, 2012
Ascotis selenaria (Boarmia selenaria) Denis & Schiffermüllergiant looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3R,4S):(3S,4R) = 5:5Choi, 2012
Ascotis selenaria cretacea ButlerJapanese giant looper ; mugwort looperAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Ascotis selenaria cretacea ButlerJapanese giant looper ; mugwort looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3R,4S)-isomer + another componentAndo, 1997
Ascotis selenaria cretacea ButlerJapanese giant looper ; mugwort looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3R,4S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (100:5–100:1)Witjaksono, 1999
Biston robustum Butlergiant geometrid mothPhe*epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer + *Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (9:1) + other componentsYamamoto, 2000
Bupalus piniarius L.AttZ6,Z9-19:HBestmann, 1982(a)
Bupalus piniarius L.Phe*tepo4,Z6,Z9-19:HChittamuru in Pherobase
Cabera erythemaria GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomer + (9R,10S)-isomer (1:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Caripeta angustiorata WalkerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (1:1)Millar, 1990(a)
Caustoloma flavicariaAttZ6,epo9-21:HKovalev, 1986
Colotois pennaria L.Phe*Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (10:3)Hansson, 1990(b)
Colotois pennaria L.Phe*Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6R,7S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (10:3:10)Szöcs, 1993(b)
Colotois pennaria ussuriensis Bang-HaasAttepo3,Z6,Z9-20:H or Z3,epo6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Colotois pennaria ussuriensis Bang-HaasAttZ3,epo6,Z9-20:HAndo, 1995(a)
Costaconvexa polygrammata Bkh.AttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:HSzöcs, 1987
Culpinia diffusa WalkerAttZ6,Z9,E11-17:HYamamoto, 2008
Cystidia couaggaria couaggaria GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (3:2) + other componentnsYamakawa, 2012(a)
Dysstroma brunneata ethela HulstAttZ3,Z6,epo9-20:H (9S,10R)-isomerWong, 1985(b)
Dysstroma sp. (Dysstroma citrata ?)AttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:H or Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HWong, 1985(b)
Ectropis excellens ButlerAttepo6,Z9-18:HAndo, 1995(a)
Ectropis grisescens WarrenPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H (4:1)Ma, 2016
Ectropis grisescens WarrenAttZ3,epo6,Z9-18:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H (4:1, 3:2)Han, 2024
Ectropis obliqua Prouttea looperPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H + another component NYao, 1991
Ectropis obliqua Prouttea looperPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H + another component (3:2)Yang, 2016
Ectropis obliqua Prouttea looperPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H + *Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (2:1:2)Luo, 2017
Ectropis obliqua Prouttea looperAttZ3,epo6,Z9-18:H (6S,7R)-isomer EYu, 2017
Ennomos subsignaria Hűbnerelm spanwormPhe*Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomer + another componentRyall, 2010
Epelis truncataria WalkerAttepo3,Z6,Z9-17:HMillar, 1990(c)
Epirrhoe sperryi HerbulotAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:HWong, 1985(b)
Epirrhoe sperryi HerbulotPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + other componentsMillar, 1992(a)
Epirrita autumnata BorkhausenPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HZhu, 1995(b)
Epirrita viridipurpurescens ProutAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Erannis defoliaria Clerckmottled umber mothPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (10:3)Hansson, 1990(b)
Erannis defoliaria Clerckmottled umber mothPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (1:1)Szöcs, 1993(b)
Erannis golda DjakonovAttZ3,epo6,Z9-18:HAndo, 1995(a)
Esakiopteryx volitans ButlerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Euchlaena madusaria WalkerAttZ6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomer + (9R,10S)-isomer (1:1)Millar, 1991(a)
Eufidonia convergaria WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + *Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer (1:1)Millar, 1990(a)
Eulithis testata L.AttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:H or Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + epoxydienesWong, 1985(b)
Eupithecia abietaria Götzecloaked pug mothPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomer (19:1) + other componentsWang, 2015(a)
Eupithecia annulata HulstAttepoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H + epoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H or Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HWong, 1985(b)
Eupithecia annulata HulstAttZ3,Z6,epo9-20:H (9S,10R)-isomerMillar, 1991(b)
Eupithecia assimilata Doubledaycurrant pug mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer + other componentsCampbell, 2007
Eupithecia subnotata HübnerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:HSzöcs, 1987
Eupithecia vulgata HaworthAttZ9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (8:1:1)Ostrauskas, 2004
Hemithea tritonaria WalkerPhe*Z6,Z9,Z12-18:HYamakawa, 2009
Hemithea tritonaria WalkerPhe*Z6,Z9,Z12-18:H + *(3E,6E)-β-farneseneYamakawa, 2011(a)
Hydriomena furcata ThunberyAttE9-12:OAcLiska, 1990
Hydriomena ruberata FreyerAttZ11-16:OAcFrérot, 1987(a)
Hypagyrtis piniataAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer (10:1)Underhill in Arn, 1986(a)
Idaea aversata L.Phe*Z9,Z11-14:OAc + E9,Z11-14:OAc + *Z7,Z9-12:OAc (100:7:10)Zhu, 1996
Idaea biselata (Sterrha biselata) HufnagelAttE7,Z9-12:OAcBiwer, 1975
Idaea biselata (Sterrha biselata) HufnagelAttE7,Z9-12:OAcSzöcs, 1987
Idaea biselata (Sterrha biselata) HufnagelAttE7,Z9-12:OAc + E7,Z9-12:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1987
Idaea biselata (Sterrha biselata) HufnagelAttZ7-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Idaea biselata (Sterrha biselata) HufnagelPhe*Z7,Z9-12:OAcZhu, 1996
Idaea emarginataAttZ9,Z11-14:OAc + Z7,Z9-12:OAc + Z7,E9-12:OAc (10:10:1)Zhu, 1996
Idaea imbecilla (Sterrha imbecilla) InoueAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Idaea rubraria (Sterrha rubraria) Stgr.AttE7,Z9-12:OAcSzöcs, 1987
Idaea straminata BorkhausenPhe*Z7,Z9-12:OAc + *E7,Z9-12:OAc + *Z9,Z11-14:OAc (10:1:10) + another componentZhu, 1996
Idaea trisetata ProutAttE7,Z9-12:OHAndo, 1987
Idiochlora ussuriaria BremerAttZ6,Z9,Z12-17:HYamakawa, 2011(a)
Inurois fletcheri InoueAttZ3,Z6,Z9,E11-20:HYamamoto, 2008
Inurois fumosa InoueAttepo3,Z6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Inurois membranaria ChristophAttepo3,Z6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Itame argillacearia Packardblueberry spanwormPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (1:1)Silva, 2013
Itame brunneata ThunbergAttepo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3S,4R)-isomerMillar, 1990(c)
Itame occiduaria PackardAttepo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (9:2)Millar, 1990(c)
Jodis lactearia L.AttZ11-14:OAc + Z9,E11-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Jodis lactearia L.AttZ3,Z6,Z9,Z12-20:HYamakawa, 2011(a)
Lambdina athasaria Walkerspring hemlock looperPhe*Me7-17:H + *Me7,Me11-17:H (1:1) + another componentGries, 1994(b)
Lambdina athasaria Walkerspring hemlock looperPhe*Me7-17:H (S)-isomer + *Me7,Me11-17:H 7,11-meso (25:8)Duff, 2001
Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria Guenéeeastern hemlock looperPhe*Me5,Me11-17:H + *Me2,Me5-17:H (1:1) + other componentsGries, 1991
Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria Guenéeeastern hemlock looperAttMe5,Me11-17:H (5R,11S)-isomerLi, 1993(a)
Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria Guenéeeastern hemlock looperAttMe5,Me11-17:H (5R,11S)-isomerSilk in Arn, 1997
Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria Guenéeeastern hemlock looperAttMe2,Me5-17:H (R)-isomerSilk in Arn, 1997
Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa Hulstwestern hemlock looperPhe*Me5,Me11-17:H + *Me2,Me5-17:H + *Me7-17:H (1:1:1)Gries, 1993(b)
Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa Hulstwestern hemlock looperAttMe5,Me11-17:H + Me2,Me5-17:H (1:1)Evenden, 1995
Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa Hulstwestern hemlock looperAttMe5,Me11-17:H (5R,11S)-isomerLi, 1993(a)
Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa Hulstwestern hemlock looperAttMe5,Me11-17:H (5R,11S)-isomer + Me2,Me5-17:H (S)-isomer + Me7-17:H (S)-isomerLi, 1993(b)
Lambdina pellucidaria Grote & Robinsonpitch pine looperPhe*Me7-17:H + *Me7,Me11-17:H (1:1) + another componentMaier, 1998
Lambdina pellucidaria Grote & Robinsonpitch pine looperPhe*Me7-17:H (S)-isomer + *Me7,Me11-17:H 7,11-meso (25:8)Duff, 2001
Leptostales ferruminaria PackardAttZ9,Z11-14:Ald + Z9,Z11-14:OH (10:1)Reed, 1985(b)
Lobophora nivigerata WalkerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z6,Z9-21:H (19:1)Underhill in Arn, 1986(a)
Lobophora nivigerata WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z6,Z9-21:H (19–4:1)Millar, 1992(a)
Lomographa semiclarata WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-17:HMillar, 1990(b)
Lycia ursaria WalkerAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HMillar, 1990(c)
Maxates versicausa microptera InouePhe*Z6,Z9,Z12-20:H EYamakawa, 2009
Maxates versicausa microptera InouePhe*Z6,Z9,Z12-20:H EYamakawa, 2011(a)
Menophra atrilineata (Hemerophila atrilineata) Butlermulberry looperPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-18:H + *Z6,epo9-18:H (10:1) (9S,10R)-isomerTan, 1996
Menophra atrilineata (Hemerophila atrilineata) Butlermulberry looperPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-18:H + *Z6,epo9-18:H (10:1) (9S,10R)-isomerPu, 1999
Menophra senilis ButlerAttepo6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1995(a)
Mesoleuca ruficillata GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-22:H (4:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Mesoleuca ruficillata GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6R,7S)-isomer (5:50:1)Millar, 1991(c)
Metanema inatomaria GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,epo9-19:H + Z3,Z6,epo9-20:H (4:1) (9R,10S)-isomers or + Z3,Z6,Z9,E11-19:H (4:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Milionia basalis pryeri DrucePhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomerYasui, 2005
Mnesampela privata Guenéeautumn gum mothPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HSteinbauer, 2004
Mnesampela privata Guenéeautumn gum mothPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (16:1)Walker, 2009
Naxa seriaria Motschulskydotted white geometridPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12,Z15-21:HLee, 2020
Nepytia freemani Munroewestern false hemlock looperPhe*Me3,Me13-17:HGries, 1993(c)
Nepytia freemani Munroewestern false hemlock looperPhe*Me3,Me13-17:H (3S,13R)-isomerKing, 1995
Operophtera bruceata HulstBruce spanwormAttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HRoelofs, 1982(b)
Operophtera bruceata HulstBruce spanwormPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HUnderhill, 1987(a)
Operophtera brumata L.winter mothPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HRoelofs, 1982(b)
Operophtera brumata L.winter mothPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HBestmann, 1982(c)
Operophtera brumata L.winter mothAttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HAlbert, 1984
Operophtera brumata L.winter mothAttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HKnauf, 1984
Operophtera fagata Scharf.northern winter mothPhe*Z6,Z9-19:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (10:1) + other componentsSzöcs, 2004
Operophtera occidentalisAttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HRoelofs, 1982(b)
Operophtera rectipostmediana InoueAttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HYamamoto, 2008
Operophtera relegata ProutAttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:H or Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H or epo3,Z6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Operophtera relegata ProutAttZ3,Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R):(9R,10S) = 1:1Qin, 1997
Ourapteryx sambucaria L.AttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:HSubchev, 1986(a)
Pachyerannis obliquaria MotschulskyAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3R,4S)-isomerQin, 1997
Pachyligia dolosa ButlerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H or Z3,epo6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Pachyodes superans ButlerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:HAndo, 1993
Paleacrita vernata Peckspring cankerwormPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HUnderhill in Arn, 1986(a)
Paleacrita vernata Peckspring cankerwormPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + *Z6,Z9-19:H (8:2:1)Millar, 1990(d)
Pamphlebia rubrolimbraria rubrolimbraria GuenéePhe*Z6,Z9,Z12-18:H + other components EYamakawa, 2009
Pamphlebia rubrolimbraria rubrolimbraria GuenéePhe*Z6,Z9,Z12-18:H + other components EYamakawa, 2011(a)
Peribatodes rhomboidaria Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + *Z6,Z9-19:3-one (5:1)Buser, 1985
Peribatodes rhomboidaria Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z6,Z9-19:3-one (1:1–1:4)Tóth, 1987
Perizoma grandis HulstAttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Plagodis alcoolaria GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-20:H (6R,7S)-isomer (1:1)Millar, 1991(c)
Probole alienaria Herrich-SchäfferAttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6R,7S):(6S,7R) = 1:1Landolt, 1996
Probole amicaria Herrich-SchäfferPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomer + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6R,7S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (9:1:8)Millar, 1990(b)
Probole amicaria Herrich-SchäfferPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomer + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6R,7S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (9:1:8)Millar, 1990(c)
Prochoerodes transversata Drurylarge maple spanwormAttZ3,Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (4:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Pseudocoremia fenerata Felder & RogenhoferAttZ6,epo9-19:HGibb, 2006(b)
Pseudocoremia leucelaea MeyrickAttZ6,epo9-19:HGibb, 2006(b)
Pseudocoremia suavis Butlercommon forest looperPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H + other components Gibb, 2006(b)
Rhynchobapta cervinaria bilineata LeechAttZ6,Z9-17:HAndo, 1995(a)
Sabulodes caberata Guenéeomnivorous looperPhe*Z6,Z9-19:H + other componentsMcDonough, 1986
Scopula personata ProutAttZ9,E11-14:OAcNagano, 1979
Semiothisa bicolorata F.AttZ3,Z6,Z9-17:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-17:H (10:1)Millar, 1987
Semiothisa cineraria Bremer & Greyscholar tree looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (6:1)Li, 1993(c)
Semiothisa cineraria Bremer & Greyscholar tree looperPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (20:1) NKong, 2012(b)
Semiothisa clathrata (Chiasmia clathrata) L.Phe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H NTóth, 1991(a)
Semiothisa clathrata (Chiasmia clathrata) L.Phe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3:1)Tóth, 1994(a)
Semiothisa delectata HulstAttZ3,epo6,Z9-17:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (10:1)Millar, 1987
Semiothisa marmorata FergusonAttepo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (9:1–1:1)Gries, 1993(a)
Semiothisa neptaria GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H NMillar, 1987
Semiothisa neptaria GuenéeAttepo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S):(3S,4R) = 2:1Gries, 1993(a)
Semiothisa sexmaculata PackardPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3R,4S)-isomerGries, 1993(a)
Semiothisa signaria dispuncta WalkerPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-17:H (10:1) or epo3,Z6,Z9-18:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H (9:1)Millar, 1987
Semiothisa ulsterata PearsallAttZ3,epo6,Z9-17:HMillar, 1987
Semiothisa ulsterata PearsallAttZ3,epo6,Z9-17:H (6S,7R)-isomerMillar, 1990(c)
Sibatania mactata Felder & RogenhoferAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Sicya macularia HarrisAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (9:1)Millar, 1990(b)
Sicya macularia HarrisAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (9:1)Millar, 1990(c)
Synaxis jubararia HulstAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H (4:1–1:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Synegia esther ButlerAttZ6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1995(a)
Tephrina arenacearia HübnerPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H + othr componentsTóth, 1991(a)
Tephrina arenacearia HübnerPhe*epo3,Z6,Z9-17:H (3S,4R)-isomer + Z3,epo6,Z9-17:HTóth, 1994(a)
Thalassodes immissaria intaminata InouePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9,Z12-20:HYamakawa, 2009
Theria rupicaprariaPhe*Z6,Z9-20:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H N + other componentsSzöcs in Arn, 1997
Trichopteryx carpinata BorkhausenAttZ6,Z9-19:HOleander, 2019
Trichopteryx polycommata Denis & Schiffermüllerbarred tooth striped mothPhe*Z6,Z9-19:HOleander, 2019
Triphosa haesitata affirmata GuenéeAttZ9,Z12,Z15-18:OAc + Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (1:20) or + Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (1:20)Wong, 1985(b)
Wilemania nitobei NitobeAttZ3,Z6,Z9,E11-19:HYamamoto, 2008
Xanthorhoe abrasaria aquilonaria Herrich-SchiffermüllerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + its epoxydienes (4:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Xanthorhoe abrasaria aquilonaria Herrich-SchiffermüllerAttZ3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer (10:1)Millar, 1991(c)
Xanthorhoe ferrugata ClerckAttZ3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomerMillar, 1991(c)
Xanthorhoe iduata GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + its epoxydienes (1:1)Wong, 1985(b)
Xanthorhoe munitata HübnerAttepoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HWong, 1985(b)
Xanthorhoe munitata HübnerAttZ3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomer + Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (10:1)Millar, 1991(c)
Xanthotype sospeta DruryAttZ6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomerMillar, 1991(a)
Zethenia albonotaria nesiotis WehrlicAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H (3S,4R)-isomerQin, 1997
Epiplema moza ButlerAttE11-16:OAcAndo, 1975
Epiplema plaqifera ButlerAttE9-14:OHAndo, 1977
Andraca bipunctata Walkertea cluster caterpillarPhe*E11,E14-18:Ald + other componentsHo, 1996
Bombyx mandarina MoorePhe*E10,Z12-16:OHDaimon, 2012(b)
Bombyx mandarina MoorePhe*E10,Z12-16:OHKuwahara, 1979
Bombyx mandarina MoorePhe*E10,Z12-16:OH + another componentKuwahara, 1984
Bombyx mandarina MoorePhe*E3,Z13-18:OHGao in Arn, 1997
Bombyx mori L.silkworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OHButenandt, 1959
Bombyx mori L.silkworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OHButenandt, 1961
Bombyx mori L.silkworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:AldKaissling, 1978
Bombyx mori L.silkworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:AldKasang, 1978(a)
Bombyx mori L.silkworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:Ald + another componentKasang, 1978(b)
Rondotia menciana Mooremulberry white caterpillarPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAcDai, 1988
Trilocha varians WalkerPhe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,Z12-16:OAc (5:2)Daimon, 2012(a)
Actias luna L.luna mothPhe*E6,Z11-18:Ald + *E6-18:Ald (4:1) + another componentMillar, 2016
Antheraea pernyi Guérin-MénevilleAttE6,Z11-16:OAc E; E6,Z11-16:Ald EKaissling in Arn, 1986(a)
Antheraea pernyi Guérin-MénevillePhe*E6,Z11-16:Ald + *E6,Z11-16:OAc + *E4,Z9-14:OAc (5:1:2) E + other componentsBestmann, 1987
Antheraea polyphemus CramerPhe*E6,Z11-16:OAc + *E6,Z11-16:Ald (9:1)Kochansky, 1975(b)
Callosamia promethea Drurypromethea mothPhe*E4,E6,Z11,Z13-16:AldGago, 2013
Coloradia pandora pandora Blakepandora mothPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,E12-16:OAc (10:5:1) + other componentsMcElfresh, 2000
Coloradia velda Johnson & Waltercommon sheep mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,E12-16:OAc + *E10,Z12-16:OH (10:1:0.33) + other componentsMcElfresh, 1999(c)
Actias isabellae (Graellsia isabellae)Spanish moon mothPhe*E4,E6,Z11-16:AldMillar, 2010
Hemileuca burnsi WatsonAttE10,Z12-16:OAc + E10,Z12-16:OH+ E10,Z12-16:Ald + other componentsMcElfresh, 1999(d)
Hemileuca burnsi WatsonPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:OAc + *16:OAc (100:14:0.4:23:232)McElfresh, 2008
Hemileuca eglanterina Boisduvalcommon sheep mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:Ald (100:10:1) + other componentsMcElfresh, 1999(a)
Hemileuca electra electra WrightPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc (main) + *E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:Ald + other componentsMcElfresh, 1999(d)
Hemileuca electra mojavensis Tuskes & McElfreshPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc (main) + *E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:Ald + other componentsMcElfresh, 1999(d)
Hemileuca maia Drurybuck mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,Z12-16:OH + *E10,Z12-16:OAc (20:5:2) + other componentsMcElfresh, 2001(b)
Hemileuca nevadensis StreckerNevada buckmothPhe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + other componentsMcElfresh, 2024
Hemileuca nuttalli StreckerNuttall's sheep mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,E12-16:OAc (2:1–1:2) + other componentsMcElfresh, 1999(b)
Loepa sakaei InouePhe*E4,Z9-14:OAcYan, 2015(a)
Lonomia obliqua WalkerPhe*E11-16:OAc + *E11-16:OH (20:7)Zarbin, 2007
Nudaurelia cytherea cytherea F.pine tree emperor mothPhe*Z5-10:OisoVaHenderson, 1972
Nudaurelia cytherea cytherea F.pine tree emperor mothPhe*Z5-10:OisoVaHenderson, 1973
Rhodinia fugax Butlerpellucid silk mothPhe*E6,Z11-16:AldYan, 2015(a)
Samia cynthia ricini Donovaneri-silkworm mothPhe*E4,E6,Z11-16:OAc (major) + *E4,E6,Z11-16:Ald NBestmann, 1989
Saturnia albofasciata JohnsonPhe*E4,Z9-14:Ald + another componentMcElfresh, 2001(a)
Saturnia mendocino BehrensPhe*E4,Z9-14:Ald + another componentMcElfresh, 2001(a)
Saturnia pavonia (Eudia pavonia)AttZ6,Z11-16:OAcBestmann, 1982(d)
Saturnia walterorum Hogue & JohnsonPhe*E4,Z9-14:Ald + another componentMcElfresh, 2001(a)
Agrius convolvuli L.sweetpotato hornwormPhe*E11,E13-16:AldWakamura, 1996(a)
Amphion floridensis ClarkAttE10,Z12-16:AldLandolt, 1989(a)
Deilephila elpenor L.elephant hawk-mothPhe*E11-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald NBestmann, 1992(b)
Deilephila elpenor lewisii ButlerPhe*E11-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald (17:3)Uehara, 2012
Deilephila porcellusAttE10,E12-16:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Dolbina tancrei StaudingerPhe*E9,Z11-15:Ald + *Z9,Z11-15:Ald (9:1)Uehara, 2013
Hemaris affinis BremerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald + *E10,Z12-16:Ald (9:7:4)Uehara, 2015
Hemaris diffinis BoisduvalAttZ10,E12-16:AldReed, 1987
Hemaris fuciformis L.AttZ10,E12-16:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Hippotion celerio L.silver-striped hawk-mothPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald NBestmann, 1992(b)
Hyles gallii RottenburgAttE10,E12-16:Ald E, E10,Z12-16:Ald EReed, 1987
Hyloicus pinastri (Sphinx pinastri) L.pine halk-mothAttE10,E12-16:Ald E, E10,Z12-16:Ald EPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Manduca sexta L.tobacco hornworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:AldStarratt, 1979
Manduca sexta L.tobacco hornworm mothPhe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,E12,Z14-16:Ald (2:1) + other componentsTumlinson, 1989
Manduca sexta L.tobacco hornworm mothAttE10,Z12-16:Ald + E10,E12,Z14-16:Ald (2:1) + other componentsTumlinson, 1994
Neogurelca himachala sangaica ButlerAttE10,Z12-16:AldDaimon, 2012(b)
Neogurelca himachala sangaica ButlerAttE10,Z12-16:AldUehara, 2015
Neogurelca himachala sangaica ButlerPhe*E10,Z12-16:AldUehara, 2016
Pachysphinx modesta HarrisAttZ10,E12-16:OAcReed, 1987
Proserpinus flavofasciata WalkerAttE10,E12-16:AldReed, 1987
Smerinthus cerisyi KirbyAttZ10,E12-16:OAc + Z10,E12-16:Ald (10:1)Reed, 1987
Smerinthus jamaicensis DruryAttZ10,E12-16:Ald + Z10,Z12-16:Ald (10:1)Reed, 1987
Smerinthus tokyonis MatsumuraPhe*Z10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,Z12-16:OAc + *Z10,E12-16:OAc [87:7:6]Kosaki, 2021
Sphinx drupiferarum J. E. SmithPhe*E10,Z12-16:Ald NReed, 1987
Theretra japonica BoisduvalAttE10,Z12-16:AldUehara, 2015
Theretra oldenlandiae oldenlandiae F.Phe*E10,Z12-16:Ald + *E10,E12-16:Ald + *E11-16:Ald (4:3:3)Uehara, 2012
Heterocampa guttivitta WalkerPhe*≡11,Z13-16:Ald + *≡11-16:Ald (9:1) + another componentSilk, 2000
Micromelalopha siversi StaudingerPhe*13,15-18:Ald NLiu, 2019
Micromelalopha siversi StaudingerPhe*Z13,E15-18:Ald + other componentLiu, 2021
Notodonta dromedariusPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + other components NBestmann, 1993(a)
Notodonta torva HübnerPhe*Z11,Z13-16:OAc + other components NBestmann, 1991
Schizura semirufescensAttZ7-12:OHRoelofs, 1971(a)
Thaumetopoea bonjeani PowellPhe*Z11,Z13-16:Ald + *Z11,Z13-16:OH (9:1)Frérot, 1990(a)
Thaumetopoea jordana Stgr.Phe*≡11,Z13-16:OH + *≡11,Z13-16:Ald + *≡11,Z13-16:OAc [5:4:1] NFrerot, 1993(c)
Thaumetopoea pinivora TreischkeAttZ11,Z13-16:Ald + Z11,Z13-16:OH (9:1)Frérot, 1990(a)
Thaumetopoea pinivora TreischkePhe*Z11,Z13-16:OH + *Z11,Z13-16:Ald [4:1] NFrerot, 1993(c)
Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiffermüllerprocessionary mothPhe*≡11,Z13-16:OAcGuerrero, 1981
Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiffermüllerprocessionary mothPhe*≡11,Z13-16:OAcEinhorn, 1983
Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiffermüllerprocessionary mothAtt≡11,Z13-16:OAcCuevas, 1983
Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiffermüllerprocessionary mothAtt≡11,Z13-16:OAcTiberi, 1984
Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiffermüllerprocessionary mothAtt≡11-16:OAcQuero, 1995
Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiffermüllerprocessionary mothPhe*≡11,Z13-16:OAcQuero, 1997
Thaumetopoea processionea L.oak processionary mothAtt≡11,Z13-16:OAcTiberi, 1984
Thaumetopoea processionea L.oak processionary mothPhe*Z11,Z13-16:OAc + *Z11,Z13-16:OH [19:1] NFrerot, 1993(c)
Thaumetopoea processionea L.oak processionary mothPhe*Z11,Z13-16:OAc + other componentsQuero, 2003
Thaumetopoea processionea L.oak processionary mothAttZ11,Z13-16:OAcBreuer, 2003
Thaumetopoea processionea L.oak processionary mothPhe*Z11,Z13-16:OAc + *Z11,E13,Δ15-16:OAc (1:1)Gries, 2004
Thaumetopoea solitaria Fr.Phe*Z13,Z15-18:Ald NFrerot, 1993(c)
Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams.Att≡11,Z13-16:OAcHalperin, 1982
Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams.Phe*≡11,Z13-16:OAc NFrerot, 1993(c)
Diloba caeruleocephala L.figure-of-eight mothAttZ8-13:OAcSubchev, 2000(b)
Acronicta grisea WalkerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Acronicta sperata Grotedagger mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:Ald (9:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Acronicta tridensAttZ9-14:AldTóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Raphia frater GroteAttZ7-12:OHWeatherston, 1974(a)
Raphia frater GroteAttZ7-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc (9:1)McLeod, 1982
Simyra henrici GroteAttZ7-14:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormPhe*Z9-16:Ald + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *16:Ald (100:15:3:8) + other componentsSugie, 1991(b)
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormPhe*Z9-16:Ald + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc (100:30:5:1.5) + other componentsCork, 1992
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormPhe*Z9-16:Ald + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc (100:30:5:1.5) + other componentsPark, 1996
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormAttZ9-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (25:1)Park, 1994
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormAttZ9-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald + Z9-16:OAc (7:5:1)Cork, 1992
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormAttZ9-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (20:1)Cork, 1992
Helicoverpa assulta (Heliothis assulta) Guenéeoriental tobacco budwormAttZ9-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (100:9.5)Cai in Arn, 1997
Helicoverpa gelotopoen DyarPhe*16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (1:1) + another componentCork, 2003
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormAttZ9-14:OFo EPriesner, 1975
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormPhe*Z11-16:AldRoelofs, 1974(c)
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (26:1) + other componentsKlun, 1979(b)
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (65:1–40:1) + other componentsKlun, 1980(b)
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (90:1) + other components NPope, 1984
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (65:1–40:1) + other componentsTeal, 1984
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *16:Ald NDescoins, 1988
Helicoverpa zea (Heliothis zea) Boddiecorn earwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald + Z7-16:Ald + 16:Ald (87:3:2:8)Lopez, 1990
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:AldPiccardi, 1977
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (1:1)Gothilf, 1978
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald (100:1–100:5)Rothschild, 1978
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (25:1)Kehat, 1980
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (10:1)Buleza in Arn, 1992
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-14:Ald (1:3) + other componentsKonjuchov, 1983
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (20:1–97:3) + other componentsNesbitt, 1979(b)
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (20:1–97:3) + other componentsNesbitt, 1980(b)
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald [29:1] + other componentsDunkelblum, 1980
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald (20:1–97:3) + other componentsKehat, 1990
Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis armigera) Hübnerold world bollworm; cotton bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald (98.3:1.4:0.3) + other componentsZhang, 2012
Heliothis belladonna Henry & EdwardsAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald + Z7-16:Ald + 16:AldLandolt in Pherobase
Heliothis maritima Graslinfulvous clover mothPhe*Z11-16:Ald + other components EKovalev, 1991
Heliothis maritima Graslinfulvous clover mothPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *16:Ald (100:5:6)Szöcs, 1993(a)
Heliothis maritime adaucta Butlerflax budwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (100:1) + another componentKakizaki, 2003
Heliothis ononis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Heliothis peltigera Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald (16:1)Nesbitt, 1979(b)
Heliothis peltigera Denis & SchiffermüllerIsraelPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (10:5:3) + other componentsDunkelblum, 1989
Heliothis phloxiphaga Grote & RobinsonPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *Z9-16:Ald (482:15:3)Raina, 1986(b)
Helicoverpa punctigera (Heliothis punctigera) WallengrenAustralian bollwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (50:50:1)Rothschild, 1978
Helicoverpa punctigera (Heliothis punctigera) WallengrenAustralian bollwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (20:20:1) + other componentsRothschild, 1982
Heliothis subflexa GuenéePhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z7-16:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (41:15:3:6:26) + other componentsTeal, 1981
Heliothis subflexa GuenéePhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z7-16:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (41:15:3:6:26) + other componentsKlun, 1982
Heliothis subflexa GuenéePhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *Z11-16:OAc (10:5:1:1) wind tunnelVickers, 2002
Heliothis subflexa GuenéePhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *Z11-16:OAc + other componentsNojima, 2018
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald (16:1)Roelofs, 1974(c)
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald (16:1)Tumlinson, 1975
Heliothis virescens F.AttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald (15:1)Hendricks, 1989
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald (17:1) + other componentsKlun, 1979(b)
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + other componentsKlun, 1980(c)
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + other componentsPope, 1982
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + other componentsVetter, 1983
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + other componentsRamaswamy, 1985
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + other componentsTeal, 1986
Heliothis virescens F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (100:5:1)Groot, 2018
Heliothis virescens F.AttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald + Z11-16:OH (15:1:0.04)Shaver, 1989
Heliothis virescens F.AttZ9-14:OFo + Z9-14:Ald (32:1–16:1)Mitchell, 1978
Protoschinia scutosa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OHKonstantin in Arn, 1986(a)
Protoschinia scutosa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OH (3:1:1)Li, 1993(d)
Pyrrhia umbra HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAcStan, 1992
Schinia bina GuenéeAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (7:3)Underhill, 1977(a)
Schinia meadi GroteAttZ11-16:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Schinia sueta GroteAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OHByers, 1987
Abagrotis placidaAttZ7-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10000:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Agrotis clavis HufnagelAttZ11-14:OAcHrdý, 1979
Agrotis clavis HufnagelAttZ5-10:OAcTóth, 1992(c)
Agrotis collaris WallengrenAttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (20:1)Steck in Arn, 1986(a)
Agrotis confusa StephensAttZ7-12:OAcIl'icheva in Arn, 1992
Agrotis crassa (Scotia crassa) HűbnerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1981
Agrotis exclamationis (Scotia exclamationis) L.heart-and-dart mothPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (19:1)Bestmann, 1980
Agrotis exclamationis (Scotia exclamationis) L.heart-and-dart mothPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Vrkoc, 1983
Agrotis exclamationis (Scotia exclamationis) L.heart-and-dart mothAttZ5-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (20:3)Priesner, 1985(b)
Agrotis exclamationis (Scotia exclamationis) L.heart-and-dart mothPhe*Z5-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + other componentsLebedeva, 2000(b)
Agrotis exclamationis (Scotia exclamationis) L.heart-and-dart mothAttZ5-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (25:4)Grodner, 2018
Agrotis fucosa Butler (Agrotis segetum ?)common cutworm mothPhe*Z5-10:OAc + *Z7-10:OAc (1:9)Wakamura, 1978
Agrotis fucosa Butler (Agrotis segetum ?)common cutworm mothPhe*Z5-10:OAc + *Z7-10:OAc (1:9)Wakamura, 1980
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormAttZ7-12:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Hill, 1979(b)
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (3:4:2)Causse in Arn, 1986(a)
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (3:1:15)Wakamura, 1986(a)
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + 16:OAc (8:4:4:1:2)Buleza, 1991
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + other componentsPicimbon, 1997
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (3:1:6)Gemeno, 1998
Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagelblack cutwormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc NGemeno, 2000
Agrotis obliqua SmithAttZ5-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Agrotis orthogonia Morrisonpale western cutwormAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (2:1)Struble, 1978(a)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z5-10:OAcBestmann, 1978(a)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-16:OAcVoronkova in Arn, 1992
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (4:1–1:1)Tóth, 1980
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc (2:1) + other componentsArn, 1980
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1)Arn, 1983
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1)Grodner, 2018
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OH [10:5:2] + other componentsLöfstedt, 1982
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + other componentsLöfstedt, 1985(b)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1)Löfstedt, 1985(c)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1) + other componentsLöfstedt, 1986(b)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1) + other componentsHansson, 1990(a)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1) + other componentsLebedeva, 1991
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (1:1:1) + other componentsSvensson, 1997
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc (50:10:25:1)Wu, 1995
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z5-12:OAc (25:100:3:10)Wu, 1999
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothAttZ7-12:OHTóth, 1991(c)
Agrotis segetum (Scotia segetum) Denis & Schiffermüllerturnip moth; white-line dart mothAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAcTóth, 1992(c)
Agrotis venerabilis Walkerdusky cutwormAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (20:1)Steck, 1979(d)
Agrotis venerabilis Walkerdusky cutwormAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (100:10:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Agrotis venerabilis Walkerdusky cutwormAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:Ald (100:10:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Agrotis vetusta WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (50:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Agrotis volubilis HarveyAttZ5-14:OAc + Z5-14:Ald (1:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Agrotis volubilis HarveyAttZ5-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Chersotis juncta GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Chersotis multangula HübnerAttZ11-16:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Chersotis multangula HübnerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (10:1)Subchev, 1990
Cryptocala acadiensis BethuneAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAcSteck, 1976
Cryptocala acadiensis BethuneAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z9-14:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Diarsia brunnea Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev in Arn, 1992
Diarsia brunnea Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (3:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Diarsia dahlii Hübnerbarred chestnut mothAttZ7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (10:2:1)Priesner, 1985(a)
Diarsia deparca ButlerAttZ9-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Diarsia pseudorosaria HardwickAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-16:OAc (3:1)Kamm, 1985
Diarsia rubi ViewegAttZ11-16:OAcTerytze in Pherobase
Euagrotis tepperi SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (10:1:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Eurois astricta MorrisonAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (8:2:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Eurois occulta L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (3:1)Steck, 1976
Eurois occulta L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (3:1) or Z9-14:OAc + Z11,E14-16:OAc (3:1)Chisholm, 1980(b)
Eurois occulta L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:30:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Eurois occulta L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Euxoa acornis SmithAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (6:3:2)Underhill, 1977(a)
Euxoa albipennis GroteAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (10:1:1)Steck, 1979(d)
Euxoa altera SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (5:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa auxiliaris Grotearmy cutwormAttZ5-14:OAc + E7-14:OAc (1:19)Struble, 1977(b)
Euxoa auxiliaris Grotearmy cutwormAttZ5-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (100:1:10)Struble, 1981(a)
Euxoa basalis GroteAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z5-10:OAc (5:5:1) or + Z5-12:OAc (5:5:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa campestris GroteAttZ5-10:OAc or Z5-10:OAc + Z5-12:Ald (10:1)Byers, 1981
Euxoa campestris GroteAttZ5-10:OAc or Z5-10:OAc + Z5-12:Ald (10:1)Underhill, 1981
Euxoa cicatricosa Grote & RobinsonAttZ7-12:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Euxoa dargo StreckerAttZ11-16:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Euxoa dargo StreckerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:9)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa declarata WalkerAttZ5-10:OAc or Z5-10:OAc + Z5-12:Ald (10:1)Byers, 1981
Euxoa declarata WalkerAttZ5-10:OAc or Z5-10:OAc + Z5-12:Ald (10:1)Underhill, 1981
Euxoa distinguenda LedererAttZ3-10:OAcPriesner, 1988(b)
Euxoa divergens WalkerAttZ9-12:OAc + Z7-10:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Euxoa divergens WalkerAttZ9-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (200:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa drewseni StaudingerPhe*Z5-12:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *12:OAc (6:1:2) + other componentsStruble, 1983(a)
Euxoa eruta HübnerAttZ3-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1988(b)
Euxoa flavicollis SmithAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Euxoa flavicollis SmithAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1000:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa hastifera DonzelAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Euxoa hastifera DonzelAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Subchev, 1990
Euxoa hastifera DonzelAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (2:1)Coroiu, 1986
Euxoa idahoensis GroteAttZ5-10:OAc + Z5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAcByers, 1987
Euxoa lutulenta SmithAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAcSteck, 1976
Euxoa maimes SmithPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (200:2:1) + other componentsStruble, 1985
Euxoa manitobana McDunoughAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (4:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa messoria Harrisdarksided cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-16:OAc (40:1) or Z11-16:OAc + Z7,Z11-16:OAc (9:1)Struble, 1977(c)
Euxoa messoria Harrisdarksided cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-14:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Euxoa messoria Harrisdarksided cutwormAttZ11,E14-16:OAc + Z7-16:OAc (25:1)Chisholm, 1980(b)
Euxoa messoria Harrisdarksided cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-16:OAc (20:1)Ayre, 1982(b)
Euxoa messoria Harrisdarksided cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z7-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (1000:25:2:20) + other componentsStruble, 1987(b)
Euxoa mimallonis GroteAttZ5-10:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Euxoa nigricans L.AttZ7-12:OAcArn, 1983
Euxoa nigricans L.AttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1983
Euxoa obeliscoides GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Euxoa obeliscoides GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (500:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Euxoa ochrogaster Guenéeredbacked cutwormAttZ5-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc (1:2)Struble, 1978(b)
Euxoa ochrogaster Guenéeredbacked cutwormAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (200:1)Steck, 1980(b)
Euxoa ochrogaster Guenéeredbacked cutwormPhe*Z5-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (200:2:1:1) + other componentsStruble, 1980(a)
Euxoa ochrogaster Guenéeredbacked cutwormPhe*Z5-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (200:2:1:1) + other componentsStruble, 1981(b)
Euxoa ochrogaster Guenéeredbacked cutwormAttZ5-12:OAc + Z8-12:OAc + Z5-11:OAc (25:50:1)Ayre, 1982(b)
Euxoa ochrogaster Guenéeredbacked cutwormAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (400:4:1:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Euxoa olivia MorrisonAttZ5-10:OAcUnderhill, 1981
Euxoa perolivalis SmithAttZ9-14:OAcStruble, 1987(c)
Euxoa pestula GroteAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z7-12:Ald (100:1:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa plagigera MorrisonAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (5:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa pleuritica GroteAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OHUnderhill, 1977(a)
Euxoa pleuritica GroteAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z5-12:OAc (5:1:1–5:5:1) or Z7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z5-10:OAc (25:5:5:2)Steck, 1978
Euxoa ridingsiana GroteAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Euxoa ridingsiana GroteAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (500:1:20)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa ridingsiana GrotePhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (40:2:1) + other componentsStruble, 1985
Euxoa rockburnei HardwickAttZ5-10:OAc + Z5-12:Ald (10:1)Byers, 1981
Euxoa rockburnei HardwickAttZ5-10:OAc + Z5-12:Ald (10:1)Underhill, 1981
Euxoa scandens Rileywhite cutwormAttZ7-12:OHMcLeod, 1982
Euxoa seliginis DuponchelAttZ5-10:OAcNagy, 2023
Euxoa servita SmithAttZ7-14:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Euxoa servita SmithAttZ7-14:OAc + Z7-14:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Euxoa siccata SmithAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAcByers, 1987
Euxoa tessellata Harrisstriped cutwormAttZ7-16:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Euxoa tessellata Harrisstriped cutwormAttZ7-16:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (200:1) or Z7-16:OAc + Z5-16:OAc (1:1)Struble, 1982
Euxoa tritici L.AttZ5-10:OAcNagy, 2023
Euxoa tristicula Morrisonearly cutwormAttZ9-12:OAc + 12:OAc (1:3)Steck, 1979(a)
Euxoa tristicula Morrisonearly cutwormAttZ9-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (2:5:0.01)Steck, 1982(a)
Euxoa sp. 1AttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Euxoa sp. 2AttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Euxoa sp. 3AttZ7-16:OAcUnderhill, 1977(a)
Euxoa sp. 4AttZ5-12:OAcUnderhill, 1977(a)
Feltia ducens WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (1:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Feltia ducens WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (2000:1:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Feltia jaculifera Guenéedingy cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1000:1:1)Steck, 1986
Feltia jaculifera Guenéedingy cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (0:1:10)Byers, 1990
Feltia jaculifera Guenéedingy cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (0:1:10)Gemeno, 1998
Feltia jaculifera Guenéedingy cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (2000:1:1)Byers, 1990
Feltia jaculifera Guenéedingy cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (2000:1:1)Gemeno, 1998
Hermonassa cecilia ButlerAttZ9-14:OAcAndo, 1975
Hermonassa cecilia ButlerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1981
Loxagrotis albicosta Smithwestern bean cutwormPhe*Z5-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc (5:1:5)Klun, 1983
Mesogona acetosellae Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcStan in Arn, 1992
Noctua comes Hübnerlesser yellow underwing mothAttZ5-14:OAcPriesner, 1985(a)
Noctua fimbriata SchreberAttZ11-14:OAcKonstantin in Arn, 1986(a)
Noctua fimbriata SchreberAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAcFrerot, 1982(a)
Noctua fimbriata SchreberAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Ghizdavu, 1985
Noctua fissipuncta HaworthAttZ11-16:AldGrichanov in Pherobase
Noctua interjecta HübnerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Noctua janthina Dennis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAcSzöcs, 1983
Noctua janthina Dennis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Frerot, 1982(a)
Noctua janthina Dennis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ghizdavu, 1985
Noctua orbona HufnagelAttZ7-12:OAcSubchev, 1990
Noctua orbona HufnagelAttZ7-12:OAcCoroiu in Arn, 1997
Noctua pronuba L.large yellow underwingAttZ11-14:OAcHrudová, 2003
Noctua pronuba L.large yellow underwingAttZ9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (8:1:1)Ostrauskas, 2004
Actebia fennica (Ochropleura fennica) Tauscherblack army cutwormAttZ11-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Steck, 1979(c)
Actebia fennica (Ochropleura fennica) Tauscherblack army cutwormPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (20:1) + other componentsStruble, 1989
Ochropleura plecta L.AttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Ochropleura plecta L.AttZ11-16:OAc + E11-16:OAc (1:1)Voerman in Arn, 1986(a)
Ochropleura plecta L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (20:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Ochropleura plecta L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:3–100:1)Tóth, 1986(b)
Ochropleura plecta L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:3–100:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Ochropleura signifera Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:OHSubchev, 1990
Ochropleura triangularis MooreAttZ9-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Opigena polygona Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcPeltotalo, 1986
Paradiarsia littoralis PackardAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Paradiarsia littoralis PackardAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Peridroma saucia Hübnervariegated cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (2:1–1:1)Struble, 1976
Peridroma saucia Hübnervariegated cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (2:1–1:1)Descoins, 1978
Peridroma saucia Hübnervariegated cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Inomata, 2002
Peridroma saucia Hübnervariegated cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (15:2)Landolt, 2003
Peridroma saucia Hübnervariegated cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (2:1)Choi, 2009(b)
Rhyacia rubi (Diarsia rubi) Viewg.AttZ11-16:OAcTerytze, 1987
Sineugraphe disgnosta BoursinAttZ7-12:OHAndo, 1981
Spaelotis clandestina Harrisw-marked cutwormAttZ7-14:AldSteck, 1979(c)
Spaelotis clandestina Harrisw-marked cutwormPhe*Z7-14:Ald + other componentsSteck, 1982(c)
Tmetolophota atristriga Walkerpink grass wormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald (3;1)El-Sayed, 2022
Tmetolophota atristriga Walkerpink grass wormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H (3:1:0.2) + other componentsEl-Sayed, 2022
Xestia baja (Amathes baja, Rhyacia baja) Schiffermüllerdotted clay mothAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (1000:100:1)Priesner, 1984(b)
Xestia candelarum (Amathes candelarum) StaudingerAttZ7-14:OAc EPriesner, 1977
Xestia candelarum (Amathes candelarum) StaudingerAttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttE7-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttZ7-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttZ7-14:OAcFujimura, 1976
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttZ7-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormPhe*Z7-14:OAcHirai in Arn, 1986(a)
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormPhe*Z7-14:OAcBestmann, 1979
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (100:9–100:1)Steck, 1982(d)
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttZ7-14:OAcSubchev, 1996
Xestia c-nigrum (Amathes c-nigrum) L.spotted cutwormAttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (100:1)Landolt, 2011
Xestia collaris (Amathes collaris) Grote & RobinsonAttZ7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Steck, 1979(c)
Xestia ditrapezium Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (10:2:1)Priesner, 1985(a)
Xestia dolosa FranclemontPhe*Z7-14:OAcBjostad in Arn, 1986(a)
Xestia rhomboidea EsperAttZ5-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (20:1)Priesner, 1985(a)
Xestia triangulum HufnagelAttZ5-14:OAcPriesner, 1985(a)
Xestia xanthographa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(a)
Xestia xanthographa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (10:3)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Xestia sp.AttE11-14:AldDaterman, 1977
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormAttZ9-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAcTakahashi, 1979
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (20:5:2)Takahashi, 1980
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (9:1) or + Z7-12:OAc (20:5:2)Sato, 1980
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (9:1)Lin, 1982
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (20:5:2)Takahashi, 1983
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + other componentsHo, 2002
Acantholeucania loreyi (Mythimna loreyi) Duponchellorey leafwormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (100:20:9)Wang, 2023
Acosmetia caliginosa HübnerAttE9-14:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Aletia oxygala GroteAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (20:1)Chisholm, 1979
Aletia oxygala GroteAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (20:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Anarta melanopa ThunbergAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldLinnaluoto, 1983
Anarta myrtilli L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcAustara in Pherobase
Anhimella contrahens WalkerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (10:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Brithys crini F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald NKou, 1989
Brithys crini F.Phe*Z11-16:Ald NKou, 1991
Ceramica picta Harriszebra caterpillar mothAttZ11-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Ceramica picta Harriszebra caterpillar mothAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-14:Ald (1:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Ceramica picta Harriszebra caterpillar mothAttZ11-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (200:2:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Ceramica pisi (Mamestra pisi, Polia pisi) L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (1:1)Priesner, 1980(b)
Ceramica pisi (Mamestra pisi, Polia pisi) L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (3:1)Renou, 1981(b)
Cerapteryx graminis L.antler mothAttZ11-16:OAcMyttus in Arn, 1986(a)
Cerapteryx graminis L.antler mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Cerapteryx graminis L.antler mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (6:4–3:7)Mõttus, 1998
Dargida diffusa WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldLandolt in Pherobase
Dargida terrapictalis BuckettAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldLandolt in Pherobase
Discestra farnhami (Scotogramma farnhami) GroteAttZ11-16:AldSteck, 1979(c)
Discestra farnhami (Scotogramma farnhami) GroteAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (100:1:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-16:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-16:OAcKrivokhizhin, 1984
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Struble, 1975(a)
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z5-16:OAc (100:1)Subchev, 1987
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (9:1)Underhill, 1976
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Ayre, 1982(a)
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-14:OAcBoness, 1978
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11-14:OAcHrdý, 1979
Discestra trifolii (Scotogramma trifolii) Hufnagelclover cutwormAttZ11,E14-16:OAc + Z11,E14-16:OH (10:1)Chisholm, 1980(b)
Egira pulla Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAcSubchev in Arn, 1992
Faronta diffusa Walkerwheat head armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (9:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Graphania bromias MeyrickPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (2:1) + another componentFrérot, 1993(b)
Graphania insignis WalkerPhe*Z7-12:OH + *Z9-14:OH (1:1)Frérot, 1993(b)
Graphania mutans WalkerPhe*Z9-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OH + *Z7-14:OAc (100:50:13:3)Frérot, 1991
Graphania mutans WalkerPhe*Z9-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OH + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z9-14:Ald (15:35:14:5:100)Frérot, 1991
Graphania plena WalkerPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (100:33) + other componentsFrérot, 1993(b)
Graphania ustistriga WalkerPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH NFrérot, 1993(b)
Hada nana (Polia nana) HufnagelAttZ9-14:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Heliophobus reticulata Gze.AttZ9-14:OAcSzöcs, 1983
Hemiglaea costalis (Blepharosis costalis) ButlerAttZ9-14:Ald + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Hypocoena rufostrigata PackardAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH + Z9-14:Ald (100:1:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Hyssia cavernosa EversmannAttZ9-14:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Lacanobia subjuncta Grote & RobinsonPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (3:1:0.08)Landolt, 1998
Lacinipolia lorea GuenéeAttZ7-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Lacinipolia renigera Stephensbristly cutwormAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Lacinipolia renigera Stephensbristly cutwormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (100:3)Haynes, 1990
Lacinipolia vicina GroteAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (5:5:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Leucania anteoclara SmithPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-14:OAc (10:4:1) + other componentsByers, 1997
Leucania commoides GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (5:4:1)Struble, 1977(d)
Leucania commoides GuenéePhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (5:4:1) + other componentsByers, 1997
Leucania linda FranclemoutAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (19:1)Roelofs, 1976(b)
Leucania lithargyria EsperAttZ11-16:AldGrichanov in Arn, 1992
Leucania multilinea WalkerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (4:4:1)Struble, 1977(d)
Leucania phragmitidicola GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Leucania phragmitidicola GuenéeAttZ11-16:OAcFleischer, 2005
Mamestra biren GoezeAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (20:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Mamestra biren GoezePhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH [72:11:15:2] NFrerot, 1987(b)
Mamestra blenna HübnerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (10:3:1)Tóth, 1986(b)
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAcBestmann, 1978(b)
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAcDescoins, 1978
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAcHirai, 1978
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsStruble, 1980(b)
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsAttygalle, 1987
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsFarine, 1981
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsSugie, 1993
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:0.1)Subchev, 1984
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:0.1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OFo (100:0.1)Subchev, 1984
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-17:OAc [19:1] NNovák, 1979
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-17:OAc (8:1)Van de Veire, 1986
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-17:OAc (4:1)Nedopekina in Arn, 1992
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (5:1) or + Z9-14:OAc (1000:1)Subchev, 1987
Mamestra brassicae L.cabbage armywormAttZ11-14:OAcHrdý, 1979
Mamestra cappa HübnerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OHSherman in Pherobase
Mamestra configurata Walkerbertha armywormAttZ10-16:OAcStruble, 1975(b)
Mamestra configurata Walkerbertha armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + E11-16:OAc (17:3)Chisholm, 1975
Mamestra configurata Walkerbertha armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (19:1)Underhill, 1977(b)
Mamestra configurata Walkerbertha armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (15:2)Landolt, 2003
Mamestra configurata Walkerbertha armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (500:26:0.1) or + Z11-16:Ald (500:26:1)Struble, 1984
Mamestra configurata Walkerbertha armywormAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (250:13:20:10)Byers, 1987
Mamestra contigua Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Mamestra oleracea (Lacanobia oleracea) L.Phe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH [1:1] NDescoins, 1978
Mamestra oleracea (Lacanobia oleracea) L.Phe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH [1:1] NKovalev in Arn, 1986(a)
Mamestra oleracea (Lacanobia oleracea) L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Sans, 1997
Mamestra persicariae (Melanchra persicariae ) L.AttZ11-16:OAcMöttus in Arn, 1986(a)
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*Z11-16:OAcVrkoc, 1981
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Szöcs, 1983
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (10:1)Subchev, 1984
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald (10:1) + other componentsTóth, 1986(b)
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald (10:1) + other componentsFrerot, 1988(c)
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (10:3)Subchev, 1987
Mamestra suasa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:100:1)Subchev in Arn, 1997
Mamestra thalassina HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAcMöttus in Arn, 1986(a)
Mamestra thalassina HufnagelPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH ERenou, 1991
Mamestra w-latinum HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Mamestra w-latinum HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAcSzöcs, 1983
Mniotype versuta SmithAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAcByers, 1987
Morrisonia confusa HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Mythimna albipuncta Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Mythimna albipuncta Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Subchev in Arn, 1992
Mythimna conigera Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldSubchev in Arn, 1992
Mythimna ferrago F.AttZ11-16:AldTóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Mythimna hamifera WalkerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Mythimna pallens L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Mythimna pallens L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Subchev in Arn, 1992
Mythimna pallens L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Mythimna turca L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z7-16:OAcSubchev in Pherobase
Mythimna turca L.AttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Mythimna vitellina HübnerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSubchev in Arn, 1992
Nephelodes emmedonia Cramerbronze cutwormAttZ11-16:AldUnderhill, 1977(a)
Nephelodes minians Guenéebronzed cutwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAcSteck, 1977(b)
Nephelodes minians Guenéebronzed cutwormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc (5:1)Zhu, 2004
Orbona fragariae pallidior WarrenAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Orthodes crenulata ButlerAttZ11-16:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Orthodes vecors GuenéeAttZ11-16:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Orthosia angustipennis MatsumuraAttZ9,E12-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Orthosia carnipennis ButlerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Orthosia carnipennis ButlerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Mizukoshi, 2006
Orthosia cruda Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Booij, 1984(b)
Orthosia cruda Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (20:1)Tóth, 1993
Orthosia ella ButlerAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Orthosia ella ButlerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1000:1)Kakizaki in Pherobase
Orthosia evanida ButlerAttZ9-14:AldAndo, 1981
Orthosia gothica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (20:1)Austara in Arn, 1986(a)
Orthosia gothica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (20:1)Bradshaw, 1983
Orthosia gothica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH + Z5-14:OAc (20:1:20:1)Tóth, 1992(f)
Orthosia gothica askoldensis StaudingerAttZ9-14:Ald + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Ando, 1981
Orthosia gracilis (Monima gracilis) Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Orthosia gracilis (Monima gracilis) Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev in Arn, 1992
Orthosia gracilis (Monima gracilis) Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcStruble in Arn, 1986(a)
Orthosia hibisci Guenéespeckled green fruitwormAttZ9,E12-14:Ald or Z9-14:AldHill, 1978
Orthosia hibisci Guenéespeckled green fruitwormAttZ9-14:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (100:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Orthosia incerta HufnagelAttZ9-14:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (9:1)Booij, 1984(b)
Orthosia limbata ButlerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (9:1)Ando, 1981
Orthosia lizetta ButlerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Ando, 1981
Orthosia miniosa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (20:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Orthosia munda Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (20:1)Tóth, 1993
Orthosia munda Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (9:9:2)Ando, 1981
Orthosia odiosa ButlerAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Orthosia paromoea HampsonAttZ7-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Orthosia stabilis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldSubchev, 1986(b)
Orthosia stabilis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald (100:1)Tóth, 1993
Pachetra sagittigera (Pachetra fulminea) HufnagelAttZ7-12:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Pachetra sagittigera (Pachetra fulminea) HufnagelAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Panolis flammea Denis & Shiffermüllerpine beauty mothAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (20:1)Priesner, 1978
Panolis flammea Denis & Shiffermüllerpine beauty mothAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc or + Z11-16:OAc (20:1)Priesner, 1983
Panolis flammea Denis & Shiffermüllerpine beauty mothAttZ9-14:OAc or Z9,E12-14:OAcKnauf, 1979
Panolis flammea Denis & Shiffermüllerpine beauty mothPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc (100:5:1)Baker, 1982
Polia assimilis MorrisonAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Polia atlantica (Lacanobia atlantica) GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (9:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Polia atlantica (Lacanobia atlantica) GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-14:Ald (200:1:1)Steck, 1980(a)
Polia bombycina HufnagelAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (1:1)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Polia discalis GroteAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Polia grandis BoisduvalAttE9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Polia ingravis SmithAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Polia lilacina HarveyAttZ7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (10:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Polia nebulosa HufnagelAttZ11-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (100:10:3)Subchev in Pherobase
Polia nevadae (Lacanobia nevadae) GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Polia purpurissata GroteAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Polia segregata SmithAttZ7-14:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Polia segregata SmithAttZ7-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Polia tacoma StreckerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (9:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Polia tacoma StreckerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (100:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (4:1–9:1)Takahashi, 1979
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (4:1–9:1)Takahashi, 1980
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (4:1)Lin in Arn, 1992
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH + *16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH (100:10:0.1)Zhu, 1987(c)
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:AldWei, 1985
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + another componentWang, 1997
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (2:1) + other componentsKou, 1992(b)
Pseudaletia separata (Leucania separata, Mythimna separata) Walkeroriental armywormPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OAc (20:1) + other componentsLebedeva, 2000(a)
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsHill, 1980
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsMcDonough, 1980
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothPhe*Z11-16:OAc + other componentsFarine in Arn, 1992
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (100:0.2)Steck, 1980(a)
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald + Z9-14:OAc (100:0.2:0.05:0.01)Steck, 1982(e)
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothAttZ11-16:OAcSoldán, 1983
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z9-14:OAc + 16:OAc (1:5:2:1)Guerrero, 1986
Pseudaletia unipuncta (Mythimna unipuncta) Hawortharmyworm mothAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald + 12:OAc (9:1:1:2)Rotundo in Arn, 1992
Sarcopolia illoba (Mamestra illoba) ButlerAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Sideridis rosea HarveyAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (2:1)Struble, 1976
Xylomyges curialis GrotePhe*Z11-16:OHMcDonough, 1982(b)
Xylomyges dolosa GroteAttZ7-12:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Agrochola circellaris HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAcStan, 1992
Agrochola helvola L.AttZ9-14:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Agrochola humilis Dennis & ShiffermüllerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald (100:3)Subchev, 1994
Agrochola litura L.AttZ9-14:AldSubchev, 1994
Agrochola litura L.AttZ9-14:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Agrochola lota ClerckAttZ9-14:OAcSubchev, 1990
Agrochola lychnidis Dennis & ShiffermüllerAttZ9-14:AldSubchev, 1994
Agrochola macilenta HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcTóth, 1979
Agrochola macilenta HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcStan in Arn, 1992
Allophyes oxyacanthae L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (1:1)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Ammoconia caecimacula Denis & ShiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAcTóth, 1979
Antivaleria viridimacula (Valeriodes viridimacula) GraeserAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Atethmia ambusta F.AttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (10:1)Subchev, 1995
Blepharita solieri BoisduvalPhe*Z11-16:AldRotundo, 1983
Callierges ramosa EsperAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSubchev, 1986(b)
Calophasia platyptera EsperAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (1:1)Tóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Conistra grisescens DraudtAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Conistra rubiginea Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSubchev in Arn, 1992
Conistra torida L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSubchev in Pherobase
Conistra unimacula SugiAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Conistra vaccinii L.AttZ7-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Conistra veronicae HübnerAttZ7-12:OAcSubchev, 1990
Copitarsia decolora GuenéePhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (100:1 – 4:1)Rojas, 2006
Copitarsia uncilata Burgos & LeivaPhe*Z9-14:OAc or *E9-14:OAc + other components NAltamar-Varón, 2016
Cucullia argentea HufnagelAttZ7-12:OFoSzöcs, 1981
Cucullia chamomilliae Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Frerot, 1982(a)
Cucullia florea GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Cucullia intermedia SpeyerAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Cucullia lucifuga Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc + 14:OAc (8:1:1)Frérot, 1987(a)
Cucullia lucifuga Denis & SchiffermüllerAtt12,12,12-F₃-Z9-12:OAcBengtsson, 1990
Cucullia lychnitis RamburAttZ9-14:OH EPriesner, 1975
Cucullia omissa DodAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Cucullia postera GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (100:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Cucullia speyeri LintnerAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Cucullia tanaceti Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (5:1)Konstantin in Arn, 1986(a)
Cucullia umbratica L.AttZ9-14:OAc EPriesner, 1975
Cucullia umbratica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (1:4)Platia in Arn, 1986(a)
Cucullia umbratica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1) or + Z7-14:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1983
Cucullia umbratica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (1:1:1)Coroiu, 1986
Cucullia umbratica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z11-14:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Cucullia umbratica L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAcOstrauskas, 2003
Epiglaea apiata Grovecranberry blossom wormPhe*Z9-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *14:OAcZhang, 2003(b)
Eupsilia quadrilinea LeechAttZ11-16:OH or E11-16:OHAndo, 1977
Eupsilia transversa HufnagelAttZ11-16:OHPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Eupsilia transversa HufnagelAttZ11-16:OHSubchev in Arn, 1992
Eupsilia tripunctata ButlerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (9:9:2)Ando, 1981
Fishia derelicta HampsonAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Fishia derelicta HampsonAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (4:8:1)Underhill, 1977(a)
Fishia evelina hanhami GroteAttZ5-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (8:1)Steck, 1979(c)
Homoglaea sp.AttE11-14:OAcDaterman, 1977
Homohadena infixa WalkerAttZ7-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Isopolia strigidisca MooreAttZ11-14:OAcAndo, 1981
Jodia croceago Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1990
Lithomoia solidaginis HübnerAttZ11-16:AldUnderhill, 1977(a)
Lithophane ornitopus HufnagelAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-14:Ald (10:1–2:1)Subchev, 1990
Lithophane thaxteri GroteAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Lithophane unimoda LintnerAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Oncocnemis chandleri GroteAttE5,Z7-12:OAcReed, 1984
Oncocnemis cibalis GroteAttE5,Z7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Reed, 1984
Oncocnemis lepipuloides McDunnoughAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Oncocnemis mackiei Barnes & BenjaminAttE5,Z7-12:OAcReed, 1984
Oncocnemis piffardi WalkerAttZ9-12:OAcUnderhill, 1977(a)
Oncocnemis piffardi WalkerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (500:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Polymixis polymita L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (1:1)Ghizdavu, 1985
Pyreferra citrombra FranclemontAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Pyrreferra citrombra FranclemontAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-12:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Rancora albida GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Rhynchaglaea fuscipennis SugiAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Rhynchaglaea fuscipennis SugiAttZ9-14:AldAndo, 1981
Rhynchaglaea scitula ButlerAttZ9,E12-14:OHAndo, 1977
Sunira bicolorago GuenéeAttZ9-16:OAc + Z11-16:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Sutyna profunda SmithAttZ9-16:OAc + Z11-16:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Sympistis heliophila PaykullAttZ7-12:OAcLinnaluoto, 1983
Telorta acuminata ButlerAttZ11-16:AldAndo, 1981
Telorta acuminata ButlerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Telorta divergens ButlerAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1975
Telorta edentata LeechAttE11-16:OAcAndo, 1975
Telorta edentata LeechAttE11-16:OAc or Z11-16:OAcAndo, 1977
Teratoglaea pacifica SugiAttZ9-14:OAc or Z9,E12-14:OAcAndo, 1977
Xanthia icteritia HufnagelAttZ11-16:AldGrichanov in Pherobase
Xanthia icteritia HufnagelAttZ11-16:Ald +Z9-16:AldBulyginskaya in Pherobase
Xanthia lutea StrömAttZ9,E12-14:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Xylena exoleta L.AttZ11-16:AldSubchev in Pherobase
Xylena formosa ButlerAttZ11-16:AldAndo, 1977
Xylena formosa ButlerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Xylena fumosa ButlerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Kohno, 2014
Agroperina cogitata SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (20:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Agroperina cogitata SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (20:1)Byers, 1987
Agroperina dubitans WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (20:1)Underhill, 1977(b)
Agroperina indela SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Ayre, 1982(a)
Agroperina popofensis indela SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Byers, 1987
Amphipoea americana SpeyerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (5:1)Struble, 1987(c)
Amphipoea fucosa FreyerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAcPeltotalo, 1986
Amphipoea fucosa FreyerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Mizukoshi, 2006
Amphipoea oculea L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Amphipyra monolitha GuenéeAttZ11-16:OAcAndo, 1975
Amphipyra pyramidea LAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev in Pherobase
Andropolia contacta WalkerAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Apamea anceps Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldGrichanov in Arn, 1992
Apamea anceps Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (1:3)Sorochinskaya in Arn, 1992
Apamea indela SmithAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (200:50:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Apamea inordinate MorrisonAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OHByers, 1987
Apamea interoceanica (Amphipoea interoceanica) Smithstrawberry cutwormAttZ9-14:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Apamea interoceanica (Amphipoea interoceanica) Smithstrawberry cutwormAttZ9-14:OAc + E11-14:OAc (5:1)Struble, 1987(c)
Apamea monoglypha HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (100:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Apamea monoglypha HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (1000:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Apamea monoglypha HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Apamea monoglypha HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Subchev in Arn, 1992
Apamea oblonga HaworthAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OHStan in Arn, 1992
Apamea sordens HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:AldSubchev in Arn, 1992
Apamea velata (Amphipoea velata) WalkerAttZ11-16:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Athetis dissimilis HampsonAttZ9-14:OHAndo, 1977
Athetis dissimilis HampsonAttZ9,E12-14:OH + Z9-14:OH (9:1)Kim, 2016
Athetis gluteosa TreitschkeAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (8:5–2:5)Szöcs, 1983
Apamea monoglypha HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Apamea monoglypha HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Subchev in Arn, 1992
Athetis hospes FreyerAttZ9-14:OHCapizzi, Guerrero in Arn, 1986(a)
Athetis hospes FreyerAttZ9-14:OHAlbages, 1988
Athetis hospes FreyerAttZ9-14:OHGuerrero, 1986
Athetis lepigone MöschlerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1981
Athetis lepigone MöschlerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Li, 1993(d)
Athetis lepigone MöschlerPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (7:3)Yan, 2018(a)
Athetis lineosa (Dadica lineosa) MooreAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Athetis pallustris HübnerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (9:1)Frérot, 1987(a)
Atyhpa pulmonaris EsperAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (1:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Axylia putris (Rhyathia putris) L.AttZ9-14:OAcDescoins, 1978
Axylia putris (Rhyathia putris) L.AttZ9-14:OAcSzöcs, 1981
Axylia putris (Rhyathia putris) L.AttZ9-14:OAcAndo, 1981
Axylia putris (Rhyathia putris) L.Att12,12,12-F₃-Z9-12:OAcBengtsson, 1990
Busseola fusca Fullermaize stalk borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (5:1:1)Nesbitt, 1980c
Busseola fusca Fullermaize stalk borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (5:1:1)Hall, 1981
Busseola fusca Fullermaize stalk borerPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (62:15:13:10)Félix, 2009
Busseola segeta BowdenPhe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (62:20:10:5:5)Félix, 2011
Busseola sp.Phe*Z11-14:OAc + *E11-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OH (62:20:10:5:5)Félix, 2011
Caradrina clavipalpis ScopoliAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (4:1)Szöcs, 1981
Caradrina morpheus HufnagelAttE9-12:OAcArn, 1974
Caradrina morpheus HufnagelAttE9-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:4)Brewer, 1985
Caradrina morpheus HufnagelAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ghizdavu, 1985
Celaena haworthiiAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (3:1)Bykhovets in Arn, 1992
Celaena leucostigma HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcKrivokhizhin, 1984
Celaena leucostigma HübnerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-17:OAcMöttus in Arn, 1986(a)
Charanyca trigrammica HufnagelAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (3:1:1)Arn, 1983
Cosmia trapezina L.AttZ11-14:AldBooij, 1985
Cosmia trapezina L.AttZ11-16:AldSubchev in Arn, 1992
Cosmia trapezina L.AttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Crymodes devastator Braceglassy cutwormAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (100:50:3)Steck, 1980(c)
Dicycla oo L.AttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (9:1)Szöcs, 1983
Diparopsis castanea Hmpsonred bollwormPhe*E9,Δ11-12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc (4:1)Nesbitt, 1973
Diparopsis castanea Hmpsonred bollwormPhe*E9,Δ11-12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc + *Z9,Δ11-12:OAc (16:4:5) + other componentsNesbitt, 1975a
Dypterygia scabriuscula L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:AldStan, 1992
Enargia infumata GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (500:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Euplexia lucipara L.AttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Euplexia lucipara L.AttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OAc (10:1)Subchev in Arn, 1992
Gortyna flavago SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (25:1)Subchev, 1994
Gortyna leucostigma HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Gortyna xanthenes Germarartichoke mothPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z9-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *16:Ald (500:15:12:15)Rotundo, 1985(a)
Helotropha reniformis GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-16:OAc (40:1)Struble, 1977(c)
Helotropha reniformis GroteAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (40:1:0.08)Struble, 1987(b)
Hoplodrina alsines BrahmAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Arn, 1983
Hoplodrina alsines BrahmAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1:1)Szöcs, 1983
Hoplodrina ambigua Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OHSherman in Pherobase
Hoplodrina blanda Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAcArn, 1983
Hoplodrina blanda Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAcOstrauskas, 2003
Hoplodrina octogenaria GoezeAttZ11-16:OAcStan, 1992
Hoplodrina octogenaria GoezeAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAcOstrauskas, 2003
Hoplodrina superstes OchsenheimerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Szöcs, 1983
Hoplodrina superstes OchsenheimerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:10)Subchev, 1990
Hydraecia micacea Esperpotato stem borerPhe*E11-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *14:OAc (15:13:3:69)Teal, 1983
Hydraecia micacea Esperpotato stem borerAttZ11-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + 14:OAc (13:3:69)Burns, 1989
Ipimorpha pleonectusa GroteAttZ11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OH (100:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Ipimorpha retusa L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (9:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Ipimorpha subtusa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldGrichanov in Pherobase
Ipimorpha subtusa Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-16:Ald (19:1)Bulyginskaya in Pherobase
Macronoctua onusta Groteiris borerPhe*Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-16:OH + *Z9-14:Ald (47:2:1) + other componentsKlun, 1989
Mesapamea secalis L.AttZ11-14:OH + E11-14:OH (97:3)Fassotte in Arn, 1986(a)
Mesapamea secalis L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OHSubchev in Arn, 1992
Nedra ramosula GuenéeAttZ11-14:OHRoelofs, 1970(a)
Oligia bridghami Grote & RobinsonAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (500:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Oligia egens WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z7-16:OAcByers, 1987
Oligia fascinucula HaworthAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Boness, 1978
Oligia furuncula Hw.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald (10:1–10:3)Tóth, 1986(b)
Oligia furuncula Hw.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-16:OHSubchev in Arn, 1992
Oligia latruncula Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (1:1)Priesner, Töth in Arn, 1986(a)
Oligia latruncula Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (17:20:3)Guerin in Arn, 1986(a)
Oligia mactata GuenéeAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (500:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Oligia strigilis L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (9:1)Szöcs, 1983
Oligia versicolor BorkhausenAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Oria musculosa HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcTóth, 1992(e)
Oria musculosa HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev, 1981
Orthogonia sera Felder & FelderAttZ7-12:OAcAndo, 1975
Panemeria tenebrata ScopoliAttZ9-14:OAcSzöcs, 1983
Panemeria tenebrata ScopoliAttZ9-14:OAc + Z11-14:OAc (9:1)Ghizdavu, 1985
Parastichtis discivaria WalkerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:AldSteck, 1982(a)
Parastichtis suspecta HübnerAttZ11-16:OAcMyttus in Arn, 1986(a)
Platysenta videns GuenéeAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:Ald + 16:Ald + 14:Ald (12:4:3:6)Teal, 1982
Protagrotis niveivenosa GroteAttZ11-16:Ald + Z9-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Protagrotis obscura Barnes & McDunnoughAttZ11-16:AldKamm, 1982
Sesamia calamistis HampsonPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (3:1) + other componentsZagatti, 1988
Sesamia cretica Lederer durra stemborerAttZ9-14:OH + Z9-14:OAc (3:1)Arsura, 1977
Sesamia cretica Lederer durra stemborerPhe*Z9-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc+ *Z11-16:OH (90:1:9)Germinara, 2007
Sesamia cretica Lederer durra stemborerPhe*Z9-14:OH + *Z9-14:OAc+ *Z11-16:OH (8:1:1)Avand-Faghih, 2008
Sesamia grisescens WalkerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (3:2) + other componentsWhittle, 1995
Sesamia inferens Walkerpurple stem borer; pink borerPhe*Z11-16:OAcNesbitt, 1976
Sesamia inferens Walkerpurple stem borer; pink borerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (4:1)Wu, 1986(a)
Sesamia inferens Walkerpurple stem borer; pink borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH + *Z11-16:Ald (4:1:0.1)Zhu, 1987(b)
Sesamia inferens Walkerpurple stem borer; pink borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (3:1)Nagayama, 2006
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (4:1–9:1)Sreng, 1985
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH (19:1)Rotundo in Arn, 1986(a)
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH + *Z11-16:Ald + *12:OAc (9:1:1:2) + another componentMazomenos, 1989(a)
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z11-16:OH + *Z11-16:Ald + *12:OAc (9:1:1:2) + another componentKrokos, 2002
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald + 12:OAc (2:3:4:5)Mazomenos, 1989(b)
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald + 12:OAc (8.5:1:1:2)Rotundo in Arn, 1992
Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvrecorn stalk borerAttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald + 12:OAc (77:8:10:5)Sans, 1997
Spodoptera androgea StollAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAcL.-Cassou in Pherobase
Spodoptera cilium GuenéeAttZ9-14:OAc (main) + Z9,E11-14:OAcCampion, 1975
Spodoptera cilium GuenéeAttZ9,E12-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Spodoptera cosmioides Walkerblack armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (10:1) + other componentsBlassioli-Moraes, 2016
Spodoptera depravata (Rusidrina depravata, Sidemia depravata) Butlerlawn grass cutworm mothAttZ9,E12-14:OAcAndo, 1975
Spodoptera depravata (Rusidrina depravata, Sidemia depravata) Butlerlawn grass cutworm mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + another componentKurihara, 1991
Spodoptera depravata (Rusidrina depravata, Sidemia depravata) Butlerlawn grass cutworm mothPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (5:5–4:6)Wei, 2003
Spodoptera descoinsi Lalanne-CassouPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (1:1) + other componentsMonti, 1995
Spodoptera dolichos F.AttZ9,E12-14:OAcMitchell, 1973(a)
Spodoptera dolichos F.AttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9-14:OAcL.-Cassou in Pherobase
Spodoptera eridania (Prodenia eridania) Cramersouthern armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (4:1)Jacobson, 1970
Spodoptera eridania (Prodenia eridania) Cramersouthern armywormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (1:1)Redfern, 1971
Spodoptera eridania (Prodenia eridania) Cramersouthern armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9,E11-14:OAc (7:3:1) + other componentsTeal, 1985
Spodoptera eridania (Prodenia eridania) Cramersouthern armywormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc + Z9,E11-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (56:21:9:14)Mitchell, 1994
Spodoptera evanidaAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAcL.-Cassou in Pherobase
Spodoptera exempta WalkerAfrican armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (20:1)Beevor, 1975
Spodoptera exempta WalkerAfrican armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (99:1-9:1)Wakamura, 2011
Spodoptera exempta WalkerAfrican armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (20:1:1) + other componentsCork, 1989
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAcBrady, 1972(a)
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + other componetsPersoons, 1981
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH (5:4) + other componetsTumlinson, 1981
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (10:1)Mitchell, 1983
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH (9:1–7:3)Wakamura, 1987
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH + *Z11-16:OAc (87.2:2.5:10.3) + other componentsTumlinson, 1990
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH + *Z9,E12-14:OH + other componentsMochizuki, 1993
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OH (7:3 - 3:7)Mochizuki, 1994
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH + Z11-16:OAc (87.2:2.5:10.3)Mitchell, 1994
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormAttZ9,E12-14:OAc + Z9-14:OH + Z11-16:OAc (7:3:1–7:3:5)Jung, 2003
Spodoptera exigua Hübnerbeet armywormPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc + *Z9-14:OH + *Z11-16:OAc (56:37:7) + other componentsAcin, 2010
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormAttZ5,Z9-13:OAc or E5,Z9-13:OAcWarthen, 1967
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAcSekul, 1967
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (24:1)Mitchell, 1976
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (1:20)Jones, 1979
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormAttZ9-14:OAc + Z9-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (81.61:0.25:0.45:17.69)Mitchell, 1985
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (30:1) + other componentsDescoins, 1988
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (30:1) + other componentsTumlinson, 1986
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *E7-12:OAc (100:1:1) + other componentsBatista-Pereira, 2006
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (100:1) + other componentsWakamura, 2021
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc (25:1) + other componentsJiang, 2022
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc (88:1:11) + other componentsWang, 2022
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (200:2:40;1:1)Tabata, 2023
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z7-12:OAc + *9:Ald (1000:5.8:10)Saveer, 2023
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smithfall armywormPhe*Z9-14:OAc (main) + *Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z11-14:OAc + *Z11-16:OAc NSisay, 2024
Spodoptera latifascia WalkerPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc NTeixeira, 1989
Spodoptera latifascia WalkerPhe*Z9-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (19:1) + other componentsMonti, 1995
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + other componentsNesbitt, 1973
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormAttZ9,E11-14:OAcCampion, 1974
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (10:1)Tamaki, 1974(a)
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormAttZ9,E11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (10:1)Yushima, 1974
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormAttZ9,E11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (100:1)Kehat, 1976
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormAttZ9,E11-14:OAcKehat, 1977
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormAttZ9,E11-14:OAc + other componentsCampion, 1980
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (100:1) + other componentsDunkelblum, 1982
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + other componentsDunkelblum, 1987(b)
Spodoptera littoralis Boisduvalcotton leafwormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *E10,E12-14:OAc NNavarro, 1997
Spodoptera litura F.common cutwormPhe*Z9,E11-14:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc (9:1)Tamaki, 1973
Spodoptera litura F.common cutwormAttZ9,E11-14:OAc + Z9,E12-14:OAc (9:1)Tamaki, 1974(b)
Spodoptera pectinicornis HampsonAttZ7-12:OAcHai, 2002
Spodoptera praefica (Prodenia praefica) Grotewestern yellow-striped armywormAttZ7-12:OAcBirch, 1977
Spodoptera praefica (Prodenia praefica) Grotewestern yellow-striped armywormPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (50:1) + other componentsLandolt, 2003
Spodoptera sunia GuenéePhe*Z9-14:OAc (major) + *Z9-14:OH + *Z11-16:OAc + *Z9,E12-14:OAc NBestmann, 1988(a)
Spodoptera triturata WalkerAttZ9-14:OAc (major) + Z9,E12-14:OAcCampion, 1975
Spodoptera triturata WalkerAttZ9-14:OAc (major) + E9-14:OAc (17:3)Blair, 1978
Thalpophila matura HufnagelAttZ11-16:OAcSubchev in Arn, 1992
Tholera cespitis Denis & SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:AldSubchev in Pherobase
Trachea atriplicis L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (8:1)Stan in Arn, 1992
Trachea atriplicis L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH (4:1)Li, 1993(d)
Trachea atriplicis L.AttZ11-16:OAc + Z11-16:OH + Z11-16:Ald (10:1:1)Subchev, 1992
Nolathripa lactaria (Lamprothripa lactaria) GraeserAttZ9,E12-14:OPrAndo, 1977
Earias biplaga WalkerAttZ11-16:AldNesbitt, 1979(b)
Earias insulana Boisduvalspiny bollwormPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald NHall, 1980
Earias insulana Boisduvalspiny bollwormAttE10,E12-16:Ald + E10,Z12-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald (10:1:2)Cork, 1988
Earias vittella F.spotted bollwormAttE10,E12-16:Ald + Z11-16:Ald + Z11-18:Ald (5:1:1) Cork, 1985(b)
Earias vittella F.spotted bollwormPhe*E10,E12-16:Ald + *Z11-16:Ald + *Z11-18:Ald (5:1:1) + another componentCork, 1988
Deltotes candidula Dennis & SchiffermüllerAttZ9-16:AldCapizzi in Arn, 1986(a)
Emmelia trabealis ScopoliAttZ5-10:OAcArn, 1983
Emmelia trabealis ScopoliAttZ5-10:OAcSzöcs, 1983
Emmelia trabealis Scopoli (= Acontia trabealis Scopoli)AttZ5-10:OAcNagy, 2023
Emmelia trabealis ScopoliAttZ11-16:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (10:1)Subchev, 1987
Eustrotia uncula ClerckAttZ5-10:OAc + Z3-10:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1988(b)
Lithacodia albidula GuenéeAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-14:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Lithacodia deceptoria ScopoliAttZ7-12:OHPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Lithacodia pygarga Hufnagelmarbled white-spot mothAttZ7-14:OAc + Z5-14:OAc (10:1)Priesner, 1985(a)
Lithacodia signifera ScopoliAttZ9-14:OAcLi, 1993(d)
Micardia argentata ButlerAttE7-12:OAc or Z7-12:OAcAndo, 1977
Naranga aenescens Moorrice green caterpillarPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (4:1:1)Ando, 1980(a)
Naranga aenescens Moorrice green caterpillarPhe*Z11-16:OAc + *Z9-16:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (4:1:2)Cho, 2014
Phyllophila obliterata cretacea ButlerAttZ9-14:OAc or Z9,E12-14:OAcNagano, 1979
Anadevidia peponis F.Phe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z5-10:OAc + *Z7-12:OH (10:5:1) + other componentsInomata, 2000
Anagrapha falcifera Kirbycelery looperAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Anagrapha falcifera Kirbycelery looperAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OFo (1:1)Butler, 1977
Anagrapha falcifera Kirbycelery looperAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (10:1)Steck, 1979(b)
Argyrogramma signata F.AttZ5-10:OAcHai, 2002
Argyrogramma verruca F.AttZ7-12:OAc + E7-12:OAc (47:3)McLaughlin, 1975
Argyrogramma verruca F.Phe*Z5-10:OAcHeath, 1987
Autographa aemula Dennis & ShiffermüllerAttZ7-12:OHPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Autographa ampla WalkerAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Autographa biloba StephensPhe*Z7-12:OAc NBerger, 1968
Autographa bractea Dennis & ShiffermüllerAttZ7-12:OHPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Autographa californica Speyeralfalfa looperAttZ7-12:OAcShorey, 1965
Autographa californica Speyeralfalfa looperAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OFo (5:1)Butler, 1977
Autographa californica Speyeralfalfa looperPhe*Z7-12:OAcKaae, 1973(b)
Autographa californica Speyeralfalfa looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (10:1)Steck, 1979(b)
Autographa californica Speyeralfalfa looperAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (80:6:2:13)Landolt, 2003
Autographa egena (Autoplusia egena) GuenéeAttZ5-12:OAcKaae, 1973(a)
Autographa flagellum WalkerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-14:OAcSteck, 1979(c)
Autographa gamma L.silver Y mothAttZ7-12:OAcGhizdavu, 1979
Autographa gamma L.silver Y mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (20:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Autographa gamma L.silver Y mothAttZ7-14:OAc + E7-14:OAcSoldán, 1983
Autographa gamma L.silver Y mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH (10:1–19:1)Dunkelblum, 1983
Autographa gamma L.silver Y mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH (10:1–19:1)Tóth, 1983
Autographa gamma L.silver Y mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH (10:1–19:1)Mazor, 1992
Autographa nigrisigna Walkersemi-looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH + *Z5-12:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc (100:62:2:4) + other componentsSugie, 1991(a)
Autographa precationis GuenéeAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1971(a)
Autographa pulchrina HaworthAttZ7-12:OAc EPriesner, 1977
Chrysaspidia bractea SchiffermüllerAttZ11-16:OAcBykhovets in Pherobase
Chrysaspidia contexta GroteAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Chrysaspidia festucae L.AttZ11-17:OHBykhovets in Pherobase
Chrysaspidia venusta WalkerAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Steck, 1977(a)
Chrysodeixis acuta WalkerAttZ5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (1:1)Tóth, 1992(c)
Chrysodeixis argentifera GuenéeAttZ7-12:OAcTóth in Arn, 1986(a)
Chrysodeixis eriosoma DoubledayNew Zealand silver Y mothPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (50:1) or + Z9-14:OAc (5:1)Benn, 1982
Chrysodeixis eriosoma DoubledayNew Zealand silver Y mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-12:OAc (17:3)Sugie, 1990
Chrysodeixis eriosoma DoubledayNew Zealand silver Y mothAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc + Z11-16:OAc (10:2:1)Inomata, 2000
Cornutiplusia circumflexa (Syngrapha circumflexa) L.AttZ7-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc (5:1)Dunkelblum in Arn, 1986(a)
Cornutiplusia circumflexa (Syngrapha circumflexa) L.Phe*Z7-12:OH + *Z7-12:OAc (5:1)Mazor, 1991
Ctenoplusia agnata (Acanthoplusia agnata) Staudingerthree-spotted plusiaPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (10:1)Sugie, 1990
Ctenoplusia agnata (Acanthoplusia agnata) Staudingerthree-spotted plusiaAttZ7-12:OAcHai, 2002
Ctenoplusia albostriata Bremer & GreyPhe*Z9,E12-14:OAc NBoughdad in Arn, 1997
Ctenoplusia albostriata Bremer & GreyAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (2:1)Inomata, 2000
Ctenoplusia albostriata Bremer & GreyAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (9:1)Hai, 2002
Ctenoplusia albostriata Bremer & GreyPhe*Z7-12:OAc + other componentsInomata, 2005
Diachrysia chrysitis L.burnished brass mothAttZ7-10:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (1:9)Capizzi in Arn, 1986(a)
Diachrysia chrysitis L.burnished brass mothAttZ7-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (1:10)Priesner, 1985(c)
Diachrysia chrysitis L.burnished brass mothAttZ7-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (1:10)Tóth, 1988
Diachrysia chrysitis L.burnished brass mothPhe*Z7-10:OAc + *Z5-10:OAcHansson in Arn, 1992
Diachrysia chrysitis L.burnished brass mothPhe*Z7-10:OAc + *Z5-10:OAcLöfstedt, 1994
Diachrysia chryson EsperAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (1:1)Priesner, 1985(c)
Diachrysia nadeja OberthürAttZ7-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAcR.-Reser in Pherobase
Diachrysia stenochrysis WarrenPhe*Z7-10:OAc + other componentsInomata, 2005
Diachrysia tutti Kostr.AttZ7-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (50:1)Priesner, 1985(c)
Diachrysia tutti Kostr.AttZ7-10:OAc + Z5-10:OAc (50:1)Tóth, 1988
Diachrysia tutti Kostr.Phe*Z7-10:OAc + *Z5-10:OAcHansson in Arn, 1992
Diachrysia tutti Kostr.Phe*Z7-10:OAc + *Z5-10:OAcLöfstedt, 1994
Macdunnoughia confusa StephensAttZ7-12:OAcBooij, 1984(a)
Macdunnoughia confusa StephensAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Ando, 1981
Macdunnoughia confusa StephensAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (1:1)Li, 1993(d)
Macdunnoughia confusa StephensAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-14:OAcSzöcs, 1983
Macdunnoughia confusa StephensPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (5:1) + other componentsInomata, 2000
Macdunnoughia crassisigna WarrenPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (3:1) + another componentWang, 2024
Macdunnoughia purissima ButlerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-10:OAc + Z7-12:OH + Z5-12:OAc (10:5:1:1)Inomata, 2000
Macdunnoughia purissima ButlerPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH + *Z5-12:OAc (5:4:1)Inomata, 2005
Plusia aereoides GroteAttZ7-12:OAcRoelofs, 1970(a)
Plusia chalcites (Chrysodeixis chalcites) Espertomato looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc (5:1) + other componentsDunkelblum, 1981
Plusia chalcites (Chrysodeixis chalcites) Espertomato looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (10:1:1)Dunkelblum, 1987(a)
Plusia chalcites (Chrysodeixis chalcites) Espertomato looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z9-14:OAc + *Z9-12:OAc (10:1:1)Dunkelblum, 1993
Plusia festucae L.rice looperPhe*Z5-12:OAc + *Z7-14:OAc + *Z5-12:OH (100:15:6) + another componentAndo, 1995(b)
Plusia putnami (Chrysaspidia putnami) GroteAttZ5-12:OAcSteck, 1977(a)
Plusia putnami (Chrysaspidia putnami) GroteAttZ5-12:OAc + Z7-12:OAc (100:1)Steck, 1982(b)
Pseudoplusia includens Walkersoybean looperPhe*Z7-12:OAcBerger, 1968
Pseudoplusia includens Walkersoybean looperPhe*Z7-12:OAcTumlinson, 1972
Pseudoplusia includens Walkersoybean looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *12:OAc + *Δ11-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OPr + *Z7-12:OBu (93.2:1.2:0.7:0.9:0.2)Linn, 1987
Rachiplusia ou GuenéePhe*Z7-12:OAc NBerger, 1968
Sclerogenia jessica (Autographa jessica) ButlerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z7-12:OH (9:1)Ando, 1981
Syngrapha ain HochenwarthAttZ7-12:OH + Z7-12:OAc (3:1)Priesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Syngrapha ain HochenwarthPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *Z7-12:OH (3:2)Inomata, 2005
Syngrapha epigaea GroteAttZ7-12:OAc + 14:OAc (20:1)Steck, 1982(a)
Syngrapha parilis HübnerAttZ7-12:OAcLinnaluoto, 1983
Syngrapha rectangula KirbyAttZ7-12:OAcSteck, 1982(a)
Syngrapha variabilisAttZ7-14:OAc EPriesner, 1977
Thysanopluia intermixta Warrenchrysanthemum golden plusiaPhe*E5,Z7-12:OAc + *E5,Z7-12:OH + *Z7-12:OAc (100:13:18) + another componentAndo, 1998
Thysanopluia orichalcea F.Phe*Z7-12:OAc + *E5,Z7-12:OAc (100:11) + other componentsAndo, 1998
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAcBerger, 1966
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAcKaae, 1973(b)
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *12:OAc (9:1) + other componentsBjostad, 1980(b)
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *12:OAc (9:1) + other componentsBjostad, 1984
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *12:OAc (9:1) + other componentsDunkelblum, 1993
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + *12:OAc (9:1) + other componentsLinn, 1984
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperPhe*Z7-12:OAc + Z7-14:OAc (200:1)Steck, 1980(a)
Trichoplusia ni Hübnercabbage looperAttZ7-12:OAcMayer, 1995
Trichoplusia oxygramma GeyerAttZ7-12:OAcMitchell, 1972
Trichoplusia oxygramma GeyerAttZ7-12:OAcMitchell, 1973(b)
Trichoplusia oxygramma GeyerAttZ7-12:OAc + E7-12:OAc (47:3)McLaughlin, 1975
Trichoplusia oxygramma GeyerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z9-14:OAc (10:0.9)Landolt, 1986(c)
Zonoplusia ochureata WalkerAttZ7-12:OAc + Z5-12:OAc (1:1)Hai, 2002
Tyta luctuosa Denis & Schiff.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + * Z9-14:Ald (5:1)Cao, 2002
Tyta luctuosa Denis & Schiff.Phe*Z11-16:Ald + * Z9-14:Ald (5:1) N + other componentsCao, 2003
Rusicada privata Walkerhibiscus-leaf caterpillar mothPhe*Me7-17:HKim, 2023
Achaea janata L.castor semilooperPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H + *21:H + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (65:1:1:1)Persoons, 1993
Achaea janata L.castor semilooperPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H + *21:H + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (65:1:1:1)Krishnakumari, 1998
Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübnervelvetbean caterpillarPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (5:3)Heath, 1983
Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübnervelvetbean caterpillarAttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (39:11)McLaughlin, 1989
Bastilla arctotaenia GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H Abubaker, 2024(a)
Caenurgina distincta NeumullerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:H + Z3,Z6,epo9-20:H (1:1) (9S,10R)-isomerWong, 1985(b)
Caenurgina distincta NeumullerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-20:H (8:1) + other componentsMillar, 1991(b)
Caenurgina erechtea Cramerforage looperPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (4:1)Underhill, 1983
Euclidia cuspidea HübnerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z3,Z6,epo9-21:HWong, 1985(b)
Euclidia cuspidea HübnerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (45:1:1)Underhill in Arn, 1986(a)
Euclidia cuspidea HübnerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (10:1) + other componentsMillar, 1991(b)
Eulepidotis addens WalkerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer ERenou, 1988
Gonodonta bidens GeyerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H ERenou, 1988
Gonodonta incurva SeppAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H ERenou, 1988
Gonodonta parens GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H ERenou, 1988
Gonodonta sicheas CramerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H ERenou, 1988
Grammodes geometrica F.Phe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H+ *Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (50:2:1)Abubaker, 2024(b)
Hypenomorpha calamina ButlerAttZ6,epo9-20:HAndo, 1995(a)
Lesmone formularis GeyerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer ERenou, 1988
Massala obvertens WalkerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-20:H ERenou, 1988
Melipotes fasciolaris HübnerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer ERenou, 1988
Melipotes januaris GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H ERenou, 1988
Mocis disseverans WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (49:1)Landolt, 1986(b)
Mocis disseverans WalkerAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:HMcLaughlin, 1989
Mocis latipes GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H (3:1)Descoins, 1986
Mocis latipes GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z6,Z9-21:H (4:1)Landolt, 1989(b)
Mocis latipes GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (49:1)Landolt, 1986(b)
Mocis marcida GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H NLandolt, 1986(b)
Mocis megas GuenéePhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer EDescoins, 1990
Neachrostia bipuncta SugiAttZ3,Z6,Z9-18:HAndo, 1995(a)
Ophisma tropicalis GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer ERenou, 1988
Pangrapta trimantesalis WalkerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-23:HAndo, 1995(a)
Paragabara flavomacula OberthürAttZ3,epo6,Z9-21:HAndo, 1993
Syllectra erycata CramerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H ERenou, 1988
Zale duplicata BethuneAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9R,10S)-isomerWong, 1985(b)
Zale fictilis GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer ERenou, 1988
Zale lunifera HübnerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9R,10S)-isomerLandolt, 1996
Aedia leucomelas L.Phe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HTamaki, 1996
Alabama argillacea HűbnerPhe*Me9-19:H (S)-isomer + other componentsHall, 1993
Anomis sabulifera Guenéejute semilooperPhe*Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (3:1) Babu, 2021
Anomis texanaPhe*Me7-17:H (S)-isomer + another componentHall, 1993
Hypersynoides submarginata WalkerAttepo3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (1:1–1:0.1)Witjaksono, 1999
Hypocala andremona StollAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer ERenou, 1988
Hypocala rostrata F.AttZ3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomer + epo3,epo6,Z9-21:H (10:1)Wakamura, 2002
Luceria sp.AttZ3,Z6,epo9-18:HHai, 2002
Oraesia excavata Butlerfruit-piercing mothPhe*Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (20:0 –17:3)Ohmasa, 1991
Oraesia excavata Butlerfruit-piercing mothPhe*Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomerYamamoto, 1999
Rivula leucanioides WalkerAttZ3,epo6,Z9-18:HAndo, 1995(a)
Rivula propinqualis GuenéeAttepoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HWong, 1985(b)
Rivula propinqualis GuenéeAttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomer (10:1)Millar, 1990(a)
Rivula sasaphila SugiAttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Rivula sericealis ScopoliAttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:HAndo, 1993
Scoliopteryx libatrix L.herald mothPhe*Z6,Me13-21:HFrancke, 2000
Scoliopteryx libatrix L.herald mothAttZ6,Me13-21:H (S)-isomerToshova, 2003
Gen et sp.AttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:HYamamoto, 2008
Bomolocha palparia (?)AttZ3,Z6,epo9-20:H (9S,10R)-isomerWong, 1985(b)
Hypena sp.AttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:HHai, 2002
Lomanaltes eductalis WalkerAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomerWong, 1985(b)
Spargaloma sexpunctata GroteAttZ3,Z6,epo9-20:H (9S,10R)-isomerWong, 1985(b)
Adrapsa notigera ButlerAttZ3,epo6,Z9-23:HAndo, 1995(a)
Bleptina caradrinalis GuenéeAttepoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HWong, 1985(b)
Bleptina caradrinalis GuenéeAttZ3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6R,7S):(6S,7R) = 4:1 or Z3,epo6,Z9-20:H (6R,7S):(6S,7R) = 1:1Millar, 1991(c)
Idia aemula HübnerAttepoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HWong, 1985(b)
Idia americalis GuenéeAttepoxydienes of Z3,Z6,Z9-20:HWong, 1985(b)
Idia americalis GuenéeAttZ3,epo6,Z9-20:H (6S,7R)-isomer + Z3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomer (1:1)Millar, 1991(c)
Palthis angulalis HübnerAttepo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomerMillar, 1991(a)
Paracolax pryeri ButlerAttZ3,epo6,Z9-20:HAndo, 1993
Renia salusalis WalkerAttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:H (6S,7R)-isomerLandolt, 1996
Tetanolita mynesalis WalkerPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomer + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H (1:1)Haynes, 1996
Zanclognatha lunaris ScopoliAttMe2,epo7-18:HMinyailo, 1977
Zanclognatha sp.AttZ3,epo6,Z9-19:HHai, 2002
Arna pseudoconspersa (Euproctis pseudoconspersa) Strandtea tussock mothPhe*Me10,Me14-15:OisoBu + *Me14-15:OisoBu (20:1–5:1) + another componentWakamura, 1994
Arna pseudoconspersa (Euproctis pseudoconspersa) Strandtea tussock mothPhe*Me10,Me14-15:OisoBu (R)-isomer EIchikawa, 1995
Arna pseudoconspersa (Euproctis pseudoconspersa) Strandtea tussock mothAttMe10,Me14-15:OisoBu (R:S = 10:0–1:9)Wakamura, 1996(b)
Arna pseudoconspersa (Euproctis pseudoconspersa) Strandtea tussock mothAttMe10,Me14-15:OisoBu (R:S = 10:0–5:5)Zhao, 1998
Arna pseudoconspersa (Euproctis pseudoconspersa) Strandtea tussock mothPhe*Me10,Me14-15:OisoBu (R)-isomerTsai, 1999
Artaxa subflava (Euproctis subflava) subflava Bremeroriental tussock mothPhe*Me10,Me14-15:OisoBu (R)-isomer + another componentWakamura, 2007(b)
Dasychira baibarana Matsumuratea black tussock mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9,E11-21:H + *Z3,Z6-21:11-one (5:4:11)Magsi, 2022
Dasychira grisefacta ella Bryk.AttZ6-21:11-oneDaterman, 1976
Dasychira plagiata WalkerAttZ6-21:11-one + E6-21:11-one (100:1)Grant, 1977
Dasychira vagans grisea Barnes & McDunnoughAttZ6-21:11-oneDaterman, 1976
Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.browntail mothPhe*Z7,Z13,Z16,Z19-22:OisoBuLeonhardt, 1991
Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.browntail mothAttZ7,Z13,Z16,Z19-22:OisoBuKhrimian, 2008
Euproctis terminalis Walkerpine browntail mothPhe*Z7,Z13,Z16,Z19-22:OisoBuBouwer, 2021
Gynaephora ginghainensisPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-20:H (100:1)Chen in Arn, 1986(a)
Leucoma salicis L.satin mothPhe*Z3,epo6,epo9-21:H + other componentsGries, 1997(c)
Leucoma salicis L.satin mothPhe*Z3,epo6,epo9-21:H (6S,7R,9S,10R)-isomerHolden, 2000
Leucoma salicis L.satin mothPhe*Z3,epo6,epo9-21:H (6R,7S,9R,10S)-isomerSzöcs, 2005
Lymantria bantaizana MatsumuraPhe*Me2,Z7,E9-18:HGries, 2005(c)
Lymantria concolor WalkerAttMe2,epo7-18:HBhardwaj, 1987
Lymantria dispar (Porthetria dispar) L.gypsy mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:HBierl, 1970
Lymantria dispar (Porthetria dispar) L.gypsy mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:HBierl, 1972
Lymantria dispar (Porthetria dispar) L.gypsy mothAtt*Me2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomerKlimetzek, 1976
Lymantria dispar (Porthetria dispar) L.gypsy mothAtt*Me2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomerCardé, 1977(b)
Lymantria dispar (Porthetria dispar) L.gypsy mothAtt*Me2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomerMiller, 1978
Lymantria dispar (Porthetria dispar) L.gypsy mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H + *Me2,epo7,Δ17-18:H + other componentsGries, 2005(a)
Lymantria dispar asiatica VnukovskijAsian gypsy mothAttMe2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-isomersWallner, 1984
Lymantria dispar asiatica VnukovskijAsian gypsy mothAttMe2,epo7-18:H + Me2,epo7,Δ17-18:H (10:1) (7R,8S)-isomersPark, 2019
Lymantria dispar japonica MotschulskyJapanese gypsy mothAttMe2,epo7-18:HBeroza, 1973(a)
Lymantria dispar japonica MotschulskyJapanese gypsy mothAttMe2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomerIwaki, 1974
Lymantria fumida ButlerAttMe2,epo7-18:HBeroza, 1973(a)
Lymantria fumida ButlerPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomer + *Me2,Z7-18:H (10:1)Schaefer, 1999
Lymantria lucescens ButlerPhe*Me2,Z7-18:HGries, 2002
Lymantria mathura L.rosy (pink) gypsy mothAttMe2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomerOdell, 1992
Lymantria mathura L.rosy (pink) gypsy mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R)-isomer + another componentOliver, 1999
Lymantria mathura L.rosy (pink) gypsy mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-19:H (9S,10R):(9R,10S) = (4:1)Gries, 1999(b)
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothAttMe2,epo7-18:HSchönherr, 1972
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothAttMe2,epo7-18:HKlimetzek, 1976
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothAttMe2,epo7-18:HMinyailo, 1976
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:HBierl, 1975
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H (-):(+) = 9:1 EHansen, 1984
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H (+)-isomer + Me2,Z7-18:H (1:3)Grant, 1996
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H (+)-isomer + *epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomer + *Me2,Z7-18:H (10:10:1)Gries, 1996
Lymantria monacha L.nun mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H (+)-isomer + *epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomer + *Me2,Z7-18:H (10:10:1)Gries, 2001
Lymantria obfuscata WalkerIndian gypsy mothAttMe2,epo7-18:HBeroza, 1973(b)
Lymantria obfuscata WalkerIndian gypsy mothPhe*Me2,epo7-18:H (7R,8S)-(+)-isomer + *Me2,Z7-18:H (2:1)Gries, 2007
Lymantria servaPhe*Me2,Z7-18:HGries, 2002
Lymantria xylina SwinhoeCasuarina mothPhe*Me2,epo7-20:HGries, 1999(c)
Orgyia antiqua L.rusty tussock mothAttZ6-21:11-oneDaterman, 1976
Orgyia cana Edwardswestern tussock mothAttZ6-21:11-oneDaterman, 1976
Orgyia detrita Guérin-MénevillePhe*Z6,Z9-21:11-OH + *Z6,Z9-20:11-OH + *Z6,Z9-22:11-OH (10:1:1) (Z6,Z9-21:11-OH S:R = 1:1 [S:R = 7:2])Gries, 2003
Orgyia ericae Germargrey-spotted tussock mothPhe*Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6-21:11-one (10:1) + another componentChen, 2010
Orgyia gonostigmaAttZ6-21:11-oneKovalev in Arn, 1992
Orgyia leucostigma J. E. Smithwhite-marked tussock mothAttZ6-21:11-oneGrant, 1977
Orgyia leucostigma J. E. Smithwhite-marked tussock mothPhe*Z6,Z9-21:11-one + other componentsGrant, 2003
Orgyia leucostigma J. E. Smithwhite-marked tussock mothAttZ6,Z9-21:11-one + other componentsGrant, 2008
Orgyia leucostigma J. E. Smithwhite-marked tussock mothPhe*24:H + *25:H + other componentsGrant, 1987(b)
Orgyia postica WalkerPhe*Z6,Z9,tepo11-21:H (11S,12S)-isomer + other componentsWakamura, 2001(a)
Orgyia postica WalkerPhe*Z6,Z9,tepo11-21:H (11S,12S)-isomer + other componentsWakamura, 2005(a)
Orgyia postica WalkerPhe*Z6,Z9,tepo11-21:H + *Z6-21:11-oneChow, 2001
Orgyia pseudotsugata McDunnoughDouglas-fir tussock mothPhe*Z6-21:11-oneSmith, 1975
Orgyia pseudotsugata McDunnoughDouglas-fir tussock mothPhe*Z6-21:11-one + *Δ1,Z6-21:11-oneSmith, 1978
Orgyia pseudotsugata McDunnoughDouglas-fir tussock mothPhe*Z6-21:11-one + *Z6,E8-21:11-one (100:1)Gries, 1997(a)
Orgyia thyellina Butlerwhite-spotted tussock mothPhe*Z6-21:11-one + *Z6-21:9-one (20:1)Gries, 1999(a)
Orgyia vetusta Boisduvalwestern tussock mothPhe*Z6,E8-21:11-one + other componentsGries, 2005(d)
Orvasca taiwana (Euproctis taiwana) ShirakiPhe*Z9,Me16-17:OisoBu + another componentYasuda, 1995
Perina nuda F.clear-winged tussock mothPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-21:H + *epo3,epo6,Z9-21:H [(3S,4R,6S,7R): (3R,4S,6S,7R) = 3:2] NYamazawa, 2001
Perina nuda F.clear-winged tussock mothPhe*Z3,epo6,Z9-21:H (6S,7R)-isomer + *epo3,epo6,Z9-21:H (10:1) [(3S,4R,6S,7R): (3R,4S,6S,7R) = 3:2]Wakamura, 2002
Somena pulverea (Euproctis pulverea) LeechPhe*Z11,Z14,Z17-20:OisoBu + *Z11,Z14,Z17-20:O-Me4'Va (2:1)Wakamura, 2001(c)
Sphrageidus similis (Euproctis similis) Fuesslybrowntail mothPhe*Z7-18:O-Me2'Bu (2'S:2'R = 7:2) + *Z7-18:OisoVa + *Z7-18:OBu + *Z7-18:OisoBu (20:12:1:1) + other componentsYasuda, 1994
Sphrageidus similis xanthocampa (Euproctis similis xanthocampa) DyarPhe*Z7-18:OisoVa + other componentsTan, 1984
Teia anartoides Walkerpainted apple mothPhe*Z6,Z9-21:11-one + *Z6,epo9-21:H (9R,10S)-isomer + *Z6,Z9-21:H + other componentsEl-Sayed, 2004(a)
Teia anartoides Walkerpainted apple mothPhe*Z6,Z9-21:11-one + *Z6,epo9-21:H (9R,10S)-isomer + *Z6,Z9-21:H + other componentsEl-Sayed, 2005(a)
Teia anartoides Walkerpainted apple mothPhe*Z6,Z9-21:11-one + *Z6,epo9-21:H (9R,10S)-isomer + *Z6,Z9-21:H + other componentsGries, 2005(b)
Nola confusalis Herrich-SchäfferAttE10,Z12-16:AldPriesner in Arn, 1986(a)
Uraba lugens Walkergum leaf skeletonizerAttE10,Z12-16:OAc + E10,Z12-16:OH (3:1)Suckling, 2005(b)
Uraba lugens Walkergum leaf skeletonizerPhe*E10,Z12-16:OAc + *E10,Z12-16:OH (3:1) + another componentGibb, 2008
Barsine aberrans aberrans ButlerAtt17:7-OPr (S)-isomer + 17:8-OPr (S)-isomer (1:1)Fujii, 2013(b)
Barsine expressa InouePhe*17:7-OPr (S)-isomer + *17:8-OPr (S)-isomer (1:1) + other componentsFujii, 2013(b)
Eilema japonica LeechPhe*Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-22:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-22:H (86:17:59:57) + other componentsFujii, 2010(b)
Lyclene dharma dharma MoorePhe*Me6-18:2-one + *Me14-18:2-one + *Me6,Me14-18:2-one [2:1:1]Yamamoto, 2007
Lyclene dharma dharma MooreAttMe6-18:2-one + Me14-18:2-one (2:1)Do, 2009
Lyclene dharma dharma MoorePhe*Me6-18:2-one (S)-isomer + *Me14-18:2-one (S)-isomer (2:1) + another componentAdachi, 2010
Miltochrista calamina ButlerPhe*Me5-17:7-OH (5R,7R)-isomerYamakawa, 2011(b)
Miltochrista calamina ButlerPhe*Me5-17:7-OH (5R,7R)-isomerMuraki, 2014
Miltochrista striata Bremer & GreyPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-18:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-18:H (3:2)Luo, 2019
Amata phegea (Syntomis phegea) L.AttMe2,epo7-18:HCapek, 1979
Amata phegea (Syntomis phegea) L.AttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:HSzöcs, 1987
Dysauxes ancilla L.AttΔ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H + Z3,Z6,Z9-19:H (1:1)Szöcs, 1987
Empyreuma mucro ZernyPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H NDescoins, 1989
Syntomeida epilais WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H NDescoins, 1989
Syntomoides imaon CramerPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + other componentsMatsuoka, 2008
Amsacta albistriga WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald + *18:Ald (24:11.5:1:1)Persoons, 1993
Arctia caja L.Phe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-20:H EBestmann, 1992(a)
Arctia plantaginisPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *E4,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z2,E4,Z6,Z9-21:H (30:3:5:1) EMuraki, 2017
Arctia villicaPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H NEinhorn, 1984(a)
Callimorpha dominula L.scarlet tiger mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H E (9S,10R)-isomerClarke, 1996
Creatonotos gangis L.Phe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H NBell, 1986
Creatonotos gangis L.Phe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H NWunderer, 1986
Creatonotos transiens WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H NBell, 1986
Creatonotos transiens WalkerPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-23:H NWunderer, 1986
Cyana sp.AttZ3,Z6,epo9-18:HHai, 2002
Cymbalophora pudica EsperPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer EFrerot, 1988(b)
Diacrisia obliqua WalkerBihar hairy caterpillarPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (26:10:5:30:10)Persoons, 1993
Diacrisia obliqua WalkerBihar hairy caterpillarPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (26:10:5:30:10)Yadav, 2001
Estigmene acreasaltmarsh caterpillar mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (27:6:1)Hill, 1981(b)
Euchaetes egle Drurymilkweed tussock mothPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H [5:2] + other components NSimmons, 1998
Eurata patagiata BurmeisterPhe*Z9,Z12,Z15-18:OH + * Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald (3:1)Rodríguez, 2018
Halisidota leda Druceneo-tropical tiger mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (major) + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + other components NDescoins, 1989
Halysidota tessellaris (Halisidota tessellaris ?) SmithAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9R,10S)-isomerLandolt, 1996
Holomelina aurantiacaPhe*Me2-17:HRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina ferruginosaPhe*Me2-17:H NRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina fragilisPhe*Me2-17:H NRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina immaculataPhe*Me2-17:HRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina laetaAttMe2-17:H ERoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina lamaePhe*Me2-17:H N + other componentsRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina lamaePhe*Me2-17:H N + other componentsSchal, 1987
Holomelina nigricansPhe*Me2-17:H NRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina rubicundariaAttMe2-17:HRoelofs, 1971(b)
Holomelina sp.AttMe2-17:HWeatherston, 1974(a)
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (27:6:1)Hill, 1982
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald [13:6:5]Hill, 1982
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald [52:41:7] NEinhorn, 1982
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald + *Z3,Z6,epo9-20:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-20:H [60:40:5:8:0.4:0.04] + other components NTóth, 1989(b)
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald (5:2:2)Senda, 1991
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald (1:1:8)Zhang, 1996
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald [10:2:5:4] NYamakawa, 2012(b)
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (279:1:66:6)El-Sayed, 2005(c)
Hyphantria cunea Druryfall webworm moth; American white mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + *Z9,Z12-18:Ald (58:6:34:2)Su, 2008
Isia isabella (Pyrrharctia isabella)Phe*Me2-17:HRoelofs, 1971(b)
Isia isabella (Pyrrharctia isabella)Phe*Me2-17:H + other componentsKrasnoff, 1988
Panaxia (= Callimorpha) quadripunctariaPhe*Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-20:H NSchneider, 1998
Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata Rego BarrosPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H N + other componentsSchneider, 1992
Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata Rego BarrosPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H N + other componentsFrérot, 1993(a)
Phragmatobia fuliginosaruby tiger mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,epo9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H NDescoins in Arn, 1992
Phragmatobia fuliginosaruby tiger mothAttZ3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + Z9,Z12-18:Ald (21:8:1)Kovalev, 1986
Phragmatobia fuliginosaruby tiger mothPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (5:1) NRule, 1989
Schistophleps sp. 1AttZ3,Z6,epo9-19:HHai, 2002
Schistophleps sp. 2AttZ3,Z6,Z9-19:HHai, 2002
Schistophleps sp. 3AttZ3,Z6,Z9-21:HHai, 2002
Spilosoma lubricipeda L.AttZ9,Z12,Z15-18:Ald + Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + Δ1,Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (8:1:1)Ostrauskas, 2004
Tyria jacobaeae L.cinnabar mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer + other components EFrérot, 1988(a)
Tyria jacobaeae L.cinnabar mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H + other components EBestmann, 1994
Tyria jacobaeae L.cinnabar mothPhe*Z3,Z6,epo9-21:H (9S,10R)-isomer + other components EClarke, 1996
Utetheisa ornatrixPhe*Z3,Z6,Z9-21:HConner, 1980
Utetheisa ornatrixPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H NJain, 1983
Utetheisa ornatrixPhe*Δ1,Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z6,Z9-21:H + *Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H NChoi, 2007