ID |
Chemical Group |
Carbon Number (straight chain) |
Abbreviation [trivial name] |
IUPAC name |
Biological function |
Order |
Family or subfamily |
Species |
Reference (Identification.) |
Reference (Synthesis.) |
1 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C7 (C5) | Δ1,Me2,Me3-5:H | 2, 3-dimethylpent-1-ene | alarm | Heteroptera | Tessaratomidae (giant shield bug) | Tessaratoma papillosa | [Zhang, 2009c] | |
2 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,E4,Me5,E6-8:H | (2E, 4E, 6E)-3, 5-dimethylocta-2, 4, 6-triene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | Colopterus truncatuss | Cossé, 2000 | |
3 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C11 (C9) | E2,E4,Me4,E6,Me6-9:H | (2E, 4E, 6E)-4, 6-dimethylnona-2, 4, 6-triene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | Colopterus truncatuss | Cossé, 2000 | |
4 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C12 (C9) | E2,Me3,E4,Et5,E6-9:H | (2E, 4E, 6E)-5-ethyl-3-methylnona-2, 4, 6-triene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus freeman, (2) Carpophilus davidsoni | (1) Bartelt, 1990b; (2) Bartelt, 1994 | |
5 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C13 (C10) | E2,Me3,E4,Me5,E6,Me7,E8-10:H | (2E, 4E, 6E, 8E)-3, 5, 7-trimethyldeca-2, 4, 6, 8-tetraene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus hemipterus, (2) Carpophilus brachypterus, (3) Colopterus truncatus | (1) Bartelt, 1990a; Bartelt, 1992a; Bartelt, 1992b; (2) Williams, 1995; (3) Cossé, 2000 | |
6 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C13 (C10) | E3,Me4,E5,Et6,E7-10:H | (3E, 5E, 7E)-6-ethyl-4-methyldeca-3, 5, 7-triene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus mutilates, (2) Carpophilus davidsoni | (1) Bartelt, 1993a; (2) Bartelt, 1994 | |
7 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C14 (C10) | E2,Me3,E4,Me5,E6,Et7,E8-10:H | (2E, 4E, 6E, 8E)-7-ethyl-3, 5-dimethyldeca-2, 4, 6, 8-tetraene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus hemipterus, (2) Carpophilus brachypterus | (1) Bartelt, 1992a; Bartelt, 1992b; (2) Williams, 1995 | |
8 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C12 (C11) | Me2-11:H | 2-methylundecane | trail ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes dentatus | Igwe, 2015 | |
9 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C12 (C11) | Me3-11:H | 3-methylundecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Camponotus intrepidus | [Brophy, 1973] | |
10 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C14 (C11) | E2,Me3,E4,Me5,E6,Me7,E8-11:H | (2E, 4E, 6E, 8E)-3, 5, 7-trimethylundeca-2, 4, 6, 8-tetraene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus hemipterus, (2) Carpophilus davidsoni, (3) Carpophilus obsoletus, (4) Carpophilus brachypterus | (1) Bartelt, 1990a; Bartelt, 1992a; Bartelt, 1992b; (2) Bartelt, 1994; (3) Petroski, 1994; (4) Williams, 1995 | |
11 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C14 (C11) | E3,E5,Et5,E7,Me7-11:H | (3E, 5E, 7E)-5-ethyl-7-methylundeca-3, 5, 7-triene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | Carpophilus mutilatus | Bartelt, 1993a | |
12 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C15 (C11) | E2,Me3,E4,Me5,E6,Et7,E8-11:H | (2E, 4E, 6E, 8E)-7-ethyl-3, 5-dimethylundeca-2, 4, 6, 8-tetraene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus freemani, (2) Carpophilus hemipterus, (3) Carpophilus davidsoni, (4) Carpophilus lugubris | (1) Bartelt, 1990b; (2) Bartelt, 1992a; Bartelt, 1992b; (3) Bartelt, 1994; (4) Williams, 1995 | |
13 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C13 (C12) | Me6-12:H | 6-methyldodecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Pogonomyrmex barbatus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus | [Regnier, 1973] | |
14 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C14 (C12) | Me3,Me5-12:H | 3, 5-dimethyldodecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Pogonomyrmex barbatus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus | [Regnier, 1973] | |
15 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C17 (C12) | E3,Me4,E5,Et6,E7,Et8,E9-12:H | (3E, 5E, 7E, 9E)-6, 8-diethyl-4-methyldodeca-3, 5, 7, 9-tetraene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Carpophilus antiquus, (2) Carpophilus dimidiatus | (1) Bartelt, 1993b; (2) Bartelt, 1995 | |
16 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C14 (C13) | Me3-13:H | 3-methyltridecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Camponotus intrepidus | [Brophy, 1973] | |
17 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C14 (C13) | Me5-13:H | 5-methyltridecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Pogonomyrmex barbatus | [Regnier, 1973] | |
18 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C17 (C13) | E2,E4,Me4,Me6,Me8,E8,Me10-13:H | (2E, 4E, 6S, 8E, 10S)-4, 6, 8, 10-tetramethyltrideca-2, 4, 8-triene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Eulophidae (wasp) | Tetrastichus planipennisi | Cossé, 2020 | Cossé, 2020 |
19 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C17 (C13) | E2,E4,Me4,Me6,Me8,Me10-13:H | (2E, 4E)-4, 6, 8, 10-tetramethyltrideca-2, 4-diene (syn, syn) | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Trichogrammatidae (parasitoid wasp) | Trichogramma turkestanica | [Beek, 2005]; Tröger, 2014 | Tröger, 2014 |
20 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C18 (C13) | E3,E5,Et5,E7,Et7,E9,Me9-13:H | (3E, 5E, 7E, 9E)-5, 7-diethyl-9-methyltrideca-3, 5, 7, 9-tetraene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | Carpophilus dimidiatus | Bartelt, 1995 | |
21 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C16 (C14) | Me3,Me7-14:H | 3, 7-dimethyltetradecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | Leucoptera sinuella | [Barros-Parada, 2020] | |
22 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C16 (C15) | Me7-15:H | 7-methylpentadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | Leucoptera sinuella | [Barros-Parada, 2020] | |
23 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C17 (C15) | Me3,Me7-15:H | 3, 7-dimethylpentadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | Leucoptera sinuella | [Barros-Parada, 2020] | |
24 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C17 (C15) | Me5,Me9-15:H | (5S, 9R)-5, 9-dimethylpentadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | Perileucoptera coffeella | [Francke, 1988a]; Malo, 2009 | Moreira, 2003; Mori, 2008 |
25 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C17 (C16) | Me3-16:H | 3-methylhexadecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Camponotus intrepidus | [Brophy, 1973] | |
26 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C18 (C17) | Me2-17:H | 2-methylheptadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (tiger moth) | (1) Holomelina aurantiaca, Holomelina immaculata, (1)(2) Isia isabella | (1) Roelofs, 1971; (2) Krasnoff, 1988 | |
27 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C18 (C17) | Me2-17:H | 2-methylheptadecane | sex (F) ? | Coleoptera | Melolonthidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllophaga opaca | Romero-López, 2019 | |
28 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C18 (C17) | Me7-17:H | (S)-7-methylheptadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | (1) Noctuidae (noctuid moth), (2-4) Geometridae (geometrid moth) | (1) Anomis texana, (2) Lambdina fiscellaria, (3) Lambdina athasaria, (4) Lambdina pellucidaria | (1) Hall, 1993; (2) [Gries, 1993a]; (3) [Gries, 1994]; Duff, 2001: (4) [Maier, 1998]; Duff, 2001 | Li, 1993; Shirai,1999; Díaz, 2000; Duff, 2001; Wang, 2023 |
29 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C19 (C17) | Me2,Me5-17:H | (S)-2, 5-dimethylheptadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Geometridae (geometrid moth) | Lambdina fiscellaria | Gries, 1991 | Li, 1993b |
30 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C19 (C17) | Me3,Me13-17:H | (3S, 13R)-3, 13-dimethylheptadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Geometridae (geometrid moth) | Nepytia freemani | [Gries, 1993b]; King, 1995 | King, 1995 |
31 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C19 (C17) | Me5,Me9-17:H | (5S, 9S)-5, 9-dimethylheptadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | (1) Leucoptera malifoliella (= Leucoptera scitella), (2) Lyonetia prunifoliella | (1) [Francke, 1987a]; Tóth, 1989; (2) [Gries, 1997]; Park, 2002 | Mori, 1991a; Tamagawa, 1999; Kuwahara, 2000a; Summeren, 2005; Yadav, 2009; Taguri, 2012; Li, 2013; Yu, 2023 |
32 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C19 (C17) | Me5,Me11-17:H | (5R, 11S)-5, 11-dimethylheptadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Geometridae (geometrid moth) | Lambdina fiscellaria | [Gries, 1993a]; Li, 1993a | Mori, 1996a; Wang, 2023 |
33 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C19 (C17) | Me7,Me11-17:H | (7S, 11R)-7, 11-dimethylheptadecane (meso form) | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Geometridae (geometrid moth) | (1) Lambdina pellucidaria, (2) Lambdina athasaria | (1) [Maier, 1998]; Duff, 2001; (2) [Gries, 1994a]; Duff, 2001 | Shirai,1999; Enders, 2002; Chow, 2004; Nagano, 2007 |
34 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C19 (C18) | Δ1,Me14-18:H (= Me5,Δ17-18:H) | (S)-14-methyloctadec-1-ene | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | Lyonetia clerkella | [Sugie, 1984]; Sato, 1985 | Kato, 1985; Mori, 1985e; Sankaranarayanan, 1995; Zhang, 2013; Ishmuratov, 2013; Wei, 2020; He, 2021b; He, 2022a |
35 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C20 (C18) | Δ1,Me10,Me14-18:H (= Me5,Me9,Δ17-18:H) | (10S, 14S)-10, 14-dimethyloctadec-1-ene | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Lyonetiidae (leafminer moth) | Lyonetia prunifoliella | [Gries, 1997]; Park, 2002 | Tamagawa, 1999; Nakamura, 2000a; Yadav, 2009; Taguri, 2014; Kovalenko, 2014; Yu, 2023 |
36 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C20 (C19) | Me9-19:H | (S)-9-methylnonadecane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Alabama argillacea | Hall, 1993 | Lamers, 2003; Cao, 2013 |
37 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C21 (C19) | Me3,Me7-19:H | 3, 7-dimethylnonadecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Agromyzidae (leaf-miner fly) | Agromyza frontella | [Carriere, 1988] | |
38 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C22 (C21) | Z6,Me13-21:H | (6Z, 13S)-13-methylhenicos-6-ene | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Scoliopteryx libatri | [Francke, 2000a]; Toshova, 2003 | Toshova, 2003 |
39 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C21) | Me5,Me9,Me17-21:H | 5, 9, 17-trimethylhenicosane | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Phthia picta | [Soldi, 2012] | |
40 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C23 (C22) | Me2-22:H | 2-methyldocosane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Culicoides melleus | Linley, 1978 | |
41 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C23 (C22) | Me2-22:H | 2-methyldocosane | (1) sex (M) ?, (2) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle), (2) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Chrysochus cobaltinus, (2) Anoplophora glabripennis | (1) Peterson, 2007; (2) Hoover. 2014 | |
42 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C27 (C22) | Me4,Me6,Me8,Me10,Me16-22:H | (4S, 6R, 8R, 10S, 16S)-4, 6, 8, 10, 16-pentamethyldocosane | cuticular HC (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Antitrogus parvulus | [Fletcher, 2003]; [Chow, 2005]; Basar, 2012 | Basar, 2012; Basar, 2014 |
43 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C22) | Me4,Me6,Me8,Me10,Me16,Me18-22:H | (4S, 6R, 8R, 10S, 16R, 18S)-4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 18-hexamethyldocosane | cuticular HC (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Antitrogus parvulus | [Fletcher, 2003]; [Chow, 2005]; Herber, 2007 | Herber, 2007; Zhou; 2007; Zhu, 2008 |
44 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C23) | Me3-23:H | 3-methyltricosane | cuticular HC | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta brunnea, Periplaneta fuliginosa | [Jackson, 1970] | |
45 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C23) | Me3-23:H | 3-methyltricosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Buprestidae (jewel beetle) | Agrilus planipennis | [Lelito, 2009] | |
46 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C23) | Me7-23:H | 7-methyltricosane | sex (M) | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Frankliniella occidentalis | [Olaniran, 2013] | Lin, 2024 |
47 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C23) | Me11-23:H | (S)-11-methyltricosane | cuticular HC | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta brunnea, Periplaneta fuliginosa | [Jackson, 1970] | |
48 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C23) | Me11-23:H | (S)-11-methyltricosane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Gelechiidae (gelechiid moth) | Anarsia lineatella | Schlamp, 2005 | Schlamp, 2005 |
49 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C24 (C23) | Me11-23:H | (R)-11-methyltricosane | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Gelechiidae (gelechiid moth) | Anarsia lineatella | Schlamp, 2005 | Schlamp, 2005 |
50 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me3-25:H | 3-methylpentacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Semanotus japonicus, (2) Xylotrechus colonus | (1) [Kim, 1993]; (2) [Ginzel, 2003b] | Yuan, 2023 |
51 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me3-25:H | 3-methylpentacosane | queen | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus floridanus | [Endler, 2004]; [Oystaeyen, 2014] | |
52 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me7-25:H | (R)-7-methylpentacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Neoclytus acuminatus | [Lacey, 2008a]; Hughes, 2015 | Bello, 2013 |
53 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me7-25:H | 7-methylpentacosane | | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) etc. | many species | | |
54 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me7-25:H | 7-methylpentacosane | | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) etc. | many species | | |
55 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me9-25:H | 9-methylpentacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (2) Buprestidae (jewel beetle) | (1) Xylotrechus colonus, (2) Agrilus planipennis | (1) [Ginzel, 2003b]; (2) [Silk, 2009] | Yu, 2023b |
56 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C26 (C25) | Me13-25:H | 13-methylpentacosane | cuticle | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta brunnea, Periplaneta fuliginosa | Jackson, 1970 | |
57 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C27 (C25) | Me3,Me13-25:H | 3, 13-dimethylpentacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Semanotus japonicus | [Kim, 1993] | |
58 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C27 (C25) | Me5,Me11-25:H | 5, 11-dimethylpentacosane | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Galleria mellonella | [Svensson, 2014] | Mori, 2015a |
59 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C27 (C26) | Me2-26:H | 2-methylhexacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Mallodon dasystomus | Spikes, 2010 | |
60 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me3-27:H | 3-methylheptacosane | queen | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus floridanus | [Endler, 2004]; [Oystaeyen, 2014] | |
61 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me5-27:H | (S)-5-methylheptacosane | allomone ? | Isoptera | Macrotermitidae (termite) | Macrotermes subhyalinus | [Prestwich, 1977c] | |
62 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me5-27:H | (S)-5-methylheptacosane | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Encyrtidae (parasitoid wasp) | Ooencyrtus kuvanae | Ablard, 2012 | Ablard, 2012 |
63 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me7-27:H | (R)-7-methylheptacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Neoclytus acuminatus | [Lacey, 2008a]; Hughes, 2015 | Bello, 2013 |
64 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me7-27:H | 7-methylheptacosane | | Coleoptera | | many species | | |
65 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me7-27:H | 7-methylheptacosane | | Hymenoptera | | many species | | |
66 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me9-27:H | (R)-9-methylheptacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1)(3) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (2) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Anoplophora malasiaca, (2) Gastrophysa atrocyanea, (3) Neoclytus acuminatus | (1) [Fukaya, 2000]; [Yasui, 2023]; (2) [Sugeno, 2006]; (3) [Lacey, 2008a]; Hughes, 2015 | |
67 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me9-27:H | 9-methylheptacosane | | Coleoptera | | many species | | |
68 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me9-27:H | 9-methylheptacosane | | Hymenoptera | | many species | | |
69 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me11-27:H | (S)-11-methylheptacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle), (2) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Gastrophysa atrocyanea, (2) Tetropium fuscum, Tetropium cinnamopterum | (1) [Sugeno, 2006]; (2) Silk, 2011 | Silk, 2011; Wang, 2022 |
70 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me13-27:H | 13-methylheptacosane | aphrodisiac (M) | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Colias eurytheme | [Grula, 1980]; [Sappington, 1990] | |
71 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C28 (C27) | Me13-27:H | 13-methylheptacosane | sex (F) | Homoptera | Psyllidae (psylla) | Cacopsylla pyricola | [Guédot, 2009] | Marukawa, 2001; Mori, 2011; Yuan, 2021 |
72 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C29 (C27) | Me4,Me8-27:H | 4, 8-dimethylheptacosane | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Musca domestica | [Uebel, 1976] | |
73 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C29 (C27) | Me5,M17-27:H | (5R, 17S)-5, 17-dimethylheptacosane | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Encyrtidae (parasitoid wasp) | Ooencyrtus kuvanae | Ablard, 2012 | Ablard, 2012 |
74 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C29 (C28) | Me2-28:H | 2-methyloctacosane | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila arizonae, Drosophila mojavensis, Drosophila navojoa | Etges, 2001 | |
75 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C29 (C28) | Me2-28:H | 2-methyloctacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorned beetle) | Mallodon dasystomus | Spikes, 2010 | |
76 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Me3-29:H | 3-methylnonacosane | queen | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus floridanus | [Endler, 2004]; [Oystaeyen, 2014] | |
77 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Me3-29:H | 3-methylnonacosane | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | Dibrachys cavus | [Ruther, 2011] | |
78 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Me9-29:H | 9-methylnonacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (2) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Anoplophora malasiaca, (2) Gastrophysa atrocyanea | (1) [Fukaya, 2000]; [Yasui, 2023]; (2) [Sugeno, 2006] | |
79 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Me11-29:H | 11-methylnonacosane | cuticular HC | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmecia gulosa | [Cavill, 1970] | |
80 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Me11-29:H | 11-methylnonacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Gastrophysa atrocyanea | [Sugeno, 2006] | |
81 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Me13-29:H | 13-methylnonacosane | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Musca domestica | [Uebel, 1976] | |
82 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C30 (C29) | Z7,Me15-29:H | 15-methylnonacosa-7-ene | sex (F) ? | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae (wasp) | Eurytoma maslovskii | | [Mori, 2016a] |
83 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C31 (C29) | Me5,Me17-29:H | 5, 17-dimethylnonacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Callidiellum rufipenne | [Rutledge, 2009] | |
84 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C32 (C29) | Me3,Me7,Me11-29:H | 3, 7, 11-trimethylnonacosane | sex (F) ? | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae (wasp) | Eurytoma maslovskii | | [Mori, 2016a] |
85 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C32 (C31) | Me3-31:H | 3-methylhentriacontane | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | Dibrachys cavus | [Ruther, 2011] | |
86 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C32 (C31) | Δ1,Me13-31:H | 13-methylhentriacont-1-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Stomoxys calcitrans | [Sonnet, 1979] | |
87 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C34 (C31) | Me3,Me7,Me11-31:H | 3, 7, 11-trimethylhentriacontane | cuticular HC | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Atta colombica | [Martin, 1970] | |
88 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C35 (C31) | Me3,Me7,Me11,Me15-31:H | 3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhentriacontane | cuticular HC (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina brevipalpis | [Nelson, 1988] | [Shibata, 2002] |
89 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C35 (C32) | Me4,Me8,Me12-32:H | 4, 8, 12-trimethyldotriacontane | cuticular HC | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Atta colombica | [Martin, 1970] | |
90 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C34 (C33) | Me15-33:H | 15-methyltritriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Stomoxys calcitrans | [Uebel, 1975b]; [Sonnet, 1977a] | Sonnet, 1984; Naoshima, 1987 |
91 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C34 (C33) | Δ1,Me13-33:H | 13-methyltritriacont-1-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Stomoxys calcitrans | [Sonnet, 1979] | |
92 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C35 (C33) | Me15,Me19-33:H | 15, 19-dimethyltritriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | (1) Muscidae (stable fly), (2) Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | (1) Stomoxys calcitrans, (2) Glossina austeni | (1) [Uebel, 1975b]; [Sonnet, 1977a]; (2) [Huyton, 1980] | Sonnet, 1984 |
93 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C35 (C33) | Δ1,Me13,Me17-33:H | (13S, 17R)-13, 17-dimethyltritriacont-1-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina austeni | [Carlson, 2000]; Carlson, 2005 | Kimura, 2001 |
94 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C35 (C33) | Δ1,Me19,Me23-33:H | 19, 23-dimethyltritriacont-1-ene | anti-aphrodisiac (M) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina morsitans | [Carlson, 1991] | |
95 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C36 (C33) | Me3,Me7,Me11-33:H | 3, 7, 11-trimethyltritriacontane | cuticular HC | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Atta colombica | [Martin, 1970] | |
96 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C37 (C34) | Me4,Me8,Me12-34:H | 4, 8, 12-trimethyltetratriacontane | cuticular HC | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Atta colombica | [Martin, 1970] | |
97 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C36 (C35) | Z8,Me21-35:H | (8Z, 21R)-21-methylpentatriacont-8-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Psacothea hilaris | [Fukaya, 1996]; Fukaya, 1997 | Fukusaki, 1998; Domon, 1999; He, 2021a |
98 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C37 (C35) | Me13,Me17-35:H | 13, 17-dimethylpentatriacontane | cuticular (F) | Phasmatodea | Diapheromeridae (stick insect) | Diapheromera femorata | [Warthen, 1981] | |
99 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C37 (C35) | Me13,Me23-35:H | (13R, 23S)-13, 23-dimethylpentatriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina pallidipes | [Carlson, 1984]; McDowell, 1985; [Nelson, 1986] | Kuwahara, 1983 |
100 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C37 (C35) | Δ1,Me13,Me17-35:H | (13R, 17R)-13, 17-dimethylpentatriacont-1-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina austeni | [Carlson, 2000]; Carlson, 2005 | Kimura, 2001 |
101 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C39 (C35) | Me11,Me15,Me19,Me23-35:H | 11, 15, 19, 23-tetramethylpentatriacontane | cuticular HC (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina palpalis | [Nelson, 1988] | |
102 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C39 (C37) | Me11,Me23-37:H | 11, 23-dimethylheptatriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina tachinoides | [Nelson, 1988]; [Carlson, 1998] | [Matsuyama, 1994] |
103 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C39 (C37) | Me13,Me25-37:H | 13, 25-dimethylheptatriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina tachinoides | [Nelson, 1988]; [Carlson, 1998] | [Matsuyama, 1994] |
104 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C39 (C37) | Me17,Me21-37:H | 17, 21-dimethylheptatriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina morsitans | [Carlson, 1978]; [Nelson, 1986] | [Carlson, 1978]; Ade, 1980 |
105 | Me-branched hydrocarbon | C40 (C37) | Me15,Me19,Me23-37:H | 15, 19, 23-trimethylheptatriacontane | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina morsitans | [Carlson, 1978]; [Nelson, 1986] | [Carlson, 1978]; [Hoshino, 1980] |
106 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C4 (C3) + C2 | Me1-3:OAc | 1-methylpropyl acetate [sec-butyl acetate] | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Strategus aloeus | [Rochat, 2000] | |
107 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:OH | (R)-2-methylbutan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Phymatodes lecontei,(2) Phymatodes amoenus, Phymatodes varius, Phymatodes lengi, (3) Phymatodes pusillus, (4) Pyrrhidium sanguineum, Phymatodes alni, (5) Sphaerion inerme | (1) Hanks, 2007; (2) Mitchell, 2015; (3) [Molander, 2018]; (4) Molander, 2019b; (5) Silva, 2024a | Hanks, 2007 |
108 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:OH | (S)-2-methylbutan-1-ol | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma brasiliensis | Vitta, 2009 | Vitta, 2009 |
109 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:OH | (S)-2-methylbutan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Megacyllene acuta, (2) Achryson surinamum | (1) Silva, 2018a; (2) Silva, 2024a | |
110 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:OH | 2-methylbutan-1-ol | primer (queen) | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes speratus | [Matsuura, 2010] | |
111 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) + C2 | Me2-4:OAc | (S)-2-methylbutyl acetate | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Agroecus griseus | Fávaro, 2012 | |
112 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) + C4 | Me2-4:OCOPr | (S)-2-methylbutyl butanoate | (1) gland secretion, (2) aggregation (F) | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | (1) Megalotomus quinquespinosus, (2) Alydus eurinus | (1) [Aldrich, 1975]; (2) Aldrich, 2000 | |
113 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C5 (C4) + C4 | E2,Me2-4:OCOPr | (E)-2-methylbut-2-enyl butanoate | aggregation (F) | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | Alydus eurinus | Aldrich, 2000 | |
114 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C6 (C5) | Me2-5:OH | (R)-2-methylpentan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Sphaerion inerme | Silva, 2024a | |
115 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C6 (C5) + R | Me2-5:OCOR (COR = 14:acyl etc.) | ester of (S)-2-methylpentan-1-ol (miristate etc.) | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Sancassania shanghaiensis | Sakata, 2001a | Sakata, 2001a |
116 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C7 (C6) | Me2-6:OH | (S)-2-methylhexan-1-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Cataglyphis bicolor, (2) Cataglyphis diehlii, Cataglyphis savignyi, Cataglyphis viaticus | (1) [Keegans, 1992]; (2) Agosti, 1996 | Agosti, 1996 |
117 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C8 (C6) | E2,Me2,E4,Me4-6:OH | (2E, 4E)-2, 4-dimethylhexa-2, 4-dien-1-ol | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum leiopenis, Leiobunum calcar | Jones, 1977 | |
118 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C8 (C6) + R | Me2,Me4-6:OCOR (COR = 14:acyl etc.) | ester of (2S, 4S)-2, 4-dimethylhexan-1-ol (miristate etc.) | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Sancassania shanghaiensis | Sakata, 2001a | Sakata, 2001a |
119 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:OH | (R)-4-methylheptan-1-ol | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma brasiliensis | Vitta, 2009 | Vitta, 2009 |
120 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C9 (C7) | E2,Me2,E4,Me4-7:OH | (2E, 4E)-2, 4-dimethylhepta-2, 4-dien-1-ol | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum leiopenis | Jones, 1977 | |
121 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C9 (C8) + C9 (C8) | Me7-8:OCOR (COR = Me7-8) | 7-methyloctyl 7-methyloctanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Elater ferrugineus, (2) Agriotes ferrugineipennis | (1) Tolasch, 2007; (2) Singleton, 2022 | |
122 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C9 (C8) + C10 | Me7-8:OCOR (COR = Z4-10) | 7-methyloctyl (Z)-4-decenoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Elater ferrugineus | Tolasch, 2007 | |
123 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C10 (C9) | Me4-9:OH | (R)-4-methylnonan-1-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tenebrio molitor | [Tanaka, 1986]; Tanaka, 1989 | Tanaka, 1989; Ismuratov, 2003; Li, 2010; Mineeva, 2015; Mori, 2016b; [Vanderwel, 2017]; [Sultanov, 2018a]; Mineeva, 2020 |
124 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C11 (C10) | E2,Me2-10:Ald | (E)-2-methyldec-2-enal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Apterostigma dentigerum | Hogan, 2017 | |
125 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C12 (C10) | Me4,Me5-10:Ald | 4, 5-dimethyldecanal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tribolium castaneum | [Rangaswamy, 1991a] | |
126 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C12 (C10) | Me4,Me8-10:Ald [tribolure] | (4R, 8R)-4, 8-dimethyldecanal | aggregation | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1)(2) Tribolium castaneum, (1)(4) Tribolium confusum, (3)(4) Tribolium freemani, (4) Tribolium madens | (1) [Suzuki, 1980]; [Suzuki, 1981]; (2) Suzuki, 1983; Levinson, 1983; Suzuki, 1984; Lu, 2011; (3)Suzuki, 1987; (4) [Arnaud, 2002] | Mori, 1983a; Mori, 1985a; Fuganti, 1988; Sankaranarayanan, 2002; Kameda, 2006; Santangelo, 2006; Akasaka, 2011; Wang, 2015b; Shi, 2019; Shi, 2020 |
127 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C12 (C10) | Me4,Me8-10:Ald [tribolure] | (4R, 8S)-4, 8-dimethyldecanal | aggregation | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tribolium castaneum | Suzuki, 1984; Lu, 2011 | Akasaka, 2011; Wang, 2015b; Shi, 2020 |
128 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C12 (C10) + C3 | Me2,Me8-10:OCOEt | (2S, 8S)-2, 8-dimethyldecyl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae (wasp) | Eurytoma maslovskii | Yang, 2020; Ohkubo, 2020 | Ohkubo, 2020 |
129 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C13 (C11) | Me4,Me6-11:Ald | 4, 6-dimethylundecanal | sex (M), trail | Isoptera | Archotermopsidae (termite) | Hodotermopsis sjoestedti | [Lacey, 2011] | |
130 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me4,Me6,Me8-11:OH [prieskanol] | (2R, 4R, 6R, 8R)-2, 4, 6, 8-tetramethylundecan-1-ol | sex (F) | Homoptera | Margarodidae (scale) | Margarodes prieskaensis | Burger, 2017 | Burger, 2017 |
131 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C13 (C12) | Me10-12:OH | 10-methyldodecan-1-ol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Compsibidion graphicum, Compsibidion sommeri | [Silva, 2020] | [Silva, 2020] |
132 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C13 (C12) | Me10-12:Ald | 10-methyldocecanal | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Eburodacrys vittata, (2) Eburodacrys assimilis, Eburodacrys flexuosa, Eburodacrys lenkoi, Compsibidion graphicum, Compsibidion sommeri | (1) [Silva, 2016a]; (2) [Silva, 2020] | [Silva, 2020] |
133 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C13 (C12) + C2 | Me10-12:OAc | (R)-10-methyldodecyl acetate | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae (leafroller moth) | Adoxophyes honmai | [Tamaki, 1979]; Tamaki, 1983 | Suguro, 1979; Hjalmarsson, 1985; Sankaranarayanan, 1995; Geresh, 1998; Chow, 2001; Mineeva, 2014a |
134 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C14 (C12) | Me4,Me6-12:Ald | 4, 6-dimethyldodecanal | sex (M), trail | Isoptera | Termopsidae (termite) | Zootermopsis nevadensis, Zootermopsis angusticollis | [Bordereau, 2010] | [Ghostin, 2011] |
135 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C14 (C12) + C3 | Me2,Me10-12:OCOEt | (2S, 10R)-2, 10-dimethyldodecyl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae (wasp) | Eurytoma maslovskii | Yang, 2020; Ohkubo, 2020 | Ohkubo, 2020 |
136 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C15 (C12) | Me3,Me5,Me9-12:Ald [stylopsal] | (3R, 5R, 9R)-3, 5, 9-trimethyldodecanal | sex (F) | Strepsiptera | Stylopidae (twisted-wing parasite) | (1) Stylops melittae, (2) Stylops muelleri | (1) Tolasch, 2012; (2) Cvačka, 2012]; Lagoutte, 2013 | Tolasch, 2012; Lagoutte, 2013 |
137 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C14 (C13) | Me11-13:Ald | 11-methyltridecanal | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Eburodacrys dubitata, Eburodacrys assimilis, Eburodacrys flexuosa, Eburodacrys lenkoi | [Silva, 2020] | [Silva, 2020] |
138 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C13) | E2,E4,Me4,Me6,Me8,Me10-13:OH | (2E, 4E)-4, 6, 8, 10-tetramethyltrideca-2, 4-dien-1-ol (syn, syn) | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Trichogrammatidae (parasitoid wasp) | Trichogramma turkestanica | [Beek, 2005]; Tröger, 2014 | Geerdink, 2014 |
139 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C13) | Me3,Me4,E6,Me7,Z10,Me11-13:Ald [faranal] | (3S, 4R, 6E, 10Z)-3, 4, 7, 11-tetramethyltrideca-6, 10-dienal | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium pharaonis | Ritter, 1977; Kobayashi, 1980 | Ritter, 1977; Kobayashi, 1980; ; Poppe, 1988; Mori, 1995a; Mineyeva, 2010; Skotnitzki, 2019 |
140 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C13) | Me3,Me5,E7,Me9,E11,Me11-13:Ald [peckidienal] | (3R, 5S, 7E, 9R, 11E)-3, 5, 9, 11-tetramethyltrideca-7, 11-dienal | sex (F) | Strepsiptera | Stylopidae (twisted-wing parasite) | Xenos peckii | [Hrabar, 2015]; Zhai, 2016 | Zhai, 2016 |
141 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C14) | Me6,Me10,Me13-14:OH | 6, 10, 13-trimethyltetradecan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Stiretrus anchorago | [Aldrich, 1986a]; [Kochansky, 1989] | |
142 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C14) + C5 (C4) | Me6,Me10,Me13-14:OCOC₄H₉ | 6, 10, 13-trimethyltetradecanyl 3-methylbutanoate | gland secretion (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1) Perillus bioculatus, Oplomus severus, (2) Eocanthecona furcellata | (1) [Aldrich, 1986a]; (2) [Ho, 2003]; [Ho, 2005] | |
143 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C18 (C14) | Me2,Me4,Me8,Me13-14:OH | (2R,4R,8R)-2,4,8,13-tetramethyltetradecan-1-ol | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Pellaea stictica | [Fávaro、2015]; Gomes, 2022 | Gomes, 2022 |
144 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C15) + C4 (C3) | Me10,Me14-15:OCOiPr | (R)-10, 14-dimethylpentadecyl isobutanoate | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (tussock moth) | Arna pseudoconspersa, Artaxa subflava | [Wakamura, 1994]; Wakamura, 1996; Wakamura, 2007 | Ichikawa, 1995; Zhao, 1988; Sun, 2017a; Zhang, 2018 |
145 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C16) | Z8,Me14-16:OH | (8Z, 14R)-14-methylhexadec-8-en-1-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma inclusum | [Rodin, 1969]; Mori, 1974a | Mori, 1974a |
146 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C16) | E8,Me14-16:OH | (E)-14-methylhexadec-8-en-1-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma inclusum | [Yarger, 1975] | |
147 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C16) | Z8,Me14-16:Ald [trogodermal] | (8Z, 14R)-14-methylhexadec-8-enal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | (1) Trogoderma glabrum, (2)(3) Trogoderma granarium, (2) Trogoderma inclusum, Trogoderma variabile | (1) [Greenblatt, 1976]; (2) [Cross, 1976]; [Greenblatt, 1977]; Silverstein, 1980; (3) Levinson, 1980 | Mori, 1978a; Mori, 1982a; Mineeva, 2014a |
148 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C16) | Z8,Me14-16:Ald [trogodermal] | (8Z, 14S)-14-methylhexadec-8-enal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma granarium | Rossi, 1978; Rossi, 1979 | Rossi, 1977 |
149 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C16) | E8,Me14-16:Ald [trogodermal] | (8E, 14R)-14-methylhexadec-8-enal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | (1)(2) Trogoderma granarium, (1) Trogoderma glabrum | (1) [Cross, 1976]; [Greenblatt, 1977]; Silverstein, 1980; (2) Levinson, 1980 | Mori, 1982a |
150 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C17 (C16) | E8,Me14-16:Ald [trogodermal] | (8E, 14S)-14-methylhexadec-8-enal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma granarium | Rossi, 1978; Rossi, 1979 | Rossi, 1977 |
151 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C31 (C29) + C1 | Me12,Me20-29:OMe | 1-methoxy-12, 20-dimethylnonacosane | species recognition | [Araneae] | Tetragnathidae (long jawed spider) | Tetragnatha extensa | [Adams, 2021] | |
152 | Me-branched 1º OH & derivative | C32 (C29) + C1 | Me8,Me14,Me20-29:OMe | 1-methoxy-8, 14, 20-trimethylnonacosane | species recognition | [Araneae] | Tetragnathidae (long jawed spider) | Tetragnatha versicolor | [Adams, 2021] | |
153 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C4 (C3) + C2 | (NMe₂)1,Me2-3:2-OH | 1-dimethylamino-2-methylpropan-2-ol | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | Sakuma, 1990 | |
154 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C6 (C5) | Me3-5:2-OH | 3-methylpentan-2-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster nigriceps | [Wood, 2002] | |
155 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C7 (C6) | Me3-6:2-OH | 3-methylhexan-2-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pseudomyrmex nigrocincta | [Wood, 2005] | |
156 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C7 (C6) | Me4-6:3-OH | (3R, 4S)-4-methylhexan-3-ol | (1) alarm ? (2)(3)gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(3) Tetramorium caespitum, (2) Tetramorium impurum | (1) [Pasteels, 1980]; (2) Pasteels, 1981; (3) [Ali, 1987] | Dhotare, 2000 |
157 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C6) | Me3,Me5-6:2-OH | 3, 5-dimethylhexan-2-ol | sex | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma dimidiata | [May-Concha, 2013] | |
158 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me6-7:2-OH | 6-methylheptan-2-ol | alarm ? | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma phyllosoma, Triatoma longipennis, Triatoma pallidipennis | [May-Concha, 2018] | |
159 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-OH (= Me4-7:5-OH) | (3R, 4S)-4-methylheptan-3-ol | (1)(3-5) gland secretion, (2) trail, (6) alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Trachymyrmex seminole, Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, (2) Leptogenys diminuta, (3) Paraponera clavata, (4) Atta laevigata, (5) Cerapachys sp., (6) Ooceraea biroi | (1) [Crewe, 1972b]; (2) Attygalle, 1988a; [Maile, 2000]; (3) [Hermann, 1984]; (4) [Hernández, 1999]; (5) Morgan, 2008; (6) [Lopes, 2023] | Brenna, 2017 |
160 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-OH (= Me4-7:5-OH) | (3R, 4S)-4-methylheptan-3-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Scolytus laevis | Anderbrant, 2010 | Brenna, 2017 |
161 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-OH (= Me4-7:5-OH) | (3S, 4S)-4-methylheptan-3-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Scolytus multistriatus, Scolytus amygdali, (2) Scolytus scolytu | (1) [Pearce, 1975]; Lanier, 1977; Zada, 2004a; (2) [Blight, 1977]; [Blight, 1983] | Zada, 2004a: Brenna, 2017 |
162 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-OH (= Me4-7:5-OH) | 4-methylheptan-3-ol | | Hymenoptera | | many species | | |
163 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-OH (= Me4-7:5-OH) | 4-methylheptan-3-ol | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum townsendi | [Ekpa, 1985] | |
164 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | E4,Me4-7:3-OH | (E)-4-methylhept-4-en-3-ol | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum townsendi | [Ekpa, 1985] | |
165 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | Me2-7:4-OH | 2-methylheptan-4-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1)(2) Curculionidae (weevil), (3) Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Metamasius hemipterus, (2) Rhabdoscelus obscurus, (3) Scyphophorus acupunctatus | (1) [Ramirez-Lucas, 1996a]; [Ramirez-Lucas, 1996b]; [Perez, 1997]; (2) [Giblin-Davis, 2000]; (3) [Ruiz-Montiel, 2003]; [Ruiz-Montiel, 2008] | |
166 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) | E2,Me6-7:4-OH [rhynchophorol] | (2E, 4S)-6-methylhept-2-en-4-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Rhynchophorus palmarum, (2) Rhabdoscelus obscurus | (1) [Rochat, 1991]; Oehlschlager, 1992; (2) [Giblin-Davis, 2000] | Oehlschlager, 1992; Mori, 1992c |
167 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C8 (C7) + R | Me4-7:3-OCOR (= Me4-7:5-OCOR) | 4-methylheptan-3-yl ester | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Leptogenys diminuta | [Maile, 2000] | |
168 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C9 (C8) | Me7-8:2-OH | 7-methyloctan-2-ol | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Gonyleptes horridus | [Vieira, 2023] | |
169 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C9 (C8) | Me3-8:4-OH (= Me6-8:5-OH) [phoenicol] | (3S, 4S)-3-methyloctan-4-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Rhynchophorus phoenicis, Rhynchophorus cruentatus | [Gries, 1993c]; Perez, 1994 | Mori, 1993a; Perez, 1994; Odriozola, 1999; Yadav, 2011a |
170 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C9 (C8) | Me5-8:4-OH (= Me4-8:5-OH) [cruentol] | (4S, 5S)-5-methyloctan-4-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Rhynchophorus cruentatus | [Weissling, 1994]; Perez, 1994 | Perez, 1994; Odriozola, 1999; Swatschek, 2014 |
171 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C9 (C8) | Me2-8:4-OH | (S)-2-methyloctan-4-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1-3)(5) Curculionidae (weevil), (4) Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Metamasius hemipterus, (2) Rhabdoscelus obscurus, (3) Sphenophorus levis, (4) Scyphophorus acupunctatus, (5) Sphenophorus incurrens | (1) [Ramirez-Lucas, 1996a]; [Ramirez-Lucas, 1996b]; [Perez, 1997]; (2) [Giblin-Davis, 2000]; (3) Zarbin, 2003; (4) [Ruiz-Montiel, 2003]; [Ruiz-Montiel, 2008]; (5) [Illescas-Riquelme, 2016] | Baraldi, 2002 |
172 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C10 (C9) | Me4-9:5-OH [ferrugineol] | (4S, 5S)-4-methylnonan-5-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1)(5) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, (1) Rhynchophorus vulneratus, (2) Rhynchophorus bilineatus, (3) Metamasius hemipterus, (4) Dynamis borassi | (1) [Hallett, 1993]; (2) Oehlschlager, 1995; (3) [Ramirez-Lucas, 1996a]; [Ramirez-Lucas, 1996b]; Perez, 1997; (4) Giblin-Davis, 1997; (5) [Vacas, 2017b] | Mori, 1993b; Odriozola, 1999; Yadav, 2011a; Swatschek, 2014; [Dang, 2017]; [Le, 2021] |
173 | Me-branched 2º OH & este | C10 (C9) + C2 | E6,Me7-9:3-OAc [quadrilure] | (3R, 6E)-7-methyl-6-nonen-3-yl acetate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | Cathartus quadricollis | Pierce, 1988 | |
174 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C11 (C10) + C3 | Me8-10:2-OCOEt | (2R, 8R)-8-methyldecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Diabrotica virgifera | [Guss, 1982]: Guss, 1984 | Mori, 1984; Sonnet, 1985; Carpita, 1986; Ferreira, 1990; Chow, 2002; [Mori, 2010c]; Sun, 2018 |
175 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C11 (C10) + C3 | Me8-10:2-OCOEt | (2S, 8R)-8-methyldecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Diabrotica longicornis | Krysan, 1986 | [Nguyen, 2015]; Sun, 2018 |
176 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C13 (C11) + C3 | Me3,Me9-11:2-OCOEt | (2S, 3R, 9S)-3, 9-dimethylundecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Diprion nipponica | Tai, 1998; Tai, 2002 | |
177 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C14 (C11) | Me4,Me6,E7,Me8,E9-11:5-OH | (4R*, 5R*, 6S*, 7E, 9E)-4, 6, 8-trimethylundeca-7, 9-dien-5-ol | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Cryptocercidae (cockroach) | Cryptocercus punctulatus | [Quere, 1991] | Mori, 1990a |
178 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C14 (C11) + C1 | Me4,Me6,Me8-11:2-OFo [lardolure] | (2R, 4R, 6R, 8R)-4, 6, 8-trimethylundecan-2-yl formate | aggregation | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Lardoglyphus konoi | [Kuwahara, 1982]; Mori, 1986b; Kuwahara, 1994 | Mori, 1986a; Kaino, 1990; Morr, 1995; Hanaki, 1996; Mazery, 2005; Yadav, 2012a |
179 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C14 (C12) | Me3,Me9-12:6-OH | 3, 9-dimethyldodecan-6-ol | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Leptogenys peuqueti | [Janssen, 1997b] | |
180 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C15 (C13) | Me4,Me10-13:7-OH | (4R, 10R)-4, 10-dimethyltridecan-7-ol | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Leptogenys peuqueti | Janssen, 1997b | |
181 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C15 (C13) + C2 | Me3,Me7-13:2-OAc | (2S, 3R, 7R)-3, 7-dimethyltridecan-2-yl acetate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Diprion pini | Bergström, 1995; Bång, 2011 | Bekish, 2004; Prokhorevich, 2006 |
182 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C15 (C13) + C3 | Me3,Me7-13:2-OCOEt | (2S, 3R, 7R)-3, 7-dimethyltridecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Diprion pini | Bergström, 1995; Bång, 2011 | Bekish, 2004; Prokhorevich, 2006 |
183 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C16 (C13) + C2 | Me3,Me7,Me9-13:2-OAc | (2S, 3R, 7R, 9S)-3, 7, 9-trimethyltridecan-2-yl acetate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Macrodiprion nemoralis | Wassgren, 2000 | Wang, 2011 |
184 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C16 (C13) + C3 | Me3,Me7,Me11-13:2-OCOEt | (2S, 3S, 7S, 11R)-3, 7, 11-trimethyltridecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Microdiprion pallipes | [Bergström, 1998]; Östrand, 2003 | Nakamura, 1999; Dandapani, 2004 |
185 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C15 (C14) | Me4-14:7-OH | 4-methyltetradecan-7-ol | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Leptogenys peuqueti | [Janssen, 1997b] | |
186 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C15 (C14) + C2 | Me4-14:7-OAc | 4-methyltetradecan-7-yl acetate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Leptogenys peuqueti | [Janssen, 1997b] | |
187 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C16 (C14) + C3 | Me3,Me7-14:2-OCOEt | (2S, 3R, 7R)-3, 7-dimethyltetradecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Gilpinia pallida | Hedenström, 2006 | Hedenström, 2006; Mineeva, 2013; Mineyeva, 2014 |
188 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C16 (C15) + R | Me3-15:2-OCOR | (2S, 3R)-3-methylpentadecan-2-yl ester | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Gilpinia frutetorum, Gilpinia socia | Hedenström, 2009 | Hedenström, 2009 |
189 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C17 (C15) + C2 | Me3,Me7-15:2-OAc [diprionyl acetate] | (2S, 3S, 7S)-3, 7-dimethylpentadecan-2-yl acetate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | (1)(2) Neodiprion lecontei, (1)(3)(4) Neodiprion sertifer, (4) Neodiprion nannulus, (5) Neodiprion pinetum | (1) [Jewett, 1976]; (2) [Matsumura, 1979]; Kraemer、1981; (3) Kikukawa, 1983; Tai, 1990; Anderbrant, 2000; Bång, 2011; (4) Olaifa, 1987; (5) Olaifa, 1988 | [Magnusson, 1977]; [Place, 1978]; Byström, 1981; Tai, 1990; Ebert, 2001; Huang, 2004; Wang, 2007; Kovalenko, 2012; Zheng, 2012; He, 2022b |
190 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C17 (C15) + C3 | Me3,Me7-15:2-OCOEt | (2S, 3S, 7S)-3, 7-dimethylpentadecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | (1) Diprion similis, (2) Neodiprion sertifer | (1) [Jewett, 1976]; Longhurst, 1980b; (2) Anderbrant, 2000; Bång, 2011 | Byström, 1981; Ebert, 2001; Huang, 2004; Wang, 2007; Kovalenko, 2012; Zheng, 2012 |
191 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C17 (C15) + C3 | Me3,Me7-15:2-OCOEt | (2S, 3R, 7R)-3, 7-dimethylpentadecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Diprion similis | [Jewett, 1976]; Kikukawa, 1982b; Olaifa, 1988 | Kikukawa, 1982a; Tai, 1990 |
192 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester. | C17 (C15) + C3 | Me3,Me7-15:2-OCOEt | (2R, 3R, 7R)-3, 7-dimethylpentadecan-2-yl propionate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Diprion similis | [Jewett, 1976]; Longhurst, 1980b | Kikukawa, 1982; Tai, 1990 |
193 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C17 (C15) + R | Me3,Me7-15:2-OCOR | (2S, 3R, 7R)-3, 7-dimethylpentadecan-2-yl ester | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Gilpinia frutetorum, Gilpinia socia | Hedenström, 2009 | Hedenström, 2009 |
194 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C18 (C17) | Me5-17:7-OH | (5R, 7R)-5-methylheptadecan-7-ol | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (lichen moth) | Miltochrista calamine | Yamakawa, 2011a | Muraki, 2014; Yuan, 2022 |
195 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C30 (C29) + C2 | Me19-29:6-OAc | (6R, 19R)-19-methylnonacosan-6-yl acetate | sex (F) | Diptera | Calliphoridae (blowfly) | Cochliomyia hominivorax | [Pomonis, 1993]; [Carlson, 2007]; Akasaka, 2009 | [Furukawa, 2002]; Mori, 2004a; Mori, 2004b |
196 | Me-branched 2º OH & ester | C30 (C29) + C2 | Me15-29:7-OAc | (7R, 15SR)-15-methylnonacosan-7-yl acetate | sex (F) | Diptera | Calliphoridae (blowfly) | Cochliomyia hominivorax | [Pomonis, 1993]; [Carlson, 2007]; Akasaka, 2009 | [Furukawa, 2002]; Mori, 2004a; Mori, 2004b |
197 | Me-branched ketone | C6 (C5) | Me4-5:4-OH, 2-one | 4-hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Tapinoma simrothi | Hefetz, 1983a | |
198 | Me-branched ketone | C6 (C5) | Me4-5:4-OH, 2-one | 4-hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one | sex (M) ? | Heteroptera | Gerridae (water strider) | Halobates hawaiiensis | Tsoukatou, 2001 | |
199 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Me3-6:2-one | 3-methylhexan-2-one | alarm | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | (1) Dipetalogaster maximus, (2) Triatoma phyllosoma, Triatoma longipennis, Triatoma pallidipennis | (1) [Rossiter, 1983]; (2) [May-Concha, 2018] | |
200 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Me3-6:2-one | 3-methylhexan-2-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pseudomyrmex spinicola, Pseudomyrmex nigrocincta | [Wood, 2005] | |
201 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Me4-6:2-one | 4-methylhexan-2-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Polyrhachis vicina | [Cai, 2019] | |
202 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Me4-6:3-one | (S)-4-methylhexan-3-one | (1)(2) alarm, (3)(4) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Manica mutica, Manica bradleyi, (2)(4) Tetramorium caespitum, (3) Tetramorium impurum | (1) [Fales, 1972]; Mori, 1992a; (2) [Pasteels, 1980], (3) [Pasteels, 1981]; (4) [Ali, 1987] | Dhotare, 2000 |
203 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Me4-6:3-one | (S)-4-methylhexan-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle), | Staphylinus olens. | [Fish, 1975] | |
204 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Me4-6:3-one | (S)-4-methylhexan-3-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum nigripalpi | [Jones, 1977] | |
205 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | E4,Me4-6:3-one | (E)-4-methylhex-4-en-3-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum nigripalpi | Jones, 1977 | |
206 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Δ1,Me4-6:3-one | (R)-4-methylhex-1-en-3-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1)(2) Amarygmus tristis, (2) Byrsax macleayi | (1) [Gnanasunderam, 1982]; (2) [Brown, 1992] | |
207 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Δ1,Me4-6:3-one | (R)-4-methylhex-1-en-3-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1)(3) Gonyleptes curvicornis, (1) Parampheres sp., (2) Gonyleptes saprophilus, Acanthogonyleptes pulcher | (1) [Hara, 2005]; (2)Wouters, 2013; (3) [Vieira, 2023] | |
208 | Me-branched ketone | C7 (C6) | Δ1,Me5-6:3-one | 5-methylhex-1-en-3-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Neosadocus maximus, Zortalia inscripta, (2) Sodreana lprevosti, Sodreana barbiellini | (1) Hara, 2005; (2)Wouters, 2013 | |
209 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C6) | Me3,Me4-6:2-one | 3, 4-dimethylhexan-2-one | alarm ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Apterostigma pilosum | [Norman, 2017] | |
210 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-one | (S)-4-methylheptan-3-one | (1-4)(6)(7)(13)(14)(17)(19)(22) alarm, (5)(8-10)(12)(15)(16)(18) gland secretion, (11) trail, (20)(21) allomone | Hymenoptera | (1-19)(22) Formicidae (ant), (20) Mutillidae (velvet ant), (21) Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Pogonomyrmex desertorum, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, (1)(4) Pogonomyrmex badius, (1)(7)(17) Pogonomyrmex barbatus, (1)(17) Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, (2) Atta texana, (3)(12) Atta laevigata, (3)(14) Atta sexdens, (5) Trachymyrmex seminole, (6) Neoponera villosa, (8) Paraponera clavata, (9) Harpegnathos saltator, (10) Pogonomyrmex salinus, (11) Aphaenogaster cockerelli, Aphaenogaster albisetosus, (13) Atta bisphaerica, Atta capiguara, (14) Atta opaciceps, (15) Pseudomyrmex flavicornis, Pseudomyrmex spinicola, Pseudomyrmex nigrocincta, (16) Cerapachys sp., (18) Sericomyrmex amabalis, (19) Atta colombica, Atta cephalotes, (20) Dasymutilla occidentalis, (21) Leiophron uniformis, (22) Ooceraea biroi | (1) [McGurk, 1966]; (2) [Moser, 1968]; Riley, 1974a; (3) [Blum, 1968]; (4) [Blum. 1971c]; (5) [Crewe, 1972b];(6) [Duffield, 1973]; (7) Benthuysen, 1974; (8) [Hermann, 1984]; (9) [Do Nascimento, 1993a]; (10) [Do Nascimento, 1993b]; (11) Hölldobler, 1995; (12) [Hernández, 1999]; (13) [Hughes, 2001]; (14) [Francelino, 2006]; (15) [Wood, 2005]; (16) Morgan, 2008; (17) Byers, 2011; (18) [Adams, 2012]; (19) [Norman, 2017]; (20) Fales, 1980; (21) Byers, 2011; (22) [Lopes, 2023] | Riley, 1974b |
211 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-one | (S)-4-methylheptan-3-one | sex (F) | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Potamophylax latipennis, Potamophylax cingulatus, Glyphotaelius pellucidus | Bergmann, 2001 | |
212 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-one | (S)-4-methylheptan-3-one | (1) aggregation ?, (2) allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (2) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Scolytus scolytus, Scolytus multistriatus, (2) Ocypus similis, Ocypus olens | (1) Blight, 1983; (2) [Huth, 1990] | |
213 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-one | (S)-4-methylheptan-3-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Leiobunum vittatum, (2) Leiobunum formosum, Leiobunum speciosum, (3) Leiobunum ventricosum, Hadrobunus maculosus, (4) Leiobunum townsendi | (1) Meinwald, 1971a; (2) [Blum, 1971a]; (3) [Jones, 1976a]; (4) [Ekpa, 1985] | |
214 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Δ1,Me4-7:3-one [chichimol ketone] | (S)-4-methylhept-1-en-3-one | allomone | Phasmatodea | Agathemeridae (stick insect) | Agathemera elegans | Schmeda-Hirschmann, 2006 | Espinoza-Moraga, 2009 |
215 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Δ1,Me4-7:3-one [chichimol ketone] | (S)-4-methylhept-1-en-3-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Gonyleptes horridus, Gonyleptes curvicornis | [Vieira, 2023] | |
216 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Δ4,Me4-7:3-one | 4-methylhept-4-en-3-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Leptanilla sp., (2) Atta laevigata | (1) Billen, 1998, (2) Hernández, 1999 | |
217 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me2-7:4-one | 2-methylheptan-4-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Tapinoma simrothi | Hefetz, 1983a | |
218 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me2-7:4-one | 2-methylheptan-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Halobates hawaiiensis, (2) Scyphophorus acupunctatus | (1) Tafoya, 2007; (2) Ruiz-Montiel, 2008 | |
219 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Δ2,Me6-7:4-one | 6-methylhept-2-en-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Metamasius spinolae | Tafoya, 2007 | |
220 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:5-OH, 3-one [sitophinone, sitophilure] | (4S, 5R)-5-hydroxy-4-methylheptan-3-one | aggregation | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (weevil), (2) Dryophthoridae (weevil) | (1) Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus zeamais, (2) Rhinostomus barbirostris | (1) [Schmuff, 1984]; [Phillips, 1985]; Walgenbach, 1987; (2) Reis, 2018 | Mori, 1986c; Mori, 1988b; Kalaitzakis, 2006; Nagai, 2018 |
221 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:5-OH, 3-one [sitophinone, sitophilure] | (4S, 5S)-5-hydroxy-4-methylheptan-3-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Sitona discoideus | Unelius, 2013 | |
222 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me2-7:2-OH, 4-one | 2-hydroxy-2-methylheptan-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Metamasius spinolae | Tafoya, 2007 | |
223 | Me-branched ketone | C9 (C7) | Me3,Me6-7:2-one, 4-one | 3, 6-dimethylheptan-2, 4-dione | sex (F) | Diptera | Phoridae (humpbacked fly) | Megaselia halterata | [Baker, 1982d] | [Baker, 1982d] |
224 | Me-branched ketone | C8 (C7) | Me4-7:3-one, 5-one | 4-methylheptane-3, 5-dione | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Sitona lineatus, (2) Sitona discoideus | (1) Blight, 1984; (2) Unelius, 2013 | |
225 | Me-branched ketone | C9 (C8) | Me6-8:3-one | 6-methyloctan-3-one | (1)(2) alarm, (3) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Myrmica brevinodis, Myrmica scabrinodis, (2) Crematogaster ashmeadi, (3) Myrmica scabrinodis | (1) [Crewe, 1970b]; (2) [Crewe, 1972]; (3) [Cammaerts, 1978]; [Morgan, 1978] | Naoshima, 1988; Zhou, 2010; Song, 2013; [Sultanov, 2015] |
226 | Me-branched ketone | C9 (C8) | Me6-8:3-one | 6-methyloctan-3-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | | several species (ant) | | |
227 | Me-branched ketone | C9 (C8) | Me2-8:4-one | 2-methyloctan-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Scyphophorus acupunctatus | Ruiz-Montiel, 2008 | |
228 | Me-branched ketone | C9 (C8) | Me7-8:4-one | 7-methyloctan-4-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena clarkella, Andrena fucata | Tengö, 1976 | |
229 | Me-branched ketone | C9 (C8) | E6,Me6-8:8-OH, 3-one | (E)-8-hydroxy-6-methyloct-6-en-3-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Oulema melanopus | Cossé, 2002b; Rao, 2003 | Cossé, 2002b |
230 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C8) | Me3,Me5-8:2-one | 3, 5-dimethyloctan-2-one | alarm ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Apterostigma pilosum | [Norman, 2017] | |
231 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C8) | Me4,Me6-8:3-one | (4S, 6S)-4, 6-dimethyloctan-3-one | sex (F) | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Potamophylax latipennis, Potamophylax cingulatus, Glyphotaelius pellucidus | Bergmann, 2001 | Bergmann, 2001 |
232 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C8) | E4,Me4,Me6-8:3-one [manicone] | (4E, 6S)-4, 6-dimethyloct-4-en-3-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Manica mutica, Manica bradleyi, (2) Manica rubida | (1) [Fales, 1972]; (2) Bestmann, 1988 | Bestmann, 1988 |
233 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C8) | Me4,E6,Me6-8:3-one | (E)-4, 6-dimethyloct-6-en-3-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum calcar | [Jones, 1976a]; [Jones, 1977] | |
234 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C9) | Me3-9:2-one | 3-methylnonan-2-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Apterostigma dentigerum | Hogan, 2017 | |
235 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C9) | Me8-9:2-one | 8-methylnonan-2-one | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Agelenidae (spider) | Agelenopsis aperta | Papke, 2001 | |
236 | Me-branched ketone | C11 (C9) | Me4,Δ7,Me8-9:2-one | 4, 8-dimethylnon-7-en-2-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa velutina | [Cheng, 2017]; [Berville, 2023] | |
237 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C9) | Me6-9:3-one | 6-methylnonan-3-one | sex (F) | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Hesperophylax occidentalis | [Bjostad, 1996] | [Sultanov, 2018b] |
238 | Me-branched ketone | C10 (C9) | Me4-9:5-one [ferruginone] | 4-methylnonan-5-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, Rhynchophorus vulneratus | [Hallett, 1993] | [Dang, 2017]; [Le, 2021]; [Liautard, 2018] |
239 | Me-branched ketone | C11 (C9) | Me4,Me6-9:3-one | (4S, 6S)-4, 6-dimethylnonan-3-one | sex (F) | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Potamophylax latipennis, Potamophylax cingulatus, Glyphotaelius pellucidus | Bergmann, 2001 | Bergmann, 2001 |
240 | Me-branched ketone | C11 (C9) | Me4,E6,Me6-9:3-one | (E)-4, 6-dimethylnon-6-en-3-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Sclerosomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Leiobunum longipes | [Jones, 1976a] | |
241 | Me-branched ketone | C11 (C9) | Me4,Me6-9:7-OH, 3-one [serricornin] | (4S, 6S, 7S)-7-hydroxy-4, 6-dimehtylnonan-3-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | Lasioderma serricorne | [Chuman, 1979a]; [Mori, 1981f]; Mori, 1982d; Mochizuki, 1984; Fleischhauer, 2001 | [Chuman, 1979b]; Mori, 1982d; Mori, 1985f; Chuman, 1985; Sabitha, 2011; Linne, 2020 |
242 | Me-branched ketone | C11 (C10) | Me2-10:5-one | 2-methyldecan-5-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena fucata | Tengö, 1976 | |
243 | Me-branched ketone | C12 (C10) | E2,Me5,E6,Me7,E8-10:4-one | (2E, 5R, 6E, 8E)-5, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 6, 8-trien-4-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Margarodidae (scale) | Matsucoccus josephi (Israeli pine bast scale) | [Dunkelblum, 1993]; Dunkelblum, 1995 | [Zegelman, 1993]; Mori, 1994c; [Shi, 1995c]; [Shi, 1995d]; [Watanabe, 1997]; Kurosawa, 2000 |
244 | Me-branched ketone | C12 (C10) | E2,Me5,Z6,Me7,E8-10:4-one | (2E, 5R, 6Z, 8E)-5, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 6, 8-trien-4-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Margarodidae (scale) | Matsucoccus josephi (Israeli pine bast scale) | [Dunkelblum, 1993]; Dunkelblum, 1995 | [Zegelman, 1993]; [Shi, 1995d] |
245 | Me-branched ketone | C13 (C10) | Me4,Me6,Me8-10:2-one [chortolure] | (4R, 6R, 8R)-4, 6, 8-trimethyldecan-2-one | aggregation (F & M) | [Astigmata] | Chortoglyphidae (storage mite) | Chortoglyphus arcuatus | Schulz, 2004a | Schulz, 2004a |
246 | Me-branched ketone | C14 (C11) | Me4,Me6,E7,Me8,E9-11:3-one [graphisurone] | (4R, 6S, 7E, 9E)-4, 6, 8-trimethylundeca-7, 9-dien-3-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Graphisurus fasciatus, Eutrypanus dorsalis | Arriola, 2024 | Arriola, 2024 |
247 | Me-branched ketone | C14 (C12) | dimer of Δ1,Me5-6:3-one [(C₄H₉CO)2,iBu6-dihydropyran] | 1-(6-isobutyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)-3-methylbutan-1-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Sodreana lprevosti, Sodreana barbiellini, (2) Gonyleptes horridus, Gonyleptes curvicornis | (1) [Wouters, 2013]; (2) [Vieira, 2023] | |
248 | Me-branched ketone | C14 (C12) | dimer of Δ1,Me4-6:3-one [(C₄H₉CO)2,s-Bu6-dihydropyran] | 1-(6-sec-butyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)-2-methylbutan-1-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Gonyleptes saprophilus, (2) Gonyleptes horridus, Gonyleptes curvicornis | (1) [Wouters, 2013]; (2) [Vieira, 2023] | |
249 | Me-branched ketone | C15 (C12) | Me3,Me7,E8,Me9,E10-12:6-one | (3S, 7R, 8E, 10E)-3, 7, 9-trimethyldodeca-8, 10-dien-6-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Margarodidae (scale) | Matsucoccus feytaudi (maritime pine scale) | [Einhorn, 1990]; Jactel, 1994 | Cywin, 1991b; Mori, 1993c; Mori, 1994a; [Shi, 1995c]; [Shi, 1995d]; [Watanabe, 1997]; Kurosawa, 2000 |
250 | Me-branched ketone | C15 (C12) | Me3,Me7,Z8,Me9,E10-12:6-one | (8Z, 10E)-3, 7, 9-trimethyldodeca-8, 10-dien-6-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Margarodidae (scale) | Matsucoccus feytaudi (maritime pine scale) | [Einhorn, 1990] | [Shi, 1995d] |
251 | Me-branched ketone | C14 (C13) | Me10-13:2-one | (R)-10-methyltridecan-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Diabrotica undecimpunctata | Guss, 1983 | Sonnet, 1982; Senda, 1983a; Rossi, 1985; Sankaranarayanan, 1995; Chow, 2002; Hayes, 2003; Lamers, 2003; Lu, 2009; Shikichi, 2012a; [Nguyen, 2015]; Subramanian, 2016 |
252 | Me-branched ketone | C17 (C13) | E2,Me4,E4,Me6,Me10,Me12-13:7-one [matsuone] | (2E, 4E, 6R, 10R)-4, 6, 10, 12-tetramethyltridecan-2, 4-dien-7-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Margarodidae (scale) | (1)(2) Matsucoccus matsumurae (Japanese black pine bast scale), (1)(2)(3) Matsucoccus thunbergianae (black pine bast scale), (1)(2)(4) Matsucoccus resinosae (red pine scale scale) | (1) [Lanier, 1989]; (2) [Hibbard, 1991]; (3) Park, 1994; (4) Shi, 1995b | Cywin, 1991a; Mori, 1993d; Lin, 1993; [Mori, 1995b]; Shi, 1995b; [Shi, 1995c]; [Shi, 1995d]; Lin, 1996b; [Watanabe, 1997]; Kurosawa, 2000; [Lee, 2019] |
253 | Me-branched ketone | C17 (C14) | Me6,Me10,Me13-14:2-one [pallantione] | (6R, 10S)-6, 10, 13-trimethyltetradecan-2-one | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Pallantia macunaima | Fávaro, 2013a | Muraki, 2013; Soldi, 2018 |
254 | Me-branched ketone | C17 (C15) | Me6,Me12-15:2-one | (6R, 12R)-6, 12-dimethylpentadecan-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Diabrotica balteata | [Chuman, 1987a]; McLaughlin, 1991 | Mori, 1988a; Enders, 1995; Chow, 2002; Shen, 2015; Wu, 2024 |
255 | Me-branched ketone | C19 (C18) | Me6-18:2-one | (S)-6-methyloctadecan-2-one | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (lichen moth) | Lyclene dharma | [Yamamoto, 2007]; Adachi, 2010 | Mori, 2009; Shikichi, 2012b; Zhou, 2024 |
256 | Me-branched ketone | C19 (C18) | Me14-18:2-one | (S)-14-methyloctadecan-2-one | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (lichen moth) | Lyclene dharma | [Yamamoto, 2007]; Adachi, 2010 | Mori, 2009; Shikichi, 2012b; Zhou, 2024 |
257 | Me-branched ketone | C20 (C18) | Me6,Me14-18:2-one | 6, 14-dimethyloctadecan-2-one | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (lichen moth) | Lyclene dharma | [Yamamoto, 2007]; Adachi, 2010 | Mori, 2009a; Shikichi, 2012b |
258 | Me-branched ketone | C29 (C27) | Me3,Me11-27:2-one | (3S, 11S)-3, 11-dimethylheptacosan-2-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | Eliyahu, 2004 | Mori, 2008b |
259 | Me-branched ketone | C29 (C27) | Me3,Me11-27:2-one, 27-OH | 27-hydroxy-3, 11-dimethylheptacosan-2-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | [Eliyahu, 2008] | |
260 | Me-branched ketone | C31 (C29) | Me3,Me11-29:2-one | (3S, 11S)-3, 11-dimethylnonacosan-2-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | [Nishida, 1974]; [Nishida 1975]; Nishida, 1979 | [Rosenblum, 1976]; Mori, 1978c; Mori, 1981b; Mori, 1990b; Mori, 2008b |
261 | Me-branched ketone | C31 (C29) | Me3,Me11-29:2-one, 29-OH | 29-hydroxy-3, 11-dimethylnonacosan-2-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | [Nishida, 1976]; [Eliyahu, 2008] | [Burgstahler, 1977] |
262 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C4 (C3) | Me2-3:acid | isobutyric acid | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Baronia brevicornis, Eurytides Marcellus, Papilio cresphontes, Papilio demodocus, Papilio glaucus, Papilio palamedes, Papilio polyxenes, Papilio troilus, (2) Graphium doson, Graphium sarpedon, (3) Parnassius glacialis | (1) Eisner, 1970; (2) Honda, 1980c; (3) Honda, 1995a | |
263 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C4 (C3) | Me2-3:acid | isobutyric acid | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3)(5) alarm ?, (4) aggregation | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | (1)(3)(4) Rhodnius prolixus, (2)(5) Triatoma phyllosoma, (2) anstrongylus megistus, (5) Triatoma longipennis, Triatoma pallidipennis | (1) Pattenden, 1972; (2) Games, 1974; (3) Kälin, 1975; (4) Rojas, 2002; (5) May-Concha, 2018 | |
264 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C4 (C3) | Me2-3:acid | isobutyric acid | aggregation (M) | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | Amblyomma hebraeum | Apps, 1988 | |
265 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C4 (C3) + C1 | Me2-3:Me ester | methyl isobutanoate | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Graphium doson, Graphium sarpedon, (2) Parnassius glacialis, (3) Chilasa epycides, Papilio demoleus, Papilio macilentus, Papilio troilus | (1) Honda, 1980c; (2) Honda, 1995; (3) Ômura, 2006 | |
266 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:acid | 2-methylbutyric acid | (1-4)(6) allomone, (5) sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | (1-4)(6) Papilionidae (butterfly), (5) Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | (1) Baronia brevicornis, Eurytides Marcellus, Papilio cresphontes, Papilio demodocus, Papilio glaucus, Papilio palamedes, Papilio polyxenes, Papilio troilus, (2) Papilio machaon, (3) Papilio protenor, (4) Graphium doson, Graphium sarpedon, (5) Mamestra brassicae, (6) Parnassius glacialis | (1) [Eisner, 1970]; (2) [Eisner, 1965a]; (3) [Honda, 1980a]; (4) [Honda, 1980c]; (5) [Jacquin, 1991]; (6) [Honda, 1995a] | |
267 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:acid | 2-methylbutyric acid | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Varshneyia pasaniae | [Suzuki, 1988a] | |
268 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:acid | 2-methylbutyric acid | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(3) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Oodes vicarious, (2) Chrysomela mainensis, (3) Pterostichus californicus | (1) [Kanehisa, 1982]; (2) [Termonia, 1999]; (3) [Attygalle, 2007] | |
269 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | Me2-4:acid | 2-methylbutyric acid | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster sjostedti | [Wood, 2002] | |
270 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | Z2,Me2-4:acid [angelic acid] | (Z)-2-methylbut-2-enoic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Scarites acutidens, Scarites aterrimus, Scarites sulcatus, Scarites terricola, (2) Pasimachus subsulcatus, (3) Carabus violaceus | (1) Kanehisa, 1977; (2) Davidson, 1989; (3) Vesović, 2020 | |
271 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | E2,Me2-4:acid [tiglic acid] | (E)-2-methylbut-2-enoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | (1-7)(9)(10) Carabidae (ground beetle), (8) Trachypachidae (false ground beetle) | (1) Apotomopterus insulicula, etc., (1)(3) Carabus auratus, Abax ater, Pterostichus niger, (2) Philoscaphus tuberculatus, (3) Leistus ferrugineus, Amara familiaris, etc., (4) Scaphinotus andrewsi, Scaphinotus viduus, Scaphinotus webbi, (5) Anthia thoracica, (6) Carabus yaconinus, (7) Pasimachus subsulcatus, (8) Trachypachus slevini, (9) Pterostichus californicus, (10) Carabus montivagus, Carabus caelatus | (1) Schildknecht, 1962; Schildknecht, 1964; (2) Moore, 1968b; (3) Schildknecht, 1970a; (4) Wheeler, 1970; (5) Scott, 1975; (6) Adachi, 1985; (7) Davidson, 1989; (8) Attygalle, 2004; (9) Attygalle, 2007; (10) Vesović, 2020 | |
272 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) | NH₂2,Me3-4:acid [valine] | (S)-2-amino-3-methylbutyric acid | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus pennsylvanicus | [Hermann, 1968] | |
273 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C1 | NH₂2,Me3-4:Me ester [L-valine methyl ester] | (S)-methyl 2-amino-3-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Phyllophaga anxia, (2) Phyllophaga georgiana | (1) Zhang, 1997a; (2) Robbins, 2009 | |
274 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C2 | E2,Me2-4:Et ester [ethyl tiglate] | ethyl (E)-2-methylbut-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1)(2) Drosophila virilis, (2) Drosophila americana, Drosophila novamexicana, Drosophila lummei, (3) Drosophila hydei, (4) Drosophila borealis, Drosophila littoralis | (1) Bartelt, 1985a; (2) Bartelt, 1986; (3) Moats, 1987; (4) Bartelt, 1988 | |
275 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C3 (C2) | E2,Me2-4:iPr ester [isopropyl tiglate] | isopropyl (E)-2-methylbut-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila hydei | Moats, 1987 | |
276 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C5 (C4) | Me2-4:Me2-4-OH ester | 2-methylbutyl 2-methylbutanoate | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Clavigralla elongata | [Kpongbe, 2024] | |
277 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C5 (C4) | Me2-4:Me2-4-NH₂ amide | (2S, 2’S)-2-methyl-N-(2’-methylbutyl)butyramide | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Migdolus fryanus | Leal, 1994a | Santangelo, 2001; Bernardo, 2022 |
278 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C6 | Me2-4:Z3-6-OH ester | (Z)-hex-3-enyl 2-methylbutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysomela lapponica, (2) Chrysomela mainensis, Chrysomela walshi | (1) [Schulz, 1997a]; (2) [Termonia, 1999] | |
279 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C5 (C4) + C6 | E2,Me2-4:E2-6-OH ester | (E)-hex-2-enyl (E)-2-methylbut-2-enoate | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Pachylis laticornis | Aldrich, 1982 | |
280 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C4) | (CHOHCH₃)2,Me3-4:γ-lactone [ithomiolide A] | (2S, 3R, 1'S)-2-hydroxy-2-(1'-hydroxyethyl)-3-methylbutan-4-olide | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Hymenitis dercetis, Godyris kedema, Ithomia iphianassa, Oleria makrena, Pteronymia beebei, Pteronymia veia, (2) Prittwitzia hymaenea, (3) Ceratinia tutia, Godyris zavaleta, Greta dercetis, Hypomenitis andromica, Pseudoscada erruca, Pseudoscada timna, Pteronymia nubivaga, Pteronymia vestilla, (4) Ithomia salapia | (1) [Edgar, 1976a]; (2) Schulz, 1992; (3) Schulz, 2004b; (4) [Mann, 2020] | Schulz, 1992 |
281 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C4) | Ac2,Me3-4:γ-lactone [ithomiolide B] | (2S, 3R)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutan-4-olide | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Prittwitzia hymaenea, (2) Episcada clausina | (1) Schulz, 1992; (2) Schulz, 2004b | Schulz, 1992 |
282 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) | Me2-5:acid | 2-methylpentanoic acid | allomone ? | (Geophilomorpha) (Chilopoda) | Geophilidae (centipede) | Clinopodes flavidus | [Mitić, 2024] | |
283 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) | NH₂2,Me4-5:acid [leucine] | (S)-2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus pennsylvanicus | [Hermann, 1968] | |
284 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C1 | NH₂2,Me3-5:Me ester [L-isoleucine methyl ester] | (2S, 3S)-methyl 2-amino-3-methylpentanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Holotrichia parallela, (2) Phyllophaga anxia, (3) Phyllophaga elenans | (1) Leal, 1992a; (2) Zhang, 1997a; (3) Leal, 2003 | |
285 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C1 | NH₂2,Me4-5:Me ester [L-leucine methyl ester] | (S)-methyl 2-amino-4-methylpentanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllophaga lanceolata | Nojima, 2003a | |
286 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C2 | (HCONH)2,Me3-5:Me ester [N-formyl L-isoleucine methyl ester] | (2S, 3S)-methyl 2-formylamino-3-methylpentanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllophaga elenans | Leal, 2003 | |
287 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C3 | (MeCONH)2,Me3-5:Me ester [N-acetyl L-isoleucine methyl ester] | (2S, 3S)-methyl 2-acetylamino-3-methylpentanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllophaga elenans | Leal, 2003 | |
288 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C3 (C2) | E2,Me2-5:iPr ester [trunc-call 1] | isopropyl (E)-2-methylpent-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Bostrichidae (auger beetle) | Prostephanus truncatus | Cork, 1991b; Dendy, 1991; Hodges, 2004 | |
289 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C5 (C4) | E2,Me2-5:Me1-4-OH ester [dominicalure 1] | (S)-1-methylbutyl (E)-2-methylpent-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Bostrichidae (auger beetle) | Rhyzopertha dominica | [Khorramshahi, 1981]; Williams, 1981c; [Hodges, 1983]; [Bashir, 2003]; [Cai, 2022] | Petukhova, 2022 |
290 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C6 (C5) + C5 | Me2-5:Et-Pr ester [sitophilate] | (2S, 3R)-1-ethylpropyl 3-hydroxy-2-methylpentanoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Sitophilus granarius | Phillips, 1987; Phillips, 1989a | Chong, 1989; Mori, 1989; Razkin, 1996; Mateus, 2001; Kalaitzakis, 2007; Gao, 2012; Ravía, 2013 |
291 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C5) + C3 | [trimethyl methylcitrate] | (2R, 3S)-3-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonyl-2-methylpentanedioic acid dimethyl ester | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (spider) | Argiope bruennichi | Chinta, 2010 | |
292 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C5) + C3 (C2) | E2,Me2,Me4-5:iPr ester [trunc-call 2] | isopropyl (E)-2, 4-dimethylpent-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Bostrichidae (auger beetle) | Prostephanus truncatus | Dendy, 1991; Hodges, 2004 | |
293 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C5) + C5 (C4) | E2,Me2,Me4-5:Me1-4-OH ester [dominicalure 2] | (S)-1-methylbutyl (E)-2, 4-dimethylpent-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Bostrichidae (auger beetle) | Rhyzopertha dominica | [Khorramshahi, 1981]; Williams, 1981d; [Hodges, 1983]; [Bashir, 2003]; [Cai, 2022] | Petukhova, 2022 |
294 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C5) + C1 | E2,(C₂H₄OH)3,Me4-5:Me ester | methyl (E)-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylpent-2-enoate | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Diaprepes abbreviatus | Lapointe, 2012 | |
295 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C6) | Me2-6:acid | 2-methylhexanoic acid | alarm ? | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma phyllosoma, Triatoma longipennis, Triatoma pallidipennis | [May-Concha, 2018] | |
296 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C6) | Z3,Me4,Δ5-6:acid | (Z)-4-methylhexa-3,5-dienoic acid | marking (M) ? | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Urophora cardui, Urophora stylata | Frenzel, 1990 | |
297 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C6) | Me2-6:δ-lactone | (2R*, 5S*)-2-methyl-5-hexanolide | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa hirutissima | [Wheeler, 1976] | Pirkle, 1978a |
298 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C6) | Me4,Δ5-6:γ-lactone [lavender lactone] | (S)-4-methylhex-5-en-4-olide | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Lycaenidae (butterfly) | Celastrina argiolus | Ômura, 2013 | |
299 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C7 (C6) + C4 | Me4-6:Bu ester | (S)-butyl 4-methylhexanoate | aggregation | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | Neomegalotomus parvus | Laumann, 2012 | |
300 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me4-6:δ-lactone | (2S, 4R, 5S)-2, 4-dimethyl-5-hexanolide | (1)(2) gland secretion (M), (3-7) trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(3) Calomyrmex sp., (2) Camponotus thoracicus, (3)(4) Camponotus herculeanus, (4)(5) Camponotus socius, (4) Camponotus ligniperdus, Camponotus vagus, Camponotus pennsylvanicus, (6) Camponotus kaura, (7) Camponotus modoc | (1) [Brown, 1979]; [Pilli, 1999]; (2) [Lloyd 1984]; (3) [Bestmann, 1995a]; (4) Bestmann, 1999; (5) Kohl, 2001; (6) [Torres, 2001]; (7) Renyard, 2019 | [Pilli, 1999]; Bestmann, 1999 |
301 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C6) | Δ2,Me2,Me4-6:acid | 2, 4-dimethylhex-2-enoic acid | allomone? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmecocystus christineae, Myrmecocystus colei, Myrmecocystus depilis Myrmecocystus romaine, Myrmecocystus semirufus, Myrmecocystus wheeleri | [Lloyd, 1989] | |
302 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C7) | Me3-7:acid | (R)-3-methylheptanoic acid | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Kheper nigroaeneus | Burger, 2002a | Burger, 2002a; [Sultanov, 2018b] |
303 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C7) | Z2,Me3-7:acid | (Z)-3-methylhept-2-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Callosobruchus analis, (2) Callosobruchus maculatus, (3) Callosobruchus subinnotatus | (1) Cork, 1991a; (2) Phillips, 1996; (3) Shu, 1999 | |
304 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C7) | E2,Me3-7:acid | (E)-3-methylhept-2-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Callosobruchus maculatus, (2) Callosobruchus subinnotatus | (1) Phillips, 1996; (2) Shu, 1999 | |
305 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C7) | Z3,Me3-7:acid | (Z)-3-methylhept-3-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus maculatus | Phillips, 1996 | |
306 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C7) | E3,Me3-7:acid | (E)-3-methylhept-3-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus maculatus | Phillips, 1996 | |
307 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C8 (C7) + C2 | Me4-7:Et ester | ethyl 4-methylheptanoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle), (2) Silphidae (burying beetle) | (1) Oryctes rhinoceros, (2)(3) Nicrophorus vespilloides, (3) Nicrophorus interruptus, Nicrophorus investigator, Nicrophorus marginatus, Nicrophorus pustulatus, Nicrophorus tomentosus | (1) [Hallett, 1995]; (2) [Haberer, 2008]; (3) [Haberer, 2017] | Mori, 2016b |
308 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me4,Me6-7:δ-lactone | (2S, 4R, 5S)-2, 4, 6-trimethyl-5-heptanolide (tetrahydro-3, 5-dimethyl-6-isopropyl-2H-pyran-2-one) | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Macrocentrus grandii | [Swedenborg, 1993]; Swedenborg, 1994 | Shin, 1993; Lin, 1996a; Shklyaruck, 2011; Sengupta, 2019 |
309 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C9 (C8) | Me4-8:acid | (R)-4-methyloctanoic acid | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Oryctes monoceros, (2)(5) Oryctes rhinoceros, (3) Oryctes elegans, (4) Oryctes agamemnon | (1) [Gries, 1994b]; (2) [Hallett, 1995]; (3) [Rochat, 2004]; (4) [Saïd, 2015]; (5) Hall, 2022 | Mori, 2016b; Hall, 2022 |
310 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C9 (C8) | Me2-8:acid, 8-acid [2-methylsuberic acid] | 2-methyloctanedioic acid | secretion (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus rhodesianus | [Shimomura, 2017] | |
311 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C9 (C8) | Me3-8:acid, 8-acid [3-methylsuberic acid] | 3-methyloctanedioic acid | secretion (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus rhodesianus | [Shimomura, 2017] | |
312 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C9 (C8) + C2 | Me4-8:Et ester [oryctelure] | (S)-ethyl 4-methyloctanoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Oryctes monoceros, (2) Oryctes rhinoceros, (3) Oryctes elegans, (4) Oryctes agamemnon | (1) [Gries, 1994b]; (2) Hallett, 1995; [Morin, 1996]: (3) [Rochat, 2004]; (4) [Saïd, 2015] | Hallett, 1995; [Dang, 2017] |
313 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C9 (C8) + C2 | Me4-8:Et ester [oryctelure] | (R)-ethyl 4-methyloctanoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Oryctes rhinoceros | Hall, 2022 | [Dang, 2017]; Hall, 2022 |
314 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C9 (C8) + C3 (C2) | E4,Me7-8:iPr ester | isopropyl (E)-7-methyl-4-octenoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Crisicoccus azaleae | Tabata, 2022 | |
315 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C11 (C8) | Me2,Me4, Me6-8:δ-lactone | 2, 4, 6-trimethyloctan-5-olide (6-sec-butyl-3, 5-dimethyltetrahydropyran-2-one) | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Camponotus atriceps (2) Camponotus castaneus | (1) [Haak, 1996]; (2) [Kohl, 2003] | |
316 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C10 (C9) + C2 | E4,Me7-9:Et ester | ethyl (S, E)-7-methylnon-4-enoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Crisicoccus azaleae | [Tabata, 2022]; Sugawara, 2024 | Sugawara, 2024 |
317 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C10 (C9) + C3 (C2) | E4,Me7-9:iPr ester | isopropyl (S, E)-7-methylnon-4-enoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Crisicoccus azaleae | [Tabata, 2022]; Sugawara, 2024 | Sugawara, 2024 |
318 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C12 (C9) | Me2,Me4,Me6-9:δ-lactone [invictolide] | (2R, 4R, 5S, 6R)-2, 4, 6-trimethyl-5-nonanolide (tetrahydro-3, 5-dimethyl-6-(1-methylbutyl)-2H-pyran-2-one) | queen recognition | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis invicta (fire ant), (2) Solenopsis geminate | (1) [Rocca, 1983b]; Mori, 1986d; (2) [Cruz-López, 2001b] | Mori, 1986d; Ziegler, 1986; Senda, 1987; Honda, 1996; Yadav, 2012b |
319 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C12 (C9) | Z2,Me2,Z4,Me4,Me6-9:δ-lactone | 2, 4, 6-trimethylnona-2, 4-dien-5-olide [3, 5-dimethyl-6-(1-methylbutyl)-2H-pyran-2-one] | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Rosalia alpina, (2) Rosalia batesi | (1) [Kosi, 2017]; (2) [Fukaya, 2023] | [Kosi, 2017] |
320 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C11 (C10) + C9 (C8) | Me9-10:Me7-8-OH ester | 7-methyloctyl 9-methyldecanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Ectinus aterrimus | Tolasch, 2008 | Tolasch, 2008 |
321 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C13 (C11) + C12 (C11) | Me2,Me8-11:Me2-11-OH ester | 2-methylundecyl 2, 8-dimethylundecanoate | cuticular lipid (F) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (spider) | Argyrodes elevatus | [Chinta, 2016] | [Chinta, 2016] |
322 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C13 (C11) + C13 (C11) | Me2,Me8-11:Me2,Me8-11-OH ester | 2, 8-dimethylundecyl 2, 8-dimethylundecanoate | cuticular lipid (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Argyrodes elevatus | [Chinta, 2016] | [Chinta, 2016] |
323 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me4-7:α-pyrone [supellapyrone] | (2'R, 4'R)-5-(2', 4'-dimethylheptanyl)-3-methyl-2H-pyran-2-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Ectobiidae (cockroach) | Supella longipalpa | [Charlton, 1993]; Leal, 1995a | Shi, 1995a; Fujita, 2001 |
324 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C16 (C11) | Me2,Me4,Me6,Me8,Me10-11:β-lactone [vittatalactone] | (2R, 3R, 4S, 6S, 8S)-2, 4, 6, 8, 10-pentamethyl-3-undecanolide (3-Methyl-4-(1, 3, 5, 7-tetramethyloctyl)oxetan-2-one) | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Acalymma vittatum, (2) Acalymma trivittatum | (1) [Morris, 2005]; (2) Weber, 2023 | Schmidt, 2009; Schmidt, 2010; Yadav, 2011b; Weise, 2011; Weise, 2012 |
325 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C14 (C12) | Me3,Me5-12:acid | (3R, 5S)-3, 5-dimethyldodenanoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Prionus californicus | [Rodstein, 2009]; Rodstein, 2011; Maki, 2011 | Rodstein, 2011 |
326 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C14 (C13) + C11 | Me2-13:11-OH ester | undecyl 2-methyltridecanoate | cuticular lipid (M) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Argyrodes elevatus | [Chinta, 2016] | [Chinta, 2016] |
327 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C17 (C15) + C5 | Me2,Me14-15:Glu amide | (S)-2-[(R)-2, 14-dimethylpentadecanoylamino]pentanedioic acid [N-(2, 14-dimethyl-1-oxopentadecyl)glutamic acid] | marking | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha ludens | Aluja、2003; Edmunds, 2010 | Edmunds, 2010; Pawar, 2023 |
328 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C17 (C15) + C6 (C5) | Me3,Me13-15:Et-Me-Pr ester | (3R, 13R, 3'S)-2-methylpent-3-yl 3, 13-dimethylpentadecanoate | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Psychidae (bagworm moth) | Clania variegata | [Gries, 2006]; Mori, 2010a | Mori, 2009b; Mori, 2010a; Taguri, 2013; Sun, 2017b; Wang, 2024a |
329 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C18 (C15) + C1 | Me4,Me8,Me12-15:Me ester | methyl 4, 8, 12-trimethylpentadecanoate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Edessa meditabunda | [Zarbin, 2012] | Szczerbowski, 2020 |
330 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C17 (C16) + C1 | Z8,Me14-16:Me ester | methyl (Z)-14-methylhexadec-8-enoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma inclusum | [Rodin, 1969]; [Greenblatt, 1977] | Mori, 1974a |
331 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C17 (C16) + C1 | E8,Me14-16:Me ester | methyl (E)-14-methylhexadec-8-enoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma inclusum | [Yarger, 1975] | |
332 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C19 (C17) + C13 | Me2,Me4-17:13-OH ester | tridecyl (2R, 4R)-2, 4-dimethylheptadecanoate | cuticular lipid (M) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (spider) | Argiope bruennichi | Gerbaulet, 2022 | |
333 | Me-branched acid & derivative | C21 (C19) + C13 | Me2,Me4-19:13-OH ester | tridecyl 2, 4-dimethylnonadecanoate | cuticular lipid (M, F) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (spider) | Argiope bruennichi | [Gerbaulet, 2022] | |
334 | Me-branched ring comp. | C6 (C5) | Me2-cyclopentanone | 2-methylcyclopentanone | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Azteca nigriventris, Azteca velox | [Wheeler, 1975] | |
335 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C5) | Ac1,Me2-cyclopentane | (1S*, 2R*)-1-acetyl-2-methylcyclopentane [1-(2-methylcyclopentyl)ethanone] | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Azteca nigriventris, Azteca velox | [Wheeler, 1975] | |
336 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C5) | Ac1,Me2-cyclopentene | 2-acetyl-3-methylcyclopentene [1-(5-methylcyclopent-1-enyl)ethanone] | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Azteca nigriventris, Azteca velox | [Wheeler, 1975] | |
337 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C5) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.1]bicyclo | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2, 7-dioxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Iridomyrmex purpureus, (2) Eciton burchelli, (3) Aenictus rotundatus | (1) [Cavill, 1984], (2) [Keegans, 1993]; [Oldham, 1994c] | |
338 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C5) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.1]bicyclo | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2, 7-dioxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bee) | Nannotrigona testaceicornis | [Cruz-López, 2001a] | |
339 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C14 (C5) + C1 | (C₁₆H₃₁O₇N)2,(CH₂)4,Me5,Me6-tetrahydropyran [pederin] | (2S)-N-{(S)-[(2S, 4R, 6R)-6-[(2S)-2, 3-dimethoxypropyl]-4-hydroxy-5, 5-dimethyl-2-tetrahydropyranyl]methoxymethyl}-2-hydroxy-2-[(2R, 5R, 6R)-2-methoxy-5, 6-dimethyl-4-methylenetetrahydropyran-2-yl]acetamide | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1)(3) Paederus fuscipes, (2) Paederus columbinus, Paederus melanurus, (3) Paederus riparius | (1) [Cardani, 1965]; [Matsumoto, 1968]; Furusaki, 1968; (2) [Cardani, 1967] (3) [Kellner, 1995] | Meinwald, 1977b; Wan, 2011 |
340 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C5) | Et1,Et3,Me4,Me6-[2.2.1]bicyclo | (1S*, 3S*, 4R*, 6S)-1, 3-diethyl-4, 6-dimethyl-2, 7-dioxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane | aggregation ? | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Glyphotaelius pellucidus | Bergmann, 2004 | |
341 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C5) | Et2,Me3,Me5,Et6-dihydropyran [anhydroserricornin] | (2S, 3S)-2, 6-diethyl-3, 5-dimethyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | Lasioderma serricorne | [Levinson, 1981]; Mochizuki, 1986 | Hoffmann, 1984; Chuman, 1985 |
342 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C5) | (C₄H₇O)2,Me3,Me6-tetrahydropyran | 1-[(2R*,3S*,6S*)-3,6-dimethyltetrahydropyran-2-yl]butan-2-one | aggregation (M) ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorned beetle) | Macropophora accentifer | [Silva, 2022] | |
343 | Me-branched ring comp. | C12 (C5) | Me1,Me3,iPen3-[2.2.1]bicyclo | 3-isopentenyl-1, 3-dimethyl-2, 7-dioxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bee) | Nannotrigona testaceicornis | [Cruz-López, 2001a] | |
344 | Me-branched ring comp. | C13 (C5) | Me2,Me3,Me5,(C₅H₉O)6-dihydropyran-4-one [stegobinone] | (2S, 3R, 1'R)-2, 3, 5-trimethyl-6-(1'-methyl-2'-oxobutyl)-2, 3-dihydro-4H-pyran-4-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | (1) Stegobium paniceum, (2) Anobium punctatum | (1) [Kuwahara, 1978]; Hoffmann, 1981; (2) White, 1987 | Hoffmann, 1979; [Sakakibara, 1979]; [Ansell, 1979]; Mori, 1981a; Kalaitzakis, 2012 |
345 | Me-branched ring comp. | C13 (C5) | Me2,Me3,Me5,(C₅H₁₀OH)6-dihydropyran-4-one [stegobiol] | (2S, 3R, 1'S)-2, 3, 5-trimethyl-6-(1'-methyl-2'-hydroxybutyl)-2, 3-dihydro-4H-pyran-4-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | Stegobium paniceum | Kodama, 1987 | Mori, 1986e; Kalaitzakis, 2012 |
346 | Me-branched ring comp. | C14 (C5) | Et2,Me3,Me5,(C₅H₁₀OH)6-dihydropyran-4-one [serricorole] | (2S, 3R, 1'S, 2'S)-2-ethyl-3, 5-dimethyl-6-(1'-methyl-2'-hydroxybutyl)-2, 3-dihydro-4H-pyran-4-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | Lasioderma serricorne | [Chuman, 1983]; [Chuman, 1985]; Ebata, 1987 | Ebata, 1987 |
347 | Me-branched ring comp. | C14 (C5) | Et2,Me3,Me5,(C₅H₉O)6-dihydropyran-4-one [α-serricorone] | (2S, 3R, 1'S)-2-ethyl-3, 5-dimethyl-6-(1'-methyl-2'-oxobutyl)-2, 3-dihydro-4H-pyran-4-one | sex (F), marking | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | Lasioderma serricorne | [Chuman, 1983]; Imai, 1990a | Ebata, 1987 |
348 | Me-branched ring comp. | C14 (C5) | Et2,Me3,Me5,(C₅H₉O)6-dihydropyran-4-one [β-serricorone] | (2S, 3R, 1'R)-2-ethyl-3, 5-dimethyl-6-(1'-methyl-2'-oxobutyl)-2, 3-dihydro-4H-pyran-4-one | sex (F), marking | Coleoptera | Ptinidae (deathwatch beetle) | Lasioderma serricorne | [Chuman, 1983]; Imai, 1990a | Ebata, 1987 |
349 | Me-branched ring comp. | C7 (C6) | Me1-cyclohexene [(R)-(+):(S)-(-)=11:9] | 1-methylcyclohex-2-enol | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus pseudotsugae | [Libbey 1983]; Lindgren, 1992 | |
350 | Me-branched ring comp. | C7 (C6) | Me3-cyclohexene [seudenone] | 3-methylcyclohex-2-enone | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus pseudotsugae | Kinzer, 1971; Rudinsky, 1973b; Rudinsky, 1974; Rudinsky, 1980 | |
351 | Me-branched ring comp. | C7 (C6) | Me3-cyclohexene [seudenone] | 3-methylcyclohex-2-enone | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Rhytidoponera chalybaea | Brophy, 1981 | |
352 | Me-branched ring comp. | C7 (C6) | Me3-cyclohexene [seudenol] [(R)-(+):(S)-(-)=33:17] | 3-methylcyclohex-2-enol | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1-3) Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, (1) Dendroctonus rufipennis | (1) [Vité, 1972a]; (2) [Rudinsky, 1974]; [Ryker, 1979]; (3) Lindgren, 1992 | |
353 | Me-branched ring comp. | C7 (C6) | Me3-cyclohexenone | 3-methylcyclohex-3-enone | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus pseudotsugae | Libbey, 1976; Rudinsky, 1979 | |
354 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C6) | Me1,Me5-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(-)-frontalin] | (1S, 5R)-1, 5-dimethyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus frontalis, (2) Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, (3) Dendroctonus jeffreyi | (1) [Kinzer, 1969]; Stewart, 1977; Vite, 1985; (2) [Vite, 1970]; (3) Paine, 1999 | Mori, 1975a; Ohrui, 1976; Fuganti, 1983; Whiteside, 1986; Trinh, 1987; Scholl, 1999; Chenevert, 2002; Yus, 2003; Kolb, 2013 |
355 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C6) | Me1,Me5-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(+)-frontalin] | (1R, 5S)-1, 5-dimethyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus jeffreyi | Paine, 1999 | Mori, 1975a; Magnus, 1978; Whiteside, 1986; Majewski, 1998; Kanada, 2000 |
356 | Me-branched ring comp. | C8 (C6) | Me1,Me5-[3.2.1]bicyclo [frontalin] | 1, 5-dimethyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus brevicomis, (2) Dendroctonus adjunctus, (3) Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, Dendroctonus rufipennis, (4) Dendroctonus ponderosa, (5) Dendroctonus terebrans, (6) Dendroctonus mesoamericanus | (1) [Libbey, 1974]; (2) [Hughes, 1976]; (3) [Ryker, 1979]; (4) [Ryker, 1982]; (5) [Phillips, 1989b]; (6) [Niño-Domínguez, 2015] | |
357 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me5,Et7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(+)-exo-brevicomin] | (1R, 5S, 7R)-7-ethyl-5-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus brevicomis, (2) Dendroctonus adjunctus, (3) Dendroctonus ponderosae, (4)(5) Dryocoetes confuses, (5)(6) Dryocoetes affaber, (7) Hylesinus pruinosus | (1) [Silverstein, 1968]; [Libbey, 1974]; Wood, 1976; Stewart, 1977; (2) [Hughes, 1976]; (3) [Ryker, 1982]; Schurig, 1983; Francke, 1996a; (4) Borden, 1987; (5) Camacho, 1993; (6) Camacho, 1994; (7) Shepherd, 2010 | Mori, 1974b; [Kocienski, 1976]; Matterson, 1983; Takahata, 1996; Hu, 1996; Singh, 2009; Sabitha, 2013 |
358 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me5,Et7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [exo-brevicomin] | 7-ethyl-5-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus armandi, Dendroctonus frontalis, Dendroctonus jeffreyi, Dendroctonus terebrans, Leperisinus varius, Dryocoetes autographus | (1) [Kinzer, 1969]; Stewart, 1977; Vite, 1985; (2) [Vite, 1970]; (3) Paine, 1999 | |
359 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me5,Et7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(+)-endo-brevicomin] | (1R, 5S, 7S)-7-ethyl-5-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus brevicomis, (2) Dendroctonus ponderosae, (3) Dendroctonus frontalis, (4) Dryocoetes confuses, (4)(5) Dryocoetes affaber, (6) Hylesinus pruinosus, (7) Dendroctonus mesoamericanus | (1) [Libbey, 1974]; (2) Schurig, 1983; Francke, 1996a; (3) Vite, 1985; (4) Camacho, 1993; (5) Camacho, 1994; (6) Shepherd, 2010, (7) Niño-Domínguez, 2015 | [Kocienski, 1976]; Francke, 1996a; Kim, 1995; Singh, 2009; Hartung, 2014; Gwon、2019 |
360 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me5,Et7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [exo-brevicomin-2-ol] | (1R, 2R, 5S, 7R)-7-ethyl-5-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus ponderosae | Francke, 1996a | Francke, 1996a |
361 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me5,Et7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [endo-brevicomin-2-ol] | (1R, 2R, 5S, 7S)-7-ethyl-5-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus ponderosae | Francke, 1996a | Francke, 1996a |
362 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me5,(C₂H₂O)7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [1-hydroxy-exo-brevicomin] | (1R, 1'R, 5R, 7R)-7-(1’-hydroxyethyl)-5-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus ponderosae | Francke, 1996a | Francke, 1996a; Sabitha, 2013 |
363 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Et5,Me7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [isobrevicomin] | (1S, 5R, 7S)-5-ethyl-7-methyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus ponderosae | Francke, 1996a | Francke, 1996a |
364 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me2,Me4,Et5-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(-)-α-multistriatin] | (1S, 2R, 4S, 5R)-5-ethyl-2, 4-dimethyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | (1)(2) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (3) Dryophthoridae (weevil) | (1) Scolytus multistriatus, (2) Scolytus scolytus, (3) Diocalandra frumenti | (1) [Pearce, 1975]; [Gore, 1975]; Wood, 1976; Lanier, 1977; Elliott, 1979; (2) [Blight, 1977]; (3) [Vacas, 2017a] | Pearce, 1976; Mori, 1976a; Cernigliaro, 1977; Bartlett, 1979; Elliott, 1979; Plaumann, 1982; Larcheveque, 1987 |
365 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,Et2,Me5-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(-)-bicolorin] | (1S, 2R, 5R)-2-ethyl-1, 5-dimethyl-6, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Taphrorychus bicolor | [Francke, 1995a]; Francke, 1996b | Francke, 1996b; Takikawa, 1997; [Astashko, 2013] |
366 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C6) | Et1,Me3,Me5,Me7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [(+)-sordidin] | (1S, 3R, 5R, 7S)-1-ethyl-3, 5, 7-trimethyl-2, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Cosmopolites sordidus | [Beauhaire, 1995]; Mori, 1996b | Mori, 1996b; Enders, 2005; Yadav, 2008 |
367 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C6) | Et1,Me3,Me5,Me7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [sordidin] | (1S, 3R, 5R, 7R)-1-ethyl-3, 5, 7-trimethyl-2, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Cosmopolites sordidus | Fletcher, 1997 | Mori, 1996b; Enders, 2005 |
368 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C6) | Et1,Me3,Me5,Me7-[3.2.1]bicyclo [sordidin] | (1R, 3S, 5S, 7S)-1-ethyl-3, 5, 7-trimethyl-2, 8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane | aggregation ? | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Potamophylax latipennis, Potamophylax cingulatus | Bergmann, 2004 | |
369 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me8-[3.3.1]bicyclo | (1R, 3S, 5S)-1, 3, 8-trimethyl-2, 9-dioxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-7-ene | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Hepialidae (swift moth) | Endoclita excrescens | Marukawa, 2002 | Marukawa, 2002 |
370 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C7) | Me1,Et3,Me8-[3.3.1]bicyclo | (1R, 3S, 5S)-3-ethyl-1, 8-dimethyl-2, 9-dioxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-7-ene | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Hepialidae (swift moth) | Hepialus hecta | [Sinnwell, 1985]; Schulz, 1990 | Mori, 1986f |
371 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C7) | Me1,Et3,Me8-[3.3.1]bicyclo | (1R, 3S, 5R)-3-ethyl-1, 8-dimethyl-2, 9-dioxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-7-en-6-one | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Hepialidae (swift moth) | Hepialus hecta | [Sinnwell, 1985]; Schulz, 1990 | |
372 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C8) | Me7-[4.5]spiroacetal [conophthorin] | (5R, 7S)-7-methyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera xanthodes | Fletcher, 1992a | Fletcher, 1992a |
373 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C8) | Me7-[4.5]spiroacetal [conophthorin] | (5S, 7S)-7-methyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespula vulgaris | [Francke, 1978]; [Francke, 1979a]; [Weston, 1997] | Hintzer, 1981 |
374 | Me-branched ring comp. | C9 (C8) | Me7-[4.5]spiroacetal [conophthorin] | (5S, 7S)-7-methyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane | (1) gland secretion, (2)(4)(5) repellent, (3)(6)(7) sex (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Leperisinus varius, (2) Cryphalus piceae, (3) Conophthorus coniperda, (4) Conophthorus coniperda, (5) Conophthorus resinosae, Conophthorus banksianae, (6) Conophthorus ponderosae, (7) Pityophthorus carmeli, Pityophthorus nitidulus | (1) [Francke, 1979a]; (2) Kohnle, 1992; (3) Groot, 1998; (4) Birgersson, 1995; (5) Pierce, 1995; (6) Miller, 2000; (7) Dallara, 2000 | |
375 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C8) | Me2,Et7-[4.5]spiroacetal | 7-ethyl-2-methyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane | (1-3)(5) gland secretion, (4) aggregation | Hymenoptera | (1)(4)(5) Vespidae (wasp), (2) Andrenidae (mining bee), (3) Megachilidae (leafcutter bee) | (1)(4) Vespula vulgaris, (1) Vespula germanica, Dolichovespula saxonica, (2) Andrena haemorrhoa, (3) Coelioxys quadridentata, Coelioxys mandibularis, (5) Parischnogaster jacobsoni | (1) [Francke, 1979a]; (2) [Francke, 1981]; (3) [Tengö, 1982];(4) [Weston, 1997]; (5) [Dani, 1998] | |
376 | Me-branched ring comp. | C13 (C8) | Me2,Bu7-[4.5]spiroacetal | 7-butyl-2-methyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena haemorrhoa | [Francke, 1981] | |
377 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C9) | Me2-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2R, 6S)-2-methyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Bethylidae (wasp) | Goniozus nephantidis, Goniozus legneri | Goubault, 2008 | Goubault, 2008 |
378 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C9) | Me2-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 6R)-2-methyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Bethylidae (wasp) | Goniozus nephantidis, Goniozus legneri | Goubault, 2008 | Goubault, 2008 |
379 | Me-branched ring comp. | C10 (C9) | Me2-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 6R)-2-methyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | allomone | Phasmatodea | Diapheromeridae (stick insect) | Asceles glaber | Dossey, 2012 | Dossey, 2012 |
380 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C9) | Me2,Me8-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 6R, 8S)-2, 8-dimethyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | (1) sex (F), (2-4) gland secretion, (5) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1) Andrenidae (mining bee), (2) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (3)(5) Vespidae (wasp), (4) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Andrena wilkella, (2) Epeolus cruciger, Epeolus variegatus, (3) Parischnogaster jacobsoni, Parischnogaster mellyi, (4) Diacamma vagans, Diacamma sp., (5) Polybia occidentalis, Polybia sericea | (1) [Francke, 1980b]; Tengö, 1990; (2) [Tengö, 1982];(3) [Dani, 1998]; (4) [Morgan, 1999]; (5) Dani, 2000 | Mori, 1981c; Mori, 1986g; Giese, 1987 |
381 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C9) | Me2,Me8-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 6R, 8S)-2, 8-dimethyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | (1)(6) sex (F), (2)(3)(5) sex (M), (4) gland secretion (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Bactrocera cucurbitae, (1)(4) Bactrocera dorsalis, (2) Bactrocera cucumis, Bactrocera halfordiae, (3) Bactrocera nigrotibialis. (5) Bactrocera kirki, Bactrocera kraussi, (6) Bactrocera latifrons | (1) [Baker, 1985b]; (2) Kitching, 1986; Kitching, 1989; (3) Perkins, 1990a; (4) [Perkins, 1990b]; (5) Fletcher, 1992a; (6) Zhang, 1997b | Kitching, 1989 |
382 | Me-branched ring comp. | C11 (C9) | Me2,Me8-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 6R, 8S)-2, 8-dimethyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1)(2) Ontholestes murinus, (2) Ontholestes tesselatus | (1) [Dettner, 1986]; (2) [Huth,1990]; Zhang, 1999 | Zhang, 1999 |
383 | Me-branched ring comp. | C12 (C9) | Me2,Me4,Me8-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 4R, 6R, 8S)-2, 4, 8-trimethyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | aggregation | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (shield bug) | Cantao parentum | Moore, 1994 | Tu, 1995; Hayes, 2001; Mineeva, 2014b |
384 | Me-branched ring comp. | C12 (C9) | Me2,Me2,Me8-[5.5]spirocetal | (6R, 8S)-2, 2, 8-trimethyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Ontholestes murinus | [Huth,1990]; Zhang, 1999 | Zhang, 1999 |
385 | Me-branched ring comp. | C12 (C9) | Me2,Et8-[5.5]spiroacetal | (2S, 6R, 8S)-8-ethyl-2-methyl-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | (1)(5) sex (F), (2)(4)(6) sex (M), (3) gland secretion (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(3) Bactrocera dorsalis, (2) Bactrocera halfordiae, (3) Bactrocera occipitalis, (4) Bactrocera kirki, Bactrocera kraussi, (5) Bactrocera latifrons, (6) Bactrocera frauenfeldi | (1) [Baker, 1985b]; (2) [Kitching, 1989]; (3) [Perkins, 1990b]; (4) [Fletcher, 1992a]; (5) Zhang, 1997b; (6) [Noushini, 2020] | |
386 | Me-branched ring comp. | C23 (C11) | (C₅H₁₀OH)3,Me4,Me5,(C₅H₁₀OH)8-trioxaanthracene [catalipyrone A] | (1'R, 3'S, 1''R, 3''S)-3, 6-bis(3-hydroxy-1-methylbutyl)-4, 5-dimethyl-9H-2, 7, 10-trioxaanthracene-1, 8-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Delphastus catalinae | Deyrup、2011 | |
387 | Me-branched ring comp. | C23 (C11) | (C₅H₉O)2,Me3,(C₅H₁₁)7,Me8-trioxaanthracene [catalipyrone I] | (1'R*, 1''R*)-3, 8-dimethyl-7-(1-methylbutyl)-2-(1-methyl-3-oxobutyl)-10H-1, 6, 9-trioxaanthracene-4, 5-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Delphastus catalinae | [Deyrup、2011]; [Deyrup、2014] | |
388 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:OH | 3-methylbutan-1-ol | (1) aggregation (M), (2) allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1) Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle), (2) Gyrinidae (water beetle) | (1) Platypus flavicorni, (2) Gyrinus aerates, Gyrinus substriatus | (1) Renwick, 1977; (2) Ivarsson, 1996 | |
389 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:OH | 3-methylbutan-1-ol | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa mandarinia | Ono, 2003 | |
390 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:Ald | 3-methylbutanal [isovaleraldehyde] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (2) Carabidae (ground beetle), (3) Gyrinidae (water beetle) | (1) Thyreocephalus lorquini, Eulissus orthodoxus, (2) Anthia thoracica, Thermophilum homoplatum, (3) Gyrinus aerates, Gyrinus substriatus | (1) Bellas, 1974b; (2) Scott, 1975; (3) Ivarsson, 1996 | |
391 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:acid | 3-methylbutyric acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Eusphalarum longipenne, (2) Omalium caesum, Omalium rivulare, Omalium rugatum | (1) Klinger, 1977; (2) Dettner, 1991 | |
392 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:acid | 3-methylbutyric acid | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster nigriceps, Crematogaster mimosa | Wood, 2002 | |
393 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me2,Δ3-4:2-OH | 2-methylbut-3-en-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Ips typographus, (2) Ips erosus, (3) Pteleobius vittatus | (1) Bakke, 1977; (2) Giesen, 1984; (3) Klimetzek, 1989b | |
394 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me2,Δ3-4:2-OH | 2-methylbut-3-en-2-ol | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa crabro | Veith, 1984 | |
395 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me2,Δ3-4:2-OH | 2-methylbut-3-en-2-ol | sex ? | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Rhodnius prolixus | Pontes, 2008 | |
396 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3,Δ3-4:OH | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Ips cembrae, (2) Polygraphus rufipennis | (1) Stoakley, 1978; Zhang, 2000; (2) Bowers, 1991 | |
397 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:2-one, 3-OH | 3-hydroxy-3-methylbutan-2-one | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Trypodendron signatus (Xyloterus signatus), (1)(2) Trypodendron domesticus (Xyloterus domesticus), Trypodendron lineatus (Xyloterus lineatus) | (1) Francke, 1974a; (2) Francke, 1974b | |
398 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Me3-4:2-one, 3-OH | 3-hydroxy-3-methylbutan-2-one | aggregation | Hymenoptera | Ichneumonidae (parasitoid wasp) | Rhyssa persuasoria | Davis, 1985 | |
399 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Δ2,Me3-4:acid [senecioic acid] | 3-methylbut-2-enoic acid | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Leucophaea maderae | Farine, 2007 | |
400 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Δ2,Me3-4:acid [senecioic acid] | 3-methylbut-2-enoic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Bledius opacus, Bledius subterraneus | Steidle, 1995 | |
401 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Me3-4:NHAc | 3-methylbutylacetamide | (1)(2)(4)(5)(8)alarm; (3)(6) aggregation, (7) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Vespula squamosal, (2) Vespula maculifrons, (3)(8) Vespula vulgaris, (4) Polistes dominulus, Polistes gallicus, Polistes nimphus, Polistes sulcifer, Polistes olivaceus, (5) Dolichovespula maculate, (6) Polistes aurifer, Polistes metricus, (7) Polistes dorsalis. Polistes bellicosus | (1) Heath 1988; (2) Landolt, 1995; (3) Weston, 1997; (4) Bruschini, 2006; (5) Jimenez, 2016; (6)(7) Elmquist, 2020; (8) El-Sayed, 2021 | |
402 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Me3-4:NHAc | 3-methylbutylacetamide | (1)(4) sex (M), (2) sex (F), (3) gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Bactrocera tryoni. Bactrocera neohumeralis, (2) Bactrocera cucurbitae, (2)(3) Bactrocera dorsalis, (3) Bactrocera occipitalis, (4) Bactrocera carambolae | (1) Bellas, 1979; (2) Baker, 1985b; (3) Perkins, 1990b; (4) Wee, 2005 | |
403 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Me3-4:NHAc | 3-methylbutylacetamide | alarm | Dictyoptera | Polyphagidae (cockroach) | Therea petiveriana | Farine, 2002 | |
404 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Me3-4:NHAc | 3-methylbutylacetamide | gland secretion | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | Chrysopa septempunctata | Aldrich, 2009 | |
405 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Me3-4:OAc [isopentyl acetate, isoamyl acetate] | 3-methylbutyl acetate | alarm (worker) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | (1) Apis mellifera, (2) Apis cerana, Apis dorsata, Apis florea | (1) Boch, 1962b; Boch, 1970; Pickett, 1982; Hunt, 2003; (2) Koeniger, 1979 | |
406 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Δ2,Me3-4:OAc | 3-methylbut-2-enyl acetate | gland secretion (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera visenda | Krohn, 1992 | |
407 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C2 | Δ2,Me3-4:OAc | 3-methylbut-2-enyl acetate | alarm | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Hunt, 2003 | |
408 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C3 | Me2-4:NHCOEt | N-(2-methylbutyl)propionamide | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Bactrocera tryoni. Bactrocera neohumeralis, (2) Bactrocera dorsalis (Dacus dorslis) | (1) [Bellas, 1979]; (2) [Ohinata, 1982] | |
409 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C3 | Me3-4:NHCOEt | 3-methylbutylpropanamide | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Polistes gallicus, Polistes sulcifer | Bruschini, 2006 | |
410 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C3 | Me3-4:NHCOEt | 3-methylbutylpropanamide | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Dacus tryoni. Dacus neohumeralis | Bellas, 1979 | |
411 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C3 | Me3-4:NHCOEt | 3-methylbutylpropanamide | alarm | Dictyoptera | Polyphagidae (cockroach) | Therea petiveriana | Farine, 2002 | |
412 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C3 | Me3-4:NHCOEt | 3-methylbutylpropanamide | gland secretion | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | Plesiochrysa ramburi | Aldrich, 2009 | |
413 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C4 | Me3-4:OCOPr [isopentyl butyrate] | 3-methylbutyl butanoate | aggregation (M), kiromone | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Clavigralla tomentosicollis | Kpongbe, 2019 | |
414 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C4 | Δ2,Me3-4:OCOPr | 3-methylbut-2-enyl butanoate | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Thaumastocoridae (true bug) | Thaumastocoris peregrinus | González, 2012; Calvo, 2018 | |
415 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C4 | Me3-4:NHCOPr | 3-methylbutylbutanamide | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespula vulgaris | El-Sayed, 2021 | |
416 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C5 (C4) | Δ2,Me3-4:Δ2,Me3-4-OH ester | 3-methylbut-2-enyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate | alarm ? | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa crabro | Wheeler, 1983 | |
417 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C5 (C4) | Me3-4:Me1-4-OH ester | (S)-1-methylbutyl 3-methylbutanoate | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa mandarinia | Ono, 2003 | |
418 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C6 | Me3-4:2-OH,Z3-6-OH ester | (Z)-3-hexenyl (R)-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoate | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Pristhesancus plagipennhc | James, 1994b | |
419 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C6 | Me3-4:6-OH ester | hexyl 3-methylbutanoate | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
420 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C7 (C6) | Me3,Δ3-4:OCOC₆H₁₃ | 3-methylbut-3-enyl 5-methylhexanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Crisicoccus seruratus (Crisicoccus matsumotoi) (Matsumoto mealybug) | Tabata, 2012 | |
421 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C14 | Me3,Δ3-4:OCOR (COR = 14:acyl) | 3-methylbut-3-enyl tetradecanoate | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus crabroniformis | McDaniel, 1992 | |
422 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C18 | Δ2,Me3-4:OCOR (COR = 18:acyl) | 3-methylbut-2-enyl octadecanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1) Agapostemon texanus, (2) Nomia heteropoda, Nomia tetrazonata, Nomia nevadensis, Nomia triangulifera | (1) Duffield, 1981a; (2) Duffield, 1982 | |
423 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C18 | Me3,Δ3-4:OCOR (COR = 18:acyl) | 3-methylbut-3-enyl octadecanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1) Agapostemon texanus, (2) Nomia heteropoda, Nomia tetrazonata, Nomia nevadensis, Nomia triangulifera, (3) Lasioglossum malachurum | (1) Duffield, 1981a; (2) Duffield, 1982; (3) Ayasse, 1990 | |
424 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C22 | Δ2,Me3-4:OCOR (COR = 22:acyl) | 3-methylbut-2-enyl docosanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | Megalopta genalis | Kingwell、2021 | |
425 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C6 (C5) | Me2,E3-5:2-OH | (E)-2-methylpent-3-en-2-ol | sex ? | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Rhodnius prolixus | Pontes, 2008 | |
426 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C5) | Et3,Me4-5:OH | (R)-3-ethyl-4-methylpentan-1-ol | (1) gland secretion, (2-4) sex (queen) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Formica rufa, Formica polyctena, (2) Polyergus breviceps, (3) Polyergus rufescens, (4) Polyergus mexicanus, Polyergus topoffi | (1) [Francke, 1985b]; (2) [Greenberg, 2004]; Greenberg, 2007; (3) Castracani, 2008; (4) Greenberg, 2018 | [Sultanov, 2019] |
427 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C5) + C1 | Et3,Me4-5:Me ester | methyl (R)-3-ethyl-4-methylpentanoate | (1) gland secretin, (2) alarm ?, (3)(4)sex (queen) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Formica rufa, Formica polyctena, (2) Formica polyctena, (3) Polyergus lucidus, Polyergus sanwaldi, (4) Polyergus samurai | (1) [Bühring, 1976]; (2) [Francke, 1980c]; (3)Greenberg, 2018; (4) [Iwamoto,, 2020] | |
428 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OH [lavandulol] | (S)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-en-1-ol | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Planococcus ficus (vine mealbug) | Hinkens, 2001 | Hinkens, 2001; Fernandes, 2013; Bhosale, 2017 |
429 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OH [lavandulol] | 2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-en-1-ol | (1) allomone, (2) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Silphidae (carrion beetle), (2) Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Necrodes surinamensis, (2) Anthonomus rubi | (1) [Roach, 1990]; (2) [Innocenzi, 2001] | [McCullough, 1991] |
430 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) | Δ2,iPr2,Me5-6:Ald | 2-isopropyl-5-methylhex-2-enal | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Calomyrmex sp. | Brown, 1979 | |
431 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C2 | E2,iPr2,Δ4,Me5-6:OAc | (E)-2-isopropyl-5-methylhexa-2, 4-dienyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Planococcus minor (passionvine mealybug) | Ho, 2007 | Millar, 2008 |
432 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C2 | iPr2,E3,Δ5,Me5-6:OAc | (2S, 3E)-2-isopropyl-5-methylhexa-3, 5-dienyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Dysmicoccus neobrevipes (grey pineapple mealybug) | [Tabata, 2015a]; Tabata, 2015b | Tabata, 2015b |
433 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C2 | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OAc [lavandulyl acetate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Dysmicoccus grassii (banana mealybug) | Alfonso, 2012 | Bhosale, 2017 |
434 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C2 | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OAc [lavandulyl acetate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl acetate | aggregation | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | (1) Frankliniella occidentalis, (2) Frankliniella intonsa | (1) Hamilton, 2005a; Li, 2019; Khan, 2023; (2) Zhu, 2012; Li, 2019 | |
435 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C3 | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOEt [lavandulyl propionate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl propionate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Dysmicoccus grassii (banana mealybug) | Alfonso, 2012 | Bhosale, 2017 |
436 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C4 | (C₃H₆)2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOPr [fujikonyl butanoate] | 2-isopropylidene-5-methylhex-4-enyl butanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Planococcus kraunhiae (Japanese mealybug) | Sugie, 2008 | Tabata, 2013 |
437 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C5 (C4) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOC₄H₇ [lavandulyl senecioate] | (S)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Planococcus ficus (vine mealbug) | Hinkens, 2001; Millar, 2002; Zada, 2003 | Hinkens, 2001; Fernandes, 2013; Bhosale, 2017 |
438 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C5 (C4) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOC₄H₉ [lavandulyl 2-methylbutyrate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl (S)-2-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Maconellicoccus hirsutus (pink hibiscus mealybug) | Zhang, 2004a; Zhnag, 2005b | Zhang, 2005a; Fernandes, 2013; Bhosale, 2017 |
439 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C5 (C4) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOC₄H₉ [lavandulyl 2-methylbutyrate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5methylhex-4-enyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate | aggregation (M) | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Odontothrips loti | Li, 2024b | Wang, 2024b |
440 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C5 (C4) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOC₄H₉ [lavandulyl 3-methylbutyrate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl 3-methylbutanoate | aggregation | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Megalurothrips sjostedti (bean flower thrips) | Niassy, 2019 | |
441 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C6) + C5 (C4) | iPrope2,Δ4,Me5-6:OCOC₄H₇ [lavandulyl 3-methyl-3-butenoate] | (R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-enyl 3-methylbut-3-enoate | aggregation | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Thrips palmi (melon thrips) | Akella, 2014 | Akella, 2014 |
442 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-OH [sulcatol] | (S)-6-methylhept-5-en-2-ol | (1-3)(6) aggregation, (4) gland secretion (M), (5) sex (M) | Coleoptera | (1)(3)(4) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (2)(5) Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle), (6) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Gnathotrichus sulcatus, (2) Platypus flavicorni, (3) Gnathotrichus retusus, (4) Gnathotrichus materiarius, (5) Platypus mutates, (6) Astylopsis macula, Leptostylus transversus | (1) Byrne, 1974; Borden, 1976; (2) Renwick, 1977 (3) Borden, 1980; (4) Flechtmann, 2003; (5) Audino, 2005; (6) Meier, 2019 | Mori, 1975b |
443 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-OH [sulcatol] | (R)-6-methylhept-5-en-2-ol | (1) aggregation, (2) gland secretion (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Gnathotrichus sulcatus, (2) Gnathotrichus materiarius | (1) Byrne, 1974; Borden, 1976; (2) Flechtmann, 2003 | |
444 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Me6-7:2-one | 6-methylheptan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Ontholestes murinus | Dettner, 1986 | |
445 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-one [sulcatone] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one | (1-3)(5)(6)(8)(9)(12) gland secretion, (4)(7)(10)(11) alarm, (13) kairomone, (14) sex (F), spacing, (15) allomone | Hymenoptera | (1-5)(7-12) Formicidae (ant), (6) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (13) Apidae (stingless bee), (14)(15) Alloxystidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1)(2) Iridomyrmex purpureus (Iridomyrmex detectus), (2), Iridomyrmex conifer, (3) Iridomyrmex sp., (4) Calomyrmex sp., (5) Polyrhachis simplex, (6) Holcopasites calliopsidis, (7) Tapinoma simrothi, (8) Polyrhachis doddi, (9) Bothriomyrmex syrius, (10) Tapinoma melanocephalum, Tapinoma erraticum, (11) Iridomyrmex purpureus, (12) Iridomyrmex discors, (13) Lestrimelitta limao, (14) Alloxysta victrix, (15) Alloxysta brevis | (1) Cavill, 1953; (2) Cavill, 1956a; (3) Crewe, 1971; (4) Brown, 1979; (5) Hefetz, 1982a; (6) Hefetz, 1982c; (7) Hefetz, 1983a; (8) Bellas, 1985; (9) Lloyd, 1986; (10) Tomalski, 1987; (11) Kim, 1989; (12) Cox, 1989; (13) Wittmann, 1990; (14) Micha, 1993; (15) Völkl, 1994 | Armstead, 1984 |
446 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-one [sulcatone] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one | (1)(2) sex (M), (3) allomone, (4) aggregation (larva) | Lepidoptera | (1) Noctuidae (noctuid moth), (2) Papilionidae (butterfly), (3) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (4) Tortricidae (tortrix moth) | (1) Phlogophora meticulosa, (2) Atrophaneura alcinous, (3) Agraulis vanillae, (4) Cydia pomonella | (1) Birch, 1970; Aplin, 1970; (2) Honda, 1980b; (3) Ross, 2001; (4) Jumean, 2005 | |
447 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-one [sulcatone] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one | (1)(2)(5) allomone, (3) allomone (larva), (4) allomone ?, (6) sex (M), (7) alarm, (8) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1)(2)(5)(7) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (3) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle), (4) Gyrinidae (water beetle), (6) Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle), (8) Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Stenus comma, (2) Xantholinus glaber, (3) Gonioctena viminalis, (4) Gyrinus substriatus, (5) Lesteva longelytrata, (6) Platypus mutates, (7) Pella funestus, Pella humeralis, (8) Acrotomopus atropunctellus | (1) Schildknecht, 1976a; (2) Dettner, 1986; (3) Dettner, 1987; (4) Ivarsson, 1996; (5) Dettner, 1991; (6) Audino, 2005; (7) Stoeffler, 2007; (8) Rodríguez, 2016 | |
448 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-one [sulcatone] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one | spacing | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Rhopalosiphum padi | Quiroz, 1997 | |
449 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-one [sulcatone] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Nemastomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Carinostoma elegans, Carinostoma ornatum | Raspotnig, 2014 | |
450 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | Δ5,Me6-7:2-one [sulcatone] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (spider) | Araneus diadematus | Fischer, 2021 | |
451 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) + C16 | Δ5,Me6-7:2-OCOR (COR = 16) [sulcatyl palmitate] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-yl hexadecanoate | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Agraulis vanillae | [Ross, 2001] | |
452 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) + C18 | Δ5,Me6-7:2-OCOR (COR = Z9-18) [sulcatyl oleate] | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-yl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Agraulis vanillae | [Ross, 2001] | |
453 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C9 (C7) | Me2,Δ5,Me6-7:OH | 2, 6-dimethylhept-5-en-1-ol | (1) sex (M), (2) gland secretion (M), (3)(4) allomone? | Hymenoptera | (1)(2)(4) Formicidae (ant); (3) Andrenidae (mining bee) | (1) Acanthomyops claviger, Lasius alienus, Lasius neoniger, (2) Camponotus clarithorax, (3) Andrena ocreata, Andrena ovatula, Andrena wilkella, (4) Myrmecocystus colei, Myrmecocystus romaine, Myrmecocystus wheeleri | (1) [Law,1965]; (2) [Lloyd, 1975]; (3) [Bergström, 1982]; (4) [Lloyd, 1989] | |
454 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C9 (C7) | Me2,Δ5,Me6-7:OH | (R)-2, 6-dimethylhept-5-en-1-ol | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyreophagus sp | Shimizu, 2009 | Shimizu, 2009 |
455 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C9 (C7) | Me2,Δ5,Me6-7:Ald | (R)-2, 6-dimethylhept-5-enal | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyreophagus sp | Shimizu, 2009 | Shimizu, 2009 |
456 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C9 (C7) | Me2,Δ5,Me6-7:acid | (S)-2, 6-dimethylhept-5-enoic acid | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Kheper lamarcki | [Burger, 1983]; Burger 2002b | |
457 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C9 (C7) + C2 | Δ1,Me2,Δ5,Me6-7:3-OAc | (R)-2, 6-dimethylhepta-1, 5-dien-3-yl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock mealybug) | [Negishi, 1980]; [Bierl-Leonhardt, 1980]; Bierl-Leonhardt, 1982 | [Uchida, 1981]; Mori, 1981d; Nakagawa, 1984; [Fall, 1986]; [Skattebol, 1989]; [Cohen, 1989]; Larcheveque, 1989; [Baeckström, 1990]; [McCullough, 1991] |
458 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me3,Δ5,Me6-7:OH [lasiol] | 2, 3, 6-trimethylhept-5-en-1-ol | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius meridionalis | [Lloyd, 1990] | Kasai, 1993; [Morozova, 2016]; Skotnitzki, 2019 |
459 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [Z-β-ocimene] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 3, 6-triene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Syntermes dirus, Syntermes molestus. Syntermes brevimalatus, Syntermes peruanus | Baker, 1981a | |
460 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [Z-β-ocimene] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 3, 6-triene | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio macilentus | Ômura, 2006 | |
461 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,E3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [E-β-ocimene] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 3, 6-triene | (1-3)(5)(6) gland secretion, (4) anti-aphrodisiac | Lepidoptera | (1)(4-6) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (2)(3) Pieridae (butterfly) | (1) Euploea tulliolus, (2) Hebomoia glaucippe, (3) Leptidea reali, Leptidea sinapis, (4)(6) Heliconius melpomene, (5) Heliconius erato, (6) Heliconius elevatus | (1) Komae, 1982; (2) Hayashi, 1985, (3) Friberg, 2008; (4) Schulz, 2008; (5) Ehlers, 2021; (6) Darragh, 2020 | |
462 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,E3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [E-β-ocimene] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 3, 6-triene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Alphitobius diaperinus | Robacker, 2009 | |
463 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,E3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [E-β-ocimene] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 3, 6-triene | primer (brood) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Maisonnasse, 2009; Nöel, 2023 | |
464 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,E3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [E-β-ocimene] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 3, 6-triene | alarm | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Constrictotermes cyphergaster | Cristaldo, 2015 | |
465 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 C8) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [β-myrcene] | 7-methyl-3-methyleneocta-1, 6-diene | (1)(2) allomone ?, (3) alarm | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris, (2) Nasutitermes novarumhebridarum, (3) Constrictotermes cyphergaster | (1) Nutting, 1974; (2) Everaerts, 1988; (3) Cristaldo, 2015 | |
466 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 C8) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [β-myrcene] | 7-methyl-3-methyleneocta-1, 6-diene | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Luehdorfia japonica, Luehdorfia puziloi, (2) Sericinus montela, (3) Papilio macilentus | (1) Honda, 1980c; (2) Honda, 1995a; (3) Ômura, 2006 | |
467 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 C8) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,Δ6,Me7-8:H [β-myrcene] | 7-methyl-3-methyleneocta-1, 6-diene | alarm ? | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Thlibothrips isunoki | Haga, 1990 | |
468 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:1-OH, 3-OH, 2-one | (S)-1, 3-dihydroxy-3, 7-dimethyloct-6-en-2-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Leptinotarsa decemlineata | Oliver, 2002; Dickens, 2002 | Tashiro, 2005; Babu, 2009; Faraldos, 2013; Wu, 2013; Li, 2014; Wacławczyk-Biedroń, 2015; Yamano, 2017 |
469 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8:4-OH [(-)-ipsenol] | (S)-2-methyl-6-methyleneoct-7-en-4-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Ips paraconfusus (Ips confusus) (California five-spined Ips) | [Silverstein, 1966a]; [Silverstein, 1966b]; [Silverstein, 1967a]; [Vité, 1972b]; [Young, 1973]; Light, 1983 | |
470 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8:4-OH [(-)-ipsenol] | (S)-2-methyl-6-methyleneoct-7-en-4-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Many species in the genera Ips, Pityogenes, and Pseudips: (1)(2) Ips grandicollis, (2) Ips sexdentatus, Ips cribricollis, (2)(5) Ips acuminatus, (3) Pityokteines curvidens, (4) Pityokteines spinidens, Pityokteines vorontzovi, (6) Xylocleptes bispinus, (7) Ips latidens, (8) Ips mannsfeldi, (9) Pityokteines elegan | (1) [Vité, 1971; Vité, 1976a]; (2) [Vité, 1972b]; (3) [Harring, 1975]; Harring, 1977; (4) [Harring, 1978]; (5) [Bakke, 1978]; (6) Klimetzek, 1989a; (7) Miller, 1991b; (8) Kohnle, 1993; (9) Macías-Sámano、1997 | |
471 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,Δ2,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8:4-OH [(+)-ipsdienol] | (S)-2-methyl-6-methyleneocta-2, 7-dien-4-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Ips paraconfusus (Ips confusus) (California five-spined Ips), (2)(4) Ips acuminatus, (3) Ips duplicatus, (5) Ips erosus, (6) Ips mannsfeldi, (7) Pityokteines elegans, (8) Dendroctonus mesoamericanus | (1) [Silverstein, 1966]; [Silverstein, 1967a]; [Young, 1973]; Light, 1983; (2) [Vité, 1972b]; (3) [Bakke, 1975]; Schlyter, 1992; Zhang, 2007; (4) Bakke, 1978; (5) [Giesen, 1984]; (6) Kohnle, 1993; (7) Macías-Sámano、1997; (8) [Niño-Domínguez, 2015] | [Riley, 1974]; Xiang, 2019 |
472 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,Δ2,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8:4-OH [(-)-ipsdienol] | (R)-2-methyl-6-methyleneocta-2, 7-dien-4-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1)(2)(6) Ips calligraphus, (2) Ips pini, Ips sexdentatus, (2)(6)(9) Ips avulsus, (2)(9) Ips bonanseai, (3) Ips duplicatus, (4)(7) Ips typographus, (5) Pityokteines spinidens, Pityokteines vorontzovi, (7) Ips amitinus, (8) Ips pine, (10) Pityokteines elegans | (1) [Renwick, 1972]; (2) [Vité, 1972b]; (3) [Bakke, 1975]; Schlyter, 1992; Zhang, 2007; (4) [Bakke, 1976]; (5) [Harring, 1978] ; (6) Vité, 1978; (7) Francke, 1980a; (8) Miller, 1989; Seybold, 1992; Seybold, 1995; Miller, 1996; (9) Seybold, 1995; (10) Macías-Sámano、1997 | |
473 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,Δ2,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8:4-OH [(-)-ipsdienol] | (R)-2-methyl-6-methyleneocta-2, 7-dien-4-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Some species in the genera Ips and Pityokteines | | |
474 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,Me6,Δ7-8:1-OH, 6-OH | (2S, 6S)-2, 6-dimethyloct-7-ene-1, 6-diol | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | Urolepis rufipes | [Ruther, 2019]; Melnik, 2020 | Melnik, 2020 |
475 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Me7-8:1-OH, 8-OH | (E)-3, 7-dimethyloct-2-ene-1, 8-diol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Danaus chrysippus | [Meinwald, 1971b] | |
476 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(+)-linalool] | (S)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | (1)(2) sex (F), allomone ?, (3) aggregation | Hymenoptera | Colletidae (plasterer bee) | (1) Colletes cunicularius, (2) Colletes daviesanus, Colletes impunctatus, Colletes succinctus, etc., (3) Colletes thoracicus, Colletes inequalis, Colletes validus | (1) [Bergström, 1978]; [Cane, 1981b]; Borg-Karlson, 2003; Mant, 2005; (2) [Bergström, 1978]; (3) [Hefetz, 1979b] | |
477 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(+)-linalool] | (S)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | (1)(6) Pieridae (butterfly), (2)(4) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (3)(5) Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Pieris napi, (2) Euploea sylvester, Euploea leucostictos, (3) Papilio machaon, (4) Heliconius charithonia, (5) Papilio protenor, (6) Anthocharis scolymus | (1) [Hayashi, 1978], (2) [Komae, 1982]; ; (3) [Ômura, 2001]; (4) [Estrada, 2010]; (5) [Ômura, 2012]; (6) Okumura, 2016 | |
478 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(+)-linalool] | (S)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | (1-4) gland secretion, (5) allomone | Heteroptera | (1-3) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug), (4) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (5) Anthocoridae (flower bug) | (1) Dysdercus intermedius, (2) Dysdercus superstitiosus, (3) Dysdercus fasciatus, (4) Podisus maculiventris, Podisus fretus, (5) Xylocoris flavipes | (1) [Everton, 1979]; (2) [Daroogheh, 1982]; (3)(4) Rudmann, 1987; (5) [Phillips, 1995] | |
479 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(+)-linalool] | (S)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Anastrepha striata, (2) Anastrepha obliqua | (1) Cruz-López, 2015; (2) Aquino, 2021 | |
480 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(+)-linalool] | (S)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Alphitobius diaperinus | Robacker, 2009 | |
481 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(-)-linalool] | (R)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | gland secretion | Heteroptera | (1) Pentatomidae (stink bug). (2) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug) | (1)(3) Podisus maculiventris, (2) Dysdercus fasciatus | (1)(2) Rudmann, 1987; (3) [Aflitto, 2023] | |
482 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:3-OH [(-)-linalool] | (R)-3, 7-dimethylocta-1, 6-dien-3-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Holotrichia parallela | Leal, 1993c | |
483 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | (CH₂)3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [γ-isogeraniol] | 7-methyl-3-methyleneoct-6-en-1-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Pityogenes quadridens, Pityogenes calcaratus, Pityogenes bidentatus | Francke, 1989a; Francke, 1995a | |
484 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z3,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [Z-isogeraniol] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-3, 6-dien-1-ol | (1) gland secretion, (2) recruitment | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Rhytidoponera metallica, (2) Leptogenys diminuta | (1) Meinwald, 1983; (2) Attygalle, 1991a | |
485 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [geraniol] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-ol | (1) trail ?, (2) alarm, (3-5) marking ?, (6) primer | Hymenoptera | (1) Apidae (honey bee), (2) Formicidae (ant), (3)(4) Andrenidae (mining bee), (5) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (6) Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Apis mellifera, (2) Oecophylla longinoda, (3) Andrena carantonica, Andrena haemorrhoa, Andrena nigroaenea, (4) Andrena ocreata, Andrena ovatula, Andrena wilkella, (5) Centris adani, (6) Melipona beecheii | (1) Boch, 1962a; (2) Bradshaw, 1975; (3) Tengö, 1977; (4) Bergström, 1982; (5) Vinson, 1982; (6) Jarau, 2010a | |
486 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [geraniol] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-ol | allomone | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Canthon femoralis | Cortez, 2012 | |
487 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [geraniol] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-ol | alarm | Heteroptera | Tingidae (lace bug) | (1) Gargaphia solani, Corythucha cydoniae, (2) Corythucha ciliata | (1) Aldrich, 1991b; (2) Kuwahara, 2011 | |
488 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [geranial] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1)(9)(11) alarm, (2)(5)(6)(10) gland secretion, (4) trail, (7) sex (F), (3)(8) aggregation | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2)(4)(9)(11) Apidae (stingless bee), (3) Apidae (honey bee), (5)(8) Colletidae (plasterer bee), (6)(10) Andrenidae (mining bee), (7) Ichneumonidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Atta sexdens, (2) Lestrimelitta limao, (3) Apis mellifera, (4) Trigona subterranean, (5) Hylaeus cressoni, (6) Andrena praecox, Andrena helvola, Andrena fuscipes, Andrena denticulate, Andrena nigriceps, (7) Itoplectis conquisitor, (8) Colletes thoracicus, Colletes inequalis, Colletes validus, (9) Trigona gribodoi, (10) Panurgus calcaratus, (11) Trigona denoiti | (1) Butenandt, 1959; Schildknecht, 1976b, (2) Blum, 1966c; (3) Shearer, 1966; (4) Blum, 1970; (5) Blum, 1972b; (6) Tengö, 1976; (7) Robacker, 1977; (8) Hefetz, 1979b; (9) Keeping, 1982; (10) Francke, 1987c; (11) Korte, 1988 | |
489 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [geranial] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | (1)(2) Pieris melete, (1) Pieris napi | (1) Hayashi, 1978; (2) Kuwahara, 1979b | |
490 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [geranial] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1)(2)(4)(5) alarm, (3) secretion, (5) allomone | [Astigmata] | (1) Carpoglyphidae (dried fruit mite), (2) Acaridae (acarid mite), (3) Pyroglyphidae (non-parasitic mite), (4) Histiostomidae (astigmatic mite), (5) Suidasiidae (astigmatic mite) | (1) Carpoglyphus lactis, (2) Lardbglyphus konoi, Aleuroglyphus ovatus, (3) Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, (4) Histiostoma laboratorium, (5) Suidasia medanensis | (1)(2) Kuwahara, 1980a; Kuwahara, 1980b; (3) Kuwahara, 1990b; (4) Kuwahara, 1991b; (5) Midthassel, 2016 | |
491 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [geranial] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1) alarm, (2-4) gland secretion | [Oribatida] | (1) Nothridae (oribatid mite), (2) Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite), (3) Hermanniidae (oribatid mite), (4) Camisiidae (oribatid mite) | (1) Nothrus palustris, (2) Trhypochthoniellus sp., (3) Hermannia convexa, (4) Platynothrus peltifer | (1) Shimano, 2002; (2) Sakata, 2003; (3) Raspotnig, 2005a; (4) Raspotnig, 2005b | |
492 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [geranial] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1) allomone ?, (2) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (2) Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle) | (1) Bledius furcatus, Bledius dissimilis, (2) Platypus koryoensis | (1) Steidle, 1995; (2) Kim, 2009 | |
493 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:acid [geranolic acid] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienoic acid | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Panurgus calcaratus | Francke, 1987c | |
494 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [nerol] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-ol | (1)(2)(4) alarm, (3) trail | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Apidae (honey bee), (4) Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Oecophylla longinoda, (2) Calomyrmex sp., (3) Apis mellifera, (4) Trigona fulvivetris | (1) Bradshaw, 1975; (2) Brown, 1979; (3) Pickett, 1980b; Williams, 1981a; (4) Johnson, 1982 | |
495 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [neral] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1)(9)(11) alarm, (2)(5)(6)(10) gland secretion, (3)(8) aggregation, (4) trail, (7) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2)(4)(9)(11) Apidae (stingless bee), (3) Apidae (honey bee), (5)(8) Colletidae (plasterer bee), (6)(10) Andrenidae (mining bee), (7) Ichneumonidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Atta sexdens, (2) Lestrimelitta limao, (3) Apis mellifera, (4) Trigona subterranean, (5) Hylaeus cressoni, (6) Andrena praecox, Andrena helvola, Andrena fuscipes, Andrena denticulate, Andrena nigriceps, (7) Itoplectis conquisitor, (8) Colletes thoracicus, Colletes inequalis, Colletes validus, (9) Trigona gribodoi, (10) Panurgus calcaratus, (11) Trigona denoiti | (1) Butenandt, 1959; Schildknecht, 1976b, (2) Blum, 1966c; (3) Shearer, 1966; (4) Blum, 1970; (5) Blum, 1972b; (6) Tengö, 1976; (7) Robacker, 1977; (8) Hefetz, 1979b; (9) Keeping, 1982; (10) Francke, 1987c; (11) Korte, 1988 | |
496 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [neral] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | (1)(2) Pieris melete, (1) Pieris napi | (1) Hayashi, 1978; (2) Kuwahara, 1979b | |
497 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [neral] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1-6)(8)(9) alarm, (5) allomone, (7) sex (F), (8) aggregation | [Astigmata] | (1) Carpoglyphidae (dried fruit mite), (2)(4)(7)(8) Acaridae (acarid mite), (3) Pyroglyphidae (non-parasitic mite), (5) Suidasiidae (astigmatic mite), (6) Glycyphagidae (astigmatic mite), (9) Winterschmidtiidae (acarid mite) | (1) Carpoglyphus lactis, (2) Lardbglyphus konoi, Aleuroglyphus ovatus, (3) Dermatophagoides farinae, (4) Tyrophagus putrescentiae, (5) Suidasia medanensis, (6) Glycyphagus domesticus, (7) Histiogaster sp., (8) Schwiebea elongate, (9) Oulenzia sp. | (1-3) Kuwahara, 1980a; Kuwahara, 1980b; (4) My-Yen, 1980; (5) Leal, 1989e; Midthassel, 2016; (6) Kuwahara, 1991a; (7) Hiraoka, 2002; (8) Nishimura, 2002; (9) Shimizu, 2004 | |
498 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [neral] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) alarm, allomone | [Oribatida] | (1) Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite), (2) Hermanniidae (oribatid mite), (3) Collohmanniidae (oribatid mite) | (1) Trhypochthoniellus crassus, Trhypochthoniellus sp., (2) Hermannia convexa, (3) Collohmannia gigantea | (1) Sakata, 2003; (2) Raspotnig, 2005a; (3) Raspotnig, 2006 | |
499 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [neral] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle) | Platypus koryoensis | Kim, 2009 | |
500 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | epo2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [epoxyneral] | (2S, 3S)-2, 3-epoxy-3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enal | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyrophagus perniciosus | Leal, 1989a | |
501 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | epo2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [epoxyneral] | (2R, 3R)-2, 3-epoxy-3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enal | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Caloglyphus sp. | Mori, 1996c | |
502 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:acid [nerolic acid] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienoic acid | (1)(3) trail, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Apidae (honey bee), (2) Andrenidae (mining bee), (3) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Apis mellifera, (2) Panurgus calcaratus, (3) Camponotus floridanus | (1) Boch, 1964; (2) Francke, 1987c; (3) Haak, 1996 | |
503 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,E3,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8:2-OH [isomyrcenol, amitinol] | (E)-2-methyl-6-methyleneocta-3, 7-dien-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Ips paraconfusus (Ips confusus) (California five-spined Ips), (2) Ips amitinus, (3) Ips cembrae, (4) Ips duplicatus | (1) Silverstein, 1966b; (2) Francke, 1980a; (3) Kohnle, 1988; (4) Zhang 2007 | |
504 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me2,(CH₂)6,Δ7-8: OH [E-myrcenol] | (E)-2-methyl-6-methyleneocta-2, 7-dien-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Ips schmutzenhoferi, (2) Ips duplicatus | (1) Francke, 1988b; (2) Byers, 1990a; Schlyter, 1992; Zhang, 2007 | |
505 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Me7-8:acid, 8-acid [callosobruchusic acid] | (2E, 7R)-3, 7-dimethyloct-2-enedioic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus chinensis (azuki bean weevil) | [Tanaka, 1981]; Yajima, 2007 | |
506 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Me7-8:acid, 8-acid [callosobruchusic acid] | (2E, 7S)-3, 7-dimethyloct-2-enedioic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus analis | Shimomura, 2010c | |
507 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,Me6-8:acid, 8-acid | (2S, 6R)-2, 6-dimethyloctanedioic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Callosobruchus maculatus, (2) Callosobruchus analis | (1) Yajima, 2006; [Nojima, 2007]; (2) Shimomura, 2010c | |
508 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,Me6-8:acid, 8-acid | (2R, 6S)-2, 6-dimethyloctanedioic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus maculatus | Yajima, 2006 | Nakai, 2005 |
509 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me2,Me6-8:acid, 8-acid | (2E, 6R)-2, 6-dimethyloct-2-enedioic acid | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus cylindricus, Camponotus clerodendri | Jones, 2004 | |
510 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,E6,Me7-8:acid, 8-OH | (3S, 6E)-8-hydroxyl-3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enoic acid | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus cylindricus, Camponotus clerodendri | Jones, 2004 | |
511 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,Me2,Me6,Δ7-8:1-OH, 6-OH [8-hydroxylinalool] | (E)-2, 6-dimethylocta-2, 7-diene-1, 6-diol | allomone | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Jadera sanguinolenta | [Aldrich, 1990] | |
512 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Z2,Me2,Me6,Δ7-8:1-OH, 6-OH [8-hydroxylinalool] | (Z)-2, 6-dimethylocta-2, 7-diene-1, 6-diol | allomone | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Jadera haematoloma, Jadera obscura | [Aldrich, 1990] | |
513 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,(CHO)3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [α-acariolal] | (E)-2-formyl-7-methylocta-2, 6-dien-1-ol | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Caloglyphus polyphyllae | Shimizu, 2003 | |
514 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | (CHO)3,E3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [β-acariolal] | (E)-3-formyl-7-methylocta-3, 6-dien-1-ol | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Caloglyphus polyphyllae | Shimizu, 2003 | |
515 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E2,(CHO)3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [α-acaridial] | (E)-3-formyl-7-methylocta-2, 6-dienal | (1)(3) gland secretion, (2)(4) sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | (1) Tyrophagus perniciosus, (2) Rhizoglyphus robini, (3) Sancassania shanghaiensis (4) Schwiebea similis | (1) Leal, 1989d; (2) Mizoguchi, 2003; (3) Sakata, 2001a; (4) Nishimura, 2004 | |
516 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | (CHO)3,E3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [β-acaridial] | (E)-3-formyl-7-methylocta-3, 6-dienal | (1)(5) gland secretion, (2) sex (F), (3) alarm, (4) aggregation | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | (1) Tyrophagus putrescentiae, (2)(4) Caloglyphus polyphyllae, (3) Tyrophagus longior, (5) Sancassania shanghaiensis | (1) Leal, 1989b; (2) Leal, 1989c; (3) Noguchi, 1998; (4) Shimizu, 2001; (5) Sakata, 2001 | |
517 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | (CHO)3,E3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [β-acaridial] | (E)-3-formyl-7-methylocta-3, 6-dienal | allomone ? | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1) Varshneyia pasanii, Liothrips kuwanai, Gynaikothrips uzeli, (2) Liothrips wasabiae | (1) Suzuki, 1989; (2) Suzuki, 2004 | |
518 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [citronellol] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-ol | sex (F) | [Prostigmata] | Tetranychidae (spider mite) | Tetranychus urticae | [Regev, 1980] | |
519 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OH [citronellol] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-ol | (1) marking ?, (2) sex (M), marking | Hymenoptera | (1) Andrenidae (mining bee), (2) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Andrena ocreata, Andrena ovatula, Andrena wilkella, (2) Bombus ardens | (1) [Bergström, 1982]; (2) [Kubo, 2010];[ Kubo, 2017] | |
520 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [citronellal] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enal | (1) allomone ?, (2)(5) alarm, (3)(4)(6) secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2)(4) Acanthomyops claviger, (3) Lasius carniolicus, (4) Acanthomyops latipes, (5) Lasius spathepus, (6) Rhytidoponera aciculate | (1) [Chadha, 1962]; (2) [Regnier, 1968]; (3) [Bergström, 1970]; (4) [Wilson, 1971]; (5) [Kistner, 1971]; (6) [Brophy, 1983] | |
521 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Ald [citronellal] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enal | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Thyreocephalus lorquini, Eulissus orthodoxus, (2) Thyreocephalus orthodoxus, Thyreocephalus chloropterus | (1) [Bellas, 1974b]; (2) [Gnanasunderam, 1981c] | |
522 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | epo2,Me2,E5,Me6,Δ7-8:H [ocimene epoxide] | (3R, 5E)-2, 3-epoxy-2, 6-dimethylocta-5, 7-diene | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Amblypelta nitida | Moore, 1999 | Moore, 1999; Hayes, 2003 |
523 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,E6,Me6-8:2-OH [E-subaeneol] | (E)-2, 6-dimethyloct-6-en-2-ol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Kheper subaeneus | Burger, 2002b | |
524 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:2-one | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-en-2-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Nothomyrmecia macrops | [Billen, 1988] | |
525 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2, (CH₂)6,Δ7-8:4-one [ipsenone] | 2-methyl-6-methyleneoct-7-en-4-one | gland secretion (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Xylocleptes bispinus, (2) Pityokteines elegans | (1) Klimetzek, 1989a; (2) Macías-Sámano, 1997 | |
526 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C1 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:SMe [geranyl methyl thioether] | (E)-3, 7-dimethyl-1-methylsulfanylocta-2, 6-diene | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Idea leuconoe | Schulz, 1996a | |
527 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C1 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OFo [neryl formate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl formate | (1)(2)(4-6) alarm, (3) secretion, (7) aggregation | [Astigmata] | (1)(2)(4-6) Acaridae (acarid mite), (3)(7) Pyroglyphidae (non-parasitic mite) | (1) Tyrophagus putrescentiae, (2) Rhizoglyphus robini, (3)(7) Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, (4) Rhizoglyphus setosus, (5) Histiogaster rotundus, (6) Tyroborus lini | (1) Kuwahara, 1975; Kuwahara, 1979a; My-Yen, 1980; (2) Kuwahara, 1988; Mizoguchi, 2003; (3) Kuwahara, 1990b; (4) Akiyama, 1997; (5) Hiraoka, 2003; (6) Tomita, 2003; (7) Skelton, 2010 | |
528 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C1 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OFo [neryl formate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl formate | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Camisiidae (oribatid mite) | Platynothrus peltifer | Raspotnig, 2005b | |
529 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OAc [citronellyl acetate] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-yl acetate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Pithitis smaragdula | [Hefetz, 1979d] | |
530 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OAc [geranyl acetate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-yl acetate | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) marking ? | Hymenoptera | (1) Sphecidae (wasp), (2)(3) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | (1) Sceliphron caementarium, (2) Pithitis smaragdula, (3) Centris adani | (1) Hefetz, 1979c; (2) Hefetz, 1979d; (3) Vinson, 1982 | |
531 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OAc [geranyl acetate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-yl acetate | sex (F) ? | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Harpocera thoracica | Hanssen, 1983 | |
532 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OAc [neryl acetate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1-yl acetate | sex (F) ? | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Harpocera thoracica | Hanssen, 1983 | |
533 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 | E2,Me2,Me6-8:Ald, 8-OAc | (E)-8-acetoxy-2, 6-dimethyloct-2-enal | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Creophilus maxillosus | [Jefson, 1983] | |
534 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 | E2,Me2,Me6-8:Ald, 8-OAc | (E)-8-acetoxy-2, 6-dimethyloct-2-enal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Panurginus atramontensis | [Wheeler, 1984] | |
535 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C2 + C2 | E2,Me2,E6,Me6-8:1-OAc, 8-OAc | (2E, 6E)-8-acetoxy-2, 6-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl acetate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Oechalia schellenbergii | Aldrich, 1996a | |
536 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C3 | Z2,Me3,Δ7,Me7-8:OCOEt | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 7-dienyl propionate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose scale) | Gieselmann, 1979b; Rice, 1980; Anderson, 1981 | Anderson, 1981; Alderdice, 1984; Novák, 1985a; Novák, 1985b; Alderdice, 1993 |
537 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C3 | (CH₂)3,Δ7,Me7-8:OCOEt | 7-methyl-3-methyleneoct-7-enyl propionate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose scale) | Gieselmann, 1979b; Rice, 1980; Anderson, 1981 | Anderson, 1979b; Anderson, 1981; Alderdice, 1984; Lombardo, 1986; Alderdice, 1993; Yong, 2001 |
538 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C3 | E2,Me3,Δ7,Me7-8:OCOEt | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 7-dienyl propionate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose scale) | Anderson, 1981 | Anderson, 1981; Alderdice, 1984; Novák, 1985b; Alderdice, 1993 |
539 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C4 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOPr [geranyl butyrate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl butanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1)(2) Agriotes ponticus, (2) Agriotes gurgistanus, Agriotes meticulosus, Agriotes sputator, (3) Agriotes brevis, (4) Agriotes pilosellus | (1) Kovalev,1985: (2) Yatsynin, 1996; (3) Tóth, 2002; (4) Tolasch, 2022a | |
540 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C4 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOPr [neryl butyrate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl butanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Agriotes acuminatus | Tolasch, 2010 | |
541 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C4 + C4 | E2,Me2,E6,Me6-8:1-OCOPr,8-OCOPro | (2E, 6E)-2, 6-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1, 8-diol dibutanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Agriotes pilosellus | Tolasch, 2022a | |
542 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C5 (C4) | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₄H₉ [neryl 2-methylbutyrate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl (S)-2-methylbutanoate | aggregation | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | (1) Frankliniella occidentalis, (2) Frankliniella intonsa | (1) Hamilton, 2005a; Li, 2019; 2019; Khan, 2023; (2) Zhu, 2012; Li, 2019 | |
543 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C6 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₅H₁₁ [geranyl hexanoate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl hexanoate | (1)(2)(3)(4) sex (F), (5) aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1)(2) Agriotes obscurus, (2) Agriotes bogatchevi, Agriotes caspicus, Agriotes medvedevi, Agriotes tadzhikistanicus, (3) Idolus picipennis, (4) Idolus sp. 2, (5) Agriotes sordidus | (1) Borg-Karlson, 1988; (2) Yatsynin, 1996; (3) Tolasch, 2013; (4) König, 2015 (5) Tóth, 2015 | |
544 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C6 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₅H₁₁ [neryl hexanoate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl hexanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Idolus sp. 1, (2) Betarmon bisbimaculatus, (3) Idolus californicus | (1) Tolasch, 2013; (2) König, 2016; (3) Serrano, 2022 | |
545 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C6 + C6 | E2,Me2,Z6,Me6-8:1-OCOC₅H₁₁, 8-OCOC₅H₁₁ | (2E, 6Z)-2, 6-dimethylocta-2, 6-dien-1, 8-diol dihexanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Agriotes acuminatus | Tolasch, 2010 | |
546 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C8 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₇H₁₅ [geranyl octanoate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl octanoate | (1) gland secretion (F), (2-4) marking ? | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | (1) Andrena helvola, (2) Andrena clarkella, Andrena praecox, (3) Andrena mandibularis, (4) Andrena placida | (1) Bergström, 1974a; (2) Tengö, 1975; (3) Tengö, 1978; (4) Fernandes, 1981 | |
547 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C8 | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₇H₁₅ [geranyl octanoate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl octanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Agriotes obscurus, Agriotes lineatus, (2) Idolus sp. 2 | (1) Borg-Karlson, 1988; Yatsynin, 1996; (2) König, 2015 | |
548 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C8 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₇H₁₅ [neryl octanoate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl octanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Idolus sp. 1, (2) Betarmon bisbimaculatus | (1) Tolasch, 2013; (2) König, 2016 | |
549 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8-OH ester [geranyl citronellate] | (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl 3, 7-dimethyl-oct-6-enoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Panurgus calcaratus | [Francke, 1987c] | |
550 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C10 (C8) | Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Me3,Δ6,Me7-8-OH ester [citronellyl citronellate] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enyl 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Panurginus pontentillae | [Duffield, 1983] | |
551 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C10 (C8) | E2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:Me3,Δ6,Me7-8-OH ester [citronellyl geranate] | 3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enyl (E)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Panurginus atramontensis, Panurginus pontentillae | [Duffield, 1983] | |
552 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) + C10 | Z2,Me3,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₉H₁₉ [neryl decanoate] | (Z)-3, 7-dimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl decanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Betarmon bisbimaculatus, (2) Dalopius marginatus | (1) König, 2016; (2) Tolasch, 2022b | |
553 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C11 (C8) + C8 | E2,Me3,Me4,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₇H₁₅ [Me4-geranyl octanoate] | (4S, 2E)-3, 4, 7-trimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl octanoate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Gnamptogenys striatula | Schulz, 2002; Blatrix, 2002 | |
554 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C11 (C8) + C10 | E2,Me3,Me4,Δ6,Me7-8:OCOC₉H₁₇ [Me4-geranyl decanoate] | (4S, 2E)-3, 4, 7-trimethylocta-2, 6-dienyl decanoate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Gnamptogenys striatula | Schulz, 2002; Blatrix, 2002 | |
555 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C11 (C9) | Δ1,E3,Me3,E6,Me7-9:H [homoocimene] | (3E, 6E)-3, 7-dimethylnona-1, 3, 6-triene | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Labidus praedator | Keegans, 1993 | |
556 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C9) + C10 | E2,Me3,Me4,E6,Me7-9:OCOC₉H₁₇ [bishomogeranyl decanoate] | (4S, 2E, 6E)-3, 4, 7-trimethylnona-2, 6-dienyl decanoate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Gnamptogenys striatula | Schulz, 2002; Blatrix, 2002 | |
557 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C9) | iPr5,E6,Δ8,Me8-9:2-one [solanone] | (5R, 6E)-5-isopropyl-8-methylnona-6, 8-dien-2-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Aulacaspis murrayae | Ho, 2014 | [Kitahara, 1994] |
558 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7-10:acid, 10-OH | (2E, 6E)-10-hydroxy-3, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 6-dienoic acid | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Danaus plexippus | Meinwald, 1968b | Miles, 1972 |
559 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7-10:acid, 10-acid | (2E, 6E)-3, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 6-dienedioic acid | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Danaus plexippus | Meinwald, 1969b | Miles, 1972 |
560 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7-10:1-OH, 10-OH | (2E, 6E)-3, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 6-diene-1, 10-diol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Danaus gilippus, (2) Danaus chrysippus | (1) Meinwald, 1969c; (2) Meinwald, 1971b | Miles, 1972; Masaki, 1980 |
561 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7-10:1-OH, 10-OH | (2E, 6E)-3, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 6-diene-1, 10-diol | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Nomada annulata | Duffield, 1990a | Duffield, 1990a |
562 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | Me4,E4,Me8,Δ9-10:1-OH, 8-OH | (E)-4, 8-dimethyldeca-4, 9-diene-1, 8-diol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Euploea sylvester | [Schulz, 1988a] | |
563 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | Z2,Me3,E7,Me7-10:acid, 10-acid [maculatic acid A] | (2Z, 7E)-3, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 7-dienedioic acid | sex (queen) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Dolichovespula maculata | Ren, 2018 | |
564 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C12 (C10) + C1 | Z2,Me3,E7,Me7-10:acid, 10-Me ester [maculatic acid C] | (2Z, 7E)-3, 7-dimethyldeca-2, 7-dienedioic acid 10-methyl ester | sex (queen) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Dolichovespula maculata | Ren, 2018 | |
565 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C10) + C2 | Me3,iPrope6,Δ9-10:OAc | (3S, 6R)-6-isopropenyl-3-methyldec-9-enyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Aonidiella aurantii (California red scale) | [Roelofs, 1977]; [Roelofs, 1978]; Anderson, 1980 | [Snider, 1978]; Anderson, 1980; Caine, 1984; Becker , 1988; [Kefalas, 1995] |
566 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C10) + C2 | Me3,Z3,iPrope6,Δ9-10:OAc | (3Z, 6R)-6-isopropenyl-3-methyldeca-3, 9-dienyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Aonidiella aurantii (California red scale) | [Roelofs, 1977]; Roelofs, 1978 | Roelofs, 1978; [Still, 1978]: [Cooke, 1982]; [Celebuski, 1985]; Whittaker, 1985; Hutchinson, 1985; Oppolzer, 1986; Mangeney, 1987; [Cohen, 1989]; [McCullough, 1991]; Hesse, 2012; Zhou, 2020 |
567 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C10) | Me3,Z3,iPrope6,Δ9,Me9-10:OH | (3Z, 6R)-6-isopropenyl-3, 9-dimethyldeca-3, 9-dien-1-ol | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Psudaulascaspis pentagona (white peach scale) | McLaughlin, 1990 | |
568 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C10) + C2 | Me3,E5,iPr6,Δ8,Me9-10:OAc | (3S, 5E)-6-isopropyl-3, 9-dimethyldeca-5, 8-dienyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Aonidiella citrina (yellow scale) | [Gieselmann, 1979a]; Mori, 1982c | [Anderson, 1979a]; [Suguro, 1981]; Masuda, 1981; Mori, 1982c; Alvarez, 1988; Millar, 1989; [Harusawa, 1992]; [Harusawa, 1993a]; Harusawa, 1993b, Xu, 2008 |
569 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C10) + C3 | Me3,Z3,iPrope6,Δ9,Me9-10:OCOEt [pentagonal propionate] | (3Z, 6R)-6-isopropenyl-3, 9-dimethyldeca-3, 9-dienyl propionate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Psudaulascaspis pentagona (white peach scale) | Heath, 1979; McLaughlin, 1990 | Heath, 1980 |
570 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-one [geranyl acetone] | (E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-one | (1) gland secretion, (2) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Holcopasites calliopsidis, (2) Polistes dominulus, Polistes gallicus, Polistes nimphus, Polistes sulcifer | (1) Hefetz, 1982c; (2) Bruschini, 2006 | |
571 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-one [geranyl acetone] | (E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1)(2) Silphidae (burying beetle), (3)(4)(5) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Nicrophorus vespilloides, (2) Nicrophorus interruptus, Nicrophorus orbicollis, Nicrophorus pustulatus, (3) Arhopalus rusticus, (4) Astyleiopus variegatus, Lepturges confluens, (5) Arhopalus ferus | (1) Habere, 2008; Haberer, 2017; (2) Haberer, 2017; (3) Žunič-Kosi, 2019; (4) Meier, 2020; (5) Kerr, 2024 | |
572 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-one [geranyl acetone] | (E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-one | (1) sex (M) ?, (2) aggregation (larva) | Lepidoptera | (1) Papilionidae (butterfly), (2) Tortricidae (tortrix moth) | (1) Papilio machaon, (2) Cydia pomonella | (1) Ômura, 2001; (2) Jumean, 2005 | |
573 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-OH [fuscumol] | (2S, 5E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Tetropium fuscum, Tetropium cinnamopterum, (2)(5) Astyleiopus variegatus, (3)(5) Astylidius parvus, (4) Arhopalus rusticus, (5) Sternidius alpha, (6) Arhopalus ferus | (1) [Silk, 2007]; Sweeney, 2010; (2) Hughes, 2013; (3) Meier, 2016; (4) Žunič-Kosi, 2019; (5) Meier, 2020; (6) Kerr, 2024 | |
574 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-OH [fuscumol] | (2R, 5E)-6, 10-dimethylundeca-5, 9-dien-2-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1)(2) Astylidius parvus, (2) Sternidius alpha | (1) Meier, 2016; (2) Meier, 2020 | |
575 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) + C2 | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-OAc [fuscumol acetate] | (E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-yl acetate | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Polistes dominulus, Polistes nimphus, Polistes sulcifer, Polistes olivaceus | [Bruschini, 2006] | |
576 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) + C2 | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-OAc [fuscumol acetate] | (2S, 5E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-yl acetate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1)(4) Astyleiopus variegatus, (2) Psapharochrus maculatissimus, (3)(4) Lepturges angulatus, (4) Aegomorphus modestus, Lepturges confluens | (1) Hughes, 2013; (2) Silva1, 2019; (3) Meier, 2016; (4) Meier, 2020 | |
577 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C13 (C11) + C2 | E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:2-OAc [fuscumol acetate] | (2R, 5E)-6, 10-dimethyl-5, 9-undecadien-2-yl acetate | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Hedypathes betulinus, (2) Lepturges angulatus | (1) [Fonseca, 2010]; Vidal, 2010; (2) Meier, 2020 | Vidal, 2010 |
578 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C11) | Δ2,Me2,E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:4-one | (E)-2, 6, 10-trimethylundeca-2, 5, 9-trien-4-one | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | (1) Nomada lathburiana, (2) Nomada alboguttata, Nomada flavoguttata, Nomada lineola, etc. | (1) Francke, 1989a; Francke, 1991; (2) Francke, 1989a | |
579 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C11) | Me2,E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:Ald | (E)-2, 6, 10-trimethylundeca-5, 9-dienal | sex (F) | Isoptera | (1) Termopsidae (termite), (2) Archotermopsidae (termite) | (1) Zootermopsis nevadensis, Zootermopsis angusticollis, (2) Hodotermopsis sjoestedti | (1) [Bordereau, 2010]; (2) [Lacey, 2011] | |
580 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,E5,Et6,Δ9,Me10-11:Ald | (E)-6-ethyl-2, 10-dimethylundeca-5, 9-dienal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus rhodesianus | [Shimomura, 2010b] | [Shimomura, 2010b] |
581 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C11) | Me2,E5,Me6,Δ9,Me10-11:OH | (E)-2, 6, 10-trimethylundeca-5, 9-dien-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | (1) Mastotermitidae (termite), (2) Termopsidae (termite) | (1) Mastotermes darwiniensis, (2) Stolotermes victoriensis, Porotermes adamsoni | [Sillam-Dussès, 2007] | |
582 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C12) | Δ2,Me2,Me6-12:H | 2, 6-dimethyldodec-2-ene | gland secretion (queen) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Atta laevigata | [Hernández, 1999] | |
583 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,E9-12:Ald, 8-one, 11-one [gyrinidal] | (2E, 6E, 9E)-3, 7-dimethyl-8, 11-dioxo-2, 6, 9-dodecatrienal | allomone | Coleoptera | Gyrinidae (water beetle) | (1) Gyrinus marinus, Gyrinus minutus, Gyrinus natator, Gyrinus substriatus, (2) Gyrinus ventralis, Dineutus serrulatus, (2)(5) Dineutus hornii, (3) Dineutus nigrior, (3)(4) Dineutus assimilis, (4) Gyrinus frosti | (1) Schildknecht, 1972; (2) Meinwald, 1972; (3) Miller, 1975; (4) Newhart, 1978; (5) Eisner, 2000a | |
584 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C14 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Z9-12:Ald, 8-one, 11-one [isogyrinidal] | (2E, 6E, 9Z)-3, 7-dimethyl-8, 11-dioxo-2, 6, 9-dodecatrienal | allomone | Coleoptera | Gyrinidae (water beetle) | (1) Dineutus nigrior, (1)(2) Dineutus assimilis, (2) Gyrinus frosti | (1)Miller, 1975; (2) Newhart, 1978 | |
585 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OH [farnesol] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trien-1-ol | (1) marking (M) ?, (2) trail, (3) gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Apidae (bumblebee, honey bee), (3) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | (1) Bombus pratorum, (2) Apis mellifera, (3) Xylocopa fimbriata | (1) Calam, 1969a; (2) Pickett, 1980b; Williams, 1981a; (3) Williams, 1987 | |
586 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OH [farnesol] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trien-1-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Agriotes infuscatus, Agriotes ustulatus | Yatsynin, 1996 | |
587 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OH [farnesol] | (2Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trien-1-ol | sex (F) | [Prostigmata] | Tetranychidae (spider mite) | Tetranychus urticae | Regev, 1975 | |
588 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Curvitermes strictinasus | Baker, 1981c | |
589 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Corcyra cephalonica | Zagatti, 1987 | |
590 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | (1) Xylocopa gualanensi, (2) Xylocopa varipuncta | (1) Williams, 1987; (2) Andersen, 1988 | |
591 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite) | Trhypochthonius japonicus | Sakata, 2003 | |
592 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Curvitermes strictinasus | Baker, 1981c | |
593 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Corcyra cephalonica | Zagatti, 1987 | |
594 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa gualanensi | Williams, 1987 | |
595 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [farnesal] | (2Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite) | Trhypochthonius japonicus | Sakata, 2003 | |
596 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,Δ6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [nerolidol] | 3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 6, 10-trien-3-ol | sex (F) | [Prostigmata] | Tetranychidae (spider mite) | Tetranychus urticae | [Regev, 1976] | |
597 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [E-nerolidol] | (E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 6, 10-trien-3-ol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Kheper lamarcki | [Burger, 1983] | |
598 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [E-nerolidol] | (E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 6, 10-trien-3-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Euploea sylvester, (2) Opsiphanes cassina | (1) [Schulz, 1988a]; (2) [Bustos‑Cortés, 2023] | |
599 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [E-nerolidol] | (E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 6, 10-trien-3-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmecia nigriceps | [Jackson, 1990b] | |
600 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [E-nerolidol] | (3R,6E)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-1,6,10-trien-3-ol | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Amblypelta lutescens, Leptoglossus phyllopus | Aldrich, 1993b | Le, 2014 |
601 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [E-nerolidol] | (3R,6E)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeca-1,6,10-trien-3-ol | queen | Isoptera | Termopsidae (termite) | Embiratermes neotenicus | Havlíčková, 2019; Dolejšová, 2022 | |
602 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Me3,Z6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-OH [Z-nerolidol] | (Z)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 6, 10-trien-3-ol | trail ? | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Polybia sericea | [Clarke, 1999] | |
603 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,E3,Me3,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:5-one | (E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 10-trien-5-one | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | (1) Nomada lathburiana. (2) Nomada hillana, Nomada lineola, Nomada rnaculata, etc. | (1) [Francke, 1989a]; [Francke, 1991]; (2) [Francke, 1989a] | |
604 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E-β-farnesene] | (E)-7, 11-dimethyl-3-methylenedodeca-1, 6, 10-triene | alarm | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | (1) Macrosiphum rosae (rose aphid), Aphis gossypii (cottone aphid), (1)(4) Schizaphis graminum (green-bug aphid), (1)(5)(6)(8)(9) Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphid), (2-5)(9)(10) Myzus persicae (green peach aphid), (2)(4) Rhopalosiphum padi (birdcherry-oat aphid), (3)(9) Sitobion avenae (English grain aphid), Metopolophium dirhodum (rose-grain aphid), (4) Acyrthosiphon solani, Macrosiphum avenae, Sipha flava, (4)(7) Lipaphis erysimi, (5) Megoura viciae, Phorodon humuli, Sitobion avenae, (5)(9) Aphis fabae, (9) Aphis sambuci, Brachycaudus cardui, Macrosiphoniella abrotani, Hyalopterus pruni, etc. | (1) Bowers, 1972; (2) Wientjens, 1973; (3) Edwards, 1973; (4) Nault, 1974; (5) Pickett, 1980a; (6) Wohlers, 1980; (7) Dawson, 1987b; (8) Mondor, 2000; (9) Francis, 2005; (10) Almohamad, 2008 | |
605 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E-β-farnesene] | (E)-7, 11-dimethyl-3-methylenedodeca-1, 6, 10-triene | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Harpagoxenus sublaevis | Ollett, 1987 | |
606 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E-β-farnesene] | (E)-7, 11-dimethyl-3-methylenedodeca-1, 6, 10-triene | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha obliqua | López-Guillén, 2011 | |
607 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,(CH₂)3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E-β-farnesene] | (E)-7, 11-dimethyl-3-methylenedodeca-1, 6, 10-triene | (1)(2) allomone (larva), (3) sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | (1)(2) Papilionidae (butterfly), (3) Pieridae (butterfly) | (1) Papilio demodocus, (2) Papilio polytes, (3) Anthocharis scolymus | (1) Burger, 1985; (2) Ômura, 2006; (3) Okumura, 2016 | |
608 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,E3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E,E-α-farnesene] | (3E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly), (2) Anastrepha ludens, (3) Anastrepha fraterculus | (1) Baker, 1985a; Heath, 1991; Jang, 1994; (2) Rocca, 1992; (3) Milet-Pinheiro, 2015 | |
609 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,E3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E,E-α-farnesene] | (3E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | (1)(2) sex (M), (3) sex (F) | Lepidoptera | (1) Hepialidae (swift moth), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (3) Geometridae (emerald moth) | (1) Hepialus humuli, (2) Amauris echeria, Amauris niavius, Amauris ochlea, (3) Hemithea tritonaria | (1) Schulz, 1990; (2) Schulz, 1993a; (3) Yamakawa, 2011b | |
610 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,E3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E,E-α-farnesene] | (3E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | alarm | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Prorhinotermes canalifrons | Šobotník, 2008 | |
611 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,E3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [E,E-α-farnesene] | (3E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | (1) aggregation (M), (2) sex (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (2) Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Anoplophora glabripennis, (2) Acanthoscelides obtectus | (1) Crook, 2014; (2) Vuts, 2015b | |
612 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OH [2,3-dihydrofarnesol] | (3S, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dien-1-ol | marking (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1)(5)(6) Bombus terrestris, (2) Bombus cingulatus, (2)(5) Bombus jonellus, (3) Alpinobornbus hyperboreus. (4) Bombus huntii, (5) Bombus impatiens | (1) [Kullenberg, 1970]; (2) [Svensson, 1977]; (3) [Svensson, 1979]; (4) [Bergström, 1996]; (5) Luxová, 2004; (6) [Žácek, 2009] | Luxová, 2004 |
613 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [2,3-dihydrofarnesal] | (3S, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienal | marking (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1)(2) Bombus terrestris, (1) Bombus jonellus, Bombus impatiens | (1) Luxová, 2004; (2) [Žácek, 2009] | Luxová, 2004 |
614 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-farnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | (1-4)(7)(8)(10) gland secretion, (5) trail, (6)(9) marking | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Aphaenogaster longiceps, (2) Polyergus rufescens, (3)(4) Myrmica scabrinodis, (4) Myrmica ruginodis, Myrmica sabulrti, Myrmica rubra, (5) Solenopsis invicta (fire ant), (6) Myrmica lobicornis, Myrmica sulcinodis, (7) Myrmica rugulosa, (8) Pheidole pallidula, (9) Manica rubida, (10) Pheidole pallidula, Pheidole sinaitica, Pheidole megacephala | (1) [Cavill, 1967c]; (2) Bergström, 1968; (3) Morgan, 1979; (4) Cammaerts, 1981; (5) Meer, 1981; Meer, 1983; Meer, 1988; Xu, 2021; Xu, 2023; (6) Attygalle, 1983a; (7) Attygalle, 1983b; (8) Detrain, 1987; (9) Jackson, 1990a; (10) Ali, 2007 | |
615 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-farnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | alarm ? | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Megoura viciae, Myzus persicae | Pickett, 1980a | |
616 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-farnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | gland secretion | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Prorhinotermes simplex | Naya, 1982; Piskorski, 2007 | |
617 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-farnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Lygaeidae (seed bug) | Oxycarenus hyalinipennis | Knight, 1984b | |
618 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-farnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Anastrepha fraterculus, (2) Anastrepha obliqua | (1) Lima, 2001; (2)Aquino, 2021 | |
619 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-farnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | (1) sex (M), (2) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Bruchidae (seed beetle), (2) Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Acanthoscelides obtectus, (2) Selatosomus aeripennis | (1) Vuts, 2015b; (2) Gries, 2022 | |
620 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,Me4,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-α-homofarnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 4, 7, 11-tetramethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis invicta (fire ant) | Meer, 1981; Meer, 1983; Meer, 1988; Xu, 2023 | Alvarez, 1987; Yin, 2018 |
621 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C16 (C12) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Et7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,E-homofarnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-7-ethyl-3, 11-dimethyldodeca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | (1-3)(8) gland secretion, (4-7) marking | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(3)(4) Myrmica scabrinodis, (2) Acromyrmex octospinosus, (3) Myrmica ruginodis, Myrmica sabulrti, (5) Myrmica lobicornis, Myrmica sulcinodis, (6) Myrmica rugulosa, Myrmica schencki, (7) Manica rubida, (8) Pheidole pallidula, Pheidole sinaitica, Pheidole megacephala | (1) Morgan, 1979; (2) Evershed, 1980; (3) Cammaerts, 1981; (4) Attygalle, 1982; (5) Attygalle, 1983a; (6) Attygalle, 1983b; (7) Jackson, 1990a; (8) Ali, 2007 | Mateos, 2017 |
622 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,Z4,Z6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:H [Z,Z,Z-allofarnesene] | (2Z, 4Z, 6Z)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 4, 6, 10-tetraene | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis invicta (fire ant) | Williams, 1981b | Williams, 1981c |
623 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:acid [2,3-dihydrofarnesoic acid] | (3S, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienoic acid | marking | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus triangulum | Schmitt, 2003 | |
624 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:NH₂ [farnesylamine] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienylamine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium fieldi | Jones, 2003b | |
625 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:NH₂ [farnesylamine] | (2Z, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienylamine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium fieldi | Jones, 2003b | |
626 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C1 | Me2,Me6,Me10-12:Me ester | methyl 2, 6, 10-trimethyldodecanoate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1)(3)(4) Euschistus heros, (1) Euschistus obscurus, (2)(3) Piezodorus guildinii | (1) [Aldrich, 1994]; (2) [Borges, 1999]; (3) [Zarbin, 2000]; (4) [Zhang, 2003d] | Nakamura, 2000b |
627 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C1 | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Me ester [methyl 2,3-dihydrofarnesoate] | (3R, 6E)-methyl 3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienoate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1) Chlorochroa sayi, (2) Chlorochroa ligata, Chlorochroa uhleri | (1) [Ho, 2001a]; (2) Ho, 2001b | Ho, 2001b |
628 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C1 | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Me ester [methyl 2,3-dihydrofarnesoate] | (3R, 6E)-methyl 3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Cardiophorus tenebrosus, Cardiophorus edwardsi | Serrano, 2018 | |
629 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C2 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OAc [farnesyl acetate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl acetate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Agriotes proximus, Agriotes ustulatus, Synaptus filiformis | Yatsynin, 1996 | |
630 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C2 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OAc [farnesyl acetate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl acetate | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Pholcidae (spider) | Pholcus beijingensis | Xiao, 2009 | |
631 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C2 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OAc [farnesyl acetate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl acetate | aggregation | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Megalurothrips usitatus | Liu, 2020 | |
632 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C4 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OCOPr [farnesyl butyrate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl butanoate | trail ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Geotrigona mombuca | Stangler, 2009 | |
633 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C4 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OCOPr [farnesyl butyrate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl butanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | (1) Agriotes infuscatus, Agriotes meticulosus, (2) Agriotes brevi | (1) Yatsynin, 1996; (2) Tóth, 2002 | |
634 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C6 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OCOC₅H₁₁ [farnesyl hexanoate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl hexanoate | (1) gland secretion (F), (2-5) marking ? | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | (1) Andrena bicolor, Andrena carbonaria, Andrena denticulate, Andrena nigroaenea, (1)(5) Andrena haemorrhoa, (2) Andrena fucata, Andrena hattorfiana, Andrena fidvago, Andrena carantonica, Andrena vaga, Andrena labiate, etc., (3) Andrena cressonii, Andrena andrenoides, Andrena imitatrix, Andrena forbesii, Andrena hippotes, Andrena nuda, (3)(4) Andrena erythronii, (4) Andrena flexa, Andrena gardineri, Andrena carlini, Andrena confederate, Andrena nivalis, etc., (5) Andrena marginata | (1) Bergström, 1974a; (2) Tengö, 1975; (3) Tengö, 1978; (4) Fernandes, 1981; (5) Cane, 1981a | |
635 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C6 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OCOC₅H₁₁ [farnesyl hexanoate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl hexanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Idolus picipenni | Tolasch, 2013 | |
636 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C6 | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:3-one-6-OH ester [3-oxohexyl 2,3-dihydrofarnesoate] | 3-oxohexyl (3S, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienoate | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
637 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C6 | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:Z3-6-OH ester [3-hexenyl 2,3-dihydrofarnesoate] | (Z)-hex-3-enyl (3S, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienoate | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
638 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C8 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OCOC₇H₁₅ [farnesyl octanoate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl octanoate | gland secretion (F) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena helvola | Bergström, 1974a | |
639 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C15 (C12) | Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12-OH ester [farnesyl 2,3-dihydrofarnesoate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl (6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienoate | gland secretion | (Geophilomorpha) | Himantariidae (centipede) | Himantarium gabrielis | [Vujisić, 2013] | |
640 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12-OH ester [farnesyl farnesoate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienoate | gland secretion | (Geophilomorpha) | Himantariidae (centipede) | Himantarium gabrielis | Vujisić, 2013 | |
641 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C15 (C12) + C18 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Δ10,Me11-12:OCOC₁₇H₃₃ [farnesyl oleate] | (2E, 6E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | sex (gyne) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Bombus impatiens | Orlova, 2022 | |
642 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C16 (C12) | Me3,E6,Et7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [2,3-dihydrohomofarnesal] | (3S, 6E)-7-ethyl-3, 11-dimethyldodeca-6, 10-dienal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus rhodesianus | Shimomura, 2010a | Shimomura, 2010a |
643 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C16 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Et7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [homofarnesal] | (2E, 6E)-7-ethyl-3, 11-dimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus chinensis | Shimomura, 2008 | |
644 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C16 (C12) | Z2,Me3,E6,Et7,Δ10,Me11-12:Ald [homofarnesal] | (2Z, 6E)-7-ethyl-3, 11-dimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trienal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus chinensis | Shimomura, 2008 | |
645 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C16 (C13) + C1 | Me2,Me6,Me10-13:Me ester | methyl 2, 6, 10-trimethyltridecanoate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1)(3)(4) Euschistus heros, (1) Euschistus obscurus, (2)(3) Piezodorus guildinii, (5) Agroecus griseus | (1) [Aldrich, 1994]; (2) [Borges, 1999]; (3) [Zarbin, 2000]; (4) [Zhang, 2003d]; (5) [Fávaro, 2012] | Mori, 1994b |
646 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C17 (C13) | Δ1,Z3,Me3,E6,Et7,Δ10,Me11-13:H [bishomofarnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-7-ethyl-3, 11-dimethyltrideca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | (1)(2)(6) gland secretion, (3-5) marking | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1-3) Myrmica scabrinodis, (2) Myrmica ruginodis, Myrmica sabulrti, (4) Myrmica lobicornis, Myrmica sulcinodis, (5) Myrmica rugulosa, Myrmica schencki, (6) Pheidole pallidula, Pheidole sinaitica, Pheidole teneriffana, Pheidole megacephala | (1) Morgan, 1979; (2) Cammaerts, 1981; (3) Attygalle, 1982; (4) Attygalle, 1983a; (5) Attygalle, 1983b; (6) Ali, 2007 | |
647 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C18 (C13) | Δ1,Z3,Et3,E6,Et7,Δ10,Me11-13:H [trishomofarnesene] | (3Z, 6E)-3, 7-diethyl-11-methyltrideca-1, 3, 6, 10-tetraene | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Myrmica scabrinodis, (2) Myrmica ruginodis, Myrmica sabulrti, (3) Pheidole megacephala | (1) Morgan, 1979; (2) Cammaerts, 1981; (3) Ali, 2007 | |
648 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C18 (C15) | Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-OH | (2R, 6R, 10R)-6, 10, 14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol | (1)(5) sex (F), (2-4)(6)(7) sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1-3)(5) Pyralidae (pyralid moth), (4) Pieridae (butterfly), (6)(7) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Corcyra cephalonica, (2) Eldana saccharina, (3) Tirathaba mundella, (4) Pieris rapae, (5) Aphomia sociella, (6) Bicyclus anynana, Bicyclus anisops, Bicyclus ephorus, Bicyclus graueri, etc., (7) Oleria onega | (1) [Hall, 1987]; Mori, 1991b; (2) [Burger, 1993]; (3) [Sasaerila, 2003]; (4) [Yildizhan, 2009]; (5) [Kindl, 2012]; Wallin, 2020; (6) Hedenström, 2015; (7) [Stamm, 2019] | Mori, 1991b ; Nakamura, 2000b; Shafikov, 2011; Hedenström, 2015 |
649 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C18 (C15) | Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-one [phytone] [hexahydrofarnesyl acetone] | (6R, 10R)-6, 10, 14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one | (1)(2)(4-8) sex (M), (3) sex (F) | Lepidoptera | (1-3) Pyralidae (pyralid moth), (4)(7) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (5)(6)(8) Pieridae (butterfly) | (1) Galleria mellonella, (2) Tirathaba mundella, (3) Aphomia sociella, (4) Bicyclus anynana, Bicyclus anisops, Bicyclus buea, Bicyclus golo, Bicyclus mandanes, etc., (5)(6) Pieris brassicae, (5) Pieris rapae, (7) Heliconius eleuchia, (8) Eurema mandarina | (1) [Vendilo, 1998]; (2) [Sasaerila, 2003]; (3) [Kindl, 2012]; (4) [Nieberding, 2008]; Hedenström, 2015; (5) [Yildizhan, 2009]; (6) [Schulz, 2011]; (7) [Darragh, 2020]; (8) Yoshimori, 2022 | Hedenström, 2015 |
650 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C18 (C15) | Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-one [phytone] [hexahydrofarnesyl acetone] | (6R, 10R)-6, 10, 14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (orchid bee) | Euglossa imperialis, Euglossa allosticta, Euglossa crassipunctata | Eltz, 2010 | |
651 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C18 (C15) | Me6,Me10,Me14-15:2-one [phytone] [hexahydrofarnesyl acetone] | (6R, 10R)-6, 10, 14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus rhodesianus | [Shimomura, 2016] | |
652 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | (CH₂)3,Me6,E6,E10,Me11,Me15-16:H [β-springene] | (6E, 10E)-7, 11, 15-trimethyl-3-methylenehexadeca-1, 6, 10, 14-tetraene | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Bombus griseocollis | Bertsch, 2004b | |
653 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | Me3,E6,Me7,E10,Me11,Me15-16:OH [geranylcitronellol] | (6E, 10E)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadeca-6, 10, 14-trien-1-ol | (1-6) marking (M) ?, (7)(8) gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Psithyrus rupestris, (2) Bombus hypnorum, Bombus lapponicus, (3) Alpinobombus hyperboreus, Alpinobombus balteatus, (4) Megabombus subterraneu, (5) Psithyrus insularis, (6) Bombus confuses, (7) Bombus perplexus, (8) Bombus terrestris, Bombus ignitus | (1) [Kullenberg, 1970]; (2) [Svensson, 1977]; (3) [Svensson, 1979]; (4) [Appelgren, 1991]; (5) Bergström, 1996; (6) [Kindl, 1999]; (7) [Bertsch, 2004a]; (8) [Meulemeester, 2011] | |
654 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | Me3,E6,Me7,E10,Me11,Me15-16:Ald [geranylcitronellal] | (6E, 10E)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadeca-6, 10, 14-trienal | secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius carniolicus | [Bergström, 1970] | |
655 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,E10,Me11,Δ14,Me15-16:OH [geranylgeraniol] | (2E, 6E, 10E)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadeca-2, 6, 10, 14-tetraen-1-ol | (2E,6E,10E)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadeca-2,6,10,14-tetraen-1-ol (1) marking (M), (2) alarm ?, (3)(4) gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | (1) Apidae (bumblebee), (2) Formicidae (ant), (3)(4) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | (1) Bombus subterraneus, (2) Formica nigricans, Formica rufa, Formica polyctena, (3) Xylocopa gualanensi, (4) Xylocopa varipuncta | (1) Kullenberg, 1970; (2) Bergström, 1973; (3) Williams, 1987; (4) Andersen, 1988 | |
656 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | Δ1,Me3,E6,Me7,E10,Me11,Δ14,Me15-16:3-OH [geranyllinalool] | (3R, 6E, 10E)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadeca-1, 6, 10, 14-tetraen-3-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | (1)(4) Reticulitermes lucifugus, (2)(3) Reticulitermes flavipes. (2) Reticulitermes santonensis, (3) Reticulitermes tibialis, (4) Reticulitermes balkanensis. Reticulitermes grassei, Reticulitermes banyulensis | (1) Baker, 1982a; (2) [Bagnères; 1990]; (3) [Nelson, 2001]; (4) [Quintana, 2003] | |
657 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | E2,Me3,Me7,Me11,Me15-16:OH [phytol] | (E)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadec-2-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1) Pyralidae (pyralid moth), (2) Pieridae (butterfly) | (1) Ephestia elutella (tobacco moth), (2) Pieris brassicae | (1) [Phelan, 1986]; (2) [Yildizhan, 2009]; [Schulz, 2011] | |
658 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | E2,Me3,Me7,Me11,Me15-16:Ald [E-phytal] | (2E, 7R, 11R)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadec-2-enal | aggregation (M) | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Dociostaurus maroccanus | Füstenau, 2013; Guerrero, 2019 | Guerrero, 2019 |
659 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | E2,Me3,Me7,Me11,Me15-16:Ald [E-phytal] | (2E, 7R, 11R)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadec-2-enal | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Eurema mandarina | Yoshimori, 2022 | |
660 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) | Z2,Me3,Me7,Me11,Me15-16:Ald [Z-phytal] | (2Z,7R,11R)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-enal | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Eurema mandarina | Yoshimori, 2022 | |
661 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,E10,Me11,Δ14,Me15-16:OAc [geranylgeranyl acetate] | (2E, 6E, 10E)-3, 7, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadeca-2, 6, 10, 14-tetraenyl acetate | (1)(2) marking (M) ?, (3) trail, (4)(5) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1)(4)(5) Apidae (bumblebee), (2) Sphecidae (wasp), (3) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Bombus pratorum, (2) Philanthus pulcher, (3) Ectatomma ruidum, (4) Bombus griseocollis, (5) Bombus morrisoni, Bombus rufocinctus | (1) Svensson, 1977; (2) McDaniel, 1992; (3) Bestmann, 1995b; (4) Bertsch, 2004b; (5) Bertsch, 2008 | |
662 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C17) + C18 | E4,Me4,E8,Me8,E12,Me12-17:OCOR, 16-one (COR = 18:acyl) | (4E, 8E, 12E)-4, 8, 12-trimethyl-16-oxoheptadeca-4, 8, 12-trien-1-yl octadecanoate | anti-aphrodisiac (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Szczerbowski, 2022 | |
663 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C20 (C17) + C18 | E4,Me4,E8,Me8,E12,Me12-:OCOR, 16-one (COR = Z9-18:acyl) | (4E, 8E, 12E)-4, 8, 12-trimethyl-16-oxoheptadeca-4, 8, 12-trien-1-yl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | anti-aphrodisiac (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Szczerbowski, 2022 | |
664 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C23 (C19) | E5,Me6,E9,Me10,E13,Me14,Δ17,Me18-19:2-one [geranylgeranyl acetone] | (5E, 9E, 13E)-6, 10, 14, 18-tetramethylnonadeca-5, 9, 13, 17-tetraen-2-one | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Darragh, 2020 | |
665 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C30 (C24) | Δ2,Me2,Me6,Δ6,Me10,Δ10,Δ14,Me15,Δ18,Me19,Δ22,Me23-24:H [squalene] | (6E, 10E, 14E, 18E)-2, 6, 10, 15, 19, 23-hexamethyltetracosa-2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22-hexaene | (1) allomone, (2) aggregation | [Ixodida] | Amblyommidae (tick) | (1) Dermacentor variabilis, (2) Amblyomma americanum | (1) Yoder, 1993; (2) Yoder, 1999 | |
666 | Terpene: Acyclic comp. | C30 (C24) | Δ2,Me2,Me6,Δ6,Me10,Δ10,Δ14,Me15,Δ18,Me19,Δ22,Me23-24:H [squalene] | (6E, 10E, 14E, 18E)-2, 6, 10, 15, 19, 23-hexamethyltetracosa-2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22-hexaene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Anthribidae (weevil) | Araecerus fasciculatus | Yang, 2017 | |
667 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C3) + C5 (C4) | (C₄H₉CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,(C₄H₇)3-cyclopropa | (1R, 3R)-2, 2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropylmethyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Phenacoccus madeirensis (Madeira mealybug) | Ho, 2009 | Ho, 2009 |
668 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C3) + C5 (C4) | (C₄H₇CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,(C₄H₇)3-cyclopropane [chrysanthemyl tiglate] | (1S, 3R)-2, 2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropylmethyl (E)-2-methylbut-2-enoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Ferrisia virgata (striped mealybug) | Tabata, 2017b | |
669 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C3) + C5 + C2 | (AcOC₄H₈CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,(C₄H₇)3-cyclopropane [chrysanthemyl 2-acetoxy-3-methylbutyrate] | (1R, 3R)-2, 2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropylmethyl (R)-2-acetoxy-3-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus calceolariae (citrophilous mealybug) | El-Sayed, 2010; Unelius, 2011 | Bergmann, 2019 |
670 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) | (HOC₂H₄)1,Me1,iPrope2-cyclobutane [grandisol, grandlure I] | (1R, 2S)-2-(2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutyl)ethanol | (1-9)(11-14)(16) aggregation (M), (10) sex (M), (15) gland secretion | Coleoptera | (1-3)(5)(7-11)(13-15) Curculionidae (weevil), (4)(6)(12)(16) Scolytidae (bark beetle) | (1) Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), (2) Pissodes approximates (northern pine weevil), (2)(5) Pissodes strobi (white pine weevil), (3) (5) Pissodes nemorensis, (4)(6) Pityophthorus pityographus, (6)(12) Pityogenes bidentatus, (6) Pityogenes calcaratus, Pityogenes quadridens, (7) Curculio caryae (pecan weevil), (8) Anthonomus rubi, (9) Pseudopiazurus obesus, (10) Pissodes castaneus, (11) Sternechus subsignatus, (13) Conotrachelus humeropictus, (14) Homalinotus validus, (15) Heilipus lauri, (16) Polygraphus punctifrons | (1) [Tumlinson, 1969]; [Tumlinson, 1971a]; [Hedin , 1979]; Dickens, 1989a; Chang, 1989; (2) [Booth, 1983]; (3) [Phillips , 1984]; (4) Francke, 1987b; (5) Hibbard, 1993; (6) Francke, 1995a; (7) Hedin, 1997; (8) Innocenzi, 2001; (9) Zarbin, 2007b; Zarbin, 2010; (10) Marques, 2011; (11) Ambrogi, 2012; (12) Byers, 2013a; (13) Szczerbowski, 2016; (14) Vidal, 2017; (15) [Romero-Frías, 2019]; (16) Rahmani, 2019 | [Tumlinson, 1971a]; Hobbs,1974; Hobbs, 1976; Mori, 1978; Demuth, 1986; Monetiro, 1996; Hamon, 2000; Fujiwara, 2018; [Bartlett, 2022] |
671 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) | (OHCCH₂)1,Me1,iPrope2-cyclobutane [grandisal] | (1S, 2R)-(2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutyl)acetaldehyde | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Pissodes approximates (northern pine weevil), (2) Pissodes nemorensis | (1) [Booth, 1983]; (2) [Phillips , 1984]; Hibbard, 1993 | |
672 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) | (OHCCH₂)1,Me1,iPrope2-cyclobutane [grandisal] | (1R, 2S)-(2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutyl)acetaldehyde | (1)(2) aggregation (M), (3) sex (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Pissodes strobi (white pine weevil), (2) Pseudopiazurus obesus (papaya borer weevil), (3) Pissodes castaneus | (1) [Booth, 1983]; Hibbard, 1993; (2) Zarbin, 2007b; Zarbin, 2010; (3) Marques, 2011 | |
673 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) | (HO₂CCH₂)1,Me1,iPrope2-cyclobutane [grandisoic acid] | (1R, 2S)-(2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutyl)acetic acid | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Conotrachelus nenuphar (plum curculio), (2) Conotrachelus humeropictus (cocoa weevil) | (1) Eller, 1996; (2) Szczerbowski, 2016 | |
674 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) + C2 | (AcOCH₂)1,Me2,Me2,iPrope3-cyclobutane [planococcyl acetate] | (1R, 3R)-3-isopropenyl-2, 2-dimethylcyclobutylmethyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Planococcus citri (citrus mealybug) | Bierl-Leonhardt, 1981; Rotundo, 1982 | Bierl-Leonhardt, 1981; Carlsen, 1984; Wolk, 1986; Dunkelblum, 1987; Passaro, 2004; Zada, 2004b; Kukovinets, 2006 |
675 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) + C2 | (HOC₂H₄)1,Me1,iPrope2-cyclobutane [grandisol acetate] | (1R, 2S)-2-(2-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclobutyl)ethyl acetate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Homalinotus validus | Vidal, 2017 | |
676 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) + C5 | (C₄H₉CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,iPrope3-cyclobutane | (1S, 3S)-3-isopropenyl-2, 2-dimethylcyclobutylmethyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Acutaspis albopicta | Millar, 2012 | |
677 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) + C5 (C4) | (C₄H₇CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,iPrope3-cyclobutane [cryptuslure] | (1R, 3R)-3-isopropenyl-2, 2-dimethylcyclobutylmethyl 3-methylbut-3-enoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus cryptuss = Pseudococcus citriculus (citriculus mealybug) | Arai, 2003 | Nakahata, 2003 |
678 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) + C5 (C4) | (C₄H₉CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,(C₃H₆)3-cyclobutane [maconelliyl 2-methylbutyrate] | (R)-3-isopropylidene-2, 2-dimethylcyclobutylmethyl (S)-2-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Maconellicoccus hirsutus (pink hibiscus mealybug) | Zhang, 2004a; Zhang, 2005b | Zhang, 2004b; Zhang, 2005a |
679 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C4) + C5 (C4) | (C₄H₉CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,(C₃H₆)3-cyclobutane [maconelliyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate] | (R)-3-isopropylidene-2, 2-dimethylcyclobutylmethyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Phenacoccus solenopsis (cotton mealybug) | Tabata, 2016 | |
680 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C4) + C2 | (AcOC₂H₄)1,(C₆H₁₁)1,iPrope2-cyclobutane [oleanderlure] | (1R, 2S)-2-[2-isopropenyl-1-(4-methylpent-4-enyl)cyclobutyl]ethyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Diaspididae (scale) | Aspidiotus nerii = Aspidiotus hederae (oleander scale) | Einhorn, 1998 | Boyer, 1999; Petschen, 1999; Petschen, 2000; [Schmidt, 2007]; [Castañeda, 2019] |
681 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1R, 2S, 5R, 8R)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | (1) gland secretion, (2-5) allomone, (6) trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Iridomyrmex purpureus (Iridomyrmex detectus), Iridomyrmex conifer, (2) Iridomyrmex nitidiceps, Iridomyrmex rufoniger, Dolichoderus diceratoclinea, (3) Tapinoma sessile, (4) Conomyrma sp., (5) Iridomyrmex discors, (6) Tapinoma simrothi | (1) [Cavill, 1956a]; (2) [Cavill, 1960]; Cavill, 1982; (3) McGurk, 1968; (4) [Wheeler, 1977]; (5) [Cox 1989]; (6) [Simon, 1991] | |
682 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1R, 2S, 5R, 8R)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | aggregation (M) | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | (1) Chrysopa oculata (golden-eyed lacewing), (2) Chrysopa nigricornis | (1) Chauhan, 2004; Zhang, 2004c; (2) Zhang, 2006 | Chauhan, 2004 |
683 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1R, 2S, 5R, 8S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Iridomyrmex pruinosus, (2) Azteca bicolor, Azteca
| (1) McGurk, 1968; (2) Do Nascimento, 1998 | |
684 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1R, 2S, 5R, 8S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(3)(5-7) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (2) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (4) Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Staphylinus olens. (2) Aromia moschata, (3) Thyreocephalus lorquini, Eulissus orthodoxus, Creophilus erythrocephalus, (4) Dyschirius wilsoni, (5) Thyreocephalus orthodoxus, Thyreocephalus chloropterus, (6)(7) Ontholestes murinus, (7) Staphylinus caesareus, Staphylinus erythropterus, Staphylinus dimidiaticornis, Ocypus olens, Ocypus similis, Ocypus melanarius, Creophilus maxillosus | (1) [Abou-Donia, 1971]; [Fish, 1975]; (2) Vidari, 1973; (3) [Bellas, 1974b]; (4) [Moore, 1979]; (5) [Gnanasunderam, 1981c]; (6) [Dettner, 1986]; (7) [Huth, 1990] | |
685 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1R, 2S, 5S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Azteca bicolor, Azteca
| Do Nascimento, 1998 | |
686 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1R, 2S, 5S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Chloridolum loochooanum | Ohmura, 2009 | |
687 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentane [iridodial] | (1S, 2S, 5R, 8S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Conomyrma pyramica, (2) Azteca bicolor, Azteca
| (1) McGurk, 1968; (2) Do Nascimento, 1998 | |
688 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [dolichodial] | (1R*, 2S*, 5S*)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | (1)(2)(4) gland secretion, (3)(5) allomone | Hymenoptera | (1)(2)(5) Formicidae (ant), (3)(4) Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | (1) Dolichoderus acanthoclinea, Dolichoderus diceratoclinea, (2) Linepithema humile (Iridomyrmex humilis, Argentine ant), (3) Croesus varus, Croesus septentrionalis, (3)(4) Nematus spiraeae, (4) Nematus capreae, Nematus nigricornis, Nematus salicis, Nematus stichi, (5) Ochetellus glaber | (1) [Cavill, 1960]; (2) [Cavill, 1974a]; [Cavill, 1976]; (3) [Boeve, 1984]; (4) [Boeve, 1992]; (5) [Cornelius, 1995] | |
689 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [dolichodial] | (1R*, 2S*, 5S*)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Ontholestes tesselatus, Ontholestes murinus, Staphylinus dimidiaticornis | [Huth, 1990] | |
690 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [dolichodial] | (1R*, 2S*, 5S*)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Callococcithrips fuscipennis | [Tschuch, 2008] | |
691 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [dolichodial] | (1R, 2S, 5S)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | sex (F) | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Dysaphis plantaginea (rosy apple aphid) | Dewhirst, 2008 | |
692 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [anisomorphal] | (1S, 2S, 5S)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Phasmatodea | Pseudophasmatidae (stick insect) | Anisomorpha buprestoides | [Meinwald, 1962]; Dossey, 2008 | |
693 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [anisomorphal] | (1S, 2S, 5S)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Ochetellus glaber | [Cornelius, 1995] | |
694 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [peruphasmal] | (1R, 2S, 5R)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | allomone | Phasmatodea | Pseudophasmatidae (stick insect) | Anisomorpha buprestoides | Dossey, 2008 | |
695 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₂)5-cyclopentane [peruphasmal] | (1R, 2S, 5R)-2-methyl-5-(3-oxoprop-1-en-2-yl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) | [Choe, 2012] | |
696 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentene [chrysomelidial] | (5S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopent-1-enecarbaldehyde | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Plagiodera versicolora, (2) Gastrophysa cyanea, (3) Gastrophysa atrocyanea, Phaedon brassicae, (4) Plagiodera versicolora distincta, Linaeidea aenea, (5) Gastrophysa atrocyanea, Gastrophysa viridula, Hydrothassa marginella, Phaedon brassicae, Phaedon cochleariae | (1) [Meinwald, 1977a]; (2) [Blum, 1978]; (3) Sugawara, 1979a; (4) Sugawara, 1979b; (5) Pasteels, 1982 | Meinwald, 1978a |
697 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentene [chrysomelidial] | (5S, 1’S)-2-methyl-5-(1’-methyl-2’-oxoethyl)cyclopent-1-enecarbaldehyde | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Oribotritiidae (oribatid mite) | (1)(2) Oribotritia berlesei, (2) Oribotritia hermanni, Oribotritia storkani, (3) Oribotritia chichijimensis, Austrotritia dentate, Austrotritia ishigakiensis, Mesotritia okuyamai, Sabacarus japonicus | (1) Raspotnig, 2008; (2) Raspotnig, 2011b; (3) Shimizu, 2012b | |
698 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentene [plagiodial] | (1R, 5S)-2-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-oxoethyl)cyclopent-2-enecarbaldehyde | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Plagiodera versicolora distincta, (2) Chrysomela aenea, Prasocuris phellandrii | (1) Sugawara, 1979b; (2) Pasteels, 1982 | |
699 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (HCOCH₂)1,Me1,Me2,(CH₂)3-cyclopentane | (1S, 2S)-(1, 2-dimethyl-3-methylenecyclopentyl)acetaldehyde | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Dysmicoccus brevipes (pinapple mealybug) | [Tabata, 2017a]; Mori, 2017a | [Mori, 2016c]; Mori, 2017a |
700 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (CH₂OH)1,Me3,Me4,Me5,Me5-cyclopentene [α-necrodol] | (1R, 4R)-(3, 4, 5, 5-tetramethylcyclopent-2-enyl)methanol | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (carrion beetle) | Necrodes surinamensis | [Eisner, 1982]; [Eisner, 1986b]; [Roach, 1990]; Jacobs, 1990 | Jacobs, 1990 |
701 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (CH₂OH)1,Me2,Me2,Me3,(CH₂)4-cyclopentane [β-necrodol] | (1R, 3R)-(2, 2, 3-trimethyl-4-methylenecyclopentyl)methanol | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (carrion beetle) | Necrodes surinamensis | [Eisner, 1982]; [Eisner, 1986b]; [Roach, 1990]; Jacobs, 1990 | Galano, 2001 |
702 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2,(OHCC₂H₄)5-cyclopentene [epi-chrysomelidial] | (5S, 1'R)-2-methyl-5-(1'-methyl-2'-oxoethyl)cyclopent-1-enecarbaldehyde | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Oribotritiidae (oribatid mite) | Oribotritia banksi, Oribotritia hermanni, Oribotritia storka | Raspotnig, 2011b | |
703 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C2 | (AcOCH₂)1,Me2,Me3,Me4,Me4-cyclopentane | (1S, 2S, 3R)-2, 3, 4, 4-tetramethylcyclopentylmethyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus viburni (obscure mealybug) | [Millar, 2005]; Figadéra, 2008 | Millar, 2007; Hashimoto, 2008; Hajare, 2010; [Zou, 2011] |
704 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C2 | (AcOC₂H₄)1,Me1,Me5,Me5-cyclopentene | (S)-2-(1, 5, 5-trimethylcyclopent-2-enyl)ethyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus longispinus (longtailed mealybug) | [Millar, 2009]; Ramesh, 2013; Ramesh, 2015 | [Millar, 2009]; [Zou, 2009]; [Zou, 2010a]; [Bailey, 2013]; [Kurhade, 2013]; Ramesh, 2013; Ramesh, 2015 |
705 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C2 | (AcOCH₂)1,(CH₂)3,Me4,Me5,Me5-cyclopentene | (R)-(4, 5, 5-trimethyl-3-methylenecyclopent-1-en-1-yl)methyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Delottococcus aberiae | [Vacas, 2019]; Bargues, 2024 | Bargues, 2024 |
706 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C2 | (AcOC₂H₄)1,Me1,(CH₂)4,Me5-cyclopent-2-ene | 2-(1, 5-dimethy-4-methylenecyclopent-2-enyl)ethyl acetate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus longispinus (longtailed mealybug) | [Vacas, 2024] | [Vacas, 2024] |
707 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C4 (C3) | (C₃H₇CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me2,Me3,Me4-cyclopentene [γ-necrodyl isobutanoate] | (R)-2, 2, 3, 4-tetramethylcyclopent-3-enylmethyl isobutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Nipaecoccus viridis | [Levi-Zada, 2019]; Levi-Zada, 2021 | |
708 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C4 (C3) | (C₃H₇CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me3,Me4,Me4-cyclopentene [trans-α-necrodyl isobutanoate] | (1S, 4S)-3, 4, 5, 5-tetramethylcyclopent-2-enylmethyl isobutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus maritimus (grape mealybug) | Figadère, 2007; Zou, 2010b | Zou, 2010b |
709 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C4 (C3) | (C₃H₇CO₂CH₂)1,Me2,Me3,Me4,Me4-cyclopentene [trans-α-necrodyl isobutanoate] | (1R, 4R)-3, 4, 5, 5-tetramethylcyclopent-2-enylmethyl isobutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus maritimus (grape mealybug) | Zou, 2010b | Zou, 2010b |
710 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C5) + C5 | (C₄H₉CO₂CH₂CO)1,Me1,Me2,Me2-cyclopentene | (S)-2-(1, 2, 2-trimethylcyclopent-3-enyl)-2-oxoethyl (S)-2-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | Homoptera | Pseudococcidae (mealybug) | Pseudococcus baliteus (aerial root mealybug) | Tabata, 2020 | Tabata, 2020 |
711 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C14 (C5) | (CHO)1,Me2,(C₇H₉O₂)5-cyclopentane [gyrinidione] | (1R*, 5S*, 3’E)-2-methyl-5-(1’-methyl-2’, 5’-dioxohex-3’-enyl)cyclopentanecarbaldehyde [(E)-1-methyl-2-formyl- 3-(1-methyl-2, 5-dioxyhex-3-enyl)cyclopentane] | allomone | Coleoptera | Gyrinidae (water beetle) | (1) Dineutus nigrior, (1)(2) Dineutus assimilis | (1) [Miller, 1975]; (2) [Newhart, 1978] | |
712 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me2,Me6,Me6-cyclohexanedione | 2, 6, 6-trimethylcyclohexane-1, 4-dione | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris echeria | [Schulz, 1988a] | |
713 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me2,Me6,Me6-cyclohexenone | 4-hydroxy-2, 6, 6-trimethylcyclohex-2-enone | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Euploea sylvester | [Schulz, 1988a] | |
714 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me2,Me6,Me6-cyclohexenedione [oxoisophorone] | 2, 6, 6-trimethylcyclohex-2-ene-1, 4-dione | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris echeria, Euploea sylvester, Prittwitzia hymenaea | Schulz, 1988a | |
715 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me3,Me3,Me5-cyclohexanone [dihydroisophorone] | 3, 3, 5-trimethylcyclohexanone | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Leptidea sinapis | [Friberg, 2008] | |
716 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me3,Me3,Me5-cyclohexane [cyclonol] | 3, 3, 5-trimethylcyclohexanol | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Leptidea sinapis | [Friberg, 2008] | |
717 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me3,Me5,Me5-cyclohexenone [α-isophorone] | 3, 5, 5-trimethylcyclohex-2-enone | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | lps typographus | Birgersson, 1984 | |
718 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me3,Me5,Me5-cyclohexenone [α-isophorone] | 3, 5, 5-trimethylcyclohex-2-enone | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris echeria | Schulz, 1988a | |
719 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me3,Me5,Me5-cyclohexenone | 4-hydroxy-3, 5, 5-trimethylcyclohex-2-enone | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Prittwitzia hymenaea | [Schulz, 1988a] | |
720 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me3,Me5,Me5-cyclohexane [homalinol] | (1R, 2R, 3S)-2, 3-epoxy-3, 5, 5-trimethylcyclohexanol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Homalinotus depressus | Vidal, 2019 | Vidal, 2019 |
721 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C9 (C6) | Me4,Me4,Me6-cyclohexadienone [lanierone] | 2-hydroxy-4, 4, 6-trimethylcyclohexa-2, 5-dienone | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | lps pini | Teale, 1991; Seybold, 1992 | |
722 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,(C₃H₆)4-cyclohexene [terpinolene] | 4-isopropylidene-1-methylcyclohexene | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Niesthrea louisianica | Aldrich, 1979b | |
723 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,(C₃H₆)4-cyclohexene [terpinolene] | 4-isopropylidene-1-methylcyclohexene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Curvitermes strictinasus, (2) Nasutitermes kemneri, (3) Nasutitermes columbicus, (4) Nasutitermes polygynus | (1) Baker, 1981c; (2) Baker, 1982e; (3) Gush, 1985; (4) Everaerts, 1988 | |
724 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,(C₃H₆)4-cyclohexene [terpinolene] | 4-isopropylidene-1-methylcyclohexene | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pristomyrmex brevispinosus | Billen, 2000 | |
725 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,(C₃H₆)4-cyclohexene [terpinolene] | 4-isopropylidene-1-methylcyclohexene | allomone | Coleoptera | Lampyridae (firefly) | Luciola leii | Fu, 2007 | |
726 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPr4-cyclohexadiene [γ–terpinene] | 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyclohexa-1, 4-diene | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pristomyrmex brevispinosus | Billen, 2000 | |
727 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPr4-cyclohexadiene [γ–terpinene] | 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyclohexa-1, 4-diene | allomone | Coleoptera | Lampyridae (firefly) | Luciola leii | Fu, 2007 | |
728 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me2,iPr5-cyclohexadiene [α-phellandrene] | 5-isopropyl-2-methylcyclohexa-1, 3-diene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes gracilirostris | [Everaerts, 1988] | |
729 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr3,(CH₂)6-cyclohexene [β-phellandrene] | 3-isopropyl-6-methylenecyclohexene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes sp. | [Baker, 1982e] | |
730 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr3,(CH₂)6-cyclohexene [β-phellandrene] | 3-isopropyl-6-methylenecyclohexene | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Blepharida schlechtendalii | [Evans, 2000] | |
731 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr3,(CH₂)6-cyclohexene [β-phellandrene] | 3-isopropyl-6-methylenecyclohexene | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio troilus | [Ômura, 2006] | |
732 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(+)-limonene] | (R)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | (1)(3) gland secretion, (2) alarm, recruitment | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Myrmicaria natalensis, (2) Myrmicaria eumenoides, (3) Pristomyrmex brevispinosus, Pristomyrmex sp. | (1) [Brand, 1974]; (2) Kaib, 1990; (3) [Billen, 2000] | |
733 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(+)-limonene] | (R)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | (1)(3) allomone ?, (2)(4) alarm | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris, (2) Nasutitermes costalis, Nasutitermes rippertii, (3) Nasutitermes columbicus, (4) Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes nigriceps | (1) [Nutting, 1974]; (2) [Vrkoč, 1978c]; (3) [Gush, 1985]; (4) Lindström, 1990 | |
734 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(+)-limonene] | (R)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | (1) gland secretion, (2)(4) allomone, (3) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (2) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle), (3) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (4) Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, (2) Blepharida schlechtendalii, (3) Alphitobius diaperinus, (4) Ardistomis schaumii | (1) [Rudinsky, 1977]; (2) [Evans, 2000]; (3) Robacker, 2009; (4) Attygalle, 2009 | |
735 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(+)-limonene] | (R)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Niesthrea louisianica, Jadera haematoloma | [Aldrich, 1979b] | |
736 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(+)-limonene] | (R)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | sex (F) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera minax | Cheng, 2024 | |
737 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(-)-limonene] | (S)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | alarm | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes velox | Lindström, 1990 | |
738 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [(-)-limonene] | (S)-4-isopropenyl-l-methylcyclohexene | allomone | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | Semiardistomis puncticollis | Attygalle, 2009 | |
739 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (CH₂OH)1,iPrope4-cyclohexene [perillyl alcohol] | 1-hydroxymethyl-4-isopropenylcyclohexene | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Niesthrea louisianica | [Aldrich, 1979b] | |
740 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPrope2,Me5-cyclohexane [isopulegol] | (1R, 2S, 5R)-2-isopropenyl-5-methylcyclohexanol | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Xantholinus glaber | [Dettner, 1986] | |
741 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr2,Me5-phenol [thymol] | 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Niesthrea louisianica | Aldrich, 1979b | |
742 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (HOC₂H₃)1,Me3,Me3-cyclohexane [Z grandlure II] | (Z)-2-(3, 3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)ethanol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), (2) Curculio caryae (pecan weevil), (3) Anthonomus eugenii (pepper weevil), (4) Anthonomus rubi, (5) Anthonomus musculus, (6) Polygraphus subopacus | (1) [Tumlinson, 1969]; [Tumlinson, 1971a]; [Hedin , 1979a]; Dickens, 1989b; Chang, 1989; (2) Hedin , 1979b; Hedin, 1997; (3) Eller, 1994; (4) Innocenzi, 2001; (5) Szendrei, 2011; (6) Viklund, 2021 | Tumlinson, 1971a; Souza, 1978 |
743 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (HOC₂H₃)1,Me3,Me3-cyclohexane [E grandlure III] | (E)-2-(3, 3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)ethanol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), (2) Anthonomus eugenii (pepper weevil), (3) Sternechus subsignatus (soybean stalk weevil) | (1) [Tumlinson, 1969]; [Tumlinson, 1971a]; Dickens, 1989b; (2) Eller, 1994; (3) Ambrogi, 2012 | Tumlinson, 1971a; Souza, 1978; Wollenberg, 1979; Harris, 1987 |
744 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (OHCCH₂)1,Me3,Me3-cyclohexane [grandlure III] | (Z)-(3, 3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)acetaldehyde | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), (2) Anthonomus eugenii (pepper weevil), (3) Curculio caryae (pecan weevil), (4) Anthonomus musculus | (1) Chang, 1989; (2) Eller, 1994; (3) Hedin , 1997; (4) Szendrei, 2011 | |
745 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (OHCCH₂)1,Me3,Me3-cyclohexane [grandlure IV] | (E)-(3, 3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)acetaldehyde | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), (2) Anthonomus eugenii (pepper weevil), (3) Curculio caryae (pecan weevil), (4) Anthonomus musculus | (1) [Tumlinson, 1969]; [Tumlinson, 1971a]; Dickens, 1989b: Chang, 1989; (2) Eller, 1994; (3) Hedin , 1997; (4) Szendrei, 2011 | Tumlinson, 1971a; Souza, 1978; Wollenberg, 1979; Harris, 1987 |
746 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3,iPr6-cyclohexenone [piperitone] | 6-isopropyl-3-methylcyclohex-2-enone | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug) | Niesthrea louisianica | [Aldrich, 1979b] | |
747 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3,iPrope6-cyclohexenone [isopiperitenone] | (S)-6-isopropenyl-3-methylcyclohex-2-enone | (1) alarm, (2) sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyrophagus similis | (1) Kuwahara, 1987a; (2) Maruno, 2012 | Kuwahara, 1987a |
748 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPr4-cyclohexene [quercivorol] | (1S, 4R)-4-isopropyl-1-methylcyclohex-2-enol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle) | Platypus quercivorus (oak ambrosia beetle) | Kashiwagi, 2006; Kamata, 2008 | Kashiwagi, 2006; Mori, 2006 |
749 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | Me1,iPr4-cyclohexene [quercivorol] | (1R, 4R)-4-isopropyl-1-methylcyclohex-2-enol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Disteniidae (beetle) | Elytrimitatrix undata | Röpke、2023 | |
750 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr1,Me4-cyclohexene [terpinen-4-ol] | (R)-1-isopropyl-4-methylcyclohex-3-enol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Polygraphus poligraphus, (2) Polygraphus punctifrons | (1) Schurig, 1985; Kohnle, 1985; (2) Rahmani, 2019 | |
751 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₃H₆OH)1,Me4-cyclohexene [α-terpineol] | (R)-2-(4-methylcyclohex-3-enyl)propan-2-ol | (1)(3) sex (M), (2) gland secretion, (4) allomone | Heteroptera | (1-3) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (4) Anthocoridae (flower bug) | (1) Podisus maculiventris, (2) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (3) Podisus fretus, (4) Xylocoris flavipes | (1) [Aldrich, 1978]; Aldrich, 1984a; [Aflitto, 2023]; (2) Aldrich, 1984b; (3) Aldrich, 1986b; (4) [Phillips, 1995] | |
752 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₃H₆OH)1,Me4-cyclohexene [α-terpineol] | (R)-2-(4-methylcyclohex-3-enyl)propan-2-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Optatus palmaris | [Pineda-Ríos, 2021] | |
753 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₂H₂CHO)1,Me4-cyclohexenone [vesperal] | (S)-2-(4-methyl-2-oxocyclohex-3-enyl)propenal | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Vesperus xatarti | Boyer, 1997 | Boyer, 1997 |
754 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₃H₆OH)1,Me4-cyclohexadiene [p-mentha-1,3-dien-8-ol] | 2-(4-methylcyclohexa-1, 3-dienyl)propan-2-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorned beetle) | Paranoplium gracile | Collignon, 2019 | |
755 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₃H₆OH)1,Me4-cyclohexadiene [p-mentha-1,3-dien-9-ol] | 2-(4-methylcyclohexa-1, 3-dienyl)propan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorned beetle) | Aromia moschata, Holopleura marginata | Molander, 2022 | |
756 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₂H₂CHO)1,(CHO)4-cyclohexene [parectadial] | (S)-2-(4-formylcyclohex-3-enyl)propenal | allomone | Phasmatodea | Anisacanthidae (stick insect) | Parectatosoma mocquerysi | Dossey, 2007 | |
757 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (CHO)1,(C₃H₆)4-cyclohexenone [robinal] | 4-isopropylidene-3-oxocyclohex-1-enecarbaldehyde | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Rhizoglyphus robini | Leal, 1990a | Kuwahara, 1992c |
758 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) | (CHO)1,iPrope4-cyclohexenone [isorobinal] | (S)-4-isopropenyl-3-oxo-1-cyclohex-1-enecarbaldehyde | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Rhizoglyphus setosus | Mizoguchi, 2005 | Shimizu, 2006 |
759 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) + C1 | (HCO₂)1,Me3,iPrope6-cyclohexene | (1R*, 6R*)-6-isopropenyl-3-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl formate | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Nothridae (oribatid mite) | Nothrus palustris | [Raspotnig, 2023] | |
760 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C6) + C1 | (HCO₂)1,Me3,iPrope6-cyclohexene | (1R*, 6S*)-6-isopropenyl-3-methylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl formate | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Nothridae (oribatid mite) | Nothrus palustris | [Raspotnig, 2023] | |
761 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C12 (C6) + C6 | (CH₂CO₂-gluco)1,Me2,Me6,(C₂H₃)6-cyclohexene [suspensoside A] | β-D-glucopyranosyl (R)-2-(2, 6-dimethyl-6-vinylcyclohex-1-enyl)acetate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha suspensa | Walse, 2008 | |
762 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C12 (C6) + C6 | (CH₂CO₂-gluco)1,Me2,Me6,(C₂H₃)6-cyclohexene [suspensoside B] | β-D-glucopyranosyl (S)-2-(2, 6-dimethyl-6-vinylcyclohex-1-enyl)acetate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha suspensa | Walse, 2008 | |
763 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C13 (C6) | (C₄H₄O)1,Me2,Me6,Me6-cyclohexane [romallenone] | (2’R*, 4’S*)-4-(2’, 4’-dihydroxy-2’, 6’, 6’-trimethylcyclohexylidene)but-3-en-2-one | allomone | Orthoptera | Romaleidae (grasshopper) | Romalea microptera | [Meinwald, 1968] | [Meinwald, 1969a] |
764 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C13 (C6) | (C₄H₇O)1,Me2,Me6,Me6-cyclohexene [dihydro-β-ionone] | 1-(3-oxobutyl)-2-methyl-6, 6-dimethylcyclohexene [4-(2, 6, 6-trimethylcyclohex-1-enyl)butan-2-one] | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
765 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C13 (C6) | (C₄H₅O)1,Me2,Me6,Me6-cyclohexene [E-β-ionone] | 1-[(E)-3-oxo-1-butenyl]-2-methyl-6, 6-dimethylcyclohexene [(E)-4-(2, 6, 6-trimethylcyclohex-1-enyl)but-3-en-2-one] | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
766 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | (C₆H₇O₂)1,Me2,Me2,(CH₂)6-cyclohexene [ancistrodial] | 2-[2-(2, 2-dimethyl-6-methylenecyclohexyl)ethylidene]succinaldehyde | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Ancistrotermes cavithorax | [Baker, 1978b] | |
767 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexane [(-)-cis-(Z)-α-bisabolene epoxide] | (Z)-(1R, 2S, 4S)-1, 2-epoxy-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 5-dien-2-yl)cyclohexane | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1-5) Nezara viridula. (2)(6) Acrosternum hilare, (2) Acrosternum marginatum, Acrosternum pennsylvanicum, (3) Nezara antennata, Acrosternum aseadum, (7) Chinavia impicticornis | (1) Baker, 1987; (2) [Aldrich, 1989]; (3) [Aldrich, 1993a]; (4) Brézot, 1994; (5) [Ryan, 1995]; (6) McBrien, 2001; (7) Blassioli-Moraes, 2012 | Marron, 1989; Chen, 2000 |
768 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexane [(-)-trans-(Z)-α-bisabolene epoxide] | (Z)-(1S, 2R, 4S)-1, 2-epoxy-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 5-dien-2-yl)cyclohexane | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1-4) Nezara viridula, (1)(5) Acrosternum hilare, (1) Acrosternum marginatum, Acrosternum pennsylvanicum, (2) Nezara antennata, Acrosternum aseadum, (6) Chinavia impicticornis | (1) [Aldrich, 1989]; (2) [Aldrich, 1993a]; (3) Brézot, 1994; (4) [Ryan, 1995]; (5) McBrien, 2001; (6) Blassioli-Moraes, 2012 | Marron, 1989; Chen, 2000 |
769 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [α-bisabolene] | (Z)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 5-dien-2-yl) cyclohexene | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1)(2) Nezara viridula, (1) Acrosternum hilare, Acrosternum marginatum, Acrosternum pennsylvanicum, (2) Nezara antennata, Acrosternum aseadum | (1) [Aldrich, 1989]; (2) [Aldrich, 1993a] | |
770 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [α-bisabolene] | (Z)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 5-dien-2-yl) cyclohexene | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly) | [Lu, 2001] | |
771 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [α-bisabolene] | (Z)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 5-dien-2-yl) cyclohexene | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Chilasa epycides, Papilio troilus | [Ômura, 2006] | |
772 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [α-bisabolene] | (Z, S)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 5-dien-2-yl)cyclohexene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes wheeleri | Scheffrahn, 1983 | |
773 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [α₂-bisabolene] | (Z)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-2, 6-dien-2-yl)cyclohexene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes wheeleri | [Scheffrahn, 1983] | |
774 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [β-bisabolene] | (R)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-1, 5-dien-2-yl)cyclohexene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes wheeleri | Scheffrahn, 1983 | |
775 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₃)4-cyclohexene [β-bisabolene] | (R)-1-methyl-4-(6-methylhepta-1, 5-dien-2-yl)cyclohexene | gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly) | Rocca, 1992 | |
776 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₄OH)4-cyclohexane [α-bisabolol] | 4-(2-hydroxy-6-methylhept-5-en-2-yl)-1-methylcyclohex-1-ene | aggregation | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Dolycoris baccarum | [Yang, 2019] | |
777 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₅)4-cyclohexene [zingiberenol] | (1S, 4S, 1’R)-4-(1’, 5’-dimethylhex-4’-enyl)-1-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Tibraca limbativentris | [Borges, 2006]; Blassioli-Moraes, 2020; Freitas, 2021 | Shirali, 2017 |
778 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₅)4-cyclohexene [zingiberenol] | (1R, 4R, 1’S)-4-(1’, 5’-dimethylhex-4’-enyl)-1-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Oebalus poecilus | Oliveira, 2013 | Shirali, 2017 |
779 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₅)4-cyclohexene [zingiberenol] | (1S, 4R, 1’S)-4-(1’, 5’-dimethylhex-4’-enyl)-1-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Mormidea v-luteum | Moliterno, 2021 | Shirali, 2017; Skotnitzki, 2020 |
780 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | (CH₂)1,(C₈H₁₅)4-cyclohexene [β-sesquiphellandrene] | (4S, 1’R)-4-(1’, 5’-dimethylhex-4’-enyl)-1-methylenecyclohex-2-ene | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidade (stink bug) | (1) Piezodorus hybneri, (2)Piezodorus guildinii | (1) Leal, 1998; (2) Borges, 2007 | |
781 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₅O)4-cyclohexene [murgantiol] | (1S, 4S, 1’R, 4’S)-4-(4’, 5’-epoxy-1’, 5’-dimethylhexanyl)-1-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1) Murgantia histrionica, (2) Halyomorpha halys | (1) [Zahn, 2008]; Khrimian, 2014a (2) Khrimian, 2014b, Weber, 2020 | Shirali, 2017 |
782 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₅O)4-cyclohexene [murgantiol] | (1S, 4R, 1’S, 4’S)-4-(4’, 5’-epoxy-1’, 5’-dimethylhexanyl)-1-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Mormidea v-luteum | Moliterno, 2021; Souza, 2024 | |
783 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₈H₁₄)4-cyclohexene [α-acoradiene] | (1R, 4S, 5R)-1-isopropenyl-4, 8-dimethylspiro[4.5]dec-7-ene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Gnatocerus cornutus | [Tebayashi, 1998]; Tashiro, 2004 | Tashiro, 2004 |
784 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me2,(C₈H₁₅)5-cyclohexadiene [zingiberene] | (5R, 2'S)-2-methyl-5-(6’-methylhept-5'-en-2'-yl)cyclohexa-1, 3-diene | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Thyanta pallidovirens | McBrien, 2002 | |
785 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me3,(C₈H₁₅)6-cyclohexene [sesquipiperitol] | (1S, 6S, 1’R)-6-(1’, 5’-dimethylhex-4’-enyl)-3-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Tibraca limbativentris | Blassioli-Moraes, 2020; Khrimian, 2020 | Khrimian, 2020 |
786 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₂H₃)1,iPrope2,iPrope4-cyclohexane [β-elemene] | 2, 4-diisopropenyl-1-methyl-1-vinylcyclohexane | gland secretion | Isoptera | (1) Nasutitermitidae (termite), (2) Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes, gracilirostris, Nasutitermes novarumhebridarum, (2) Psammotermes hybostoma | (1) [Everaerts, 1993]; (2) [Krasulová, 2012] | |
787 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₂H₃)1,iPrope2,iPrope4-cyclohexane [β-elemene] | 2, 4-diisopropenyl-1-methyl-1-vinylcyclohexane | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio demoleus, Papilio paris | [Ômura, 2006] | |
788 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C15 (C6) | Me1,(C₂H₃)1,iPrope2,(C₃H₇O)4-cyclohexane [α-elemol] | (1S, 2S, 4R)-4-(hydroxyisopropyl)-2-isopropenyl-1-methyl-1-vinylcyclohexane | gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Ithomia salapia | [Mann, 2020] | |
789 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C16 (C6) | Me1,(C₉H₁₆)4-cyclohexene | (E)-4-(1, 5-dimethylhept-4-enylidene)-1-methylcyclohexene | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (true bug) | Eurygaster integriceps | Staddon, 1994 | |
790 | Terpene: Small ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me1,Me4-cycloheptatriene | 3, 7, 7-trimethylcyclohepta-1, 3, 5-triene | gland secretion (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus ponderosae | Gries, 1992a | |
791 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPr3,(CH₂)6,epo8,(CH₂O)10-cyclodecenone [periplanone B] | (3S, 4E, 8R, 9R, 10R)-8, 9-epoxy-3-isopropyl-6-methylene-10, 10-methylepoxycyclodec-4-en-1-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta americana (American cockroach) | [Persoons, 1976]; [Talman, 1978]; [Persoons, 1979]; Adams, 1979; [Nishino, 1983] | Still, 1979; Takahashi, 1986; Kitahara, 1987; Kuwahara, 1989b; Kuwahara, 1990a |
792 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPr3,(CH₂)6,(CH₂O)10-cyclodecadienone [periplanone A] | (3S, 4E, 8Z, 10S)-3-isopropyl-6-methylene-10, 10-methylepoxycyclodeca-4, 8-dien-1-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1) Periplaneta americana (American cockroach), (2) Periplaneta australasiae (Australian cockroach) | (1) Persoons, 1982; [Nishino, 1983]; Nishino, 1988; Kuwahara, 1989a; (2) Waldow, 1984 | Macdonald, 1987; Kuwahara, 1990c |
793 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPr3,(CH₂)6,(CH₂)10-cyclodecadienone [periplanone C] | (3S, 4E, 8Z)-3-isopropyl-6, 10-dimethylenecyclodeca-4, 8-dien-1-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta americana (American cockroach) | Biendl, 1989, Persoons, 1990 | |
794 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPr3,(CH₂)6,Me10-cyclodecadienone [periplanone D] | (3S, 4E, 8Z, 10S)-3-isopropyl-10-methyl-6-methylenecyclodeca-4, 8-dien-1-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1) Periplaneta americana (American cockroach), (2) Periplaneta fuliginosa (smoky brown cockroach) | (1) Biendl, 1989; Persoons, 1990; (2) Takahashi, 1995 | |
795 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPr3,(CH₂)6,(CH₂O)10-cyclodecenone [periplanone J] | (3S, 4E, 10S)-3-isopropyl-6-methylene-10, 10-methylepoxycyclodec-4-en-1-one | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta japonica (Japanese cockroach) | Takegawa, 1989 | Harada, 1992 |
796 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,iPr4,Me7-cyclodecadiene | (2E, 7E)-4-isopropyl-1, 7-dimethylcyclodeca-2, 7-dienol [germacra-1, 6-dien-5-ol] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Neodiprion sertifer | [Bergström, 1994] | |
797 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,Me5,iPrope8-cyclodecadiene [helminthogermacrene] | (1E, 5Z, 8S)-8-isopropenyl-1, 5-dimethylcyclodeca-1, 5-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes wheeleri | Scheffrahn, 1986 | |
798 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,Me5,iPrope8-cyclodecadiene [germacrene A] | (1E, 5E, 8S)-8-isopropenyl-1, 5-dimethylcyclodeca-1, 5-diene | alarm | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Therioaphis macalata (spotted alfalfa aphid) | Bowers, 1977; Nishino, 1977 | |
799 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,Me5,iPrope8-cyclodecadiene [germacrene A] | (1E, 5E, 8S)-8-isopropenyl-1, 5-dimethylcyclodeca-1, 5-diene | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Papilio machaon, Papilio memnon, Papilio helenus, (2) Papilio demodocus, (3) Papilio demoleus, Papilio polytes | (1) [Honda, 1981]; (2) [Burger, 1985]; (3) [Ômura, 2006] | |
800 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,Me5,iPrope8-cyclodecadiene [germacrene A] | (1E, 5E, 8S)-8-isopropenyl-1, 5-dimethylcyclodeca-1, 5-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Syntermes dirus | [Baker, 1981a] | |
801 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,Me5,(C₃H₆OH)8-cyclodecadiene [germacradienol] | (1E, 6E)-8-(2-hydroxyprop-2-yl)-1, 5-dimethylcyclodeca-1, 6-diene [11-hydroxy-1(10), 5-germacradiene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Sciaridae (fungus gnat) | Lycoriella ingenua | [Andreadis, 2015] | |
802 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C15 (C10) + C4 | Me1,Me5,iPr8-cyclodecadiene | (1E, 3R*, 5E, 7R*, 8S*)-3, 7-diacetoxy-8-isopropyl-1, 5-dimethylcyclodeca-1, 5-diene | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Delphastus catalinae | Deyrup, 2014 | |
803 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C16 (C10) | Me1,Me5,(C₃H₆)8,Me10-cyclodecadiene [9-methylgermacrene B] | (1E, 5E, 10S)-8-isopropylidene-1, 5, 10-trimethylcyclodeca-1, 5-diene | sex (M) | Diptera | Psychodidae (sand fly) | (1) Lutzomyia longipalpis, (2) Lutzomyia cruzi | (1) [Hamilton, 1996a]; Hamilton, 1999a; [Hamilton, 2005b]; [Bray, 2009]; Brazil, 2009; (2) [Brazil, 2002] | Hamilton, 1999a |
804 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C12) | Me1,Me5,iPrope8,iPrope10-cyclododecadiene [cubitene] | (1E, 5E, 8S, 10R)-1, 5-dimethyl-8, 10-diisopropenylcyclododeca-1, 5-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Cubitermes umbratus, (2) Crenetermes mixtus, (3) Cubitermes muneris, Cubitermes tenuiceps, Cubitermes ugandensis | (1) [Prestwich, 1978]; (2) Prestwich, 1979a; (3) Prestwich, 1984a | |
805 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) | Me1,Me5,Me9,iPrope12-cyclotetradecatriene [cembrene A, neocembrene] | (1E, 5E, 9E)-12-isopropenyl-1, 5, 9-trimethylcyclotetradeca-1, 5, 9-triene | (1)(4-6)trail, (2)(3) allomone | Isoptera | (1)(4)(6) Nasutitermitidae (termite), (2)(3) Termitidae (termite), (5) Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes exitiosus, (2) Cubitermes umbratus, (3) Cubitermes glebae, (4) Trinervitermes bettonianus, (5) Prorhinotermes canalifrons, Prorhinotermes simplex, (6) Constrictotermes cyphergaster, Nasutitermes corniger, Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes guayanae, Nasutitermes kemneri, Trinervitermes geminatus, Trinervitermes trinervoides, etc. | (1) [Birch, 1972]; (2) [Wiemer, 1979]; [Prestwich, 1979a]; (3) [Prestwich, 1984]; (4) [McDowell, 1984]; (5) [Sillam-Dussès, 2005]; (6) [Sillam-Dussès, 2010] | [Kodama, 1975] |
806 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) | Me1,Me5,Me9,iPrope12-cyclotetradecatriene [cembrene A, neocembrene] | (1E, 5E, 9E, 12R)-12-isopropenyl-1, 5, 9-trimethylcyclotetradeca-1, 5, 9-triene | queen recognition | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium pharaonis | [Edwards, 1984]; Oliveira, 2020 | |
807 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) | Me1,Me5,Me9,iPrope12-cyclotetradecatriene [cembrene A, neocembrene] | (1E, 5E, 9E)-12-isopropenyl-1, 5, 9-trimethylcyclotetradeca-1, 5, 9-triene | sex (M) | Diptera | Psychodidae (sand fly) | Lutzomyia longipalpis | [Hamilton, 2004] | |
808 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) | Me1,Me5,Me9,iPrope12-cyclotetradecatriene [(3Z)-cembrene A] | (1E, 5E, 9Z)-12-isopropenyl-1, 5, 9-trimethylcyclotetradeca-1, 5, 9-triene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Cubitermes umbratus, (2) Cubitermes ugandensis | (1) [Wiemer, 1979]; (2) [Prestwich, 1984a] | |
809 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) | Me1,(CH₂O)5,iPrope12-cyclotetradecadiene [crematofuran] | (4R*, 5R*, 8R*, 10E)-4, 5-epoxy-8-isopropenyl-5, 11-dimethyl-14-oxabicyclo[11.2.1]hexadeca-1(15), 10, 13(16)-triene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster brevispinosa | [Leclercq, 2000a] | |
810 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) | Me1,(CH₂O)5,iPrope12-cyclotetradecadiene [isocrematofuran] | (4E, 4R*, 10S*, 11S*)-10, 11-epoxy-8-isopropenyl-5, 11-dimethyl-14-oxabicyclo[11.2.1]hexadeca-1(15), 4, 13(16)-triene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster brevispinosa | [Leclercq, 2000a] | |
811 | Terpene: Large ring comp. | C20 (C14) + C8 | (PrCO₂CH₂)1,(CH₂O)5,Me9,(PrCO₂C₃H₄)12-cyclotetradecatriene | 11-butanoyloxymethyl-8-(1-butanoyloxyvinyl)-5-methyl-14-oxabicyclo[11.2.1]hexadeca-1(15), 4, 10, 13(16)-tetraene | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster brevispinosa | [Leclercq, 2000b] | |
812 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr1,(CH₂)4-[3.1.0]bicyclo [sabinene] | 1-isopropyl-4-methylenebicyclo[3.1.0]hexane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria natalensis | [Brand, 1974] | |
813 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr1,(CH₂)4-[3.1.0]bicyclo [sabinene] | 1-isopropyl-4-methylenebicyclo[3.1.0]hexane | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Blepharida schlechtendalii | [Evans, 2000] | |
814 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C6) | iPr1,(CH₂)4-[3.1.0]bicyclo [sabinene] | 1-isopropyl-4-methylenebicyclo[3.1.0]hexane | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio troilus | [Ômura, 2006] | |
815 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C6) | (HOC₈H₁₄)1,(CH₂)4-[3.1.0]bicyclo [sesquisabinenol] | (2Z, 6R, 1'S, 5'S)-2-methyl-6-(4'-methylenebicyclo[3.1.0]hexyl)hept-2-en-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Eysarcoris lewisi | [Takita, 2008]; Mori, 2008c | Mori, 2008c |
816 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me3,Me3,Me7-[,7)]tricyclo [(+)-lineatin] | (1R, 4S, 5R, 7R)-3, 3, 7-trimethyl-2, 9-dioxatricyclo[,7)]nonane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Trypodendron lineatum, (2) Trypodendron retusum | (1) [MacConnell, 1977]; Mori, 1980; (2) Kühnholz, 2021 | [Borden, 1979]; [Mori, 1979]; Mori, 1980; Slessor, 1980; Mori, 1982b; Kandil, 1985; Racamonde, 2008 |
817 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (HOCH₂)2,Me2,Me6-[4.2.0]bicyclo [papayanol] | (1R, 2S, 6R)-(2, 6-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-yl)methanol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Pseudopiazurus obesus (papaya borer weevil), (2) Conotrachelus psidii (guava weevil) | (1) Zarbin, 2010; (2) Palacio-Cortés, 2015; Romero-Frías, 2016 | |
818 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (OHC)2,Me2,Me6-[4.2.0]bicyclo [papayanal] | (1R, 2S, 6R)-2, 6-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.2.0]octane-2-carbaldehyde | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Conotrachelus psidii (guava weevil) | Romero-Frías, 2016 | |
819 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me2,Me6-[4.2.0]bicyclo [grandisolide] | (1R, 6R)-2, 2, 6-trimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.2.0]octan-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Conotrachelus humeropictus (cocoa weevil) | Szczerbowski, 2016 | |
820 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [verbenone] | (1S, 5S)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus brevicomis, Dendroctonus jeffreyi, Dendroctonus ponderosae, (1)(2) Dendroctonus frontalis, (3) Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, (4) Tomicus piniperda (Blastophagus piniperda), (5) Dendroctonus terebrans | (1) [Pitman, 1969]; [Brand, 1976]; (2) [Rudinsky, 1973a], (3) [Rudinsky, 1974]; (4) [Francke, 1976]; (5) [Phillips, 1989b] | |
821 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [verbenone] | (1S, 5S)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-one | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Many species in the genera Dendroctonus, Ips, and Pityogenes | | |
822 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [trans-verbenol] | (1S*, 2R*, 5S*)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus ponderosae, (2) Dendroctonus brevicomis, Dendroctonus frontalis, Dendroctonus jeffreyi, (3) Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, (4) Ips knausi, Ips integer, Ips bonanseai, Ips pini, Ips calligraphus, Ips typographus, (5)(6) Tomicus piniperda (Blastophagus piniperda), (6) Tomicus minor, (7) Dendroctonus terebrans | (1) [Pitman, 1968]; [Gries, 1992a]; (2) [Pitman, 1969]; (3) [Rudinsky, 1972]; (4) [Vité, 1972b]; (5) [Francke, 1976]; (6) [Lanne, 1987]; (7) [Phillips, 1989b] | Mori, 1976b |
823 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [trans-verbenol] | (1S*, 2R*, 5S*)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Many species in the genera Dendroctonus, Ips, and Pityogenes | | |
824 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [trans-verbenol] | (1R, 2S, 5R)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (weevil) | Gonipterus platensis | Branco, 2020 | |
825 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [cis-verbenol] | (1S, 2S, 5S)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle, weevil) | (1) Ips paraconfusus (Ips confusus), (2) Ips calligraphus, (3) Ips integer, Ips pini, Ips typographus, (4) Ips acuminatus, (5) Dendroctonus ponderosae, (6) Ips nitidus, (7) Ips shangrila, (8) Pseudips orientalis, (9) Gonipterus platensis | (1) [Silverstein, 1966]; [Silverstein, 1967a]; Renwick, 1976a; [Young, 1973]; Light, 1983; (2) [Renwick, 1972]; Vité, 1976b; (3) [Vité, 1972b]; (4) Bakke, 1978; (5) [Miller, 1991a]; (6) Zhang, 2009a; (7) Zhang, 2009b; (8) Zhang, 2011; (9) Branco, 2020 | Mori, 1976c |
826 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [cis-verbenol] | (1S*, 2S*, 5S*)-4, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Many species in the genera Dendroctonus, Ips, and Pityogenes | | |
827 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-pinene] | 2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle), Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | some species | | |
828 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-pinene] | 2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Artystona obscura, Artystona erichsoni, Artystona rugiceps | [Gnanasunderam, 1981b] | |
829 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-pinene] | 2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | many species | | |
830 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-pinene] | 2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1) sex (M) ?, (2) allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | (1) Pieridae (butterfly), (2) Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Pieris melete, Pieris napi, (2) Papilio macilentus | (1) [Hayashi, 1978]; (2) [Ômura, 2006] | |
831 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-pinene] | 2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | gland secretion | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Dolichothrips sp. | [Suzuki, 2004] | |
832 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(+)-α-pinene] | (1R, 5R)-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1-7)(10) allomone ?, (8)(9) alarm | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes exitiosus, Nasutitermes longipennis, etc., (2) Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris, (3) Trinervitermes gratiosus, (4) Cortaritermes silvestri, (5)(7) Hospitalitermes umbrinus, (6) Nasutitermes corniger, (6)(9) Nasutitermes nigriceps, (6)(9)(10) Nasutitermes ephratae, (7) Hospitalitermes hospitalis, Hospitalitermes flaviventris, Hospitalitermes bicolor, (8) Nasutitermes princeps, (9) Nasutitermes velox, (10) Nasutitermes rippertii | (1) [Moore, 1968a]; (2) [Nutting, 1974]; (3) [Prestwich, 1977b]; (4) [Baker, 1982e]; (5) [Chuah, 1983]; (6) [Gush, 1985]; (7) [Chuah, 1986]; (8) [Everaerts, 1988]; Everaerts , 1990; Roisin, 1990; (9) Lindström, 1990; (10) Valterová, 1993 | |
833 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(+)-α-pinene] | (1R, 5R)-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1) gland secretion, (2) allomone | Heteroptera | (1) Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug), (2) Cydnidae (burrowing bug) | (1) Jadera haematoloma, (2) Sehirus cinctus | (1) [Aldrich, 1979b]; (2) Krall, 1997 | |
834 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-α-pinene] | (1S, 5S)-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1)(5) alarm, (2-4)(6) allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1)(4) Nasutitermes costalis, Nasutitermes rippertii, (2)(4) Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes nigriceps, (3) Grallatotermes grallator, Nasutitermes rufirostris, (4) Nasutitermes hubbardii, (5)(6) Constrictotermes cyphergaster | (1) [Vrkoč, 1978c]; (2) [Gush, 1985]; (3) [Everaerts, 1988]; (4) Valterová, 1993; (5) Cristaldo, 2015; (6) [De Mello, 2021] | |
835 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-α-pinene] | (1S, 5S)-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1) alarm ?, (2) alarm | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | (1) Chaitoporus populeti, Drepanosiphum platanoides, (1)(2) Megoura viciae | (1) [Francis, 2005]; (2) Song, 2021 | |
836 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-α-pinene] | (1S, 5S)-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Phloeosinus aubei | Bozsik, 2024 | |
837 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [β-pinene] | 6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pristomyrmex pungens | [Hayashi, 1977] | |
838 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [β-pinene] | 6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane | allomone | {Polyzoniida} | Polyzoniidae (millipede) | Buzonium crassipes | [Wood, 2000] | |
839 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-β-pinene] | (1S, 5S)-6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane | (1)(5) alarm, (2-4) allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1)(5) Nasutitermes costalis, Nasutitermes rippertii, (2)(4) Hospitalitermes umbrinus, (3)(5) Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes nigriceps, (3) Nasutitermes corniger, (4) Hospitalitermes hospitalis, Hospitalitermes flaviventris, Hospitalitermes bicolor, (5) Nasutitermes hubbardii | (1) [Vrkoč, 1978c]; (2) [Chuah, 1983]; (3) [Gush, 1985]; (4) [Chuah, 1986]; (5) Valterová, 1993 | |
840 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-β-pinene] | (1S, 5S)-6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane | (1) gland secretion, (2) allomone | Heteroptera | (1) Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug), (2) Cydnidae (burrowing bug) | (1) Niesthrea louisianica. Jadera haematoloma, (2) Sehirus cinctus | (1) [Aldrich, 1979b]; (2) Krall, 1997 | |
841 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-β-pinene] | (1S, 5S)-6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane | (1)(2) alarm ?, (3) alarm | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | (1-3) Megoura viciae, (2) Aphis idaei, Chaitoporus populeti, Drepanosiphum platanoides | (1) [Pickett, 1980a]; (2) [Francis 2005]; (3) Song, 2021 | |
842 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [pinocarvone] | 6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-3-one | gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Apamea monoglypha | [Aplin, 1970] | |
843 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [pinocarvone] | 6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-3-one | gland secretion (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus brevicomis | [Libbey, 1974] | |
844 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [trans-pinocarveol] | (1S*, 3R*, 5S*)-6, 6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-3-ol | gland secretion (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus brevicomis | [Libbey, 1974] | |
845 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂)4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [verbenene] | 6, 6-dimethyl-4-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus rufipennis | [Gries, 1992b] | |
846 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂OH)4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(+)-myrtenol] | (1S, 5R)-(6, 6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methanol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Ips cembrae, (2) Dendroctonus terebrans, (3) Ips sexdentatus | (1) Kohnle, 1988; (2) [Phillips, 1989b]; (3) Francke, 1995a | |
847 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂OH)4,Me6,Me6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [(-)-myrtenol] | (1R, 5S)-(6, 6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methanol | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Phloeosinus aubei | Bozsik, 2024 | |
848 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.1]bicyclo [fenchone] | (1R, 4S)-1, 3, 3-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one | kairomone | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus micans | Grégoire, 1992 | |
849 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.1]bicyclo [(-)-β-fenchol] | (1S, 2S, 4R)-1, 3, 3-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis capitata | Jacobson, 1980 | |
850 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [camphor] | (1R, 4R)-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (shield bug) | Orsilochides leucoptera | Melo, 2020 | |
851 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [hydroxycamphor] | (1S, 3S, 4R)-3-hydroxy-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Lampyridae (firefly) | Photinus corruscus | Lower, 2023 | |
852 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [borneol] | (1R, 2S, 4R)-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | (1) Pristiphora erichsonii, (2) Pristiphora geniculata | (1) [Jonsson, 1988]; (2) [Duffield, 1990b] | |
853 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [borneol] | (1R, 2S, 4R)-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (shield bug) | Orsilochides leucoptera | Melo, 2020 | |
854 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.2]bicyclo [1,8-cineole, eucalyptol] | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(2) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (3) Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Stenus bipunctatus, (2) Stenus comma, (3) Ardistomis schaumii | (1) Schildknecht, 1970a; (2) Schildknecht, 1976a; (3) Attygalle, 2009 | |
855 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.2]bicyclo [1,8-cineole, eucalyptol] | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane | allomone | Heteroptera | Lygaeidae (seed bug) | Oxycarenus hyalinipennis (cotton seed bug) | Olagbemiro, 1983 | |
856 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.2]bicyclo [1,8-cineole, eucalyptol] | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane | recruitment | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Bombus terrestris | Granero, 2005 | |
857 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.2]bicyclo [1,8-cineole, eucalyptol] | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Hermanniidae (oribatid mite) | Hermannia convexa | Raspotnig, 2005a | |
858 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.2]bicyclo [dehydrocineole] | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-ene | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Caloglyphus rodriguezi | [Ayorinde, 1984] | Ayorinde, 1984 |
859 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me1,Me3,Me3-[2.2.2]bicyclo [dehydrocineole] | 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-ene | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Nothridae (oribatid mite) | Nothrus palustris | [Raspotnig, 2023] | |
860 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | Me3,Me7,Me7-[4.1.0]bicyclo [(-)-3-carene] | (1R, 6S)-3, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene | (1) alarm, (2) allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Nasutitermes costalis, (1) Nasutitermes rippertii, (2) Nasutitermes ephratae | (1) [Vrkoč, 1978c]; (2) Valterová, 1992; Valterová, 1993 | |
861 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CHO)3,Me7,Me7-[4.1.0]bicyclo [3-carene-10-al] | (1S, 6R)-3-formyl-7, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene [(1S, 6R)-7, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene-3-carbaldehyde] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pristiphora wesmaeli | Jonsson, 1988 | |
862 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) | (CH₂OH)3,Me7,Me7-[4.1.0]bicyclo [3-carene-10-ol] | (1S, 6R)-3-hydroxymethyl-7, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene [(1S, 6R)-(7, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-en-3-yl)methanol] | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Tomicus minor, Tomicus piniperda | Lanne, 1987 | |
863 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) + C2 | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [bornyl acetate] | (1R, 2S, 4R)-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl acetate | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Paranonychidae (spider: harvestman) | Sclerobunus robustus | [Ekpa, 1984] | |
864 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) + C2 | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [bornyl acetate] | (1R, 2S, 4R)-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl acetate | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | (1) Pristiphora erichsonii, (2) Pristiphora geniculata | (1) [Jonsson, 1988]; (2) [Duffield, 1990b] | |
865 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C7) + C3 | Me1,Me7,Me7-[2.2.1]bicyclo [bornyl propionate] | (1R, 2S, 4R)-1, 7, 7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl propionate | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Paranonychidae (spider: harvestman) | Sclerobunus robustus | [Ekpa, 1984] | |
866 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C7) | (CH₂)2,Me6,(C₆H₁₁)6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [β-trans-bergamotene] | (1S*, 5S*, 6R*)-6-methyl-2-methylene-6-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)bicyclo[3.1.1]heptane | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Eulophidae (wasp) | Melittobia digitata | [Cônsoli, 2002] | |
867 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C7) | Me2,Me6,(C₆H₁₁)6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-trans-bergamotene] | (1S*, 5S*, 6R*)-2, 6-dimethyl-6-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1) gland secretion (M), (2) sex (M) | Hymenoptera | (1) Tephritidae (fruit fly), (2) Eulophidae (wasp) | (1) Anastrepha ludens, (2) Melittobia digitata | (1) [Rocca, 1992]; (2) [Cônsoli, 2002] | |
868 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C7) | Me2,Me6,(C₆H₁₁)6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [α-trans-bergamotene] | (1S*, 5S*, 6R*)-2, 6-dimethyl-6-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene | (1) sex (M), (2) aggregation | Heteroptera | (1) Coreidae (true bug), (2) Pentatomidade (stink bug) | (1) Leptoglossus zonatus, (2) Dolycoris baccarum | (1) [Inoue, 2019]; (2) [Yang, 2019] | |
869 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C7) | Me2,Me6,(OHCC₅H₈)6-[3.1.1]bicyclo [bergamotenal] | (2Z, 1’S*, 5’S*, 6’R*)-5-(2’, 6’-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-6-yl)-2-methylpent-2-enal | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Eysarcoris parvus (white-spotted spined bug) | | [Alizadeh, 2002] |
870 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C17 (C7) | Me4,(C₈H₁₄OH)4,Me8-[3.3.0]bicyclo [gomadalactone A] | (1S, 4R, 5S)-5-hydroxy-4-[(E)-7-hydroxy-4-methylhept-3-enyl]-4, 8-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-7-en-2, 6-dione | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | [Yasui, 2007]; Mori, 2007; Fujiwara-Tsujii, 2019; [Yasui, 2023] | |
871 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C17 (C7) | Me4,(C₈H₁₄OH)4,Me8-[3.3.0]bicyclo [gomadalactone B] | (1R, 4R, 5R)-5-hydroxy-4-[(E)-7-hydroxy-4-methylhept-3-enyl]-4, 8-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-7-en-2, 6-dione | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | [Yasui, 2007]; Mori, 2007; Fujiwara-Tsujii, 2019; [Yasui, 2023] | |
872 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C17 (C7) | Me4,(C₈H₁₄OH)4,Me8-[3.3.0]bicyclo [gomadalactone C] | (1S, 4R, 5S, 8S)-5-hydroxy-4-[(E)-7-hydroxy-4-methylhept-3-enyl]-4, 8-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.0]octa-2, 6-dione | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | [Yasui, 2007]; Mori, 2007; Fujiwara-Tsujii, 2019; [Yasui, 2023] | |
873 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C9 (C8) | Me2,CO3,CO5-[,6)]tricyclo [palasonin] | (1R*, 2S*, 6R*, 7S*)-2-methyl-4, 10-dioxatricyclo[, 6)]decane-3, 5-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(4) Meloidae (blister beetle), (2) Cleridae (checkered beetle), (3) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Hycleus lunata, (2) Trichodes apiaries, (3) Eusphalerum minutum, (4) Hycleus oculatus, Hycleus tinctus | (1-3) Fietz, 2002; (4) [Mebs, 2009] | |
874 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [nepetalactone] | (1R, 6S, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]non-4-en-2-one | sex (F) | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | (1) Megoura viciae (vetch aphid), (2) Schizaphis graminum (greenbug), (3) Aphis fabae (black bean aphid), Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphid), Myzus persicae (peach-potato aphid), (4) Sitobion fragariae, (5) Sitobion avenae (grain aphid), (6) Brevicoryne brassicae (cabbage aphid) (7) Tuberocephalus momonis (peach aphid), (8) Aphis spiraecola (spiraea aphid), (9) Macrosiphum euphorbiae (potato aphi), (10) Aphis glycines (soybean aphid), (11) Dysaphis plantaginea (rosy apple aphid), (12) Hyalopterus pruni (mealy plum aphid), Brachycaudus helichrysi (leaf-curl plum aphid), (13) Toxoptera aurantii (tea aphid) | (1) Dawson, 1987a; Hardie, 1990; (2) Dawson, 1988; (3) Dawson, 1990; (4) Hardie, 1992; Hardie, 1997; (5) Lilley, 1995; (6) Gabryś, 1997; (7) Boo, 2000; (8) Jeon, 2003; (9) Goldansaz, 2004; (10) Zhu, 2006; (11) Dewhirst, 2008; (12) Symmes, 2012; (13) Han, 2014 | Dawson, 1996 |
875 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [nepetalactol] | (1R, 2R, 6S, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]non-4-en-2-ol | sex (F) | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | (1) Megoura viciae (vetch aphid), (2) Schizaphis graminum (greenbug), (3) Aphis fabae (black bean aphid), Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphid), Myzus persicae (peach-potato aphid), (4) Tuberocephalus momonis (peach aphid), (5) Rhopalosiphum padi, (6) Aphis spiraecola (spiraea aphid), (7) Macrosiphum euphorbiae (potato aphi), (8) Aphis glycines (soybean aphid), (9) Dysaphis plantaginea (rosy apple aphid), (10) Hyalopterus pruni (mealy plum aphid), Brachycaudus helichrysi (leaf-curl plum aphid), (11) Toxoptera aurantii (tea aphid) | (1) [Dawson, 1987a]; Dawson, 1989; Hardie, 1990; (2) Dawson, 1988; (3) Dawson, 1990; (4) Boo, 2000; (5) Birkett, 2003; (6) Jeon, 2003; (7) Goldansaz, 2004; (8) Zhu, 2006; (9) Dewhirst, 2008; (10) Symmes, 2012; (11) Han, 2014 | Dawson, 1996 |
876 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [nepetalactol] | (1S, 2RS, 6R, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]non-4-en-2-ol | sex (F) | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Phorodon humuli (damson-hop aphid) | Campbell, 1990 | |
877 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [dihydronepetalactone] | (1R, 5R, 6R, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2-one | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Iridomyrmex nitidus, (2) Iridomyrmex nitidiceps (Australian cocktail) | (1) Cavill, 1967a; (2) Cavill, 1982 | |
878 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [dihydronepetalactone] | (1S, 5R, 6R, 9R)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Alloxysta victrix, (2) Alloxysta pleuralis etc. | (1) Petersen, 2000; Hilgraf, 2012; (2) Hübner, 2002 | |
879 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [dihydronepetalactone] | (1S, 5R, 6R, 9R)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Creophilus maxillosus, (2) Creophilus maxillosus, Ocypus aeneocephalus, Ocypus fuscatus | (1) [Jefson, 1983]; (2) [Huth, 1990] | |
880 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [iridomyrmecin] | (1R, 5S, 6S, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-4-one | (1)(3) allomone, (1)(2) trail | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Linepithema humile (Iridomyrmex humilis, Argentine ant), (2) Tapinoma simrothi, (3) Leptopilina ryukyuensis, Leptopilina japonica | (1) [Cavill, 1956a]; Cavill, 1974a; [Cavill, 1976]; Choe, 2012; [Salado, 2023]; (2) [Simon, 1991]; (3) Böttinger, 2019 | |
881 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [epi-iridomyrmecin] | (1S, 5R, 6R, 9R)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-4-one | allomone | Hymenoptera | Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Leptopilina heterotoma, (2) Leptopilina ryukyuensis | (1) Stökl, 2012; (2) Böttinger, 2019 | |
882 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [(5R)-iridomyrmecin, isoiridomyrmecin] | (1R, 5R, 6S, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-4-one | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Iridomyrmex nitidus, (2) Iridomyrmex nitidiceps (Australian cocktail) | (1) Cavill, 1956b; Cavill, 1967a; (2) Cavill, 1982 | |
883 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [(1S,6R,9R)-iridomyrmecin, epi-isoiridomyrmecin] | (1S, 5S, 6R, 9R)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-4-one | allomone | Hymenoptera | Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Leptopilina heterotoma, (2) Leptopilina ryukyuensis, Leptopilina japonica | (1) Stökl, 2012; (2) Böttinger, 2019 | |
884 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [(6R)-iridomyrmecin] | (1R, 5S, 6R, 9S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-4-one | mandibular gland | Hymenoptera | Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Alloxysta victrix, (2) Alloxysta pleuralis etc. | (1) Petersen, 2000; Hilgraf, 2012; (2) Hübner, 2002 | Hilgraf, 2012 |
885 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [(1S,9R)-iridomyrmecin] | (1S, 5S, 6S, 9R)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-4-one | mandibular gland | Hymenoptera | Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Alloxysta victrix, (2) Alloxysta pleuralis etc. | (1) Petersen, 2000; Hilgraf, 2012; (2) Hübner, 2002 | Hilgraf, 2012 |
886 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [plagiolactone] | (5S, 6S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nona-1, 8-dien-4-one | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Plagiodera versicolora, (2) Plagiodera versicolora distincta, Linaeidea aenea | (1) [Meinwald, 1977a]; (2) Sugawara, 1979b | Meinwald, 1978a |
887 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [epi-plagiolactone] | (5R, 6S)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nona-1, 8-dien-4-one | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Plagiodera versicolora distincta, Linaeidea aenea | Sugawara, 1979b | |
888 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [gastrolactone] | 5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nona-4, 8-dien-2-one | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Gastrophysa cyanea | [Pasteels, 1982] | |
889 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,CO3,CO5,Me6-[,6)]tricyclo [cantharidin] | cis-2, 6-dimethyl-4, 10-dioxatricyclo[, 6)]decane-3, 5-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(3-7)(9)(10)(13)(16) Meloidae (blister beetle), (2)(8)(11)(17) Oedemeridae (false blister beetle), (12) Pyrochroidae (fire-coloured beetle), (14) Cleridae (checkered beetle), (15) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Epicauta gorhami, (2) Xanthochroa waterhousei, (3) Meloe proscarabeus, (4)(9) Epicauta pestifera, (5) Epicauta tomentosa, (6) Epicauta amaicha, Epicauta brunea, Epicauta lauta, Epicauta corvine, etc., (7) Lytta vesicatoria, (8) Heliocis repanda, Oxycopis thoraciea, (9) Epicauta occidentalis, Epicauta pennsylvanica, Epicauta fabricii, (10) Epicauta junebris, (11) Oedemera femorata, (12) Schizotus pectinicornis, (13) Hycleus lunata, (14) Trichodes apiaries, (15) Eusphalerum minutum, (16) Hycleus oculatus, Hycleus tinctus, (17) Oedemera podagrariae, Mylabris bifasciata, etc. | (1) Shimano, 1953; (2) Kurosa, 1958; (3) Dixon, 1963; (4) Walter, 1967; (5) Hammouda, 1974; (6) Carrel, 1974; (7) Sierra, 1976; (8) Carrel, 1986: (9) Blodgett, 1991; (10) Carrel, 1993; (11)(12) Holz, 1994; (13)(14)(15) Fietz, 2002; (16) Mebs, 2009; (17) Abtahi, 2012 | |
890 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2,CO3,CO5,Me6-[,6)]tricyclo [cantharidin] | cis-2, 6-dimethyl-4, 10-dioxatricyclo[, 6)]decane-3, 5-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Oedemeridae, Meloidae, (2) Pyrochroidae, Cleridae, Staphylinidae, Anthicidae | Many species: (1) cantharidin-producing species, (2) canthariphilous species | Schütz, 1992; Holz, 1994 | |
891 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C8) | Me2, CO3, CO5, Me6-[,6)]tricyclo [cantharidin] | cis-2, 6-dimethyl-4, 10-dioxatricyclo[, 6)]decane-3, 5-dione | aggregation ? | Diptera | Ceratopogonidae (biting midge) | Atrichopogon oedemerarum, Atrichopogon trifasciatus | Frenzel, 1992; Frenzel, 1994 | |
892 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C11 (C8) | Me2,Me2,Me6-[4.3.1]bicyclo [dihydroactinidiolide] | 2, 2, 6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]non-9-en-8-one | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Idea iasonia, (2) Heliconius erato, Heliconius timareta | (1) Francke, 1989a, (2) Mann, 2017 | |
893 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C12 (C8) | Me2,(C₂H₃)2,Me6-[4.3.0]bicyclo [anastrephin] | (1S, 2R, 6S)-2, 6-dimethyl-2-vinyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-8-one | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1-4) Anastrepha ludens (Mexican fruit fly), (1)(3-5) Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly) | (1) Battiste, 1983; (2) Stokes, 1983; (3) [Rocca, 1992]; (4) [Baker, 1993]; (5) Lu, 2001 | Wada, 2016 |
894 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C12 (C8) | Me2,(C₂H₃)2,Me6-[4.3.0]bicyclo [epi-anastrephin] | (1S, 2S, 6S)-2, 6-dimethyl-2-vinyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-8-one | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1-5) Anastrepha ludens (Mexican fruit fly), (1)(4-6) Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly), (7-9) Anastrepha fraterculus | (1) Battiste, 1983; (2) Stokes, 1983; (3) Robacker, 1985; (4) [Rocca, 1992]; (5) [Baker, 1993]; (6) Lu, 2001; (7) Lima, 2001; (8) Milet-Pinheiro, 2015; (9) [Goane, 2023] | |
895 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C14 (C8) | (C₄H₅O)4,Me5,Me9-[4.3.0]bicyclo [gyrinidone] | (1'E, 1R, 6S, 9S)-4-(3'-oxobut-1'-enyl)-5, 9-dimethyl-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]non-4-en-2-ol | allomone | Coleoptera | Gyrinidae (water beetle) | (1) Dineutus discolor, (2) Dineutus nigrior, (2)(3) Dineutus assimilis | (1) Wheeler, 1972a; (2) Miller, 1975; (3) Newhart, 1978 | |
896 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C8) | Me2,Me2,Me6,(C₄H₃O)8-[4.3.0]bicyclo [ancistrofuran] | (1R*,6R*,8S*)-8-(3-furanyl)-2, 2, 6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonane | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Ancistrotermes cavithorax | [Baker, 1978b] | [Baker, 1978c] |
897 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C10 (C9) + C6 + C2 | iridoid glucoside [paederoside] | 4-(methylsulfanylformyloxymethyl)-5-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2a, 4a, 5, 7b-tetrahydro-2, 6-dioxacyclopenta[cd]inden-1-one | allomon | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Acyrthosiphon nipponicus | [Nishida, 1989a] | |
898 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C13 (C9) | Me1,Me3,Me7,Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo [epoxytetrahydroedulan] | (1R, 3S, 6R, 9S, 10S)-9, 10-epoxy-1, 3, 7, 7-tetramethyl-2-oxabicyclo[4.4.0]decane | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Euploea klugii, Euploea leucostictos, (1)(3) Euploea mulciber, (2) Amauris hecate | (1) Francke, 1989b; (2) [Schulz, 1993a]; (3) Honda, 2006 | Francke, 1989b |
899 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C13 (C9) | Me1,Me3,Me7,Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo | (1R*, 3S*, 6S*)-1, 3, 7, 7-tetramethyl-2-oxabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-9-en-8-one | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Danaus plexippus | [Bellas, 1974a]; [Francke, 1989b] | Francke, 1989b |
900 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C13 (C9) | Me1,Me3,Me7,Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo [dihydroedulan] | 1, 3, 7, 7-tetramethyl-2-oxabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-9-ene | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Heliconius charithonia, (2)(3) Heliconius erato, (2) Heliconius cydno, Heliconius eleuchia, Heliconius melpomene, etc. | (1) [Estrada, 2010]; (2) [Darragh, 2020]; (3) [Ehlers, 2021] | |
901 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C9) | Me1,(C₂H₃)3,Me3,Me7,Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo [cararrapi oxide] | (1R*, 3S*, 6R*)-3-vinyl-1, 3, 7, 7-tetramethyl-2-oxabicyclo[4.4.0]decane | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes evuncifer | Baker, 1978a | |
902 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C9) | Me1, (C₂H₃)3, Me3, Me7, Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo [epi-cararrapi oxide] | (1R*, 3R*, 6R*)-3-vinyl-1, 3, 7, 7-tetramethyl-2-oxabicyclo[4.4.0]decane | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes evuncifer | Baker, 1978a | |
903 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C12 (C10) | Me4,Me8a-perhydronaphthalene [geosmin] | (4S, 4aS, 8aR)-4, 8a-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-octahydronaphthalen-4a-ol | alarm | {Polydesmida} | Cryptodesmidae (millipede) | Niponia nodulosa | [Ômura, 2002b] | |
904 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPrope4,Me6,Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo [aristolochene] | (6R*, 7S*)-4-isopropenyl-6, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]dec-1-ene [(4aR*, 6S*)-6-isopropenyl-4, 4a-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7-octahydronaphthalene] | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Syntermes dirus, Syntermes molestus. Syntermes brevimalatus, Syntermes peruanus | [Baker, 1981a] | |
905 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | iPrope4,Me6,Me7-[4.4.0]bicyclo [valencene] | 4-isopropenyl-6, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]dec-10-ene [3-isopropenyl-4a, 5-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7-octahydronaphthalene] | gland secretion | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Psammotermes hybostoma | [Krasulová, 2012] | |
906 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [epi-α-selinene] | (1R*, 6S*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-2, 6-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene [(2R*,4aS*,8aR*)-2-isopropenyl-4a, 8-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8a-octahydronaphthalene] | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes evuncifer | [Baker, 1978a] | |
907 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [epi-α-selinene] | (1S*, 6S*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-2, 6-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene [(2R*,4aS*, 8aS*)-2-isopropenyl-4a, 8-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8a-octahydronaphthalene] | allomone | Isoptera | (1)(2) Termitidae (termite), (3) Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Syntermes peruanus (2) Noditermes wasambaricus, (3) Nasutitermes novarumhebridarum | (1) [Baker, 1981]; (2) [Naya, 1982]; (3) [Everaerts, 1993] | |
908 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me3,Me7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [torreyol, δ-cadinol] | 10-isopropyl-7-hydroxy-3, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene [4-isopropyl-1, 6-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 7, 8, 8a-octahydronaphthalen-1-ol] | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Lycaenidae (butterfly) | Lycaeides argyrognomon | [Lundgren, 1975] | |
909 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [amiteol] | (1S*, 2R*, 6R*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-2, 6-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]decan-2-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes excellens | [Naya, 1982] | |
910 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [neo-intermedeol] | (1R*, 2S*, 6R*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-2, 6-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]decan-2-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Amitermes excellens | [Braekman, 1993] | |
911 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [selin-11-en-4α-ol, kongol] | (1R*, 2R*, 6R*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-2, 6-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]decan-2-ol [7-isopropenyl-1, 4a-dimethyldecahydronaphthalen-1-ol] | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Battus polydamas | [Eisner, 1971b] | |
912 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [β-selinene] | (1S*, 6R*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-6-methyl-2-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]decane [(4aR*, 7R*, 8aS*)-7-isopropenyl-4a-methyl-1-methylenedecahydronaphthalene] | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Battus polydamas | [Eisner, 1971b] | |
913 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [β-selinene] | (1S*, 6R*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-6-methyl-2-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]decane [(4aR*, 7R*, 8aS*)-7-isopropenyl-4a-methyl-1-methylenedecahydronaphthalene] | aggregation | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes speratus | [Nguyen, 2011] | |
914 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)2,Me6,iPrope9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [β-selinene] | (1R*, 6S*, 9R*)-9-isopropenyl-6-methyl-2-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]decane [(4aS*, 7R*, 8aR*)-7-isopropenyl-4a-methyl-1-methylenedecahydronaphthalene] | gland secretion | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite)
Nasutitermes | Nasutitermes novarumhebridarum | [Everaerts, 1993] | |
915 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)2,Me6,iPr9-[4.4.0]bicyclo [platambin] | (1R*, 5S*, 6S*, 9S*, 10S*)-5, 10-dihydroxy-9-isopropyl-6-methyl-2-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]decane [(1S*, 2S*, 4aS*, 5S*, 8aR*)-2-isopropyl-4a-methyl-8-methylenedecahydro-1, 5-naphthalenediol] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Platambus maculatus | [Schildknecht, 1975] | |
916 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)3,Me7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [γ1-cadinene] | (1R, 6S, 10R)-10-isopropyl-7-methyl-3-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-7-ene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Reticulitermes flavipes, (1) Reticulitermes virginicus, (3) Amitermes cadinene | (1) Zalkow, 1981; (2) [Bagnères; 1990]; (3) Braekman, 1993 (mis structure determination) | |
917 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)3,(CHO)7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [γ1-cadinenal] | (1R, 6S, 10R)-7-formyl-10-isopropyl-3-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-7-ene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Reticulitermes flavipes, (1) Reticulitermes virginicus | (1) Zalkow, 1981; (2) [Bagnères; 1990] (mis structure determination) | |
918 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me3,(CH₂)7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [γ-cadinene] | (1R, 6R, 10S)-10-isopropyl-3-methyl-7-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene [(1S, 4aR, 8aR)-1-isopropyl-7-methyl-4-methylene-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8a-octahydronaphthalene] | (1)(2) allomone, (3) primer | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Reticulitermes tibialis, Reticulitermes virginicus, Reticulitermes hageni, (1)(3) Reticulitermes flavipes, (2) Reticulitermes lucifugus, Reticulitermes grassei | (1) Nelson, 2001; (2) [Quintana, 2003]; (3) [Tarver, 2009] | |
919 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me3,(CH₂)7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [γ-cadinene] | (1R, 6R, 10S)-10-isopropyl-3-methyl-7-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene [(1S, 4aR, 8aR)-1-isopropyl-7-methyl-4-methylene-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8a-octahydronaphthalene] | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Aphthona cyparissiae, Aphthona czwalinae, Aphthona flava, Phyllotreta cruciferae | Bartelt, 2001 | |
920 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CHO)3,(CH₂)7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [γ-cadinenal] | (1R, 6R, 10S)-3-formyl-10-isopropyl-7-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene [(1S, 4aR, 8aR)-8-isopropyl-5-methylene-3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a-octahydro-naphthalene-2-carbaldehyde] | (1) allomone, (2) primer | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Reticulitermes virginicus, (1)(2) Reticulitermes flavipes | (1) Nelson, 2001; (2) [Tarver, 2009] | |
921 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me3,Me7,iPr10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [δ-cadinene] | (1R, 10S)-10-isopropyl-3, 7-dimethylbicyclo[4.4.0]deca-2, 6-diene [(1S, 8aR)-1-isopropyl-4, 7-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8a-hexahydronaphthalene] | (1) allomone ? (larva), (2) gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | (1) Papilionidae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Atrophaneura alcinous, (2) Heliconius cydno, Heliconius erato | (1) [Honda, 1980c]; (2) [Darragh, 2020] | |
922 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me4,Me6,iPr9-[,9)]tricyclo | (1R*, 5R*, 6R*, 9R*)-9-isopropyl-4, 6-dimethyltricyclo[, 9)]dec-3-en-2-one | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Tynacantha marginata | | {Kuwahara, 2000b]; Kuwahara, 2000c |
923 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | Me1,Me4,iPr8-[5.3.0]bicyclo [daucene] | (R)-8-isopropyl-1, 4-dimethylbicyclo[5.3.0]dec-3, 7-diene [(R)-3-isopropyl-6, 8a-dimethyl-1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 8a-hexahydroazulene] | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Alphitobius diaperinus | Robacker, 2009 | |
924 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C10) | (CH₂)2,(C₂H₃)5,Me9,Me9-[6.2.0]bicyclo [leptotriene] | (1S, 8R)-9, 9-dimethyl-2-methylene-5-vinyl-bicyclo[6.2.0]dec-4-ene | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Leptoglossus zonatus, Leptoglossus occidentalis | Millar, 2022b | |
925 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C10) | Me3,(CH₂)7,(C₈H₁₅)10-[4.4.0]bicyclo [bifloratriene] | (1R, 6R, 10S, 1'R)-10-(1', 5'-dimethylhex-4'-enyl)-3-methyl-7-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-2-ene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Cubitermes umbratus, (2) Cubitermes ugandensis | (1) Wiemer, 1980; (2) Prestwich, 1984a | |
926 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C40 (C10) | Me2,(C₂₈H₅₅)6,Me8-[,5)]tricyclo [poduran] | 2, 8-dimethyl-6-(5, 9, 13, 17, 21-pentamethyl-1-methylenedocosyl)tricyclo[, 5]decane | allomone ? | Collembola | Poduridae (springtail) | Podura aquatica | [Schulz, 1997b] | |
927 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C14 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R)-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-en-9-one | sex, aggregation (M) ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Phyllotreta cruciferae, (2) Phyllotreta pusilla | (1) Bartelt, 2001; Muto, 2004; (2) Bartelt, 2011 | Muto, 2004 |
928 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me4,(CH₂)8,Me11,Me11-[7.2.0]bicyclo [β-caryophyllene] | (1R*, 4E, 9S*)-4, 11, 11-trimethyl-8-methylidenebicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Papilio machaon, Papilio memnon, (2) Papilio demodocus | (1) [Honda, 1981]; (2) [Burger, 1985] | |
929 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me4,(CH₂)8,Me11,Me11-[7.2.0]bicyclo [β-caryophyllene] | (1R, 4E, 9S)-4, 11, 11-trimethyl-8-methylidenebicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene | (1)(2) aggregation (F), (3) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (weevil), (2)(3) Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Anthonomus grandis (cotton boll weevil), (2)(3) Harmonia axyridis (Asian lady beetle) | (1) [Hedin , 1979]; (2) Brown, 2006; (3) Fassotte, 2014 | |
930 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me4,(CH₂)8,Me11,Me11-[7.2.0]bicyclo [β-caryophyllene] | (1R, 4E, 9S)-4, 11, 11-trimethyl-8-methylidenebicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera correcta | Tokushima, 2010; Kamiji, 2018; Zhang, 2019 | |
931 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me4,(CH₂)8,Me11,Me11-[7.2.0]bicyclo [caryophyllene oxide] | (1R*, 4E, 9S*)-4, 5-epoxy-4, 11, 11-trimethyl-8-methylidenebicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio memnon | [Honda, 1981] | |
932 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me2,Me4,Me8-[, 9)]tricyclo [4,11-epoxy-cis-eudesmane] | (1R*, 4S*, 8S*, 9R*)-2, 2, 4, 8-tetramethyl-3-oxatricyclo[, 9)]dodecane | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Amitermes evuncifer, (2) Amitermes messinae, (3) Amitermes emersoni, Amitermes coachellae, (4) Amitermes cadinene | (1) [Wadhams, 1974]; [Baker, 1978a]; (2) [Meinwald, 1978b]; [Prestwich, 1979a]; (3) [Scheffrahn, 1988]; (4) [Braekman, 1993] | |
933 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me2,(CH₂)6,Me10-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1R, 7R)-2, 2, 10-trimethyl-6-methylenebicyclo[5.4.0]undec-10-ene | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Aphthona czwalinae, Aphthona flava, Phyllotreta cruciferae | Bartelt, 2001 | |
934 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,Me9-[5.4.0]bicyclo [himachala-9,11-diene] | (1S, 2R)-2, 6, 6, 9-tetramethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undeca-7, 9-diene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1)(4) Phyllotreta cruciferae, (1) Aphthona cyparissiae, Aphthona czwalinae, Aphthona flava, (2) Phyllotreta striolata, (3) Altica litigate, (4) Phyllotreta vittula | (1) Bartelt, 2001; Muto, 2004; Tóth, 2005; (2) Beran, 2011; Bartelt, 2011; Beran, 2016; (3) [Carruthers, 2011]; (4) Tóth, 2012 | Muto, 2004 |
935 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,Me9-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R, 9R)-2, 6, 6, 9-tetramethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-en-9-ol | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Aphthona cyparissiae, Aphthona czwalinae | Bartelt, 2001 | |
936 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,Me9-[5.4.0]bicyclo [ar-himachalene] | (R)-2, 6, 6, 9-tetramethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undeca-7, 9, 11-triene [2, 5, 9, 9-tetramethyl-6, 7, 8, 9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptene] | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Phyllotreta cruciferae, Aphthona cyparissiae | Bartelt, 2001; Muto, 2004 | Muto, 2004; Mori, 2005 |
937 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,Me9-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R, 9S)-9-hydroxy-2, 6, 6, 9-tetramethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-en-10-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Phyllotreta striolata | Bartelt, 2011; Beran, 2016 | |
938 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,(CH₂)9-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R)-2, 6, 6-trimethyl-9-methylenebicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Aphthona cyparissiae, Aphthona czwalinae, Aphthona flava, (2) Altica litigate | (1) Bartelt, 2001; Muto, 2004; (2) [Carruthers, 2011] | Muto, 2004 |
939 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,(CHO)9-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R, 9S)-9-formyl-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Phyllotreta pusilla | Bartelt, 2011 | |
940 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,(CH₂OH)9-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R)-9-hydroxymethyl-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undeca-7, 9-diene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Phyllotreta pusilla | Bartelt, 2011 | |
941 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,(CHO)9-[5.4.0]bicyclo | (1S, 2R)-9-formyl-2, 6, 6-trimethylbicyclo[5.4.0]undeca-7, 9-diene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Phyllotreta pusilla | Bartelt, 2011 | |
942 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me2,Me6,Me6,Me9-[, 8)]tricycle [α-longipinene] | 2, 6, 6, 9-tetramethyltricyclo[, 8)]undec-9-ene | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora glabripennis | [Xu, 2020] | |
943 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) | Me1,Me1,Me4,Me7-perhydrocyclopropa[e]azulene [viridiflorol] | (1aR, 4S, 4aS, 7R, 7aS, 7bS)-1, 1, 4, 7-tetramethyldecahydrocyclopropa[e]azulen-4-ol | allomone | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Oxyops vitiosa | [Wheeler, 2002] | |
944 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C11) + C2 | Me2,Me6,Me6,Me9-[5.4.0]bicyclo [10-acetoxy-γ-himachalene] | (1R, 7S, 10R)-2, 6, 6, 9-tetramethyl-10-acetoxybicyclo[5.4.0]undeca-2, 8-diene | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Byasa alcinous | Ômura, 2016 | |
945 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C16 (C11) | (CH₂)2,Me3,Me6,Me6,Me9-[5.4.0]bicyclo [3-methyl-α-himachalene] | (1S, 3S, 7R, 8Z)-3, 6, 6, 9-tetramethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[5.4.0]undec-8-ene | sex (M) | Diptera | Psychodidae (sand fly) | Lutzomyia longipalpis | [Hamilton, 1996b]; [Hamilton, 1999b]; [Hamilton, 2004]; [Hamilton, 2005b]; Spiegel, 2005 | [Hamilton, 1999b];; Mori, 2000b; Tashiro, 2000 |
946 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C15 (C12) | Me5,Me7,(CH₂OH)7-naphthofurane [stenotarsol] | 7-hydroxymethyl-5, 7-dimethyl-7, 8-dihydro-1H, 6H-naphtho[1, 2-c]furan-3, 9-dione | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Endomychidae (handsome fungus beetle) | Stenotarsus subtilis | [Laurent, 2005b] | |
947 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C15) | Me4,Me8,Me14,15Me,15Me-[9.3.1]bicyclo [sobralene] | (1Z, 3Z, 8E)-4, 8, 14, 15, 15-pentamethylbicyclo[9.3.1]pentadeca-1(14), 3, 8-triene | sex (M) | Diptera | Psychodidae (sand fly) | Lutzomyia longipalpis | [Palframan, 2018] | |
948 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C15) | Me4,Me8,Me12,Me14,Me14-[9.3.1]bicyclo [cubugene] | (1E, 3E, 7E, 11R*, 12S*)-4, 8, 12, 14, 14-pentamethylbicyclo[9.3.1]pentadeca-1, 3, 7-triene | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Cubitermes ugandensis, (2) Crenetermes mixtus, Cubitermes muneris, Cubitermes tenuiceps | (1) [Tempesta, 1984]; (2) [Prestwich, 1984a] | |
949 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me1,Me5,Me9,(CH₂)16-[10.2.2]bicyclo | (1S, 12R, 14S)-14-hydroxy-16-methylene-1, 5, 9-trimethylbicyclo[10.2.2]hexadeca-4, 8-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes lujae, (2) Longipeditermes longipes | (1) Braekman, 1983b; (2) Goh, 1984; Chuah 2007 | |
950 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me9,Me12-[,16).0(12,15)]tetracyclo [rippertane deriv.] | (1S, 2R, 5S, 6S, 9S, 11S, 12S)-2, 6, 9, 12-tetramethyltetracyclo[, 16).0(12, 15)]hexadec-15-en-11-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes rippertii, Nasutitermes ephratae, (2) Bulbitermes germanus, Bulbitermes sarawakensis | (1) Prestwich, 1980b; (2) [Chuah, 2005] | Metz, 1993; Kreuzer, 2008 |
951 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 2R*, 3S*, 6R*, 10S*, 11S*, 12S*, 15S*)-2, 11-epoxy-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-3, 10-diol | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes guayanae | Laurent, 2005a | |
952 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1S, 2R, 5E, 12R, 15S, 16S)-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltricyclo[, 15)]hexadeca-5, 8, 10-triene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes sp. | Buděšínský, 2005 | |
953 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 6S*, 10R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*)-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-2, 9(16)-diene-10, 11-diol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Grallatotermes africanus, (2) Nasutitermes lujae, (3) Hospitalitermes bicolor, (4) Nasutitermes. longinasu | (1) [Prestwich, 1979d]; (2) [Braekman, 1983b]; (3) [Chuah, 1986]; (4) [Chuah, 1989] | |
954 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,16).0(12,15)]tetracyclo [kempenone] | (1S*, 5R*, 6S*, 9R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*, 16R*)-11-hydroxy-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltetracyclo[, 16).0(12, 15)]hexadec-2-en-14-one | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes octopilis | [Prestwich, 1979b] | |
955 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1S, 2R, 5E, 11S, 12S, 15S, 16R)-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltricyclo[, 15)]hexadeca-5, 9-dien-11-ol | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Trinervitermes oeconomus, Trinervitermes trinervoides | Braekman, 1983a | |
956 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R, 6S, 10S, 12R, 15R)-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltricyclo[, 15)]hexadeca-2, 9(16)-diene-10-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes lujae | Braekman, 1983b | |
957 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 6S*, 10S*, 11S*, 12S*, 15S*)-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-2, 9(16)-diene-10, 11-diol | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes kemneri | [Baker, 1982e] | |
958 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | Me2,Me6,Me12,(CH₂)16-[,9).0(12,15)]tetracyclo [longipenol] | (1S, 2S, 5R, 6R, 9R, 11S, 12S, 15S)-11-hydroxy-16-methylene-2, 6, 12-trimethyltetracyclo[, 9).0(12, 15)]hexadecane | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Longipeditermes longipes | Goh, 1984; Prestwich, 1984b; Chuah, 2007 | |
959 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 6S*, 10R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*)-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-10, 11-diol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Trinervitermes gratiosus, (2) Nasutitermes rippertii, (3) Nasutitermes kempae, Nasutitermes infuscatus, Nasutitermes octopilis, (3)(8) Nasutitermes ephratae, (4) Grallatotermes africanus, (5) Trinervitermes bettonianus, (6)(9) Hospitalitermes umbrinus, (7) Longipeditermes longipes, (8) Nasutitermes columbicus, Nasutitermes corniger, Nasutitermes nigriceps, (9) Hospitalitermes hospitalis, Hospitalitermes flaviventris, (10) Nasutitermes longinasu, (11) Lacessititermes ransoneti, (12) Bulbitermes germanus, Bulbitermes sarawakensis | (1) [Prestwich, 1977b]; (2) [Vrkoč, 1978a]; (3) [Prestwich, 1979c]; (4) [Prestwich, 1979d]; (5) [Prestwich, 1981c]; (6) [Chuah, 1983]; (7) [Goh, 1984]; (8) [Gush, 1985]; (9) [Chuah, 1986]; (10) [Chuah, 1989]; (11) [Goh, 1990]; (12) [Chuah, 2005] | |
960 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 6S*, 10S*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*)-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-10, 11-diol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes costalis, (2) Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes columbicus, Nasutitermes corniger, Nasutitermes nigriceps | (1) [Vrkoč, 1978b]; (2) [Gush, 1985] | |
961 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 6S*, 10S*, 11S*, 12S*, 15S*)-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-10, 11-diol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes costalis, (2) Nasutitermes kemneri, (3) Nasutitermes lujae, (4) Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes columbicus, Nasutitermes corniger, Nasutitermes nigriceps | (1) [Vrkoč, 1978b]; (2) [Baker, 1982e] (3) Braekman, 1983b; (4) [Gush, 1985] | |
962 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 3S*, 6R*, 12R*, 15R*)-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-3-ol | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Grallatotermes africanus, (2) Trinervitermes bettonianus, (3) Nasutitermes sp | (1) [Prestwich, 1979d]; (2) [Prestwich, 1981c]; (3) [Baker, 1982e] | |
963 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 | Me1,Me5,Me9,Me16-[10.2.2]bicyclo [secotrinervitane] | (1S, 12R, 14S, 16R)-14-acetoxy-16-hydroxy-1, 5, 9, 16-tetramethylbicyclo[10.2.2]hexadeca-4, 8-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes princeps | Braekman, 1980 | |
964 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,16).0(12,15)]tetracyclo [kempene 2] | (5R*, 6S*, 8S*, 9R*, 12S*, 15R*, 16R*)-8-acetoxy-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltetracyclo[, 16).0(12, 15)]hexadeca-2, 14-dien-11-one | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes kempae, (2) Bulbitermes singaporensis, (3) Nasutitermes havilandi | (1) [Prestwich, 1977a]; (2) [Prestwich, 1981d]; [Chuah, 2005]; (3) [Chuah, 1989] | [Dauben, 1991] |
965 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,16).0(12,15)]tetracyclo [kempenone] | (1S*, 5R*, 6S*, 9R*, 10R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*, 16S*)-10-acetoxy-11-hydroxy-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltetracyclo[, 16).0(12, 15)]hexadec-2-en-14-one | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes octopilis | [Prestwich, 1979b] | |
966 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (3R*, 6R*, 10R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15R*, 16S*)-3-acetoxy-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-10, 11-diol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Trinervitermes gratiosus, (2) Nasutitermes kempae, Nasutitermes infuscatus, (3) Grallatotermes africanus, (4) Trinervitermes bettonianus, (5) Longipeditermes longipes, (6) Hospitalitermes umbrinus, Hospitalitermes hospitalis, Hospitalitermes flaviventris, (7) Lacessititermes ransoneti, (8) Bulbitermes germanus, Bulbitermes sarawakensis | (1) [Prestwich, 1976a]; [Prestwich, 1976b]; [Prestwich, 1977b]; (2) [Prestwich, 1979c]; (3) [Prestwich, 1979d]; (4) [Prestwich, 1981c]; (5) Goh, 1984; (6) [Chuah, 1986]; (7) [Goh, 1990]; (8) [Chuah, 2005] | |
967 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R, 6S, 10R, 11R, 12S, 15S)-10-acetoxy-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-11-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Hospitalitermes umbrinus | [Chuah, 1983]; [Chuah, 1986] | |
968 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 + C2 | Me1,Me5,Me9,(CH₂)16-[10.2.2]bicyclo | (1S, 4E, 7S, 8E, 12R, 14S)-7, 14-diacetoxy-1, 5, 9-trimethyl-16-methylenebicyclo[10.2.2]hexadeca-4, 8-diene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes canaliculatus | Rabemanantsoa, 1996 | |
969 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 + C2 | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R, 3R, 6R, 10R, 11R, 12S, 15S)-10, 11-diacetoxy-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene-3-ol | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Trinervitermes gratiosus, (2) Hospitalitermes bicolor | (1) [Prestwich, 1977b]; (2) [Chuah, 1986] | |
970 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C2 + C2 + C2 | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 6S*, 7R*, 10R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*)-7, 10, 11-triacetoxy-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-9(16)-ene | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes rippertii | [Vrkoč, 1978a] | |
971 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C3 + C3 + C3 | Me2,Me6,Me12,(CH₂)16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 2S*, 3S*, 5E, 7R*, 11S*, 12S*, 15S*)2, 6, 12-trimethyl-16-methylene-3, 7, 11-tripropionyloxytricyclo[, 15)]hexadec-5-ene | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes. matangensis | [Chuah, 1989] | |
972 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C4 | Me2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,16).0(12,15)]tetracyclo [kempene 1] | (5R*, 6S*, 8S*, 9R*, 12S*, 15R*, 16R*)-8, 11-diacetoxy-2, 6, 12, 16-tetramethyltetracyclo[, 16).0(12, 15)]hexadeca-2, 14-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Nasutitermes kempae, (2) Bulbitermes singaporensis, (3) Nasutitermes havilandi | (1) [Prestwich, 1977a]; (2) [Prestwich, 1981d]; [Chuah, 2005]; (3) [Chuah, 1989] | |
973 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C4 | (CH₂)2,Me6,Me12,Me16-[,15)]tricyclo [trinervitane deriv.] | (1R*, 3E, 6R*, 8S*, 10R*, 11R*, 12S*, 15S*)-8, 11-diacetoxy-10-hydroxy-6, 12, 16-trimethyl-2-methylenetricyclo[, 15)]hexadeca-3, 9(16)-diene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes surinamensis | Laurent, 2005a | |
974 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C20 (C16) + C6 | Me1,Me5,Me9,Me16-[10.2.2]bicyclo | (1S*, 6S*, 12R*, 14S*, 16S*)-6, 14, 16-triacetoxy-1, 5, 9, 16-tetramethylbicyclo[10.2.2]hexadeca-4, 8-diene | allomone | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Constrictotermes cyphergaster | [Baker, 1984] | |
975 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C19 (C17) | androstane [testosterone] | 17β-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Ilybius fuliginosus, (1)(2) lybius fenestratus | (1) [Schildknecht, 1967d]; (2) [Schildknecht, 1969a]; [Schildknecht, 1969b] | |
976 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C19 (C17) | androstane | 17β-hydroxy-1, 4-androstadien-3-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | lybius fenestratus | [Schildknecht, 1969a] | |
977 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 3α, 11α-dihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Graphoderus cinereus | [Schaaf, 2000] | |
978 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 3α, 12α-dihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Laccophilus minutus | [Schaaf, 2000] | |
979 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [6-dihydrocybisterone] | 20-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Acilius sulcatus, (2)(4) Dytiscus marginalis, (3)(4) Ilybius fenestratus, (5) Cybister tripunctatus | (1) [Schildknecht, 1967b]; [Chapman, 1977]; (2) [Schildknecht, 1967e]; (3) [Schildknecht, 1969a]; (4) [Schildknecht, 1970a]; (5) [Chadha, 1970] | |
980 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 12-hydroxypregn-4-en-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Cybister limbatus | [Chadha, 1970] | |
981 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [cybisterole] | 12-hydroxypregna-4, 6-dien-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Cybister sp., (2) Cybister lateralimarginalis (3) Cybister limbatus | (1) [Schildknecht, 1968b]; (2) [Schildknecht, 1968c]; (3) [Chadha, 1970] | |
982 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [deoxycorticosterone, cortexone] | 21-hydroxypregn-4-en-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1)(3) Dytiscus marginalis, (2) Acilius sulcatus, (3)Agabus bipustulatus, (4) Cybister tripunctatus, Cybister confusus, (5) Cybister limbatus, (6) Graphoderus liberus, (6)(7) Agabus seriatus | (1) [Schildknecht, 1966]; (2) [Schildknecht, 1967b]; [Chapman, 1977]; (3) [Schildknecht, 1970a]; (4) [Chadha, 1970]; (5) [Sipahimalani, 1970]; [Gerhart, 1991]; (6) [Miller, 1973]; (7) [Fescemyer, 1983] | |
983 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [deoxycorticosterone, cortexone] | 21-hydroxypregn-4-en-3, 20-dione | allomone | Heteroptera | Belostomatidae (aquatic bug) | Abedus herberti | [Lokensgard, 1993] | |
984 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [cybisterone] | 20-hydroxypregna-4, 6-dien-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1)(4) Cybister lateralimarginalis, (2) Acilius sulcatus, (3)(4) Dytiscus marginalis, (5) Thermonectus marmoratus | (1) [Schildknecht, 1967a]; (2) [Schildknecht, 1967b]; [Chapman, 1977]; (3) [Schildknecht, 1967e]; (4) [Schildknecht, 1970a]; (5) Meinwald, 1998 | |
985 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [6-dehydrocortexone] | 21-hydroxypregna-4, 6-dien-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Acilius sulcatus, (2) Cybister sp., (3) Cybister lateralimarginalis | (1) [Schildknecht, 1967b]; [Chapman, 1977]; (2) [Schildknecht, 1968b]; (3) [Schildknecht, 1968c]; [Schildknecht, 1970a] | |
986 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [6-dehydroprogesterone] | pregna-4, 6-dien-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Acilius sulcatus | [Schildknecht, 1967b]; [Chapman, 1977] | |
987 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane [mirasorvone] | 20-hydroxypregna-4, 6-dien-3-one 18-oxygenated derivative | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Thermonectus marmoratus | Meinwald, 1998 | |
988 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 15α, 20-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Platambus maculatus | [Schildknecht, 1969c] | |
989 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 15β-hydroxypregn-4-en-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (burying beetle) | Silpha americana | Meinwald, 1985 | |
990 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 15β-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (burying beetle) | Silpha americana | Meinwald, 1985 | |
991 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 7β, 15β-dihydroxy-5β-pregnan-3, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (burying beetle) | Silpha americana | Meinwald, 1985 | |
992 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 3α, 7β, 15β-trihydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (burying beetle) | Silpha americana | Meinwald, 1985 | |
993 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 3α, 7β-dihydroxy-14β-pregn-4-en-15, 20-dione | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (burying beetle) | Silpha novaboracensis | Meinwald, 1987 | |
994 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C21 (C17) | pregnane | 3α, 7β, 20-trihydroxy-14β-pregn-4-en-15-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Silphidae (burying beetle) | Silpha novaboracensis | [Meinwald, 1987] | |
995 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) | androstane [sarmentogenin] | 4-(3, 11, 14-trihydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysolina coerulans, Chrysolina didymata, (2) Chrysolina herbacea, (3) Calligrapha multipunctata, Calligrapha philadelphica, Zygogramma suturalis | (1) [Daloze, 1979]; (2) [Pasteels, 1979]; (3) [Timmermans, 1992b] | |
996 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) | androstane [periplogenin] | 4-(3, 5, 14-trihydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Chrysolina coerulans | [Daloze, 1979] | |
997 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) | androstane [bipindogenin] | 4-(3, 5, 11, 14-tetrahydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysolina coerulans, (2) Chrysolina herbacea | (1) [Daloze, 1979]; (2) [Pasteels, 1979] | |
998 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) + C5 | androstane [sarmentogenin 3β-xylopyranoside] | 4-(3-xylopyranosyloxy-11, 14-dihydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysolina coerulans, (2) Chrysolina herbacea | (1) [Daloze, 1979]; (2) [Pasteels, 1979] | |
999 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) + C5 | androstane [periplogenin 3β-xylopyranoside] | 4-(3-xylopyranosyloxy-5, 14-dihydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Chrysolina coerulans | [Daloze, 1979] | |
1000 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) + C5 | androstane [bipindogenin 3β-xylopyranoside] | 4-(3-xylopyranosyloxy-5, 11, 14-trihydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysolina coerulans, (2) Chrysolina herbacea | (1) [Daloze, 1979]; (2) [Pasteels, 1979] | |
1001 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C23 (C17) + C6 | androstane [sarmentogenin 3β-D-glucopyranoside] | 4-(3-glucopyranosyloxy-11, 14-dihydroxyandrostan-17-yl)-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysolina coerulans, (2) Calligrapha multipunctata, Calligrapha philadelphica | (1) [Daloze, 1979]; (2) [Timmermans, 1992b] | |
1002 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C24 (C17) + C4 | bufanolide [lucibufagin] | 12-oxo-2, 3-diacetoxy-5, 11, 14-trihydroxybufa-20, 22-dienolide | allomone | Coleoptera | Lampyridae (firefly) | (1) Photinus ignites, Photinus marginellus, (2) Photuris versicolor | (1) Eisner, 1978; (2) Eisner, 1997a | |
1003 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C27 (C17) | cholestane | (5R)-cholestane-3, 24-dione | trail (larva) | Lepidoptera | Lasiocampidae (lappet moth) | Malacosoma americanum | [Crump, 1987] | |
1004 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C27 (C17) | cholestane | (5R)-cholestan-3-one | trail (larva) | Lepidoptera | Lasiocampidae (lappet moth) | Malacosoma disstria | [Fitzgerald, 1993] | |
1005 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C27 (C17) + C18 | cholestane | cholesteryl oleate | sex (F) | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | Dermacentor variabilis | [Hamilton, 1989] | |
1006 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C29 (C17) + C6 | stigmastane [blattellastanoside-A] | 1-(6α-chloro-4β, 5β-epoxy-5β-stigmast-3β-yl)-β-D-glucopyranoside | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | Sakuma, 1993a, Sakuma, 1993b | |
1007 | Terpene: Fused-ring comp. | C29 (C17) + C6 | stigmastane [blattellastanoside-B] | 1-(6α-chloro-5β-hydroxy-5β-stigmast-3β-yl)-β-D-glucopyranoside | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | Sakuma, 1993a, Sakuma, 1993b | |
1008 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Z2,(CH₂OH)3-4:γ-lactone [siphonodin] | 4-hydroxymethyl-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Yponomeutidae (ermine moth) | Yponomeuta cagnagellus | Fung, 1988 | |
1009 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | Z2,(CH₂OH)2-4:γ-lactone [isosiphonodin] | 3-hydroxymethyl-5H-furan-2-one | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Yponomeutidae (ermine moth) | Yponomeuta cagnagellus | Fung, 1988 | |
1010 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C8 (C4) | (HOC₃H₆)2,Me5-tetrahydrofuran [(+)-pityol] | (2R, 5S)-2-(1-hydroxy-l-methylethyl)-5-methyltetrahydrofuran | (1)(2)(7)(8) aggregation (M), (3-6)(8) sex (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Pityophthorus pityographus (fir bark beetle), (2) Pteleobius vittatus, (3) Conophthorus coniperda, (4) Conophthorus resinosae, Conophthorus banksianae, (5) Conophthorus ponderosae, (6) Pityophthorus setosus, (7) Pityophthorus carmeli, (8) Pityophthorus pubescens | (1) Francke, 1987b; (2) [Klimetzek, 1989b]; (3) Birgersson, 1995; (4) Pierce, 1995; (5) Miller, 2000; (6)(7) Dallara, 2000;(8) López, 2011 | |
1011 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | Me2,(C₂H₃)2,(C₃H₆OH)5-tetrahydrofuran | 5-(l-hydroxy-l-methylethyl)-2-methyl-2-vinyl-tetrahydrofurane | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris echeria | [Schulz, 1988a] | |
1012 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₃H₆OH)1,(CH₂CH)4,Me4-tetrahydrofuran [linalool oxide] [furanoid] | 2-(2-hydroxy-2-propyl)-5-methyl-5-vinyltetrahydrofuran | sex (F) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius charithonia | [Estrada, 2010] | |
1013 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₅H₈OH)2,Me4-furan [elymniafuran] | (S)-2-methyl-l-(4-methylfuran-2-yl)but-3-en-2-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Elymnias thryallis | Schulz, 1996b | |
1014 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₅H₇)2,Me4-furan | 4-methyl-2-(2-methylbuta-1, 3-dienyl)furan | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Elymnias thryallis | [Schulz, 1996b] | |
1015 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₅H₈CHO)3-furan [E-perillenal] | (E)-3-(4-methyl-5-oxopent-3-enyl)furan | sex | Hymenoptera | Diprionidae (sawfly) | Neodiprion sertifer | Ahlgren, 1979 | |
1016 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)3-furan [perillene] | 3-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)furan | (1)(4) alarm, (2)(3) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1)(2)(4) Formicidae (ant), (3) Figitidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Lasius fuliginosus, (2) Tetramorium angulinode, (3) Alloxysta pleuralis, (4) Trachymyrmex cornetzi | (1) Bernardi, 1967; (2) Longhurst, 1980a; (3) Hübner, 2002; (4) Adams, 2012 | |
1017 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)3-furan [perillene] | 3-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)furan | alarm | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1) Varshneyia pasanii (= Leeuwenia pasanii), (2) Liothrips kuwanai, Liothrips piperinus | (1) Suzuki, 1986; (2) Suzuki, 1988a | |
1018 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)3-furan [perillene] | 3-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)furan | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyrophagus neiswanderi | Leal, 1989f | |
1019 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | Me3,(C₅H₉)4-furan [rosefuran] | 3-methyl-2-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)furan | (1)(3) gland secretion, (2) sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | (1) Tyrophagus neiswanderi, (2) Caloglyphus sp., (3) Sancassania shanghaiensis | (1) Leal, 1989f; (2) Mori, 1998; (3) Sakata, 2001a | |
1020 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | Me3,Me7-8:γ-lactone [eldanolide] | (3S, 4R)-3, 7-dimethyloct-6-en-4-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Eldana saccharina | [Kunesch, 1981]; Vigneron, 1984; [Burger, 1993] | [Kunesch, 1981]; Vigneron, 1984 |
1021 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | Z2,(C₆H₁₁)2-4:γ-lactone [α,α-acariolide] | 3-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-5H-furan-2-one | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Schwiebea araujoae | Tarui, 2002 | |
1022 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | Z2,(C₆H₁₁)2-4:γ-lactone [α,α-acariolide] | 3-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-5H-furan-2-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Trachymyrmex cornetzi | Adamus, 2012 | |
1023 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) | Z2,(C₆H₁₁)3-4:γ-lactone [α,β-acariolide] | 4-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-5H-furan-2-one | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Rhizoglyphus sp. | Tarui, 2002 | |
1024 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C4) + C2 | (C₃H₆OAc)1,(CH₂CH)4,Me4-tetrahydrofuran [linalool oxide acetate] | 2-(2-acetoxy-2-propyl)-5-methyl-5-vinyltetrahydrofuran | sex ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius charithonia | [Estrada, 2010] | |
1025 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C15 (C4) | Z2,(C₁₀H₁₆CO₂H)3-4:γ-lactone [dolichovespulid] | (2E, 6E)-9-(2-hydroxy-5-oxo-2, 5-dihydrofuran-3-yl)-2, 6-dimethylnona-2, 6-dienoic acid | queen | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Dolichovespula maculata | [Ren, 2019] | [Ren, 2019] |
1026 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C15 (C4) | (C₁₁H₁₉)3-furan [dendrolasin] | 3-(4, 8-dimethylnona-3, 7-dienyl)furan | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius fuliginosus | Quilico, 1957; Bernardi, 1967 | |
1027 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C21 (C4) | Me4,Me8,Me12,Me16-17:γ-lactone | 4, 8, 12, 16-tetramethylheptadecan-4-olide | (1) sex (F) ?, (2) sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | (1) Pieridae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Pieris rapae, Pieris brassicae, (2) Heliconius erato | (1) [Yildizhan, 2009]; (2) [Mann, 2017] | |
1028 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C8 (C5) | Me2,Me2,Me6-tetrahydropyran [cis-vittatol] | (3S*, 6R*)-3-hydroxy-2, 2, 6-trimethyltetrahydropyran | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Pteleobius vittatus | [Klimetzek, 1989b] | Mori, 1988c |
1029 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | (C₄H₇)2,Me4-dihydropyran [nerol oxide] | (RS)-4-methyl-2-(2-methylpropenyl)-3, 6-dihydro-2H-pyran | sex (M) ? | Neuroptera | Myrmeleontidae (ant-lion) | (1) Euroleon nostras, (2) Synclysis baetica, Acanthaclisis occitanica | (1) Löfqvist, 1980a; Baeckström, 1989; (2) Bergström, 1992 | |
1030 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | Me2,Me2,Me6,(C₂H₃)6-tetrahydropyran | 2, 2, 6-trimethyl-6-vinyltetrahydropyran-3-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris echeria | [Schulz, 1988a] | |
1031 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | Me2,Me2,Me6,(C₂H₃)6-tetrahydropyran | (3S, 6S)-2, 2, 6-trimethyl-6-vinyltetrahydropyran-3-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Tirathaba mundella | Sasaerila, 2003 | |
1032 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | (C₄H₇)2,Me4-tetrahydropyran [rose oxide] | (2S, 4R)-4-methyl-2-(2-methylpropenyl)tetrahydropyran | allomone | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Aromia moschata | Vidari, 1973 | |
1033 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | (C₄H₇)2,Me4-tetrahydropyran [rose oxide] | (2S, 4R)-4-methyl-2-(2-methylpropenyl)tetrahydropyran | sex ? (F) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma phyllosoma, Triatoma longipennis, Triatoma pallidipennis | [May-Concha, 2018] | |
1034 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | (C₄H₇)2,Me4-tetrahydropyran [rose oxide] | (2R, 4R)-4-methyl-2-(2-methylpropenyl)tetrahydropyran | allomone | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Aromia moschata | Vidari, 1973 | |
1035 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C5) | (C₄H₇)2,Me4-tetrahydropyran [rose oxide] | (2R, 4R)-4-methyl-2-(2-methylpropenyl)tetrahydropyran | sex ? (F) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma phyllosoma, Triatoma longipennis, Triatoma pallidipennis | [May-Concha, 2018] | |
1036 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C11 (C5) | (C₄H₇)2,Et4-dihydropyran [10-homonerol oxide] | (RS)-4-ethyl-2-(2-methylpropenyl)-3, 6-dihydro-2H-pyran | sex (M) ? | Neuroptera | Myrmeleontidae (ant-lion) | (1) Grocus bore, (2) Acanthaclisis occitanica | (1) Baeckström, 1989; (2) Bergström, 1992 | |
1037 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | Me6,Me6-[4,4]azaspiro [polyzonimine] | (S)-6, 6-dimethyl-2-azaspiro[4.4]non-1-ene | allomone | {Polyzoniida} | Polyzoniidae (millipede) | Polyzonium rosalbum | [Smolanoff, 1975a]; Takagi, 2000 | Mori, 2000a; Takagi, 2000 |
1038 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C13 (C8) | Me6,Me6-[4,4]azaspiro [nitropolyzonamine] | (4S, 5R, 6S)-2’, 2’-dimethyl-6-nitrospiro{1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane-4, 1’-cyclopentane} | allomone | {Polyzoniida} | Polyzoniidae (millipede) | Polyzonium rosalbum | [Meinwald, 1975]: Miller, 1978 | Mori, 2000a; Takagi, 2000 |
1039 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C13 (C8) + C1 | Me6,Me6-[4,4]azaspiro [spiropyrrolizidine 236] | (4S, 5R)-2’, 2’-dimethyl-6-(O-methyloxyme)spiro{1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane-4, 1’-cyclopentane} | allomone | {Polyzoniida} | (1) Siphonotidae (millipede), (2) Hirudisomatidae (millipede) | (1) Rhinotus purpureus, (2) Kiusiozonium okai | (1) [Saporito, 2003]; (2) [Kuwahara, 2007] | |
1040 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C13 (C8) + C1 | Me6,Me6-[4,4]azaspiro [spiropyrrolizidine 236] | (4S, 5R)-2’, 2’-dimethyl-6-(O-methyloxyme)spiro{1-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octane-4, 1’-cyclopentane} | allomone | {Siphonocryptida} | Siphonocryptidae (millipede) | Hirudicryptus canariensis | [Shear, 2015] | |
1041 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E3,Me4,E8,Me8-10:lactone [suspensolide] | (3E, 8E)-4, 8-dimethyldeca-3, 8-dien-10-olide | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1-3) Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly), (2) Anastrepha ludens | (1) Chuman, 1988; (2) Rocca, 1992; (3) Lu, 2001 | Battiste, 1988 |
1042 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E4,Me4,E8,Me8-10:lactone [cucujolide I] [ferrulactone] | (4E, 8E)-4, 8-dimethyldeca-4, 8-dien-10-olide | aggregation | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | Cryptolestes ferrugineus | Wong, 1983; Lindgren, 1985; Loschiavo, 1986 | Oehlschlager, 1983 |
1043 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C12 (C10) | E4,Me4,E8,Me8-10:lactone [cucujolide I] [ferrulactone] | (4E, 8E)-4, 8-dimethyldeca-4, 8-dien-10-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Pieris rapae | Yildizhan, 2009 | |
1044 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C13 (C10) | Me2,E6,Me6,Me10-10:lactone [phyllisolide] | (2R, 6E, 10R)-2, 6-dimethyl-6-undecen-10-olide | anti-aphrodisiac (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Melo, 2022 | Melo, 2022 |
1045 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,E10,Me11-12:lactone [niaviolide] | (2E, 6E, 10E)-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6, 10-trien-12-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris niavius | Stritzke, 2003 | Stritzke, 2003 |
1046 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C15 (C12) | E2,Me3,E6,Me7,Me11-12:lactone [epoxyniaviolide] | (2E, 6E, 10S, 11S)-10, 11-epoxy-3, 7, 11-trimethyldodeca-2, 6-dien-12-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris niavius | Stritzke, 2003 | Stritzke, 2003 |
1047 | Terpene: Heterocyclic comp. | C17 (C14) | E4,Me4,E8,Me8,E12,Me12-14:lactone [brassicalactone] | (4E, 8E, 12E)-4, 8, 12-trimethyltetradeca-4, 8, 12-tr₇ien-14-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1) Pieridae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Pieris brassicae, (2) Heliconius cydno, Heliconius timareta | (1) Yildizhan, 2009; (2) Darragh, 2020 | |
1048 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 | H:acid | formic acid | (1-3)(5-7) allomone, (4) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1-5)(7) Formicidae (ant), (6) Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Formica fusca, Lasius flavus, Lasius niger, (2) Formica nigricans, Formica polyctena, Formica pratensis, (3) Camponotus intrepidus, (4)(5) Formica rufa, (5) Formica sanguinea, (6) Oxytrigona mellicolor, Oxytrigona daemoniaca, (7) Camponotus floridanus | (1) O'Rourke, 1950; (2) Osmain, 1961; (3) Brophy, 1973; (4) Löfqvist, 1976; (5) Löfqvist, 1977; (6) Roubik, 1987; (7) Eisner, 1993 | |
1049 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 | H:acid | formic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Pseudophonus pubescens (Harpalus pubescens), Pseudophonus griseus (Harpalus griseus), (2) Helluomorphoides ferrugineus, Helluomorphoides latitarsis, (3) Calathus fuscipes, Calathus melanocephalus, Agonum marginatum, Agonum moesium, Agonum sexpunctatum, Ophonus azureus, Diachromus germanus, Harpalus distinguendus, Badister bipustulatus, Licinus nitidior, Odacantha melanura, etc, (4) Philophloeus australis, (5) Dicaelus purpuratus, (6) Anthia thoracica, Thermophilum homoplatum, Thermophilum burchelli, (7) Synuchus cycloderus, Platynus magnus, Agonum daimio, Colpodes atricomes, Anisodactylus signatus, Harpalus capito, Stenolophus agonoides, Diplocheila zeelandica, Coptoderina japonica, Dolichoctis luctuosus, etc., (8) Helluomorphoides clairvillei, (9) Galerita lecontei, (10) Platynus brunneomarginatus, Platynus ovipennis, Calathus ruficollis, (11) Harpalus pensylvanicus | (1) Schildknecht, 1961a; (2) Eisner, 1968; (3) Schildknecht, 1968a; (4) Moore , 1968b; (5) McCullough, 1969b (6) Scott, 1975; (7) Kanehisa, 1977; (8) Attygalle, 1992; (9) Rossini, 1997; (10) Will, 2010; (11) Rork, 2021 | |
1050 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 | H:acid | formic acid | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Notodontidae (notodontid moth) | (1) Heterocampa manteo, (2) Datana ministra, (3) Schizura unicornis, Schizura badia | (1) Eisner, 1972; (2) Weatherston, 1986 Attygalle, (3) 1993b | |
1051 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 + C1 | MeS-SMe | dimethyl disulfide | (1) alarm ?, (2) aggregation | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Pachycondyla tarsata (Paltotbyreus tarsatus), (2) Megaponera foetens (Pachycondyla analis) | (1) Casnati, 1967; Crewe, 1974; (2) Longhurst, 1979 | |
1052 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 + C1 | MeS-SMe | dimethyl disulfide | aggregation | Heteroptera | Cimicidae (true bug) | Cimex lectularius | Gries, 2015 | |
1053 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 + C1 | MeS-S-SMe | dimethyl trisulfide | (1) alarm ?, (2) aggregation | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Pachycondyla tarsata (Paltotbyreus tarsatus), (2) Megaponera foetens (Pachycondyla analis) | (1) Casnati, 1967; Crewe, 1974; (2) Longhurst, 1979 | |
1054 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 + C1 | MeS-S-SMe | dimethyl trisulfide | aggregation | Heteroptera | Cimicidae (true bug) | Cimex lectularius | Gries, 2015 | |
1055 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 + C1 | MeNHMe | dimethyamine | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | Sakuma, 1990 | |
1056 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C1 + C1 + C6 | MeONN-1:O-gluco [cycasin] | (Z)-methyl-ONN-azoxymethyl β-D-glucopyranoside | allomone | Lepidoptera | Lycaenidae (butterfly) | Eumaeus atala | Bowers, 1989 | |
1057 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 | AcOH | acetic acid | allomone | [Thelyphonida] | Thelyphonidae (vinegaroon) | Mastigoproctus giganteus | Thelyphonida, 1961; Schmidt, 2000 | |
1058 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 | AcOH | acetic acid | (1)(2) allomone ?, (3) gland secretion | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | (1) Mozena obtuse, (2) Chelinidea vittiger, (3) Holopterna allata, Anoplocnemis dallasiana, Acanthocoris obscuricornis | (1) McCullough, 1973; (2) McCullough, 1974; (3) Prestwich, 1976c | |
1059 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 | AcOH | acetic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | Anthia thoracica, Thermophilum homoplatum, Thermophilum burchelli | Scott, 1975 | |
1060 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 | AcOH | acetic acid | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Mythimna unipuncta (Pseudaletia unipuncta) | Fitzpatrick, 1989 | |
1061 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 | AcOH | acetic acid | sex (F) | Homoptera | Psyllidae (psylla) | Diaphorina citri | Luo, 2023 | |
1062 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 | NH₂2-2:OH | 2-aminoethanol | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Leptinotarsa texana, Leptinotarsa haldemani, Leptinotarsa lineolata, Labidomera trimaculata, Calligrapha multipunctata, Calligrapha philadelphica, Zygogramma suturalis | Timmermans, 1992b | |
1063 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 + C2 | EtS-SEt | diethyl disulfide | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Monobia quadridens | Hefetz, 1980 | |
1064 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 + C2 | NMe₂-2:OH [deanol] | 2-dimethylaminoethanol | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Dolichovespula maculata | Jimenez, 2016 | |
1065 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 + C2 + C2 | NMe₂-2:OAc | 2-dimethylaminoethyl acetate | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Dolichovespula maculata | Jimenez, 2016 | |
1066 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 + C2 +C3 | Me₃N2-2:OAc [acetylcholine] | 2-acetoxy-N, N, N-trimethylethanaminium | gland secretion (venom) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa crabro | Bhoola, 1961 | |
1067 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C2 + C2 +C3 | Me₃N2-2:OAc [acetylcholine] | 2-acetoxy-N, N, N-trimethylethanaminium | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Saturniidae (saturniid) | Attacus atlas | Deml, 1994 | |
1068 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 | 3:acid | propionic acid | aggregation (larva) | Orthoptera | Gryllidae (cricket) | Acheta domesticus | McFarlane, 1983 | |
1069 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 | NH₂2-3:acid [serine] | (S)-2-amino-3-hydroxypropionic acid | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus pennsylvanicus | [Hermann, 1968] | |
1070 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C1 | MeS3-3:OH [methionol] | 3-methylsulfanylpropan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Ambonus distinctus, (2) Stizocera phtisica, Chydarteres dimidiatus, (3) Knulliana cincta, (4) Eustromula valida | (1) Silva, 2017; (2) Silva, 2021; (3) Rice, 2022, (4) Halloran, 2024 | |
1071 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C2 | Δ2-3:Et ester | ethyl propenoate [ethyl acrylate] | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (shield bug) | Eurygaster integiceps | Vrkoč, 1977 | |
1072 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C5 (C4) + C4 | (C₄H₉CO)N,(C₃H₇CO)O-serine | (S)-2-carboxy-2-(3-methylbutanoylamino)ethyl butanoate [N-3-methylbutyryl-O-butyroyl-L-serine] | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Steatoda triangulosa | Fischer, 2023 | |
1073 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C5 (C4) + C5 (C4) + C1 | (C₄H₉CO)N,(C₄H₉CO)O-serine:Me ester | (S)-2-methoxycarbonyl-2-(3-methylbutyrylamino)ethyl (S)-2-methylbutanoate | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Latrodectus hasselti | Jerhot, 2010 | |
1074 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C5 + C4 (3) | (C₄H₉CO)N,(C₃H₇CO)O-serine | (S)-2-carboxy-2-(3-methylbutanoylamino)ethyl isobutanoate [N-3-methylbutyryl-O-isobutyroyl-L-serine] | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Steatoda triangulosa | Fischer, 2023 | |
1075 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C5 + C4 (C3) + C1 | (C₄H₉CO)N,(C₃H₇CO)O-serine:Me ester | (S)-2-methoxycarbonyl-2-(3-methylbutyrylamino)ethyl isobutanoate | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Latrodectus hesperus | Scott, 2015 | |
1076 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C6 (C5) + C4 | (C₅H₁₁CO)N,(C₃H₇CO)O-serine | (S)-2-carboxy-2-(4-methylpentanoylamino)ethyl butanoate [N-4-methylvaleroyl-O-butyroyl-L-serine] | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Steatoda grossa | Fischer, 2022 | |
1077 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C6 (C5) + C4 (C3) | (C₅H₁₁CO)N,(C₃H₇CO)O-serine | (S)-2-carboxy-2-(4-methylpentanoylamino)ethyl isobutanoate [N-4-methylvaleroyl-O-isobutyroyl-L-serine] | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | (1) Steatoda grossa, (2) Steatoda triangulosa | (1) Fischer, 2022; (2) Fischer, 2023 | |
1078 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C3 + C6 (C5) + C6 | (C₅H₁₁CO)N,(C₅H₁₁CO)O-serine | (S)-2-carboxy-2-(4-methylpentanoylamino)ethyl hexanoate [N-4-methylvaleroyl-O-hexanoyl-L-serine] | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Theridiidae (spider) | Steatoda grossa | Fischer, 2022 | |
1079 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 (C3) | Δ2,Me2-3:acid [methacrylic acid] | 2-methylpropenoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | (1-13)(15)(16) Carabidae (ground beetle), (14) Trachypachidae (false ground beetle) | (1)(4) Carabus auratus, Abax ater, Pterostichus niger, (1) Apotomopterus insulicula, Cychrus rostaratus, etc., (2) Pamborus alternans, Pamborus guerini, Pamborus pradieri, Pamborus viridis, Philoscaphus tuberculatus, (3) Pasimachus californicus, Pasimachus duplicatus, (4) Leistus ferrugineus, Amara familiaris, etc., (5) Scaphinotus andrewsi, Scaphinotus viduus, Scaphinotus webbi, (6) Pasimachus elongates, (7) Carabus taedatus, (8) Cychrus caraboides, (9) Scarites acutidens, Scarites aterrimus, Scarites sulcatus, Scarites terricola, (10) Nebria psammodes, (11) Carabus yaconinus, (12) Pasimachus subsulcatus, (13) Scarites subterraneus, (14) Trachypachus slevini, Trachypachus gibbsii, (15) Pterostichus californicus, (16) Carabus montivagus, Carabus caelatus, Carabus violaceus | (1) Schildknecht, 1962a; Schildknecht, 1964; (2) Moore, 1968b; (3) McCullough, 1969a; (4) Schildknecht, 1970a; (5) Wheeler, 1970; (6) McCullough, 1972; (7) Benn、1973; (8) Claridge, 1974; (9) Kanehisa, 1977; (10) Balestrazzi, 1985; (11) Adachi, 1985; (12) Davidson, 1989; (13) Attygalle, 1991; (14) Attygalle, 2004; (15) Attygalle, 2007; (16) Vesović, 2020 | |
1080 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 (C3) + C6 | Me1,CN1-2:O-gluco [linamarin] | 2-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2-methylpropionitrile [(2-cyanoprop-2-yl)-β-D-glucopyranoside] | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Dione juno, Heliconius doris, Heliconius melpomene, Heliconius numata | Sculfort, 2021 | |
1081 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-OH | (R)-butan-2-ol | (1) aggregation (M), (2) sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Scapanes australis, (2) Dasylepida ishigakiensis | (1) Rochat, 2000; [Rochat, 2002]; (2) Wakamura, 2009; [Yasui, 2010] | |
1082 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-OH | (R)-butan-2-ol | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Sasakia charonda, Hestina assimilis, Hestina persimilis, Apatura metis | [Hayashi, 2023] | |
1083 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-one | butan-2-one | gland secretion | Heteroptera | (1) Cimicidae (true bug), (2) Scutelleridae (shield bug) | (1) Cimex lectularius, (2) Chrysocoris stolli | (1) Collins, 1968; Levinson, 1974; (2) Choudhuri, 1969 | |
1084 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-one | butan-2-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Strategus aloeus | Rochat, 2000 | |
1085 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | Z2-4:acid [isocrotonic acid] | (Z)-but-2-enoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Scarites acutidens, Scarites aterrimus, Scarites sulcatus, Scarites terricola, (2) Philoscaphus tuberculatus | (1) Kanehisa, 1977 ; (2) Moore, 1968b | |
1086 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:acid, 3-OH | 3-hydroxybutyric acid | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Papilio aegeus, (2) Papilio demodocus | (1) [Seligman, 1972]; (2) [Burger, 1985] | |
1087 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:acid, 3-OH | (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Linyphiidae (spider) | Linyphia triangularis | Schulz, 1993b | |
1088 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-OH, 3-OH | (2R*,3R*)-butane-2,3-diol | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Eurycotis floridana | Farine, 1994 | |
1089 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-OH, 3-OH | (2R*,3R*)-butane-2,3-diol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Scapanes australis | Rochat, 2000; [Rochat, 2002] | |
1090 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-OH, 3-OH | (2R*,3R*)-butane-2,3-diol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio protenor | [Ômura, 2012] | |
1091 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-OH, 3-OH | meso-butane-2, 3-diol | gland secretion (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Rhizotrogus majalis | Nojima, 2003b | |
1092 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-one, 3-OH [acetoin] | 3-hydroxybutan-2-one | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | (1) Nauphoeta cinerea, Henschoutedenia flexivitta, (1)(2) Leucophaea maderae | (1) [Sreng, 1990]; (2) [Farine, 2007] | |
1093 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-one, 3-OH [acetoin] | (R)-3-hydroxybutan-2-one | (1) aggregation (M), (2) sex (F), (3) gland secretion (F), (4) alarm ? | Coleoptera | (1-3) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle), (4) Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Scapanes australis, (2) Amphimallon solstitiale, (3) Rhizotrogus majalis, (4) Sitophilus granarius | (1) [Rochat, 2000]; [Rochat, 2002]; (2) Tolasch, 2003; (3) Nojima, 2003b; (4) [Cai, 2022] | |
1094 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | 4:2-one, 3-OH [acetoin] | 3-hydroxybutan-2-one | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio protenor | [Ômura, 2012] | |
1095 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 | NH₂4-4:acid [GABA] | 4-aminobutyric acid | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | (1)(2) Saturniidae (saturniid), (3) Erebidae (tussock moth) | (1)(2) Attacus atlas, (2) Saturnia pavonia, (3) Lymantria dispar | (1) Deml, 1994; (2)(3) Deml, 2003 | |
1096 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C1 | Δ3-4:NCS | 4-isothiocyanatobut-1-ene [3-butenyl isothiocyanate] | alarm | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Lipaphis erysimi | Dawson, 1987b | |
1097 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C4 | 4:OCOPr | butyl butanoate | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1) Coreidae (true bug), (2)(3)Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Amorbus rhombifer, (2) Pilophorus perplexs, (3) Campylomma verbasci | (1) Waterhouse, 1964; (2) Knight, 1984a; (3) Smith, 1991 | |
1098 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C4 | 4:OCOPr | butyl butanoate | primer (queen) | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes speratus | Matsuura, 2010 | |
1099 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C4 | 4:acid, 3-OC₄H₇O₂ | (3R,3’R)-3-(3’-hydroxybutyryloxy)butyric acid | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Linyphiidae (spider) | (1) Linyphia triangularis, Linyphia tenuipalpis, (2) Neriene emphana, Neriene litigiosa, Neriene peltata, Microlinyphia impigra | (1) Schulz, 1993b; (2) Schulz, 2013 | |
1100 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C4 | E2-4:OCOPr | (E)-2-butenyl butanoate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Campylomma verbasci | Smith, 1991 | |
1101 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C4 | NH₂4-4:N(Ac)₂ [diacetyl putrescine] | N-acetyl-N-(4-aminobutyl)acetamide | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Chrysochus asclepiadeus | Dobler, 1998 | |
1102 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C2 + C2 + C2 | 4:O-Et-O-Et-OAc | 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethyl acetate | aggregation | Heteroptera | Cimicidae (true bug) | Cimex lectularius | Weeks, 2020 | |
1103 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C4 + C6 + C2 | OAc3-4:6-OH ester | (R)-hexyl 3-acetoxybutanoate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Helopeltis cinchonae | Magsi、2024 | |
1104 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | (CH₂)2-4:Ald | 2-methylenebutanal [2-ethylacrolein] | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1) Platyzosteria castanea, Platyzosteria jungii, Platyzosteria morose, Platyzosteria ruficeps, (2) Platyzosteria montana, Platyzosteria occidentalis, Methana convexa | (1) Waterhouse, 1967; (2) Wallbank, 1970 | |
1105 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) | (CH₂)2-4:acid [ethacrylic acid] | 2-methylenebutyric acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1)(2)(4) Carabidae (ground beetle), (3) Trachypachidae (false ground beetle) | (1) Pamborus alternans, Pamborus guerini, Pamborus pradieri, Pamborus viridis, (2) Carabus taedatus, (3) Trachypachus gibbsii, (4) Pterostichus californicus | (1) Moore, 1968b; (2) Benn、1973; (3) Attygalle, 2004; (4) Attygalle, 2007 | |
1106 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C6 | E2,CN3-4:O-gluco, 4-OH [sarmentosin] | (E)-4-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2-(hydroxymethyl)but-2-enenitrile [(E)-(3-cyano-4-hydroxybut-2-enyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside] | allomone | Lepidoptera | (1) Geometridae (geometrid moth), (2)(3) Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1) Abraxas grossulariata, (2) Parnassius phoebus, (3) Parnassius apollo, Parnassius smintheus | (1) Nishida, 1994; (2) Nishida, 1995a; (3) Bjarnholt, 2012 | |
1107 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C6 | Me1,CN1-3:O-gluco [lotaustralin] | (R)-2-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2-methylbutanenitrile [(R)-(2-cyanobut-2-yl)-β-D-glucopyranoside] | allomone | Lepidoptera | (1) Papilionidae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Parnassius clodius, Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius smintheus, (2) Dione juno, Heliconius doris, Heliconius melpomene, Heliconius numata | (1) [Bjarnholt, 2012]; (2) Sculfort, 2021 | |
1108 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 (C4) + C6 | Me1,CN1-3:O-gluco [epilotaustralin] | (S)-2-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2-methylbutanenitrile [(S)-(2-cyanobut-2-yl)-β-D-glucopyranoside] | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Dione juno, Heliconius melpomene | Sculfort, 2021 | |
1109 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | E3-5:OH | (E)-pent-3-en-1-ol | aggregation (F) ? | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus pseudotsugae | Ryker, 1979 | |
1110 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:acid [valeric acid] | pentanoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Limonius californicus | Jacobson、1968 | |
1111 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:acid [valeric acid] | pentanoic acid | sex (F) | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Njagi, 2002 | |
1112 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:2-OH | (S)-pentan-2-ol | alarm | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa mandarinia | Ono, 2003 | |
1113 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:2-OH | (S)-pentan-2-ol | sex ? | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Rhodnius prolixus | Pontes, 2008 | |
1114 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | Δ1-5:3-OH | pent-1-en-3-ol | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Sasakia charonda | [Hayashi, 2023] | |
1115 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:2-one | pentan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Dyschirius wilsoni, (2) Uloma tenebrionoides | (1) Moore, 1979; (2) Gnanasunderam, 1985 | |
1116 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:3-one | pentan-3-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Strategus aloeus | Rochat, 2000 | |
1117 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:3-one | pentan-3-one | alarm ? | Hymenoptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma infestans | Manrique, 2006 | |
1118 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | 5:3-one | pentan-3-one | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Sasakia charonda | Hayashi, 2023 | |
1119 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 | NH₂2-5:acid, 5-acid [glutamic acid] | (S)-2-aminopentanedioic acid | marking | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis rosa | Cheseto, 2018; Cheseto, 2023 | |
1120 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 + C2 | amide of Glu with C₂ amine | 2-γ-(S)-glutamylaminoethanol | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Labidomera trimaculata, Zygogramma suturalis | [Timmermans, 1992b] | |
1121 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 + C3 + C2 | γ-Glu-Cys-Gly [glutathione] | (S)-2-amino-4-[(R)-1-(carboxymethylcarbamoyl)-2-mercaptoethylcarbamoyl]butyric acid | marking | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis rosa | Cheseto, 2017; Cheseto, 2023 | |
1122 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C5 + C6 | amide of Glu with C₆ amine | (2S, 3Z)-2-γ-(S)-glutamylaminohexa-3, 5-dienoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1)(2) Leptinotarsa decemlineata, (2) Leptinotarsa texana, Labidomera trimaculata | (1) Daloze, 1986; (2) [Timmermans, 1992b] | |
1123 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 (C5) | (CH₂)2-5:Ald | 2-methylenepentanal | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Methana convexa | Wallbank, 1970 | |
1124 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 (C5) + C2 | [1,1’-dimethyl citrate, cupilure] | (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methoxycarbonylpentanedioic acid monomethyl ester | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Trechaleidae (spider) | Cupiennius salei | Papke, 2000; Tichy, 2001 | |
1125 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:OH | hexan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Platypodidae (ambrosia beetle) | Platypus flavicornis | Renwick, 1977 | |
1126 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:OH | hexan-1-ol | alarm | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Collins, 1983; Wager, 2000 | |
1127 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:Ald | hexanal | (1-8) gland secretion, (9) alarm | Heteroptera | (1)(2)(4-9) Coreidae (true bug), (3) Scutelleridae (shield bug) | (1) Amorbus alternatus, Amorbus rubiginosus, Mictis profana, Mictis caja, Pachycolpura manca, Agriopocoris froggatti, (2) Pternistria bispina, (3) Chrysocoris stolli, (4)(8) Amblypelta nitida, (5) Mozena obtuse, (6) Chelinidea vittiger, (7) Holopterna allata, Anoplocnemis dallasiana, Anoplocnemis montandorii, Acanthocoris obscuricornis, (8) Amblypelta lutescens, Leptoglossus phyllopus, (9) Hygia lativentris | (1) Waterhouse, 1964; (2) Baker, 1967; (3) Choudhuri, 1969; (4) Baker, 1972; (5) McCullough, 1973; (6) McCullough, 1974; (7) Prestwich, 1976c; (8) Aldrich, 1993b; (9) Noge, 2015 | |
1128 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:Ald | hexanal | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Eleodes beameri | Tschinkel, 1975a | |
1129 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:Ald | hexanal | sex (M) | Diptera | Sarcophagidae (flesh fly) | Sarcophaga bullata | Girard, 1979 | |
1130 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:acid [caproic acid] | hexanoic acid | (1) trail, (2) allomone | Isoptera | Termopsidae (termite) | (1)(2) Zootermopsis nevadensis, (2) Zootermopsis angusticollis | (1) Karlson, 1968 ; (2) Rosengaus, 2004 | |
1131 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:acid [caproic acid] | hexanoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Limonius canus | Butler, 1975 | |
1132 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:acid [caproic acid] | hexanoic acid | (1) trail ?, (2) sex (gueen) | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Lasius fuliginosus, (2) Vespa mandarinia | (1) Huwyler, 1975; (2) Dong, 2022 | |
1133 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:acid [caproic acid] | hexanoic acid | aggregation | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Rhodnius prolixus | Rojas, 2002 | |
1134 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | Z3-6:acid | (Z)-hex-3-enoic acid | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1)(2)Amauris ochlea, (2) Amauris albimaculata | (1) Petty, 1977; (2) Schulz, 1988b | |
1135 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:3-one | hexan-3-one | aggregation | Hymenoptera: | Chalcididae (parasitoid wasp) | Brachymeria intermedia | Mohamed, 1987 | |
1136 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | Δ1-6:3-one | 1-hexen-3-one | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
1137 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-one, 3-OH | (R)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one | sex, aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1)(10) Pyrrhidium sanguineum, (2) Hylotrupes bajulus, (3) Anaglyptus subfasciatus, (4) Xylotrechus nauticus, Neoclytus modestus, (5) Neoclytus mucronatus, (6) Anelaphus inflaticollis, (7) Xylotrechus colonus, Sarosesthes fulminans, (8) Cyrtophorus verrucosus, Orwellion gibbulum, Parelaphidion aspersum, (9) Anelaphus pumilus, Euderces pini, Phymatodes aereus, Phymatodes amoenus, Phymatodes varius, Phymatodes lengi, (10) Neoclytus caprea, Neoclytus scutellaris, Neoclytus conjunctus, Neoclytus irroratus, Neoclytus balteatus, (11) Callidiellum rufipenne, (12) Dryobius sexnotatus, (13) Ambonus distinctus, Ambonus electus, (14) Cotyclytus curvatus, Megacyllene acuta, (15) Plagionotus detritus, (16) Phymatodes alni, (17) Anaglyptus mysticus, (18) Plagionotus arcuatus, (19) Callidium antennatum, Callidium pseudotsugae, (20) Diploschema rotundicolle, (21) Stizocera phtisica, Chydarteres dimidiatus, (22) Chrysoprasis chalybea, Mallosoma zonatum, Ambonus lippus, Eurysthea hirta, Pantonyssus nigriceps, Stizocera plicicollis, Stizocera tristis, Neoclytus pusillus, Aglaoschema concolor, Orthostoma abdominale, Dorcacerus barbatus, Retrachydes thoracicus | (1) Schröder, 1994; (2) Fettköther, 1995; (3) Leal, 1995b; Nakamuta, 1997; (4) Hanks, 2007; (5) Lacey, 2007; (6) Ray, 2009a; (7) Lacey, 2009; (8) Mitchell, 2013; (9) Mitchell, 2015; (10) Ray, 2015; (11) Zou, 2016; (12) Diesel, 2017; (13) Silva, 2017; (14) Silva, 2018a; (15) Molander, 2019a; (16) Molander, 2019b; (17) Molander, 2019c; (18) Imrei, 2019; (19) Millar, 2019; (20) Amoros, 2020; (21) Silva, 2021; (22) Silva, 2024b | Schröder, 1994; Carmo, 2021 |
1138 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-one, 3-OH | (S)-3-hydroxyhexan-2-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Xylotrechus nauticus, (2) Xylotrechus colonus | (1) Hanks, 2007; (2) Lacey, 2009 | Carmo, 2021 |
1139 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-OH, 3-OH | (2S, 3R)-hexane-2, 3-diol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Hylotrupes bajulus, (2) Megacyllene caryae, (3) Sarosesthes fulminans | (1) Fettköther, 1995; (2) Lacey, 2008b; (3) Lacey, 2009 | Schröder, 1994; Carmo, 2021 |
1140 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-OH, 3-OH | (2R, 3S)-hexane-2, 3-diol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Megacyllene caryae | Lacey, 2008b | Carmo, 2021 |
1141 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-OH, 3-OH | (2R, 3R)-hexane-2, 3-diol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Hylotrupes bajulus, (2) Xylotrechus colonus, (3) Tragosoma depsarium | (1) Fettköther, 1995; (2) Lacey, 2009; (3) Ray, 2012b | Schröder, 1994; Carmo, 2021 |
1142 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-OH, 3-OH | (2S, 3S)-hexane-2, 3-diol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1)(4) Neoclytus acuminatus, (2) Megacyllene acuta, (3) Xylotrechus colonus, (4) Neoclytus tenuiscriptus, Neoclytus balteatus | (1) Lacey,2004; (2) Silva, 2008a; (3) Lacey, 2009; (4) Ray, 2015 | Carmo, 2021 |
1143 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:2-one, 3-one | hexane-2, 3-dione | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anelaphus inflaticollis | Ray, 2009a | |
1144 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:OH | (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol | (1) allomone, (2) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1) Scutelleridae (shield bug), (2) Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Hotea gambiae, (2) Helopeltis theivora | (1) Hamilton,, 1985; (2) Sachin, 2008 | |
1145 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | Z3-6:OH | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Chrysomela knabi, Chrysomela walshi, Chrysomela falsa | Termonia, 1999 | |
1146 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald [leaf aldehyde] | (E)-hex-2-enal | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1)(3) Eurycotis floridana, (2) Pelmatosilpha coriacea, (3) Eurycotis biolleyi, Eurycotis decipiens, (4) Polyzosteria cuprea, Polyzosteria limbata, Polyzosteria mitchelli, Polyzosteria oculata, Polyzosteria pulchra, Polyzosteria viridissima, (5) Eurycotis decipiens, (5)(6) Eurycotis floridana, (7) Platyzosteria novaeseelandiae | (1) Roth, 1956; (2) Blum, 1964; (3) Dateo, 1967; (4) Wallbank, 1970; (5) Brossut, 1983; (6) Farine, 1997; (7) Benn, 1977 | |
1147 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald [leaf aldehyde] | (E)-hex-2-enal | (1-6)(8)(10)(11)(16)(17)(20)(21)(28)(40) gland secretion, (7)(9)(14)(18)(25-27)(32)(33)(36)(37) allomone, (12)(13)(19)(22-24)(29)(31)(34)(35)(39) alarm, (15) aggregation (larva), (30)(38) aggregation | Heteroptera | (1)(4)(8)(11)(17)(29)(31)(33) Coreidae (true bug), (2)(5)(6)(12)(14-16)(21-23)(25)(30)(36)(37)(39)(40) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (3)(18) Cydnidae (burrowing bug), (7)(34) Tessaratomidae (giant shield bug), (9)(26)(27) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug), (10)(13)(35)(38) Cimicidae (true bug), (19) Acanthosomatidae (shield bug), (20) Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug), (24) Tingidae (lace bug), (28) Alydidae (broad-headed bug), (32) Scutelleridae (jewel bug) | (1) Acanthocephala femorata, (2) Brochymena quadripustulata, (3) Scaptocoris divergens, (4) Acanthocoris sordidus, (5)(12) Nezara viridula, (6) Piezodorus teretipes, (7) Tessaratoma aethiops, (8) Acanthocephala declivis, Acanthocephala granulosa, (9)(27) Dysdercus intermedius, (10)(13)(35)(38) Cimex lectularius, (11) Pternistria bispina, (12) Eurydema pulchra, (12)(15) Eurydema rugosa, (14) Musgraevia sulciventris (Rhoecocoris sulciventris), Biprorulus bibax, (16) Aspongopus sp., (17) Holopterna allata, Anoplocnemis dallasiana , (18) Adrisa magna, Macroscytus japonensis, (19) Elasmucha grisea, (20) Niesthrea louisianica. Jadera haematoloma, (21) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (22) Nezara viridula, (23) Erthesina fullo, (24) Gargaphia solani, Corythucha cydoniae, (25) Coridius janus, (26)(27) Dysdercus cingulatus, (27) Dysdercus fasciatus, Dysdercus superstitiosus, Pyrrhocoris apterus, (28) Riptortus serripes, Mirperus scutellaris, (29) Leptoglossus zonatus, (30) Biprorulus bibax, (31) Leptoglossus occidentalis, (32) Pachycoris stallii, (33) Thasus neocalifornicus, (34) Tessaratoma papillosa, (36) Euschistus biformis, (37) Graphosoma lineatum, (39) Bathycoelia distincta, (40) Podisus maculiventris | (1) Blum, 1961a; (2) Blum, 1961b; (3) Roth, 1961; (4) Tsuyuki, 1965; (5) Gilby, 1965; (6) Gilchrist, 1966; (7) Baggini, 1966; (8) McCullough, 1967; (9) Calam, 1968; Calam, 1969b; (10) Collins, 1968; (11) Baker, 1969; (12) Ishiwatari, 1974; (13) Levinson, 1974; (14) Macleod, 1975; (15) Ishiwatari, 1976; (16)(17) Prestwich, 1976c; (18) Hayashi, 1976; (19) Maschwitz, 1979; (20) Aldrich, 1979b; (21) Aldrich, 1984b; (22) Lockwood, 1987; (23) Kou, 1989; (24) Aldrich, 1991b; (25) Gunawardena, 1991; Gunawardena, 1992; (26) Farine, 1992; (27) Farine, 1993b; (28) Aldrich, 1993b; (29) Leal, 1994e; (30) James, 1996; (31) Blatt, 1998, (32) Williams. 2001; (33) Prudic, 2008; (34) Zhang, 2009c; (35) Feldlaufer, 2010; (36) Noge, 2012; (37) Šanda, 2012; (38) Gries, 2015; (39) Pal, 2022; (40) Aflitto, 2023 | |
1148 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald [leaf aldehyde] | (E)-hex-2-enal | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Crematogaster africana, (2) Crematogaster buchneri | (1) Bevan, 1961; (2) Crewe, 1972a | |
1149 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald [leaf aldehyde] | (E)-hex-2-enal | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Eusphalarum longipenne | Klinger, 1977 | |
1150 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald, 4-one | (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal | (1)(2)(5)(6)(10-12)(14)(15)(24) gland secretion, (3)(4)(7-9)(13)(17-23)(25-28) allomone, (16)(29) alarm | Heteroptera | (1)(6)(7)(10)(12)(17)(21)(22)(27-29) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (2)(14) Corixidae (water boatman), (3) Tessaratomidae (giant shield bug), (4)(18)(19) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug), (8)(25) Alydidae (broad-headed bug), (5)(9)(11) (23)(26) Coreidae (true bug), (13)(20) Scutelleridae (jewel bug), (15) Lygaeidae (seed bug), (16) Tingidae (lace bug), (24) Cimicidae (true bug) | (1)(17) Nezara viridula, (2) Sigara fallen, (2)(14) Corixa dentipes, (3) Tessaratoma aethiops, (4) Dysdercus intermedius, (5) Pternistria bispina, (6) Apodiphus amygdali, (7) Vitellus insularis, (8) Megalotomus quinquespinosus, Alydus eurinus, Alydus pilosulus, (9) Acanthocerus galeator, Archimerus alternatus, Leptoglossus oppositus, Leptoglossus clypealis, (10) Musgraevia sulciventris (Rhoecocoris sulciventris), Biprorulus bibax, (11) Anoplocnemis dallasiana, (12) Aspongopus sp., Delegorguella lautus, Caura rufiventris, Veterna patula, (13) Coleostichus sordidus, (15) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (16) Gargaphia solani, (17) Edessa meditabunda, Euschistus tristigmus, Thyanta perditor, (17)(20) Euschistus heros, (18)(19) Dysdercus cingulatus, (19) Dysdercus fasciatus, (20) Pachycoris stallii, (21) Chinavia impicticornis, Chinavia ubica, Piezodorus guildinii, (21)(22) Dichelops melacanthus, (23) Thasus neocalifornicus, (24) Cimex lectularius, (25) Riptortus pedestris, (26) Thasus acutangulus, (27) Euschistus biformis, (28) Graphosoma lineatum, (29) Bathycoelia distincta | (1) Gilby, 1965; (2) Pinder, 1965; (3) Baggini, 1966; (4) Calam, 1968; (5) Baker, 1969; (6) Everton, 1974; (7) Smith, 1974; (8)(9) Aldrich, 1975; (10) Macleod, 1975; (11)(12) Prestwich, 1976c; (13) Smith, 1978; (14) Staddon, 1979; (15) Olagbemiro, 1983; (16) Aldrich, 1991b; (17) Borges, 1992; (18) Farine, 1992; (19) Farine, 1993b; (20) Williams. 2001; (21) Pareja, 2007; (22) Marques, 2007; (23) Prudic, 2008; (24) Feldlaufer, 2010 (25-27) Noge, 2012; (28) Šanda, 2012; (29) Pal, 2022 | |
1151 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald, 4-one | (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal | (1)(3)(5-14) sex (F), (2) alarm, (4) allomone | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | (1)(7) Lygocoris pabulinus, (2)(6)(14) Lygus lineolaris, (3)(6) Lygus rugulipennis, (4)(6) Lygus hesperus, (5) Stenotus rubrovittatus. (6) Lygus elisus, (7) Lygus pratensis, Liocoris tripustulatus, (8)(9)(12) Apolygus spinolae, (9)(12) Apolygus lucorum, Orthops campestris, Stenotus rubrovittatus, Taylorilygus apicalis, (10) Adelphocoris suturalis, (11) Halticus minutus, (13) Adelphocoris lineolatus | (1) Drijfhout, 2002; (2) Wardle, 2003; (3) Innocenzi, 2004; (4) Byers, 2006; (5) Yasuda, 2008; (6) Byers, 2013b; (7) Fountain, 2014; (8) Yang, 2014; (9) Yang, 2015; (10) Zhang, 2016; (11) Zhang, 2017; (12) Zhang, 2020; (13) Koczor, 2021; (14) George, 2023 | |
1152 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald, 4-one | (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Proteinus atomarius, Proteinus brachypterus, Proteinus macropterus | Dettner, 1991 | |
1153 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | E2-6:Ald, 4-one | (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Nematus bergmanni, Nematus melanaspis, Nematus pavidus | Boeve, 1992 | |
1154 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | 6:acid, 2-OH, 3-OH, 4-OH, 5-OH, 6-OH [gluconic acid] | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-pentahydroxyhexanoic acid | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1) Eurycotis biolleyi, (1)(2) Eurycotis decipiens, Eurycotis floridana | (1) [Dateo, 1967], (2) [Brossut, 1983] | |
1155 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 | NH₂2,Z3,Δ5-6:acid | (2S, 3Z)-2-aminohexa-3, 5-dienoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Labidomera trimaculata, Zygogramma suturalis | [Timmermans, 1992b] | |
1156 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C2 | 6:OAc | hexyl acetate | (1-7) gland secretion, (8-11) sex (F), (12) allomone ? | Heteroptera | (1-7)(12) Coreidae (true bug), (8-11) Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Amorbus alternatus, Amorbus rubiginosus, Amorbus rhombifer, Mictis caja, Aulacosternum nigrorubrum, Pachycolpura manca, Agriopocoris froggatti, (2) Pternistria bispina, (3)(7) Amblypelta nitida, (4) Mozena obtuse, (5) Chelinidea vittiger, (6) Holopterna allata, Anoplocnemis dallasiana, Acanthocoris obscuricornis, (7) Amblypelta lutescens, Leptoglossus phyllopus, (8) Phytocoris relativus, (9) Phytocoris californicus, (10) Phytocoris difficilis, (11) Phytocoris calli, (12) Thasus neocalifornicus | (1) Waterhouse, 1964; (2) Baker, 1967; (3) Baker, 1972; (4) McCullough, 1973; (5) McCullough, 1974; (6) Prestwich, 1976c; (7) Aldrich, 1993b; (8) Millar, 1997a; (9) Millar, 1998; (10) Zhang, 2003b; (11) Zhang, 2008; (12) Prudic, 2008 | |
1157 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C2 | 6:Et ester | ethyl hexanoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha striata | Cruz-López, 2015 | |
1158 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C2 | E2-6:OAc | (E)-hex-2-enyl acetate | (1-5) gland secretion, (6)(7) sex (F), (8)(9) allomone | Heteroptera | (1)(4)(9) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (2)(3) Belostomatidae (giant water bug), (5) Lygaeidae (seed bug), (6)(7) Miridae (leaf bug), (8) Tessaratomidae (giant shield bug) | (1) Lethocerus indicus, (2) Nezara viridula, (3) Lethocerus cordofanus, (4) Biprorulus bibax, (5) Oncopeltus unifasciatellus, Lygaeus kalmii, (6) Phytocoris difficilis, (7) Phytocoris calli, (8) Tessaratoma papillosa, (9) Euschistus biformis | (1) Butenandt, 1957; (2) Gilby, 1965; (3) Pattenden, 1970, (4) Macleod, 1975; (5) Aldrich, 1999 (6) Zhang, 2003b; (7) Zhang, 2008; (8) Zhang, 2009c; (9) Noge, 2012 | |
1159 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C2 | Z3-6:OAc | (Z)-hex-3-enyl acetate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Helopeltis theivora | Sachin, 2008 | |
1160 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C2 | E2,E4-6:OAc | (2E, 4E)-hexa-2, 4-dienyl acetate | (1)(3) gland secretion, (2) aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Lygaeidae (seed bug) | (1) Spilostethus rivularis, (2)(3) Neacoryphus bicrucis, (3) Oncopeltus fasciatus, Oncopeltus unifasciatellus, Oncopeltus cingulifer, Lygaeus kalmii | (1) Staddon, 1985; (2) Aldrich, 1997; (3) Aldrich, 1999 | |
1161 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C2 | EtO3-6:Ald | 3-ethoxyhexanal | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Eurycotis floridana | [Farine, 1997] | |
1162 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C3 (C2) | 6:iPr ester | isopropyl hexanoate | queen | Hymenoptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Tetragonisca angustula | Fierr, 2011 | |
1163 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C3 (C2) | 6:iPr ester | isopropyl (S)-5-hydroxyhexanoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Plioreocepta poeciloptera | Thibout, 2005 | |
1164 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C4 (C3) | Z3-6:OCOiPr | (Z)-hex-3-enyl isobutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysomela lapponica, (2) Chrysomela mainensis | (1) [Schulz, 1997a]; (2) [Termonia, 1999] | |
1165 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C4 (C3) | Z3-6:OCOiPr | (Z)-hex-3-enyl isobutanoate | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius sapho, Heliconius cydno | Darragh, 2020 | |
1166 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C4 | 6:OCOPr | hexyl butanoate | (1-4) gland secretion, (5)(8)(10-16) sex (F), (6) anti-sex (M), (7) alarm, (9) allomone | Heteroptera | (1)(2) Coreidae (true bug), (3-16) Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Pternistria bispina, (2) Holopterna allata, Anoplocnemis dallasiana, (3)(7)(11)(16) Lygus lineolaris, (4) Pilophorus perplexs, (5)(12) Lygocoris pabulinus, (6) Phytocoris difficilis, (8)(12) Lygus rugulipennis, (9)(11) Lygus hesperus, (10) Stenotus rubrovittatus, (11) Lygus elisus, (12) Lygus pratensis, Liocoris tripustulatus, (13) Apolygus lucorum, Apolygus spinolae, Orthops campestris, Stenotus rubrovittatus, Taylorilygus apicalis, (14) Halticus minutus, (15) Adelphocoris lineolatus | (1) Baker, 1967; (2) Prestwich, 1976c; (3) Gueldner, 1978; (4) Knight, 1984a; (5) Drijfhout, 2002; (6) Zhang, 2003e; (7) Wardle, 2003; (8) Innocenzi, 2004; (9) Byers, 2006; (10)Yasuda, 2008; (11) Byers, 2013b; (12) Fountain, 2014; (13) Yang, 2015; (14) Zhang, 2017; (15) Koczor, 2021; (16) George, 2023 | |
1167 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C4 | E2-6:OCOPr | (E)-hex-2-enyl butanoate | (1-3) gland secretion, (4)(7)(9-16) sex (F), (5) anti-sex (M), (6) alarm, (8) allomone | Heteroptera | (1) Belostomatidae (giant water bug), (2)(4-16) Miridae (leaf bug), (3) Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | (1) Lethocerus indicus, (2)(6)(10)(16) Lygus lineolaris, (3) Mirperus scutellaris, (4)(11) Lygocoris pabulinus, (5) Phytocoris difficilis, (7)(11) Lygus rugulipennis, (8)(10) Lygus hesperus, (9) Stenotus rubrovittatus, (10) Lygus elisus, (11) Lygus pratensis, Liocoris tripustulatus, (12)(13) Apolygus spinolae, (13) Orthops campestris, Stenotus rubrovittatus, Taylorilygus apicalis, (13)(14) Apolygus lucorum, (15) Adelphocoris lineolatus | (1) Devakul, 1964; (2) Gueldner, 1978; (3) Aldrich, 1993b; (4) Drijfhout, 2002; (5) Zhang, 2003e; (6) Wardle, 2003; (7) Innocenzi, 2004; (8) Byers, 2006; (9) Yasuda, 2008; (10) Byers, 2013b; (11) Fountain, 2014; (12) Yang, 2014; (13) Yang, 2015; (14) Zhang, 2020; (15) Koczor, 2021; (16) George, 2023 | |
1168 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C4 | Z3-6:OCO(C₃H₆OH) | (Z)-3-hexenyl (R)-3-hydroxybutanoate | marking (M) | Hymenoptera | Crabronidae (wasp) | Eucerceris conata, Eucerceris rubripes, Eucerceris tricolor | Clarke, 2001 | |
1169 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C4 + C2 | (OCOPr)5-6:OAc | (R)-1-acetoxy-5-butyroxyhexane [(R)-5-butyroxyhexanyl acetate] | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Helopeltis cinchonae | Magsi、2024 | |
1170 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C6 | 6:OCOC₅H₁₁ | hexyl hexanoate | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1) Coreidae (true bug), (2)(3) Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Amblypelta nitida, (2) Blepharidopterus angulatus, (3) Trigonotylus caelestialium | (1) Baker, 1972; (2) Knight, 1984a; (3) Kakizaki, 2001; Higuchi, 2004 | |
1171 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C6 | E2-6:OCOC₅H₁₁ | (E)-hex-2-enyl hexanoate | (1) gland secretion, (2) alarm, (3) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1)(3) Miridae (leaf bug), (2) Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | (1) Blepharidopterus angulatus, (2) Riptortus clavatus, (3) Trigonotylus caelestialium | (1) Knight, 1984a; (2) Leal, 1992c; (3) Kakizaki, 2001; Higuchi, 2004 | |
1172 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C6 | E2-6:E2-6-OH ester | (E)-hex-2-enyl (E)-hex-2-enoate | (1) gland secretion, (2) aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | (1) Coreidae (true bug), (2) Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | (1) Pachylis laticornis, (2) Riptortus clavatus | (1) Aldrich, 1982; (2) Leal, 1995c; Mizutani, 1997; Huh, 2005; Yasuda, 2007 | |
1173 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C6 | E2-6:Z3-6-OH ester | (E)-hex-2-enyl (Z)-hex-3-enoate | (1) gland secretion, (2) aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | (1) Riptortus serripes, (2) Riptortus clavatus | (1) Aldrich, 1993b; (2) Leal, 1995c; Mizutani, 1997; Huh, 2005; Yasuda, 2007 | |
1174 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C6 + C6 | (C₆H₁₁O)3-6:Ald | 3-[(E)-2-hexenoxyl]hexanal | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Eurycotis floridana | [Farine, 1997] | |
1175 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et2-6:OH | 2-ethylhexan-1-ol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | Papilio protenor | [Ômura, 2012] | |
1176 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et2-6:OH | 2-ethylhexan-1-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Sericomyrmex amabalis, Acromyrmex octospinosus, Acromyrmex echinatior, Atta colombica, Atta cephalotes | [Norman, 2017] | |
1177 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C6) | E2,Et2-6:OH | (E)-2-ethylhex-2-en-1-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus quadrisectus | Voegtle, 2008 | |
1178 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C6) | E2,Et2-6:Ald | (E)-2-ethylhex-2-enal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus irritibilis | Voegtle, 2008 | |
1179 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:OH | heptan-1-ol | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Dendroctonus jeffreyi | Renwick, 1979 | |
1180 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:OH | heptan-1-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha obliqua | Aquino, 2021 | |
1181 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | E2,Z4-7:OH | (2E, 4Z)-hepta-2, 4-dien-1-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Diorhabda elongata | Cossé, 2005 | |
1182 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:2-OH | (R)-heptan-2-ol | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Eriocraniidae (eriocraniid moth) | Eriocrania cicatricella | Zhu, 1995 | |
1183 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:2-OH | (S)-heptan-2-ol | (1-3) gland secretion, (4)(5) sex (F) | Trichoptera | (1)(4) Rhyacophilidae (caddis fly), (2) Phryganeidae (caddis fly), (3) Polycentropodidae (caddis fly), (5) Molannidae (caddis fly) | (1)(4) Rhyacophila nubila, Rhyacophila fasciata, (2) Phryganea grandis, (3) Polycentropus flavomaculatus, (5) Molanna angustata | (1-3) [Ansteeg, 1991]; (4) [Löfstedt, 1994]; (5) Löfstedt, 2008 | |
1184 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:2-OH | heptan-2-ol | (1)(2)(4)(6) alarm, (3)(5) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Trigona mexicana, Trigona pectoralis, (2) Melipona fasciata, Melipona interrupta, (3) Scaptotrigona postica, (4) Trigona silvestriana, (5) Tetragona clavipes, Trigona hypogea, Trigona truculenta, (6) Scaptotrigona aff. depilis | (1) [Luby 1973]; (2) [Smith, 1983]; (3) [Francke, 1983]; (4) [Johnson, 1985]; (5) [Francke, 2000b]; (6) [Schorkopf, 2016] | |
1185 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | Z4-7:2-OH | (2R,4Z)-hept-4-en-2-ol | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Eriocraniidae (eriocraniid moth) | Eriocrania cicatricella | Zhu, 1995 | |
1186 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:4-OH | heptan-4-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Zacryptocerus varians, (2) Zacryptocerus pusillus | (1) Olubajo, 1980; (2) Morgan, 2006b | |
1187 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:Ald | heptanal | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma infestans | Fontan, 2002 | |
1188 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | E2-7:Ald | (E)-hept-2-enal | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Oehalus pugnax | Blum, 1960 | |
1189 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | E2,Z4-7:Ald | (2E, 4Z)-hepta-2, 4-dienal | aggregation | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Diorhabda elongata | Cossé, 2005 | |
1190 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:2-one | heptan-2-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | (1)(2)(4)(5)(8)(9) Formicidae (ant), (3)(6)(7) Apidae (bee) | (1) Iridomyrmex pruinosus, (2) Conomyrma pyramica, (3) Apis mellifera, (4) Atta texana, (5) Atta laevigata, Atta sexdens, (5)(9) Atta bisphaerica, Atta capiguara, (6) Trigona mexicana, (7) Trigona gribodoi, (8) Forelius foetidus | (1) Wilson, 1959; Blum, 1963; Blum, 1966a; (2) Blum, 1966b; (3) Shearer, 1965; Boch, 1970; (4) Moser, 1968; (5) Blum, 1968; (6) Luby 1973; (7) Keeping, 1982; (8) Scheffrahn, 1984; (9) Hughes, 2001 | |
1191 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:2-one | heptan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | Dyschirius wilsoni | Moore, 1979 | |
1192 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:2-one | heptan-2-one | sex (F) | Trichoptera | Rhyacophilidae (caddis fly) | Rhyacophila fasciata, Rhyacophila nubila | Löfstedt, 1994 | |
1193 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | Δ1-7:3-one | hept-1-en-3-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1)(2) Iporangaia pustulosa, (1) Iguapeia melanocephala, (2) Neosadocus maximus | (1) Hara, 2005; (2) Rocha, 2011 | |
1194 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:4-one | heptan-4-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Zacryptocerus varians, (2) Polyrhaehis simplex, (3) Zacryptocerus pusillus | (1) Olubajo, 1980; (2) Hefetz, 1982a; (3) Morgan, 2006b | |
1195 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | 7:acid [enanthic acid] | heptanoic acid | trail ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius fuliginosus | Huwyler, 1975 | |
1196 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 | E3-7:2-one, 5-one | (E)-hept-3-ene-2, 5-dione | allomone | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Trigona mellicolor, Trigona tataira, Oxytrigona mellicolor | Bian, 1984; Roubik, 1987; Rinderer, 1988 | |
1197 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 + C2 | 7:2-one, 6-OAc | (S)-6-acetoxyheptan-2-one | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Orseolia oryzae | Hall, 2012 | |
1198 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 + C4 | 7:2-OAc, 6-OAc | (2S, 6S)-2, 6-diacetoxyheptane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Orseolia oryzae | Hall, 2012 | |
1199 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 + C4 | 7:O(C₄H₈)OH | 4-heptyloxybutan-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Anoplophora glabripennis, (2) Anoplophora chinensis, (3) Anoplophora malasiaca, (4) Anoplophora chinensis | (1) Zhang, 2002; Crook, 2014; (2) Hansen, 2015; (3) Yasui, 2019b; (4) Crook, 2024 | |
1200 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C7 + C4 | 7:O(C₃H₆)CHO | 4-heptyloxybutanal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Anoplophora glabripennis, (2) Anoplophora chinensis | (1) Zhang, 2002; Crook, 2014; (2) Crook, 2024 | |
1201 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 (C7) | (CH₂)3-7:acid | 3-methyleneheptanoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus maculatus | Phillips, 1996 | |
1202 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:OH | octan-1-ol | (1) gland secretion, (2) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1) Coreidae (true bug), (2) Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Leptoglossus corculus, (2) Nesidiocoris tenuis | (1) Aldrich, 1979a; (2) Hall, 2021 | |
1203 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:2-OH | octan-2-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Trigona hypogea, Trigona truculenta | [Francke, 2000b] | |
1204 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:3-OH | (R)-octan-3-ol | (1-5)(10)(11) alarm, (6)(8)(12)(13) aggregation ?, (7)(9)(14) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Myrmica brevinodis, (2) Myrmica punctiventris, Myrmica raeticornis, Myrmica sabuleti, (2)(6)(10)(13) Myrmica rubra, (2)(8)(10)(12)(13) Myrmica scabrinodis, (2)(10) Myrmica ruginodis, (3) Trachymyrmex seminole, Trachymyrmex urchii, Acromyrmex octospinosus, Cyphomyrmex rimosus, (3)(14)Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, (4) Crematogaster ashmeadi, (4)(5) Crematogaster scutellaris, (7) Camponotus schaefferi, (9) Decamorium uelense, (11) Myrmica lobicornis, Myrmica sulcinodis, (14) Trachymyrmex cornetzi | (1) [Crewe, 1970a]; (2) [Crewe, 1970b]; (3) [Crewe, 1972b]; (4) [Schlunegger; 1972]; (5) [Leuthold, 1973]; (6) [Cammaerts-Tricot, 1973]; [Cammaerts, 1978]; (7) [Duffield, 1975b]; (8) [Morgan, 1978]; (9) [Longhurst, 1980a]; (10) Attygale, 1983d; (11) [Cammaerts, 1983]; (12) Cammaerts, 1985; (13) Cammaerts, 1987; (14) [Adams, 2012] | |
1205 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:3-OH | (R)-octan-3-ol | aggregation | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes virginicus | [Mitaka、2024b] | |
1206 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:3-OH | (S)-octan-3-ol | (1) alarm, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Crematogaster castanea, Crematogaster liengmei, (2) Crematogaster sjostedti | (1) Brand, 1985; [Brand, 1986], (2) [Wood, 2002] | |
1207 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | Z2-8:OH | (Z)-oct-2-en-1-ol | sex (M) ? | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | (1) Schistocerca americana, (2) Schistocerca piceifrons | (1) Stahr, 2013; (2) Stahr, 2016 | |
1208 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2-8:OH | (E)-oct-2-en-1-ol | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | Mirperus scutellaris | Aldrich, 1993b | |
1209 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:acid [caprylic acid] | octanoic acid | allomone | [Thelyphonida] | Thelyphonidae (vinegaroon) | (1) Mastigoproctus giganteus, (2) Typopeltis soidaoensis, Typopeltis tarnanii, Ginosigma schimkewitschi | (1) Thelyphonida, 1961; Schmidt, 2000; (2) Haupt, 2004 | |
1210 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:acid [caprylic acid] | octanoic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (2) Trachypachidae (false ground beetle) | (1) Eleodes longicollis, (2) Trachypachus slevini | (1) Meinwald, 1964; (2) Attygalle, 2004 | |
1211 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:acid [caprylic acid] | octanoic acid | (1) trail ?, (2) sex (gueen) | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Lasius fuliginosus, (2) Vespa mandarinia | (1) Huwyler, 1975; (2) Dong, 2022 | |
1212 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:acid, 4-one | 4-oxooctanoic acid | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa velutina | Wen, 2017 | Vydrina, 2024 |
1213 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:3-one | octan-3-one | (1-7)(9)(13)(17)(18) alarm, (8) aggregation ?, (10-12)(14-16) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1-9)(11-18) Formicidae (ant), (10) Andrenidae (mining bee) | (1) Crematogaster peringueyi, (2)(3) Myrmica brevinodis, (3) Myrmica punctiventris, Myrmica raeticornis, Myrmica americana, My rmica ruginodis, Myrmica sabuleti, (3)(8) Myrmica rubra, (3)(11) Myrmica scabrinodis, (4) Crematogaster clariventris, Crematogaster gabonensis, Crematogaster cerasi, Crematogaster atkinsoni, Crematogaster clara, Crematogaster buchneri, (4)(6) Crematogaster ashmeadi, (5) Trachymyrmex seminole, Trachymyrmex urchii, (5)(17) Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, (5)(18) Acromyrmex octospinosus, (6)(7) Crematogaster scutellaris, (9) Camponotus schaefferi, (10) Andrena praecox, Andrena helvola, (12) Tetramorium sericeiventre, Tetramorium caespitum, Tetramorium guineense, (13) Myrmica lobicornis, Myrmica sulcinodis, (14) Crematogaster castanea, Crematogaster liengmei, (15) Crematogaster sjostedti, Crematogaster nigriceps, Crematogaster mimosa, (16) Pseudomyrmex flavicornis, (17) Trachymyrmex bugnioni, (18) Acromyrmex echinatior | (1) Crewe, 1969; (2) Crewe, 1970a; (3) Crewe, 1970b; (4) Crewe, 1972a; (5) Crewe, 1972b; (6) Schlunegger; 1972; (7) Leuthold, 1973; (8) Cammaerts-Tricot, 1973; Cammaerts, 1978; (9) Duffield, 1975b; (10) Tengö, 1976; (11) Morgan, 1978; (12) Longhurst, 1980a; (13) Cammaerts, 1983; (14) Brand, 1985; Brand, 1986; (15) Wood, 2002; (16) Wood, 2005; (17) Adams, 2012; (18) Norman, 2017 | |
1214 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:3-one | octan-3-one | allomone | [Opiliones] | Nemastomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Carinostoma elegans | Raspotnig, 2014 | |
1215 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:3-one | octan-3-one | aggregation | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes virginicus | Mitaka、2024b | |
1216 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:OH, 6-one | 8-hydroxyoctan-3-one | (1-3) gland secretion, (4) sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(2) Bactrocera halfordiae, (1)(3) Bactrocera occipitalis, (4) Bactrocera carambolae | (1) Kitching, 1986; (2) Kitching, 1989; (3) Perkins, 1990b; (4) Wee, 2005 | |
1217 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:2-OH, 3-OH | (2S, 3S)-octane-2, 3-diol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus, (2) Xylotrechus chinensis, (3) Xylotrechus quadripes | (1) Sakai, 1984; Iwabuchi, 1986; Narai, 2015; (2) [Kuwahara, 1987b]; [Iwabuchi, 1987]; (3) Hall, 2006 | Mori, 1985b; Bonini, 1992; Carmo, 2021 |
1218 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:2-OH, 3-OH | (2R, 3S)-octane-2, 3-diol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Megopis costipennis | Wickham, 2016 | Carmo, 2021 |
1219 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:2-OH, 3-OH | (2S, 3R)-octane-2, 3-diol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Achryson surinamum | Silva, 2024a | |
1220 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:2-OH, 3-one | (S)-2-hydroxyoctan-3-one | sex, aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus, (2) Xylotrechus chinensis, (3) Plagionotus detritus, (4) Xylotrechus antilope | (1) Sakai, 1984; Iwabuchi, 1986; Narai 2015; (2) [Kuwahara, 1987b]; [Iwabuchi, 1987]; (3) Molander, 2019a; (4) Molander, 2019c | Mori, 1985b; Puigmartí, 2017 |
1221 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | 8:2-one, 3-OH | (R)-3-hydroxyoctan-2-one | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Xylotrechus chinensis, (2) Anaglyptus subfasciatus, (3) Plagionotus arcuatus | (1) [Kuwahara, 1987b]; (2) Leal, 1995b; Nakamuta, 1997; (3) Imrei, 2019 | Carmo, 2021 |
1222 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E4-8:2-OH, 3-one | (2S, 4E)-2-hydroxyoct-4-en-3-one | aggragation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Tylonotus bimaculatus | Zou, 2015 | |
1223 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | Δ1-8:3-OH | (R)-oct-1-en-3-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | (1) Silvanidae (flat bark beetle), (2) Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | (1) Oryzaephilus mercator, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, (2) Ahasverus advena | (1) Oehlschlager, 1988; Pierce, 1989; (2) Pierce, 1991 | |
1224 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | Δ1-8:3-OH | (R)-oct-1-en-3-ol | aggregation | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | Amblyomma variegatum | McMahon, 2001 | |
1225 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | Δ1-8:3-OH | (R)-oct-1-en-3-ol | alarm | {Polydesmida} | Cryptodesmidae (millipede) | Niponia nodulosa | [Ômura, 2002b] | |
1226 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2,Δ7-8:Ald | (E)-octa-2, 7-dienal | (1)(2) aggregation ?, (3) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1) Lygaeidae (seed bug), (2)(3) Anthocoridae (flower bug) | (1) Oncopeltus fasciatus, Oncopeltus unifasciatellus, (2) Orius insidiosus, (3) Orius sauteri | (1) Aldrich, 1999; (2) Aldrich, 2007; (3) Uehara, 2019 | |
1227 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2-8:Ald | (E)-oct-2-enal | (1)(2)(5-7)(11)(14) gland secretion, (3)(4)(8)(10)(12)(13)(15-20)(22)(23)(25)(26) allomone, (9)(18)(24) alarm, (21)(28) aggregation ?, (27) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1)(12)(13)(15)(19)(22)(23) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (2)(20) Miridae (leaf bug), (3) Tessaratomidae (giant shield bug), (4)(16)(17) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug), (5)(9)(24)(28) Cimicidae (true bug), (6) Scutelleridae (jewel bug), (7)(26) Coreidae (true bug), (8)(14) Lygaeidae (seed bug), (10) Cydnidae (burrowing bug), (11) Rhopalidae (scentless plant bug), (18)(25) Alydidae (broad-headed bug), (21)(27) Anthocoridae (flower bug) | (1) Musgraevia sulciventris (Rhoecocoris sulciventris), (2) Leptopterna dolabrata, (3) Tessaratoma aethiops, (4)(17) Dysdercus intermedius, (5)(9)(24)(28) Cimex lectularius, (6) Chrysocoris stolli, (7) Pternistria bispina, (8) Oncopeltus fasciatus, (10) Macroscytus japonensis, (11) Jadera haematoloma, (12) Apateticus bracteatus, (13) Edessa rufomarginata, (14) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (15) Edessa meditabunda, (16)(17) Dysdercus cingulatus, (17) Dysdercus fasciatus, Dysdercus superstitiosus, Pyrrhocoris apterus, (18) Leptocorisa oratorius, (19) Eurydema oleraceurn, (20) Lopidea robiniae, (21) Orius insidiosus, (22) Chinavia ubica, Euschistus heros, (22)(23) Dichelops melacanthus, (25) Riptortus pedestris, (26) Thasus acutangulus, (27) Orius sauteri | (1) Park, 1962; Macleod, 1975; (2) Collins, 1965; (3) Baggini, 1966; (4) Calam, 1968; Calam, 1969b; (5) Collins, 1968; (6) Choudhuri, 1969; (7) Baker, 1969; (8) Games, 1973b; (9) Levinson, 1974; (10) Hayashi, 1976; (11) Aldrich, 1979b; (12) Percy, 1980; (13) Howard, 1983b; (14) Knight, 1984b; (15) Borges, 1992; (16) Farine, 1992; (17) Farine, 1993b; (18) Gunawardena, 1993; (19) Aldrich, 1996b; (20) Staples, 2002; (21) Aldrich, 2007; (22) Pareja, 2007; (23) Marques, 2007; (24) Feldlaufer, 2010; (25)(26) Noge, 2012; (27) Uehara, 2019; (28) Gries, 2015 | |
1228 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2-8:Ald | (E)-oct-2-enal | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroache) | Platyzosteria novaeseelandiae | Benn, 1977 | |
1229 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2-8:Ald | (E)-oct-2-enal | aggregation (larva) | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae (tortrix moth) | Cydia pomonella | Jumean, 2005 | |
1230 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2-8:Ald | (E)-oct-2-enal | allomone ? | {Julida} | Julidae (millipede) | Allajulus dicentrus | Bodner, 2012 | |
1231 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2,E4-8:Ald | (2E, 4E)-octa-2, 4-dienal | aggregation | Heteroptera | Cimicidae (true bug) | Cimex lectularius | Siljander, 2008 | |
1232 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2-8:Ald, 4-one | (E)-4-oxooct-2-enal | (1)(2)(6)(7) allomone, (3-5)(8) gland secretion | Heteroptera | (1)(6)(7) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug), (2)(5) Lygaeidae (seed bug), (3) Corixidae (water boatman), (4) Cydnidae (burrowing bug), (8) Cimicidae (true bug) | (1) Dysdercus intermedius, (2) Oncopeltus fasciatus, (3) Corixa dentipes, (4) Aethus indicus, (5) Spilostethus rivularis, (6)(7) Dysdercus cingulatus, (7) Dysdercus fasciatus, (8) Cimex lectularius | (1) Calam, 1968; (2) Games, 1973b; (3) Staddon, 1979; (4) Olagbemiro, 1984; (5) Staddon, 1985; (6) Farine, 1992; (7) Farine, 1993b; (8) Feldlaufer, 2010 | |
1233 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E2,E6-8:Ald, 8-Ald | (2E, 6E)-octa-2, 6-dienedial | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Murgantia histrionica, Eurydema ventrale | Aldrich, 1996b | |
1234 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 | E3,E5-8:2-one | (3E, 5E)-octa-3, 5-dien-2-one | aggregation | Heteroptera | Cimicidae (true bug) | Cimex lectularius | Weeks, 2020 | |
1235 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | 8:OAc | octyl acetate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Phytocoris calli | Zhang, 2008 | |
1236 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | 8:Et ester | ethyl octanoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha striata | Cruz-López, 2015 | |
1237 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | E3-8:Et ester | ethyl (E)-oct-3-enoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis capitata | Heath, 1991; Jang, 1994 | |
1238 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | E2-8:OAc | (E)-oct-2-enyl acetate | (1) gland secretion, (2)(11) allomone, (3)(4) gland secretion (F), (5) sex ?, (6) aggregation, (7-10) sex (F) | Heteroptera | (1)(2)(11) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (3)(4)(6)(8) Lygaeidae (seed bug), (5) Alydidae (broad-headed bug), (7)(9)(10) Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Musgraevia sulciventris (Rhoecocoris sulciventris), (2) Edessa rufomarginata, (3) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (4) Spilostethus rivularis, (5) Leptocorisa chinensis, (6) Tropidothorax cruciger, (7) Phytocoris californicus, (8) Geocoris punctipes, (9) Phytocoris difficilis, (10) Phytocoris calli, (11) Euschistus biformis | (1) Park, 1962; Macleod, 1975; (2) Howard, 1983b; (3) Knight, 1984b; (4) Staddon, 1985; (5) Leal, 1996d; (6) Aldrich, 1997; (7) Millar, 1998; (8) Marques, 2000; (9) Zhang, 2003b; (10) Zhang, 2008; (11) Noge, 2012 | |
1239 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | Δ2,Δ4-8:OAc | octa-2, 4-dienyl acetate | sex ? | Heteroptera | Lygaeidae (seed bug) | Oncopeltus fasciatus | Games, 1973a | |
1240 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | E2,Δ7-8:OAc | (E)-octa-2,7-dienyl acetate | aggregation ? | Heteroptera | Lygaeidae (seed bug) | (1) Tropidothorax cruciger, (2) Oncopeltus fasciatus, Oncopeltus unifasciatellus, Oncopeltus cingulifer | (1) Aldrich, 1997; (2) Aldrich, 1999 | |
1241 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 | Z4-8:Et ester | ethyl (Z)-oct-4-enoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Biosteres arisanus | Williams, 1988 | |
1242 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C2 + C2 | E2,E6-8:OAc, 8-OAc | (2E, 6E)-8-acetoxyocta-2, 6-dienyl acetate | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Murgantia histrionica, Eurydema ventrale | Aldrich, 1996b | |
1243 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C3 | 8:OCOCH=CH₂ | octyl propenoate [octyl acrylate] | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Microplitis mediator | Tao, 2024 | |
1244 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C4 | 8:OCOPr | octyl butanoate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Trigonotylus caelestialium | Kakizaki, 2001; Higuchi, 2004 | |
1245 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C4 | E2-8:OCOPr | (E)-oct-2-enyl butanoate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | (1) Phytocoris relativus, (2) Apolygus lucorum, Taylorilygus apicalis | (1) Millar, 1997a; (2) Yang, 2015 | |
1246 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C6 | 8:OCOC₅H₁₁ | octyl hexanoate | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Nesidiocoris tenuis | Hall, 2021 | |
1247 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C6 | E2-8:E2-6-OH ester | (E)-hex-2-enyl (E)-oct-2-enoate | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | Riptortus serripes | Aldrich, 1993b | |
1248 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C6 + C6 | 8:OCOC₅H₁₁, 8-OCOC₅H₁₁ | 8-hexanoyloxyoctyl hexanoate [1,8-octanediol dihexanoate] | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Parallelostethus attenuatus | Millar, 2022a | |
1249 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C8 + C8 | 8:8-OH ester | octyl octanoate | trail | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Trigona corvina | Jarau, 2010b | |
1250 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 (C8) | E4,Et4-8:acid [limoniic acid] | (E)-4-ethyloct-4-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Limonius canus, Limonius californicus | Gries, 2021 | |
1251 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:OH | nonan-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | Kalotermitidae (termite) | Kalotermes flavicollis | Klochkov, 1989 | |
1252 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:OH | nonan-1-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1) Achroia innotata, (2) Galleria mellonella | (1) Nemoto 1990; (2) Romel, 1992 | |
1253 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2-9:OH | (E)-non-2-en-1-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Anomala schonfeldti, (2) Anomala daimiana, (3) Anomala albopilosa | (1) Leal, 1992b; (2) Leal, 1993b; (3) Leal, 1996a | |
1254 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z3-9:OH | (Z)-non-3-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Anastrepha suspense (Caribbean fruit fly), (2) Anastrepha ludens, (3) Anastrepha fraterculus, (4) Anastrepha obliqua | (1) Nation, 1975; Battiste, 1983; (2) Stokes, 1983; (3) Milet-Pinheiro, 2015; (4) López-Guillén, 2011; Aquino, 2021 | |
1255 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z3-9:OH | (Z)-non-3-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | (1) Schistocerca americana, (2) Schistocerca piceifrons | (1) Stahr, 2013; (2) Stahr, 2016 | |
1256 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E6-9:OH | (E)-non-6-en-1-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis capitata | Jacobson, 1973 | |
1257 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z3,Z6-9:OH | (3Z, 6Z)-nona-3, 6-dien-1-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Anastrepha suspensa (Caribbean fruit fly), (2) Anastrepha ludens | (1) Nation, 1975; Battiste, 1983; (2) Stokes, 1983; Robacker, 1985 | |
1258 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E3,Z6-9:OH | (3E, 6Z)-nona-3, 6-dien-1-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha fraterculus | Milet-Pinheiro, 2015 | |
1259 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:2-OH | (S)-nonan-2-ol | sex (F) | Trichoptera | (1) Rhyacophilidae (caddis fly) (2) Molannidae (caddis fly) | (1) Rhyacophila fasciata, Rhyacophila nubila, (2) Molanna angustata | (1) [Löfstedt, 1994]; (2) Löfstedt, 2008 | |
1260 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:2-OH | (R)-nonan-2-ol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Eucnemidae (false click beetle) | Palaeoxenus dohrni | Serrano, 2019 | |
1261 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:2-OH | nonan-2-ol | (1)(2) alarm, (3)(4) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Trigona pectoralis, (2) Trigona silvestriana, (3) Tetragona clavipes, Trigona hyalinata, Trigona hypogea, (4) Frieseomelitta varia, Frieseomelitta silvestrii | (1) [Luby 1973]; (2) [Johnson, 1985]; (3) [Francke, 2000b]; (4) [López, 2002] | |
1262 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z6-9:2-OH | (2S,6Z)-non-6-en-2-ol | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Eriocraniidae (eriocraniid moth) | Eriocrania cicatricella, Eriocrania sangii | Kozlov, 1996 | |
1263 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:Ald | nonanal | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Galleria mellonella | Leyrer, 1973; Romel, 1992; Svensson, 2014 | |
1264 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:Ald | nonanal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Trigona gribodoi | Keeping, 1982 | |
1265 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:Ald | nonanal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Anoplophora malasiaca, (2) Anoplophora chinensis | (1) Yasui, 2019b; (2) Crook, 2024 | |
1266 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:Ald | nonanal | sex (F) | Homoptera | Psyllidae (psylla) | Diaphorina citri | Luo, 2023 | |
1267 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2-9:Ald | (E)-non-2-enal | (1) gland secretion, (2) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (2) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Eleodes beameri, (2) Anomala albopilosa | (1) Tschinkel, 1975a; (2) Leal, 1996a | |
1268 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2-9:Ald | (E)-non-2-enal | aggregation (larva) | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae (tortrix moth) | Cydia pomonella | Jumean, 2005 | |
1269 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2-9:Ald | (E)-non-2-enal | sex (M) | Mecoptera | Panorpidae (scorpionfly) | Panorpa germanica | Kock, 2007 | |
1270 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z4-9:Ald | (Z)-non-4-enal | sex (M) ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Sphaerocoris annulus | Gough, 1986 | |
1271 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2,Z6-9:Ald | (2E, 6Z)-nona-2, 6-dienal | sex (M) | Mecoptera | Panorpidae (scorpionfly) | Panorpa germanica | Kock, 2007 | |
1272 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z4,Δ8-9:Ald | (Z)-nona-4, 8-dienal | sex (M) ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Sphaerocoris annulus | Gough, 1986 | |
1273 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E4,Δ8-9:Ald | (E)-nona-4, 8-dienal | sex (M) ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Sphaerocoris annulus | Gough, 1986 | |
1274 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2,Z4,Z6-9:Ald | (2E, 4Z, 6Z)-nona-2, 4, 6-trienal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Epitrix hirtipennis | Zilkowski, 2008 | |
1275 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2,E4,Z6-9:Ald | (2E, 4E, 6Z)-nona-2, 4, 6-trienal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1)(2) Epitrix fuscula, (2) Epitrixhirtipennis | (1) Zilkowski, 2006; (2) Zilkowski, 2008 | |
1276 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2,E4,E6-9:Ald | (2E, 4E, 6E)-nona-2, 4, 6-trienal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1)(2) Epitrix fuscula, (2) Epitrixhirtipennis | (1) Zilkowski, 2006; (2) Zilkowski, 2008 | |
1277 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2,epo6-9:Ald | (2E, 6R, 7S)-6, 7-epoxynon-2-enal | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Aromia bungii | [Xu. 2017]; Yasui, 2019a | Mori, 2018 |
1278 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:2-one | nonan-2-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1)(3) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (2) Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | (1) Cyrtophorus verrucosus, (2) Lobiopa insularis, (3) Anaglyptus mysticus | (1) Mitchell, 2013; (2) Moliterno, 2017; (3) Molander, 2019c | |
1279 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:2-one | nonan-2-one | (1) gland secretion, (2) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant); (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Atta laevigata, Acromyrmex coronatus, (2) Vespa velutina | (1) Vieira, 2012; (2) Cheng, 2017; Berville, 2023 | |
1280 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:2-one | nonan-2-one | sex (F) | Trichoptera | Rhyacophilidae (caddis fly) | Rhyacophila fasciata, Rhyacophila nubila | Löfstedt, 1994 | |
1281 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z6-9:2-one | (Z)-non-6-en-2-one | sex (M) | Trichoptera | Rhyacophilidae (caddis fly) | Hydropsyche angustipennis | Löfstedt, 1994 | |
1282 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z6-9:2-one | (Z)-non-6-en-2-one | sex (F) | Lepidoptera | Eriocraniidae (eriocraniid moth) | Eriocrania cicatricella, Eriocrania sangii | Kozlov, 1996 | |
1283 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:3-one | nonan-3-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Myrmica brevinodis, Myrmica scabrinodis | Crewe, 1970b | |
1284 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Δ1-9:3-one | non-1-en-3-one | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Eleodes beameri | Tschinkel, 1975a | |
1285 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E2-9:4-one | (E)-non-2-en-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Eucnemidae (false click beetle) | Palaeoxenus dohrni | Serrano, 2019 | |
1286 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:acid [pelargonic acid] | nonanoic acid | trail ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius fuliginosus | Huwyler, 1975 | |
1287 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:OH, 3-OH | (R)-nonane-1, 3-diol | (1-3) sex (M) ?, (4) allomone | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Dacus cucumis (=Bactrocera cucumis), (2) Dacus tau (= Bactrocera tau), (3)(4) Dacus cucurbitae (Bactrocera cucurbitae) | (1) [Kitching, 1986]; Kitching, 1989; (2) Perkins 1990a; (3) [Nishida, 1993a]; (4) [Tan, 2000b] | |
1288 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | E3-9:2-one, 5-one | (E)-non-3-ene-2, 5-dione | allomone | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Trigona mellicolor, Trigona tataira, Oxytrigona mellicolor | Bian, 1984; Roubik, 1987; Rinderer, 1988 | |
1289 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:acid, 9-OH | 9-hydroxynonanoic acid | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Oleria onega | Stamm, 2019 | |
1290 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | Z6-9:acid, 9-OH | (Z)-9-hydroxynon-6-enoic acid | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Oleria onega | Stamm, 2019 | |
1291 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 | 9:acid, 9-acid [azelaic acid] | nonanedioic acid | (1) sex (F), (2) secretion (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Callosobruchus maculatus, (2) Callosobruchus rhodesianus | (1) Nojima, 2007; (2) Shimomura, 2017 | |
1292 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C1 | E6-9:Me ester | methyl (E)-non-6-enoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis capitata | Jacobson, 1973; Ohinata, 1979 | |
1293 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C2 | 9:OAc | nonyl acetate | allomone | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Helluomorphoides ferrugineus, Helluomorphoides latitarsis, (2) Helluomorphoides clairvillei | (1) Eisner, 1968; (2) Attygalle, 1992 | |
1294 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C2 | 9:2-OAc | (R)-2-acetoxynonane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia brassicola | Bray, 2022 | |
1295 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C2 | 9:Ald, 9-OAc | 9-acetoxynonanal | aggregation (M) | Hymenoptera | Cephidae (stem sawfly) | Cephus cinctus | Cossé, 2002a | |
1296 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C2 + C2 | 9:2-OAc, 7-OAc | (2R,7S)-2,7-diacetoxynonane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia brassicola | Bray, 2022 | Bray, 2022 |
1297 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C3 | Z2-9:OCOEt | (Z)-non-2-enyl propionate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tribolium castaneum | Rangaswamy, 1991b | |
1298 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C4 | 9:2-OCOPr | (R)-2-butyroxynonane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Haplodiplosis marginata | Censier, 2014 | |
1299 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C5 | 9:NHC₅H₁₁ | N-isoamylnonylamine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Mesoponera castanea, Mesoponera castaneicolor | Fales, 1984 | |
1300 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C9 + C8 | 9:2-OCOPr, 7-OCOPr | (2S, 7S)-2, 7-dibutyroxynonane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Sitodiplosis mosellana | Gries, 2000 | Gries, 2000; Hooper, 2007; Li, 2023 |
1301 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:OH | decan-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | Kalotermitidae (termite) | Kalotermes flavicollis | Klochkov, 1989 | |
1302 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | Δ2-10:OH | dec-2-en-1-ol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Sceliphron caementarium | Hefetz, 1979c | |
1303 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | Z3-10:OH | (Z)-dec-3-en-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Hymenoptera | Siricidae (wood wasp) | (1)(2) Sirex noctilio, (2) Sirex nitobei | (1) Cooperband, 2012; Guignard, 2020; (2) Lu, 2022 | |
1304 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | Z4-10:OH | (Z)-dec-4-en-1-ol | aggregation (M) | Hymenoptera | Siricidae (wood wasp) | Sirex noctilio | Cooperband, 2012; Guignard, 2020 | |
1305 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:Ald | decanal | aggregation (larva) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Galleria mellonella | Kwadha, 2019 | |
1306 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2-10:Ald | (E)-dec-2-enal | (1)(3)(5-11)(13) allomone, (2)(4) gland secretion, (12) aggregation ?, (14) alarm | Heteroptera | (1-3)(5)(8)(10-14) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (6) Cydnidae (burrowing bug), (4)(7) Scutelleridae (jewel bug), (9) Thaumastellidae (true bug) | (1) Nezara viridula, Nezara antennata, Graphosoma rubrolineatum, Aelia fieberi, Scotinophara lurida, (2) Nezara viridula, (3) Menida scotti, (4) Chrysocoris stolli, (5) Vitellus insularis, (6) Aethus nigritus, (7) Coleostichus sordidus, (8) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (9) Thaumastella namaquensis, Thaumastella elizabethae, (10) Acrosternum aseadum, Euschistus tristigmus, Thyanta perditor, (11) Cosmopepla bimaculata, (12) Eocanthecona furcellata, (13) Chinavia impicticornis, Chinavia ubica, (14) Bathycoelia distincta | (1) Tsuyuki, 1965; (2) Gilby, 1965; (3) Baggini, 1966; (4) Choudhuri, 1969; (5) Smith, 1974; (6) Hayashi, 1976; (7) Smith, 1978; (8) Aldrich, 1984b; (9) Jacobs, 1989; (10) Borges, 1992; (11) Krall, 1999; (12) Ho, 2003; (13) Pareja, 2007; (14) Pal, 2022 | |
1307 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2-10:Ald, 4-one | (E)-4-oxodec-2-enal | (1)(2) allomone; (2)(3) aggregation | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1-3) Nezara viridula, (1) Acrosternum aseadum, Euschistus heros, Euschistus tristigmus, Thyanta perditor | (1) Borges, 1992; (2) Pavis, 1994; (3) Fucarino, 2004 | |
1308 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2,Z4-10:Ald | (2E, 4Z)-deca-2, 4-dienal | sex ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Eocanthecona furcellata | Ho, 2003 | |
1309 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2,Δ9-10:Ald | (E)-deca-2, 9-dienal | sex ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Eocanthecona furcellata | Ho, 2003 | |
1310 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:2-OH | (R)-decan-2-ol | allomone ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Trinervitermes bettonianus | Prestwich, 1981c | |
1311 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:2-OH | (R)-decan-2-ol | alarm ? | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma pallidipennis | [May-Concha, 2018] | |
1312 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:3-one | decan-3-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmica scabrinodis | Cammaerts, 1978; Morgan, 1978 | |
1313 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid [capric acid] | decanic acid | trail ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius fuliginosus | Huwyler, 1975 | |
1314 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | Z3-10:acid | (Z)-dec-3-enoic acid | (1) sex (F), (2) allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Dermestidae (hide beetle), (2) Silphidae (carrion beetle) | (1) Anthrenus flavipes, (2) Necrodes surinamensis | (1) Fukui, 1974; (2) Eisner, 1982; Roach, 1990 | |
1315 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | Z3-10:acid | (Z)-dec-3-enoic acid | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Holurothrips morikawai | Suzuki, 2000 | |
1316 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E4-10:acid | (E)-dec-4-enoic acid | allomone ? | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1) Bactrothrips brevitubus, (2) Bactrothrips honoris, Holurothrips morikawai | (1) Suzuki, 1990; (2) Suzuki, 2000 | |
1317 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | Δ9-10:acid [caproleic acid] | dec-9-enoic acid | allomone ? | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Kladothrips intermedius | Facci, 2014 | |
1318 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | ≡4,≡6,Z8-10:acid [8-dihydromatricaria acid] | (Z)-dec-8-ene-4, 6-diynoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | (1) Chauliognathus lecontei, (2) Chauliognathus pulchellus, (3) Chauliognathus pennsvlvanicus, (4) Chauliognathus lugubris | (1) Meinwald, 1968c; (2) Moore, 1978; (3) Eisner, 1981; (4) Brown, 1988 | |
1319 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:2-OH, 3-one | (S)-2-hydroxydecan-3-one | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Xylotrechus quadripes | Rhainds, 2001; Hall, 2006 | |
1320 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:2-one, 3-OH | (R)-3-hydroxyoctan-2-one | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Plagionotus arcuatus | Imrei, 2019 | Carmo, 2021 |
1321 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:2-one, 3-one | decane-2, 3-dione | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Xylotrechus quadripes | Rhainds, 2001 | |
1322 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid, 3-OH [myrmicacin] | (S)-3-hydroxydecanoic acid | (1) allomone ?, (2)(3) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1)(2) Atta sexdens, (1) Messor barbarous, Myrmica laevinodis, (2) Atta cephalotes, Acromyrmex octospinosus, (3) Bombus lapidaries, Bombus terrestris | (1) [Schildknecht, 1971a]; (2) [Do Nascimento, 1996]; (3) Cahlíková, 2004 | |
1323 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid, 3-OH [myrmicacin] | (S)-3-hydroxydecanoic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Laccophilus hyalinus, Laccophilus minutus | [Dettner, 1985b] | |
1324 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid, 9-OH | 9-hydroxydecanoic acid | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Scoliidae (wasp) | Campsoscolia ciliata | [Ayasse, 2003] | |
1325 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2-10:acid, 9-OH | (2E, 9R)-9-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid | queen | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Slessor, 1988; Slessor, 1990; Keeling, 2003; [Brockmann, 2006]; [Wossler, 2006]; [Almeida、2023]; [McAfee, 2024] | |
1326 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2-10:acid, 10-OH | (E)-10-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid | (1) gland secretion, (2) queen | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | (1) Callow, 1959; Butler, 1966; (2) Brockmann, 2006; Wossler, 2006 | |
1327 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid, Ald | 10-oxodecanoic acid | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Siricidae (wood wasp) | Sirex noctilio | Faal, 2022 | |
1328 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid, 4-one | 4-oxodecanoic acid | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa velutina | Wen, 2017 | Vydrina, 2024 |
1329 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:acid, 9-one | 9-oxodecanoic acid | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Scoliidae (wasp) | Campsoscolia ciliata | Ayasse, 2003 | |
1330 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2-10:acid, 9-one | (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid | queen | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | (1)(2) Apis mellifera, (2)(3)(4) Apis cerana, (2)(4) Apis florea, (3)(4) Apis dorsata | (1) Butler, 1959; Butler, 1961; Gary, 1962; Slessor, 1988; Slessor, 1990; Keeling, 2003; Brockmann, 2006; Wossler, 2006; Almeida、2023; (2) Butler, 1967; (3) Shearer, 1970; (4) Sannasi, 1971 | Trost, 1975 |
1331 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | E2-10:acid, 9-one | (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid | queen | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Odontotermes assmuthi | Sannasi, 1972 | |
1332 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 | 10:NH₂ | decylamine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium minimum | Wang, 2015a | |
1333 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C1 | E2,Z4-10:Me ester | methyl (2E, 4Z)-deca-2, 4-dienoate | (1) aggregation (M), (2) sex (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (2) Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Pityogenes chalcographus, (2) Acanthoscelides obtectus | (1) Byers, 1988; Byers, 1989; Byers, 1990b, (2) Vuts, 2015b | Baeckström, 1988 |
1334 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C1 | E2,Z4-10:Me ester | methyl (2E, 4Z)-deca-2, 4-dienoate | (1)(2) aggregation (M); (3) sex (M) ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1)(2) Euschistus conspersus, (1) Euschistus, tristigmus, Euschistus servus, Euschistus politus, (3) Euschistus heros | (1) Aldrich, 1991a; (2) Krupke, 2001; (3) Zhang, 2003d | |
1335 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C1 | E2,E4,Z6-10:Me ester | methyl (2E, 4E, 6Z)-deca-2, 4, 6-trienoate | aggregation | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Plautia stali | Sugie, 1996 | Khrimian, 2005; Ye, 2024 |
1336 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C1 | E2,Z4,Z6-10:Me ester | methyl (2E, 4Z, 6Z)-deca-2, 4, 6-trienoate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1)(2) Thyanta pallidovirens, (2) Thyanta custator, (3) Thyanta perditor | (1) Millar, 1997b; (2) McBrien, 2002; (3) Moraes, 2005 | Khrimian, 2005 |
1337 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C1 | E2,Z4,Z7-10:Me ester | methyl (2E, 4Z, 7Z)-deca-2, 4, 7-trienoate | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Acanthoscelides obtectus | Vuts, 2015b | |
1338 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C2 | 10:OAc | decyl acetate | (1)(4) gland secretion, (2) alarm, (3) allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Formica rufibarbis, (1)(3) Formica sanguinea, (2) Formica subintegra, Formica pergandei, (4) Formica schaufussi | (1) Bergström 1968; (2) Regnier, 1971; Wilson, 1971; (3) Löfqvist, 1977; (4) Graham, 1979 | |
1339 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C2 | 10:OAc | decyl acetate | alarm (larva) | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Frankliniella occidentalis | Teerling, 1993; MacDonald, 2002; MacDonald, 2003 | |
1340 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C2 | Δ2-10:OAc | dec-2-enyl acetate | alarm | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | (1)(2) Apis dorsata, (1) Apis florea | (1) Veith, 1978a; (2) Blum, 2000 | |
1341 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C2 | E2-10:OAc | (E)-dec-2-enyl acetate | (1-4) gland secretion, (5) allomone | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | (1) Nezara viridula, (2) Biprorulus bibax, (3) Veterna patula, (4) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (5) Cosmopepla bimaculata | (1) Gilby, 1965; (2) Macleod, 1975; (3) Prestwich, 1976c; (4) Aldrich, 1984b; (5) Krall, 1999 | |
1342 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C2 | 10:Et ester | ethyl decanoate | gland secretion | Coleptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Tramiathaea cornigera, Thamiaraea fuscicornis | Gnanasunderam, 1981a | |
1343 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C3 + C10 + C10 | (≡4,≡6,Z8-10)₃:glyceride | 1, 2, 3-tri[(Z)-dec-8-ene-4, 6-diynoyl]glycerol | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | Chauliognathus lugubris | Brown, 1988 | |
1344 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C4 | 10:OCOPr | decyl butanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Anthrenus sarnicus | Finnegan, 1993 | |
1345 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C4 | 10:OCOR (COR = E2-4) | decyl (E)-but-2-enoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Brentidae (primitive weevil) | Cylas puncticollis | Downham, 1990 | |
1346 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C6 | 10:6-OH ester | hexyl decanoate | trail | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Trigona recurs | Jarau, 2006 | |
1347 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C10 + C6 | Z3-10:OCOR (COR = E2-6) | (Z)-dec-3-enyl (E)-hex-2-enoate | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Rosalia funebris | Ray, 2009b | |
1348 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:H | undecane | (1-3) allomone ?, (4) alarm | Coleoptera | (1) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (2)(4) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (3) Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Eleodes longicollis, (2) Drusilla canaliculata, (3) Pterostichus externepunctatus, (4) Pella funestus, Pella humeralis | (1) Hurst, 1964; (2) Brand, 1973c; (3) Balestrazzi, 1985; (4) Stoeffler, 2007 | |
1349 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:H | undecane | (1)(3)(12) alarm, (2)(4-7)(9)(10) gland secretion, (8)(14) allomone, (11) sex (F), (13) recruitment | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(5) Acanthomyops claviger, (2) Formica fusca, Formica rufibarbis, (2)(8) Formica sanguinea, (3-5) Lasius alienus, (4) Lasius carniolicus, Lasius niger, (4)(5) Lasius flavus, (5) Acanthomyops latipes, Lasius umbratus, Formica neogagates, (5)(6) Camponotus pennsylvanicus, etc. (6) Camponotus americanus, Camponotus herculeanus, (7) Camponotus intrepidus, (8) Formica rufa, (9) Formica polyctena, (10) Camponotus thoracicus, Camponotus nigra, (11) Formica lugubris, (12) Lasius fuliginosus, (13) Paratrechina longicornis, (14) Nylanderia fulva | (1) Regnier, 1968; (2) Bergström, 1968; (3) Regnier, 1969; (4) Bergström, 1970; (5) Wilson, 1971; (6) Ayre, 1971; (7) Brophy, 1973; (8) Löfqvist, 1977; (9) Löfqvist, 1980b; (10) Hefetz, 1982b; (11) Walter, 1993; (12) Stoeffler, 2007; (13) Witte, 2007; (14) Chen, 2013 | |
1350 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:H | undecane | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Blaberus craniifer | Brossut, 1974 | |
1351 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:H | undecane | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Caloglyphus rodriguezi | Mori, 1995d | |
1352 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | Δ1-11:H | undec-1-ene | (1) gland secretion, (2)(3) allomone ?, (4) allomone ?, kairomone, (5) M sex ? | Coleoptera | (1) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (2-4) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (5) Bruchidae (seed beetle) | (1) Bledius spectabilis, Bledius mandibularis, (2) Eleodes acuta, Eleodes acuticauda, Eleodes armata, Eleodes beameri, Eleodes carbonaria, etc., (3) Menimus castaeneus, (4) Parastizopus armaticeps, Eremostibes opacus, (5) Bruchus rufimanus | (1) Wheeler, 1972b; (2) Tschinkel, 1975b; (3) Brown, 1992; (4) Geiselhardt, 2006; (5) Bruce, 2011 | |
1353 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:OH | undecan-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | Kalotermitidae (termite) | Kalotermes flavicollis | Klochkov, 1989 | |
1354 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:OH | undecan-1-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1) Achroia innotata, (2) Galleria mellonella | (1) Nemoto, 1990; (2) Romel, 1992 | |
1355 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:2-OH | undecan-2-ol | (1) recruitment, (2)(3) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2)(3)Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Bothroponera soror, (2) Tetragona clavipes, (2)(3) Frieseomelitta silvestrii, (3) Frieseomelitta varia | (1) Longhurst, 1980c; (2) Norman, 2017; (3) Cheng, 2017; Berville, 2023 | |
1356 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:Ald | undecanal | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Galleria mellonella | Röller,1968; Leyrer 1973; Romel, 1992; Svensson, 2014 | |
1357 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:2-one | undecan-2-one | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Notodontidae (notodontid moth) | Heterocampa manteo | Eisner, 1972 | |
1358 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:2-one | undecan-2-one | alarm | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Bothroponera soror, (2) Acromyrmex octospinosus, Acromyrmex echinatior, (3) Vespa velutina | (1) Longhurst, 1980c; (2) Norman, 2017; (3) Cheng, 2017 | |
1359 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:2-one | undecan-2-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae (sap beetle) | Lobiopa insularis | Moliterno, 2017 | |
1360 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | 11:3-one | undecan-3-one | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
1361 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | Z4-11:Ald | (Z)-undec-4-enal | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila melanogaster | Lebreton, 2017; Borrero-Echeverry, 2022 | |
1362 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | Z5-11:acid | (Z)-undec-5-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Anthrenus verbasci | Kuwahara, 1985 | |
1363 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 | E5-11:acid | (E)-undec-5-enoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Anthrenus verbasci | Kuwahara, 1985 | |
1364 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C2 | 11:O(C₂H₄)OH [monochamol] | 2-undecyloxyethanol | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Monochamus galloprovincialis, (2) Monochamus alternatus, (3) Monochamus scutellatus, (4) Monochamus sutor, (5) Monochamus saltuarius, (6) Monochamus maculosus | (1) Pajares, 2010; (2) Teale, 2011; (3) Fierke, 2012; (4) Pajares, 2013; (5) Lee, 2017; (6) Andrade, 2024 | |
1365 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C2 | 11:2-OAc | (S)-undec-2-yl acetate [(S)-2-acetoxyundecane] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia nasturtii | Hillbur, 2005; Boddum, 2009 | |
1366 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C2 | 11:2-OAc, 5-one | (S)-2-acetoxyundecan-5-one | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Resseliella theobaldi | Hall, 2009 | |
1367 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C2 | 11:5-one, 10-OAc | (S)-10-acetoxyundecan-5-one | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia pyrivora | Hall, 2012 | |
1368 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C4 | 11:2-OAc, 7-OAc | (2S, 7S)-2, 7-diacetoxyundecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia pyrivora | Hall, 2012 | |
1369 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C4 | 11:2-OAc, 9-OAc | (2S, 9S)-2, 9-diacetoxyundecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia nasturtii | Hillbur, 2005; Boddum, 2009 | |
1370 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C11 + C4 | 11:2-OAc, 10-OAc | (2S, 10S)-2, 10-diacetoxyundecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia nasturtii | Hillbur, 2005; Boddum, 2009 | |
1371 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:H | dodecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae.(ant) | Pogonomyrmex barbatus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus | Regnier, 1973 | |
1372 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:OH | dodecan-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | Kalotermitidae (termite) | Kalotermes flavicollis | Klochkov, 1989 | |
1373 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:Ald | dodecanal | (1) allomone ?, (2) aphrodisiac | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Drusilla canaliculata, (2) Aleochara curtula | (1) Brand, 1973c; (2) Peschke, 1982; Peschke, 1983 | |
1374 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:Ald | dodecanal | aggregation (M) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Spathius agrili | Cossé, 2012 | |
1375 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | E2-12:Ald | (E)-dodec-2-enal | allomone ? | {Spirostreptida} | Rhinocricidae (millipede) | Rhinocricus insulatus | Wheeler, 1964 | |
1376 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:acid [lauric acid] | dodecanoic acid | trail ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Lasius fuliginosus | Huwyler, 1975 | |
1377 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:acid [lauric acid] | dodecanoic acid | (1) oviposition (F), (2) oviposition (egg) | Diptera | Psychodidae (sand fly) | (1) Lutzomyia longipalpis, (2) Phlebotomus papatasi | (1) Dougherty, 1997; (2) Kowacich, 2020 | |
1378 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:NH₂ | dodecylamine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium minimum | Wang, 2015a | |
1379 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | 12:2-OH | (R)-dodecan-2-ol | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster castanea | Morgan, 2004 | |
1380 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Z3-12:OH | (Z)-dodec-3-en-1-ol | (1-3)(6) trail, (4)(5) sex (F) | Isoptera | (1)(2) Macrotermitidae (termite), (3) Kalotermitidae (termite), (4)(5) Termitidae (termite), (6) Stylotermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Macrotermes annandalei, (2) Macrotermes barneyi, Macrotermes bellicosus, Macrotermes subhyalinus, Odontotermes hainanensis, Odontotermes maesodensis, (3) Kalotermes flavicollis, Cryptotermes brevis, Cryptotermes pallidus, Cryptotermes darlingtonae, Procryptotermes falcifer, Procryptotermes leewardensis, Neotermes holmgreni, Incisitermes tabogae, Postelectrotermes howa, (4) Odontotermes formosanus, (5) Embiratermes neotenicus, Silvestritermes minutus, (6) Stylotermes faveolus, Stylotermes halumicus | (1) Peppuy, 2001a; (2) Peppuy, 2001b; (3) Sillam-Dussès, 2009; (4) Wen, 2012; (5) Dolejšová, 2018; (6) Thakur, 2023 | |
1381 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Z3-12:acid | (Z)-dodec-3-enoic acid | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Bothriomyrmex syrius | Lloyd, 1986 | |
1382 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | E3-12:acid | (E)-dodec-3-enoic acid | gland secretion | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1)(2) Hoplothrips japonicas, (2) Haplothrips aculeatus, Ecacanthothrips inarmatus, Psalidothrips lewisi | (1) Haga, 1989; (2) Suzuki, 2004 | |
1383 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Z3,Z6-12:OH | (3Z, 6Z)-dodeca-3, 6-dien-1-ol | (1)(5) trail, (2)(3)(4) sex (F) | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Ancistrotermes pakistanicus, (2) Odontotermes formosanus, (3) Ancistrotermes dimorphus, (4) Silvestritermes heyeri, Silvestritermes minutus, (5) Silvestritermes euhamignathu | (1) Robert, 2004; (2) Wen, 2012; (3) Wen, 2015; (4) Dolejšová, 2018; (5) Sillam-Dussès, 2020 | |
1384 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Z3,Z6,E8-12:OH | (3Z, 6Z, 8E)-dodeca-3, 6, 8-trien-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | (1)(2)(4-6) Heterotermitidae (termite), (3) Rhinotermitidae (termite), (7) Nasutitermitidae (termite) | (1) Reticulitermes flavipes, (1)(2) Reticulitermes virginicus, (3) Coptotermes formosanus, (4) Reticulitermes speratus, (5) Reticulitermes santonensis, (6) Reticulitermes lucifugus, Reticulitermes santonensis, (7) Constrictotermes cyphergaster, Nasutitermes corniger, Nasutitermes ephratae, Nasutitermes guayanae, Nasutitermes kemneri, Trinervitermes geminatus, Trinervitermes trinervoides, etc | (1) Matsumura, 1968; Tai, 1969, (2) Matsumura, 1969; (3) Tokoro, 1989; Tokoro, 1992; (4) Yamaoka, 1987; Tokoro, 1990; Tokoro, 1991; (5) Laduguie, 1994; (6) Wobst, 1999; (7) Sillam-Dussès, 2010 | Tai, 1969 |
1385 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Z3,Z6,E8-12:OH | (3Z, 6Z, 8E)-dodeca-3, 6, 8-trien-1-ol | (1)(3)(4) sex (F), (1)(2)(3)(5) trail | Isoptera | (1) Macrotermitidae (termite), (2)(4)(5) Termitidae (termite), (3) Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Pseudacanthotermes spiniger, (2)(5) Cornitermes bequaerti, (3) Psammotermes hybostoma, (4)(5) Embiratermes neotenicus, (5) Cornitermes cumulans, Cornitermes snyderi, Cyrilliotermes angulariceps, Labiotermes labralis, Syntermes grandis | (1) Bordereau, 1991; (2) Bordereau, 2002; (3) Sillam-Dussès, 2011; (4) Dolejšová, 2018; (5) Sillam-Dussès, 2020 | |
1386 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Z3,E6,E8-12:OH | (3Z, 6E, 8E)-dodeca-3, 6, 8-trien-1-ol | trail | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Tokoro, 1994 | |
1387 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Δ1-12:3-one | dodec-1-en-3-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1) Dufourea dentriventris, Dufourea inermis, Dufourea minuta, (2) Dufourea novaeangliae | (1) Tengö, 1985; (2) Wheeler, 1985 | |
1388 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 | Δ1,Δ11-12:3-one | dodeca-1, 11-dien-3-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | Dufourea inermis, Dufourea minuta | Tengö, 1985 | |
1389 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | 12:Et ester | ethyl dodecanoate | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Exoneura richardsoni, Exoneura bicolor, Exoneura bicincta | Cane, 1983b | |
1390 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | 12:Et ester | ethyl dodecanoate | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Pityogenes hopkinsi | Birgersson, 2000 | |
1391 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | 12:Et ester | ethyl dodecanoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera correcta | Zhang, 2019 | |
1392 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | 12:OAc | dodecyl acetate | (1)(2) secretion, (3) alarm, (4) allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(4) Formica sanguinea, (2) Lasius niger, (3) Formica subintegra, Formica pergandei | (1) Bergström, 1968; (2) Bergström, 1970; (3) Regnier, 1971; Wilson, 1971; (4) Löfqvist, 1977 | |
1393 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | 12:OAc | dodecyl acetate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Melanotus okinawensis | Tamaki, 1986 | |
1394 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | 12:OAc | dodecyl acetate | (1) alarm (larva), (2) aggregatin (larva) | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | (1) Frankliniella occidentalis, (2) Dendrothrips minowai | (1) Teerling, 1993; MacDonald, 2002; MacDonald, 2003; (2) Xiu, 2024 | |
1395 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C2 | Z3-12:OAc | (Z)-dodec-3-enyl acetate | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tenebrio molitor | Bryning, 2005 | |
1396 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C3 (C2) | 12:iPr ester | isopropyl dodecanoate | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) aggregation (M) ? | Coleoptera | (1) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (2)(3) Dermestidae (hide beetle) | (1) Coprophilus striatulus, (2) Dermestes ater, (3) Dermestes haemorrhoidalis | (1) Dettner, 1984; (2) Imai, 1990b; (3) Korada, 2009 | |
1397 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C3 (C2) | Z5-12:iPr ester | isopropyl (Z)-dodec-5-enoate | gland secretion (M) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Dermestes maculatus | Francke, 1979b | |
1398 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C4 (C3) | Z3-12:s-Bu ester | 1-methylpropyl (Z)-dodec-3-enoate [sec-butyl (Z)-dodec-3-enoate] | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Deleaster dichrous | [Dettner, 1985a] | |
1399 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C4 | 12:OCOPr | dodecyl butanoate | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (longhorned bee) | Melissodes desponsa | Batra, 1979 | |
1400 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C4 | 12:OCOR (COR = E2-4) | dodecyl (E)-but-2-enoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Brentidae (primitive weevil) | Cylas brunneus | Downham, 1990 | |
1401 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C4 | Z3-12:OCOR (COR = E2-4) | (Z)-dodec-3-enyl (E)-but-2-enoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Brentidae (primitive weevil) | Cylas formicarius | Heath, 1986; Sureda, 2006 | |
1402 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C4 | E9,Δ11-12:OCOPr | (E)-dodeca-9, 11-dienyl butanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Melanotus sakishimensis | Tamaki, 1990 | Yen, 1998 |
1403 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C6 | 12:6-OH esster [hexyl laurate] | hexyl dodecanoate | allomone ? | {Julida} | Julidae (millipede) | Anaulaciulus sp. | Shimizu, 2012a | |
1404 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C6 | E9,Δ11-12:OCOC₅H₁₁ | (E)-dodeca-9, 11-dienyl hexanoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Melanotus sakishimensis | Tamaki, 1990 | Yen, 1998 |
1405 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C12 + C14 | ≡6,≡8,Z10-12:≡8,≡10,Z12-14:OH ester | (Z)-tetradec-12-ene-8, 10-diynyl (Z)-dodec-10-ene-6, 8-diynoate | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | Chauliognathus lugubris | Brown, 1988 | |
1406 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:H | tridecane | (1)(2)(4)(8-13) gland secretion, (3)(5-7)(14-18) allomone | Heteroptera | (1-4)(8)(9)(12)(14)(16) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (5) Plataspidae (shield bug), (6) Tessaratomidae (giant shield bug), (7)(17)(18) Pyrrhocoridae (red bug), (10)(13) Cydnidae (burrowing bug), (11) Scutelleridae (jewel bug), (15) Thaumastellidae (true bug) | (1) Oehalus pugnax, (2)(9) Musgraevia sulciventris (Rhoecocoris sulciventris), (3) Carpocoris purpureipennis, (4) Nezara viridula, (5) Ceratocoris cephalicus, (6) Tessaratoma aethiops, (7) Dysdercus intermedius, (8) Vitellus insularis, (9) Biprorulus bibax, (10) Macroscytus japonensis, (11) Coleostichus sordidus, (12) Apateticus bracteatus, (13) Aethus indicus, (14) Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, (15) Thaumastella namaquensis, Thaumastella elizabethae, (16) Coridius janus, (17)(18) Dysdercus cingulatus, (18) Dysdercus fasciatus | (1) Blum, 1960; (2) Park, 1962; (3) Remold, 1963; (4) Gilby, 1965; (5)(6) Baggini, 1966; (7) Calam, 1968; (8) Smith, 1974; (9) Macleod, 1975; (10) Hayashi, 1976; (11) Smith, 1978; (12) Percy, 1980; (13) Olagbemiro, 1984; (14) Aldrich, 1984b; (15) Jacobs, 1989; (16) Gunawardena, 1991; Gunawardena, 1992; (17) Farine, 1992; (18) Farine, 1993b | |
1407 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:H | tridecane | (1-3)(5-8) gland secretion, (4) allomone, (9) sex (F), (10) alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Formica fusca, Formica rufibarbis, (2) Lasius niger, Lasius alienus, (3) Camponotus intrepidus, (4) Formica rufa, (5) Formica polyctena, (6) Camponotus cericeus, Camponotus lateralis, Camponotus nigra, Camponotus viaticoides, Camponotus livida, (7) Polyrhachis dodd, (8) Messor lobognathus, (9) Formica lugubris, (10) Messor andrei, Messor pergandei | (1) Bergström, 1968; (2) Bergström, 1970; (3) Brophy, 1973; (4) Löfqvist, 1977; (5) Löfqvist, 1980b; (6) Hefetz, 1982b; (7) Bellas, 1985; (8) Do Nascimento, 1993b; (9) Walter, 1993; (10) Hölldobler, 2013 | |
1408 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:H | tridecane | allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (2) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Eleodes longicollis, (2) Lomechusa strumosa | (1) Hurst, 1964; (2) Blum, 1971b | |
1409 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:H | tridecane | secretion | [Astigmata] | (1) Acaridae (acarid mite), (2) Glycyphagidae (astigmatic mite) | (1) Acarus siro, Aeroglyphus robustas, (2) Lepidoglyphus destructor | (1)(2) Tuma, 1990 | |
1410 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Δ1-13:H | tridec-1-ene | allomone ? | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | Chrysopa oculata | Blum, 1973 | |
1411 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Δ1-13:H | tridec-1-ene | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (mealworm) | Parastizopus transgariepinus | Geiselhardt, 2008a | |
1412 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Δ1-13:H | tridec-1-ene | allomone ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Agroecus griseus, Pallantia macunaima, Pellaea stictica, Loxa deducta, etc. | Fávaro, 2013b | |
1413 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Z4-13:H | (Z)-tridec-4-ene | (1) allomone ?, (2) aphrodisiac | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Drusilla canaliculata, (2) Aleochara curtula | (1) [Brand, 1973c]; (2) Peschke, 1982; Peschke, 1983 | |
1414 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Z4-13:H | (Z)-tridec-4-ene | (1) gland secretion, (2) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Formica lugubris, (1) Formica polyctena, Formica truncorum | (1) Lanne, 1988; (2) Walter, 1993 | |
1415 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Z4-13:H | (Z)-tridec-4-ene | (1) alarm, allomone, (2) gland secretion | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | (1) Chrysoperla carnea, (2) Chrysopa nigrispinus, Chrysopa incompleta, Chrysopa septempunctata, Chrysopa oculata, Chrysopa quadripunctata, Ceraeochrysa cubana Chrysoperla rufilabris Chrysoperla sp., Mallada sp. | (1) Zhu, 2000; (2) Aldrich, 2009 | |
1416 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Z4-13:H | (Z)-tridec-4-ene | allomone ? | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Agroecus griseus, Pallantia macunaima, Pellaea stictica, Loxa deducta, etc. | Fávaro, 2013b | |
1417 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Z4,Z7-13:H | (4Z, 7Z)-trideca-4, 7-diene | gland secretion | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | Chrysopa nigrispinus, Chrysopa incomplete, Chrysopa septempunctata, | Aldrich, 2009 | |
1418 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Z4-13:Ald | (Z)-tridec-4-enal | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Macrocentrus grandii | Swedenborg, 1992 | |
1419 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-OH | (R)-tridecan-2-ol | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster scutellaris | Scarano, 2024 | |
1420 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | E10-13:2-OH | (2S, 10E)-tridec-10-en-2-ol | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola destructor | Andersson, 2009 | |
1421 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | (1) alarm, (2-5) gland secretion, (6) marking ?, (7) allomone | Hymenoptera | (1-4)(7) Formicidae (ant), (5) Apidae (stingless bee), (6) Sphecidae (wasp) | (1)(4) Acanthomyops claviger, (2) Formica rufibarbis, (3) Lasius carniolicus, (3)(4) Lasius alienus, (4) Acanthomyops latipes, Lasius umbratus, Formica neogagates, etc. (5) Scaptotrigona postica, (6) Philanthus crabroniformis, (7) Nylanderia fulva | (1) Regnier, 1968; (2) Bergström, 1968; (3) Bergström 1970; (4) Wilson, 1971; (5) Francke, 1983; (6) McDaniel, 1992, (7) Chen, 2013 | |
1422 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | allomone ? (larva) | Lepidoptera | Notodontidae (notodontid moth) | Heterocampa manteo | Eisner, 1972 | |
1423 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | allomone ? | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Schedorhinotermes putorius | Quennedey, 1973 | |
1424 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1) Anisodactylus signatus, Harpalus capito, Coptodera subapicalis, Cymindis daimio, etc., (2) Harpalus pensylvanicus | (1) Kanehisa, 1985; (2) Rork, 2021 | |
1425 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila hydei | Moats, 1987 | |
1426 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | (1) Sironidae, (2) Pettalidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Siro duricorius, Siro exilis, (2) Austropurcellia forsteri | (1) Raspotnig, 2005b; (2) Raspotnig, 2012 | |
1427 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | 13:2-one | tridecan-2-one | sex (F) ? | Trichoptera | Hydropsychidae (caddis fly) | Smicridea fasciatella | Cavallaro, 2022 | |
1428 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 | Δ7-13:2-one | tridec-7-en-2-one | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Sironidae (spider: harvestman) | Siro duricorius, Siro exilis | Raspotnig, 2005c | |
1429 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C2 | 13:2-OAc | (S)-tridec-2-yl acetate [(S)-2-acetoxytridecane] | (1) aggregation (M), (2) sex (F) | Diptera | (1) Drosophilidae (fruit fly), (2) Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | (1) Drosophila mulleri, (2) Contarinia pisi, (3) Mayetiola destructor | (1) Bartelt, 1989; Schaner, 1989d; (2) [Hillbur, 1999]; [Hillbur, 2000]; [Hillbur, 2001]; (3) Andersson, 2009 | Kamezawa, 1994; Petukhova, 2022 |
1430 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C2 | E10-13:2-OAc | (2S, 10E)-tridec-10-en-2-yl acetate | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola destructor | Foster, 1991; Millar, 1991; Andersson, 2009 | Millar, 1991 |
1431 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C2 | Z8,E10-13:2-OAc | (2S, 8Z, 10E)-trideca-8, 10-dien-2-yl acetate [(2S, 8Z, 10E)-2-acetoxytrideca-8, 10-diene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola destructor | Andersson, 2009 | |
1432 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C2 | E8,E10-13:2-OAc | (2S, 8E, 10E)-trideca-8, 10-dien-2-yl acetate [(2S, 8E, 10E)-2-acetoxytrideca-8, 10-diene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola destructor | Andersson, 2009 | |
1433 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C2 | 4Z,7Z-13:2-OAc | (2S, 4Z, 7Z)-trideca-4, 7-dien-2-yl acetate [(2S, 4Z, 7Z)-2-acetoxytrideca-4, 7-diene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia oregonensis | Gries, 2002 | |
1434 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C4 | 13:2-OAc. 7-OAc | (2R, 7S)-2, 7-diacetoxytridecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Aphidoletes aphidimyza | Choi, 2004 | |
1435 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C4 | 13:2-OAc. 11-OAc | (2S, 11S)-2, 11-diacetoxytridecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia pisi | Hillbur, 1999; Hillbur, 2000; Hillbur, 2001 | |
1436 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C13 + C4 | 13:2-OAc. 12-OAc | (2S, 12S)-2, 12-diacetoxytridecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Contarinia pisi | Hillbur, 1999; Hillbur, 2000; Hillbur, 2001 | |
1437 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | 14:H | tetradecane | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Blaberus craniifer | Brossut, 1974 | |
1438 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | 14:Ald | tetradecanal | sex (F) | Mantodea | Mantidae (mantid) | Sphodromantis lineola | Hurd, 2004 | |
1439 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | 14:Ald | tetradecanal | (1) allomone (queen), (2) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Ichneumonidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Rossomyrmex minuchae, (2) Campoletis chlorideae | (1) Ruano, 2005, (2) Guo, 2022 | |
1440 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z5-14:OH | (Z)-tetradec-5-en-1-ol | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pikonema.alaskensis | Bartelt, 1983b | |
1441 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z5-14:Ald | (Z)-tetradec-5-enal | aphrodisiac | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Aleochara curtula | Peschke, 1982; Peschke, 1983 | |
1442 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z9-14:Ald | (Z)-tetradec-9-enal | allomone (prey attractant) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (bolas spider) | Mastophora cornigera | Stowe, 1987 | |
1443 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z5-14:acid | (Z)-tetradec-5-enoic acid | allomone ? | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1) Ponticulothrips diospyrosi, (2) Bactrothrips carbonarius, Bactrothrips flectoventris, Elaphrothrips antennaris, Mecynothrips pugilator, Ophthalmothrips miscanthicola, etc. | (1) Suzuki, 1995; Suzuki, 2004; (2) Suzuki, 2000 | |
1444 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z3,Z5-14:acid | (3Z, 5Z)-tetradeca-3, 5-dienoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Attagenus elongatulus (Attagenus brunneus) | Fukui, 1977 | |
1445 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | E3,Z5-14:acid | (3E, 5Z)-tetradeca-3, 5-dienoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Attagenus megatoma (Attagenus unicolor) | Silverstein, 1967b | |
1446 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | 14:2-one | tetradecan-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Hoplia equina | Zhang, 2003c | |
1447 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z7-14:2-one | (Z)-tetradec-7-en-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Blitopertha orientalis, (2) Exomala orientalis, (3) Anomala orientalis | (1) Leal, 1993a; (2) Leal, 1994d; (3) Zhang, 1994 | |
1448 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Δ1-14:3-one | tetradec-1-en-3-one | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Schedorhinotermes putorius, (2) Schedorhinotermes lamanianus | (1) Quennedey, 1973; (2) Prestwich, 1975 | |
1449 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Δ1,Δ13-14:3-one | tetradeca-1, 13-dien-3-one | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Schedorhinotermes lamanianus | Prestwich, 1975 | |
1450 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | 14:Ald, 3-one | 3-oxotetradecanal | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Rhinotermes hispidus, (2) Rhinotermes marginalis | (1) Prestwich, 1980a; (2) Prestwich, 1982a | |
1451 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Δ13-14:Ald, 3-one | 3-oxotetradec-13-enal | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Rhinotermes hispidus, (2) Rhinotermes marginalis | (1) Prestwich, 1980a; (2) Prestwich, 1982a | |
1452 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | E11-14:acid, 7-one | (E)-7-oxotetradec-11-enoic acid | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris echeria | Schulz, 1988b | |
1453 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z7-14:NH₂ | (Z)-tetradec-7-enylamine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium floricola | Jones, 1996a | |
1454 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 | Z9-14:NH₂ | (Z)-tetradec-9-enylamine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium floricola | Jones, 1996a | |
1455 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C1 | 14:Me ester [methyl myristate] | methyl tetradecanoate | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Trypodendron domesticus (Xyloterus domesticus) | Francke, 1974c | |
1456 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C1 | 14:Me ester [methyl myristate] | methyl tetradecanoate | marking (F) | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa virginica | Vinson, 1978 | |
1457 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C1 | Z5-14:Me ester | methyl (Z)-tetradec-5-enoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Anomala rufocuprea | Tamaki, 1985; Nakano, 1986 | |
1458 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C1 | Z9-14:Me ester | methyl (Z)-tetradec-9-enoate | anti-aphrodisiac (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila paulistorum | Chao, 2010 | |
1459 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C1 | E2,Δ4,Δ5-14:Me ester | methyl (E, R)-tetradeca-2, 4, 5-trienoate | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Acanthoscelides obtectus | [Horler, 1970]; Pirkle, 1978b; Vuts, 2015a; Vuts, 2015b | Pirkle, 1978b; Mori, 1981e; Mori 2012; [Mori, 2015b]; [Sakhautdinov, 2018] |
1460 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | 14:OAc | tetradecyl acetate | (1) alarm, (2) gland secretion, (3) sex (F), (4) allomone | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Apidae (bumblebee), (3) Platygastridae (parasitoid wasp), (4) Apidae (bee) | (1) Formica subintegra, Formica pergandei, (2) Bombus griseocollis, (3) Trissolcus brochymenae, (4) Bombus vestalis | (1) Regnier, 1971; Wilson, 1971; (2) Bertsch, 2004b; (3) Salerno, 2012; (4) Lhomme, 2015 | |
1461 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | 14:OAc | tetradecyl acetate | allomone | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | Cicindela flexuosa | Hefetz, 1984 | |
1462 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | 14:OAc | tetradecyl acetate | aggregation (larva) | Thysanoptera | Thripidae (thrips) | Dendrothrips minowai | Xiu, 2024 | |
1463 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | 14:Et ester | ethyl tetradecanoate | (1)(2) allomone ?, (3) marking ? | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (3) Sphecidae (wasp) | (1) Pithitis smaragdula, (2) Exoneura richardsoni, Exoneura bicolor, Exoneura bicincta, (3) Philanthus barbatus | (1) Hefetz, 1979d; (2) Cane, 1983b; (3) McDaniel, 1992 | |
1464 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | 14:Et ester | ethyl tetradecanoate | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera correcta | Zhang, 2019 | |
1465 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | Z9-14:OAc | (Z)-tetradec-9-enyl acetate | allomone (prey attractant) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (bolas spider) | (1) Mastophora cornigera, (2) Mastophora hutchinsoni | (1) Stowe, 1987; (2) Gemeno, 2000; Haynes, 2002 | |
1466 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | Z9,E12-14:OAc | (9Z, 12E)-tetradeca-9, 12-dienyl acetate | allomone (prey attractant) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (bolas spider) | Mastophora hutchinsoni | Gemeno, 2000; Haynes, 2002 | |
1467 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | Δ13-14:OAc | tetradec-13-enyl acetate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Elateridae (click beetle) | Melanotus communis | Williams, 2019 | |
1468 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | Δ7-14:Et ester | ethyl tetradec-7-enoate | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Bombus lucorum | Žácek, 2009 | |
1469 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C2 | Δ9-14:Et ester | ethyl tetradec-9-enoate | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Bombus lucorum | Žácek, 2009 | |
1470 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C3 (C2) | 14:iPr ester | isopropyl tetradecanoate | marking ? | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus crabroniformis | McDaniel, 1992 | |
1471 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C3 (C2) | 14:iPr ester | isopropyl tetradecanoate | (1) gland secretion, (2) aggregation (M) ? | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | (1) Dermestes ater, (2) Dermestes haemorrhoidalis | (1) Imai, 1990b; (2) Korada, 2009 | |
1472 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C3 (C2) | Z9-14:iPr ester | isopropyl (Z)-tetradec-9-enoate | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) aggregation (M) ? | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | (1) Dermestes maculatus, (2) Dermestes ater, (3) Dermestes haemorrhoidalis | (1) Levinson, 1978; Francke, 1979b; (2) Imai, 1990b; (3) Korada, 2009 | |
1473 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C3 | 14:OCOEt [myristyl propanoate] | tetradecyl propionate | sex (F) | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes flavipes | Clément, 1989 | |
1474 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C4 | 14:OCOPr [myristyl butanoate] | tetradecyl butanoate | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (longhorned bee) | Melissodes desponsa | Batra, 1979 | |
1475 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C4 (C3) | 14:OCOiPr [myristyl isobutanoate] | tetradecyl isobutanoate | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | Riptortus clavatus | Leal, 1995c; Mizutani, 1997; Huh, 2005; Yasuda, 2007 | |
1476 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C14 + C4 | Z5-14:OCOPr | (Z)-tetradec-5-enyl butanoate | secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Scaptotrigona postica | Francke, 1983 | |
1477 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | 15:H | pentadecane | (1)(3) gland secretion, (2) allomone ?, (4) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1)(3) Formicidae.(ant), (2) Anthophoridae (small carpenter bee), (4) Crabronidae (wasp) | (1) Camponotus intrepidus, (2) Ceratina calcarata, Ceratina cucurbitina, Ceratina strenua, (3) Tetramorium caespitum, Tetramorium impurum, Tetramorium semilaeve, (4) Argogorytes fargeii | (1) Brophy, 1973; (2) Wheeler, 1977b; (3) Billen,1986; (4) Bohman, 2020 | |
1478 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | 15:H | pentadecane | (1) gland secretion, (2) allomone ? | Heteroptera | (1) Cydnidae (burrowing bug), (2) Thaumastellidae (true bug) | (1) Aethus nigritus, (2) Thaumastella namaquensis, Thaumastella elizabethae | (1) Hayashi, 1976; (2) Jacobs, 1989 | |
1479 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | Δ1-15:H | pentadec-1-en | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1)(3) Tribolium confusum, (2) Adelium percatum, Adelium pustolosum, (3) Tribolium audax, Tribolium madens, Tribolium brevicornis, Tribolium destructor, (3)(4) Tribolium castaneum, (4) Tribolium freeman | (1) Von Endt, 1971; (2) Eisner, 1974; (3) Markaria, 1978; (4) Suzuki, 1988b | |
1480 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | Z6-15:H | (Z)-pentadec-6-ene | alarm | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyrophagus neiswanderi | Kuwahara, 1989c | |
1481 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | Z7-15:H | (Z)-pentadec-7-ene | alarm | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Tyrophagus neiswanderi | Kuwahara, 1989c | |
1482 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | 15:Ald | pentadecanal | sex (F) | Mantodea | Mantidae (mantid) | Sphodromantis lineola | Hurd, 2004 | |
1483 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | E6,Z8-15:Ald | (6E, 8Z)-pentadeca-6, 8-dienal | aggragation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Chlorida costata, Chlorida festiva | Silva, 2016b | |
1484 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | Z6,Δ14-15:Ald | (Z)-pentadeca-6, 14-dienal | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Pamphillidae (webspinning sawfly) | Acantholyda erythrocephala | Staples, 2009 | |
1485 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | E2,Z6,Z9-15:Ald | (2E, 6Z, 9Z)-pentadeca-2, 6, 9-trienal | aggregation | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Elaphidion mucronatum | Millar, 2017 | |
1486 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | 15:2-one | pentadecan-2-one | (1)(2) secretion, (3)(4) marking ?, (5) trail ? | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Apidae (stingless bee), (3) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (4) Sphecidae (wasp), (5) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Lasius alienus, Lasius carniolicus, (2) Scaptotrigona postica, (3) Centris nitida, Centris trigonoides, (4) Philanthus basilaris, Philanthus bicictus, (5) Polybia sericea | (1) Bergström, 1970; (2) Francke, 1983; (3) Williams, 1984; (4) Schmidt, 1985; McDaniel, 1987; (5) Clarke, 1999 | |
1487 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | 15:2-one | pentadecan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Uloma tenebrionoides | Gnanasunderam, 1985 | |
1488 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | 15:2-one | pentadecan-2-one | aggregation (M | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila busckii | Schaner, 1989d | |
1489 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | Z8-15:2-one | (Z)-pentadec-8-en-2-one | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Acorhinotermes subfusciceps | Prestwich, 1981a; Prestwich, 1982a | |
1490 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | Δ1,Δ14-15:3-one | pentadeca-1, 14-dien-3-one | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Schedorhinotermes malaccensis | Chuah, 1990 | |
1491 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 | E1-15:NO₂ | (E)-1-nitropentadec-1-ene | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1)(3) Prorhinotermes simplex, (2) Prorhinotermes flavus, (3) Prorhinotermes canalifrons, Prorhinotermes inopinatus | (1) Vrkoč, 1974; Naya, 1982; (2) Chuah, 1990; (3) Piskorski, 2007 | |
1492 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 + C2 | 15:OAc | pentadecyl acetate | aggregation | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Holotrichia parallela | Qu, 2025 | |
1493 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 + C2 | 15:2-OAc | (S)-pentadec-2-yl acetate [(S)-2-acetoxypentadecane] | aggregation (M | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila busckii | Schaner, 1989d | Kamezawa, 1994 |
1494 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 + C2 | Z6-15:2-OAc | (2R, 6Z)-pentadec-6-en-2-yl acetate [(2R, 6Z)-2-acetoxypentadec-6-ene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura plicatrix | Hall, 2012 | |
1495 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C15 + C2 | Z6,Z9-15:2-OAc | (2R, 6Z, 9Z)-pentadeca-6, 9-dien-2-yl acetate [(2R, 6Z, 9Z)-2-acetoxypentadeca-6, 9-diene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura plicatrix | Hall, 2012 | |
1496 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:H | hexadecane | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Acrolepiidae (acrolepiid moth) | Acrolepiopsis assectella | Thibout, 1994; Lecomte, 1998 | |
1497 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:OH | hexadecan-1-ol | (1) marking (M) ?, (2) gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Bombus hypnorum, Bombus lapponicus, Bombus scandinavicus, Bombus pratorum, (2) Bombus perplexus | (1) Svensson, 1977; (2) Bertsch, 2004a | |
1498 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:OH | hexadecan-1-ol | gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Heliothis virescens | Teal, 1989 | |
1499 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:Ald | hexadecanal | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus barbatus | McDaniel, 1992 | |
1500 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:acid [palmitic acid] | hexadecanoic acid | gland secretion (F) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (longhorned bee) | Melissodes denticulata | Batra, 1979 | |
1501 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:acid [palmitic acid] | hexadecanoic acid | male-to-male inhibitory | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae (leafroller moth) | Adoxophyes orana | Otter, 1989 | |
1502 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | 16:acid [palmitic acid] | hexadecanoic acid | aggregation | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Coptotermes formosanus, (2) Reticulitermes virginicus | (1) Mitaka, 2024a; (2) Mitaka, 2024b | |
1503 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z7-16:OH | (Z)-hexadec-7-en-1-ol | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Bombus agrorum, (2) Megabombus sylvarum | (1) Calam, 1969a: (2) Bergström, 1985 | |
1504 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z7-16:OH | (Z)-hexadec-7-en-1-ol | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Glaphyridae (scarab beetle) | Lichnanthe vulpina | Robbins, 2006 | |
1505 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z9-16:OH [palmitoleyl alcohol] | (Z)-hexadec-9-en-1-ol | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Bombus lapidaries, (2) Megabombus ruderarius | (1) Calam, 1969a: (2) Bergström, 1985 | |
1506 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z9-16:OH [palmitoleyl alcohol] | (Z)-hexadec-9-en-1-ol | gland secretion | Coleoptera | (1) Bruchidae (seed beetle), (2) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (3) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Callosobruchus maculatus, (2) Sitophilus oryzae, (3) Tribolium castaneum | (1-3) Lokesh, 2024 | |
1507 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z9-16:Ald | (Z)-hexadec-9-enal | (1)(3) trail, (1) aggregation, (2) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1)(3) Formicidae (ant), (2) Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Iridomyrmex humilis, (2) Ascogaster reticulatus, (3) Dolichoderus thoracicus | (1) Cavill, 1979; Cavill, 1980; Key, 1982; (2) Kainoh, 1991; (3) Attygalle, 1998b | |
1508 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z11-16:Ald | (Z)-hexadec-11-enal | allomone (prey attractant) | [Araneae] | Araneidae (bolas spider) | Mastophora cornigera | Stowe, 1987 | |
1509 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z9-16:acid [palmitoleic acid] | (Z)-hexadec-9-enoic acid | marking ? | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus basilaris, Philanthus bicictus | Schmidt, 1985; McDaniel, 1987 | |
1510 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z9-16:acid [palmitoleic acid] | (Z)-hexadec-9-enoic acid | aggregation | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Mitaka, 2024a | |
1511 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Z9-16:Ald, 3-one | (Z)-3-oxohexadec-9-enal | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Acorhinotermes subfusciceps | Prestwich, 1982a | |
1512 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 | Δ1-16:3-one | hexadec-1-en-3-one | allomone | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Schedorhinotermes putorius, (2) Schedorhinotermes lamanianus, (3) Parrhinotermes pygmaeus, Parrhinotermes aequalis, Termitogeton planus | (1) Quennedey, 1973; (2) Prestwich, 1975; (3) Chuah, 1990 | |
1513 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | 16:Me ester [methyl palmitate] | methyl hexadecanoate | (1) marking (F), (2) allomone (F) | Hymenoptera | (1) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Xylocopa virginica, (2) Polistes fuscatus | (1) Vinson, 1978; (2) Post, 1984 | |
1514 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | 16:Me ester [methyl palmitate] | methyl hexadecanoate | aggregation (M) | Lepidoptera | Tineidae (tineid moth) | Tineola bisselliella | Takács, 2001 | |
1515 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | 16:Me ester [methyl palmitate] | methyl hexadecanoate | marking ? | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha fraterculus | Magalhäes, 2022 | |
1516 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | Z8-16:Me ester | methyl (Z)-hexadec-8-enoate | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidade (stink bug) | Piezodorus hybneri | Leal, 1998 | |
1517 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | Z9-16:Me ester [methyl palmitoleate] | methyl (Z)-hexadec-9-enoate | aggregation (M) | Lepidoptera | Tineidae (tineid moth) | Tineola bisselliella | Takács, 2001 | |
1518 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | Z9-16:Me ester [methyl palmitoleate] | methyl (Z)-hexadec-9-enoate | sex (F) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina morsitans | Ebrahim, 2023 | |
1519 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C1 | E9-16:Me ester | methyl (E)-hexadec-9-enoate | marking ? | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha fraterculus | Magalhäes, 2022 | |
1520 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:OAc | hexadecyl acetate | allomone ? | {Julida} | Blaniulidae (millipede) | Blaniulus guttulatus | Weatherston, 1971 | |
1521 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:OAc | hexadecyl acetate | allomone | Coleoptera | Carabidae (ground beetle) | Cicindela flexuosa | Hefetz, 1984 | |
1522 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:OAc | hexadecyl acetate | (1) marking ?, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Centris trigonoides, (2) Myrmecia pilosula, (3) Bombus griseocollis | (1) Williams, 1984; (2) Jackson, 1989b; (3) Bertsch, 2004b | |
1523 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:OAc | hexadecyl acetate | (1) gland secretion (M), (2) sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | (1)(2) Heliothis virescens, (2) Helicoverpa zea | (1) Teal, 1989; Zweerus, 2023; (2) Mullegama, 2024 | |
1524 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:OAc | hexadecyl acetate | sex (F) | [Araneae] | Pholcidae (spider) | Pholcus beijingensis | Xiao, 2009 | |
1525 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | Z7-16:OAc | (Z)-hexadec-7-enyl acetate | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Megabombus sylvarum | Bergström, 1985 | |
1526 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | Z9-16:OAc | (Z)-hexadec-9-enyl acetate | allomone ? | {Julida} | Blaniulidae (millipede) | Blaniulus guttulatus | Weatherston, 1971 | |
1527 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | Z9-16:OAc | (Z)-hexadec-9-enyl acetate | gland secretion | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Liothrips kuwanai | Suzuki, 2004 | |
1528 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | Z11-16:OAc | (Z)-hexadec-11-enyl acetate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Platygastridae (parasitoid wasp) | Trissolcus brochymenae | Salerno, 2012 | |
1529 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:Et ester [ethyl palmitate] | ethyl hexadecanoate | (1) aggregation, (2) gland secretion | Coleoptera | (1) Dermestidae (hide beetle), (2) Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Trogoderma granarium, (2) Trypodendron domesticus (Xyloterus domesticus) | (1) Ikan, 1969b; (2) Francke, 1974c | |
1530 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | 16:Et ester [ethyl palmitate] | ethyl hexadecanoate | (1) allomone ?, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (2) Colletidae (plasterer bee) | (1) Pithitis smaragdula, (2) Hylaeus modestus | (1) Hefetz, 1979d;(2) Duffield, 1980b | |
1531 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | Z7-16:Et ester | ethyl (Z)-hexadec-7-enoate | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus pulcher | McDaniel, 1992 | |
1532 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C2 | Z9-16:Et ester | ethyl (Z)-hexadec-9-enoate | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Ichneumonidae (parasitoid wasp) | Syndipnus rubiginosus | Eller, 1984 | |
1533 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C3 (C2) | Z9-16:iPr ester | isopropyl (Z)-hexadec-9-enoate | (1) gland secretion (M), (2) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Dermestidae (hide beetle), (2) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Dermestes maculatus, (2) Aleochara curtula | (1) Francke, 1979b; (2) Peschke, 1999 | |
1534 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C4 | Z7-16:OCOPr | (Z)-hexadec-7-enyl butanoate | secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (stingless bee) | Scaptotrigona postica | Francke, 1983 | |
1535 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C6 | 16:6-OH ester | hexyl hexadecanoate | aphrodisiac (M) | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Colias philodice | Grula, 1980 | |
1536 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C6 | 16:OCOC₅H₁₁ | hexadecyl hexanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | Dufourea inermis | Tengö, 1985 | |
1537 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C6 + C2 | (O-gluco)15-16: taurine amide | (15R)-2-(8-hydroxy-15-β-D-glucopyranosyloxyhexadecanoylamino)ethanesulfonic acid [N[15-(β-glucopyranosyl)oxy-8-hydroxypalmitol]taurine] | marking | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Rhagoletis cerasi | [Hurter, 1987]; [Aluja, 1992] | Ernst, 1989; Wagner, 2003 |
1538 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C8 | 16:Ph-Et ester | 2-phenylethyl hexadecanoate | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Bicyclus martius | Wang, 2014 | |
1539 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C16 + C8 | Z11-16:Ph-Et ester | 2-phenylethyl (Z)-11-hexadecenoate | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Bicyclus martius | Wang, 2014 | |
1540 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | 17:H | heptadecane | (1) allomone ?, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Anthophoridae (small carpenter bee), (2) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Ceratina calcarata, Ceratina strenua, (2) Atta cephalotes | (1) Wheeler, 1977b; (2) Evershed, 1980; Evershed, 1981a | |
1541 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | 17:H | heptadecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Sciaridae (fungus gnat) | Lycoriella mali (Lycoriella ingenua) | Kostelc, 1975; Kostelc, 1980 | |
1542 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z7-17:H | (Z)-hexadec-7-ene | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Susuacanga octoguttata | Silva, 2018b | |
1543 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z7-17:H | (Z)-hexadec-7-ene | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Opsiphanes cassina | Bustos‑Cortés, 2023 | |
1544 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z8-17:H | (Z)-heptadec-8-ene | (1) gland secretion, (2) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Crabronidae (wasp) | (1)(2) Myrmecia gulosa, (2) Myrmecia nigriceps, (3) Argogorytes fargeii | (1) Cavill, 1967b; (2) Jackson, 1989b; (3) Bohman, 2020 | |
1545 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Δ1-17:H | heptadec-1-ene | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Silphidae (carrion beetle) | Oxelytrum discicolle | Fockink, 2013 | |
1546 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Δ1,Z8-17:H | (Z)-heptadeca-1, 8-diene | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Silphidae (carrion beetle) | Oxelytrum discicolle | Fockink, 2013 | |
1547 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z4,Z8-17:H | (4Z, 8Z)-heptadeca-4, 8-diene | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Suidasiidae (astigmatic mite) | Tortonia sp. | Kuwahara, 1995 | |
1548 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z6,Z9-17:H | (6Z, 9Z)-heptadeca-6, 9-diene | (1-3) alarm ?, (4) alarm | [Astigmata] | (1) Carpoglyphidae (dried fruit mite), (2) Acaridae (acarid mite) (3) Pyroglyphidae (non-parasitic mite) (4) Suidasiidae (astigmatic mite) | (1) Carpoglyphus lactis, (2) Caloglyphus moniezi, Caloglyphus polyphyllae, (3) Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, (4) Tortonia sp. | (1-3) Kuwahara, 1992b; (4) Kuwahara, 1995 | |
1549 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z6,Z9-17:H | (6Z, 9Z)-heptadeca-6, 9-diene | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | (1) Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite), (2) Hermanniidae (oribatid mite) | (1) Trhypochthonius japonicus, Trhypochthoniellus crassus, Trhypochthoniellus sp., (2) Hermannia convexa | (1) Sakata, 2003; (2) Raspotnig, 2005a | |
1550 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Δ1,Z6,Z9-17:H | (6Z, 9Z)-heptadeca-1, 6, 9-triene | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Caloglyphus polyphyllae | Shimizu, 1999 | |
1551 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z4,Z8,Z11-17:H | (4Z, 8Z, 11Z)-heptadeca-4, 8, 11-triene | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Suidasiidae (astigmatic mite) | Tortonia sp. | Kuwahara, 1995 | |
1552 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | 17:2-OH | heptadecan-2-ol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Oleria onega | Stamm, 2019 | |
1553 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | 17:2-one | heptadecan-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Uloma tenebrionoides | Gnanasunderam, 1985 | |
1554 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | 17:2-one | heptadecan-2-one | (1) marking ?, (2) gland secretion (M), (3) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee), (3) Ichneumonidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Centris nitida, (2) Xylocopa fimbriata, (3) Campoletis chlorideae | (1) Williams, 1984; (2) Williams, 1987; (3) Guo, 2022 | |
1555 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | 17:9-one | heptadecan-9-one | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pachycondyla tarsata | Janssen, 1999 | |
1556 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z10-17:2-one | (Z)-heptadec-10-en-2-one | aggregation (M | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1) Drosophila mulleri, (2) Drosophila martensis, Drosophila buzzatii, Drosophila serido | (1) Bartelt, 1989; (2) Schaner, 1992 | |
1557 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z10-17:2-one | (Z)-heptadec-10-en-2-one | aggregation (M | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Spathius agrili | Cossé, 2012 | |
1558 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 | Z10-17:acid | (Z)-heptadec-10-enoic acid | aggregation | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Mitaka, 2024a | |
1559 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C2 | Z8-17:2-OAc | (2R, 8Z)-heptadec-8-en-2-yl acetate [(2R, 8Z)-2-acetoxyheptadec-8-ene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura gleditchiae | Molnár, 2009 | |
1560 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C2 | Z8-17:2-one. 13-OAc | (8Z, 13R)-13-acetoxyheptadec-8-en-2-one | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura mali | [Suckling, 2007]: [Cross, 2009]; Hall, 2012 | |
1561 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | 17:2-OAc, 12-OAc | (2S, 12S)-2, 12-diacetoxyheptadecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola thujae | Gries, 2005 | |
1562 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | 17:2-OAc, 13-OAc | (2S, 13S)-2, 13-diacetoxyheptadecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola thujae | Gries, 2005 | |
1563 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | 17:2-OAc, 14-OAc | (2S, 14S)-2, 14-diacetoxyheptadecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Mayetiola thujae | Gries, 2005 | |
1564 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | 17:2-OAc, 14-OAc | (2R, 14R)-2, 14-diacetoxyheptadecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura oxycoccana (cranberry tipworm) | Fitzpatrick, 2013 | |
1565 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | Z8-17:2-OAc, 12-OAc | (2S, 8Z, 12R)-2, 12-diacetoxyheptadec-8-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura tetensi | Hall, 2012 | |
1566 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | Z8-17:2-OAc, 13-OAc | (2R, 8Z, 13R)-2, 13-diacetoxyheptadec-8-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura pyri | Hall, 2012 | Zhou, 2017 |
1567 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | Z8-17:2-OAc, 14-OAc | (2S, 8Z, 14S)-2, 14-diacetoxyheptadec-8-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura oxycoccana (cranberry tipworm) | Fitzpatrick, 2013 | |
1568 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | Z8-17:2-OAc, 14-OAc | (2R, 8Z, 14R)-2, 14-diacetoxyheptadec-8-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Dasineura oxycoccana (cranberry tipworm) | Fitzpatrick, 2013 | |
1569 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C17 + C4 | Z8-17:2-OCOPr | (2S, 8Z)-heptadec-8-en-2-yl butanoate [(2S, 8Z)-2-butyroxyheptadec-8-ene] | sex (F) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae (gall midge) | Rhopalomyia longicauda | Liu, 2009 | |
1570 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z11-18:OH [vaccenol] | (Z)-octadec-11-en-1-ol | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | Bombus sonorous, Bombus huntii, Psithyrus insularis | Bergström, 1996 | |
1571 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | E2,Z13-18:OH | (2E, 13Z)-octadeca-2, 13-dien-1-ol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Castniidae (castniid moth) | Paysandisia archon | Frérot, 2013 | |
1572 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | E2,Z13-18:OH | (2E, 13Z)-octadeca-2, 13-dien-1-ol | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus maculatus | Lokesh, 2024 | |
1573 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | 18:Ald | octadecanal | (1) sex (M), (2) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Bruchidae (seed beetle), (2) Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Acanthoscelides obtectus, (2) Amerrhinus ynca | (1) Vuts, 2015b, (2) Neta, 2021 | |
1574 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | 18:Ald | octadecanal | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius melpomene | Mann, 2017; Darragh, 2020 | |
1575 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9-18:Ald | (Z)-octadec-9-enal | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Dolichoderus thoracicus | Attygalle, 1998b | |
1576 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9,Z12-18:Ald | (9Z, 12Z)-octadeca-9, 12-dienal | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Ascogaster quadridentata | DeLury, 1999 | |
1577 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9,Z12-18:Ald | (9Z, 12Z)-octadeca-9, 12-dienal | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Catocalinae moth) | Achaea janata | Jyothi, 2005 | |
1578 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | 18:acid [stearic acid] | octadecanoic acid | aggregation | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Mitaka, 2024a | |
1579 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | 18:acid [stearic acid] | octadecanoic acid | gland secretion | Coleoptera | (1) Bruchidae (seed beetle), (2) Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1) Callosobruchus maculatus, (2) Sitophilus oryzae | (1)(2) Lokesh, 2024 | |
1580 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9-18:acid [oleic acid] | (Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid | death (necromone) | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Apidae (honey bee) | (1) Pogonornyrmex badius, (2) Formica japonica, (3) Apis mellifera | (1) Gordon, 1983; (2) Akino, 1996; (3) McAfee, 2018 | |
1581 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9-18:acid [oleic acid] | (Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid | death (necromone) | Isoptera | (1) Termitidae (termite), (2) Heterotermitidae (termite), (3) Rhinotermitidae (termite) | (1) Pseudacanthotermes spiniger, (2) Reticulitermes virginicus, (3) Coptotermes formosanus | (1) Chouvenc, 2012; (2) Ulyshen, 2012; (3) Li, 2024a | |
1582 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z11-18:acid [cis-vaccenic acid] | (Z)-octadec-11-enoic acid | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus maculatus | Lokesh, 2024 | |
1583 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | E13-18:acid | (E)-octadec-13-enoic acid | gland secretion | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | Sitophilus oryzae | Lokesh, 2024 | |
1584 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9,Z12-18:acid [linoleic acid] | (9Z, 12Z)-octadeca-9, 12-dienoic acid | death (necromone) | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Tuberaphis styraci | Shibao, 2022 | |
1585 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | E5,E7,≡9-18:acid [lycidic acid] | (5E, 7E)-octadeca-5, 7-dien-9-ynoic acid | allomone | Coleoptera | Lycidae (net-winged beetle) | Calopteron reticulatum, Calopteron terminale, Lycus loripes, Lycus fernandezi, Lycus arizonensis, Lycus sanguinipennis, Lycus fulvellus | Eisner, 2008 | |
1586 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | 18:acid, 9-OH | 9-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris albimaculata, Amauris ochlea | [Schulz, 1988b] | |
1587 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 | Z9-18:1-NH₂,17-NH₂ [harmonine] | (9Z, 17R)-octadec-9-ene-1, 17-diamine | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Hippodamia convergens, Harmonia conformis, Harmonia quadripunctata, Adonia variegate, Semiadalia undecimnotata, (2)(3) Harmonia axyridis, (2) Aiolocaria hexaspilota | (1) [Braconnier, 1985a]; (2) [Alam, 2002]; (3) Röhrich, 2012 | [Braconnier, 1985b]; Enders, 1991; King, 1996 |
1588 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C1 | Z9-18:Me ester [methyl oleate] | methyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | brood | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Le Conte, 1990 | |
1589 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C1 | Z9,Z12-18:Me ester [methyl linoleate] | methyl (9Z, 12Z)-octadeca-9, 12-dienoate | brood | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Le Conte, 1990 | |
1590 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C1 | Z9,Z12,Z15-18:Me ester [methyl linolenate] | methyl (9Z, 12Z, 15Z)-octadeca-9, 12, 15-trienoate | brood | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Le Conte, 1990 | |
1591 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | 18:OAc | octadecyl acetate | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Gastrophysa atrocyanea | Sugawara, 1978 | |
1592 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | 18:OAc | octadecyl acetate | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1) Castniidae (castniid moth), (2) Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | (1) Paysandisia archon, (2) Heliothis virescens, Helicoverpa zea | (1) Quero, 2017; (2) Mullegama, 2024 | |
1593 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z9-18:OAc | (Z)-octadec-9-enyl acetate | marking (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Bombus muscorum, (2) Megabombus muscorum, (3) Bombus confuses | (1) Kullenberg, 1970; (2) Appelgren, 1991; (3) Kindl, 1999 | |
1594 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z9-18:OAc | (Z)-octadec-9-enyl acetate | allomone ? | {Julida} | Blaniulidae (millipede) | Blaniulus guttulatus | Weatherston, 1971 | |
1595 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z9-18:OAc | (Z)-octadec-9-enyl acetate | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Castniidae (castniid moth) | Paysandisia archon | Quero, 2017 | |
1596 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | 18:Et ester | ethyl octadecanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Colletidae (plasterer bee) | Hylaeus modestus | Duffield, 1980b | |
1597 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z9-18:Et ester [ethyl oleate] | ethyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | aggregation | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma granarium | Ikan, 1969b | |
1598 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z9-18:Et ester [ethyl oleate] | ethyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa micans | McAuslane, 1990 | |
1599 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z9,Z12-18:Et ester [ethyl linoleate] | ethyl (9Z, 12Z)-octadeca-9, 12-dienoate | aggregation | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma granarium | Ikan, 1969b | |
1600 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z11-18:OAc [vaccenyl acetate] | (Z)-octadec-11-enyl acetate | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1) Drosophila melanogaster, (2) Drosophila simulans, Drosophila phalerata, (3) Drosophila bipectinata, (4) Drosophila mauritiana, Drosophila yakuba, Drosophila rajasekari, (5) Drosophila putrida, Drosophila testacea, Drosophila recens, Drosophila falleni. (6) Drosophila immigrans | (1) Jackson, 1981; Bartelt, 1985b; Farine, 2012; Verschut, 2023; (2) Schaner, 1987; (3) Schaner, 1989b; (4) Schaner, 1989c; (5) Jaenike, 1992; (6) Hedlund, 1996 | |
1601 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | Z11-18:OAc [vaccenyl acetate] | (Z)-octadec-11-enyl acetate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Ortholeptura valida | Ray, 2011 | |
1602 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C2 | E2,Z13-18:OAc | (2E, 13Z)-octadeca-2, 13-dienyl acetate | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Castniidae (castniid moth) | Paysandisia archon | Quero, 2017 | |
1603 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C3 (C2) | Z9-18:iPr ester [isopropyl oleate] | isopropyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (carpenter bee) | Xylocopa micheneri | Andersen, 1988 | |
1604 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C3 + C18 + C16 | (Z9-18)₂(16):glyceride | 1, 2-dioleoyl-3-palmitoylglycerol | brood | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | [Koeniger, 1983] | |
1605 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C3 + C18 + C18 | (Z9-18)₃:glyceride [triolein] | 1, 2, 3-trioleoylglycerol | brood | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis invicta | Bigley, 1975 | |
1606 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C3 + C18 + C18 | (Z9,Z12-18)₃:glyceride [trilinolein] | 1, 2, 3-trilinoleoylglycerol | sex (F) ? | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Bland, 2004 | |
1607 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C4 (C3) | 18:OCOiPr | octadecyl isobutanoate | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Alydidae (broad-headed bug) | Riptortus clavatus | Yasuda, 2007 | |
1608 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C5 (C4) + C2 | OAc3-18:Δ3,Me3-4-OH ester | 3-methylbut-3-enyl 3-acetoxyoctadecanoate | gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Ithomia salapia | [Mann, 2020] | [Mann, 2020] |
1609 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C5 (C4) + C2 | OAc3,Z11-18:Δ3,Me3-4-OH ester | 3-methylbut-3-enyl (Z)-3-acetoxy-11-octadecenoate | gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Ithomia salapia | [Mann, 2020] | |
1610 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C5 (C4) + C2 | OAc3,Z13-18:Δ3,Me3-4-OH ester | 3-methylbut-3-enyl (Z, R)-3-acetoxy-13-octadecenoate | gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Ithomia salapia | Mann, 2020 | Mann, 2020 |
1611 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C6 | 18:OCOC₅H₁₁ | octadecyl hexanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1) Dufourea inermis, Dufourea minuta, (2) Dufourea novaeangliae | (1) Tengö, 1985; (2) Wheeler, 1985 | |
1612 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C16 | Z9,(OCOC₁₅H₃₁)11,Z12,Z15-18:acid [mayolenes-16] | (9Z, 11R, 12Z, 15Z)-11-hexadecanoyloxyoctadeca-9, 12, 15-trienoic acid | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Pieris rapae | Smedley, 2002 | |
1613 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C18 + C18 | Z9,(OCOC₁₇H₃₅)11,Z12,Z15-18:acid [mayolenes-18] | (9Z, 11R, 12Z, 15Z)-11-octadecanoyloxyoctadeca-9, 12, 15-trienoic acid | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Pieris rapae | Smedley, 2002 | |
1614 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z9-19:H | (Z)-nonadec-9-ene | (1) gland secretion, (2) marking | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Atta sexdens, (2) Atta laevigata | (1) Evershed 1981a; (2) Salzemann, 1992 | |
1615 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z9-19:H | (Z)-nonadec-9-ene | gland secretion | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Eugynothrips intorquens | Suzuki, 2004 | |
1616 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | epo9-19:H | (9R*, 10S*)-9, 10-epoxynonadecane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Amblyopone reclinata, (2) Cylindromyrmex whymperi | (1) [Morgan, 2003]; (2) [Morgan, 2008] | |
1617 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Δ1-19:H | nonadec-1-ene | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Silphidae (carrion beetle) | Oxelytrum erythrurum | Fockink, 2015 | |
1618 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Δ1,Z10-19:H | (Z)-nonadeca-1, 10-diene | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Silphidae (carrion beetle) | Oxelytrum erythrurum | Fockink, 2015 | |
1619 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z6,Z9-19:H | (6Z, 9Z)-nonadeca-6, 9-diene | alarm ? | [Astigmata] | Suidasiidae (mite) | Suidasia medanensis | Kuwahara, 1992b | |
1620 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z10-19:Ald | (Z)-nonadec-10-enal | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pikonema.alaskensis | Bartelt, 1983a; Bartelt, 1983b | |
1621 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | 19:2-one | nonadecan-2-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Bruchidae (seed beetle) | Callosobruchus rhodesianus | Shimomura, 2016 | |
1622 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z10-19:2-one | (Z)-nonadec-10-en-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Uloma tenebrionoides | Gnanasunderam, 1985 | |
1623 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z10-19:2-one | (Z)-nonadec-10-en-2-one | marking (M) | Hymenoptera | Sphecidae (wasp) | Philanthus triangulum | Schmidt, 1990; Schmitt, 2003 | |
1624 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C19 | Z10,Z13-19:2-one | (10Z, 13Z)-nonadeca-10, 13-dien-2-one | trail | Isoptera | Serritermitidae (termite) | (1) Glossotermes oculatus, (2) Serritermes serrifer | (1) Hanus, 2012; (2) Sillam-Dusses, 2021 | |
1625 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 | 20:H | icosane | gland secretion (F) | Hymenoptera | Apidae (longhorned bee) | Melissodes desponsa | Batra, 1979 | |
1626 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 | Z11-20:OH | (Z)-icos-11-en-1-ol | (1) alarm (worker), (2) gland secretion (M), (3) marking (M) | Hymenoptera | (1) Apidae (honey bee), (2) Anthophoridae (carpenter bee), (3) Sphecidae (wasp) | (1) Apis mellifera, (2) Xylocopa micheneri, (3) Philanthus triangulum | (1) Pickett, 1982; (2) Andersen, 1988; (3) Schmidt, 1990; Schmitt, 2003 | |
1627 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 | Z11-20:Ald | (Z)-icos-11-enal | (1) trail, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Dolichoderus thoracicus, (2) Cylindromyrmex whymperi | (1) Attygalle, 1998b, (2) Morgan, 2008 | |
1628 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 + C2 | Z11-20:OAc | (Z)-icos-11-enyl acetate | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Gastrophysa atrocyanea | Sugawara, 1978 | |
1629 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 + C2 | Z11-20:OAc | (Z)-icos-11-enyl acetate | aggregation (M | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1) Drosophila malerkotliana, (2) Drosophila ananassae, Drosophila bipectinata | (1) Schaner, 1989a; (2) Schaner, 1989b | |
1630 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 + C2 | Z11,Δ19-20:OAc | (Z)-11, 19-icosadienyl acetate | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Suocerathrips linguis | Csuk, 2004(a); Tschuch, 2005; Gehlsen, 2009 | Csuk, 2004(a);
Csuk, 2004(b) |
1631 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 + C6 | 20:OCOC₅H₁₁ | icosanyl hexanoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | Dufourea novaeangliae | Wheeler, 1985 | |
1632 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C20 + C18 + C1 | (OCOC₁₇H₃₃)3,Z11-20:Me ester [cactoblastin] | methyl (Z)-3-[(Z)-octadec-9-enoyloxy]icos-11-enoate | trail (larva) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Cactoblastis cactorum | [Rossi, 2020] | [Rossi, 2020] |
1633 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C21 | Z7-21:H | (Z)-henicos-7-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Aleochara curtula | Peschke, 1987 | |
1634 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C21 | Z7-21:H | (Z)-henicos-7-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Colletidae (plasterer bee) | Colletes cunicularius | Mant, 2005 | |
1635 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C21 | Z9-21:H | (Z)-henicos-9-ene | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila americana, Drosophila novamexicana | Bartelt, 1986 | |
1636 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C21 | Z10-21:H | (Z)-henicos-10-ene | aggregation (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila virilis | Bartelt, 1984; Bartelt, 1986 | |
1637 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C21 | Z3,Z6,Z9-21:H | (3Z, 6Z, 9Z)-henicosa-3, 6, 9-triene | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Catocalinae moth) | (1) Anticarsia gemmatalis, (2) Achaea janata | (1) Heath, 1988b; (2) Jyothi, 2005 | |
1638 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C22 | Z13-22:OH | (Z)-docos-13-en-1-ol | aggregation | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Holotrichia parallela | Qu, 2025 | |
1639 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C22 | Z13-22:Ald | (Z)-docos-13-enal | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Dolichoderus thoracicus | Attygalle, 1998b | |
1640 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C22 | 22:acid | docosanoic acid [behenic acid] | aggregation | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Holotrichia parallela | Qu, 2025 | |
1641 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C22 + C2 | Δ11-22:OAc | docos-11-enyl acetate | anti-aphrodisiac (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila paulistorum | Chao, 2010 | |
1642 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | 23:H | tricosane | cuticular HC | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta brunnea, Periplaneta fuliginosa | Jackson, 1970 | |
1643 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | 23:H | tricosane | (1) gland secretion, (2) marking | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Dorylus molestus, (2) Bombus lapidarius, Bombus pascuorum, Bombus terrestris | (1) Bagneres, 1991; (2) Goulson, 2000 | |
1644 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z5-23:H | (Z)-tricos-5-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Haematobia irritans | Bolton, 1980 | |
1645 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z7-23:H | (Z)-tricos-7-ene | (1) sex (F), (2)(3) sex (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1) Drosophila simulans, (2)(3) Drosophila melanogaster | (1) Jallon, 1984; (2) Farine, 2012; (3) Verschut, 2023 | |
1646 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z7-23:H | (Z)-tricos-7-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Aleochara curtula | Peschke, 1987 | |
1647 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z7-23:H | (Z)-tricos-7-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Colletidae (plasterer bee) | Colletes cunicularius | Mant, 2005 | |
1648 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z9-23:H [muscalure] | (Z)-tricos-9-ene | cuticular HC | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta australasiae, Periplaneta fuliginosa | Jackson, 1970 | |
1649 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z9-23:H [muscalure] | (Z)-tricos-9-ene | (1) sex (F), (2) sex (M), (3) aggregation (M) ? | Diptera | (1) Muscidae (stable fly), (2) Tephritidae (fruit fly), (3) Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1) Musca domestica, (2) Bactrocera oleae, (3) Drosophila suzukii | (1) Carlson, 1971, Rogoff, 1973; Uebel, 1976; (2) Carpita, 2012; (3) Lima, 2023 | Gribble, 1973; Moiseenkov, 1985 |
1650 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z9-23:H [muscalure] | (Z)-tricos-9-ene | (1)(2)(4)(6) gland secretion, (3) marking, (5) allomone | Hymenoptera | (1-5) Formicidae (ant), (6) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Atta sexdens, (2) Dorylus molestus, (3) Atta laevigata, (4) Harpegnathos saltator, (5) Camponotus japonicas, (6) Bombus impatiens | (1) Evershed 1981a; (2) Bagneres, 1991; (3) Salzemann, 1992; (4) Do Nascimento, 1993; (5) Uebi, 2022; (6) Orlova, 2022 | |
1651 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z9-23:H [muscalure] | (Z)-tricos-9-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Lampyridae (firefly), (2) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Pyrocoelia oshimana, (2) Anoplophora glabripennis | (1) Shibue, 2000; (2) Zhang, 2003a; Hoover, 2014 | |
1652 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z9-23:H [muscalure] | (Z)-tricos-9-ene | sex (M) | [Araneae] | Pholcidae (spider) | Pholcus beijingensis | Xiao, 2010 | |
1653 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z11-23:H | (Z)-tricos-11-ene | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | Chauliognathus fallax | Vidal, 2016 | |
1654 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z6,Z9-23:H | (6Z, 9Z)-tricosa-6, 9-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae (wasp) | Eurytoma amygdali | Krokos, 2001; Mazomenos, 2004 | |
1655 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Δ9,Δ10-23:H | (R)-tricosa-9, 10-diene | cuticular HC (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Lepidiota picticollis, Dermolepida albohirtum | McGrath, 2003 | |
1656 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Δ1,Z6,Z9-23:H | (6Z, 9Z)-tricosa-1, 6, 9-triene | sex (F) | Diptera | Mycetophilidae (fungus gnat) | Mycomya sp. | Hayashi, 2021 | |
1657 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | epo9-23:H | cis-9, 10-epoxytricosane | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Musca domestica | [Uebel, 1978d] | |
1658 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | Z14-23:10-one | (Z)-tricos-14-en-10-one | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Musca domestica | Uebel, 1978d | |
1659 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 | E2,E5,Z18-23:Ald, 4-one | (2E, 5E, 18Z)-4-oxotricosa-2, 5, 18-trienal | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Crematogaster scutellaris, (2) Crematogaster sp. | (1) Pasteels, 1989; (2) Leclercq, 1997 | |
1660 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C23 + C2 | E2,E5,Z18-23:OAc, 4-one | (2E, 5E, 18Z)-4-oxotricosa-2, 5, 18-trienyl acetate | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Crematogaster scutellaris, (2) Crematogaster sp. | (1) Pasteels, 1989; (2) Leclercq, 1997 | |
1661 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C24 | 24:acid [lignoceric acid] | tetracosanoic acid | gland secretion | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Chen, 1999 | |
1662 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C24 + C18 | Z9-24:18-OH ester [nauphoetin] | octadecyl (Z)-tetracos-9-enoate | male recognition (M) | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Nauphoeta cinerea | Fukui, 1983; Takahashi, 1983 | |
1663 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | 25:H | pentacosane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Eucera palestinae | Shimron, 1985 | |
1664 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z7-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-7-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora glabripennis | Zhang, 2003a; Hoover, 2014; Yasui, 2023 | |
1665 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z7-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-7-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Colletidae (plasterer bee) | Colletes cunicularius | Mant, 2005 | |
1666 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z9-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | (1) Fanniidae (fly), (2) Muscidae (stable fly) | (1) Fannia canicularis, (2) Haematobia irritans | (1) Uebel, 1977; Uebel, 1978c; (2) Bolton, 1980 | |
1667 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z9-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1)(2)(3) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle), (4) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Anoplophora glabripennis, (2) Megacyllene robiniae, (3) Tetropium cinnamopterum, (4) Oplostomus haroldi | (1) Zhang, 2003a; Hoover, 2014; Yasui, 2023; (2) Ginzel, 2003a; (3) Silk, 2011; (4) Fombong, 2012 | |
1668 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z9-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-9-ene | (1) brood, (2) sex (F), (3) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Vespidae (wasp), (2) Andrenidae (mining bee), (3) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Vespa crabro, (2) Andrena nigroaenea, (3) Bombus impatiens | (1) Veith, 1978b; (2) Schiestl, 2000; (3) Orlova, 2022 | |
1669 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z9-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Miridae (leaf bug) | Lygocoris pabulinus | Drijfhout, 2001 | |
1670 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z11-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-11-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila virilis | Oguma, 1992a | |
1671 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z12-25:H | (Z)-pentacos-12-ene | oviposition-deterring (larva) | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Cheilomenes sexmaculata | Klewer, 2007 | |
1672 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z5,Z13-25:H | (5Z, 13Z)-pentacosa-5, 13-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila virilis | Oguma, 1992b | |
1673 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z5,Z15-25:H | (5Z, 15Z)-pentacosa-5, 15-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila virilis | Oguma, 1992b | |
1674 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Z6,Z9-25:H | (6Z, 9Z)-pentacosa-6, 9-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae (wasp) | Eurytoma amygdali | Krokos, 2001; Mazomenos, 2004 | |
1675 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Δ9,Δ10-25:H | (R)-pentacosa-9, 10-diene | cuticular HC (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Antitrogus consanguineous, Lepidiota negatoria | McGrath, 2003 | |
1676 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | Δ1,Z7,Z13-25:H | (7Z, 13Z)-pentacosa-1, 7, 13-triene | sex (M) ? | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Stomoxys caleitrans | Sonnet, 1977b | |
1677 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 | E2,E5,Z20-25:Ald, 4-one | (2E, 5E, 20Z)-4-oxopentacosa-2, 5, 20-trienal | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster sp. | Leclercq, 1997 | |
1678 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 + C2 | E2,E5,Z20-25:OAc, 4-one | (2E, 5E, 20Z)-4-oxopentacosa-2, 5, 20-trienyl acetate | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster sp. | Leclercq, 1997 | |
1679 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C25 + C2 | ≡11,E13,E15,Z18,Z20-25:OAc, 4-one | (13E, 15E, 18Z, 20Z)-pentacosa-13, 15, 18, 20-tetraen-11-yn-4-onyl acetate | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster sp. | Daloze, 1998 | |
1680 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C26 | 26:acid | hexacosanoic acid | gland secretion | Isoptera | Rhinotermitidae (termite) | Coptotermes formosanus | Chen, 1999 | |
1681 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C26 + C26 | 26:26-OH ester | hexacosyl hexacosanoate | wax | Homoptera | Coccidae (scale) | Eriopeltis festucae | Schildknecht, 1963 | |
1682 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | 27:H | heptacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | Fukaya, 2000; Yasui, 2023 | |
1683 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | 27:H | heptacosane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1)(2) Megalopta genalis, (1) Lasioglossum malachurum, Lasioglossum pauxillum, Lasioglossum zephyrum, Halictus rubicundus, Megalopta centralis | (1) Steitz, 2018; (2) Kingwell, 2021 | |
1684 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z7-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-7-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora glabripennis | Zhang, 2003a | |
1685 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z7-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-7-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Siricidae (wood wasp) | Sirex noctilio | Böröczky, 2009 | |
1686 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z9-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-9-ene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Macrotermitidae (termite) | Macrotermes subhyalinus | Prestwich, 1977c | |
1687 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z9-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-9-ene | (1) sex (M) ?, (2) sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | (1) Fannia pusio, (2) Haematobia irritans | (1) Uebel, 1978a; (2)Bolton, 1980 | |
1688 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z9-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena nigroaenea | Schiestl, 2000 | |
1689 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z9-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora glabripennis | Zhang, 2003a; Yasui, 2023 | |
1690 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z11-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-11-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena nigroaenea | Schiestl, 2000 | |
1691 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z12-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-12-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena nigroaenea | Schiestl, 2000 | |
1692 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z13-27:H | (Z)-heptacos-13-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Musca autumnalis | Uebel, 1975a | |
1693 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z5,Z9-27:H | (5Z, 9Z)-heptacosa-5, 9-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila melanogaster | Genetica, 1996; Dallerac, 2000 | |
1694 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z7,Z11-27:H | (7Z, 11Z)-heptacosa-7, 11-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila melanogaster | Jallon, 1984; Antony, 1985; Farine, 2012 | |
1695 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z7,Z13-27:H | (7Z, 13Z)-heptacosa-7, 13-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Cardiochiles nigriceps | Syvertsen, 1995 | |
1696 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z7,Z15-27:H | (7Z, 15Z)-heptacosa-7, 15-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila virilis | Oguma, 1992b | |
1697 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | 27:10-one | heptacosan-10-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | Yasui, 2003b | |
1698 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z18-27:10-one | (Z)-heptacos-18-en-10-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | Yasui, 2003b | |
1699 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z18,Z21-27:10-one | (18Z, 21Z)-heptacosa-18, 21-dien-10-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | Yasui, 2003b | |
1700 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C27 | Z18,Z21,Z24-27:10-one | (18Z, 21Z, 24Z)-heptacosa-18, 21, 24-trien-10-one | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | Yasui, 2003b | |
1701 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C28 + C2 | Z11,Z19-28:OH, 3-OAc [CH503] | (3R, 11Z, 19Z)-3-acetoxyoctacosa-11, 19-dien-1-ol | sex (M) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | (1)(2) Drosophila melanogaster, (2) Drosophila simulans, Drosophila yakuba, Drosophila sechellia | (1) [Yew, 2009]; Mori, 2010b; Shikichi, 2012c; (2) Ng, 2014 | Mori, 2010b |
1702 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C28 + C16 | 28: OCOR (COR = 16:acyl) | octacocyl hexadecanoate | cuticular (F) | Phasmatodea | Diapheromeridae (stick insect) | Diapheromera femorata | Warthen, 1981 | |
1703 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | 29:H | nonacosane | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Anoplophora malasiaca | Fukaya, 2000; Yasui, 2023 | |
1704 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z7-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-7-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Siricidae (wood wasp) | Sirex noctilio | Böröczky, 2009 | |
1705 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z9-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-9-ene | allomone ? | Isoptera | Macrotermitidae (termite) | Macrotermes subhyalinus | Prestwich, 1977c | |
1706 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z9-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-9-ene | (1)(2) sex (F), (3) gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | (1) Andrenidae (mining bee), (2) Siricidae (wood wasp), (3) Apidae (bumblebee) | (1) Andrena nigroaenea,(2) Sirex noctilio, (3) Bombus terrestris | (1) Schiestl, 2000; (2) Böröczky, 2009; (3) Jarau, 2012 | |
1707 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z9-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Megacyllene caryae | Ginzel, 2006 | |
1708 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z9-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-9-ene | sex (F) | Heteroptera | Anthocoridae (flower bug) | Orius minutus | Maeda, 2016 | |
1709 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z11-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-11-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena nigroaenea | Schiestl, 2000 | |
1710 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z12-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-12-ene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena nigroaenea | Schiestl, 2000 | |
1711 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z13-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-13-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Musca autumnalis | Uebel, 1975a | |
1712 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z14-29:H | (Z)-nonacos-14-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | (1) Musca autumnalis, (2) Musca autumnalis | (1) Uebel, 1975a; (2) Sonnet, 1975 | |
1713 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z9,Z13-29:H | (9Z, 13Z)-nonacosa-9, 13-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Macrocentrus grandii | Swedenborg, 1992 | |
1714 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C29 | Z9,Z19-29:H | (9Z, 19Z)-nonacosa-9, 19-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pikonema.alaskensis | Bartelt, 1982; Bartelt, 1983a | |
1715 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C31 | Z9-31:H | (Z)-hentriacont-9-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Stomoxys calcitrans | Sonnet, 1979 | |
1716 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C31 | Z11-31:H | (Z)-hentriacont-11-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | (1) Fannia pusio, (2) Fannia femoralis | (1) Uebel, 1978a; Uebel, 1978c; (2) Uebel, 1978b | |
1717 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C31 | Z4,Z26-31:H | (4Z, 26Z)-hentriaconta-4, 26-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila ananassae | Doi, 1997 | |
1718 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C31 | Z5,Z25-31:H | (5Z, 25Z)-hentriaconta-5, 25-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila ananassae | Doi, 1997 | |
1719 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C31 | Z9,Z13-31:H | (9Z, 13Z)-hentriaconta-9, 13-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Macrocentrus grandii | Swedenborg, 1992 | |
1720 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C33 | Z9-33:H | (Z)-tritriacont-9-ene | sex (F) | Diptera | Muscidae (stable fly) | Stomoxys calcitrans | Sonnet, 1979 | |
1721 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C33 | Z5,Z27-33:H | (5Z, 27Z)- tritriaconta-5, 27-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila pallidosa | Nemoto, 1994 | |
1722 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C33 | Δ8,Δ24-33:H | tritriconta-8, 24-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila arizonae, Drosophila moja | Etges, 2001 | |
1723 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C33 | Z9,Z19-33:H | (9Z, 19Z)-tritriaconta-9, 19-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pikonema.alaskensis | Bartelt, 1982; Bartelt, 1983a | |
1724 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C34 | 34:H | tetratriacontane | sex ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Zygogramma bicolorata | Qadir, 2021 | |
1725 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C35 | Z9,Z19-35:H | (9Z, 19Z)-pentatriaconta-9, 19-diene | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pikonema.alaskensis | Bartelt, 1982; Bartelt, 1983a | |
1726 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C35 | Δ9,Δ25-35:H | pentatriconta-9, 25-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila arizonae, Drosophila mojavensis, Drosophila navojoa | Etges, 2001 | |
1727 | Other: Acyclic comp. | C37 | Δ9,Δ27-37:H | heptatriconta-9, 27-diene | sex (F) | Diptera | Drosophilidae (fruit fly) | Drosophila arizonae, Drosophila mojavensis, Drosophila navojoa | Etges, 2001 | |
1728 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 (C3) | (C₂H₂NH₂)4-imidazole [histamine] | 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethylamine | gland secretion (venom) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Vespula vulgaris, (2) Vespa crabro | (1) Jaques, 1954, (2) Bhoola, 1961 | |
1729 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 (C3) | (C₂H₂NH₂)4-imidazole [histamine] | 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethylamine | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Saturniidae (saturniid) | Attacus atlas | Deml, 1994 | |
1730 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 (C3) | (C₂H₂NH₂)4-imidazole [histamine] | 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethylamine | aggregation | Heteroptera | Cimicidae (true bug) | Cimex lectularius | Gries, 2015; Gaire, 2022 | |
1731 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 (C4) | Me2-pyrazine | 2-methylpyrazine | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Tetramorium meridionale | Jackson, 1990c | |
1732 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 (C4) | Me2-pyrazine | 2-methylpyrazine | gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera cucurbitae | Baker, 1982c | |
1733 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 (C4) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2-pyrrole | methyl pyrrole-2-carboxylate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Metapone madagascarica | Hölldobler, 2002 | |
1734 | Other: True alkaloid | [aro C5 (C4)]×3 + C6 | (C₅H₄ON)1,(C₅H₄ON)2,(C₅H₄ON)6-glucose [buprestin A] | 1, 2, 6-tri-O-(pyrrol-2-carbonyl)-β-D-glucopyranose | allomone | Coleoptera | Buprestidae (jewel beetle) | (1) Acmaeodera cylindrica, Chalcotaenia laeta, Cisseis marmorata, Curis caloptera, Julodis variolaris, Merimna atrata, Nascio vetusta, Stigmodera australasiae, Stigmodera bella, Stigmodera bifasciata, etc., (2) Stigmodera macularia | (1) Moore, 1985; (2) Brown, 1985 | Schramm, 2006 |
1735 | Other: True alkaloid | [aro C5 (C4)]×2 + C6 + C7 | (C₅H₄ON)1,(C₅H₄ON)2,(C₇H₅O₂)6-glucose [buprestin B] | 6-O-(4-hydroxybenzoyl)-1, 2-di-O-(pyrrol-2-carbonyl)-β-D-glucopyranose | allomone | Coleoptera | Buprestidae (jewel beetle) | (1) Acmaeodera cylindrica, Chalcotaenia laeta, Cisseis marmorata, Curis caloptera, Julodis variolaris, Merimna atrata, Nascio vetusta, Stigmodera australasiae, Stigmodera bella, Stigmodera bifasciata, etc., (2) Stigmodera macularia | (1) Moore, 1985; (2) Brown, 1985 | Schramm, 2006 |
1736 | Other: True alkaloid | [aro C5 (C4)]×2 + C6 + C9 | (C₅H₄ON)1,(C₅H₄ON)2,(C₉H₇O₂)6-glucose [buprestin D] | 6-O-(4-hydroxycinnamyl)-1, 2-di-O-(pyrrol-2-carbonyl)-β-D-glucopyranose | allomone | Coleoptera | Buprestidae (jewel beetle) | Anthaxia hungarica, Chalcophora mariana | Ryczek, 2009 | Ryczek, 2009 |
1737 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C6 (C4) | Me2,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | (1)(2) trail, (3)(4) gland secretion, (5) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1-4) Formicidae (ant), (5) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Tetramorium caespiturn, (2) Tetramorium meridionale, (3) Daceton armigerum, (4) Pachycondyla obscuricornis, (5) Dolichovespula maculata | (1) Attygalle, 1983c; Attygalle, 1984; (2) Jackson, 1990c; (3) Morgan, 1992; (4) Morgan, 1999; (5) Jimenez, 2016 | |
1738 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C6 (C4) | Me2,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Anastrepha fraterculus, (2) Anastrepha serpentina | (1) Lima, 2001; (2) Robacker, 2009 | |
1739 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C6 (C4) | Me1,Me3-pyrimidine [N,N-dimethyluracil] | 1, 3-dimethyl-1H-pyrimidine-2, 4-dione | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Megaponera foetens (Pachycondyla analis) | Janssen, 1995 | |
1740 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C6 (C4) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2,Me4-pyrrole | methyl 4-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Atta texana, (2)(4) Atta cephalotes,(3)(4) Acromyrmex octospinosus, (4)(7) Atta sexdens, (5) Atta laevigata, Atta bisphaerica, (6) Acromyrmex subterraneus | (1) Tumlinson, 1971b; Tumlinson, 1972; (2) Riley, 1974c; (3) Cross, 1982; (4) Evershed, 1983; (5) Oliveira, 1990; (6) Do Nascimento, 1994; (7) Morgan, 2006a | Sonnet, 1972; Tehrani, 1999 |
1741 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) | (MeCOCO)2-pyrrole | 1-(1H-pyrrol-2-yl)propane-1, 2-dione | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Dryobius sexnotatus, (2) Ambonus distinctus, Ambonus electus, (3) Semanotus amethystinus, Semanotus ligneous, Semanotus litigiosus, Callidium antennatum, Callidium pseudotsugae | (1) Diesel, 2017; (2) Silva, 2017; (3) Millar, 2019 | |
1742 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) | Me2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 3, 5-trimethylpyrazine | (1) trail, (2-4) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Tetramorium meridionale, (2) Daceton armigerum, (3) Pachycondyla obscuricornis, (4) Pachycondyla sennaarensis | (1) Jackson, 1990c; (2) Morgan, 1992; (3) Morgan, 1999; (4) Nikbakhtzadeh, 2009 | |
1743 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) | Me2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 3, 5-trimethylpyrazine | (1)(3)(4) sex (M), (2) gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Anastrepha fraterculus, (2)(4) Bactrocera cucurbitae, (3)(4) Bactrocera dorsalis | (1) Lima, 2001; (2) Baker, 1982c; (3) Ren 2021; (4) Gao, 2023 | |
1744 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) | Me2,(C₂H₃)6-pyrazine | 2-methyl-6-vinylpyrazine | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Toxotrypana curvicauda | Chuman, 1987b; Landolt, 1988 | |
1745 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) + C1 | iPr2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine | (1)(4) allomone, (2)(3)(5)(6) aggregation | Coleoptera | (1)(4) Lycidae (net-winged beetle), (2)(3)(5) Coccinellidae (ladybug), (6) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Metriorrhynchus rhipidius, (2)(3) Coccinella septempunctata, (3) Harmonia axyridis, Hippodamia convergens, (4) Calopteron reticulatum, Calopteron terminale, Lycus loripes, Lycus fernandezi, Lycus arizonensis, Lycus sanguinipennis, Lycus fulvellus, (5) Adalia bipunctata, (6) Labidostomis lusitanica | (1) Moore、1981, (2) Abassi, 1998; (3) Cudjoe, 2005; (4) Eisner, 2008; (5) Susset, 2013; (6) López, 2023 | |
1746 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) + C1 | iPr2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine | (1) allomone, (2) gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Heliconius chafitonia, (2) Heliconius melpomene | (1) Moore, 1990; (2) Schulz, 2008 | |
1747 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 (C4) + C1 | iPr2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine | allomone | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Murgantia histrionica | Aldrich, 1996b | |
1748 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) | Me2,Et3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-ethyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | (1-12) trail, (13) alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(4)(12) Atta sexdens, (2) Myrmica rubra, (3) Tetramorium caespiturn, (4) Atta cephalotes, (5) Manica rubida, (6) Pheidole pallidula, (7) Messor bouvieri, (8) Tetrarnorium meridionale, (9) Atta bisphaerica, (10) Daceton armigerum, (11) Pogonomyrmex barbatus, Pogonomyrmex maricopa, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, (13) Solenopsis invicta | (1) Cross, 1979; (2) Evershed, 1981; (3) Attygalle, 1983c; Attygalle, 1984; (4) Evershed, 1983; (5) Attygalle, 1986; (6) Ali、1988; (7) Jackson, 1989a; (8) Jackson, 1990b; (9) Oliveira, 1990; (10) Morgan, 1992; (11) Hölldobler, 2001; (12) Morgan, 2006a; (13) Meer, 2010 | |
1749 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) | Me2,Me3,Me5,Me6-pyrazine | 2, 3, 5, 6-tetramethylpyrazine | (1) gland secretion, (2)(3) sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(3) Bactrocera cucurbitae, (2)(3) Bactrocera dorsalis | (1) Baker, 1982c; (2) Ren 2021; (3) Gao, 2023 | |
1750 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) | Et2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-ethyl-3, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Odontomachus troglodytes, (2) Odontomachus chelifer | (1) Longhurst, 1978; (2) Xu, 2018 | |
1751 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) | Et2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-ethyl-3, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis capitata | Baker, 1985a | |
1752 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) + C1 | s-Bu2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-sec-butyl-3-methoxypyrazine | (1-3) allomone, (4)(5) gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | (1)(4)(5) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (2) Papilionidae (butterfly), (3) Erebidae (arctiid moth) | (1) Heliconius chafitonia, (2) Battus polydamus, (3) Euplagia quadripunctana, (4) Heliconius melpomene, (5) Heliconius timareta | (1-3) [Moore, 1990]; (4) [Schulz, 2008]; (5) [González-Rojas, 2020] | |
1753 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) + C1 | s-Bu2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-sec-butyl-3-methoxypyrazine | allomone | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Murgantia histrionica | [Aldrich, 1996b] | |
1754 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) + C1 | s-Bu2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-sec-butyl-3-methoxypyrazine | (1) allomone, (2)(3) aggregation | Coleoptera | (1) Lycidae (net-winged beetle), (2)(3) Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Metriorrhynchus rhipidius, (2) Hippodamia convergens, (3) Adalia bipunctata | (1) [Moore、1981], (2) [Cudjoe, 2005]; (3) [Susset, 2013] | |
1755 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) + C1 | iBu2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine | (1-3) allomone, (4) gland secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | (1)(4) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (2) Papilionidae (butterfly), (3) Erebidae (arctiid moth) | (1) Heliconius chafitonia, (2) Battus polydamus, Zerynthia polyxena, (3) Euplagia quadripunctana, (4) Heliconius melpomene | (1-3) Moore, 1990; (4) Schulz, 2008; González-Rojas, 2020 | |
1756 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C4) + C1 | iBu2,MeO3-pyrazine | 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine | aggregation | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Hippodamia convergens, (2) Adalia bipunctata | (1) Cudjoe, 2005; (2) Susset, 2013 | |
1757 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C4) | Pr2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 3, 5-dimethyl-2-propylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Sphecidae (wasp), (2) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Ammophila urnaria, (2) Odontomachus chelifer, Odontomachus bauri | (1) Duffield, 1981c; (2) Xu, 2018 | |
1758 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C4) | Me2,Pr3,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 5-dimethyl-3-propylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Dinoponera grandis, (2) Ectatomma sp. | (1) Hermann, 1984; (2) Morgan, 1999 | |
1759 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C4) | Bu2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-butyl-3, 5-dimethylpyrazine | (1-3)(5) gland secretion (4) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1)(3)(5) Formicidae (ant), (2) Sphecidae (wasp), (4) Thynnidae (flower wasp) | (1) Odontomachus troglodytes, Brachyponera sennaarensis, (2) Ammophila urnaria, (3) Streblognathus aethiopicus, (4) Zaspilothynnus trilobatus, (5) Odontomachus chelifer, Odontomachus ruginodis | (1) Longhurst, 1978; (2) Duffield, 1981c; (3) Jones, 1998; (4) Bohman, 2014a; Bohman, 2016; (5) Xu, 2018 | |
1760 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C4) | s-Bu2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-sec-butyl-3, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Anochetus sedilloti | Longhurst, 1978 | |
1761 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C4) | Me2,iBu3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-isobutyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Vespidae (wasp), (2) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Anochetus sedilloti, (2) Calomyrmex sp., (3) Stenodynerus fulvipes | (1) Longhurst, 1978; (2) Brown, 1979; (3) Hefetz, 1980 | Mori, 2017b |
1762 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C4) | Me2,Me3,iBu5-pyrazine | 5-isobutyl-2, 3-dimethylpyrazine | (1) gland secretion, (2) trail | Hymenoptera | (1) Vespidae (wasp), (2) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Ancistrocerus antilope, (2) Eutetramorium mocquerysi | (1) Hefetz, 1980; (2) Tentschert, 2000 | |
1763 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C4) | (CH₂OH)2,Et3,Me5,Et6-pyrazine | 2-hydroxymethyl-3, 6-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Thynnidae (flower wasp) | Zaspilothynnus trilobatus | Bohman, 2014a; Bohman, 2016 | |
1764 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | Me2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-isopentyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | (1)(3)(4)(8)(10)(16) alarm, (2)(6)(7)(11-14) gland secretion, (5) marking, (9) allomone, (15) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1-4)(8-14)(16) Formicidae (ant), (5)(7) Sphecidae (wasp), (6) Vespidae (wasp), (15) Thynnidae (flower wasp) | (1) Odontomachus clarus, Odontomachus hastatus, (2) Iridomyrmex humilis, (3) Hypoponera opacior, Ponera pennsylvanica, (4) Calomyrmex sp., (5) Philanthus triangulum, Argogorytes fargei, Argogorytes mystaceus, Nysson spinosus, (6) Stenodynerus fulvipes, Pseudodynerus quadrisectus, (7) Ammophila fernaldi, Ammophila nigricans, Ammophila procera, (8) Rhytidoponera chalybaea, (9) Wasmannia auropunctata, (10) Dinoponera australis, (11) Dinoponera grandis, (12) Mesoponera castanea, Mesoponera castaneicolor, (13) Pachycondyla striata, (14) Anochetus kempfi, Anochetus mayri, (15) Zaspilothynnus nigripes, (16) Odontomachus chelifer, Odontomachus ruginodis, Odontomachus bauri | (1) Wheeler, 1973; (2) Cavill, 1974b; (3) Duffield, 1976; (4) Brown, 1979; (5) Borg-Karlson, 1980; (6) Hefetz, 1980; (7) Duffield, 1981c; (8) Brophy, 1981; (9) Howard, 1982b; (10) Oldham, 1994b; (11) Hermann, 1984; (12) Fales, 1984; (13) Morgan, 1999; (14) Jones, 1999; (15) Bohman, 2014b; (16) Xu, 2018 | Mori, 2017b |
1765 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | Me2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-isopentyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | allomone | Phasmatodea | Phylliidae (leaf insect) | Phyllium westwoodii | Dossey, 2009 | |
1766 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | Me2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 5-dimethyl-3-(2-methylbutyl)pyrazine | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Calomyrmex sp., (2) Ectatomma sp., (3) Wasmannia auropunctata | (1) [Brown, 1979]; (2) [Morgan, 1999]; (3) [Showalter, 2010] | Mori, 2017b |
1767 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | Me2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 5-dimethyl-3-(2-methylbutyl)pyrazine | allomone | Phasmatodea | Phylliidae (leaf insect) | Phyllium westwoodii | Dossey, 2009 | |
1768 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | Me2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 2, 5-dimethyl-3-pentylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Anochetus sedilloti, (2) Odontomachus bauri, Odontoponera transversa, Ectatomma sp | (1) Longhurst, 1978; (2) Morgan, 1999 | |
1769 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | (C₅H₁₁)2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 3, 5-dimethyl-2-pentylpyrazine | (1) alarm, (2-4) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Odontomachus brunneus, (2) Odontomachus troglodytes, (3) Streblognathus aethiopicus, (4) Odontomachus erythrocephalus, Odontomachus ruginodis, Odontomachus bauri | (1) Wheeler, 1973; (2) Longhurst, 1978; (3) Jones, 1998; (4) Xu, 2018 | |
1770 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | (CH₂OH)2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-hydroxymethyl-3-(3-methylbutyl)-5-methylpyrazine | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Thynnidae (flower wasp) | Zaspilothynnus nigripes | Bohman, 2012 | |
1771 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C4) | Me3,Ph4-pyrrole | 3-methyl-4-phenylpyrrole | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Anochetus kempfi, Anochetus mayri | Jones, 1999 | |
1772 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C12 (C4) | Me2,(C₆H₁₃)3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-isohexyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pachycondyla striata | Morgan, 1999 | |
1773 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C12 (C4) | (C₄H₇)2,Pr3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-(1-butenyl)-5-methyl-3-propylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Aphaenogaster rudis | Wheeler, 1982 | |
1774 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C12 (C4) | (C₆H₁₃)2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 3, 5-dimethyl-2-hexylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Odontomachus troglodytes, (2) Streblognathus aethiopicus | (1) Longhurst, 1978; (2) Jones, 1998 | |
1775 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C13 (C4) | (C₇H₁₅)2,Me3,Me5-pyrazine | 2-heptyl-3, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Odontomachus erythrocephalus | Xu, 2018 | |
1776 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C14 (C4) | Me2,(PhC₂H₂)3,Me5-pyrazine | (E)-2, 5-dimethyl-3-styrylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Iridomyrmex humilis | Cavill, 1974b | |
1777 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C14 (C4) | Me2,(PhC₂H₂)3,Me5-pyrazine | (Z)-2, 5-dimethyl-3-styrylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Iridomyrmex humilis | Cavill, 1974b | |
1778 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C15 (C4) | (C₅H₉)2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine 3-isopentyl-5-methyl-2-[(E)-3-methylbut-1-enyl]pyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Rhytidoponera metallica | Tecle, 1987 | | |
1779 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C16 (C4) | Me2,(C₁₀H₁₉)3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-(3, 7-dimethyloct-6-enyl)-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine [3-citronellyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine] | alarm | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Rhytidoponera chalybaea | [Brophy, 1981] | |
1780 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C16 (C4) | Me2,(C₅H₉)3,Me5,(C₅H₁₁)6-pyrazine | (E)-3-(isopent-1’-enly)-6-isopentyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Dinoponera australis | Oldham, 1994b | |
1781 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C16 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)2,(C₅H₁₁)3,Me5-pyrazine | 3-isopentyl-5-methyl-2-[(E)-3-methylpent-1-enyl]pyrazine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Rhytidoponera metallica | [Tecle, 1987] | |
1782 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 | purine [guanine] | 2-amino-1, 7-dihydropurin-6-one | arrestment | [Ixodida] | (1)(3) Ixodidae (tick), (2) Argasidae (tick) | (1) Ornithodoros porcinus, (2) Argas polonicus, Argas reflexus, Argas persicus, Ornithodoros moubata, Ornithodoros tartakovskyi, (3) Ixodes scapularis | (1) Otieno, 1985; (2) Dusbábek, 1991; (3) Sonenshine, 2003 | |
1783 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 | purine [guanine] | 2-amino-1, 7-dihydropurin-6-one | arrestment | [Mesostigmata] | Dermanyssidae (mite) | Dermanyssus gallinae | Qi, 2023 | |
1784 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 | purine [xanthine] | 3, 7-dihydropurine-2, 6-dione | arrestment | [Ixodida] | (1) Argasidae (tick), (2) Ixodidae (tick) | (1) Argas reflexus, Ornithodoros moubata, Ornithodoros tartakovskyi, (2) Ixodes scapulari | (1) Dusbábek, 1991; (2) Sonenshine, 2003 | |
1785 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 | purine [hypoxanthine] | 3, 7-dihydropurine-6-one | arrestment | [Ixodida] | Argasidae (tick) | Argas polonicus, Argas reflexus, Ornithodoros tartakovskyi | Dusbábek, 1991 | |
1786 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C5 + C3 | purine [himantarine] | 6-methoxy-3, 7-dimethyl-3, 7-dihydropurin-2-ylideneamine | gland secretion | (Geophilomorpha) | Himantariidae (centipede) | Himantarium gabrielis | Vujisić, 2013 | |
1787 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C6 (C5) + C1 | (CO₂Me)3-pyridine [methyl nicotinate] | methyl pyridine-3-carboxylate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Aenictus sp. | Oldham, 1994a | |
1788 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C5) | Me2,Me4,Me6-pyridine | 2, 4, 6-trimethylpyridine | aggregation | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Coleomegilla maculata | Zhou, 2022 | |
1789 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C5) | Me2,Me4,Me6-pyridine | 2, 4, 6-trimethylpyridine | aggregation (larva) | Diptera | Glossinidae (tsetse fly) | Glossina palpalis | Gimonneau、2024 | |
1790 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C5) | (C₄H₇)3-pyridine | 3-(isobut-1-enyl)pyridine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1)(2) Stenus binotatus, Stenus pubescens, Stenus solutus, Stenus cicindeloides, (2) Stenus similis, Stenus tarsalis | (1) Lusebrink, 2009; (2) Schierling, 2013 | |
1791 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C5) + C1 | (C₅H₁₀N)3-pyridine [nicotine] | (S)-3-(1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl)pyridine | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | (1) Paranonychidae (spider: harvestman), (2) Cladonychiidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Sclerobunus robustus, (2) Holoscotolemon jaqueti, Holoscotolemon oreophilum | (1) [Ekpa, 1984]; (2) Raspotnig, 2011a | |
1792 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C5) | (C₅H₁₀N)3-pyridine [anabasine] | (S)-3-(piperid-2-yl)pyridine [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexahydro-2, 3'-bipyridine] | (1)(2) allomone, (3)(5)(6) gland secretion, (4) trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(6) Messor ebeninus, (2)(6) Messor bouvieri, (3) Messor capensis, (4) Aphaenogaster rudis, (5) Messor sanctus, Aphaenogaster subterranean, Aphaenogaster miamiana, (6) Messor marocanus | (1) [Coll, 1987]; (2) [Jackson, 1989a]; (3) [Brand, 1993]; (4) [Attygalle, 1998a]; (5) Leclercq, 2001; (6) [Co, 2003] | |
1793 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C5) | (C₅H₈N)3-pyridine [anabaseine] | 3, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydro-2, 3'-bipyridine | (1-3)(5) gland secretion, (4) trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Aphaenogaster fulva, Aphaenogaster tennesseensis, (2) Messor bouvieri, (3) Messor capensis, (4) Aphaenogaster rudis, (5) Aphaenogaster subterranean, Aphaenogaster senilis | (1) Wheeler, 1981 (2) Jackson, 1989a; (3) Brand, 1993; (4) Attygalle, 1998a; (5) Leclercq, 2001 | |
1794 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C5) | (C₅H₈N)3-pyridine [anabaseine] | 3, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydro-2, 3'-bipyridine | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Cladonychiidae (spider: harvestman) | Holoscotolemon lessiniense | Raspotnig, 2011a | |
1795 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C5) | (C₅H₄N)3-pyridine | 3-(pyridin-2-yl)pyridine [2, 3'-bipyridine] | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Aphaenogaster rudis, (2) Messor arenarius | (1) Attygalle, 1998a; (2) Co, 2003 | |
1796 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C5) | (C₅H₉)3-pyridine | (Z)-3-(2-methylbut-1-enyl)pyridine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus tarsalis, Stenus similis | Lusebrink, 2009 | |
1797 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C5) | (C₅H₉)3-pyridine | (E)-3-(2-methylbut-1-enyl)pyridine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus binotatus, Stenus pubescens, Stenus pinguis, Stenus solutus | Lusebrink, 2009 | |
1798 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 | pyrrolizine [nordanaidone] | 2, 3-dihydropyrrolizin-1-one | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Danaus affinis | Schulz, 1998 | |
1799 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 | [benzothiazole] | 1, 3-benzothiazole | allomone | Coleoptera | Erotylidae (pleasing fungus beetle) | Tritoma bipustulata | Drilling, 2010 | |
1800 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C7 | [benzothiazole] | 1, 3-benzothiazole | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | (1) Hesperiidae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Erynnis montanus, (2) Heliconius melpomene | (1) Ômura 2011; (2) Darragh, 2020 | |
1801 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) | Me7-pyrrolizine [danaidone] | 7-methyl-2, 3-dihydropyrrolizin-1-one | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Lycorea ceres, (2)(4) Danaus gilippus, (3)(4) Danaus hamatus, Danaus affinis, (4)(5)(11) Danaus chrysippus, (5)(6)(11) Amarius ochlea, (5)(10) Amauris echeria, (5)(11) Amauris albimaculata, (5) Amauris niavius, Danaus limniace, (7) Danaus philene, (8)(9) Parantica sita, Parantica melaneus, Salatura genutia, Tirumala hamata , Tirumala limniace, (9) Anosia chrysippus, (10) Euploea sylvester, (11) Amarius damocles, Amarius hecate, Tirumala petiverana, etc, (12) Ideopsis similis, (13) Idea leuconoe | (1) Meinwald, 1966a; Meinwald, 1966b; (2) Pliske, 1969; Meinwald, 1969c; (3) Edgar, 1971; (4) Edgar, 1973; (5) Meinwald, 1974; (6) Petty, 1977; (7) Edgar, 1982; (8) Komae, 1982; (9) Komae, 1983; (10) Schulz, 1988a; (11) Schulz, 1993a; (12) Honda, 1995b; (13) Nishida, 1996 | |
1802 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) | (CHO)1-pyrrolizine [danaidal] | 6, 7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizine-1-carbaldehyde | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | (1-5) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (6)(7) Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1)(2) Danaus affinis, (2) Danaus philene, (3) Salatura genutia, (4) Danaus chrysippus, (5) Episcada carcinia, (6) Utetheisa lotrix, (7) Pyrrharctia isabella | (1) Edgar, 1971; (2) Edgar, 1982; (3) Komae, 1982; Komae, 1983; (4) Schulz, 1993a; (5) [Schulz, 2004b]; (6) Culvenor, 1972; (7) Krasnoff, 1987 | |
1803 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) | (CHO)1-pyrrolizine [hydroxydanaidal] | 7-hydroxy-6, 7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizine-1-carbaldehyde | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1-3) Danaus hamatus, (1)(3) Euploea tulliola, (1)(5)(7) Euploea sylvester, (2) Euploea lewinii, Euploea treitschkei, Danaus pumilis, (2)(4) Euploea nemertes, (2)(5) Euploea tulliolus, (5) Parantica aglea, Radea similis, Euploea leucostictos, (5)(6) Parantica sita, Parantica melaneus, Salatura genutia, Tirumala hamata , Tirumala limniace, (6) Anosia chrysippus, (7) Amauris echeria, (8) Amarius, damocles, Amarius echeria, (9) Ideopsis similis, (10) Episcada carcinia, Epityches eupompe, Garsauritis xanthostola, Greta oto, etc. | (1) [Edgar, 1971]; (2) [Edgar, 1973]; (3) [Edgar, 1974]; (4) [Edgar, 1982]; (5) [Komae, 1982]; (6) [Komae, 1983]; (7) [Schulz, 1988a]; (8) [Schulz, 1993a]; (9) [Honda, 1995b]; (10) [Schulz, 2004b] | |
1804 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) | (CHO)1-pyrrolizine [hydroxydanaidal] | (R)-7-hydroxy-6, 7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizine-1-carbaldehyde | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1) Utetheisa lotrix, Utetheisa pulchelloides, (2)(5) Creatonotos transiens, (2) Creatonotos gangis, (3)(4) Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Pyrrharctia Isabella, (4) Estigmene acrea | (1) [Culvenor, 1972]; (2) [Schneider , 1982]; Bell, 1986; (3) Krasnoff, 1987, (4) [Krasnoff, 1989]; (5) Schulz, 1993c | |
1805 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) | (CH₂)1-pyrrolizine | 1-methylene-1H-pyrrolizine | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Oleria onega | Stamm, 2019 | |
1806 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) | (CH₂OH)7-pyrrolizine | 7-hydroxymethyl-2, 3-dihydropyrrolizin-1-ol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Euploea boisduvali, Euploea nemertes | [Edgar, 1982] | |
1807 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) + C1 | (CO₂Me)1-pyrrolizine [methyl hydroxydanaidoate] | methyl 7-hydroxy-6, 7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolizine-1-carboxylate | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1)(2) Prittwitzia hymenaea, (2) Hypoleria proxima, Mechanitis polymnia, Placidina euryanassa | (1) [Schulz, 1988a]; (2) [Schulz, 2004b] | |
1808 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) + C1 | (MeOCH₂)7-pyrrolizine [9-methoxydanaidon] | 7-methoxymethyl-2, 3-dihydropyrrolizin-1-one | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Napeogenes sylphis | Schulz, 2004b | |
1809 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 (C7) + C1 | (MeOCH₂)7-pyrrolizine [9-O-methyl-hydroxydanaidol] | 7-methoxymethyl-2, 3-dihydropyrrolizin-1-ol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Napeogenes sylphis | [Schulz, 2004b] | |
1810 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 | [indole] | 1H-indole | allomone | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Pycnopsyche scabripennis | Duffield, 1977 | |
1811 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 | [indole] | 1H-indole | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Pieris rapae | Honda, 1982 | |
1812 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 | [indole] | 1H-indole | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Tetramorium meridionale | Jackson, 1990c | |
1813 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C8 | [indole] | 1H-indole | allomone | Coleoptera | Erotylidae (pleasing fungus beetle) | Tritoma bipustulata | Drilling, 2010 | |
1814 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C8) | Me3-indole [skatole] | 3-methyl-1H-indole | (1) allomone, (2) gland secretion | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | (1)(2) Chrysopa oculata, (2) Plesiochrysa ramburi, Chrysopa nigrispinus, Chrysopa incompleta, Chrysopa septempunctata, Chrysopa quadripunctata, Ceraeochrysa cubana | (1) Blum, 1973; (2) Aldrich, 2009 | |
1815 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C8) | Me3-indole [skatole] | 3-methyl-1H-indole | allomone | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Pycnopsyche scabripennis | Duffield, 1977 | |
1816 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C8) | Me3-indole [skatole] | 3-methyl-1H-indole | (1)(2) allomone ?, (3) (4) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1) Apidae (stingless bee), (2)(4) Bethylidae (wasp), (3) Formicidae (ant) | (1) Melipona interrupta, (2) Cephalonomia gallicola, (3) Leptanilla sp., (4) Cephalonomia stephanoderis | (1) Smith, 1983; (2) Kuwahara, 1984; (3) Billen, 1998; (4) Gomez, 2005 | |
1817 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C8) | Me3-indole [skatole] | 3-methyl-1H-indole | allomone | Coleoptera | Erotylidae (pleasing fungus beetle) | Tritoma bipustulata | Drilling, 2010 | |
1818 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C8) | Me4-quinazoline | 4-methylquinazoline | aggregation | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | (1)(2) Triatoma infestans, (1) Triutoma mazzottii | (1) López, 1995; (2) Alzogaray, 2005 | |
1819 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 (C8) | Me4-quinazoline | 4-methylquinazoline | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1)(2) Nasonia vitripennis, (2) Nasonia giraulti | (1) Ruther, 2008; (2) Ruther, 2014 | |
1820 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | Me1,Me2-quinazolinone [glomerin] | 1, 2-dimethyl-1H-quinazolin-4-one | allomone | {Glomerida} | Glomeridae (millipede) | (1)(2) Glomeris marginata, (2) Glomeris conspersa, Glomeris hexasticha, Loboglomeris rugifera, (3) Onomeris sinuata | (1) Meinwald, 1966c; (2) Schildknecht, 1967c; (3) Shear, 2011 | |
1821 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | Me1,Me3-quinazoline | 1, 3-dimethyl-1H-quinazoline-2, 4-dione | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllopertha diversa | Leal, 1997 | |
1822 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | Me2,Me4-quinazoline | 2, 4-dimethylquinazoline | aggregation | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | (1)(2) Triatoma infestans, (1) Triutoma mazzottii | (1) López, 1995; (2) Alzogaray, 2005 | |
1823 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | Me4,Me7-[2]pyrindine [actinidine] | 4, 7-dimethyl-6, 7-dihydro-5H-[2]pyrindine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1-3) Philonthus politus, (1) Hesperus semirufus, (2) Cafius quadriimpressus, (3) Philonthus fimetarius, Philonthus splendens etc. | (1) [Bellas, 1974b]; (2) [Gnanasunderam, 1981c]; (3) [Dettner, 1983] | |
1824 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | Me4,Me7-[2]pyrindine [actinidine] | 4, 7-dimethyl-6, 7-dihydro-5H-[2]pyrindine | (1)(2)(4) allomone, (3) gland secretion, (5) alarm | Hymenoptera | (1-3)(5) Formicidae (ant), (4) Alloxystidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1) Conomyrma sp., (2) Tapinoma melanocephalum, (3) Iridomyrmex discors, (4) Alloxysta brevis, (5) Megaponera foetens (Pachycondyla analis) | (1) [Wheeler, 1977]; (2) [Tomalski, 1987]; (3) [Cox, 1989]; (4) [Völkl, 1994]; (5) [Janssen, 1995] | |
1825 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | Me4,Me7-[2]pyrindine [actinidine] | 4, 7-dimethyl-6, 7-dihydro-5H-[2]pyrindine | allomone | Phasmatodea | Phasmatidae (stick insect) | (1) Megacrania alpheus, (2) Megacrania tsudai, (3) Megacrania nigrosulfurea | (1) [Chow, 1986]; (2) [Ho, 1993]; [Kobayashi, 2023]; (3) [Prescott, 2009] | |
1826 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | HCO4,Me7-[2]pyrindine [boschniakine] | 7-methyl-6, 7-dihydro-5H-[2]pyrindine-4-carbaldehyde | allomone ? | Phasmatodea | Phasmatidae (stick insect) | Megacrania tsudai | [Ho, 1993]; [Kobayashi, 2023] | |
1827 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | (CH₂CO₂H)3-indole [IAA] | 3-indoleacetic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1)(2) Graptodytes pictus, (1) Hygrotus inaequalis, Hyphydrus ovatus, Stictotarsus duodecimpustulatus, Hydroporus planus, etc., (2) Hydroporus tristis, Potamonectes depressus, Scarodytes halensis, etc., (3) Hyphydrus aubei, Geodessus lernaeus, Potamonectes catnaliculatus, etc. | (1) Dettner, 1977a; Dettner, 1980; (2) Dettner, 1979; (3) Dettner, 1985b | |
1828 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | (C₂H₄NH₂)3-indole [serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine] | 3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [2-(5-hydroxyindol-3-yl)ethylamine] | gland secretion (venom) | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Vespula vulgaris, (2) Vespa crabro, (3) Polybia rejecta, Polybia occidentalis,Polistes fuscatus, Polistes versicolor, Vespa maculate, Synoeca surinama | (1) Jaques, 1954, (2) Bhoola, 1961; (3) Schildknecht, 1963 | |
1829 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | (C₂H₄NH₂)3-indole [serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine] | 3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [2-(5-hydroxyindol-3-yl)ethylamine] | secretion (venom) | [Scorpiones] | Buthidae (scorpion) | (1) Leiurus quinquestriatus, (2) Buthotus minax | (1) Adam, 1956; (2) Adam, 1959 | |
1830 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C8) | (C₂H₄NH₂)3-indole [serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine] | 3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [2-(5-hydroxyindol-3-yl)ethylamine] | secretion (venom) | [Araneae] | (1) Theraphosidae (large tropical spiders), (2) Lycosidae (spider), (3) Ctenidae (wandering spider) | (1) Acanthoscurria atrox, Acanthoscurria sternalis, Pterinopelma vellutinum, (2) Lycosa erythrognatha, (3) Phoneutria fera | (1-3) Schildknecht, 1963 | |
1831 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C11 (C8) | Me1,Et2-quinazolinone [homoglomerin] | 2-ethyl-1-methyl-1H-quinazolin-4-one | allomone | {Glomerida} | (1-3) Glomeridae (millipede), (4) Glomeridellidae (millipede) | (1)(2) Glomeris marginata, (2) Glomeris conspersa, Glomeris hexasticha, (3) Onomeris sinuate, (4) Typhloglomeris coeca, Typhloglomeris varunae | (1) Meinwald, 1966c; (2) Schildknecht, 1967c; (3) Shear, 2011; (4) Bodner, 2024 | |
1832 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 | quinoline | quinoline | allomone | Phasmatodea | Diapheromeridae (stick insect) | Oreophoetes peruana | Eisner, 1997b | |
1833 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C9 + C1 | Me1-quinolin-2-one | 1-methyl-2-quinolone | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Lycidae (net-winged beetle) | Metriorrhynchus rhipidius | Moore、1981 | |
1834 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C9) + C1 | (CO₂⁻)2-quinoline | N-methylquinolinium 2-carboxylate | allomone | Coleoptera | Lampyridae (firefly) | Photuris versicolor | González, 1999 | |
1835 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C9) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2-quinoline | methyl 8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylate | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Ilybius fenestratus | Schildknecht, 1971b | |
1836 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C10 (C9) + C6 | (COArg)2-quinoline [Nα-quinaldyl-L-arginine] | (S)-quinoline-2-carbonylarginine | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata | Wang, 1996 | |
1837 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C15 (C10) | Pr3,Et4-pyrrolo[2,1,5-cd]indolizine | 4-ethyl-3-propyl-1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 7a-hexahydropyrrolo[2, 1, 5-cd]indolizine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria opaciventris | [Schröder, 1996] | |
1838 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C15 (C10) | Prope3,Et4-pyrrolo[2,1,5-cd]indolizine | (Z)-4-ethyl-3-propenyl-1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 7a-hexahydro-pyrrolo[2, 1, 5-cd]indolizine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria opaciventris | [Schröder, 1996] | |
1839 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C15 (C10) | Prope3,Et4-pyrrolo[2,1,5-cd]indolizine | (E)-4-ethyl-3-propenyl-1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 7a-hexahydro-pyrrolo[2, 1, 5-cd]indolizine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria opaciventris | [Schröder, 1996] | |
1840 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C34 (C20) | (C₃O₂H)2,Me3,Me7,(C₂H₂)8,Me12,(C₂H₂)13,Me17,(C₃O₂H)18-prophrin [hematin] | chloro[2, 18-di(2-carboxyethy)-3, 7, 12, 17-tetramethyl-8, 13-divinylporphyrin]iron(III) | arrestment | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | Ixodes scapularis | Sonenshine, 2003 | |
1841 | Other: True alkaloid | aro C34 (C20) | (C₃O₂H)2,Me3,Me7,(C₂H₂)8,Me12,(C₂H₂)13,Me17,(C₃O₂H)18-prophrin [hematin] | chloro[2, 18-di(2-carboxyethy)-3, 7, 12, 17-tetramethyl-8, 13-divinylporphyrin]iron(III) | arrestment | [Mesostigmata] | Dermanyssidae (mite) | Dermanyssus gallinae | Qi, 2023 | |
1842 | Other: True alkaloid | C4 | dihydropyrrole | 3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly) | Baker, 1985a | |
1843 | Other: True alkaloid | C4 | pyrrolidine | pyrrolidin-2-one [2-pyrrolidone] | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | (1) Erebidae (tussock moth), (2) Saturniidae (saturniid) | (1) Lymantria dispar, (2) Attacus atlas, Saturnia pavonia | Deml, 2003 | |
1844 | Other: True alkaloid | C6 (C4) | Me2,Me5-dihydropyrazine | 3, 6-dihydro-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Anastrepha serpentina | Robacker, 2009 | |
1845 | Other: True alkaloid | C9 (C4) | (C₅H₁₁)5-dihydropyrrole | 5-pentyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium notulum | Jones, 2003a | |
1846 | Other: True alkaloid | C10 (C4) | (C₅H₁₁)1,Me3-pyrrolidine | 1-isopentyl-3-methylpyrrolidine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Doronomyrmex goesswaldi, Harpagoxenus sublaevis, Leptothorax acervorum, Leptothorax muscorum | [Reder, 1995] | |
1847 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C4) | Bu2,(C₅H₁₁)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-butyl-5-pentylpyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis punctaticeps, (2) Megalomyrmex goeldii, (3) Myrmicaria melanogaster | (1) [Pedder, 1976]; (2) [Jones, 1991a]; (3) [Jones, 2007] | |
1848 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C4) | Bu2,(C₅H₉)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-butyl-5-(pent-4-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium indicum, (2) Myrmicaria melanogaster | (1) [Jones, 1989]; (2) [Jones, 2007] | |
1849 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C4) | Et2,(C₇H₁₅)5-dihydropyrrole | 2-ethyl-5-heptyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis punctaticeps | [Pedder, 1976] | |
1850 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C4) | (C₇H₁₅)2,Et5-dihydropyrrole | 5-ethyl-2-heptyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis punctaticeps | [Pedder, 1976] | |
1851 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Et2,(C₉H₁₉)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-ethyl-5-nonylpyrrolidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium rothsteini, (2) Monomorium antipodum | (1) [Andersen, 1991]; (2) [Don, 2001] | |
1852 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Bu2,(C₇H₁₃)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-butyl-5-(hept-6-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium indicum | [Jones, 1989] | |
1853 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | (C₅H₉)2,(C₆H₁₁)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-(hex-5-enyl)-5-(pent-4-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium indicum | [Jones, 1989] | |
1854 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Bu2,(C₇H₁₅)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-butyl-5-heptylpyrrolidine | (1)(3-6) allomone ?, (2) allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis punctaticeps, (2) Solenopsis fugax, (3) Monomorium indicum, (4) Megalomyrmex goeldii, Megalomyrmex leoninus, (5) Megalomyrmex foreli, (6) Monomorium rufulum, Monomorium afrum | (1) [Pedder, 1976]; (2) [Blum, 1980]; (3) [Jone, 1989]; (4) [Jones, 1991a]; (5) [Jones, 1991b]; (6) [Jones, 2003a] | |
1855 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | (C₆H₁₃)2,(C₅H₁₁)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-hexyl-5-pentylpyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium indicum, (2) Megalomyrmex goeldii | (1) [Jones, 1989]; (2) [Jones, 1991a] | |
1856 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)2,(C₄H₉)5-pyrrolidine [monomorine III] | (2S, 5S)-2-(hex-5-enyl)-5-pentylpyrrolidine | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium indicum, (2) Monomorium pharaonis | (1) [Jones, 1989]; (2) [Jackson, 1993] | |
1857 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Bu2,(C₇H₁₅)5-dihydropyrrole | 2-butyl-5-heptyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Megalomyrmex foreli | [Jones, 1991b] | |
1858 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Bu2,(C₇H₁₃)5-dihydropyrrole | 2-butyl-5-[(E)-hept-1-enyl]-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Megalomyrmex foreli | [Jones, 1991b] | |
1859 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Bu2,(C₇H₁₁)5-dihydropyrrole | 2-butyl-5-[(1E,3E)-hept-1,3-dienyl]-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Megalomyrmex foreli | [Jones, 1991b] | |
1860 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) | Bz3,iBu6-piperazine [cyclo-Leu-Phe] | 3-benzyl-6-isobutylpiperazine-2, 5-dione | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pachycondyla apicalis (Neopone) analis) | [López, 1997] | |
1861 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C4) + C2 | (C₂H₄OH)1,(C₁₁H₂₂NH₂)2-pyrrolidine | (2S, 10'R)-1-(2’’-hydroxyethyl)-2-(10’-aminoundecyl)pyrrolidine | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna borealis | [Radford, 1997] | |
1862 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | Et2,(C₁₁H₂₁)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-ethyl-5-(undec-10-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium antipodum | [Don, 2001] | |
1863 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | Et2,(C₁₁H₂₃)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-ethyl-5-undecylpyrrolidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium sp. | [Jones, 1988a] | |
1864 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | (C₇H₁₅)2,(C₆H₁₃)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-heptyl-5-hexylpyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Megalomyrmex goeldii, (2) Megalomyrmex mondabora | (1) [Jones, 1991a]; (2) [Adams, 2015] | |
1865 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)2,(C₇H₁₅)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-heptyl-5-(hex-5-enyl)pyrrolidine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium indicum, (2) Monomorium fridae, (3) Monomorium niloticum | (1) [Jones, 1989]; (2) [Jones, 2003a]; (3) [Mashaly, 2010] | |
1866 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)2,(C₇H₁₃)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-(hept-6-enyl)-5-(hex-5-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium indicum | [Jones, 1989] | |
1867 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | Bu2,(C₉H₁₇)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-butyl-5-(non-8-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium smithii | [Jones, 1990] | |
1868 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | Et2,(C₁₁H₂₃)5-dihydropyrrole | 2-ethyl-5-undecyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium sp. | [Jones, 1988a] | |
1869 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | (C₇H₁₅)2,(C₆H₁₁)5-dihydropyrrole | 2-heptyl-5-(hex-5-enyl)-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium najrane | [Mashaly, 2010] | |
1870 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) | (C₁₃H₂₆NH₂)2-pyrrolidine | (2S, 12'R)-2-(12’-aminotridecyl)pyrrolidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna varivestis | [Attygalle, 1993c]; Shi, 1996 | |
1871 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C4) + C2 | (C₂H₄OH)1,(C₁₃H₂₆NH₂)2-pyrrolidine | (2S, 12'R)-1-(2’’-hydroxyethyl)-2-(12’-aminotridecyl)pyrrolidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1)(2) Epilachna varivestis, (2) Epilachna borealis, (3) Epilachna paenulata | (1) [Attygalle, 1993c]; [Proksch, 1993]; Shi, 1997; (2) [Radford, 1997]; (3) [Camarano, 2006] | |
1872 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | Et2,(C₁₃H₂₇)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-ethyl-5-tridecylpyrrolidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium rothsteini | [Andersen, 1991] | |
1873 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | Et2,(C₁₃H₂₅)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-ethyl-5-(tridec-12-enyl)pyrrolidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium sp. | [Jones, 1988a] | |
1874 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)2,(C₉H₁₇)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-(hex-5-enyl)-5-(non-8-enyl)pyrrolidine | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium viridum. Monomorium, ebeninum, (1)(3) Monomorium minimum, (2) Monomorium antarcticum, (4) Monomorium smithii, (5) Monomorium australe, Monomorium albopilosum, Monomorium rhopalocerum, Monomorium mediocre, (6) Monomorium niloticum | (1) [Jones, 1982a]; (2) [Jones, 1986a]; (3) [Lange, 1989]; (4) [Jones, 1990]; (5) [Jones, 2003a]; (6) [Mashaly, 2010] | |
1875 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | (C₆H₁₁)2,(C₉H₁₉)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-(hex-5-enyl)-5-nonylpyrrolidine | (1) allomone ?, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium viridum. Monomorium cyaneum, (2) Monomorium minimum | (1) [Jones, 1982a]; (2) [Lange, 1989] | |
1876 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | (C₆H₁₃)2,(C₉H₁₇O)5-pyrrolidine | trans-2-hexyl-5-(nonan-8-onyl)pyrrolidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Megalomyrmex mondabora | [Adams, 2015] | |
1877 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | (C₉H₁₉)2,(C₆H₁₁)5-dihydropyrrole | 5-(hex-5-enyl)-2-nonyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium minimum | [Lange, 1989] | |
1878 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C4) | (C₉H₁₇)2,(C₆H₁₁)5-dihydropyrrole | 5-(hex-5-enyl)-2-(non-8-enyl)-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyrrole | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium minimum | [Lange, 1989] | |
1879 | Other: True alkaloid | C9 (C5) | Me2,(C₃H₅O)6-piperidine | cis-2-methyl-6-(2-oxopropyl)piperidine [1-(6-methylpiperidin-2-yl)propan-2-one] | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, (2) Epilachna varivestis, (3) Epilachna paenulata | (1) [Brown, 1982]; (2) [Proksch, 1993]; [Attygalle, 1993c]; (3) [Camarano, 2006] | |
1880 | Other: True alkaloid | C9 (C5) | (C₃H₅O)2,Me6-tetrahydropyridine | 6-methyl-2-(2-oxopropyl)-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydropyridine [1-(6-methyl-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydropyridin-2-yl)propan-2-one] | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Epilachna varivestis, (2) Epilachna paenulata | (1) [Attygalle, 1993c]; (2) [Camarano, 2006] | |
1881 | Other: True alkaloid | C9 (C5) + C2 | Et1,iBu3-piperidine [norstenusine] | N-ethyl-3-isobutylpiperidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus biguttatus, Stenus bifoveolatus, Dianous coerulescens | [Schierling, 2013] | |
1882 | Other: True alkaloid | C10 (C5) | (C₅H₁₀O)3-tetrahydropyridine [cicindeloine] | (2S, 3S)-2-[(S)-sec-butyl]-1-oxa-5-azaspiro[2.5]oct-4-ene | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus cicindeloides, Stenus solutus | Müller, 2012 | |
1883 | Other: True alkaloid | C10 (C5) + C2 | Et1,(C₅H₁₁)3-piperidine [stenusine] | (3S, 2’S)-N-ethyl-3-(2’-methylbutyl)piperidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus comma | [Schildknecht, 1976a]; Enders, 1993; Lusebrink, 2007 | Enders, 1993 |
1884 | Other: True alkaloid | C10 (C5) + C2 | Et1,(C₅H₁₁)3-piperidine [stenusine] | (3S, 2’R)-N-ethyl-3-(2’-methylbutyl)piperidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus fulvicornis | Lusebrink, 2007 | |
1885 | Other: True alkaloid | C10 (C5) + C2 | Et1,(C₅H₁₁)3-piperidine [stenusine] | (3R, 2’S)-N-ethyl-3-(2’-methylbutyl)piperidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1)(2)(3) Stenus comma, (3) Stenus clavicornis, Stenus providus, Stenus bimaculatus | (1) [Schildknecht, 1976a]; (2) Enders, 1993; (3) Lusebrink, 2007 | Enders, 1993 |
1886 | Other: True alkaloid | C10 (C5) + C2 | Et1,(C₅H₁₁)3-piperidine [stenusine] | (3R, 2’R)-N-ethyl-3-(2’-methylbutyl)piperidine | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Stenus juno | Lusebrink, 2007 | |
1887 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C5) | (C₃H₅O)6,(C₅H₁₁)6-piperidine [adalinine] | 6-(2-oxopropyl)-6-pentylpiperidin-2-one [1-(2-pentyl-6-oxopiperidin-2-yl)propan-2-one] | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Adalia bipunctata, Adalia decempunctata | [Lognay, 1996] | |
1888 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C5) | Me2,(C₉H₁₉)6-piperidine | trans-2-methyl-6-nonylpiperidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis carolinensis, (2) Solenopsis conjurata, (3) Solenopsis globularia, (4) Solenopsis sp., (5) Megalomyrmex mondaboroides | (1) Jones, 1982b; (2) [Jones, 1984]; (3) [Blum, 1985]; (4) [Jones, 1996b]; (5) [Adams, 2015] | |
1889 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C5) | Me2,(C₉H₁₉)6-piperidine | cis-2-methyl-6-nonylpiperidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis conjurata, (2) Solenopsis globularia, (3) Solenopsis sp. | (1) [Jones, 1984]; (2) [Blum, 1985]; (3) [Jones, 1996b] | |
1890 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C5) | Me2,(C₉H₁₇)6-piperidine | 2-methyl-6-[(Z)-non-4-enyl]piperidine | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis sp. | [Jones, 1996b] | |
1891 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C5) | 2(C₅H₉),(C₅H₉)6-piperidine | trans-2, 6-di(pent-4-enyl)piperidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium delagoense | [Jones, 1990b] | |
1892 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C5) | 2(C₅H₉),(C₅H₉)6-piperidine | cis-2, 6-di(pent-4-enyl)piperidine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium delagoense | [Jones, 1990b] | |
1893 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₁H₂₃)6-piperidine [solenopsin A] | (2R, 6R)-2-methyl-6-undecylpiperidine (trans comp.) | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Solenopsis xyloni, (1-4) Solenopsis geminate, (1)(5) Solenopsis saevissima, (2) Solenopsis richteri, (2)(4) Solenopsis invicta, (3) Solenopsis maniosa | (1) [Brand, 1972]; (2) [Brand, 1973d]; (3) [Blum, 1985]; (4) Leclercq, 1994; (5) [Fox, 2012] | Leclercq, 1994 |
1894 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₁H₂₃)6-piperidine [isosolenopsin A] | (2R, 6S)-2-methyl-6-undecylpiperidine (cis comp.) | (1-4)(6) allomone ?, (5) queen recognition ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Solenopsis xyloni, (1-5) Solenopsis geminate, (1)(6) Solenopsis saevissima, (2) Solenopsis richteri, (2)(4) Solenopsis invicta, (3) Solenopsis maniosa | (1) [Brand, 1972]; (2) [Brand, 1973d]; (3) [Blum, 1985]; (4) Leclercq, 1994; (5) [Cruz-López, 2001b]; (6) [Fox, 2012] | Leclercq, 1994 |
1895 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₃H₂₇)6-piperidine [solenopsin B] | (2R, 6R)-2-methyl-6-tridecylpiperidine (trans comp.) | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis saevissima, (2) Solenopsis invicta | (1) [Brand, 1972]; (2) [Brand, 1973d]; Leclercq, 1994 | |
1896 | Other: True alkaloid | C21 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₅H₃₁)6-piperidine [solenopsin C] | (2R, 6R)-2-methyl-6-pentadecylpiperidine (trans comp.) | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis saevissima, (2) Solenopsis invicta | (1) [Brand, 1972]; (2) [Brand, 1973d]; Leclercq, 1994 | |
1897 | Other: True alkaloid | C21 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₅H₃₁)6-tetrahydropyridine | 2-methyl-6-pentadecyl-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydropyridine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(3)(4) Solenopsis invicta, (2)(4) Solenopsis richteri | (1) Chen, 2009a; (2) Chen, 2009b; (3) Chen, 2009c; (4) Chen, 2010 | |
1898 | Other: True alkaloid | C21 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₅H₂₉)6-tetrahydropyridine | 2-methyl-6-(pentadec-6-enyl)-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydropyridine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(3)(4) Solenopsis invicta, (2)(4) Solenopsis richteri | (1) Chen, 2009a; (2) Chen, 2009b; (3) Chen, 2009c; (4) Chen, 2010 | |
1899 | Other: True alkaloid | C23 (C5) | Me2,(C₁₇H₃₃)6-tetrahydropyridine | 6-(heptadec-8-enyl)-2-methyl-2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydropyridine | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis invicta | Chen, 2009a; Chen, 2009c; Chen, 2010 | |
1900 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C6) | (C₁₁H₂₂NH₂)5-hexahydropyrrolooxazole | 5-(10-aminoundecyl)hexahydropyrrolo[2, 1-b]oxazole | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna borealis | [Radford, 1997] | |
1901 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C6) | (C₁₃H₂₆NH₂)5-hexahydropyrrolooxazole | 5-(12-aminotridecyl)hexahydropyrrolo[2, 1-b]oxazole | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna varivestis, Epilachna borealis | [Radford, 1997] | |
1902 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) | (HOCH₂)1-pyrrolizine [retronecine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methanol | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | Scearctia figulina | Martins, 2016 | |
1903 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) | (HOCH₂)1-pyrrolizine [retronecine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methanol | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Longitarsus anchusae, Longitarsus echii, Longitarsus exoletus, Longitarsus aeruginosus, Longitarsus exoletus, etc., (2) Platyphora bella, Platyphora eucosma, Platyphora boucardi, Platyphora haroldi | (1) Dobler, 2000; (2) Pasteels, 2001 | |
1904 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) | (HOCH₂)1-pyrrolizine [heliotridine] | (7S, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methanol | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Longitarsus anchusae, Longitarsus echii, Longitarsus exoletus, Longitarsus aeruginosus, Longitarsus exoletus, etc., (2) Platyphora eucosma | (1) Dobler, 2000; (2) Pasteels, 2001 | |
1905 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C1 | (MeOCH₂)1-pyrrolizine | 7-methoxymethyl-2, 3, 5, 7a-tetrahydropyrrolizin-1-ol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Napeogenes sylphis | [Schulz, 2004b] | |
1906 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C5 | (C₄H₈OHCO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [estigmine A] | (7aS)-(5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl 2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | Estigmene acrea | Hartmann, 2004a; Hartmann, 2004b | |
1907 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C5 | (C₄H₈OHCO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [creatonotine A] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (R)-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1) Estigmene acrea, (2) Scearctia figulina | (1) [Hartmann, 2004a]; [Hartmann, 2004b]; Beuerle, 2007; (2) Martins, 2016 | |
1908 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C5 | (C₄H₈OHCO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [creatonotine A] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (R)-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Platyphora bella, Platyphora eucosma, Platyphora boucardi, Platyphora haroldi | Pasteels, 2001 | |
1909 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C5 | (CH₂OH)1-pyrrolizine [isocreatonotine A] | (7R, 7aR)-1-hydroxymethyl-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-7-yl 2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1) Estigmene acrea, (2) Scearctia figulina | (1) [Hartmann, 2004b]; (2) Martins, 2016 | |
1910 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C5 | (CH₂OH)1-pyrrolizine [isocreatonotine A] | (7R, 7aR)-1-hydroxymethyl-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-7-yl 2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Platyphora bella, Platyphora eucosma, Platyphora boucardi, Platyphora haroldi | Pasteels, 2001 | |
1911 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C5 + C2 | (C₄H₈OAcCO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [callimorphine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (R)-2-acetoxy-2-methylbutanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1) Tyria jacobaeae, (2) Grammia geneura, (3) Scearctia figulina | (1) [Edgar, 1980]; [Ehmke, 1990]; (2) [Hartmann, 2004b]; Beuerle, 2007; (3) Martins, 2016 | |
1912 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C8 (C5) | (C₇H₁₂O₃CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [monocrotaline] | (1R, 4R, 5R, 6R, 16R)-5, 6-dihydroxy-4, 5, 6-trimethyl-2, 8-dioxa-13-azatricyclo[, 16)]hexadec-10-ene-3, 7-dione | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus, (2) Amauris ochlea, Danaus petiverana, Danaus chrysippus | (1) [Edgar, 1976b]; (2) [Edgar, 1979b] | |
1913 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C8 (C5) | (C₇H₁₂O₃CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [monocrotaline] | (1R, 4R, 5R, 6R, 16R)-5, 6-dihydroxy-4, 5, 6-trimethyl-2, 8-dioxa-13-azatricyclo[, 16)]hexadec-10-ene-3, 7-dione | allomone ? | Orthoptera | Pyrgomorphidae (grasshopper) | Zonocerus variegata | [Bernays, 1977] | |
1914 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C8 (C5) | (C₇H₁₂O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [retusine] | (1R, 4R, 5S, 6R, 10R, 16R)-6-hydroxy-4, 5, 6-trimethyl-2, 8-dioxa-13-azatricyclo[, 16)]hexadecane-3, 7-dione | allomone ? | Orthoptera | Pyrgomorphidae (grasshopper) | Zonocerus variegata | [Bernays, 1977] | |
1915 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C6 | (C₅H₁₀OHCO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [estigmine B] | (7aS)-(5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl 2-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | Estigmene acrea | Hartmann, 2004a; Hartmann, 2004b | |
1916 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C6 | (C₅H₁₀OHCO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [creatonotine B] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (3S)-2-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1) Creatonotos transiens, (2)(3)Estigmene acrea, (3) Grammia geneura | (1) Hartmann, 1990; (2) [Hartmann, 2004a]; [Hartmann, 2004b] ; (3) Beuerle, 2007 | |
1917 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C7 | [C₆H₁₁(OH)₂CO₂CH₂]1-pyrrolizine [intermedine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (2S, 3R)-2, 3-dihydroxy-2-isopropylbutanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | (1)(2) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (3) Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1)(2) Tellervo zoilus, (1) Tithorea harmonia, etc., (3) Scearctia figulina | (1) Trigo, 1996; (2) Orr, 1996; (3) Martins, 2016 | |
1918 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C7 | [C₆H₁₁(OH)₂CO₂CH₂]1-pyrrolizine [intermedine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (2S, 3R)-2, 3-dihydroxy-2-isopropylbutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Longitarsus aeruginosus, Longitarsus exoletus, (2) Platyphora bella, Platyphora eucosma, Platyphora boucardi, Platyphora haroldi, Platyphora petulans | (1) Dobler, 2000; (2) Pasteels, 2001 | |
1919 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C7 | [C₆H₁₁(OH)₂CO₂CH₂]1-pyrrolizine [lycopsamine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (2S, 3S)-2, 3-dihydroxy-2-isopropylbutanoate | (1) sex ? (M), (2-6) allomone | Lepidoptera | (1-5) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (6) Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1)(2) Danaus hamatus, (1) Euploea tulliola, (2) Danaus chrysippus, Euploea sylvester, Danaus affinis, (3) Placidula euryanassa, Miraleria cymothoe, (4)(5) Tellervo zoilus, (4) Tithorea harmonia, etc., (6) Scearctia figulina | (1) [Edgar, 1974]; (2) [Edgar, 1979b]; (3) [Freitas, 1996]; (4) Trigo, 1996; (5) Orr, 1996; (6) Martins, 2016 | |
1920 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C7 | [C₆H₁₁(OH)₂CO₂CH₂]1-pyrrolizine [lycopsamine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (2S, 3S)-2, 3-dihydroxy-2-isopropylbutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Longitarsus aeruginosus, Longitarsus exoletus, (2) Platyphora bella, Platyphora eucosma, Platyphora boucardi, Platyphora haroldi, Platyphora petulans | (1) Dobler, 2000; (2) Pasteels, 2001 | |
1921 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C7 | [C₆H₁₁(OH)₂CO₂CH₂]1-pyrrolizine [supinine] | (7aS)-(5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl (2S, 3R)-2, 3-dihydroxy-2-isopropylbutanoate | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Longitarsus aeruginosus, Longitarsus suturellus | Dobler, 2000 | |
1922 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C7 + C1 | (C₇H₁₅O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [heliotrine] | (7R, 7aR)-(7-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 7a-tetrahydro-3H-pyrrolizin-1-yl)methyl 2-hydroxy-2-(methoxyethyl)-3-methylbutanoate | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | (1) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (2) Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | (1) Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus, (2) Creatonotos transiens | (1) [Edgar, 1976b]; (2) Wink, 1988 | |
1923 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C8 | Me8-[3.2.1]8-azabicyclo [3-phenylacetoxy-6, 7-epoxytropane] | 6, 7-epoxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl phenylacetate | allomone ? | Homoptera | Membracidae (treehopper) | Alchisme grossa | [Pinto, 2016] | |
1924 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C9 | Me8-[3.2.1]8-azabicyclo [dihydroaposcopolamine] | 6, 7-epoxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl 2-phenylpropanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Placidula euryanassa | [Freitas, 1996] | |
1925 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C9 | Me8-[3.2.1]8-azabicyclo [3-(3'-hydroxy-2'-phenylpropioxy)-6,7-epoxytropane] [scopolamine] | 6, 7-epoxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl 3-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanoate | allomone ? | Homoptera | Membracidae (treehopper) | Alchisme grossa | [Pinto, 2016] | |
1926 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C9 | Me8-[3.2.1]8-azabicyclo [3-(3'-hydroxy-2'-phenylpropioxy)-6,7-epoxytropane] [scopolamine] | 6, 7-epoxy-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl 3-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanoate | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Placidula euryanassa | [Freitas, 1996] | |
1927 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C10 (C6) | (C₉H₁₂O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [seneciphylline] | (1R, 4Z, 7R, 17R)-4-ethylidene-7-hydroxy-7-methyl-6-methylidene-2, 9-dioxa-14-azatricyclo[, 17)]heptadec-11-ene-3, 8-dione | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | (1) Erebidae (Arctiinae moth), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Tyria jacobaeae (Callimorpha jacobaeae), (2) Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus | (1) [Aplin, 1968b]; (2) [Edgar, 1976b] | |
1928 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C10 (C6) | (C₉H₁₂O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [seneciphylline N-oxide] | (1R, 4E, 7R, 17R)-4-ethylidene-7-hydroxy-7-methyl-6-methylidene-14-oxido-2, 9-dioxa-14-azoniatricyclo[, 17)]heptadec-11-ene-3, 8-dione | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1)(2) Oreina cacaliae, (2) Oreina speciosissima | (1) [Pasteels, 1988]; (2) [Ehmke, 1999] | |
1929 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C10 (C6) | (C₉H₁₄O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [rosmarinine] | (1R, 4Z, 6R, 7R, 11S, 12S, 17R)-4-ethylidene-7, 12-dihydroxy-6, 7-dimethyl-2, 9-dioxa-14-azatricyclo[, 17)]heptadecane-3, 8-dione | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus | [Edgar, 1976b] | |
1930 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C10 (C6) | (C₉H₁₄O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [integerrimine] | (1R, 4E, 6R, 7R, 17R)-4-ethylidene-7-hydroxy-6, 7-dimethyl-2, 9-dioxa-14-azatricyclo[, 17)]heptadec-11-ene-3, 8-dione | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Erebidae (Arctiinae moth) | Tyria jacobaeae (Callimorpha jacobaeae) | [Aplin, 1968b] | |
1931 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C10 (C6) | (C₉H₁₄O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [senecionine] | (1R, 4Z, 6R, 7R, 17R)-4-ethylidene-7-hydroxy-6, 7-dimethyl-2, 9-dioxa-14-azatricyclo[, 17)]heptadec-11-ene-3, 8-dione | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | (1) Erebidae (Arctiinae moth), (2)(3) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Tyria jacobaeae (Callimorpha jacobaeae), (2) Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus, (3) Danaus petiverana | (1) [Aplin, 1968b]; (2) [Edgar, 1976b]; (3) [Edgar, 1979b] | |
1932 | Other: True alkaloid | C8 (C7) + C10 (C7) | (C₉H₁₄O₂CO₂CH₂)1-pyrrolizine [doronenine N-oxide] | (1R,4E,7R,8R,12E,18R)-8-hydroxy-5,7,8-trimethyl-14-oxido-2,10-dioxa-15-azatricyclo[,18)]octadec-4,12-diene-3,9-dione | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Oreina cacaliae, Oreina speciosissima | [Ehmke, 1999] | |
1933 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C7) | Me3,(C₇H₁₅)5-pyrrolizine | (3R*, 5S*, 8R*)-3-heptyl-5-methylhexahydropyrrolizine [3-heptyl-5-methylpyrrolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis-tennesseensis | [Jones, 1980] | |
1934 | Other: True alkaloid | C16 (C7) | Bu3,(C₅H₉)5-pyrrolizine | (3R*, 5R*, 8R*)-3-butyl-5-(pent-4-enyl)hexahydropyrrolizine [3-butyl-5-pentenylpyrrolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium smithii | [Jones, 1990] | |
1935 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C7) | Bu3,(C₆H₁₃)5-pyrrolizine | (3R*, 5R*, 8R*)-3-butyl-5-hexylhexahydropyrrolizine [3-butyl-5-hexylpyrrolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Megalomyrmex modestus, (2) Megalomyrme silvestrii | (1) [Jones, 1991a]; (2) [Adams, 2015] | |
1936 | Other: True alkaloid | C17 (C7) | Bu3,(C₆H₁₁)5-pyrrolizine | (3R*, 5R*, 8R*)-3-butyl-5-(hex-5-enyl)hexahydropyrrolizine [3-butyl-5-(5-hexenyl)pyrrolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium antarcticum | [Don, 1993] | |
1937 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C7) | (C₉H₁₇)3,(C₃H₅)5-pyrrolizine | (3R*, 5S*, 8S*)-3-(non-8-enyl)-5-[(E)-prop-1-enyl]hexahydropyrrolizine [3-noneyl-5-propenylpyrrolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium antarcticum, (2) Monomorium sp | (1) [Jones, 1986a]; (2) [Jones, 1988b] | |
1938 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C7) | (C₆H₁₁)3,(C₆H₁₁)5-pyrrolizine | (3R*, 5R*)-3, 5-(dihex-5-enyl)hexahydropyrrolizine [3, 5-dihexeneylpyrrolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium sp., (2) Monomorium smithii | (1) [Jones, 1988b]; (2) [Jones, 1990] | |
1939 | Other: True alkaloid | C9 (C8) | Me1-[3.3.1]9-azabicyclo [(+)-euphococcinine] | (1S, 5R)-1-methyl-9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Epilachna varivestis, (2) Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, (3) Epilachna paenulata | (1) Eisner, 1986a; [Attygalle, 1993c]; [Proksch, 1993]; (2) [Brown, 1982]; (3) [Camarano, 2006] | [Medina; 1983]; Yue, 1992; King, 1996; Mechelke, 2000; Arbour, 2009; Lima, 2021 |
1940 | Other: True alkaloid | C11 (C8) | Et3,Me5-octahydroindolizine | (3S*, 5R*, 9R*)-3-ethyl-5-methyloctahydroindolizine [3-ethyl-5-methylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis conjurata | [Jones, 1984] | |
1941 | Other: True alkaloid | C11 (C8) | Pr3-octahydroindolizine | (3S*, 9R*)-3-propyloctahydroindolizine [3-propylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria melanogaste | [Jones, 2007] | |
1942 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C8) | Bu3,Me5-octahydroindolizine [monomorine I] | (3S*, 5R*, 9R*)-3-butyl-5-methyloctahydroindolizine | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium pharaonis | [Ritter, 1973]; [Edwards, 1978]; [Jackson, 1993] | |
1943 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C8) | iBu6,Me8-octahydroindolizine [8-deoxypumiliotoxin 193H] | (8R, 9S)-6-isobutylidene-8-methyloctahydroindolizine | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Scheloribatidae (oribatid mite) | Scheloribates sp. | [Takada, 2005] | |
1944 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C8) | Pr5,Me6,Me8-octahydroindolizine [indolizidine 195G] | 6, 8-dimethyl-5-propyloctahydroindolizine [6, 8-dimethyl-5-propylindolizidine] | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Scheloribatidae (oribatid mite) | Scheloribates laevigatus | [Saporito, 2011] | |
1945 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C8) | Bu3,Me5-octahydroindolizine | (3R*, 5S*, 9R*)-3-butyl-5-methyloctahydroindolizine [3-butyl-5-methylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria melanogaste | [Jones, 2007] | |
1946 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C8) | (C₅H₁₁)1-[3.3.1]9-azabicyclo [(-)-adaline] | (1R, 5S)-1-pentyl-9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1)(2) Adalia bipunctata, (2) Adalia decempunctata | (1) Tursch, 1973; (2) Lognay, 1996 | [Medina; 1983]; King, 1996; Yue, 1992; Arbour, 2009; Lima, 2021 |
1947 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C8) | (C₆H₁₁)7-hexahydroindolizine [gosodesmine] | 7-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 8a-hexahydroindolizine | allomone | {Platydesmida} | Andrognathidae (millipede) | (1) Gosodesmus claremontus, (2) Brachycybe petasata, Brachycybe producta | (1) [Hassler, 2020]; (2) [Banks, 2024] | |
1948 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C8) | (C₆H₁₁)7-octahydroindolizine [hydrogosodesmine] | (7R*, 8aR*)-7-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)octahydroindolizine | allomone | {Platydesmida} | Andrognathidae (millipede) | Brachycybe petasata, Brachycybe producta | [Banks, 2024] | |
1949 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C8) + C5 | Me3,(C₄H₄NCO₂)6,(C₅H₁₁)8-pyrido[1, 3]oxazine [hyperaspine] | (3R*, 4aR*, 6S*, 8R*)-3-methyl-8-pentylperhydropyrido[1, 2-c][1, 3]oxazin-6-yl pyrrole-2-carboxylate | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Hyperaspis campestris | Lebrun, 2001 | |
1950 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | (C₆H₁₃)3,Me5-octahydroindolizine | (3S*, 5R*, 9R*)-3-hexyl-5-methyloctahydroindolizine [3-hexyl-5-methylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis conjurata, (2) Solenopsis sp. | (1) [Jones, 1984]; (2) [Jones, 1996b] | |
1951 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | (C₆H₁₃)3,Me5-octahydroindolizine | (3R*, 5S*, 9R*)-3-hexyl-5-methyloctahydroindolizine [3-hexyl-5-methylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis molesta | [Gorman, 1998] | |
1952 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | (C₆H₁₃)3,Me5-octahydroindolizine | (3R*, 5R*, 9R*)-3-hexyl-5-methyloctahydroindolizine [3-hexyl-5-methylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis molesta | [Gorman, 1998] | |
1953 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | Prope5,Et6,Et8-octahydroindolizine [indolizidine 223A] | 6, 8-diethyl-5-propenyloctahydroindolizine [6, 8-diethyl-5-propenylindolizidine] | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Scheloribatidae (oribatid mite) | Scheloribates sp. | [Takada, 2005] | |
1954 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | Bu3,Pr5-octahydroindolizine | (3S*, 5R*, 9R*)-3-butyl-5-propyloctahydroindolizine [3-butyl-5-propylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis sp. (2) Myrmicaria melanogaster | (1) [Jones, 1996b]; (2) [Jones, 2007] | |
1955 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | Bu3,Pr5-octahydroindolizine | (3S*, 5R*, 8S*, 9R*)-3-butyl-8-hydroxy-5-propyloctahydroindolizine [3-butyl-8-hydroxy-5-propylindolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria melanogaste | [Jones, 2007] | |
1956 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | Bu3,(EtCO)5-octahydroindolizine | (3R, 5S, 9R)-3-butyl-5-(1-oxopropyl)octahydroindolizine [3-butyl-5-(1-oxopropyl)indolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria eumenoides | Francke, 1995b | Francke, 1995b |
1957 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C8) | Bu3,(EtCO)5-octahydroindolizine | (3R, 5R, 9R)-3-butyl-5-(1-oxopropyl)octahydroindolizine [3-butyl-5-(1-oxopropyl)indolizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria eumenoides | Francke, 1995b | Francke, 1995b |
1958 | Other: True alkaloid | C16 (C8) | (C₇H₁₄)6,Me8-octahydroindolizine [pumiliotoxin 251D] | (8S, 9S, 2'R)-8-methyl-6-(2'-methylhexylidene)octahydroindolizin-8-ol | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Scheloribatidae (oribatid mite) | Scheloribates azumaensis | [Takada, 2005] | |
1959 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C8) | (C₁₀H₁₈)6,Me8-octahydroindolizine [pumiliotoxin 291G] | (8S, 9S, 2'R)-6-(2', 5'-dimethyloct-4'-enylidene)-8-methyloctahydroindolizin-8-ol | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Scheloribatidae (oribatid mite) | Scheloribates laevigatus | [Saporito, 2011] | |
1960 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C9) | Bu10-[5.3.0]1-azabicyclo | (6R*, 10R*)-10-butyl-1-azabicyclo[5.3.0]decane [3-butyllehmizidine] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Myrmicaria melanogaste | [Jones, 2007] | |
1961 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C9) | (C₅H₁₁)8-7-aza-4-oxabicyclo[5.4.0] [calvine] | (1S, 8S)-3-oxo-8-pentyl-7-aza-4-oxabicyclo[5.4.0]undecane | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Calvia quatuordecimguttata, Calvia decimguttata | [Braekman, 1999]; Laurent, 2000 | Laurent, 2000 |
1962 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C9) | (C₆H₁₁)2-hexahydroquinolizine [homo-gosodesmine] | 2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9-hexahydroquinolizine | allomone | {Platydesmida} | Andrognathidae (millipede) | Brachycybe petasata, Brachycybe producta | [Banks, 2024] | |
1963 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C9) | (C₆H₁₁)2-octahydroquinolizine [homo-hydrogosodesmine] | (2R*, 9aR*)-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)octahydroquinolizine | allomone | {Platydesmida} | Andrognathidae (millipede) | Brachycybe petasata, Brachycybe producta | [Banks, 2024] | |
1964 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C9) | (C₅H₇)2,(C₅H₅)5-decahydroquinoline [cis-269AB] | (2R, 4aS, 8aR)-2-(penta-3, 4-dienyl)-5-[(Z)-pent-2-en-4-ynyl]decahydroquinoline | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Carebarella bicolor | Jones, 2012 | |
1965 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C10) | Pr4-diazacyclopenta[e]indene [tetraponerine-2] | (1aS, 4S, 5aR)-4-propyldecahydro-3a, 8a-diazacyclopenta[e]indene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Tetraponera sp., (2) Tetraponera allaborans | (1) Merlin, 1988; Devijver, 1995; (2) Garraffo, 2001 | Yue, 1996 |
1966 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 (C10) | (C₅H₁₁)4-diazacyclopenta[e]indene [tetraponerine-6] | (1aS, 4S, 5aR)-4-pentyldecahydro-3a, 8a-diazacyclopenta[e]indene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Tetraponera sp., (2) Tetraponera binghami | (1) Merlin, 1988; Devijver, 1995; (2) Garraffo, 2001 | [Devijver, 1995] |
1967 | Other: True alkaloid | C19 (C10) | (C₅H₇)2,(C₄H₃)7-azaspiro[5.5] [285A] | (2S, 7R)-7-[(Z)-but-1-en-3-ynyl]-2-(penta-3, 4-dienyl)-1-azaspiro[5.5]undecan-8-ol | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Carebarella bicolor | Jones, 2012 | |
1968 | Other: True alkaloid | C11 | [cytisine] | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexahydro-1, 5-methanopyrido[1, 2-a][1, 5]diazocin-8-one | allomone ? | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Aphis genistae | [Wink, 1991a] | |
1969 | Other: True alkaloid | C11 | [cytisine] | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexahydro-1, 5-methanopyrido[1, 2-a][1, 5]diazocin-8-one | allomone | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Uresiphita reversalis | [Wink, 1991b] | |
1970 | Other: True alkaloid | C11 + C1 | [N-methylcytisine] | 3-methyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexahydro-1, 5-methanopyrido[1, 2-a][1, 5]diazocin-8-one | allomone | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Uresiphita reversalis | [Montllor, 1990]; [Wink, 1991b] | |
1971 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C11) | Pr4-diazacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [tetraponerine-4] | (1aS, 4S, 5aR)-4-propyldecahydro-3a, 9a-diazacyclopenta[a]naphthalene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Tetraponera sp., (2) Tetraponera allaborans | (1) Merlin, 1988; (2) Garraffo, 2001 | Yue, 1996; Takahata, 1999 |
1972 | Other: True alkaloid | C16 (C11) | (C₅H₁₁)4-diazacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [tetraponerine-7] | (1aS, 4R, 5aR)-4-pentyldecahydro-3a, 9a-diazacyclopenta[a]naphthalene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Tetraponera sp., (2) Tetraponera binghami | (1) Merlin, 1988; (2) Garraffo, 2001 | Yue, 1996; Takahata, 1999 |
1973 | Other: True alkaloid | C16 (C11) | (C₅H₁₁)4-diazacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [tetraponerine-8] | (1aS, 4S, 5aR)-4-pentyldecahydro-3a, 9a-diazacyclopenta[a]naphthalene | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Tetraponera sp. (2) Tetraponera allaborans, Tetraponera binghami | (1) Braekman, 1987; Merlin, 1988; Yue, 1990; (2) Garraffo, 2001 | Yue, 1990; Macours, 1995; Yue, 1996; Takahata, 1999 |
1974 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C11) | Me2,(CH₂OH)4,(C₁₃H₁₄ON)5a-perhydro-8b-azaacenaphtylene [chilocorine C] | 4-hydroxymethyl-2-methyldecahydropyrrolo[2, 1, 5-de]quinolizine derivative [chilocorine C] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Chilocorus cacti | Huang, 1998 | Lisnyak, 2020 |
1975 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me2-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [coccinelline] | (2r, 3aR, 6as, 9aS)-2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine N-oxide | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1)(2) Coccinella undecimpunctata, (1)(2)(4) Coccinella septempunctata, (2) Coccinella californica, Coccinella quinquepunctata, (3) Coccinella transtiersoguttata | (1) [Tursch, 1971]; (2) [Tursch, 1975]; (3) [Ayer, 1976]; (4) [Holloway, 1991] | Stevens,1979; Mueller, 1979; Mueller, 1984; King, 1996 |
1976 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me2-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [precoccinelline, 193C] | (2r, 3aR, 6as, 9aS)-2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine | allomone | Coleoptera | (1-4) Coccinellidae (ladybug), (5) Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | (1) Coccinella undecimpunctata, (1)(2) Coccinella septempunctata, (2) Coccinella quinquepunctata, (3) Coleomegilla maculata, (4) Coccinella transtiersoguttata, (5) Chauliognathus pulchellus | (1) [Tursch, 1971]; (2) [Tursch, 1975]; (3) [Henson, 1975]; [Zhou, 2022]; (4) [Ayer , 1976]; (5) [Moore, 1978] | Stevens,1979; Mueller, 1979; Mueller, 1984; King, 1996 |
1977 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me2-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [precoccinelline, 193C] | (2r, 3aR, 6as, 9aS)-2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine | allomone ? | [Oribatida] | Scheloribatidae (oribatid mite) | (1) Scheloribates azumaensis, (2) Scheloribates latipes, Scheloribates lanceoliger, Protokalumma sp., | (1) [Takada, 2005]; (2) Saporito, 2015 | |
1978 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me2-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [myrrhine] | (2r, 3aR, 6ar, 9aS)-2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Myrrha octodecimguttata | [Tursch, 1975] | Mueller, 1984; King, 1996; Gerasyuto, 2007 |
1979 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me2-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [hippodamine] | (2S, 3aS, 6aR, 9aS)-2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine | allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1)(2) Coccinellidae (ladybug), (3) Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | (1) Hippodamia convergens, (2) Hippodamia caseyi, (3) Chauliognathus pulchellus | (1) Tursch, 1974; (2) Ayer , 1976; (3) [Moore, 1978] | [Mueller, 1984]; Fujita, 2013 |
1980 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me8-decahydro-9b-azaphenalene [2-dehydrococcinelline] | (3aS, 6aS, 9aR)-8-methyl-1, 2, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 7, 9a-decahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine N-oxide | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Anatis ocellata | [Lebrun, 1997] | |
1981 | Other: True alkaloid | C13 (C12) | Me8-decahydro-9b-azaphenalene [propylein] | (3aS, 6aS, 8R)-8-methyl-1, 2, 3, 3a, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 7, 8-decahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine | allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Coccinellidae (ladybug), (2) Cantharidae (soldier beetle) | (1) Coccinella quinquepunctata (Propylea quinquepunctata), (2) Chauliognathus pulchellus | (1) Tursch, 1972; King, 1996; (2) [Moore, 1978] | |
1982 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C12) | Me7,Me7-azacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [deoxybuzonamine] | (1aR, 5aR, 9aS)-7, 7-dimethyldodecahydro-3a-azacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [(6aR, 10aS, 10bR)-8, 8-dimethyldodecahydropyrrolo[2, 1-a]isoquinoline] | allomone | {Platydesmida} | Andrognathidae (millipede) | (1) Brachycybe lecontii, (2) Brachycybe rosea | (1) Jones, 2022; (2) [Banks, 2024] | |
1983 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C12) | Me7,Me7-azacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [deoxybuzonamine] | (1aR*, 5aR*, 9aR*)-7, 7-dimethyldodecahydro-3a-azacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [(6aR*, 10aR*, 10bR*)-8, 8-dimethyldodecahydropyrrolo[2, 1-a]isoquinoline] | allomone | {Platydesmida} | Andrognathidae (millipede) | (1) Brachycybe lecontii, (2) Brachycybe rosea | (1) [Jones, 2022]; (2) [Banks, 2024] | |
1984 | Other: True alkaloid | C14 (C12) | Me7,Me7-azacyclopenta[a]naphthalene [buzonamine] | (1aS*, 5S*, 5aR*, 9aR*)-5, 5a-epoxy-7, 7-dimethyldodecahydro-3a-azacyclopenta[a]naphthalene | allomone | {Polyzoniida} | Polyzoniidae (millipede) | Buzonium crassipes | [Wood, 2000] | |
1985 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C12) | Me2,(C₁₃H₁₉N)3a,5-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [psylloborine A] | 2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine derivative [psylloborine A] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | (1) Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata, (2) Halyzia sedecimguttata, Vibidia duodecimguttata | (1) Schröder, 1998; (2) Lebrun, 1999 | |
1986 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C12) | Me2,(C₁₃H₁₉N)3a,5-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [isopsylloborine A] | 2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine derivative [isopsylloborine A] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Halyzia sedecimguttata, Vibidia duodecimguttata | Lebrun, 1999 | |
1987 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C12) | (C₁₃H₁₄ON)3a,Me8-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [exochomine] | (5aS, 3'aR, 6'aS, 8'S, 9'aS)-8-methyl-7-(8'-methyldodecahydropyrido[2', 1', 6'-de]quinolizin-3'a-ylmethyl)-4, 5, 5a, 6-tetrahydropyrrolo[2, 1, 5-de]quinolizin-3-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Exochomus quadripustulatus | Timmermans, 1992a | Gao, 2016 |
1988 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C12) | Me2,(C₁₃H₁₃ON)3a,6a-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [chilocorine A] | 2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine derivative [chilocorine A] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Chilocorus cacti | McCormick, 1994; Shi, 1995e | |
1989 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C12) | Me2,(C₁₃H₁₃ON)3a,6a-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [chilocorine B] | 2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine derivative [chilocorine B] | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Chilocorus cacti | Shi, 1995e | |
1990 | Other: True alkaloid | C26 (C12) | Me2,(C₁₃H₁₃O₂N)3a,6a-perhydro-9b-azaphenalene [chilocorine D] | 2-methyldodecahydropyrido[2, 1, 6-de]quinolizine derivative [chilocorine D] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Chilocorus renipustulatus | Laurent, 2002 | |
1991 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 | [lupanine] | dodecahydro-7, 14-methanodipyrido[1, 2-a;1', 2'-e][1, 5]diazocin-4-one | allomone ? | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Macrosiphum albifrons, Aphis genistae | [Wink, 1991a] | |
1992 | Other: True alkaloid | C15 | [matrine] | dodecahydro-1H, 5H, 10H-dipyrido[2, 1-f:3', 2', 1'-ij][1, 6]naphthyridin-10-one | allomone ? | Homoptera | Aphididae (aphid) | Aphis genistae | [Wink, 1991a] | |
1993 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | phenol | (1)(2) sex (F), (3) allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(3) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle), (2) Melolonthidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Costelytra zealandica, (2) Phyllophaga cuyabana, (3) Canthon cyanellus, Canthon femoralis | (1) Henzell, 1970; (2) Zarbin, 2007a; (3) Cortez, 2012 | |
1994 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | phenol | allomone | {Polydesmida} | Paradoxosomatidae (millipede) | Oxidus gracilis | Blum, 1973b; Duffey, 1977; Taira, 2003; Kuwahara, 2019 | |
1995 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | phenol | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Archiblatta hoeveni | Maschwitz, 1978 | |
1996 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | phenol | (1) allomone, (2)(3) aggregation | Orthoptera | (1) Romaleidae (grasshopper), (2) Locustidae (grasshopper), (3) Acrididae (grasshopper) | (1) Romalea microptera, (2) Locusta migratori. (3) Schistocerca gregaria | (1) Jones, 1986b; (2)(3) Fuzeau Braesch, 1988; (3) Obeng-Ofori, 1994 | |
1997 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | hydroquinone | 1,4-dihydroxybenzene | allomone | Orthoptera | Romaleidae (grasshopper) | Romalea microptera | Jones, 1986b | |
1998 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | hydroquinone | 1,4-dihydroxybenzene | phagostimulating | Isoptera | Mastotermitidae (termite) | Mastotermes darwiniensis | Reinhard, 2002 | |
1999 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | hydroquinone | 1,4-dihydroxybenzene | (1-4) allomone, (5) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1)(2)(4) Dytiscidae (water beetle), (3) Carabidae (ground beetle), (5) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1)(2) Agabus melanarius, (2) Agabus affinis, Agabus solieri, Ilybius ater, Rhantus pulverosus, etc., (3) Goniotropis nicaraguensis, Metrius contractus, (4) Agabus nitidus, Agabus undulatus, Meladema coriacea, Rhantus suturellus, etc., (5) Hylamorpha elegans | (1) Dettner, 1977b; (2) Dettner, 1979; (3) Aneshansley, 1983; (4) Dettner, 1985b; (5) Quiroz, 2007 | |
2000 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | 2-nitrophenol | aggregation (M) | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | (1),(2) Amblyomma variegatum, (2) Amblyomma hebraeum | (1) Schöni, 1984; (2) Apps, 1988; Diehl, 1991 | |
2001 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | 2, 4-dichlorophenol | sex (F) | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | Dermacentor variabilis | Hanson, 2002 | |
2002 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | 2, 5-dichlorophenol | allomone | Orthoptera | Romaleidae (grasshopper) | Romalea microptera | Eisner, 1971a | |
2003 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | phenol | 2, 6-dichlorophenol | (1-6)(8)(9)(11-13) sex (F), (7)(10) unknown | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | (1)(2)(5) Amblyomma americanum, (2) Amblyomma oariegatum, Hyalorama truncatum, (3) Rhipicephalus sanguineus, (4) Dermacentor andersoni, (4)(8)(11) Dermacentor variabilis, (5) Amblyomma maculatum, (6) Hyalomma anitolicum, Hyalomma dromedarii, (7) Dermacentor albipictus, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris; (9) Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, (10) Boophilus microplus, (12)(13) Anocentor nitens | (1) Berger, 1972; (2) Wood, 1975a; (3) Chow, 1975; (4) Sonenshine, 1976; (5) Kellum, 1977; (6) Silverstein, 1983; (7) Berger, 1983; (8) Guss, 1985; (9) McDowell 1986; (10) Bruyne, 1994; (11) Hanson, 2002; (12) Borges, 2002; (13) Rodrigues, 2004 | |
2004 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | benzoquinone | [1, 4]benzoquinone | (1-18)(20)(22) allomone, (19)(21) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1)(3)(7)(9)(12-15)(18) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2)(4-6)(8)(10)(11)(16)(21)(22) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (17)(19)(20) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Brachinus crepitans, (2) Blaps lethifera, (3) Brachinus explodens, Brachinus sclopeta, Pheropsophus catoirei, (4) Scaurus dubius, (5) Eleodes longicollis, (6) Blaps gigas, Scaurus uncinus, (7) Pheropsophus verticalis, (8) Zophobas rugipes, (9) Paussus fevieri, (10) Blaps sulcata, Blaps wiedemanni, (11) Adelium percatum, Adelium pustolosum, (12) Chlaeniellus inops, Chlaeniellus prostenus, Pheropsophus jessoensis, Brachinus scotomedes, Brachinus stenoderus, Brachinus chuji, (13) Brachinus quadripennis, Brachinus sublaevis, Metrius contractus, Ozaena magna, Stenaptinus insignis, (14) Platycerozaena panamensis, Pachyteles striola, Pachyteles longicornis, (15) Mystropomus regularis, (16) Adelium helmsi, Cardiothorax laticollis, Isopteron trivialis, Bassianus sydneyanus, Meneristes australis, Sloanea costata, Helea squamosal, etc., (17) Oniticellus egregious, (18) Crepidogaster ambreana, Crepidogaster atrata, (19)(20) Melolontha hippocastani, (21) Hylamorpha elegans, (22) Adoryacus bidens, Amathobius mesoleius, Blenosia monticola, Ennychiatus caraboides, Eremostibes barbatus, Microstizopus arthridoideus, Planostibes byrrhoides, Stizopus talpa, etc. | (1) Schildknecht, 1957; (2) Schildknecht, 1960b; (3) Schildknecht, 1961c; (4) Schildknecht, 1961d; (5) Chadha, 1961; Hurst, 1964; Meinwald, 1964; Happ, 1968; (6) Schildknecht, 1964; (7) Moore, 1968b; (8) Tschinkel, 1969; (9) Schildknecht, 1969d; (10) Ikan, 1970; (11) Eisner, 1974; (12) Kanehisa, 1977; (13) Eisner, 1977a; (14) Roach, 1979; (15) Eisner, 1991; (16) Brown, 1992; (17) Burger, 1995; (18) Eisner, 2001; (19) Ruther, 2001a; (20) Ruther, 2001b; (21) Quiroz, 2007; (22) Geiselhardt, 2009 | |
2005 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | benzoquinone | [1, 4]benzoquinone | (1-5) allomone, (4) alarm | Dictyoptera | (1)(3-5) Blaberidae (cockroach), (2) Blattidae (cockroach) | (1) Diploptera punctate, (2) Blatta orientalis, (3)(5) Diploptera punctata, (4) Eublaberus distanti | (1) Roth, 1958; (2-4) Brossut, 1983; (5) Baldwin, 1990 | |
2006 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | benzoquinone | [1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Isoptera | (1)(4) Termitidae (termite), (2)(3) Macrotermitidae (termite) | (1) Odontotermes gurdasporensis, (2)(3) Macrotermes carbonarius, (3) Hypotermes obscuriceps, (4) Odontotermes badius | (1) Batra, 1966; (2) Maschwitz, 1972; (3) Maschwitz, 1974; (4) Wood, 1975b | |
2007 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | benzoquinone | [1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Julida} | Parajulidae (millipede) | Uroblaniulus canadensis | Weatherston, 1969 | |
2008 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 | benzoquinone | [1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | Phalangiidae (spider: harvestman) | Rilaena triangularis | Raspotnig, 2015 | |
2009 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO-benzene [anisole] | methoxybenzene | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Oxyhaloidae (cockroach) | Leucophaea maderae | Brossut, 1983 | |
2010 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO-benzene [anisole] | methoxybenzene | aggregation, sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Holotrichia consanguinea, (2) Holotrichia reynaudi | (1) Leal, 1996c; (2) Ward, 2002 | |
2011 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO2-phenol [guaiacol] | 2-methoxyphenol | allomone | {Polydesmida} | Euryuridae (millipede) | Euryurus australis, Euryurus leachii | Duffield, 1974 | |
2012 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO2-phenol [guaiacol] | 2-methoxyphenol | marking | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa sulcatipes | Hefetz, 1983b | |
2013 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO2-phenol [guaiacol] | 2-methoxyphenol | (1) allomone, (2)(3) aggregation | Orthoptera | (1) Romaleidae (grasshopper), (2) Locustidae (grasshopper), (3) Acrididae (grasshopper) | (1) Romalea microptera, (2) Locusta migratori. (3) Schistocerca gregaria | (1) Jones, 1986b; (2)(3) Fuzeau Braesch, 1988; (3) Torto, 1994; Obeng-Ofori, 1994 | |
2014 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO2-phenol [guaiacol] | 2-methoxyphenol | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius melpomene | Schulz、2008 | |
2015 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO2-phenol [guaiacol] | 2-methoxyphenol | allomone | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Canthon cyanellus | Cortez, 2012 | |
2016 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO4-phenol | 4-methoxyphenol | allomone | Lepidoptera | Pieridae (butterfly) | Ascia monuste | Eisner, 1990 | |
2017 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 | MeO2-benzoquinone | 2-methoxy-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tribolium castaneum | Happ, 1968 | |
2018 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 + C1 | MeO2,MeO3-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethoxy-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Julida} | Parajulidae (millipede) | Uroblaniulus canadensis | Weatherston, 1969 | |
2019 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 + C1 | MeO2,MeO3-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethoxy-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Spirobolida} | (1) Trigoniulidae (millipede), (2) Floridobolidae (millipede) | (1) Metiche tanganyicense, (2) Floridobolus penneri | (1) Wood, 1975c; (2) Attygalle, 1993d | |
2020 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 + C1 | MeO1,MeO2-benzene [veratrole] | 1, 2-dimethoxybenzene | (1)(2) aggregation, (3) oviposition | Orthoptera | (1) Locustidae (grasshopper), (2) Acrididae (grasshopper) | (1) Locusta migratori. (2)(3) Schistocerca gregaria | (1)(2) Fuzeau Braesch, 1988; (3) Rai, 1997 | |
2021 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C6 + C1 + C1 | MeO1,MeO3-benzene | 1, 3-dimethoxybenzene | alarm | Collembola | Neanuridae (springtail) | Neanura muscorum | Messer, 1999 | |
2022 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzene | toluene | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Stenocentrus ostricilla, Syllitus grammicus | Moore, 1971b | |
2023 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me2-phenol [o-cresol] | 2-methylphenol | allomone | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Stenocentrus ostricilla, Syllitus grammicus | Moore, 1971b | |
2024 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me2-phenol [o-cresol] | 2-methylphenol | allomone | {Julida} | Parajulidae (millipede) | Oriulus delus | Kluge, 1971 | |
2025 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me3-phenol [m-cresol] | 3-methylphenol | (1-4) allomone, (5) sex (M) | Coleoptera | (1-2) (4)Carabidae (ground beetle), (3)(5) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Chlaenius cordicollis, (2) Chlaenius chrysocephalus, Chlaenius festivus, Chlaenius tristis, (3) Zophobas rugipes, (4) Chlaenius velutinus, (5) Parastizopus armaticeps | (1) Eisner, 1963c; Holliday, 2012; (2) Schildknecht, 1968a; (3) Tschinkel, 1969; (4) Balestrazzi, 1985; (5) Geiselhardt, 2008b | |
2026 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me3-phenol [m-cresol] | 3-methylphenol | allomone | {Callipodida} | Abacionidae (millipede) | Abacion magnum | Eisner, 1963c | |
2027 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | (1) allomone, (2) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2) Melolonthidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Chlaenius cordicollis, (2) Phyllophaga cuyabana | (1) Eisner, 1963c; (2) Zarbin, 2007a | |
2028 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | allomone | {Callipodida} | (1)(2) Abacionidae (millipede), (3) Schizopetalidae (millipede) | (1) Abacion magnum, (2) Delophon georgianum, (3) Apfelbeckia insculpta | (1) Eisner, 1963c; (2) Shear, 2007; (3) Ćurčić, 2009 | |
2029 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1)(3) Periplaneta americana, (2) Archiblatta hoeveni, (3) Periplaneta brunnea, Periplaneta fuliginosa, Blatta orientalis | (1) Takahashi, 1972; (2) Maschwitz, 1978; (3) Brossut, 1983 | |
2030 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | allomone | Trichoptera | Limnephilidae (caddis fly) | Pycnopsyche scabripennis | Duffield, 1977 | |
2031 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | marking | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa sulcatipes | Hefetz, 1983b | |
2032 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | allomone | {Polydesmida} | (1-3) Paradoxosomatidae (millipede), (4) Nearctodesmidae (millipede) | (1) Nedyopus patrioticus, (2) Chamberlinius hualienensis, (3) Oxidus gracilis, (4) Leonardesmus injucundus | (1) Noguchi, 1997a; (2) Taira, 2002; (3) Taira, 2003; Kuwahara, 2019; (4) Shear, 2007 | |
2033 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me4-phenol [p-cresol] | 4-methylphenol | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Hesperiidae (butterfly) | Erynnis montanus | Ômura 2011 | |
2034 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CH₂OH)-benzene [benzyl alcohol] | phenylmethanol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Mythimna unipuncta (Pseudaletia unipuncta) | Grant, 1972; Hirai, 1980 | |
2035 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CH₂OH)-benzene [benzyl alcohol] | phenylmethanol | (1)(2) sex (M), (3) gland secretion, (4) aggregation | Heteroptera | (1)(3) Coreidae (true bug), (2) Pentatomidae (stink bug), (4) Cimicidae (true bug) | (1) Leptoglossus phyllopus, (2) Podisus maculiventris, (3) Leptoglossus phyllopus, Leptoglossus fulvicornis, Leptoglossus oppositus, Leptoglossus clypealis, (4) Cimex lectularius | (1) Aldrich, 1976; (2) Aldrich, 1978; Aflitto, 2023; (3) Aldrich, 1979a; (4) Siljander, 2008 | |
2036 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CH₂OH)-benzene [benzyl alcohol] | phenylmethanol | sex (M) | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca cancellata | Seidelmann, 2023 | |
2037 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | allomone | {Polydesmida} | (1)(3)(4)(8)(12)(14) Xystodesmidae (millipede), (2)(6)(7)(11)(15) Polydesmidae (millipede), (5)(9)(13)(16) Paradoxosomatidae (millipede), (10) Euryuridae (millipede) | (1) Pachydesmus crassicutis, (2) Polydesmus collaris, (3) Apheloria corrugate, (4) Apheloria coriacea, (5)(9) Oxidus gracilis, (6) Pseudopolydesmus serratus, Apheloria corrugate, Apheloria trimaculata, (7) Pseudopolydesmus erasus, (8) Cherokia georgiana, Cleptoria rileyi, Motyxia tularea, Motyxia sequoia, Sigmoria nantahalae, (10) Euryurus maculatus, (11) Epanerchodus japonicas, (12) Parafontaria laminate, (13) Chamberlinius hualienensis, (14) Parafontaria tonominea, Riukiaria semicircularis, (15) Polydesmus complanatus, Brachydesmus dadayi, Brachydesmus avalae, (16) Nedyopus tambanus | (1) Blum, 1962; (2) Casnati, 1963; (3) Eisner, 1963b; (4) Weatherston, 1973; (5) Blum, 1973b; Taira, 2003; Kuwahara, 2019; (6) Conner, 1977; (7-10) Duffey, 1977; (11) Mori, 1994d; (12) Mori, 1995c; (13) Noguchi, 1997b; (14) Ômura, 2002a; (15) Makarov, 2010; (16) Kuwahara, 2017 | |
2038 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(3) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle), (2)(4)(5) Cicindelidae (tiger beetle) | (1) Paropsis atomaria, Chrysophtharta amoena, Chrysophtharta variicolik, (2) Megacephala australis, (3) Chrysomela populi, (4) Megacephala virginica, (5) Cicindela auraria, Cicindela dorsalis, Cicindela fulgoris, Cicindela gabbi, Cicindela macrocnema, Cicindela rockefelleri, Cicindela striga, Cicindela togata, etc. | (1) Moore, 1967; (2) Moore, 1971a; (3) Matsuda, 1980; (4) Blum, 1981b, (5) Kelley, 1998 | |
2039 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | (1-3) sex (M), (4) allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | (1-3) Noctuidae (noctuid moth), (4) Saturniidae (saturniid moth) | (1) Mythimna conigera (Leucania conigera), Mythimna impure (Leucania impure), (2) Mythimna unipuncta (Pseudaletia unipuncta), (3) Mythimna separata (Pseudaletia separate), (4) Saturnia pavonia | (1) Aplin, 1968a; (2) Grant, 1972; Hirai, 1980; Fitzpatrick, 1989; (3) Clearwater, 1972; Hirai, 1980; Clearwater, 1975; (4) Deml, 1990 | |
2040 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | (1)(2) allomone (larva), (3) alarm, (4) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Tenthredinidae (sawfly), (3) Apidae (stingless bee), (4) Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | (1) Pristiphora erichsonii, (2) Pristiphora geniculate, (3) Trigona angustula, (4) Nematus melanaspis, Nematus prasinus | (1) Jonsson, 1988; (2) Duffield, 1990b; (3) Wittmann, 1990; (4) Boeve, 1992 | |
2041 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | aggregation (M) | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Torto, 1994 | |
2042 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Reduviidae (assassin bug) | Triatoma infestans | Fontan, 2002 | |
2043 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)-benzene | benzaldehyde | allomone | (Geophilomorpha), (Chilopoda) | Geophilidae (centipede) | Clinopodes flavidus | Mitić, 2024 | |
2044 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CO₂H)-benzene | benzoic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1)(2) Dytiscus marginalis, (1) Dytiscus latissimus, (3)(4) Agabus melanarius, (4) Agabus affinis, Agabus solieri, Ilybius ater, Rhantus pulverosus, etc., (5) Acilius semiculcatus, Acilius sylvanus, Acilius mediatus, (6) Agabus bipustulatus, Agabus paludosus, (7) Agabus nitidus, Agabus undulatus, Meladema coriacea, Rhantus suturellus, etc. | (1) Schildknecht, 1964; (2) Kuhn, 1972; (3) Dettner, 1977b; (4) Dettner, 1979; (5) Newhart, 1979; (6) Classen, 1983; (7) Dettner, 1985b | |
2045 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CO₂H)-benzene [anthranilic acid] | 2-aminobenzoic acid | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Holotrichia loochooana, (2) Holotrichia kiotonensis | (1) Yasui, 2003a; Arakaki, 2003; (2) Oike, 2017 | |
2046 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | CN-benzene | benzonitrile | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Saturniidae (saturniid moth) | Saturnia pavonia | Deml, 1990 | |
2047 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)2-phenol [salicylaldehyde] | 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde | allomone | Coleoptera | (1-3) Carabidae (ground beetle), (4-7) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Calosoma prominens, (2) Calosoma macrum, Calosoma alternans, Calosoma affine, Calosoma parvicollis, (3) Asaphidion flavipes, Bembidion quadrigutlatum, (4) Chrysomela scripta, (5)(6) Chrysomela vigintipunctata, Chrysomela populi, (6) Chrysomela tremulae, Chrysomela saliceti, Phratora vitellinae, (7) Chrysomela walshi, Chrysomela falsa | (1) Eisner, 1963d; (2) McCullough, 1966; (3) Schildknecht, 1968a; (4) Wallace, 1969;(5) Matsuda, 1980; (6) Rowell-Rahier, 1986; (7) Termonia, 1999 | |
2048 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)2-phenol [salicylaldehyde] | 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde | allomone | Heteroptera | Naucoridae (creeping water bug) | Ilyocoris cimicoides | Staddon, 1967 | |
2049 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)2-phenol [salicylaldehyde] | 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde | allomone | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Pithitis smaragdula | Hefetz, 1979d | |
2050 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)2-phenol [salicylaldehyde] | 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Limenitis archippus | Prudic、2007 | |
2051 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)3-phenol | 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde | allomone | Heteroptera | Naucoridae (creeping water bug) | Ilyocoris cimicoides | Staddon, 1967 | |
2052 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)3-phenol | 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Rhytidoponera metatlica | Meinwald, 1983 | |
2053 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)4-phenol | 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Dytiscus latissimus, Hydroporus palustris, Cybister lateralimarginalis, (1)(2) Dytiscus marginalis, (3) Graphoderus liberus, (3)(9) Agabus seriatus, (4)(5) Agabus melanarius, (5) Agabus affinis, Agabus solieri, Ilybius ater, Rhantus pulverosus, etc., (6) Acilius semiculcatus, Acilius sylvanus, Acilius mediatus, (7) Hydaticus seminiger, Ilybius ater, (8) Agabus bipustulatus, Agabus paludosus, (9) Agabus obtusatus, (10) Agabus nitidus, Agabus undulatus, Meladema coriacea, Rhantus suturellus, etc. | (1) Schildknecht, 1964; (2) Kuhn, 1972; (3) Miller, 1973; (4) Dettner , 1977b; (5) Dettner, 1979; (6) Newhart, 1979; (7) Dettner, 1980; (8) Classen, 1983; (9) Fescemyer, 1983; (10) Dettner, 1985b | |
2054 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CHO)4-phenol | 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde | (1) allomone, (2) gland secretion | Heteroptera | (1) Naucoridae (creeping water bug), (2) Notonectidae (water bug) | (1) Ilyocoris cimicoides, (2) Notonecta glauca | (1) Staddon, 1967; (2) Pattenden, 1968 | |
2055 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | (CO₂H)4-catechol | 3, 4-dihydroxybenzoic acid | cuticle | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Tribolium confusum, Tribolium ferrugineum | Hackman, 1984 | |
2056 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-hydroquinone | 2-methylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | Dermaptera | Forficulidae (earwig) | Forficula auricularia | Schildknecht, 1962b | |
2057 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-hydroquinone | 2-methylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | {Julida} | Julidae (millipede) | (1) Ommatoiulus sabulosus (Schizophyllum sabulosum), (2) Unciger foetidus, Cylindroiulus coeruleocinctus, Cylindroiulus punctatus, Cylindroiulus luridus, Ophyiulus psilosus, (3) Cylindroiulus boleti, Leptoiulus trilineatus, Megaphyllum bosniense, (4) Typhloiulus bureschi, Typhloiulus serborum, Serboiulus deelemani, Serboiulus kresnik | (1) Schildknecht, 1962b, (2) Röper, 1977; (3) Vujisic, 2011; (4) Makarov, 2017 | |
2058 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-hydroquinone | 2-methylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1) Goniotropis nicaraguensis, (2) Zyras lugens, Atheta crassicornis, Oxypoda alternans, Leptusa pulchella | (1) Aneshansley, 1983; (2) Steidle, 1993 | |
2059 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-hydroquinone | 2-methylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | {Spirobolida} | (1) Spirobolidae (millipede), (2) Rhinocricidae (millipede) | (1) Telodeinopus aoutii, (2) Acladocricus setigerus | (1) Deml, 2000; (2) Wu, 2007 | |
2060 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-hydroquinone | 3-methylbenzene-1, 2, 4-triol (2-hydroxy-3-methylhydroquinone) | allomone | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | Drusilla canaliculata | Brand, 1973c | |
2061 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(3-5)(7-10)(12)(14)(16-18)(21)(22)(26)(30-32)(34-36)(41-43) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) , (2)(6)(11)(13)(19)(20)(23)(28)(33)(40)(44) Carabidae (ground beetle), (15)(24)(25)(27)(29)(37-39) Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1)(10)(22)(32) Tribolium castaneum, (2) Brachinus crepitans, (3) Diaperis maculata, (4) Tenebrio molitor, (5) Blaps lethifera, Blaps mortisaga, Blaps mucronata, Blaps requieni, (6) Brachinus explodens, Brachinus sclopeta, Pheropsophus catoirei, (7)(10) Eleodes longicollis, (8) Blaps gigas, Scaurus uncinus, Helops aenus, Opatrum sabulosum, etc., (9) Tribolium confusum, (11) Pheropsophus verticalis, (12) Zophobas rugipes, (13) Paussus fevieri, (14)(18) Blaps sulcata, Blaps wiedemanni, (15) Drusilla canaliculata, (16) Adelium percatum, Adelium pustolosum, (17) Eleodes beameri, (18) Amphidora littoralis, Anomalipus variolosus, Argoporis bicolor, Blaps approximans, Cibdelis gibbosa, Eleodes acuta, Gonocephalum grenarium, Iphthimus laevissimus, Platydema americanum, Zadenos delandei, ets., (19) Chlaeniellus inops, Chlaeniellus prostenus, Pheropsophus jessoensis, Brachinus scotomedes, Brachinus stenoderus, Brachinus chuji, (20) Brachinus quadripennis, Brachinus sublaevis, Goniotropis nicaraguensis, Homopterus arrowi, Ozaena magna, Stenaptinus insignis, (21) Apsena pubescens, (22) Tribolium audax, Tribolium madens, Tribolium brevicornis, Tribolium destructor, Tribolium confusum, (23) Physea hirta, Platycerozaena panamensis, Pachyteles striola, Pachyteles longicornis, (24) Aleochara curtula, (25) Bledius spectabilis, Platystethus arenarius, Oxytelus piceus, (26) Menimus dubius, Menimus crinalis, Menimus batesi, Menimus caecus, Menimus crassus, (27) Coprophilus striatulus, (28) Chlaenius vestitus, (29) Deleaster dichrous, (30) Uloma tenebrionoides, (31) Zophobas atratus, (32) Tribolium freemani, (33) Mystropomus regularis, (34) Tenebrio molitor, (35) Adelium brevicorne, Apasis puncticeps, Brycopia pilosella, Cardiothorax australis, Mychestes congestus, Orcopagia monstrosa, Toxicum brevicorne, etc., (36) Hypophloeus versipellis, (37) Bolitochara oblique, Leptusa sp., (38) Zyras lugens, Atheta crassicornis, Oxypoda alternans, Leptusa pulchella, (39) Bledius furcatus, Bledius tricomis, Bledius dissimilis, Bledius subterraneus, (40) Crepidogaster ambreana, Crepidogaster atrata, (41) Adoryacus bidens, Amathobius mesoleius, Blenosia exarata, Ennychiatus caraboides, Eremostibes barbatus, Microstizopus arthridoideus, Planostibes byrrhoides, Stizopus talpa, etc., (42) Ulomoides dermestoides, (43) Bolitotherus cornutus, (44) Ardistomis schaumii, Semiardistomis puncticollis | (1) Loconti, 1953; Villaverde, 2007; Lokesh, 2024; (2) Schildknecht, 1957; (3) Roth, 1958; (4) Schildknecht, 1959; (5) Schildknecht, 1960b; (6) Schildknecht, 1961c; (7) Chadha, 1961; Hurst, 1964; Meinwald, 1964; (8) Schildknecht, 1964; (9) Engelhardt, 1965; (10) Happ, 1968; (11) Moore, 1968b; (12) Tschinkel, 1969; (13) Schildknecht, 1969d; (14) Ikan, 1970; (15) Brand, 1973c; (16) Eisner, 1974; (17) Tschinkel, 1975a; (18) Tschinkel, 1975b; (19) Kanehisa, 1977; (20) Eisner, 1977a; (21) Lloyd, 1978; (22) Markaria, 1978; (23) Roach, 1979; (24) Peschke, 1982; (25) Dettner, 1982; (26) Gnanasunderam, 1984b; (27) Dettner, 1984; (28) Balestrazzi, 1985; (29) Dettner, 1985a; (30) Gnanasunderam, 1985; (31) Hill, 1985; (32) Suzuki, 1988b; (33) Eisner, 1991; (34) Attygalle, 1991b; (35) Brown, 1992; (36)(37) Dettmer, 1993; (38) Steidle, 1993; (39) Steidle, 1995; (40) Eisner, 2001; (41) Geiselhardt, 2009; (42) Villaverde, 2009; (43) Holliday, 2009; (44) Attygalle, 2009 | |
2062 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Diploptera punctate | Roth, 1958 | |
2063 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Dermaptera | Forficulidae (earwig) | (1) Forficula auricularia, (2) Doru taeniatum | (1) Schildknecht, 1960a; Schildknecht, 1962b; (2) Eisner, 2000b | |
2064 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Julida} | (1)(2)(4-8) Julidae (millipede), (3) Blaniulidae (millipede) | (1) Brachyiulus unilineatus, Cylindroiulus teutonicus, (2) Ommatoiulus sabulosus (Schizophyllum sabulosum), (3) Blaniulus guttulatus, (4) Unciger foetidus, Cylindroiulus coeruleocinctus, Cylindroiulus punctatus, Cylindroiulus luridus, Ophyiulus psilosus, (5) Cylindroiulus boleti, Leptoiulus trilineatus, Megaphyllum bosniense, (6) Anaulaciulus sp., (7) Brachyiulus lusitanus, Styrioiulus pelidnus, Styrioiulus styricus, (8) Typhloiulus bureschi. Typhloiulus georgiev, Typhloiulus nevoi, Typhloiulus serborum, Serboiulus deelemani, Serboiulus kresnik, Serboiulus lucifugus | (1) Schildknecht, 1961b; (2) Schildknecht, 1962b; (3) Weatherston, 1971; (4) Röper, 1977; (5) Vujisic, 2011; (6) Shimizu, 2012a; (7) Bodner , 2016; (8) Makarov, 2017 | |
2065 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Spirostreptida} | (1)(3)(4)(6-9) Spirostreptidae (millipede), (2) Rhinocricidae (millipede), (5) Odontopygidae (millipede) | (1) Aulonopygus aculeatus, Peridontopyge aberrans, Peridontopyge vachoni, Spirostreptus multisulcatus, (2) Rhinocricus insulates, (3) Cambala hubrichti, Doratogonus annulipes, Orthoporus flavior, Orthoporus punctilliger, (4) Archispirostreptus gigas, (5) Prionopetalum frundsbergi, Prionopetalum tricuspis, (6) Archispirostreptus tumuliporus, (7) Ophistreptus levis, Spirostrophus naresi, (8) Orthoporus antillanus, (9) Orthoporus dorsovittatus | (1) Barbier, 1959; (2) Wheeler, 1964; (3) Eisner, 1965b; (4)(5) Wood, 1974; (6) Smolanoff, 1975b; (7) Bernardi, 1982; (8) Williams, 1997; (9) Valderrama, 2000; Weldon, 2003 | |
2066 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Isoptera | Macrotermitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Macrotermes carbonarius, (2) Microtermes globicola, Odontotermes redemanni, Odontotermes praevalens | (1) Maschwitz, 1972; (2) Maschwitz, 1974 | |
2067 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) | Me-benzoquinone [toluquinone] | 2-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Spirobolida} | (1)(3)(6)(8)(9) Spirobolidae (millipede), (2)(7) Floridobolidae (millipede), (4) Trigoniulidae (millipede), (5) Pachybolidae (millipede), (10) Rhinocricidae (millipede) | (1)(3) Narceus annularis, (1) Narceus gordanus, Chicobolus spinigerus, (2)(7) Floridobolus penneri, (4) Metiche tanganyicense, (5) Pachybolus brachysternus, (6) Rhapidostreptus innominatus, (8) Telodeinopus aoutii, (9) Hiltonius sp., (10) Acladocricus setiguser | (1)(2) Monro, 1962; (3) Percy, 1971; (4) Wood, 1975c; (5)(6) Bernardi, 1982; (7) Attygalle, 1993d; (8) Deml, 2000; (9) Hash, 2017: (10) Wu, 2007 | |
2068 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO1,Me4-benzene [p-methylanisole] | 1-methoxy-4-methylbenzene | aggregation | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Protaetia brevitarsis | Zhang, 2021 | |
2069 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)4-phenol | methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1)(2) Dytiscus marginalis, (1) Dytiscus latissimus, Cybister lateralimarginalis, (3)(4) Agabus melanarius, (4) Agabus affinis, Agabus solieri, Ilybius ater, Rhantus pulverosus, etc., (5) Acilius semiculcatus, Acilius sylvanus, Acilius mediatus, (6) Agabus bipustulatus, Agabus paludosus, (7) Agabus seriatus, Agabus obtusatus, (8) Agabus nitidus, Agabus undulatus, Meladema coriacea, Rhantus suturellus, etc. | (1) Schildknecht, 1964; (2) Kuhn, 1972; (3) Dettner, 1977b; (4) Dettner, 1979; (5) Newhart, 1979; (6) Classen, 1983; (7) Fescemyer, 1983; (8) Dettner, 1985b | |
2070 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)4-phenol | methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate | (1) allomone, (2) gland secretion | Heteroptera | (1) Naucoridae (creeping water bug), (2) Notonectidae (water bug) | (1) Ilyocoris cimicoides, (2) Notonecta glauca | (1) Staddon, 1967; (2) Pattenden, 1968 | |
2071 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)4-phenol | methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate | queen | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Slessor, 1988; Keeling, 2003 | |
2072 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)4-phenol | methyl 3, 4-dihydroxybenzoate | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Agabus melanarius, (2) A Agabus bipustulatus, Agabus paludosus | (1) Dettner, 1977b; Dettner, 1979; (2) Classen, 1983 | |
2073 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2-phenol [methyl salicylate] | methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate | aggregation (M) | [Ixodida] | Ixodidae (tick) | (1),(2) Amblyomma variegatum, (2) Amblyomma hebraeum | (1) Schöni, 1984; (2) Diehl, 1991 | |
2074 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2-phenol [methyl salicylate] | methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (dung beetle) | Oniticellus egregius | Burger, 1995 | |
2075 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2-phenol [methyl salicylate] | methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate | (1) anti-aphrodisiac (M), (2) allomone, (3) gland secretion | Lepidoptera | (1)(3) Pieridae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Pieris napi, (2) Limenitis archippus, (3) Leptidea reali, Leptidea sinapis | (1) Andersson, 2000; (2) Prudic、2007; (3) Friberg, 2008 | |
2076 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2-phenol [methyl salicylate] | methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate | aggregation ? (M) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus japonicus | Habe, 2024 | |
2077 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)-benzene [methyl anthranilate] | methyl 2-aminobenzoate | (1-5) alarm, trail, (6) aggregation ? (M) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Aphaenogaster fulva, Xenomyrmex floridanus, (2) Camponotus thoracicus, (3) Myrmecocystus romaine, Myrmecocystus semirufus, (4) Aenictus sp., (5) Aenictus rotundatus, (6) Camponotus japonicas | (1) Duffield, 1980a; (2) Lloyd 1984; (3) Lloyd, 1989; (4) Oldham, 1994a; (5) Oldham, 1994c; (6) Habe, 2024 | |
2078 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(CHO)4-phenol [vanillin] | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (shield bug) | Eurygaster integiceps | Ubik, 1975; Vrkoč, 1977 | |
2079 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(CHO)4-phenol [vanillin] | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde | marking | Hymenoptera | Anthophoridae (cuckoo bee) | Xylocopa sulcatipes | Hefetz, 1983b | |
2080 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(CHO)4-phenol [vanillin] | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1)(2) Pyralidae (pyralid moth), (3) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Eldana saccharina, (2) Tirathaba mundella, (3) Opsiphanes cassina | (1) Burger, 1993; (2) Sasaerila, 2003; (3) Bustos‑Cortés, 2023 | |
2081 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CHO)1,MeO4-benzene [p-anisaldehyde] | 4-methoxybenzaldehyde | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Oxyhaloidae (cockroach) | Leucophaea maderae | Brossut, 1983 | |
2082 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | (CHO)1,MeO4-benzene [p-anisaldehyde] | 4-methoxybenzaldehyde | aggregation?(M) | Neuroptera | Chrysopidae (green lacewing) | Chrysotropia ciliata | Thöming, 2020 | |
2083 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Me3-hydroquinone | 2-methoxy-3-methylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | {Julida} | (1)(3-5) Julidae (millipede), (2) Parajulidae (millipede) | (1) Ommatoiulus sabulosus (Schizophyllum sabulosum), (2) Oriulus delus, (3) U nciger foetidus, Cylindroiulus punctatus, Cylindroiulus luridus, (4) Cylindroiulus boleti, Leptoiulus trilineatus, Megaphyllum bosniense, (5) Typhloiulus bureschi, Typhloiulus georgievi, Typhloiulus lobifer, Typhloiulus serborum, Serboiulus deelemani | (1) Schildknecht, 1962b; (2) Kluge, 1971; (3) Röper, 1977; (4) Vujisic, 2011; (5) Makarov, 2017 | |
2084 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Me3-hydroquinone | 2-methoxy-3-methylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | {Spirobolida} | Rhinocricidae (millipede) | Acladocricus setigerus | Wu, 2007 | |
2085 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2-methoxy-3-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Julida} | (1)(2)(4-9) Julidae (millipede), (3) Blaniulidae (millipede) | (1) Brachyiulus unilineatus, Cylindroiulus teutonicus, (2) Ommatoiulus sabulosus (Schizophyllum sabulosum), (3) Blaniulus guttulatus, (4) Julus nitidus, U nciger foetidus, Cylindroiulus coeruleocinctus, Cylindroiulus punctatus, Cylindroiulus luridus, Ophyiulus psilosus, (5) Cylindroiulus boleti, Leptoiulus trilineatus, Megaphyllum bosniense, (6) Anaulaciulus sp., (7) Allajulus dicentrus, (8) Brachyiulus lusitanus, (9) Typhloiulus bureschi, Typhloiulus georgievi, Typhloiulus lobifer, Typhloiulus serborum, Serboiulus deelemani | (1) Schildknecht, 1961b; (2) Schildknecht, 1962b; (3) Weatherston, 1971; (4) Röper, 1977; (5) Vujisic, 2011; (6) Shimizu, 2012a; (7) Bodner, 2012; (8) Bodner , 2016; (9) Makarov, 2017 | |
2086 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2-methoxy-3-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Spirostreptida} | (1)(2)(4)(6)(8)(9) Spirostreptidae (millipede), (3)(5)(7) Odontopygidae (millipede), (10) Cambalopsidae (millipede) | (1) Cambala hubrichti, Doratogonus annulipes, Orthoporus conifer, Orthoporus flavior, Orthoporus punctilliger, (2) Archispirostreptus gigas, (3) Prionopetalum frundsbergi, Prionopetalum tricuspis, (4) Archispirostreptus tumuliporus, (5) Peridontopyge conani, Peridontopyge rubescens, (6) Ophistreptus levis, Spirostrophus naresi, (7) Congopyge acanthophor, (8) Orthoporus antillanus, (9) Orthoporus dorsovittatus, (10) Glyphiulus septentrionalis | (1) Eisner, 1965b; (2)(3) Wood, 1974; (4)(5) Smolanoff, 1975b; (6)(7) Bernardi, 1982; (8) Williams, 1997; (9) Valderrama, 2000; Weldon, 2003; (10) Kuwahara, 2002b | |
2087 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2-methoxy-3-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | (1)(2)(4) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (3) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Drusilla canaliculata, (2) Aleochara curtula, (3) Orcopagia regularis, Asphalus ebeninus, Bassianus sydneyanus, (4) Zyras lugens, Leptusa pulchella | (1) Brand, 1973c; (2) Peschke, 1982; (3) Brown, 1992; (4) Steidle, 1993 | |
2088 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2-methoxy-3-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Spirobolida} | (1)(3)(6)(9)(11)(12) Spirobolidae (millipede), (2)(8) Floridobolidae (millipede), (4) Trigoniulidae (millipede), (5)(10) Pachybolidae (millipede), (7)(13) Rhinocricidae (millipede) | (1)(3) Narceus annularis, (1) Narceus gordanus, Chicobolus spinigerus, (2)(8) Floridobolus penneri, (4) Metiche tanganyicense, (5) Pachybolus brachysternus, (6) Rhapidostreptus innominatus, (7) Rhinocricus duvernoyi, (9) Telodeinopus aoutii, (10) Trigoniulus lumbricinus, (11) Spirobolellus takakuwa, (12) Hiltonius sp., (13) Acladocricus setigerus | (1)(2) Monro, 1962; (3) Percy, 1971; (4) Wood, 1975c; (5)(6) Bernardi, 1982; (7) Ubik, 1982; (8) Attygalle, 1993d; (9) Deml, 2000; (10)(11) Kuwahara, 2002b; (12) Hash, 2017: (13) Wu, 2007 | |
2089 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 + C1 | MeO2,(CO₂Me)4-phenol | methyl 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoate | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius sapho | Darragh, 2020 | |
2090 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C1 + C1 | MeO2,MeO3,Me5-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Spirobolida} | Trigoniulidae (millipede) | Metiche tanganyicense | Wood, 1975c | |
2091 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C2 | (CH₂OAc)-benzene | benzyl acetate | alarm | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Collins, 1982; Wager, 2000 | |
2092 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C2 | (CO₂Me)1,MeS2-benzene | methyl 2-methylsulfanylbenzoate | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllophaga crinite | Robbins, 2003 | |
2093 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C2 | MeO2,MeO3,(CO₂H)5-phenol | 3-hydroxy-4, 5 dimethoxybenzoic acid | allomone | Collembola | Hypogastruridae (springtail) | Ceratophysella denticulata | Bitzer, 2004 | |
2094 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C2 | MeO2,(CO₂H)4,MeO6-phenol [syringic acid] | 4-hydroxy-3, 5-dimethoxybenzoic acid | allomone | Collembola | Hypogastruridae (springtail) | Ceratophysella denticulata | Bitzer, 2004 | |
2095 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C5 | (CH₂CO₂C₄H₉)-benzoquinone [blattellaquinone] | 2-isovaleroxymethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Blattellidae (cockroach) | Blattella germanica | Nojima, 2005 | |
2096 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C6 | (CH₂OH)1,(O-gluco)2-benzene [salicin] | 2-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)phenylmethanol [(2-hydroxymethylphenyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside] | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Chrysomela populi, Chrysomela tremulae, Chrysomela saliceti, Chrysomela vigintipunctata, Phratora vitellinae | Rowell-Rahier, 1986 | |
2097 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C6 | (CH₂OH)1,(O-gluco)2-benzene [salicin] | 2-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)phenylmethanol [(2-hydroxymethylphenyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside] | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Limenitis archippus | Prudic, 2007 | |
2098 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C7 + C6 | [CH₂O(C₇H₇O₃)]1,(O-gluco)2-benzene [salicortin] | 2-(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)phenylmethyl 1-hydroxy-6-oxo-2-cyclohexen-1-carboxylat | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Limenitis archippus | [Prudic, 2007] | |
2099 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C7 (C6) + C13 + C7 | [CH₂O(C₇H₇O₃)]1,(O-gluco-COC₆H₅)2-benzene [tremulacin] | 2-(2-benzoyl-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)phenylmethyl 1-hydroxy-6-oxo-2-cyclohexen-1-carboxylat | allomone | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Limenitis archippus | [Prudic, 2007] | |
2100 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me5-phenol | 2, 5-dimethylphenol | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Daguerreia inermis, (2) Progonyleptoidellus striatus | (1) Hara, 2005; (2) Rocha, 2013 | |
2101 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (OHC)2,Me3-phenol | 2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzaldehyde | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Phoracantha semipuntata, Phoracantha synonyma | Moore, 1972; Moore, 1976 | |
2102 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (OHC)2,Me3-phenol | 2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzaldehyde | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) alarm, (4-7) sex (F) | [Astigmata] | (1-6) Acaridae (acarid mite), (7) Pyroglyphida (dust mite) | (1) Acarus siro, (2) Caloglyphus rodriguezi, (3) Tyrophagus perniciosus, (4) Aleuroglyphus ovatus, (5) Acarus immobilis, (6) Cosmoglyphus hughesi, (7) Dermatophagoides farinae | (1) Curtis, 1981; (2) Ayorinde, 1984; (3)Leal, 1988; (4) Kuwahara, 1992a; (5) Sato, 1993a; (6) Ryono, 2001; (7) Tatami, 2001 | |
2103 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (OHC)2,Me3-phenol | 2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzaldehyde | (1) gland secretion, (2) alarm, allomone | [Oribatida] | (1) Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite), (2) Collohmanniidae (oribatid mite) | (1) Trhypochthonius japonicus, Trhypochthoniellus crassus, (2) Collohmannia gigantea | (1) Sakata, 2003; (2) Raspotnig, 2006 | |
2104 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHO)2,(CHO)3-phenol [γ-acaridial] | 3-hydroxybenzene-1, 2-dicarbaldehyde | sex (F) | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Rhizoglyphus sp. | Sakata, 2001b; Murakami, 2006 | Sakata, 2001b |
2105 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHO)2,(CHO)3-phenol [γ-acaridial] | 3-hydroxybenzene-1, 2-dicarbaldehyde | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | (1) Trhypochthoniidae (oribatid mite), (2) Hermanniidae (oribatid mite), (3) Camisiidae (oribatid mite) | (1) Trhypochthonius japonicus, Trhypochthoniellus crassus, Trhypochthoniellus sp., (2) Hermannia convexa, (3) Platynothrus peltifer | (1) Sakata, 2003; (2) Raspotnig, 2005a; (3) Raspotnig, 2005b | |
2106 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et2-phenol | 2-ethylphenol | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta americana, Periplaneta brunnea, Periplanetafuliginosa, Blatta orientalis | Brossut, 1983 | |
2107 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et3-phenol | 3-ethylphenol | sex (M) | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Parastizopus armaticeps | Geiselhardt, 2008b | |
2108 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et4-phenol | 4-ethylphenol | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1)(2) Periplaneta americana, (2) Periplaneta brunnea, Periplanetafuliginosa, Blatta orientalis | (1) Takahashi, 1972; (2) Brossut, 1983 | |
2109 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CO₂H)4-phenol | (4-hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | (1) Graptodytes pictus, Hydroporus tristis, Potamonectes depressus, Scarodytes halensis, etc., (2) Hyphydrus aubei, Geodessus lernaeus | (1) Dettner, 1979, (2) Dettner, 1985b | |
2110 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CN)-benzene [benzyl cyanide] | phenylacetonitrile | aggregation, courtship-inhibition | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Torto, 1994; Seidelmann, 2000; Seidelmann, 2003; Ferenz, 2003 | |
2111 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CN)-benzene [benzyl cyanide] | phenylacetonitrile | (1) anti-aphrodisiac (M), (2) gland secretion | Lepidoptera | (1) Pieridae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Pieris brassicae, (2) Heliconius erato | (1) Andersson, 2003; (2) Ehlers, 2021 | |
2112 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CN)-benzene [benzyl cyanide] | phenylacetonitrile | allomone | (Geophilomorpha) | Himantariidae (centipede) | Himantarium gabrielis | Vujisić, 2013 | |
2113 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COMe)-benzene [acetophenone] | 1-phenylethanone | (1) aggregation M), (2) marking | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (bark beetle) (2) Curculionidae (weevil) | (1) Taphrorychus bicolor, (2) Anthonomus eugeni | (1) Kohnle, 1987; (2) Addesso, 2021 | |
2114 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COMe)-benzene [acetophenone] | 1-phenylethanone | allomone ? | Trichoptera | (1) Rhyacophilidae (caddis fly), (2) Phryganeidae (caddis fly), (3) Polycentropodidae (caddis fly) | (1) Rhyacophila nubila, Rhyacophila fasciata, (2) Phryganea grandis, (3) Polycentropus flavomaculatus | (1-3) Ansteeg, 1991 | |
2115 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COMe)-benzene [acetophenone] | 1-phenylethanone | oviposition | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Rai, 1997 | |
2116 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COMe)-benzene [acetophenone] | 1-phenylethanone | allomone | [Opiliones] | Nemastomatidae (spider: harvestman) | Carinostoma carinatum | Raspotnig, 2014 | |
2117 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COMe)-benzene [o-aminoacetophenone] | 1-(2-aminophenyl)ethanone | (1) alarm, (2) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Pamphillidae (webspinning sawfly) | (1) Mycocepurus goeldi, (2) Cephalcia lariciphila | (1) Blum, 1981a; (2) Baker, 1983 | |
2118 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COMe)4-resorcinol | 2’, 4’-dihydroxyacetophenone | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus cylindricus, Camponotus clerodendri | Jones, 2004 | |
2119 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHMe)-benzene | (R)-1-phenylethanol | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Aphaenogaster cockerelli | Hölldobler, 1995 | |
2120 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄OH)-benzene | 2-phenylethanol | gland secretion (M) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus clarithorax | Lloyd, 1975 | |
2121 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄OH)-benzene | 2-phenylethanol | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1-5)(7) Noctuidae (noctuid moth), (6) Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1) Mamestra configurata, (2) Peridroma saucia, (3) Trichoplusia ni, (4)(7) Mamestra brassicae, (4) Agrochola helvola, Melanchra persicariae, Polia tincta, (5) Phalaenoides glycinae, (6) Aphomia gularis | (1) Clearwater, 1975; (2) Birch, 1976; (3) Jacobson, 1976; (4) Bestmann 1977; (5) Edgar, 1979a; (6) Kuwahara, 1980c; (7) Jacquin, 1991 | |
2122 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄OH)-benzene | 2-phenylethanol | (1)(3) aggregation (M), (2) allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1) Curculionidae (bark beetle) (2) Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle). (3) Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Dendroctonus brevicomis, Ips paraconfusus, (2) Chrysomela knabi, (3) Megacyllene caryae | (1) Renwick, 1976b; (2) Termonia, 1999; (3) Lacey, 2008b | |
2123 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄OH)-benzene | 2-phenylethanol | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Coreidae (true bug) | Leptoglossus gonagra, Euthochtha galeator | Aldrich, 1979a | |
2124 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄OH)-benzene | 2-phenylethanol | primer (queen) ? | Isoptera | Nasutitermitidae (termite) | Nasutitermes takasagoensis | Himuro, 2011 | |
2125 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄OH)-benzene | 2-phenylethanol | sex (M) | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | (1) Schistocerca piceifrons, (2) Schistocerca cancellata | (1) Stahr, 2016; (2) Seidelmann, 2023 | |
2126 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₂NO₂)-benzene | (E)-2-nitroethenylbenzene | allomone | {Polydesmida} | (1) Doratodesmidae (millipede), (2) Pyrgodesmidae (millipede) | (1) Eucondylodesmus elegans, (2) Thelodesmus armatus | (1) Kuwahara, 2002a; (2) Kuwahra, 2003 | |
2127 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₂NO₂)-benzene | (Z)-2-nitroethenylbenzene | allomone | {Polydesmida} | Pyrgodesmidae (millipede) | Thelodesmus armatus | Kuwahra, 2003 | |
2128 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (C₂H₄NO₂)-benzene | (2-nitroethyl)benzene | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
2129 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CO₂H)-benzene | phenylacetic acid | allomone ? | Coleoptera | (1)(2)(5) Dytiscidae (water beetle), (3)(4) Haliplidae (water beetle) | (1)(2) Graptodytes pictus, (1) Hygrotus inaequalis, Hyphydrus ovatus, Stictotarsus duodecimpustulatus, Hydroporus planus, etc., (2) Hydroporus tristis, Potamonectes depressus, Scarodytes halensis, etc., (3) Haliplus lineatocollis, (4) Brychius elevates, (5) Hyphydrus aubei, Geodessus besucheti, Geodessus lernaeus, Hydroporus pubescens, Oreodytes rivalis, etc. | (1) Dettner, 1977a; Dettner, 1980; (2)(3) Dettner, 1979; (4)(5) Dettner, 1985b | |
2130 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CO₂H)-benzene | phenylacetic acid | (1) allomone ?, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Atta sexdens, (2) Atta cephalotes | (1) Maschwitz, 1970; (2) Do Nascimento, 1996 | |
2131 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | (1-19)(21-23) allomone, (20) sex (M) | Coleoptera | (1-10)(12-23) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle), (11) Carabidae (ground beetle) | (1)(7)(13)(17) Tribolium castaneum, (2) Diaperis maculata, (3) Blaps lethifera, Blaps mortisaga, Blaps mucronata, Blaps requieni, (4)(7) Eleodes longicollis, (5) Blaps gigas, Scaurus uncinus, Helops aenus, Opatrum sabulosum, etc., (6) Tribolium confusum, (8) Zophobas rugipes, (9)(10) Blaps sulcata, Blaps wiedemanni, (10) Amphidora littoralis, Anomalipus variolosus, Argoporis bicolor, Blaps approximans, Cibdelis gibbosa, Eleodes acuta, Gonocephalum grenarium, Iphthimus laevissimus, Platydema americanum, Zadenos delandei, ets., (11) Chlaeniellus inops, Chlaeniellus prostenus, (12) Apsena pubescens, (13) Tribolium audax, Tribolium madens, Tribolium brevicornis, Tribolium destructor, Tribolium confusum, (14) Menimus dubius, Menimus crinalis, Menimus batesi, Menimus caecus, Menimus crassus, (15) Uloma tenebrionoides, (16) Zophobas atratus, (17) Tribolium freemani, (18) Adelium striatum, Apasis puncticeps, Brycopia pilosella, Cardiothorax interstitialis, Mychestes congestus, Orcopagia monstrosa, Byrsax egenus, etc., (19) Hypophloeus versipellis, (20) Parastizopus armaticeps, (21) Adoryacus bidens, Amathobius mesoleius, Blenosia exarata, Ennychiatus caraboides, Eremostibes barbatus, Microstizopus arthridoideus, Planostibes byrrhoides, Stizopus talpa, etc., (22) Ulomoides dermestoides, (23) Bolitotherus cornutus | (1) Loconti, 1953;Villaverde, 2007; Lokesh, 2024; (2) Roth, 1958; (3) Schildknecht, 1960b; (4) Chadha, 1961; Hurst, 1964; Meinwald, 1964 (5) Schildknecht, 1964; (6) Engelhardt, 1965; (7) Happ, 1968; (8) Tschinkel, 1969; (9) Ikan, 1970; (10) Tschinkel, 1975b; (11) Kanehisa, 1977; (12) Lloyd, 1978; (13) Markaria, 1978; (14) Gnanasunderam, 1984b; (15) Gnanasunderam, 1985; (16) Hill, 1985; (17) Suzuki, 1988b; (18) Brown, 1992; (19) Dettmer, 1993; (20) Geiselhardt, 2008b; (21) Geiselhardt, 2009; (22) Villaverde, 2009; (23) Holliday, 2009 | |
2132 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Diploptera punctate | Roth, 1958 | |
2133 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Dermaptera | Forficulidae (earwig) | Forficula auricularia | Schildknecht, 1960a; Schildknecht, 1962b | |
2134 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Magnispina neptunus, Chavesincola inexpectabilis | Rocha, 2013 | |
2135 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | {Julida} | Julidae (millipede) | Typhloiulus bureschi. Typhloiulus georgiev, Typhloiulus nevoi, Typhloiulus serborum, Serboiulus deelemani, Serboiulus kresnik, Serboiulus lucifugus | Makarov, 2017 | |
2136 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me3-hydroquinone | 2, 3-dimethylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Mischonyx cuspidatus, Acutisoma molle, Sodreana sodreana, Goniosoma albiscriptum | Hara, 2005 | |
2137 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Et-hydroquinone | 2-ethylbenzene-1, 4-diol | allomone | Dermaptera | Forficulidae (earwig) | Forficula auricularia | Schildknecht, 1962b | |
2138 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | (1)(3)(5-9) Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman), (2)(4) Cosmetidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Heteropachyloidellus robustus, (2) Paecilaemella eutypta, Paecilaemella quadripunctata, (3) Zygopachylus albimarginis, (4) Cynorta nannacornuta,, (5) Nesopachylus monoceros, Zygopachylus albimarginis, (6) Goniosoma longipes, (7) Serracutisoma proximum, Roeweria virescens, Cobania picea, (8) Mischonyx cuspidatus, Bourguyia trochanteralis, Pachylospeleus strinati, Liogonyleptoides tetracanthus, Discocyrtus oliverioi, Pachylus paessleri, (9) Discocyrtus pectinifemur | (1) Fieser, 1956; (2)(3) Eisner, 1977b; (4)(5) Roach, 1980; (6) Machado, 2005; (7) Rocha, 2011; (8) Rocha, 2013; (9) Segovia, 2015 | |
2139 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone, alarm | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Eublaberus distanti | Brossut, 1983 | |
2140 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Chlaenius vestitus, (2) Adelium brevicorne, Adelium helmsi, Apasis puncticeps, Leptogastrus hirsutus, Toxicum brevicorne, etc. | (1) Balestrazzi, 1985; (2) Brown, 1992 | |
2141 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2, 3-dimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Dermaptera | Forficulidae (earwig) | Doru taeniatum | Eisner, 2000b | |
2142 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me5-benzoquinone | 2, 5-dimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Heteropachyloidellus robustus | Fieser, 1956 | |
2143 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | Me2,Me5-benzoquinone | 2, 5-dimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone, alarm | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Eublaberus distanti | Brossut, 1983 | |
2144 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CHO)-benzene | phenylacetaldehyde | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Cornitermes weberi | Blum, 1982a | |
2145 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CHO)-benzene | phenylacetaldehyde | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Saturniidae (saturniid moth) | Saturnia pavonia | Deml, 1990 | |
2146 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CHO)-benzene | phenylacetaldehyde | aggregation (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Pachnoda interrupta | Bengtsson, 2010 | |
2147 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CH=NOH)-benzene | phenylacetaldehyde oxime | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Polyrhachis doddi | Bellas, 1985 | |
2148 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile] | 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile | allomone | {Polydesmida} | (1)(3)(5) Xystodesmidae (millipede), (2)(7) Polydesmidae (millipede), (4)(6)(9) Paradoxosomatidae (millipede), (8) Cryptodesmidae (millipede) | (1) Apheloria corrugate, (2) Epanerchodus japonicas, (3) Parafontaria laminate, (4) Chamberlinius hualienensis, (5) Parafontaria tonominea, Riukiaria semicircularis, (6) Oxidus gracilis, (7) Polydesmus complanatus, (8) Niponia nodulosa, (9) Nedyopus tambanus | (1) [Eisner, 1963a]; (2) [Mori, 1994d]; (3) [Mori, 1995c]; (4) [Noguchi, 1997b]; (5) [Ômura, 2002a]; (6) [Taira, 2003]; [Kuwahara, 2019]; (7) [Makarov, 2010]; (8) [Kuwahara, 2015]; (9) [Kuwahara, 2017] | |
2149 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile] | 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile | allomone | (Geophilomorpha) | (1) Geophilidae (centipede), (2) Himantariidae (centipede) | (1) Geophilus vittatus, (2) Himantarium gabrielis | (1) Jones, 1976b; (2) Vujisić, 2013 | |
2150 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile] | 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile | allomone | Coleoptera | Cicindelidae (tiger beetle) | Megacephala virginica | Blum, 1981b | |
2151 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile] | 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile | allomone (larva) | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae (sawfly) | Pristiphora geniculata | [Duffield, 1990b] | |
2152 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile] | 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetonitrile | allomone (larva) | Lepidoptera | Thyrididae (picture-winged leaf moth) | Calindoea trifascialis | [Darling, 2001] | |
2153 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCN)-benzene [benzoyl cyanide] | oxophenylacetonitrile | allomone | (Geophilomorpha), (Chilopoda) | (1)(3) Geophilidae (centipede), (2) Himantariidae (centipede) | (1) Geophilus vittatus, (2) Himantarium gabrielis, (3) Clinopodes flavidus | (1) Jones, 1976b; (2) Vujisić, 2013; (3) Mitić, 2024 | |
2154 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCN)-benzene [benzoyl cyanide] | oxophenylacetonitrile | allomone | {Polydesmida} | (1)(5) Polydesmidae (millipede), (2-4) Xystodesmidae (millipede), (6) Cryptodesmidae (millipede), (7)(8) Paradoxosomatidae (millipede) | (1) Pseudopolydesmus serratus, Apheloria corrugate, Apheloria trimaculata, (2) Sigmoria nantahalae, (3) Parafontaria laminate, (4) Parafontaria tonominea, (5) Polydesmus complanatus, Brachydesmus dadayi, Brachydesmus avalae, (6) Niponia nodulosa, (7) Nedyopus tambanus, (8) Oxidus gracilis | (1) Conner, 1977; (2) Duffey, 1977; (3) Mori, 1995c; (4) Ômura, 2002a; (5) Makarov, 2010; (6) Kuwahara, 2015; (7) Kuwahara, 2017; (8) Kuwahara, 2019 | |
2155 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CO₂H)4-catechol | (3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetic acid | cuticle | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Locusta migratoria | Hackman, 1984 | |
2156 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CH₂CO₂H)4-catechol | (3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetic acid | cuticle | Coleoptera | (1) Bostrichidae (auger beetle), (2) Curculionidae (bark beetle), (3) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Rhyzopertha dominica, (2) Sitophilus granaries, Sitophilus oryzae, (3) Tribolium confusum, Tribolium ferrugineum | Hackman, 1984 | |
2157 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCHO)4-catechol | 2-oxo-3', 4'-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Andersen, 1971 | |
2158 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCHO)4-catechol | 2-oxo-3', 4'-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle (larva) | Homoptera | Cicadidae (cicada) | Tibicen pruinosa | Barrett, 1977 | |
2159 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCH₂OH)4-catechol | 2-hydroxy-3', 4'-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Andersen, 1971 | |
2160 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCH₂OH)4-catechol | 2-hydroxy-3', 4'-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle (larva) | Homoptera | Cicadidae (cicada) | Tibicen pruinosa | Barrett, 1977 | |
2161 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (CHOHCH₂OH)4-catechol | 4-(1, 2-dihydroxyethyl)benzene-1, 2-diol | cuticle | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | [Andersen, 1971] | |
2162 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCH₂NH₂)4-catechol [arterenone] | 2-amino-3’, 4’-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Schistocerca gregaria | Andersen, 1970; Andersen, 1971 | |
2163 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCH₂NH₂)4-catechol [arterenone] | 2-amino-3’, 4’-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle (pupa) | Diptera | (1) Tipulidae (crane fly), (2) Calliphoridae (blowfly) | (1) Nephrotoma suturalis, (2) Calliphora erythrocephala | Andersen, 1970 | |
2164 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCH₂NH₂)4-catechol [arterenone] | 2-amino-3’, 4’-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle (pupa) | Lepidoptera | (1) Saturniidae (saturniid), (2) Pieridae (butterfly) | (1) Hyalophora cecropia, (2) Pieris brassicae | Andersen, 1970 | |
2165 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) | (COCH₂NH₂)4-catechol [arterenone] | 2-amino-3’, 4’-dihydroxyacetophenone | cuticle | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta americana | Andersen, 1970 | |
2166 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2,Me3-phenol [methyl 6-methylsalicylate] | methyl 2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzoate | (1) primer (M), (2) alarm, (3)(5) gland secretion, (4) allomone, (6)(7)(11) trail, (8-10)(12) sex (queen), (13) sex (F), (14) aggregation ? (M) | Hymenoptera | (1-12)(14) Formicidae (ant), (13) Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1)(3) Camponotus pennsylvanicus, (1) Camponotus nearcticus, Camponotus subbarbatus, Camponotus noveboracensis, (2) Gnamptogenys pleurodon, (3) Camponotus ligniperda, (4) Bothroponera soror, (5) Camponotus thoracicus, (6) Tetramorium impurum, (7) Mayriella overbecki, (8) Polyergus rufescens, (9) Polyergus breviceps, (10) Polyergus lucidus, Polyergus sanwaldi, Polyergus mexicanus, Polyergus topoffi, (11) Tetramorium tsushimae, (12) Polyergus samurai, (13) Spalangia endius, (14) Camponotus japonicus | (1) Brand, 1973b; (2) Duffield, 1975a; (3) [Payne, 1975]; (4) Longhurst, 1980c; (5) Lloyd 1984; (6) Morgan, 1987; Morgan, 1990; (7) Kohl, 2000; (8) Castracani, 2003; Castracani, 2005, Castracani, 2008; (9) Greenberg, 2004; Greenberg, 2007; (10) Greenberg, 2018; (11) Nakamura, 2019; (12) Iwamoto,, 2020; (13) Nichols, 2010; (14) Habe, 2024 | |
2167 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2,Me3-phenol [methyl 6-methylsalicylate] | methyl 2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzoate | allomone | Coleoptera | (1) Carabidae (ground beetle), (2) Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Dyschirius wilsoni, (2) Chrysopeplus expolitus | (1) Moore, 1979; (2) Gnanasunderam, 1984a | |
2168 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₂H₄OH)4-phenol [homovanillyl alcohol] | 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methoxyphenol | queen | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Apis mellifera | Slessor, 1988; Keeling, 2003; McAfee, 2024 | |
2169 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₂H₄OH)4-phenol [homovanillyl alcohol] | 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methoxyphenol | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius elevatus | Darragh, 2020 | |
2170 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Et4-phenol [4-ethylguaiacol] | 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Nauphoeta cinerea | Sreng, 1990; Sirugue, 1992 | |
2171 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,Et5-phenol [5-ethylguaiacol, locustol] | 5-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol | gregarization | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Locusta migratoria | Nolte, 1973 | |
2172 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | MeO1,(C₂H₃)4-benzene [4-vinylanisole] | 1-methoxy-4-vinylbenzene | (1) aggregation, (2) primer, (3) phase change | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Locusta migratoria | (1) Guo, 2020; (2) Chen, 2022; (3) Yang, 2023 | |
2173 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | (CHO)2,(CH₂OCHO)3-phenol [rhizoglyphinyl formate] | 2-formyl-3-hydroxybenzyl formate | gland secretion | [Astigmata] | Pyroglyphidae (non-parasitic mite) | Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus | Sato, 1993b | |
2174 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 | (CHO)2,(CH₂OCHO)3-phenol [rhizoglyphinyl formate] | 2-formyl-3-hydroxybenzyl formate | gland secretion | [Oribatida] | Camisiidae (oribatid mite) | Platynothrus peltifer | Raspotnig, 2005b | |
2175 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 + C1 | (CO₂Me)1,MeO2,Me6-benzene | methyl 2-methoxy-6-methylbenzoate | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Tetramorium immigrans | Chalissery, 2022 | |
2176 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 + C1 | (COMe)1,MeO3,MeO4-benzene [3’,4’-dimethoxyacetophenone] | 1-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanone | sex (M) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Amauris niavius, Amauris tartarea | Meinwald, 1974; Schulz, 1993a | |
2177 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C1 + C1 | (Me₂NC₂H₄)-benzene | N, N-dimethyl-2-phenylethylamine | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Paranonychidae (spider: harvestman) | Sclerobunus robustus | Ekpa, 1984 | |
2178 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C2 | (C₂H₄OAc)-benzene | phenethyl acetate | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Lygaeidae (seed bug) | Neacoryphus bicrucis | Aldrich, 1997 | |
2179 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C2 | (C₂H₄OAc)-benzene | phenethyl acetate | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | Phalaenoides glycinae | Edgar, 1979a | |
2180 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C2 | (C₂H₄NHAc)4-phenol | N-(4-hydroxyphenethyl)acetylamide | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Trachymyrmex septentrionalis | Adams, 2010 | |
2181 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C3 | (C₂H₄NHCOEt)4-phenol | N-(4-hydroxyphenethyl)propylamide | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis molesta | Jones, 2010 | |
2182 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C4 | (C₂H₄NHCOPr)4-phenol | N-(4-hydroxyphenethyl)butylamide | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Monomorium ebeninum, Monomorium minimum, (2) Megalomyrmex staudingeri, Megalomyrmex modestus, Megalomyrmex wallacei, Megalomyrmex symmetochus, Cyphomyrmex faunulus | (1) Jones, 2010; (2) Adams, 2010 | |
2183 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C4 | (C₂H₄NHCOiPr)4-phenol | N-(4-hydroxyphenethyl)isobutylamide | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Solenopsis maboya | Jones, 2010 | |
2184 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C4 (C3) | Me2-3:Ph-Et ester | 2-phenylethyl isobutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysomela interrupta, (2) Chrysomela mainensis, Chrysomela knabi, Chrysomela falsa | (1) Blum, 1972a; (2) Termonia, 1999 | |
2185 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C4 (C3) | Δ2,Me2-3:Ph-Et ester | 2-phenylethyl 2-methylpropenoate [2-phenylethyl methacrylate] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Trachypachidae (false ground beetle) | Trachypachus gibbsii | Attygalle, 2004 | |
2186 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C5 (C4) | Me2-4:Ph-Et ester | 2-phenylethyl 2-methylbutanoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Chrysomela interrupta, (2) Chrysomela mainensis, Chrysomela knabi, Chrysomela falsa | (1) Blum, 1972a; (2) Termonia, 1999 | |
2187 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C5 (C4) | Δ2,Me3-4:Ph-Et ester | 2-phenylethyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate | gland secretion | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius erato | Ehlers, 2021 | |
2188 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C5 | (C₅H₁₁NHC₂H₄)-benzene | N-isopentyl-2-phenylethylamine | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Aphaenogaster rudis | Attygalle, 1998a | |
2189 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C6 | (C₂H₄NHCOCOC₄H₉)4-phenol | N-(4-hydroxyphenethyl)-4-methyl-2-oxopentylamide | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Monomorium ebeninum, Monomorium minimum | Jones, 2010 | |
2190 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C6 | (C₂H₄NHCOC₅H₁₁)4-phenol | N-(4-hydroxyphenethyl)hexylamide | sex (M) ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Megalomyrmex staudingeri, Megalomyrmex modestus, Megalomyrmex wallacei, Megalomyrmex symmetochus | Adams, 2010 | |
2191 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C6 | (CHO)2,(CO₂C₆H₁₃)3-phenol | hexyl 2-formyl-3-hydroxybenzoate | allomone ? | [Astigmata] | Acaridae (acarid mite) | Rhizoglyphus robin | Leal, 1990b | |
2192 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C7 | (CHOBzCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile benzoate] | cyanobenzyl benzoate | allomone | {Polydesmida} | (1)(2)(5) Polydesmidae (millipede), (3)(4) Xystodesmidae (millipede), (6) Cryptodesmidae (millipede) | (1) Polydesmus collaris, (2) Pseudopolydesmus serratus, (3) Motyxia tularea, (4) Parafontaria laminate, (5) Polydesmus complanatus, Brachydesmus dadayi, Brachydesmus avalae, (6) Niponia nodulosa | (1) [Casnati, 1963]; (2) [Conner, 1977]; (3) [Duffey, 1977]; (4) [Mori, 1995c]; (5) [Makarov, 2010]; (6) [Kuwahara, 2015] | |
2193 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C8 (C6) + C7 | (CHOBzCN)-benzene [mandelonitrile benzoate] | cyanobenzyl benzoate | allomone | (Geophilomorpha) | Himantariidae (centipede) | Himantarium gabrielis | Vujisić, 2013 | |
2194 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | iPr-benzoquinone | 2-isopropyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Adoryacus bidens | Geiselhardt, 2009 | |
2195 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Et2,Me3-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-3-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Goniosoma longipes, (2) Serracutisoma proximum, Roeweria virescens, Cobania picea, (3) Discocyrtus oliverioi, Liogonyleptoides tetracanthus, (4) Discocyrtus pectinifemur | (1) Machado, 2005; (2) Rocha, 2011; (3) Rocha, 2013; (4) Segovia, 2015 | |
2196 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Me2,Me3,Me5-benzoquinone | 2, 3, 5-trimethyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | (1)(4-7) Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman), (2)(3) Cosmetidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Heteropachyloidellus robustus, (2) Paecilaemella eutypta, (3) Cynorta nannacornuta,, (4) Nesopachylus monoceros, (5) Hypophyllonomus longipes, (6) Pachylospeleus strinati, (7) Discocyrtus pectinifemur | (1) Fieser, 1956; (2) Eisner, 1977b; (3)(4) Roach, 1980; (5) Hara, 2005; (6) Rocha, 2013; (7) Segovia, 2015 | |
2197 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Et2,Me5-benzoquinone | 2-ethyl-5-methyl-[1, 4]benzoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Multumbo terrenus | Rocha, 2013 | |
2198 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Me2,Me3,Me6-phenol | 2, 3, 6-trimethylphenol | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Daguerreia inermis, Progonyleptoidellus striatus, (2) Metarthrodes longipes, Progonyleptoidellus striatus | (1) Hara, 2005; (2) Rocha, 2013 | |
2199 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Me2,Et5-phenol | 5-ethyl-2-methylphenol | allomone | [Opiliones] | (1)(2) Cosmetidae (spider: harvestman), (3) Stygnommatidae (spider: harvestman), (4)(5) Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Cynorta astora, (2) Eucynortula albipunctata, (3) Stygnomma spinifera, (4) Camarana flavipalpi, (5) Mitopernoides variabilis | (1) Eisner, 1977b; (2) Roach, 1980; (3) Duffield, 1981b; (4) Machado, 2008; (5) Rocha, 2013 | |
2200 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Et3,Me5-phenol | 3-ethyl-5-methylphenol | allomone | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Pseudopachylus longipes | Hara, 2005 | |
2201 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Pr3-phenol | 3-propylphenol | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster deformis | Attygalle, 1989 | |
2202 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | (COMe)2,Me3-phenol | 2’-hydroxy-6’-methylacetophenone | (1)(2) gland secretion, (3) sex (F) ? | Hymenoptera | (1)(2) Formicidae (ant), (3) Thynnidae (flower wasp) | (1) Hypoclinea abrupta, Hypoclinea analis, Hypoclinea bidens, (2) Rhytidoponera aciculate, (3) Zeleboria sp | (1) Blum, 1982a; (2) Brophy, 1983; (3) Bohman, 2018 | |
2203 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | (C₂H₄CO₂H)-benzene | 3-phenylpropionic acid | (1) trail ?, (2) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Vespidae (wasp), (2) Apidae (stingless bee) | (1) Polybia sericea, (2) Frieseomelitta xanthopleura, Frieseomelitta silvestrii | (1) Clarke, 1999; (2) Francke, 2000b | |
2204 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | (C₂H₄CONH₂)-benzene | 3-phenylpropanamide | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Lycidae (net-winged beetle) | Metriorrhynchus rhipidius | Moore、1981 | |
2205 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | Δ2,Ph2-3:Ald | 2-phenylpropenal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Leptogenys processionalis, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, (2) Crematogaster nigriceps, Crematogaster mimosae | (1) Fales, 1992; (2) Wood, 2002 | |
2206 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | isochromane | 8-hydroxyisochroman-1-one [3, 4-dihydro-8-hydroxyisocoumarin] | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Apsena pubescens | Lloyd, 1978 | |
2207 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) | isochromene | 8-hydroxyisochromen-1-one [8-hydroxyisocoumarin] | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Apsena pubescens | Lloyd, 1978 | |
2208 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₃H₅)4-phenol [eugenol] | 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Mymaridae (fairy wasp) | Anagrus atomus | Zanolli, 2021 | |
2209 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₃H₄OH)4-phenol [coniferyl alcohol] | (E)-4-(3-hydroxypropenyl)-2-methoxyphenol | (1)(2)(4)(5) sex (M), (3) allomone (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Dacus dorsalis (= Bactrocera dorsalis), (2)(3) Bactrocera papayae, (4) Bactrocera dorsalis, (5) Bactrocera carambolae | (1) Nishida, 1988a; (2) Hee, 1998; Tan, 2002; (3) Wee, 2001; (4) Hee, 2005; (5) Hiap, 2019 | |
2210 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₃H₄OH)4-phenol [coniferyl alcohol] | (E)-4-(3-hydroxypropenyl)-2-methoxyphenol | queen | Hymenoptera | Apidae (honey bee) | Tropidothorax cruciger | Keeling, 2003 | |
2211 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₃H₄OH)4-phenol [coniferyl alcohol] | (Z)-4-(3-hydroxypropenyl)-2-methoxyphenol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera correcta | Tokushima, 2010 | |
2212 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2,Et3-phenol [methyl 6-ethylsalicylate] | methyl 2-ethyl-6-hydroxybenzoate | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | Chrysopeplus expolitus | Gnanasunderam, 1984a | |
2213 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C1 | (CO₂Me)2,Et3-phenol [methyl 6-ethylsalicylate] | methyl 2-ethyl-6-hydroxybenzoate | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Cerapachys sp. | Morgan, 2008 | |
2214 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C2 | (C₂H₂CO₂Et)-benzene [ethyl cinnamate] | ethyl (E)-3-phenylprop-2-enate | sex (M) | Lipidoptera | Tortricidae (tortricid moth) | Grapholitha molesta | Baker, 1981b; Nishida, 1982 | |
2215 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C2 | (C₃H₅)2,MeO4,MeO5-phenol | 2-allyl-4, 5-dimethoxyphenol | (1)(2)(5)sex (M), (3)(4) allomone | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(3) Dacus dorsalis (= Bactrocera dorsalis), (2)(4) Bactrocera papayae, (5) Bactrocera dorsalis | (1) Nishida, 1988a; (2) Hee, 1998; Tan, 2002; Nishida 2004; (3) Nishida, 1990; (4) Wee, 2001; (5) Hee, 2005 | |
2216 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C2 | MeO1,MeO2,(C₃H₄OH)4-benzene [3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol] | (Z)-4-(3-hydroxypropenyl)-1, 2-dimethoxybenzene | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Dacus dorsalis (= Bactrocera dorsalis), (2) Bactrocera papayae, (3) Bactrocera correcta | (1) Nishida, 1988b; (2) Hee, 1998; (3) Tokushima, 2010 | |
2217 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C9 (C6) + C2 | (COMe)1,Me2-benzene | 2’-acetoxy-6’-methylacetophenone | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Hypoclinea analis | Blum, 1982a | |
2218 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3-isochromane [mellein] | (R)-8-hydroxy-3-methylisochroman-1-one | (1)(2)(3) sex ? (M), (4) allomone ?, (5)(6) trail, (7) gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1)(2) Camponotus ligniperda, Camponotus pennsylvanicus, (1) Camponotus herculeanus, (3) Rhytidoponera chalybaea, (4) Crematogaster deformis, (5) Formica rufa, (6) Lasius fuliginosus, (7) Camponotus quadrisectus | (1) Brand, 1973a; (2) [Payne, 1975]; (3) [Brophy, 1981]; (4) [Attygalle, 1989]; (5) [Bestmann, 1992]; [Kern, 1994]; (6) Kern, 1997; (7) [Voegtle, 2008] | |
2219 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3-isochromane [mellein] | (R)-8-hydroxy-3-methylisochroman-1-one | allomone | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Cornitermes ovatus, Cornitermes pugnax | [Blum, 1982b] | |
2220 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3-isochromane [mellein] | (R)-8-hydroxy-3-methylisochroman-1-one | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1) Pyralidae (pyralid moth), (2) Tortricidae (tortricid moth), (3) Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Aphomia sociella, (2) Grapholitha molesta, (3) Idea leuconoe | (1) Kunesch, 1987; Kalinová, 2009; (2) Baker, 1981b; Nisida, 1982; (3) Nishida, 1996 | |
2221 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3-isochromane [mellein] | (R)-8-hydroxy-3-methylisochroman-1-one | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Haplothrips leucanthemi | [Blum、1992b] | |
2222 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | Me3-isochromane [hydroxymellein] | 4, 8-dihydroxy-3-methylisochroman-1-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus quadrisectus | [Voegtle, 2008] | |
2223 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | (CO₂H)2,Pr3-phenol | 2-hydroxy-6-propylbenzoic acid [6-propylsalicylic acid] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster difformis | Jones, 2005 | |
2224 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₂H₄COMe)4-phenol [raspberry ketone] | 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-one | (1-3) sex (M), (4) allomone | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Bactrocera nigrotibialis, (2)(4) Dacus cucurbitae (Bactrocera cucurbitae), (3) Bactrocera tryoni | (1) Perkins, 1990a; (2) Nishida, 1993a; (3) Tan, 1995; (4) Tan, 2000b | |
2225 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | (C₂H₂COMe)-benzene | (E)-4-phenylbut-3-en-2-one | alarm ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Messor galla | Olagbemiro, 1988 | |
2226 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | Δ2,Ph2-4:Ald | 2-phenylbut-2-enal | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Leptogenys processionalis, Pogonomyrmex rugosus | Fales, 1992 | |
2227 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | [coumarin] | chromen-2-one | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Yponomeutidae (ermine moth) | Yponomeuta mahalebellus | Fung, 1987 | |
2228 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) | OH7-coumarine [umbelliferone] | 7-hydroxychromen-2-one | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Yponomeutidae (ermine moth) | Yponomeuta mahalebellus | Fung, 1987 | |
2229 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) + C1 | MeO7-coumarine [herniarin] | 7-methoxychromen-2-one | allomone ? | Lepidoptera | Yponomeutidae (ermine moth) | Yponomeuta mahalebellus | Fung, 1987 | |
2230 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₂H₄COMe)4-phenol [zingerone] | 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1) Bactrocera carambolae, Bactrocera papaya, (1)(2) Bactrocera cucurbitae | (1) Tan, 2000a; (2) Khoo, 2000 | |
2231 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 (C6) + C1 | MeO2,(C₂H₄CHOHMe)4-phenol [zingerol] | 4-(3-hydroxybutyl)-2-methoxyphenol | sex (M) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera carambolae, Bactrocera papaya, Bactrocera cucurbitae | Tan, 2000a | |
2232 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C6) | (CH₂COC₃H₇)-benzene | 1-phenylpentan-2-one | allomone | {Polydesmida} | Paradoxosomatidae (millipede) | Nedyopus tambanus | Kuwahara, 2017 | |
2233 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C6) | (C₅H₁₁)5-resorcinol | 1, 3-dihydroxy-5-pentylbenzene [5-pentylresorcinol] | allomone | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster deformis | Attygalle, 1989 | |
2234 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C6) | Me3,Me7-isochromane | 8-hydroxy-3,7-dimethylisochroman-1-one | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Camponotus rufipes | [Übler, 1995] | |
2235 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C12 (C6) | Me3,Me5,Me7-isochromane | (R)-8-hydroxy-3, 5, 7-trimethylisochroman-1-one | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Lasius niger, (2)(3) Camponotus silvicola, (3) Camponotus inequalis, Camponotus niger, (4) Camponotus balzani, Camponotus sericeiventris | (1) [Bestmann, 1992]; Kern, 1994; (2) Übler, 1995: (3) [Bestmann, 1997]; (4) Kohl, 2003 | |
2236 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C12 (C6) | Δ2,Ph2,Me5-6:Ald | 5-methyl-2-phenylhex-2-enal | gland secretion (M) | Orthoptera | Rhaphidophoridae (cave cricket) | Troglophilus cavicola, Troglophilus neglectus | Raspotnig, 1998 | |
2237 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C14 (C6) | t-Bu2,t-Bu4-phenol | 2, 4-di-tert-butylphenol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pachycondyla sennaarensis | Nikbakhtzadeh, 2009 | |
2238 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C14 (C6) | (CO₂H)4,(C₇H₁₅)5-resorcinol | 2-heptyl-4, 6-dihydroxybenzoic acid [6-heptylresorcylic acid] | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster inflata | Jones, 2005 | |
2239 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C6) | s-Bu3,Me5,Me7-isochromane [periplanolide E] | (3S, 1’R)-3-sec-butyl-8-hydroxy-5, 7-dimethylisochroman-1-one | aggregation | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Periplaneta americana (American cockroach) | Tateishi, 2020 | |
2240 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C6) | (PhCH)3-benzofuran [marginalin] | (E)-5-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-3H-benzofuran-2-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Dytiscidae (water beetle) | Dytiscus marginalis | Schildknecht, 1970a; Schildknecht, 1970b; Barbier, 1990 | Barbier, 1991 |
2241 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C17 (C6) | (C₁₁H₂₃)-benzene | (S)-2-phenylundecane | aggregation | Isoptera | Heterotermitidae (termite) | Reticulitermes speratus | Mitaka, 2020 | |
2242 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C28 (C9) + C2 | Me2,(C₁₆H₃₃)2,Me7,Me8-chromane [γ-tocopheryl acetate] | 2, 7, 8-trimethyl-2-(4, 8, 12-trimethyltridecyl)chroman-6-yl acetate [7, 8-dimethyltocopheryl acetate] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna borealis | [Attygalle, 1996a]; [Attygalle, 1996b] | |
2243 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C29 (C9) + C2 | Me2,(C₁₆H₃₃)2,Me5,Me7, Me8-chromane [α-tocopheryl acetate] | 2, 5, 7, 8-tetramethyl-2-(4, 8, 12-trimethyltridecyl)chroman-6-yl acetate [5, 7, 8-trimethyltocopheryl acetate] | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna borealis | [Attygalle, 1996a]; [Attygalle, 1996b] | |
2244 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 | naphthoquinone | [1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | (1)(6) Phalangiidae (spider: harvestman), (2) Sironidae, (3)(5) Nemastomatidae (spider: harvestman), (4) Pettalidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Phalangium opilio, (2) Siro duricorius, Siro exilis, (3) Paranemastoma quadripunctatum, (4) Austropurcellia forsteri, (5) Carinostoma carinatum, Carinostoma elegans, Carinostoma ornatum, (6) Rilaena triangularis | (1) Wiemer, 1978; (2) Raspotnig, 2005c; (3) Raspotnig, 2010; (4) Raspotnig, 2012; (5) Raspotnig, 2014; (6) Raspotnig, 2015 | |
2245 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 | naphthoquinone | [1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Rhagophthalmidae (firefly) | Rhagophthalmus ohbai | Hosoe, 2014 | |
2246 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 | naphthoquinone | 4-chloro-[1, 2]naphthoquinone | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Sironidae (spider: harvestman) | Siro duricorius, Siro exilis | Raspotnig, 2005c | |
2247 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 | naphthoquinone [juglone] | 5-hydroxy-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Gastrolina depressa | Matsuda, 1980 | |
2248 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C10 | naphthoquinone [juglone] | 5-hydroxy-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1) Bactrothrips brevitubus, (2) Bactrothrips carbonarius, Bactrothrips flectoventris, Elaphrothrips antennaris, Mecynothrips pugilator, Ophthalmothrips miscanthicola, etc. | (1) Suzuki, 1990; (2) Suzuki, 2000 | |
2249 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C10) | Me6-naphthoquinone | 6-methyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Argoporis alutacea, (2) Argoporis bicolor, Argoporis glutacea, Argoporis rufipes, (3) Hypophloeus versipellis | (1) Tschinkel, 1972; (2) Tschinkel, 1975b; (3) Dettner, 1993 | |
2250 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C10) | Me6-naphthoquinone | 6-methyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | [Opiliones] | (1) Phalangiidae (spider: harvestman), (2) Sironidae, (3)(5) Nemastomatidae, (4) Pettalidae (spider: harvestman) | (1) Phalangium opilio, (2) Siro duricorius, Siro exilis, (3) Paranemastoma quadripunctatum, (4) Austropurcellia forsteri, (5) Carinostoma carinatum, Carinostoma elegans, Carinostoma ornatum | (1) Wiemer, 1978; (2) Raspotnig, 2005c; (3) Raspotnig, 2010; (4) Raspotnig, 2012; (5) Raspotnig, 2014 | |
2251 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C10) | Me2-naphthoquinone [2-methyljuglone, plumbagin] | 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Ponticulothrips diospyrosi | Suzuki, 1995; Suzuki, 2004 | |
2252 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C10) | Me2-naphthoquinone [2-methyljuglone, plumbagin] | 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | gland secretion | [Mesostigmata] | Uropodidae (mite) | Uroactinia hirschmanni | Sakata, 1997 | |
2253 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C10) | Me7-naphthoquinone [7-methyljuglone] | 5-hydroxy-7-methyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Ponticulothrips diospyrosi | Suzuki, 1995; Suzuki, 2004 | |
2254 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C11 (C10) | Me7-naphthoquinone [7-methyljuglone] | 5-hydroxy-7-methyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | gland secretion | [Mesostigmata] | Uropodidae (mite) | Uroactinia hirschmanni | Sakata, 1997 | |
2255 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C12 (C10) | Et6-naphthoquinone | 6-ethyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Argoporis alutacea, (2) Argoporis bicolor, Argoporis glutacea, Argoporis rufipes, (3) Hypophloeus versipellis | (1) Tschinkel, 1972; (2) Tschinkel, 1975b; (3) Dettner, 1993 | |
2256 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C13 (C10) | Pr6-naphthoquinone | 6-propyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Argoporis alutacea, (2) Argoporis bicolor, Argoporis glutacea, Argoporis rufipes, (3) Hypophloeus versipellis | (1) Tschinkel, 1972; (2) Tschinkel, 1975b; (3) Dettner, 1993 | |
2257 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C13 (C10) | (C₂H₄CN)1-naphthalene | naphth-1-ylpropionitrile | sex (M) ? | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Locusta migratoria | Ban, 2013 | Ban, 2013 |
2258 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C13 (C10) | (C₂H₄CN)2-naphthalene | naphth-2-ylpropionitrile | sex (M) ? | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Locusta migratoria | Ban, 2013 | Ban, 2013 |
2259 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C14 (C10) | Bu6-naphthoquinone | 6-butyl-[1, 4]naphthoquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Tenebrionidae (darkling beetle) | (1) Argoporis alutacea, (2) Argoporis bicolor, Argoporis glutacea, Argoporis rufipes ersipellis | (1) Tschinkel, 1972; (2) Tschinkel, 1975b | |
2260 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C14 | anthraquinone [chrysazin] | 1, 8-dihydroxyanthraquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Pyrrhalta luteola, (2) Galeruca tanaceti, (3) Galerucella tenella, Galerucella pusilla, Galerucella calmariensis, Galerucella lineola, Hydrogaleruca nymphaeae, Lochmea suturalis, (4) Trirhabda geminata | (1) Howard, 1982a; (2) Hilker, 1991; (3) Hilker, 1992; (4) Kunze, 1996 | |
2261 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C14 | anthracen-9-one [dithranol] | 1, 8-dihydroxy-10H-anthracen-9-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Pyrrhalta luteola, (2) Galerucella tenella, Galerucella pusilla, Galerucella calmariensis, Galerucella lineola, Hydrogaleruca nymphaeae, Lochmea suturalis | (1) Howard, 1982a; (2) Hilker, 1992 | |
2262 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C14) | Me3-anthraquinone [chrysophanol] | 1, 8-dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | (1) Pyrrhalta luteola, (2) Galeruca tanaceti, (3) Galerucella tenella, Galerucella pusilla, Galerucella calmariensis, Galerucella lineola, Hydrogaleruca nymphaeae, Lochmea suturalis, (4) Trirhabda geminata | (1) Howard, 1982a; (2) Hilker, 1991; (3) Hilker, 1992; (4) Kunze, 1996 | |
2263 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C14) | Me3-anthraquinone [chrysophanol] | 1, 8-dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone | allomone | Homoptera | Adelgidae (aphid) | Adelges tsugae | Jones, 2014 | |
2264 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C14) | Me3-anthracen-9-one [chrysarobin] | 1, 8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-10H-anthracen-9-one | allomone | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Pyrrhalta luteola | Howard, 1982a | |
2265 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C14) | Me3-anthracen-9-one [chrysarobin] | 1, 8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-10H-anthracen-9-one | allomone | Homoptera | Adelgidae (aphid) | Adelges tsugae | Jones, 2014 | |
2266 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C14) + C2 | (CO₂H)1,MeO8-phenanthrene [aristolochic acid I] | 8-methoxy-6-nitrophenanthro[3, 4-d][1, 3]dioxole-5-carboxylic acid | allomone | Lepidoptera | (1-10) Papilionidae (butterfly), (11) Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1)(2)(7) Pachlioptera aristolochiae, (2) Ornithoptera priamus, (2)(3)(8) Battus polydamas, (2)(9) Battus philenor, (4) Battus archidamas, (5)(8) Atrophaneura alcinous, (6) Troides amphrysus, (7) Ornithoptera goliath, Pachliopta coon, Pachliopta oreon, Troides aeacus, (8) Euryades corethrus, Battus zetides, Parides proneus, Parides ascanius, Parides tros, Parides bunichus, etc., (8)(10) Troides rhadamantus, (10) Troides brookiana, Troides magellanus, Atrophaneura sp., (11) Mapeta xanthomelas | (1) Euw, 1968; (2) Rothschild, 1970; (3) Urzúa, 1985; (4) Urzúa, 1987; (5) Nishida, 1989; (6) Nishida, 1993b; (7) Nishida, 1995b; (8) Klitzke, 2000; (9) Sime, 2000; Fordyce, 2000, Fordyce, 2005; (10) Mebs, 2002; (11) Durán, 2012 | |
2267 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C15 (C14) + C1 | (CO₂H)1-phenanthrene [aristolochic acid II] | 6-nitrophenanthro[3, 4-d][1, 3]dioxole-5-carboxylic acid | allomone | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae (butterfly) | (1)(6) Battus polydamas, (2) Battus archidamas, (3)(6) Atrophaneura alcinous, (4) Pachliopta neptunus, (5) Ornithoptera goliath, Pachliopta aristolochiae, Troides aeacus, (6) Euryades corethrus, Battus zetides, Parides proneus, Parides ascanius, Parides tros, Parides bunichus, etc., (6)(7) Troides rhadamantus, (7) Troides brookiana, Troides magellanus, Atrophaneura sp. | (1) Urzúa, 1985; (2) Urzúa, 1987; (3) Nishida, 1989; (4) Nishida, 1993b; (5) Nishida, 1995b; (6) Klitzke, 2000; (7) Mebs, 2002 | |
2268 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C16 (C14) + C6 | Me1,(CO₂H)2,gluco7-anthraquinone [carminic acid] | 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-1-methyl-3, 5, 6, 8-tetrahydroxy-9, 10-anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid | allomone | Homoptera | Dactylopiidae (scale) | Dactylopius confusus | Eisner, 1980 | Allevi, 1991 |
2269 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C16 (C14) + C6 | Me1,(CO₂H)2,gluco7-anthraquinone [carminic acid] | 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-1-methyl-3, 5, 6, 8-tetrahydroxy-9, 10-anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid | allomone (larva) | Lepitoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | Laetilia coccidivora | Eisner, 1980 | |
2270 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C16 (C14) + C6 | Me1,(CO₂H)2,gluco7-anthraquinone [carminic acid] | 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-1-methyl-3, 5, 6, 8-tetrahydroxy-9, 10-anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid | allomone (larva) | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Hyperaspis trifurcata | Eisner, 1994 | |
2271 | Other: Aromatic comp. | C16 (C14) + C6 | Me1,(CO₂H)2,gluco7-anthraquinone [carminic acid] | 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-1-methyl-3, 5, 6, 8-tetrahydroxy-9, 10-anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid | allomone (larva) | Diptera | Chamaemyiidae (chamaemyiid fly) | Leucopis sp. | Eisner, 1994 | |
2272 | Other: Ring comp. | C4 (C3) | Me2-thiazolidine | 2-methylthiazolidine | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blaberidae (cockroach) | Nauphoeta cinerea | Sreng, 1990; Sirugue, 1992 | |
2273 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 (C3) | Et2-4:β-lactone | (2S, 3S)-2-ethyl-2-hydroxy-3-butanolide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Idea leuconoe | [Nishida, 1996]; Stritzke, 2002 | |
2274 | Other: Ring comp. | C7 (C3) | iPr2-4:β-lactone [viridifloric β-lactone] | (2S, 3S)-2-hydroxy-2-isopropyl-3-butanolide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1) Idea leuconoe, (2) Melinaea menophilus, Scada kusa, (3) Euploea mulciber | (1) [Nishida, 1996]; Stritzke, 2002; (2) Schulz, 2004b; (3) [Honda, 2006] | |
2275 | Other: Ring comp. | C7 (C3) | Et3,Et3-azetidine | 3, 3-diethylazetidine-2, 4-dione | sex (F) ? | Coleoptera | Melolonthidae (scarab beetle) | Phyllophaga ravida | Romero-López, 2019 | |
2276 | Other: Ring comp. | C4 | 4:γ-lactone | butan-4-olide [γ-butyrolactone] | gland secretion | Heteroptera | Cydnidae (burrowing bug) | Aethus indicus | Olagbemiro, 1984 | |
2277 | Other: Ring comp. | C5 (C4) | Me5-dihydrofuran | 4-hydroxy-5-methylfuran-3-one | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Eurycotis floridana | Farine, 1993a | |
2278 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 (C4) | Me2,Me5-dihydrofuran [furaneol] | 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylfuran-3-one | sex (M) | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Eurycotis floridana | [Farine, 1993a] | |
2279 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 (C4) | 6:γ-lactone | hexan-4-olide [γ-caprolactone] | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Dermestidae (hide beetle) | Trogoderma glabrum, Trogoderma granarium, Trogoderma variabile | [Greenblatt, 1977] | Ravid, 1978 |
2280 | Other: Ring comp. | C8 (C4) | 8:γ-lactone | octan-4-olide | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | (1) Braconidae (parasitoid wasp), (2) Apidae (honey bee) | (1) Biosteres arisanus, (2) Apis laboriosa | (1) [Williams, 1988]; (2) [Blum, 2000] | |
2281 | Other: Ring comp. | C9 (C4) | Z6-9:γ-lactone | (4R, 6Z)-nona-2, 6-dien-4-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1) Aphomia gularis, (2) Aphomia sociella | (1) [Kuwahara, 1980c]; (2) [Kunesch, 1987]; Kalinová, 2009 | |
2282 | Other: Ring comp. | C9 (C4) | Me2,iPr2,Me5-dihydrofuran | (S)-2-isopropyl-2, 5-dimethyl-2, 3-dihydrofuran | sex (F) ? | Coleoptera | Lymexylidae (ship-timber beetle) | Hylecoetus dermestoides | Redlich, 1981 | |
2283 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C4) | 10:γ-lactone | (R)-decan-4-olide | (1) allomone ?, (2)(3) sex (M), (4) aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | (1) Staphylinidae (rove beetle), (2-4) Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Platystethus arenarius, (2) Osmoderma eremita, (3) Osmoderma barnabita, (4) Osmoderma eremicola | (1) [Dettner, 1982]; (2) Larsson, 2003; (3) Svensson, 2009; (4) Steffek, 2024 | Boratyński, 2016; Zhou, 2018 |
2284 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C4) | 10:γ-lactone | (R)-decan-4-olide | allomone | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | Bagnalliella yuccae | [Howard, 1983a] | |
2285 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C4) | 10:γ-lactone | (R)-decan-4-olide | scent secretion (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Lethe marginalis | [Hayashi, 1987] | |
2286 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C4) | 10:γ-lactone | (4R, 5R)-5-hydroxydecan-4-olide | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | Nasonia vitripennis | Ruther, 2007; Ruther, 2008; Ruther, 2014 | Chatterjee, 2019 |
2287 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C4) | 10:γ-lactone | (4R, 5S)-5-hydroxydecan-4-olide | sex (M) | Hymenoptera | Pteromalidae (parasitoid wasp) | (1)(2)(3) Nasonia vitripennis, (3) Nasonia giraulti | (1) Ruther, 2007; (2) Ruther, 2008; (3) Ruther, 2014 | |
2288 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C4) | 10:γ-lactone | (3R, 4R)-3-hydroxydecan-4-olide [5-hexyl-4-hydroxydihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (M) ? | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera tsuneonis | Ono, 2020 | Gangani, 2021 |
2289 | Other: Ring comp. | C11 (C4) | 11:γ-lactone | (4S, 6S)-6-hydroxyundecan-4-olide [5-(2-hydroxyheptyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Idea leuconoe | [Nishida, 1996]; Schulz, 1996a | |
2290 | Other: Ring comp. | C11 (C4) | E7,Δ10-11:γ-lactone | (E)-undeca-7, 10-dien-4-olide | gland secretion | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Bactrocera cucurbitae (Dacus cucurbitae) | [Ohinata, 1982] | |
2291 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | 12:γ-lactone | dodecan-4-olide | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Staphylinidae (rove beetle) | (1)(2) Bledius spectabilis, (1) Bledius mandibularis, (2) Platystethus arenarius, Oxytelus piceus, (3) Bledius furcatus, Bledius tricomis, Bledius dissimilis, Bledius subterraneus | (1) [Wheeler, 1972b]; (2) [Dettner, 1982]; (3) [Steidle, 1995] | Sugai, 1984; Matsumoto, 2013; Vlasyuk, 2013 |
2292 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | 12:γ-lactone | dodecan-4-olide | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Biosteres tryoni | [Williams, 1988] | |
2293 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | 12:γ-lactone | (4S, 6S)-6-hydroxydodecan-4-olide [5-(2-hydroxyoctyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Idea leuconoe | [Nishida, 1996]; Schulz, 1996a | |
2294 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | 12:γ-lactone | (3S, 4R)-3-hydroxydodecan-4-olide [4-hydroxy-5-octyldihydrofuran-2-one] | allomone | [Opiliones] | Phalangiidae (spider: harvestman) | Egaenus convexus | Raspotnig, 2020 | Raspotnig, 2020; Gangani, 2021 |
2295 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | Z5-12:γ-lactone [buibuilactone] | (4R, 5Z)-dodec-5-en-4-olide [5-(oct-1-enyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Anomala cuprea, (2) Anomala daimiana, (3) Anomala octiescostata, (4) Anomala albopilosa | (1) Leal, 1991; (2) Leal, 1993b; (3) Leal, 1994b; (4) Leal, 1994c; Leal, 1996a | |
2296 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | (C₄H₇)3,(C₄H₇)4-tetrahydrofuran [biprorulure] | (3R, 4S, 1’E)-3, 4-bis(but-1’-enyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-ol | aggregation (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidae (stink bug) | Biprorulus bibax | [Oliver, 1992]; Mori, 1992b; Mori, 1993e; James, 1994a; James, 1996 | Mori, 1992b; Mori, 1993e |
2297 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C4) | (C₅H₉)2, Pr4-[1,3]dioxane | 2-[(E)-pent-1-enyl]-4-propyl-1, 3-dioxane | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | Eurycotis floridana | [Farine, 1997] | |
2298 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C4) | Z5-14:γ-lactone [japonilure] | (4R, 5Z)-tetradec-5-en-4-olide [5-(dec-1-enyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | (1) Popillia japonica, (2) Anomala octiescostata, (3) Anomala albopilosa | (1) Tumlinson, 1977; (2) Leal, 1994b; (3) Leal, 1994c | Sato, 1979; Senda, 1983b; Xu, 2014 |
2299 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C4) | Z5-14:γ-lactone [japonilure] | (4S, 5Z)-tetradec-5-en-4-olide [5-(dec-1-enyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Anomala osakana | Leal, 1996e | Sato, 1979; Xu, 2014 |
2300 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C4) | E11-14:γ-lactone | (4R, 11E)-tetradec-11-en-4-olide [5-(dec-7-enyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | aggregation (M) | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Spathius agrili | Cossé, 2012 | |
2301 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 (C4) | Z7-16:γ-lactone | (4R, 7Z)-hexadeca-7, 15-dien-4-olide | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle) | Heptophylla picea | Leal, 1996b; [Kakizaki, 1998] | |
2302 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 (C4) | Z9-16:γ-lactone [desmolactone] | (4R, 9Z)-hexadec-9-en-4-olide [5-(dodec-5-enyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | sex (F) | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | (1) Desmocerus californicus, (2) Desmocerus aureipennis | (1) Ray, 2012a; (2) Ray, 2014 | |
2303 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C4) | Z9-18:γ-lactone | (4R, 9Z)-octadec-9-en-4-olide [5-(tetradec-5-enyl)dihydrofuran-2-one] | (1) secretion, (2) sex (F) | Hymenoptera | (1) Formicidae (ant), (2) Cephidae (stem sawfly) | (1) Lasius flavus, (2) Janus integer | (1) [Bergström, 1970]; (2) [Cossé, 2001]; James, 2003 | James, 2003 |
2304 | Other: Ring comp. | C25 (C4) | C₂₁H₃₉-furan | (1E, 16Z)-2-henicosa-1, 16-dienylfuran | allomone ? | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster sp. | Leclercq, 1997 | |
2305 | Other: Ring comp. | C5 | δ-lactam | (S)-3-hydroxypiperidin-2-one | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Harmonia axyridis, Aiolocaria hexaspilota | Alam, 2002 | |
2306 | Other: Ring comp. | C5 | pyran-4-one | 3, 5-dihydroxy-4-pyrone | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Scutelleridae (shield bug) | Tectocoris diophthalmus | Knight, 1985 | |
2307 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 (C5) | Me6-dihydropyran | 3, 5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-2, 3-dihydropyran-4-one | trail | Hymenoptera | (1)(3)(4) Formicidae (ant), (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Lasius fuliginosus, (2) Polybia sericea, (3) Camponotus socius, (4) Camponotus kaura, Camponotus ramulorum, Camponotus planatus | (1) [Kern, 1997]; (2) [Clarke, 1999]; (3) [Kohl, 2001]; (4) [Torres, 2001] | |
2308 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 (C5) | 6:δ-lactone [gluconolactone] | 3, 4, 5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-one | allomone ? | Dictyoptera | Blattidae (cockroach) | (1) Eurycotis biolleyi, (1)(2) Eurycotis decipiens, Eurycotis floridana | (1) [Dateo, 1967], (2) [Brossut, 1983] | |
2309 | Other: Ring comp. | C7 (C5) | Me2,Me6-dihydropyran | 2, 6-dimethyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran | cephalic secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bee) | Apis mellifica, Scaptotrigona bipunctata | [Francke, 1985] | |
2310 | Other: Ring comp. | C7 (C5) | 7:δ-lactone | (S)-heptan-5-olide | aggregation (M) | Diptera: | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | Rhagoletis batava | Būda, 2020 | Būda, 2020 |
2311 | Other: Ring comp. | C7 (C5) | (OHC)1,Me2-cyclopentene | 2-methylcyclopent-1-enecarbaldehyde | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Iridomyrmex discors | Cox, 1989 | |
2312 | Other: Ring comp. | C8 (C5) | Et2,Me6-dihydropyran [hepialone] | (R)-2-ethyl-6-methyl-2, 3-dihydropyran-4-one | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Hepialidae (swift moth) | Hepialus californicus | Kubo, 1985 | |
2313 | Other: Ring comp. | C8 (C5) | Me2,Et6-dihydropyran | (R)-6-ethyl-2-methyl-2, 3-dihydropyran-4-one | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Hepialidae (swift moth) | Hepialus hecta | Francke, 1985a; Schulz, 1990 | |
2314 | Other: Ring comp. | C8 (C5) | (MeCO)1,Me3-cyclopentane | 1-acetyl-3-methylcyclopentane | allomone ? | Phasmatodea | Phasmatidae (stick insect) | Megacrania tsudai | [Ho, 1993]; [Kobayashi, 2023] | |
2315 | Other: Ring comp. | C8 (C5) | (CH₂OH)1,Et5-cyclopentene [phoracanthol] | (5-ethylcyclopent-1-enyl)methanol | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Phoracantha semipuntata | [Moore, 1972] | |
2316 | Other: Ring comp. | C8 (C5) | (OHC)1,Et5-cyclopentene [phoracanthal] | 5-ethylcyclopent-1-enecarbaldehyde | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Phoracantha semipuntata | [Moore, 1972] | |
2317 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C5) | 10:δ-lactone | (R)-decan-5-olide | (1)(2) sex (M) ?, (3) sex (M) | Lepidoptera | (1) Lycaenidae (butterfly), (2) Nymphalidae (butterfly), (3) Noctuidae (noctuid moth) | (1) Celastrina argiolus, (2) Heliconius timareta, (3) Heliothis virescens | (1) Ômura, 2013; (2) [Darragh, 2020];(3) [Zweerus, 2023] | Shimotori, 2015a |
2318 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C5) | 10:δ-lactone | (6E)-deca-2,4,6-trien-5-olide [(E)-6-(pent-1-enyl)-2H-pyran-2-one] | queen recognition | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | (1) Solenopsis invicta (fire ant), (2) Camponotus pennsylvanicus, (3) Solenopsis geminate | (1) Rocca, 1983a; (2) Jones, 1983; (3) Cruz-López, 2001b | Rocca, 1983a |
2319 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C5) | 10:δ-lactone | deca-2, 4-dien-5-olide [6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one] | trail | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Pristomyrmex pungens | Janssen, 1997a | |
2320 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C5) | (C₄H₇O)2-6:δ-lactone | 2-butyryl-3-hydroxyhexa-2, 4-dien-5-olide [3-butyryl-4-hydroxy-6-methyl-2H-pyran-2-one] | allomone ? | Thysanoptera | Phlaeothripidae (thrips) | (1) Holothrips japonicas, Holothrips hagai, (2) Holothrips yuasai | (1) Suzuki, 1993; (2) Suzuki, 2004 | |
2321 | Other: Ring comp. | C11 (C5) | Me2,(C₅H₁₁)6-dihidropyran | 2-methyl-6-pentyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran | cephalic secretion | Hymenoptera | Apidae (bee) | Scaptotrigona bipunctata, Nannotrigona testaceicornis, Plebeia droryana, Tetragona clavipes | [Francke, 1985] | |
2322 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C5) | 12:δ-lactone | (5S, 7S)-7-hydroxydodecan-5-olide [6-(2-hydroxyheptyl)tetrahydropyran-2-one] | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Idea leuconoe | [Nishida, 1996]; Schulz, 1996a; Stritzke, 2002 | |
2323 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C5) + C1 | (C₅H₉)2,(CH₂CO₂Me)3-cyclopentane [methyl jasmonate] | methyl (1R, 2R, Z)-3-oxo-2-(pent-2-enyl)cyclopentaneacetate | sex (M) | Lipidoptera | Tortricidae (tortricid moth) | Grapholitha molesta | Baker, 1981b; Nishida, 1982 | |
2324 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C5) + C1 | (C₅H₉)2,(CH₂CO₂Me)3-cyclopentane [methyl epijasmonate] | methyl (1S, 2R, Z)-3-oxo-2-(pent-2-enyl)cyclopentaneacetate | sex (M) | Lipidoptera | Tortricidae (tortricid moth) | Grapholitha molesta | Baker, 1981b; Nishida, 1982 | |
2325 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C5) | (C₄H₉CO)2,Bu6-dihydropyran (dimer of Δ1-7:3-one) | 1-(6-butyl-3, 4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-yl)pentan-1-one (racemic mixture) | allomone ? | [Opiliones] | Gonyleptidae (spider: harvestman) | Iporangaia pustulosa, Neosadocus maximus | Rocha, 2011 | |
2326 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 (C5) | 16:δ-lactone | hexadecan-5-olide | queen primer | Hymenoptera | Vespidae (wasp) | Vespa orientalis | [Ikan, 1969a] | Harbindu, 2013; Shimotori, 2015a; Shimotori, 2015b; Mineeva, 2015b; [Speldrich, 2023] |
2327 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 (C5) + C2 | 16:δ-lactone | (5R, 6S)-6-acetoxyhexadecan-5-olide | oviposition (F) | Diptera | Culicidae (mosquito) | Culex quinquefasciatus (= Culex pipiens) | [Laurence, 1982]; [Laurence, 1985a]; Laurence, 1985b; Hwang, 1987 | Mori, 1983b; Lin, 1985; Dong, 2014; Schmidt, 2018; [Speldrich, 2023] |
2328 | Other: Ring comp. | C26 (C5) | 26:δ-lactone | (5R*, 7S*, 17Z)-7-hydroxyhexacosa-2, 17-dien-5-olide [(6R*, 2’S*, 12’Z)-6-(2’-hydroxyhenicos-12’-enyl)-5, 6-dihydropyran-2-one] | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Tetramorium aculeatum | [Merlin, 1992] | |
2329 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 | cyclohexane | cyclohexanol | sex (F) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius charithonia | Estrada, 2010 | |
2330 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 | cyclohexane | cyclohexanol | aggregation | Orthoptera | Acrididae (grasshopper) | Locusta migratoria | Shi, 2011 | |
2331 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 + C2 | cyclohexane | cyclohexyl acetate | sex (F) ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius charithonia | Estrada, 2010 | |
2332 | Other: Ring comp. | C6 + C6 | (C₆H₁₃)5-furo[3,2-b]furane | (3aR*, 5R*, 6aR*)-5-hexyltetrahydrofuro[3, 2-b]furan-2-one | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Braconidae (parasitoid wasp) | Biosteres longicaudatus | [Williams, 1988] | |
2333 | Other: Ring comp. | C11 (C6) | Et2,Pr5-cyclohexanedione [chiloglottone] | 2-ethyl-5-propylcyclohexan-1, 3-dione | sex (F) | Hymenoptera | Tiphiidae (solitary wasp) | Neozeleboria cryptoides | [Schiestl, 2003] | [Poldy, 2008] |
2334 | Other: Ring comp. | C23 (C6) | (C₁₇H₃₃)-cyclohexane | (3S, 5S)-1-[(Z)-heptadec-12-enyl]cyclohexane-1, 3, 5-triol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster nigriceps | Laurent, 2003 | |
2335 | Other: Ring comp. | C24 (C6) | (C₁₇H₃₃CO)-cyclohexanedione | 2-[(Z)octadec-9-enoyl]cyclohexane-1, 3-dione | (1) gland secretion (larva), (2) trail (larva) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1) Ephestia kuehniella (Anagasta kuehniella), (2) Cactoblastis cactorum | (1) Mudd, 1978; (2) Fitzgerald, 2014; Fitzgerald, 2015 | |
2336 | Other: Ring comp. | C24 (C6) | (C₁₇H₃₃CO)-cyclohexanedione | 4-hydroxy-2-[(Z)-octadec-9-enoyl]cyclohexane-1, 3-dione | (1) gland secretion (larva), (2) trail (larva) | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae (pyralid moth) | (1) Ephestia kuehniella (Anagasta kuehniella), (2) Cactoblastis cactorum | (1) Mudd, 1978; (2) Fitzgerald, 2014; Fitzgerald, 2015 | |
2337 | Other: Ring comp. | C25 (C6) | (C₁₉H₃₇)-cyclohexane | (3S, 5S)-1-[(Z)-nonadec-12-enyl]cyclohexane-1, 3, 5-triol | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Formicidae (ant) | Crematogaster nigriceps | Laurent, 2003 | |
2338 | Other: Ring comp. | C9 (C7) | Et2-[4.4]spiroacetal [chalcogran] | (2S, 5R)-2-ethyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.4]nonane | aggregation | Coleoptera | Curculionidae (bark beetle) | (1-3) Pityogenes chalcographus, (2)(5) Pityogenes quadridens, (4) Pityogenes hopkinsi | (1) [Francke, 1977]; (2) Schurig , 1984; (3) Byers, 1989; (4) Birgersson, 2000; (5) Byers, 2013a | Byers, 1989; Yoneda, 2015 |
2339 | Other: Ring comp. | C13 (C7) | Pr2,Pr7-[4.4]spiroacetal | 2, 7-dipropyl-1, 6-dioxaspiro[4.4]nonane | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Andrenidae (mining bee) | Andrena haemorrhoa | [Francke, 1981] | |
2340 | Other: Ring comp. | C9 | [5.5]spiroacetal [olean] | (R)-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane | sex (F) | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(3) Dacus oleae (= Bactrocera oleae), (2)(3) Bactrocera cacuminata, (3) Bactrocera distincta | (1) [Baker, 1980]; [Gariboldi, 1983]; Haniotakis, 1986; [Baker, 1987b]; (2) [Krohn, 1991]; (3) Fletcher, 1992b | Mori, 1985c; Mori, 1985d; [Gallos, 2018]; [Zisopoulou, 2020]; [Gundamalla, 2023] |
2341 | Other: Ring comp. | C9 | [5.5]spiroacetal | (3R,6R)-1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecan-3-ol | sex | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(2) Dacus oleae (= Bactrocera oleae), (2) Bactrocera cacuminata, Bactrocera distincta | (1) [Baker, 1982b]; [Baker, 1987b] ; (2) Fletcher, 1992b | Mori, 1985d; [Baker, 1987b] |
2342 | Other: Ring comp. | C9 | [5.5]spiroacetal | (4S,6S)-1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecan-4-ol | sex | Diptera | Tephritidae (fruit fly) | (1)(2) Dacus oleae (= Bactrocera oleae), (2) Bactrocera cacuminata | (1) [Baker, 1982b]; [Baker, 1987b] ; (2) Krohn, 1991; Fletcher, 1992b | [Kocienski, 1983]; Mori, 1985d; [Baker, 1987b] |
2343 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C9) | Me9-9:lactone [phoracantholide I] | (R)-decan-9-olide | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Phoracantha synonyma | [Moore, 1976]; Kitahara, 1983 | Kitahara, 1983 |
2344 | Other: Ring comp. | C10 (C9) | Z4,Me9-9:lactone [phoracantholide J] | (4Z, 9R)-dec-4-en-9-olide | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Phoracantha synonyma | [Moore, 1976]; Kitahara, 1983 | Kitahara, 1983; Avocetien, 2016 |
2345 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C9) | Z5,(C₅H₁₁)9-9:lactone | (5Z, 9S)-tetradec-5-en-9-olide | queen recognition ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Silvestritermes minutus | Machara, 2018 | Machara, 2018 |
2346 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C11) | Z3,Me11-11:lactone [cucujolide II] | (3Z, 11S)-dodec-3-en-11-olide | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | Cryptolestes ferrugineus | Wong, 1983; [Lindgren, 1985]; [Loschiavo, 1986]; Oehlschlager, 1987 | Oehlschlager, 1983 |
2347 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C11) | Z3,Me11-11:lactone [cucujolide II] | (3Z, 11R)-dodec-3-en-11-olide | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | Oryzaephilus mercator | [Pierce, 1985]; Pierce, 1987; Oehlschlager, 1987 | Oehlschlager, 1983 |
2348 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 (C11) | Z3,Z6,Me11-11:lactone [cucujolide IV] | (3Z, 6Z, 11R)-dodeca-3, 6-dien-11-olide | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | (1) Oryzaephilus mercator, (1)(2) Oryzaephilus surinamensis | (1) [Pierce, 1985]; Oehlschlager, 1987; Pierce, 1987; (2) [White, 1989] | |
2349 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C11) | Z9,(C₇H₁₃)11-11:lactone | (9Z, 11S)-octadec-9-en-11-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius cydno, Heliconius pachinus | Schulz, 2007 | |
2350 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 | Z3-12:lactone [cucujolide VIII] | (Z)-dodec-3-enolide | (1) aggregation (M), (2) sex (F) | Coleoptera | (1) Cucujidae (flat bark beetle), (2) Buprestidae (jewel beetle) | (1) Cryptolestes pusillus, (2) Agrilus planipennis | (1) Millar, 1985a; (2) Bartelt、2007; Silk, 2015; Parker, 2020 | Mayo, 2014 |
2351 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 | Z3,Z6-12:lactone [cucujolide IX] | (3Z, 6Z)-dodeca-3, 6-dienolide | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | (1) Oryzaephilus surinamensis, (2) Cryptolestes pusillus | (1) Pierce, 1985; Pierce, 1987; White, 1989; (2) Millar, 1985a | |
2352 | Other: Ring comp. | C12 | Z3,Z11-12:lactone [parcoblattalactone] | (3Z, 10Z)-dodeca-3, 10-dienolide | sex (F) | Dictyoptera | Ectobiidae (cockroach) | Parcoblatta lata | Eliyahu, 2012 | |
2353 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C12) | Z5,Z8,Et12-12:lactone [cucujolide X] | (5Z, 8Z, 12R)-tetradeca-5, 8-dien-12-olide | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | Oryzaephilus surinamensis | Hötling, 2014 | Hötling, 2014 |
2354 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C12) | dimethylfuran-lactone | 12, 13-dimethyl-5, 14-dioxabicyclo[9.2.1]tetradeca-1(13), 11-dien-4-one | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae (leaf beetle) | Galerucella calmariensis, Galerucella pusilla | Bartelt, 2006 | |
2355 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C13) | Δ5,Me13-13:lactone | 11-hydroxytetradec-5-en-13-olide | allomone ? | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae (longhorn beetle) | Phoracantha synonyma | [Moore, 1976] | |
2356 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C13) | Z5,Me13-13:lactone [cucujolide III] | (5Z, 13S)-tetradec-5-en-13-olide | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | (1)(3) Cryptolestes pusillus, (2)(3) Cryptolestes turcicus | (1) [Millar, 1985a]; (2) [Millar, 1985b]; (3) Oehlschlager, 1987 | [Morvan, 2021] |
2357 | Other: Ring comp. | C14 (C13) | Z5,Z8,Me13-13:lactone [cucujolide V] | (5Z, 8Z, 13R)-tetradeca-5, 8-dien-13-olide | aggregation (M) | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | (1)(3-6) Oryzaephilus surinamensis, (2)(4) Cryptolestes turcicus | (1) [Pierce, 1985]; (2) [Millar, 1985b]; (3) Pierce, 1987; (4) Oehlschlager, 1987; (5) [White, 1989]; (6) Hötling, 2014 | Hötling, 2014 |
2358 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 (C13) | Z5,Pr11-14:azalactone [epilachnene] | (5Z, 11S)-11-propyl-12-azatetradec-5-en-14-olide | allomone | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae (ladybug) | Epilachna varivestis | [Attygalle, 1993a]; Farmer, 1997; Rossini, 2000 | Rao, 1996 |
2359 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C13) | Z9,E11,(C₅H₁₁)13-13:lactone [coriolide] | (9Z, 11E, 13R)-octadeca-9, 11-dien-13-olide | sex ? | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius pachinus | Miyakado, 1989 | |
2360 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C13) | Z9,E11,(C₅H₁₁)13-13:lactone [coriolide] | (9Z, 11E, 13S)-octadeca-9, 11-dien-13-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius cydno, Heliconius pachinus | Schulz, 2007 | |
2361 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C13) | Z9,(C₅H₁₁)13-13:lactone | (9Z, 13S)-octadec-9-en-13-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | (1)(2) Heliconius cydno, (1) Heliconius pachinus, (2) Heliconius timareta | (1) Schulz, 2007; (2) [Darragh, 2020] | |
2362 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C13) | Z9,E11,(C₅H₁₁)13,Z15-13:lactone | (9Z, 11E, 13S, 15Z)-octadeca-9, 11, 15-trien-13-olide | sex (M) | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae (butterfly) | Heliconius cydno, Heliconius pachinus | Schulz, 2007 | |
2363 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 (C15) | Me15-15:lactone | (R)-15-hexadecanolide | sex (M) | Heteroptera | Pentatomidade (stink bug) | Piezodorus hybneri | Leal, 1998 | |
2364 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 (C15) | Z9,Z12,Pr15-15:lactone [cucujolide XI] | (9Z, 12Z, 15R)-octadeca-9, 12-dien-15-olide | sex (M) ? | Coleoptera | Cucujidae (flat bark beetle) | Oryzaephilus surinamensis | Hötling, 2015 | Hötling, 2015 |
2365 | Other: Ring comp. | C16 | 16:lactone | 16-hexadecanolide | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1) Halictus calceatus, (2) Lasioglossum albipes | (1) Bergström, 1974b; (2) Cane, 1981a; Johansson, 1982 | |
2366 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 | 18:lactone | 18-octadecanolide | (1-10)(12-14)(16) gland secretion, (11) sex (F), (15) queen | Hymenoptera | (1)(4)(5)(8) Colletidae (plasterer bee), (2)(3)(6)(7)(9-16) Halictidae (sweat bee) | (1)(5)(8) Colletes cunicularius, (2) Agapostemon splendens, Dialictus laevissimus, Dialictus lineatulus, Dialictus nymphalis, Dialictus rohweri, Dialictus tamiamensis, Evylaeus quebecensis, (2)(7) Lasioglossum leucozonium, (3)(7) Halictus leucaheneus, (4) Colletes thoracicus, (5) Colletes succinctus, (6) Augochloropis metallica, Agapostemon radiates, Agapostemon texanus, Dialictus pilosus, Lasioglossum fuscipenne, Lasioglossum coriaceum, (7)(9) Lasioglossum albipes, (9) Lasioglossum fulvicorne, Lasioglossum semilucens, (10) Crawfordapis luctuosa, (11) Lasioglossum zephyrum, (12) Evylaeus politum, (13-15) Lasioglossum malachurum (Evylaeus malachurum), (14) Lasioglossum pauxillum, Megalopta centralis, (16) Megalopta genalis | (1) Bergström, 1974b; (2) Hefetz, 1978; (3) Bergström, 1979; (4) Hefetz, 1979a; (5) Albans, 1980; (6) Duffield, 1981a; (7)(8) Cane, 1981a; (9) Johansson, 1982; (10) Cane, 1983a; (11) Smith, 1985; (12) Hefetz, 1986; (13) Ayasse, 1990; (14) Steitz, 2018; (15) Steitz, 2020; (16) Kingwell, 2021 | |
2367 | Other: Ring comp. | C18 | Z9-18:lactone | (Z)-18-octadec-9-enolide | (1) gland secretion, (2) trail ? | Hymenoptera | (1) Colletidae (plasterer bee), (2) Vespidae (wasp) | (1) Colletes succinctus, Colletes cunicularius, (2) Polybia sericea | (1) Albans, 1980; (2) Clarke, 1999 | |
2368 | Other: Ring comp. | C20 | 20:lactone | 20-icosanolide | (1-12)(14-17)(19) gland secretion, (13) sex (F), (18) queen | Hymenoptera | (1)(3)(4)(8)(9)(11-14)(16-19) Halictidae (sweat bee), (2)(5-7)(10) Colletidae (plasterer bee), (15) Andrenidae (mining bee) | (1) Halictus calceatus, (2)(6) Colletes cunicularius, (3) Agapostemon splendens, Augochlorella striata, Dialictus laevissimus, Dialictus lineatulus, Dialictus nymphalis, Dialictus rohweri, Dialictus tamiamensis, Evylaeus quebecensis, (3)(9) Lasioglossum leucozonium, (4)(9) Halictus leucaheneus, (4)(16) Halictus rubicundus, (5) Colletes thoracicus, (6)(10) Colletes succinctus, (7) Hylaeus modestus, (8) Dialictus cressonii, Dialictus rohweri, Dialictus versatus, Halictus confuses, Halictus parallelus, (9) Lasioglossum albipes, (11) Lasioglossum fulvicorne, Lasioglossum semilucens, (12) Crawfordapis luctuosa, (13)(17) Lasioglossum zephyrum, (14) Evylaeus politum, Evylaeus carneiventre, (14)(16-18) Lasioglossum malachurum (Evylaeus malachurum), (15) Panurgus banksianus, (17)(19) Megalopta genalis, (19) Lasioglossum pauxillum | (1)(2) Bergström, 1974b; (3) Hefetz, 1978; (4) Bergström, 1979; (5) Hefetz, 1979a; (6) Albans, 1980; (7) Duffield, 1980b; (8) Duffield, 1981a; (9)(10) Cane, 1981a; (11) Johansson, 1982; (12) Cane, 1983a; (13) Smith, 1985; (14) Hefetz, 1986; (15) Francke, 1987c; (16) Ayasse, 1990; (17) Steitz, 2018; (18) Steitz, 2020; (19) Kingwell, 2021 | |
2369 | Other: Ring comp. | C22 | 22:lactone | 22-docosanolide | (1-7)(9-11)(13) gland secretion, (8) sex (F), (12) queen | Hymenoptera | (1)(2)(4-13) Halictidae (sweat bee), (3) Colletidae (plasterer bee) | (1) Agapostemon splendens, Dialictus laevissimus, Dialictus lineatulus, Dialictus nymphalis, Dialictus rohweri, Dialictus tamiamensis, Evylaeus quebecensis, (1)(4) Augochlorella striata, (2)(11) Halictus rubicundus, (2)(5) Halictus leucaheneus, (3) Hylaeus modestus, (4) Augochlora pura, Halictus ligatus, (5) Halictus eurygnathus, Lasioglossum fulvicorne, (6) Nomia nevadensis, Nomia triangulifera, (7) Crawfordapis luctuosa, Halictus hesperus, (8)(11) Lasioglossum zephyrum, (9) Halictus resurgens, Evylaeus politum, Evylaeus carneiventre, (9-12) Lasioglossum malachurum (Evylaeus malachurum), (11)(13) Megalopta genalis, (11) Lasioglossum pauxillum | (1) Hefetz, 1978; (2) Bergström, 1979; (3) Duffield, 1980b; (4) Duffield, 1981a; (5) Johansson, 1982; (6) Duffield, 1982; (7) Cane, 1983a; (8) Smith, 1985; (9) Hefetz, 1986; (10) Ayasse, 1990; (11) Steitz, 2018; (12) Steitz, 2020; (13) Kingwell, 2021 | |
2370 | Other: Ring comp. | C22 | Z13-22:lactone | (Z)-22-docos-13-enolide | gland secretion | Hymenoptera | Halictidae (sweat bee) | Megalopta genalis | Kingwell、2021 | |
2371 | Other: Ring comp. | C24 | 24:lactone | 24-tetracosanolide | (1-5)(7) gland secretion, (6) sex (F), (8) queen | Hymenoptera | (1)(3-8)Halictidae (sweat bee) (2) Colletidae (plasterer bee) | (1) Halictus rubicundus, Halictus leucaheneus, (2) Hylaeus modestus, (3) Augochlora pura, Augochlorella striata, Augochloropsis metallica, Agapostemon radiates, Dialictus cressonii, Evylaeus truncates, Halictus parallelus etc., (4) Halictus eurygnathus, (5) Nomia nevadensis, Nomia triangulifera, (6) Lasioglossum zephyrum, (7) Halictus resurgens, Evylaeus politum, Evylaeus carneiventre, (7)(8) Lasioglossum malachurum (Evylaeus malachurum) | (1) Bergström, 1979; (2) Duffield, 1980b; (3) Duffield, 1981a; (4) Johansson, 1982; (5) Duffield, 1982; (6) Smith, 1985; (7) Hefetz, 1986; (8) Steitz, 2020 | |
2372 | Other: Ring comp. | C24 | 24:lactone | 24-tetracosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Armitermes teevani, (1-3) Armitermes neotenicus, (3) Armitermes chagresi | (1) Prestwich, 1981b; (2) Prestwich, 1982b; (3) Traniello, 1984 | |
2373 | Other: Ring comp. | C24 | 24:lactone | 2-hydroxy-24-tetracosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Armitermes neotenicus, (2) Armitermes chagresi | (1) Prestwich, 1981b; Prestwich, 1982b; (2) Traniello, 1984 | |
2374 | Other: Ring comp. | C26 | 26:lactone | 26-hexacosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1) Armitermes teevani, (2) Armitermes chagresi, Armitermes neotenicus, (3) Pseudacanthotermes spiniger | (1) Prestwich, 1981b; (2) Traniello, 1984; (3) Plasman, 1999 | |
2375 | Other: Ring comp. | C26 | 26:lactone | 3-hydroxy-26-hexacosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | (1)(2) Armitermes neotenicus, (2) Armitermes chagresi | (1) Prestwich, 1981b; Prestwich, 1982b; (2) Traniello, 1984 | |
2376 | Other: Ring comp. | C26 | 26:lactone | 22-oxo-26-hexacosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Pseudacanthotermes spiniger | Plasman, 1999 | |
2377 | Other: Ring comp. | C28 | 28:lactone | 28-octacosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Armitermes teevani | Prestwich, 1981b | |
2378 | Other: Ring comp. | C28 | 28:lactone | 2-hydroxy-24-oxo-28-octacosanolide | allomone ? | Isoptera | Termitidae (termite) | Pseudacanthotermes spiniger | Plasman, 1999 | |